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1. What is the value of 4?

1 1
A 16 B 4 C 1 D 4 E 16

2. A ball is dropped onto a hard surface. Each time it bounces, it rebounds to

exactly one third of the height from which it fell. After the second bounce the ball
rises to a height of 9cm.

From what height was it originally dropped?

A 1cm B 3cm C 9cm D 27cm E 81cm

3. Which fraction is the biggest?

1 2 24 1 2
A 23 B 23 C 46

1 4 34
D 1 3 E 24

4. Which is the smallest of these fractions?

5 6 7 9 10
A 8 B 13 C 12 D 17 E 19

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5. What fraction of the large rectangle is shaded?

11 9 5 3 2
A 16 B 16 C 8 D 4 E 3

6. Using all of the digits from 1 to 9 inclusive, Shahb wrote down a fraction which
had four
digits in the numerator and five digits in the denominator. He then noticed that
fraction simplified to give exactly one half.

Which of the following could have been the numerator of Shahb's fraction?

A 5314 B 6729 C 7341 D 7629 E 8359

7. Granny says “I am 84 years old – not counting my Sundays”.

How old is she really?

A 90 B 91 C 96 D 98 E 99

8. Boris, Spike and Percival are going to race up the 99 steps that lead from the
beach to the car park at the top of the cliff. Boris can run up five steps in the
same time as Spike can run up four steps, which is the same time Percival can
run up three steps. It is agreed that Boris starts from the bottom, Spike starts 21
steps up and Percival 38 steps up. If the all start at the same time, in what order
will they reach the top?


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9. What is half of 999?

A 444½ B 449½ C 454½ D 494½ E 499½

10. Three-quarters of the junior members of a tennis club are boys and the rest are

What is the ratio of boys to girls among these members?

A 3:4 B 4:3 C 3:7 D 4:7 E 3:1

11. In the diagram, a corner of the shaded star is at the midpoint of each side of the
large square.

What fraction of the large square is covered by the star?

1 1 1 3 2
A 5 B 4 C 3 D 8 E 5

1 1 1
 
12. Given that 12 24 x , what is the value of x?

1 1
A 18 B 8 C 8 D 18 E 36

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13. What is the value of 28 ÷ 82?

1 1
A 4 B 2 C 1 D 2 E 4

14. Which of the following has the biggest value?

A 1/2 of 24 B 1/3 of 36 C 1/4 of 60 D 1/5 of 50 E 1/6 of 84

15. In which of the following lists are the terms not increasing?

1 3 3 4 2 7
, 0.25, , 0.5 , 0.7, ,1.5 , 0.5, , 0.9
A 5 10 B 5 5 C 5 10

3 4 2 10
, 0.5, , 0.9 ,1.5, , 2.3
D 5 5 E 5 5

16. What is half of 199?

A 94½ B 95 C 95½ D 99 E 99½

17. Which of these fractions is nearest to 1?

12 23 34 45 56
A 23 B 34 C 45 D 56 E 67

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18. The White Rabbit has an appointment to see the Red Queen at 4pm every day
apart from weekends. On Monday, he arrives 16 minutes late. Each day after
that he hurries more and more and so manages to halve the amount of time that
he arrives late each day.

On what day of the week does he arrive just 15 seconds late?

A Monday B Tuesday C Wednesday D Thursday E Friday

19. Granny spends one third of her weekly pension on Thursday night, and one
quarter of what remains on Friday.

What fraction of the original amount is left for her big night out on Saturday?

1 2 5 1 11
A 12 B 7 C 12 D 2 E 12

20. If the following fractions are arranged in increasing order of size, which one is in
the middle?

1 2 3 4 5
A 2 B 3 C 5 D 7 E 9

21. 4
Which of these fractions does not simplify to ?

3942 4392 5796 6957 7956

A 15768 B 17568 C 23184 D 31248 E 31824

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22. In the diagram, the small squares are all the same size.

What fraction of the large square is shaded?

9 9 3 3 1
A 20 B 16 C 7 D 5 E 2

23. When the following fractions are put in their correct places on the number line,
which fraction is in the middle?

1 1 1 1 1
– – –
A 7 B 6 C 5 D 4 E 3

24. Which of the following has the largest value?

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ – × ÷ ÷
A 2 4 B 2 4 C 2 4 D 2 4 E 4 2

25. At halftime, Boarwarts Academy had scored all of the points so far in their
annual match against Range Hill School. In the second half, each side scored
three points. At the end of the match, Boarwarts Academy had scored 90% of
the points.

What fraction of the points in the match was scored in the second half?

3 3 1 9 1
A 100 B 50 C 10 D 50 E 5

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26. Which of the following has the smallest value?

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
– – – – –
A 2 3 B 3 4 C 4 5 D 5 6 E 6 7

27. In 1833 a ship arrived in Calcutta with 120 tons remaining of its cargo of ice.
One third of the original cargo was lost because it had melted on the voyage.

How many tons of ice was the ship carrying when it set sail?

A 40 B 80 C 120 D 150 E 180

28. A solid wooden cube is painted blue on the outside. The cube is then cut into
eight smaller cubes of equal size.

What fraction of the total surface area of these new cubes is blue?

1 1 3 1 3
A 8 B 3 C 8 D 2 E 4

29. In this Multiplication Magic Square, the product of the three numbers in each
row, each column and each of the diagonals is 1.

What is the value of r + s?

p q r

s 1 t

u 4 –18

1 9 5 33
A 2 B 16 C 4 D 16 E 24

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1. E 17. E

2. E 18. B

3. D 19. D

4. B 20. D

5. A 21. D

6. B 22. E

7. D 23. A

8. A 24. D

25. E
9. E

26. E
10. E

27. E
11. B

28. D
12. C

29. B
13. E

14. C

15. D

16. E

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