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Inventory Slots

Inventory Slots: The unit of measurement for how much you

can carry. Items are categorized by general size and weight, and
take up different amounts of slots.
Designed by Tyler Legg & Jacob Vickers Pockets: You have 6 spaces on your person that can hold diminu-
tive items without taking up inventory slots. Items in pockets only
This inventory system removes the “over-encumbered” fifth take an interact with object to retrieve.
edition rules with a simple and easy to use slot system—
inspired by modern game mechanics. Equipped: You have 4 spaces on your person that can hold
usable items such as weapons, shields, and quivers. Items in
these spaces only take an interact with object to wield, and do
not take up inventory slots.

Worn: Any item that is worn on the person, such as armor,

clothing, or a necklace, does not take up slots.

• You have a number of inventory slots equal to your strength score

• Large creatures have four additional inventory slots

• Small creatures have two less inventory slots

• Items taking up inventory slots take an action to retrieve

• For every inventory slot you take up past your maximum,

your movement speed is reduced by 5ft

Inventory Items
Quiver  An equippable item which holds up to 20 Saddlebag Allows an animal to use inventory rules.
arrows/bolts for you.
Wagon An average wagon can carry about 400
Bag of Holding Increases your inventory slots by 30. slots worth of items.

Hand Cart Can be used to carry items equal to double Chest Can hold a varying amount of slots depending
your strength score worth of slots. on the size of the chest.

Item Size Categories Use the examples below to quickly determine how much space an item takes up in a player’s inventory.

Gold Every 100 gold takes up one slot. Heavy Takes up four slots, and include significantly
heavy equipment. Examples are greatswords,
Stackable  an fit ten per slot of the same item type.
C mauls, most heavy armor, and tower shields.
Examples are arrows/bolts and rations.
Particularly large and heavy, taking up six slots.
Trinkets  mall items that can fit in the palm of your
S Examples are full plate armor, and a small boulder.
hand. Trinkets stack with each other, but do not
take up a slot until the stack of ten is complete. Massive Takes up twelve slots, and are highly unusual
for a medium sized creature to be carrying.
Diminutive  Takes up one slot, and may be placed in pockets. Carrying a massive item requires use of both
Examples are large gems, daggers, potions. of your hands. Examples are a large creature’s
greatsword, a boulder, or a large chest.
Light Takes up two slots. Examples are small weapons
such as short swords, short bows, or light armor. For larger items, refer to the PHB’s
push/drag/lift rules.
Takes up three slots. These items often weigh
more or occupy more space than light items.
Examples are longswords, longbows, medium
armor, and shields.

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