06) Cabañes & Cornelio (2017)

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THE RISE OF TROLLS IN THE PHILIPPINES (AND WHAT We CaN Do ABouT IT) ‘Jason Vincent A. Cabaies Jayee!S. Cornelio he promise of social mesa to demoeratiae publ partcps- i Ba accompanying it ste urs hate "Mhece ate, reetabl nb sins tha socal media wil be any Jess sre ny He soon. Si eeovring for the bate thats the aot present race, socal med a Ue Philipines feontinaes to be le fr amenity and spite This is a rom the Hel of dtl public sphere that ean be site fr critical yet engaging deus, Masten media inthe Philippines-and Some foreign mela gules ax well“have inked the emengence of this phenomenon to Dues ise to power Gee Almario-Gonrales ow Crunch 2064, Ress 2:6 see also Lamble and Mohan Sou Willams 201) Ax observers ave pont out, some ofthe ‘ey perpttors of his vlence are President Rodrigo Dutert's Supporters. They are sect) mda userswh both verified and Suspicos acounls-who scr o ake every opportunity to allack Date’ cies. They are collectively refered to sells, wich fur discasion below wil sow, nat an unproblwatccaexory ‘heir atiacks range from x simple rebut o a concerted assaul Ey mm THERise oF TRU THE PrPenes ‘2 prominent ues by sharing the. These cites hve eased !mety and pn among not just ther online ser bt suns alist and commentators. Polite trofing in isl either new nor uigue to the Malippines. volte communication strategists ave lang been “veaponian” varios media platforms to generat or et ley 4 competitive advantage over tee pole enporetts (Barony 200s, a6) Even before the advent af Inert, stats oun the erty 90s itt upto the 20008 were lead using amongst oer tacts, mudslinging stump speeches snd egathe teeiion aus (Ansolabehere and year 00 Scxmmell and Lange 2008) In the Philippines these setts evan appearing ut svn er sarting aswell inthe ea 5908 and further eatcheting up by the tart 20008 with he ing ofthe ban on piel advertisements in Uy mainstream mea (Binal Perron 2008). Feblewate of these trolling actives was the campaign to label the te Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago "Bena" (which was short ft brain-damaged). though this label was int conencted Yo under ‘mine her stats a one ofthe leading contenders dat the presidental elections, was an arite that eantnued to oe her subuequeat amps torn for pe oe What the Pippin and foreign mainsreatn media have goten "ght howevers the newnes ofthe intensity tat econ och, ‘torte the online version of pita! tli in the country, Ts ‘batrend that one an als seen may other contexts om sna teansonal democracies lke Turkey to relatively more mature detneraies ike the United States (Gee Orany 20s: Pew Rese 3018 y paying particular attention to eontemporary developments Inthe Phiipines, hs chapter combate to forts estaishing {more general stent ofthe inteasingy trl okie pelted troling coming ow: of many democratic ncined societies, In the ensuing scsi. we provide sella explanation for the rise of line pote traing in the Pipes and aes wheter and how online pole! trolls play a ole in fasten a democratic ‘media nthe county We als eston ast the use of ting ‘ne potial vocabuay,forwe iad this erm problemate ‘We begin by comsering the deftition f an enline pola LnoOH VINCENT A. CANARES A JARS. ConnD 298 troll We argue that in the Philippines, a in many otber contents foe needs tobe ert in sporoaching such a contesied tern. We then Took at the le of the online pois ln Pippin po ts eaten wo how they ie gn pected pou ih os demoery but also throug the distin dynames ofthe oun {o om they have undermine the posits of makina eter this ven ie deri. We contig moma ane ‘rosa might elp he pub sphere mone vay rm the pera ‘Sous predominance’ of tune online politcal tring We sugest ‘ovo parcular approaches to re-imagining the county’ media so that ena move toward a more dennerate future. Defining the Online Politi Tell r ine etre caning hw ene trols meri o's Pin pals inorta rete on We myn ch heap. fas been denis cus o ax we ne to unde ‘Ryan wt nt they rad wht hey do, hat huss etna an ave Seo precas eras 8 a Today's popular conception of the online political troll is an aaa of dine ett bane pede One a= {el folie twine enone eae wan ea [eevee theo He pt ow onsnneton srt empty negate emai tates ‘rms eo pl gin ris, The ober ea ‘ete Cuneo he on, hen We She in not nese seed opt sce hited eran to ay ini atept geet ecto rom Sines posing pene orn ne megs Wa > hen nacht rs a 04 Drie he on sii al cn undertone be someone who wes te pacts folie trl pr emg pola cpg. Acodng othe Mat epted detente on Dita ed "ondiored irre the yeracla er 6 A 302 thse cesar hc Ea THE Re oF Thos THE PHUIPP INS ‘he a of drat, eas and surety ising eal of sual athe tert ng dng: dese ‘st leer: ote ew wor te es co rg jt ag ay pa ‘nv tong terres eal ft me The at ‘Ses frag sean your vt at eet) {hte wtatyou ares no mater oto oe bya yourvcn malo ns, ser tp ofp “rong res del [a ing ht dua nee ita someone a tng ts ste ‘sour ctim must ot know tatyou are ling ie does, you ar ‘ovens wl Character thy een, peat nd al comers, inp ese nds path ee tke term ce Seva So a Donal Hee 310 cing ou sce an ae te aloe Poe de nese sen he se at hs aed pt Sar srawayto a tat sanecne cng noone a transac anh these eon ons {te imo "bo ele as a a heg aver esa “os or at ek Orel er and seating som dt at slctonabg commit {Seve Soon) hrc prt eer Ica seceoe anne ple el thee eae! fe lil wis en tacked on atl math fs Tec’ erent the men Sx ton emote i te bre se. On oye testi pl pts tral They ethos net deh sem the sana Seino nets eed sts nd err as he the coments © deen rt, emer Teel iin ei oa el at neh ce prt pial sey al Shine smertns petouy on Fk promt ey Or canes ln Pine cece me it soy Viens A GARAGES JaveRS.CORNEUO 295 ting this crgantation wo disparage poll opponents, among ters aario-Conrales 207 online) Tatthe ppeste endo the spel, there are rea nds who happen to lee in and, consequent, partial in propa lng the concerted asses lid ut by the professional rl ‘Wile they ate not motiated by a desire for deception or futile onversation, thy ate also labeled rls oF, athe very Ist, pat Of the infrastructure of the so-alled Philippine trl! anny sce Carne ss is mparant to nother Ut when inv Tabet othe nial tral, hes depend heals on Ue polit jel loyal trl for oe person might be a ressonabe person for another For Instance, thoe who suppor President Duterte efor t other supporters as “Ki-DDS" (ht i ellw Dichard Dulere Supporte). Meanofile, those sha oppose the pesient ‘woul be inlined to tisk obs supporters os trols nell them a “Theta” hai eaeded suppore of Dutest). ornately. ‘once a indsial is bled a Dutertatand by implation, a {ell_then tain spt “beyond he pale (rll et a 200, {Te insu consequence of his shat some quariers use His label ava reeseton of th “ale manners" af eral iy ike any teh insistence ican be a way of fesaling piel emards made fuse the ere is facepaity in ola eontrton. ‘ean ao be wed to refine thee demands a5 50 mech unl Tite noe (ruler etal 209) In other words, laeting those who do nt agree with one's eal Tenings "trolls ang ia they are not worth engaging hereby completly closing the possi, of any meaningful linia. "Wis complicates ll these categorization i hat there are peopl whe ety the ray ares in between profesional ols nd real nda expressing their vm poll belie in ways that might esemble ling Take the ease of oe Uson, who hs fered ake figure in eantemporary Philippine social me, Mocha roc to fame asthe ad singe of an ll-gl arup known for 16 “We Se OF TROLL9 THE Papmes its ssgué perfomance. Contrary to depletions of her a pit Seal opportunist she was in fat an adele of vers sol nes en Before Duertecampaned forthe presideny. For astanee, she had previously campaigned frre cancer arenes end iat was then the Repraetve Heath ill Carpio 218 Dang the elections, Mocha was ne of Dulerte’s most vocal sports or Mechs ows supporters, her Facebook page now serves a 4 codile sone of information about Datrte td his tetractry, Her eaim on her wer aecou tht shes “not jours tales {swipe at marsteam reporters whom the beleves ae pl fa ack the resident (Cornetio 2018. a6 ret, Mocs nized a ‘thet, or these president supporter. ae stain the moat ‘riglening website oat there (Dizon 200 tse atthe same Line resiled by he presidents eis and dismiss a profes sional toll Fortes eres Mocha "4 mational rl, hing Sloe, aDutertr (Diz 36, As we cary on with our discussion, tis nportant to hee in ind the complet of delineating he boundaries f those wha ea ewes alos tn the net section, woaterpt expla the Fis of pression! trol ask actors in contemporary Pilipine Polis. We focus om the virile brad of troling that they ave brougt into enlne pola! discussions To do ths. we talk boat dw they have rien prespely bes f the dais ht rom Inte inthe coutry’sdemoerae. We also dseass how they sk ‘indring the further development ofthis ery sane democracy Reflecting on th se ofthe OalinePoliia! Tro ‘Today's promineace af the online ola tl in the Philppines— ‘os spill the vile Kind~cannot be aly reduce tthe ‘cil rl of pata! ahineres ad thelr operations In onder 1 make sense ofthe rise ofthis phenomenon, we stent socio logel approach ha attends o the prevaling public sentiments lat have embraced the proveatve mesa of tl, “Tbe sure, the paltical campaign statist in the 2016 lectins hired advertising agencies lo create 4 buxe around tele ‘andiates. Communication campaign plans were drafted and nsoM VINCENT. CARAS JavEL S. CORMELIO 257 lnplenente hy these ofces thst operated ike call center age ‘Get Pat ofthese plans was to use profesional lls to respond to targeted nels, ith prepare eespones that were snpy ovled até pasted. The unate objective of marshaling thse twos was thc conversations of imate socal media account fers Ae strteist involved in using ells pt the am was {To make onlinary tndsduas “bocome a servant of the ieolagy ‘ht thes fake els have injected you wth" (Carancho 20 This pwotessonal tral work was inane reed Jb, which could reportedly earn keyboard wirir a8 much as PRP .0c0 adi Ta uning slay has discovered thi even beyond the 206 clecom eel, campaign stati he cantando work With nual stroced black op" projets. These ae led by consul fants, most of whom ate proesionls prevously employed by advertising agencies, PR firms, andlor mein organizations They ‘rou ener asl ea of about ie Indias to create ad mina trl! accounts on socal mela, primarily on Facebook. These toll acount, ordatig primary trom Meni, woul that one-on-one with individ wit the sim of orchestrating ‘ured “eampuiin mesa” about particular pole figures of insu. This campaign inssnge would then be amplified by ek Farm watkers based the regions, who are employed ake. sae ‘ld Tallow srt i commenting on relevant social media poss ‘Amc from these tea idvidals tanning troll acount, the ‘ology of troll as also ele om automated ot on social media that generate roughly 20 percent of Wil poss In concert ih ‘manned rll ccouns these programs could be aetated to make ala message rend "ralling, bak Become ready associat ith Duterte’s ‘supporters, who defend him against his cies and exalt him “asthe Father ofthe non deserving the suppor ofl Mlipinos” (eres ont), Trolls and bos hae reprtedy cme together to sow fear fn encertanty by thenening Dart’ crits. Im pte of the president ell or ie supporters to temper themselves, some of Tiss hve been bled and threatened wih rape and murder (appr 018, Journalists reporting on Daterte have also ben slated for being bissed std ort m8 THERE oF TROLS W Te PLE is cay to eae the vivo of lls aganst Duterte'serie to the demeanor ofthe president, ho is cen to be anoaing toward his own aherares. Some eommentatar hive arsed that his cursing has engendered falling that i ely any. Ye suggest however thatthe process isnot straightforward. THs view is ome-si,withaentin gen to the power af tis to Inuence pie pinion, often through feud misinformation. ‘ur vie sth much of the message of tells could nt have ‘ind traction they didnot resonate with public opinion, espe ‘ally ose haL mainstream nes media, whether wing or other wise, not adequately skola an engage. Interrdatng {heir emergence means loin = mint med’ apa Uo alane the afen-contadelory demands of representing Public pinion In a vay that promotes shared values but that eucally, also represents cverse vices (Sexmmell 2003. Beyond this, such ‘an interrogation ako ax much abut the “alae in which lls thrive" Philips 2, For the menage to eco vir tha to, ‘one way or anole. speak to the felt experiences of many people ‘that were cing regi in broar pale discourses. Conta the seneallyelite-divenreporiage of th mainstream news medi then (Ong 2013, dhe dummy accounts professional ols made imbibed realistic characte such asthe “omoerned net” or the seu lng OF" (Caruicho 2016) And these personae printed to the ‘ut sss that renin nortan fr the onary lpi aspiring forthe ood if. They aso pointed to te dssonment of many pine about tne curren ving conan. Duterte’s rss to power ld wot happen overnight His message ‘eas eatefll deposed around his own eredens ermal. and ecard His campaign statin the ing sue of eri nt and mate tbe ilar even of his entre presidency. Aa this apraach vas unusual eave tothe broad avocaie of ether ‘anit, he typed into am ise that matered to lel comaht= nes. There is odo that in previo ears erat and dg alse were peremlalconeers atthe lel he comma. Bat Surveys show th Duero tired int the top national eoneeen 2 his campaign progressed, ects dislading the predictable Issues of employment, ination, and wages (Holmes 2018 ison vincen A. CABARES & JERLS. Come 299 there was anjhing tat trols effete ook advantage of forutete, wns is rhe stltde to cya that made the ‘ble reimaaine the new enemies ofthe sate. Duterte, afterall modi gane-hangern the recent lection: politi wil and Alice nr fac the maybe cused an aed about eoeruption. the bureausacy, and jostice resonated wth an electorate looking fora figurewho derstood ther plight and ad the track ren Dackitp. This explain wy trols nd timate onlin ser could real dismiss ein ofthe president as enemies ofthe tate and the nation at large. ft, even ura hav also been attacked forthel perceived bins aan the administration, Aliough Jour fete ane reamed hehe a sual for tral and Jistice, profession tls have aeused thesn of being pai, for ‘sample Den 2019. As 2 esl, rls and prominent ares or Dulerte lke Moet Uso, have become aerate sours inor- ‘maton snd evtcism and Uy even frame thei statements a such (Gee Corn 2008) “Te viulene of trling nd the rise of proesiona tells are ot simply a consequence of Dutt’ guier language. rong rele on the aspirations ofboth the “strug OFW" andthe ears tthe ordinary Filipino ast by ime, bal of which Kav been perce tobe largely ignored uni een by mainstream news Imei The moral pank abou Duero’ ugresve speech and the Fis of trolling misses out onthe implicit discontent of Ue pubic tnd the desire fru ame-changer wha would finaly recognize and con thee concerns. We then agree with Cra’ (oxo) a ‘ent tha the mie suppor for Dutere product of constant ‘egoition between te poles of arse andthe poles of hop.” Virulence in oer words is nt only about ange. station and >This ascent ab praise nding rom Vote af the Poor ug, sts in which Cros ls aoled, The oer estan {or are Timer gular ove Canis, and Lisle Cain, ‘A monograp i beng pp for the nse of Pine ature References Atmaro-Gonales, Chi, 201 “Unmasking the rol: Spl Asser Tend Fake Accounts. New Sek ABS-CAY Ate, 30 Jamey. ‘ip! newssbr-ebn.comiou/z/unmasking-the- tls Splt-mastrsheind-fae-aeoants-nev-s, Ansolteere, te, sad Santo regan. oe, Cola Nt: Has “Atak a Sr nd Polaris he etre, NewYork re es, orsrom, Kell 2a Heed the rol Shuting Down Debt ‘ont Comm ny Expectations on Recon” Fa Manda 6% hp tirsupous.orgarelewiew'sa 089 ‘shop, Jonathan 24. "Represeations of "Teall fn Mine Media Cnunieatns &'Resew of MediTets and Moral ans Flating tnt tain rteraationa Yournal of Web Based Communes oo. 13-26. int, Marvin a ie or Ls) i Pipbne ection: The Dinan oni or Ls Pp ae se A rr: Benin, 205. “Ohana ‘rl eres, Salates ana sou VNGeNT A Camas JaveeS. Commo 247 ‘ois Plle inthe 01 Frese Beetion The Arete oral 2225-7. Cann, ney, fog “Whis Meld of Mocha (son tage ww esqutremag pllong-readsprofile-and-featres) reba eafl-etsu- 20a Aimy ‘aru, Ee aox, Cans a Tel Inger, see ist i ietesnqureret 9601 eonesson of 3-t. Noth the instruc of the Philippine Troll Anny Tier, see. este. pists ngle 250 Insure pilipinera-arms omelet ain "So What if Mocha Uso Is Not Jour Teper Ip rpplercomhaugh-eséerss46-moeh Stet oar Coan ee 1 Puli of Hope: Real Popul sl Duterte’s Hike to Powe” Journ of Curent Sotiast Aon Airs 35 ines . Dba Demesi. 206 What Journalists Say on "in Ta. aes” "RAG Nas Mp newsaby-c>neam/aension 06iwbat “Seuss Sy-on-bias-taatas ‘ea idk 2008. Demers) end Cer Newel Faas: Commit pital end Left Pats, sta and London Duke University ress ‘natu s"Wenyand Deep nthe Viel Corman” th Command ently br Cyber, e -Kalock and ML Sth Landon and Ne Yor. NY Rae. Dinan rsh Clan so." Nb wh Macha Uson7 Piipine Sia pew phar compre! ob ME inca-tson ones, Jefe, 20, “The Aeitestre of Plies space: Tras ‘ili an Deweyan Dereracy merce Maia Soc evew m Gre ruler Glen, Cian McCrea Jno Win aon “ral Theory” "he deve Furl 2-4 Gonunbia David. 20 Commer roig: Soi Mei andthe ‘Corporate Defrtaton of Demeraey” Mps/pupersssr.com Sel apersctastist d-moenb tito, Co, so, bay Delp Dal Iai, Terttchs Thomas, Fle anos, and Corina, Lars. 20% Seting the ASend,tnDuenelng Pubic Opin, ad Adocsing for Soc Chane” Fouraton Sta - os THE Ris OF Trou wre Prue mes arr, Raymond Sev: Pulssn, ad Peter Ya Al. 216. “Maing Sense of Titer Durx” Dial Jewnallon 4 Grae, do wanton orb, erring. Susan fla, Rebeca Scheclr, and Sesh Bah, too, “Searching to Saty Online: Nana “Trllg” Ig eins Forum The mrt Sat By. Micke, Aen. 2 “Party and Parts Stet Tntatnaiton in the Phones” in Jar) Stem Intonation dng Deneraie aera, ed the hates af the Pastel Ae eke and Martinez Kubota, soya. Cambie and NY ‘Cambrige Unie ress, ols ald 204“ ay Date Presiden inthe Piles Tura Cure Shon on-fr e 8 Kovach il and om Rosenstl. 200 Ze emend of Fourie What Neseo Sa ew ad he Pabe Stold ape Nee ‘ork, Crown Pubes amble Kate, amt Meghan Mohan, 20 “Tos and empl: 4 ‘Digtl Bae te Pipex” ie hae aceon pes ogs-teatng kay "aot, Grin 399 “elon and the Plc Sper: What Ate se Deivertve Obligation af Demers: Ciership™ ops sd Sail tone ahae 3 ecargo, Duncan, “Dut Meds Popul” Contemporary ea raf tert nd Se fo 8 VT lors Goud, 20x, Why Donald Trump Shall Not Be resent” Nx York Time. ps: Wetec a 28 pnon’vky-doalt- tampon presden ‘fice of Sar Rota 2090.“ hy Dit a Pano Dap Dive” igure com/20h 04 hay ere a pangul-dspstdee (Ong Joat, 21. “The Teeison a Intersenton: Mdlting Patron ‘et Tes in the Pippines” tn eso res Pes sn Gone, Tne ed Ty. Abin New York. ME lege sa, DYE 20. Tweding eal Fear: Tals in The." our "a ry Stn. 2855 5 Peron, Loni. 208. “Fecton Camis inthe Pipe” In The ‘Rowden of Pie Management, eet json 360-9. New Yr, NY ad Agden Rl lnson VNGENTA.CABARES & JAVESLS.Conno 248 esearch Cente ao “Prasaip and Pia ost i Po hiprteevresecogey emit wines ui oni net te i Wy Ne Cn ae se og ping "Me heaton Rete One aig end Maren Cae Cie, an om Pres z es Mani so6 “Popes War, Wesponig he tnt Tugpla igen aircon oe ops ‘esmntaeaterae stn ot uration dhe ably Comet Trion ne ER Seating a ui” tn lee tthe eg of Plt Aimrumerio Clry and Cia ed. Cornet aD. Pe tnd a Seamme an onnes anger 2 Piel Aetsingin heed Km In Sop Handi of etl Aerts ELLE ant tach Londo: Se seat nts 08 “he Toe Ang 3? Aes ok Tn "2 matinee com sooo) megan. canted. Sera a reat Nae Ka: Nets Bul An Date “cr Rape: happen pa 0 tener ha neti : meetin, Coty Report Jratsn the Pips ‘Sore Syngenta tert hae ea rr emo rt aii nay El Bore “the Ca wo the Tecmo: Key Comte and ice, So gan Ted” The Guntime com eae {hte son a the arlan-e-onthe-eu-reeren- {eepomnectd n-ne ot anand rome fide 30 Del Cedi and ete Bane: The i fom i Gnidia ‘otter ttn “the Neda, Gvernnest Aeantity, and en Imement InP Sone san Ceraee ffm ors, algo, The Wert nk witlann Seana, oan Duterles Army of Online Tels ‘iw Aaliatan esis. waning Ue Secll Medin 20 “THERISE OF TROLLS WN THE PMNS are” en Reap corpo octrgo-dutertes-army-online-trolls, a 2a i mai i Ca og QUEERING RODRIGO DUTERTE Join Andee ,Evargelta he Philippines is one of the resins tap performers when i comes a ndestors of aender equal. The country consistent Tands inthe top ten of geder equality indices, slngsie Sweden, Switertand, and Norvay ("sd Economic Forum 201. A few ‘years ao, feminist movements were fall vitoriows in pasing the eprodutive Heath Law bl that anguished in Congress or Aecaes because ofthe strong Catole Cure oby, Catling now a punishable ofense in some ritictions. There are anid ‘rimnstion polices against seaual diseriinaton in hey cies ‘and private companies. In 2015, the Philippines elected is fit Teanagender woman tothe Congres of he Phippines Ander two decades, the Ant-Discrminaton Bil on the Rss of Sexual Orientation and Gender Iden and Expresso (SOCIE)fnlly has shot at geting posed. Tit ao sas the year when the Pilppnes voted a sexist resident into ofl. Rodrigo Dutete—the rian who catealled a female reporter, hissed his atrative supporters an the ips, bss this Vaua-ponered sexual eomqsestjaed about raping a dead as

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