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PO No :PO2709736085-377

Name : Mr.SHREYASH :
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617540 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:41AM
Payment : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Whole Blood-EDTA Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 12:36PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Complete Blood Count

Hemoglobin 14 g/dL 12.0 - 15.0 Spectrophotometry
RBC 4.91 10^6/ 3.8-4.8 Electrical Impedance
HCT 38.6 % 36-46 Calculated
MCV 78.5 fL 83 - 101 RBC pulse measurement
MCH 28.4 pg 27 - 32 Calculated
MCHC 36.2 g/dL 31.5 - 34.5 Calculated
RDW-CV 14.7 % 11.5-14 Calculated
Total Leucocyte Count 3.80 10^3/µL 4 - 10 Impedance
Differential Leucocyte Count
Neutrophils 40.0 % 40-80 Flowcytometery DHHS/
Lymphocytes 48.0 % 20-40 Flowcytometery DHHS/
Monocytes 10.0 % 2-10 Flowcytometery DHHS/
Eosinophils 2.0 % 1-6 Flowcytometery DHHS/
Basophils 0.0 % 0-2 Impedance/Microscopy
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count 1.52 10^3/µL 2-7 Calculated
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 1.82 10^3/µL 1-3 Calculated
Absolute Monocyte Count 0.38 10^3/µL 0.2-1 Calculated
Absolute Eosinophil Count 0.08 10^3/µI 0.02-0.5 Calculated
Absolute Basophil Count 0 10^3/µL 0.02-0.1 Calculated
Platelet Count 197 10^3/µI 150-410 Impedance/Microscopy
MPV 8.4 fL 6.5 - 12 Calculated
PDW 14 fL 9-17 Calculated


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PO No :PO2709736085-377
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617540 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:41AM
Payment : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Whole Blood-EDTA Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 12:36PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

As per the recommendation of International council for Standardization in Hematology, the differential leucocyte counts
are additionally being reported as absolute numbers of each cell in per unit volume of blood.
Test conducted on EDTA whole blood.

Page 2 of 7
PO No :PO2709736085-377
Name : Mr SHREYASH :
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617537 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:12AM
Payment : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 12:18PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Liver Function Test

Bilirubin-Total 0.28 mg/dL 0.2-1.2 Diazo
Bilirubin-Direct 0.16 mg/dL 0-0.5 Colorimetric, Diazo Dye
Bilirubin-Indirect 0.12 mg/dL 0.1-1 Calculated
Protein, Total 7.67 g/dL 6.0-8.3 Biuret
Albumin 4.33 g/dL 3.5-5.2 Bromcresol Green
Globulin 3.3 g/dl 1.8 - 3.6 Calculated
A/G Ratio 1.30 Ratio 0.8 - 1.9 Calculated
Aspartate Transaminase (SGOT) 137 U/L 5-34 NADH w/o P-5’-P
Alanine Transaminase (SGPT) 82 U/L 5-55 NADH w/o P-5-P
SGOT/SGPT 1.67 Ratio <1 Calculated
Alkaline Phosphatase 108 U/L 40-150 Para-nitrophenyl phosphate
Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) 70 U/L 9-36 L-gamma-glutamyl-3-


LFTS are based upon measurements of substances released from damaged hepatic cells into the blood that gives idea of
the Existence, Extent and Type of Liver damage. - Acute Hepatocellular damage: ALT & AST levels are sensitive index of
hepatocellular damage - Obstruction to the biliary tract,Cholestasis and blockage of bile flow:1) Serum Total Bilirubin
concentration 2) Serum Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) activity 3) Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP) 4) 5`-
Nucleotidase - Chronic liver disease: Serum Albumin concentration
Bilirubin results from the enzymatic breakdown of heme. Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous
membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia.
Pre-hepatic or hemolytic jaundice - Abnormal red cells, antibodies,drugs and toxins,Hemoglobinopathies, Gilbert’s
syndrome, Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Hepatic or Hepatocellular jaundice-Viral hepatitis,toxic hepatitis, intrahepatic cholestasis
Post-hepatic jaundice -Extrahepatic cholestasis, gallstones, tumors of the bile duct, carcinoma of pancreas
In viral hepatitis and other forms of liver disease associated with acute hepatic necrosis, serum AST and ALT
concentrations are elevated even before the clinical signs and symptoms of disease appear.
ALT is the more liver-specific enzyme and elevations of ALT activity persist longer than AST activity.
Peak values of aminotransferase activity occur between the seventh and twelfth days. Activities then gradually decrease,

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PO No :PO2709736085-377
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617537 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:12AM
Payment : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 12:18PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

reaching normal activities by the third to fifth week. Peak activities bear no relationship to prognosis and may fall with
worsening of the patient's condition.
Aminotransferase activities observed in cirrhosis vary with the status of the cirrhotic process and range from the upper
reference limit to four to five times higher, with an AST/ALT ratio greater than 1. The ratio's elevation can reflect the gra de
of fibrosis in these patients. Slight or moderate elevations of both AST and ALT activities have been observed after
administration of various medications and chronic hepatic injury such as (1) hemochromatosis, (2) Wilson disease, (3)
autoimmune hepatitis, (4) primary biliary cirrhosis, (5) sclerosing cholangitis, and (6) a1-antitrypsin deficiency.
AST activity also is increased in acute myocardial infarction, progressive muscular dystrophy and dermatomyositis, reaching
concentrations up to eight times the upper reference limit.Slight to moderate AST elevations are noted in hemolytic
GGT is a sensitive indicator of the presence of hepatobiliary disease, being elevated in most subjects with liver disease
regardless of cause. Increased concentrations of the enzyme are also found in serum of subjects receiving anticonvulsant
drugs, such as phenytoin and phenobarbital.

Page 4 of 7
PO No :PO2709736085-377
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617537 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:12AM
Payment : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 02:33PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Typhidot - IgM NEGATIVE Negative Immunocromatography

Typhidot - IgG NEGATIVE Negative Immunocromatography

Typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium, Salmonella typhi. Accurate diagnosis of typhoid fever at
an early stage is not only important for etiological diagnosis but to identify and treat the potential carrier and prevent
acute typhoid fever outbreaks. TYPHIDOT is an immunochromatographic assay designed for the qualitative detection
and differentiation of specific IgM and IgG antibodies against specific Salmonella typhi antigen in human serum or
plasma. This test is an aid in the earlier diagnosis of typhoid infection and in the determination of recent and past

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PO No :PO2709736085-377
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617537 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:12AM
Payment : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 05:04PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Dengue IgG & IgM

Dengue IgG NEGATIVE(0.39) Index <0.8 ELISA

Result Comment
Negative (<0.8) No detectable IgG antibody.
Equivocal (0.8- <1.1) Retesting advised.
Positive (>1.1) IgG antibody detected. Suggestive of Primary / Secondary Dengue infection

Note: Recommended test is NS1 Antigen by ELISA in the first 5 days of fever. After 7-10 days of fever, the recommended test is
Dengue fever antibodies IgG & IgM by ELISA

Comments: Dengue viruses belong to the family Flaviviridae and have 4 serotypes ( 1-4).It is transmitted by the mosquito
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and is widely distributed in Tropical and Subtropical areas of the world. The disease may be
sub clinical, self limiting, febrile or may progress to a severe form of Dengue hemorrhagic fever or Dengue shock syndrome.


DENGUE INFECTION ANTIBODY DETECTED - after the onset of infection

Primary 5th -10th day 14th day & persists for life
th th
Secondary 4 -5 day 1st -2nd day


Cross reactivity is seen in the Flavivirus group between Dengue virus,Zika virus, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese
encephalitis, Yellow fever & West Nile viruses.
Positive test results may not be valid in patients who have received blood transfusions or blood products within past
several months.
Negative results may occur if the specimen was collected too early in the infection may not have detectable antibodies.
Additional serologic testing with Dengue NS1 antigen & Dengue IgM is recommended in cases where infection is suspected.
Results should always be interpreted in conjunction with clinical presentation and exposure history.

Dengue IgM POSITIVE(2.79) Index <0.8 ELISA

Page 6 of 7
PO No :PO2709736085-377
Age/Gender : 32/Male Registration Date : 23-Nov-22 10:22 AM
Patient ID : 1MG315631 Collection Date : 23/Nov/2022 09:17AM
Barcode ID / Order ID : D0617537 / 6125161 Sample Receive Date : 23/Nov/2022 11:12AM
Payment Done : Rs 5780 Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 23/Nov/2022 05:04PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Result Comment
Negative (<0.8) No detectable IgM antibody.
Equivocal (0.8- <1.1) Retesting advised.
Positive (>1.1) IgM antibody detected. Suggestive of Primary / Secondary Dengue infection

Note: Recommended test is NS1 Antigen by ELISA in the first 5 days of fever. After 7-10 days of fever, the recommended test is
Dengue fever antibodies IgG & IgM by ELISA

Comments: Dengue viruses belong to the family Flaviviridae and have 4 serotypes ( 1-4).It is transmitted by the mosquito
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and is widely distributed in Tropical and Subtropical areas of the world. The disease may be
sub clinical, self limiting, febrile or may progress to a severe form of Dengue hemorrhagic fever or Dengue shock syndrome.


DENGUE INFECTION ANTIBODY DETECTED - after the onset of infection

Primary 5th -10th day 14th day & persists for life
Secondary 4th -5th day 1st -2nd day


Cross reactivity is seen in the Flavivirus group between Dengue virus,Zika virus, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese
encephalitis, Yellow fever & West Nile viruses.
Positive test results may not be valid in patients who have received blood transfusions or blood products within past
several months.
Negative results may occur if the specimen was collected too early in the infection may not have detectable antibodies.
Additional serologic testing with Dengue NS1 antigen & Dengue IgG is recommended in cases where infection is suspected.
Results should always be interpreted in conjunction with clinical presentation and exposure history.

*** End Of Report ***

Page 7 of 7
7ATA LMG Technologies fivt. Ltd
LxaoRazoRs : e2/n. sround rloor,

” | lobs
OTt@ BulldIng. GuI go an - 122015
VQsanE EurJ], New Del hl — TT0070

C| !'7 10DO01SPTc2/9229

Conditions of Laboratory Testing & Reporting :

• Test results released pertain to the sample, as received.
• Laboratory investigations are only a too1 to facilitate in arriving at diagnosis and should be.
• Clinically correlated by the interpreting clinician.
e Result delays may happen because of unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances.
• Test report may very depending on the assay method used.
• Test results may show inter- laboratory variation.
• Test results are not valid fro medico—legal purposes.
• Please mail your queries related to test results to Customer Care mail ID: care/

ISO 9001:TO IS
TAT& 1 | Labs
Scan to view the NABL certificate & scope

Tata \mg Lobs, India’s trusted diagnostics la b chain, has a nationwide network, serving
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Conditions of Laboratory Testing & Reporting:

”Test results released pertain to the received ”Laboratory investigations ore only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be
clinically correlated by the interpreting clinician.”Result delays may happen because of unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances.”Test report may vary
depending on the assay method used ”Test results may show inter—laboratory variations ”Test results ore not valid for medico—legal purposes ”Please mail
your queries related to test results to Customer Core mail ID

Disclnimer: Results relate only to the sa rn ple received. best results rn arked ’BOLD" indicate abnormal resoffs i.e., Fig Her or lower thnn normaL All tub test
rest Its are sobject to clinical interpretation by a qualified neediest professional. This report cnnnot be used tor ring n1edic o-le9al pure see. hurt /nf
reproduction of the test resoffs /s not permitted. Also, ”IA Ifi mug labs /s not responsible for nrty ns/s/nterpretntion or misuse of the /nformnt /on. f he test
reports nfone nsny not be conclusive o I IN e d/sense/cond/tiort, hence element correlation is necessark. reports sContd be vet ted by a qualified doctor only.
Thank you for choosing us as your healthcare partner
Tata 1mg Labs, India’s trusted diagnostics lab chain, has a nationwide network of 9
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We ensure that all tests are carried out with

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Our lab test reports undergo multiple levels


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Conditions of Laboratory Testing & Reporting:

*Test results released pertain to the sample,as received *Laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at
a diagnosis and should be clinically correlated by the interpreting clinician.*Result delays may happen because of
unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances.*Test report may vary depending on the assay method used *Test results may
show inter-laboratory variations *Test results are not valid for medico-legal purposes *Please mail your queries related to
test results to Customer Care mail ID

Disclaimer: Results relate only to the sample received. Test results marked “BOLD” indicate abnormal results i.e., higher or
lower than normal. All lab test results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional. This repo rt
cannot be used for any medico-legal purposes. Partial reproduction of the test results is not permitted. Also, TATA 1mg
Labs is not responsible for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information. The test reports alone may not be conclusive
of the disease/condition, hence clinical correlation is necessary. Reports should be vetted by a qualified doctor only.

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