Write Right SB 2

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Step 1

- Illustrations help students understand
and gain interest in the writing topic
while being introduced to new words.
- Basic questions give students a comfort-
able way to start talking and thinking
about the given topic.

Model Story
- The model text gives students a template
to think about their own writing.
- Comprehension questions make sure
students have understood the text.

Step 2
Writing Basics
- Students learn basic vocabulary words
and sentence patterns regarding the
composition topic.
- By practicing variations of the model
text sentences, students familiarize
themselves with grammar naturally.

Step 3
Writing Practice
- Students focus on key sentence patterns
that they will use to write about the
given topic.
- Various activities allow students to
practice writing most of the sentences
from the model text on their own.
Step 4
- The graphic organizer gives students
a way to understand the model text’s
structure, while also beginning to orga-
nize their own writing.
- Additional expressions that students
may use in their writing are provided.

- Students complete their first draft by fol-
lowing a paragraph guide based on the
structure from the Organizing page.
- Various tips give help regarding struc-
ture, type of writing, transition phrases,
and others.

Step 5 Workbook
Revise & Edit
- Using their first draft from the Drafting
page as their basis, students write a com-
plete draft.
- Students learn to find and correct their
own mistakes in grammar, spelling and

Final Draft
- After receiving feedback from the instruc-
tor, students correct their writing and
write their final draft.
- Students write down key vocabulary
words to remember, as well as mistakes
that might occur in future compositions.

Writing Project
- Using content from the main book,
these fun-filled activities allow students
to present their compositions in a new
- Students practice writing in different
formats, including posters, newspapers,
scrapbooks and cartoons.
Unit Writing Task Writing Form

Pizza Is Delicious Write about your favorite food. Expository writing

Write about the day you went to

At an Amusement Park an amusement park.
Narrative writing

I Am His Biggest Fan Write about your favorite star. Descriptive writing

Great Summer Vacation Write about your summer vacation. Narrative writing

I Had a Cold Write about the day you had a cold. Narrative writing

Write about the birhtday presents

My Birthday Wish you want.
Persuasive writing

When I Grow Up Write about your future dream. Expository writing

Thank You, Mom & Dad Write a thank-you letter. Letter

Writing Tip Grammar Function Page

be made with
Expository writing Explaining what is your favorite food 6
Phrases of frequency

spend + time + at
Narrative writing Describing how you spent time 14
Past simple

be known to
Descriptive writing Describing your favorite star 22
Emphatic adjectives

help + person + infinitive

Transtion words Describing what you did on your vacation 30

had to
Transition words: time Describing your cold symptoms 38
Verbs with two objects

want + person + to infinitive

Expressing wishes Explaining why you want something 46
Relative clauses

be to
Transition words: contrast Explaining what is your dream 54
Future simple

promise (not) to
Friendly letter closing Writing a thank-you letter 62

Writing Project
1. My Favorite Foods_ Tabbed book 72

2. Entertainment News_ Newspaper 74

3. Vacation Memory Book_ Scrapbook 76

4. My Wish List_ Pop-up book 78

t8SJUJOH5BTLWrite about your favorite food.

Chinese Korean

sweet and sour pork bulgogi




French Italian Japanese

croissant pizza sushi

1. What is your favorite food?

2. How often do you eat it?

Tina’s Story
My Favorite Food
Out of all the foods, pizza is def initely my favorite.
It is an Italian dish. It is made with pizza dough,
cheese and different toppings. ou can eat pizza
with cheese powder or hot sauce.
I eat pizza at least once a month. I usually have
it delivered at home. Sometimes, I eat it at a pizzeria
with my friends. My favorite type of pizza is cheese
crust pizza. When I am hungry, I can eat up to four
I always love to eat pizza!

1. What is pizza made with?

Pizza is made with .

2. How often does Tina eat pizza?

She eats pizza .

Unit 01 7
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

croissant / French pizza

pizz / Italian
ta sushi / Japanese
curry / Indian taco / Mexican bulgogi / Korean
hamburger / American sweet and sour pork / Chinese

1. Pizza is an Italian dish. 2. is

3. A is 4. is

5. A is 6. is

7. A is 8. is

What are these foods made with? Choose the correct ingredients for each
food and complete the sentences.

pork, sweet and sour sauce and onions

bread, beef, lettuce and tomato
p zzza dough, cheese
e and d
e toppings
noodles, tomato sauce and garlic
beef, soy sauce and sesame oil

1. Pizza is made with pizza dough, cheese and different toppings.

2. A hamburger

3. Tomato spaghetti

4. Bulgogi

5. Sweet and sour pork

What do you eat with these foods? Complete the sentences using the words
in the box.

ketchup rice or nan bread soy sauce

he powder
d orr h
hot sauce butter or jam

1. ou can eat pizza with cheese powder or hot sauce.

2. French fries

3. croissants

4. sushi

5. curry

Unit 01 9
How often do you eat these foods? Write the sentences like the example.

at least once a week at least twice a week

at least once a month at least twice a month

[Example] pizza I eat pizza at least once a week.

1. hamburgers

2. bulgogi

3. sweet and sour pork

4. fried chicken

Where do you eat these foods? Write the sentences like the example.

[Example] Chinese food Chinese restaurant

I eat Chinese food at a Chinese restaurant.

1. pizza pizzeria

2. hamburgers fast food restaurant

[Example] pizza home

I have pizza delivered at home.

1. Chinese food home

2. fried chicken home

Which is your favorite? Circle one type of each food and write the sentences.


pizza: ( cheese crust pizza, super supreme pizza, pepperoni pizza)

My favorite type of pizza is cheese crust pizza.
1. spaghetti : (tomato spaghetti, spaghetti with cream sauce, seafood spaghetti)

2. burger : (cheeseburger, chicken burger, fish burger)

3. salad : (vegetable salad, fruit salad, chicken salad)

4. meat : (beef, pork, chicken, duck)

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

1. Out on all the foods, pizza is definitely my favorite.

2. I usually have it deliver at home.

3. I can eat up for four slices.

4. I always love eat pizza!

Unit 01 11
Look at the example and organize your writing.


How often?
Type of dish
at least once a month
Italian dish
at home or at a pizzeria
pizza dough, cheese and
different toppings Favorite type
cheese crust pizza
Eat with?
Maximum amount
cheese powder or hot sauce
up to four slices

How often?
Type of dish


Favorite type

Eat with?
Maximum amount

sandwich — bread, lettuce, ham, cheese
dumplings — flour, pork, carrots, onions
pancakes — flour, milk, butter, eggs
fruit salad — fruits, lettuce, salad dressing

Complete your story. Use your notes from page 12.


*OUSPEVDUJPO Out of all the foods, is

(Paragraph 1) It is dish. It is made with
&BUXJUI You can eat with

(Paragraph 2) I eat .
'BWPSJUFUZQF . My favorite type of

is .

$PODMVTJPO I to eat !

Writing Tip!
Expository Writing
In expository writing, you explain something. When you write an expository essay, you
can give information on something or explain how to do something. You can also give
reasons or directions.

Unit 01 13

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