Sleep Deprivation and Its Contribution To Mood And.7 (Sleep Deprivation)

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Sleep Deprivation and Its Contribution to Mood

and Performance Deterioration in College Athletes
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Delmas J. Bolin, MD, PhD, FACSM

Chronic suboptimal sleep (that is, sleep

Abstract deprivation) impairs neurologic function
Sleep deprivation is very common among collegiate student athletes, and as a result, negatively impacts perfor-
resulting in impacts on mood, physiology, and performance. There are mance, appropriate cognitive processing,
multifactorial contributions to sleep deprivation, but resulting alterations and mood. The collegiate athletic popula-
in sleep architecture explain impacts on learning, vigilance, mood, and tion is subject to chronic sleep deprivation
athletic performance. Recognition of the physical impacts is key. Clinical for multiple reasons. Mah et al. (7) re-
inquiry is warranted. Medication can be helpful short term but should be cently characterized the self-reported sleep
used with caution due to effects on sleep cycle and the potential for addic- habits of sports teams at a Division 1 insti-
tion. Education is an effective intervention to increase sleep time, improve tution. Nearly 40% had fewer than the
mood, and improve long-term sleep habits. Sleep extension, particularly in recommended 7 h sleep/night. While there
the setting of chronic partial sleep deprivation improves mood, vigilance, is considerable variability in individual
and athletic performance in the college setting. sleep requirements, the collegiate popula-
tion experience acute and chronic sleep
deprivation from the combined demands of collegiate academic
Introduction and athletic schedules (7). This group is further at risk for circa-
Over the past 10 years, the sports medicine community has dian rhythm disturbances that are both inherent to the age group
become increasingly aware of the relationship between sleep and acquired by habit through exposure to light-emitting elec-
deprivation and diminished athletic performance. Sleep depri- tronics (7). This review examines recent evidence for the effect
vation appears to be epidemic on campus and negatively influ- of sleep deprivation on the collegiate athlete’s performance,
ences every aspect of students’ lives. College students who learning, judgment, and mood as well as the evidence for po-
sleep poorly have more health issues, higher stress and depres- tential interventions for this at-risk population.
sion, and are far more likely to use over-the-counter stimulant
medications to remain awake and use alcohol to promote Basic Sleep Physiology and Metabolic Effects
sleep compared with good sleepers (1). Physiologic impacts Understanding the timing and metabolic functions of differ-
of sleep deprivation include negative influences on hormone ent sleep types is essential to understanding the mechanism of
balance and metabolism (2), diminished muscle glycogen stor- sleep deprivation's pervasive effects. Most individuals func-
age (3), and increased susceptibility to illness (4). Sleep depri- tion well for 16 h of wake time, with 8 h of sleep and recovery
vation is associated with depression and negative mood (5) (5,8). Sleep and alertness is related to circadian rhythm; sleep
and is detrimental to learning, memory, and judgment (6). onset naturally coincides with decreased light (sunset), and
Longer sleep is correlated with improved mood and academic waking typically coincides with sunrise (8). During waking
performance (6). Despite this, sleep medicine receives rela- hours, the circadian rhythm effect waxes and wanes. During
tively little coverage in medical school, primary care residency, wake, this leads to periods where an individual is more alert
or sports medicine fellowship curricula. and during other periods is less alert. Simply put, there are
biological connections to the environment that promote/
discourage sleep. Individual performance varies with time
of day relative to the most-activating periods of the individu-
Sports & Family Medicine, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine,
al's circadian rhythm (9). Usually, this becomes relevant for
Blacksburg, VA; Radford University, Radford, VA; Roanoke College, Salem, VA
travelling athletes crossing multiple time zones. While “jet
Address for correspondence: Delmas J. Bolin, MD, PhD, FACSM, Edward lag” influences performance, the athlete's biological clock
Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, Virginia Campus, Blacksburg, VA; can be artificially moved without travel by inappropriate light
E-mail: cues from electronic devices during dark hours (10). Although
important, circadian rhythm impact on the athletic perfor-
Current Sports Medicine Reports mance is beyond this discussion and has recently been system-
Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine atically reviewed (11). Current Sports Medicine Reports 305

“Sleep quality” can be a subjective or objective description. Table.
More than the impression of “how well they slept,” “quality” Sleep hygiene measures to optimize sleep.
should be viewed by the unique metabolic and physiologic Have a consistent presleep routine
roles that occur within each sleep stage (see Fig. 1). Human
sleep has four distinct stages. Stage I is very light sleep. In this Consistent bed and wake times
stage, representing about 5% of total sleep time, the sleeper Bright, full spectrum light on waking
often imagines falling and “jerks” awake — a “hypnic jerk.”
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Limit caffeine, screen time 90 min before sleep

The role of stage I is not fully understood. Stage II, also light
Avoid blue light
sleep, is characterized by intermittent rapid bursts of coordi-
nated neurologic activity called “sleep spindles.” During stage Bedroom dark and quiet
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II, short-term memories stored in the hippocampus are moved Do not go to bed hungry or after a large meal
to long-term storage in the cerebral cortex (12). Stage II may Limit beverages, like alcohol, prior to sleep
have a role in gross motor learning (13). Stage III is deep re-
Sleep in comfortable bedding
storative (dreamless) sleep. Clearance of neurologic metabolic
debris occurs (14) along with long-term memory consolida- Use bedroom for sleep and relations only
tion; for example, a newly learned word list is converted to Avoid reading, studying, or watching TV while in bed
long-term memory during stage III (13). Stage REM sleep
(dream sleep) further hones long-term memory.
Sleep stage organization during sleep is termed “sleep archi- To illustrate, Figure 2 shows a semester overlay of sleep and
tecture” (Fig. 1). Stage III and stage REM cycle throughout the wake times for the shortest (5.2 h and longest (7.2 h) of the
night in 90-min intervals (a sleep cycle). In early evening, stage 14 tested athletes at a division 3 school (18). Sleep and wake
III dominates, but with each subsequent cycle, REM increases. times are relatively uniform in the early semester, consistent
With adequate sleep, most individuals will cycle four to six with other observations (1,19). In the second half of the semes-
times per night, averaging 50% stage III/stage REM and ter, sleep habits deteriorate. Weekend bed times and rise times
50% of lighter stages (8). In chronic sleep restriction, stage I are generally later, consistent with previous studies of self-
and stage III sleep are preserved, but stage II and stage REM reported sleep habits of college students (1). Sleep restriction
are proportionally decreased in response to restricted sleep patterns change in response to academic and athletic sched-
time (15). Not all sleep deprivation is identical; for example, ules; students sleep less immediately before academic events,
waking 2 h early decreases total sleep time by 2 h (25% of rec- such as mid-terms or finals, and the night following a game
ommended), but results in 50% of REM sleep loss. or team event. Finally, while the recommended nightly sleep
for this age to prevent health/performance decrements is 7 to
Sleep Hygiene and the College Athlete 8 h per night (8,20), our athletes had 5.2 to 7.2 h per night. To-
College dormitory life is inconsistent with good sleep tal sleep deprivation for the short sleeper relative to the recom-
habits, described as “sleep hygiene” (Table). Approximately mended 7 h per night over a semester was 200 h, representing
77% of college students have poor sleep hygiene (16,17). To- almost 1600 h over a 4-year degree (66 d). The long-term health
tal sleep amounts also are restricted: 25% of students reported implications of this degree of sleep deprivation, if continued into
<6.5 h per night and 70% reported <8 h per night (1). Sleep the postcollege years, are significant. This small sample size
deprivation in the college setting is multifactorial. Perceived only hints at the severity of the epidemic of sleep deficit on
stress is a major contributor to poor sleep (1). Insomnia due college campuses.
to preperformance anxiety, sleep fragmentation (student wak-
ing during normal sleep), phone/tablet use, sleep curtailment Sleep Deficit on Vigilance
due to academic demands, or early morning training contrib- Sleep interruption in the collegiate dormitory setting is intui-
ute to chronic sleep shortening. Chronic sleep deprivation tively common. Most studies focus on either the effect of 1 to
leads to significant sleep “debt” among collegiate athletes. 3 d of acute sleep deprivation or of longitudinally restricted sleep.

Figure 1: Hypnogram of normal sleep architecture. This figure demonstrates sleep architecture as a hypnogram. Data are obtained from EEG
scoring during a polysomnogram. Stage III and stage REM sleep cycles during the night at 90-min intervals (a sleep cycle, demarcated by vertical
lines). In early evening, stage III is longer, but REM increases in later cycles.

306 Volume 18  Number 8  August 2019 Special Communication

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Figure 2: Longitudinal sleep patterns of a short and long sleeper through a fall semester. Wake time for short sleeper ( ); Wake time for long
sleeper ( ); bedtime for short sleeper ( ); bedtime for long sleeper ( ). Blue arrows denote weekends ( ). Red shaded areas denote academic
assignments as noted; green shaded areas are scheduled school breaks. Fourteen members of a division 3 baseball program wore Actigraph® mon-
itors throughout the fall semester. The data for the shortest (5.2 h per night) and longest sleeper (7.2 h per night) in the group are displayed above.
Data were presented at ACSM's 2018 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN (18). In the first 8 wk of the semester, bed and rise times were relatively
consistent, but become more irregular in the second half of the semester. Wake and sleep times vary with breaks and examination schedules as
anticipated. Total sleep deprivation relative to the recommended 7 h per night for the shortest sleeper in our group was 200 sleep hours per semes-
ter; about 1,600 h over a 4-year degree (66 d).

The effects of sleep deprivation on perception are remarkable. 8 h of uninterrupted sleep or after 8 h of sleep with every-
When reaction time and vigilance were measured during acute hour forced awakenings. A single night of interrupted sleep
sleep deprivation over 88 h, van Dongen and Dinges found that diminished the ability to recognize and respond to positive
during the first 16 h of wake time, there were few mistakes. emotional stimuli; response to negative stimuli was preserved.
Thereafter, reaction time and missed cues increased in a pattern A second study found that two consecutive days of interrupted
that followed the circadian rhythm and accumulated with pro- sleep diminished stage III and lead to significantly lower posi-
gressive sleep loss (5). Moreover, one to two nights of recovery tive mood scores (25). Chronic sleep deprivation alters facial
sleep did not completely restore performance to baseline, sug- cues which are recognized by others and may influence social
gesting that a weekend of “catch up” sleep may not be adequate. judgments (26). Chronic sleep deprivation could put student
Similar results were found for chronic sleep restriction. Examin- athletes at risk for a “negative spiral”; sleep deficiency-fueled in-
ing the learning and vigilance of a population that included crease in moodiness and irritability; fatigued/angry facial cues
college-aged individuals, they examined 4, 6, and 8 h sleep/ lead to suboptimal interactions with staff, coaches, and peers,
night over a 2-wk period (15). There was a dose-dependent dete- leading to negative social outcomes and isolation, perpetuating
rioration over the 2 wk where those sleeping 8 h per night had the cycle.
preserved performance, but lapses increased for the 6 h per night
group and even more for the 4 h sleep per night group. Again,
2 d of recovery sleep was insufficient for the 4 h and 6 h sleep Sleep and Concussion Testing
per night groups to return to the 8 h per night group base- Sleep deprivation may influence data obtained during
line. Of significance, sleep-deprived participants consistently presport and in-sport testing (27). Baseline computer-based
underestimated their degree of impairment (5,21). Chronic neurocognitive measurements are frequently performed for
sleep deprivation over 2 wk was just as performance-limiting concussion prior to the start of competition. Interrupted
as 2 d of total sleep deprivation. Sport requires recognition, sleep is a hallmark of the immediate postconcussion period
correct analysis, and then reaction/execution based on vigi- (28,29), and history of concussion may influence sleep and
lance; sleep deprivation increases errors in judgment and re- quality-of-life indices in the collegiate population (30). In
sults in slower reaction time. their study, low sleep quantity the night before testing was
correlated with greater number of symptoms and higher
symptom severity score (27). Examining the effect of prior
1.4.Sleep and Mood night's sleep on IMPACT® scores, McClure et al. found that
Sleep time and emotional health are connected (22). Inability athletes with fewer than 7 h of sleep before baseline testing
to fall asleep or early wakening is one of the screening criteria performed worse on reaction time, verbal memory, and visual
for clinical depression. Sleep deprivation as an independent risk memory scores compared with longer sleeping controls (31).
factor for mood disorders is less well established. After one Finally, in the postconcussion period, athletes who were
night of sleep deprivation, physician's moods demonstrated concussed and had lost more than 1 h of their usual sleep
statistically significant increased tension, anger, fatigue, confu- per night report more symptoms and increased severity on se-
sion, irritability, feeling jittery, and sleepiness, with a decrease rial evaluations (28). Evaluating sleep may be indicated before
in vigor, energy, and confidence (23). Finan et al. (24) tested a baseline testing is performed since return to play decisions are
group that included college-aged students after having either in part made in comparison to baseline. Current Sports Medicine Reports 307

Interventions quality, and reported improvements in self-reported sleep-
Appropriate intervention in the college athlete depends on promoting behaviors, including stopping electronics earlier,
the underlying cause of sleep deprivation. Sleep itself will not earlier wake times during the week, having a more regular
improve performance; the preponderance of data suggests that sleep schedule, and taking fewer naps. Their findings are par-
neurologic function is improved by sleep when the individual is ticularly important in that the improvements were seen at
sleep-deprived. Mah et al. well illustrated the effect of sleep pro- 8 wk, suggesting that early-semester intervention may allow
longation (32) on athletic performance. A group of Stanford for behavior change prior to the deterioration in sleep patterns
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basketball players were evaluated on skill, speed, and mood. typically seen in the second half of the semester (Fig. 2).
After a baseline of 4 wk of their usual sleep (approximately Obtaining a simple sleep history during the preparticipation
6.7 h per night by actigraphy), athletes were asked to increase physical or during introductory student-athlete meetings that
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sleep over the next 5 to 7 wk (to an average of 8.5 h per night precede most athletic seasons may be helpful. Those athletes
by actigraphy). After sleep extension, the group demonstrated who score poorly on Epworth Sleepiness Scale (42), Pittsburgh
significant improvements in free throw shooting (9%), three- Sleep Quality Index (43), or newer tools designed by sports physi-
point shooting (9.2%), and faster sprint times after a 6-wk trial cians for elite athletes (44) may indicate need for intervention.
of sleep extension. In addition, they had improvements in fa- While education is effective, it does require time for the ath-
tigue and sleepiness scales as well as mood profile scores. lete to adjust and implement change. For faster results, stu-
The effect of increased sleep on performance has been repli- dents will often turn to either over-the-counter or prescribed
cated in other sports. An acute night of sleep deprivation medications to increase alertness or promote sleep. Caffeine
(5 h vs usual 7.5 h) resulted in decreased tennis serve accuracy is among the most commonly used and will promote alertness,
in college-aged semiprofessional players (33). In a similar pop- especially the day after shortened sleep. Caffeine blocks aden-
ulation of college tennis players, 1 wk of 2-h sleep extension (to osine receptors; adenosine accumulates in the CSF during
9 h daily) improved serve accuracy from 35% to 42% and im- wakefulness and promotes sleep onset. Taken late in the day,
proved sprint times (34). Sleep deprivation did not influence caffeine can cause insomnia by preventing the onset of sleep.
power or performance in collegiate weight lifters, but did ad- There are several common medications for inducing
versely affect mood, confusion, fatigue, and vigor (35). Most sleep. All have side effects, and some can be addictive and
studies have small study populations and low power but sug- should be used with caution in the collegiate population.
gest that suboptimal sleep time impairs neurologic function; Over-the-counter (diphenhydramine) or prescription (doxepin
whereas improvements in sleep time allow for improved neuro- (3 to 6 mg) antihistamines will induce sleep but may have re-
logic function and therefore improved performance in terms of sidual morning grogginess and so should be used with caution
accurate replication of learned gross motor-firing patterns. for sleep induction if early morning function is required.
Sleep extension in this context improves performance. Trazedone, commonly prescribed for insomnia, is not rec-
ommended for the college population. Common medications
Education classes, such as benzo-diazepines (temazepam) and nonben-
In search of the competitive edge, educating the college ath- zodiazepine benzodiazepine-receptor antagonists (Zolpidem),
lete about sleep and its connection to performance is the new have variable half-lives and are effective for sleep induction.
battleground. The traditional approach to addressing college Both types of drugs are known to promote sleep while also
student sleep issues has been didactic in nature. These include suppressing stage III and stage REM sleep. This latter effect
classroom interventions and either direct (36) or online-based also is observed as a side effect in several commonly pre-
education (37,38). Specific interventions, such as cognitive be- scribed drugs, including the antidepressant selective-seritonin
havioral therapy, can be very helpful but is usually reserved reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine). Medications to promote
for students with specific sleep issues, such as insomnia, due sleep may be best used sparingly, for short durations, and in
to difficulty falling asleep because of pervasive thoughts or conjunction with an education program designed to retrain
early waking from anxiety or depression (39,40). students’ sleep hygiene habits (45).
Educating students about basic sleep hygiene and sleep-
habit optimization can alter their behavior. Unfortunately, Naps
many traditional “sleep hygiene” tenets (Table) fall outside Napping is common among college athletes. At Stanford,
of the control of a dormitory-dwelling athlete. For those under 80% of athletes reported taking at least one nap during the
their control, a more tailored, personalized approach may have week and 11% routinely took pregame/competition naps
greater success. Herschel and O’Brien (41) recently reported a (7). Napping is associated with higher academic performance
relatively individualized online educational tool in a randomized (6). Naps may be insufficient to overcome accumulated defi-
controlled study targeting sleep hygiene in college students. Stu- cits from several months or years of poor sleep and the data
dents were referred to a web-based tool (, on effectiveness is mixed; naps have been shown to mitigate
and a personalized profile was developed with education, in- the effect of short-term sleep deprivation (5). The rationale
cluding the importance of total sleep time, regular bed and wake for naps being ergogenic is based on the observation that alert-
times, avoiding electronics in the hours leading up to bed, and ness, reaction time, and sprint performance improved with a
obtaining adequate sleep prior to examinations by limiting 30-min afternoon nap in the setting of sleep restriction the previ-
“all-nighters.” Only about 60% of those randomized for inter- ous night (46). In karate, a 30-min nap improved subjective feel-
vention participated in the study. Of those who did, about ings of alertness and fatigue regardless if there was adequate
75% reported incorporating what they learned into their sleep sleep or partial sleep deprivation the previous night. Naps im-
habits. At 8 wk, students who participated in the online educa- proved both cognitive and physical performance (47). Other
tion had significantly lower depression scores, improved sleep data are conflicting, with a 40-min afternoon nap contributing

308 Volume 18  Number 8  August 2019 Special Communication

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CX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdtwnfKZBYtws= on 09/17/2022

Ankle Sprains: Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Prevention: Erratum

In the article “Ankle Sprains: Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Prevention” published in the June 2019 issue of Current Sports
Medicine Reports, the author order should read: Eric T. Chen, MD; Joanne Borg Stein, MD; Kelly C. McInnis, DO.
Chen ET, McInnis KC, Borg-Stein J. Ankle sprains: evaluation, rehabilitation, and prevention. Curr. Sports Med Reports.
2019; 18:217–23.

310 Volume 18  Number 8  August 2019 Special Communication

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