Sobin PPT

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 The scaffold plan must meet all SA requirements in CSM and it must be prepared by a
specialized scaffolding contractor.
 For all scaffolds higher than 12.2m(40ft) and scaffold requested by LPD requires
scaffold plan.
 Scaffold Plan Completeness Checklist:- Used to verify that the prepared plan is
complete and shall attached to every scaffold plan prior to submission.
 For special scaffold, the plan must be verify and signed by a degreed structural engineer
and he/she must compute or verify the support reactions including wind.
 The specialized scaffolding contractor shall utilize a SA approved GES design
consultant or structural engineering group of Project’s LSTK contractor to prepare or
review and approve the structural calculations and this must be based on the design
criteria available on LPD website.
 The proponent shall review and verify that the scaffold plan meets job functionality,
access and clearance requirements prior to submission.
 If a scaffold supported by and existing structure, proponent’s designated engineering
organization is responsible for confirming the adequacy of the existing structure.
 Proponent shall submit the scaffold plan to ALPD office prior to two weeks of erection.
(For special scaffolds 4 weeks required.) This time period is necessary for transit, review,
rework and acceptance of the scaffold plan.
 ALPD review the plan as per requirements in Scaffold Plan Completeness Checklist and
if no rework required, review and acceptance will complete within one week from
receipt of plan. If rework required the specialized scaffolding contractor shall
satisfactorily correct all noted corrections and re submit to the ALPD office that their
comments were satisfactorily addressed.
 For Special scaffolds, after acceptance of plan by ALPD, another plan need to submit to
CSD’s engineering unit for structural engineering review. If no rework required the
review and acceptance will complete within 2 weeks.
 A final copy of accepted plan shall be sent to ALPD by proponent.
 Before erection, the proponent and supervisor must survey the job site to find the
potential hazards such as debris, overhead powerlines, electrical cables, excavation,
roads etc. If scaffold plan required, it has prepared and approved before commences
 If any deviation from plan during erection shall be reviewed by ALPD and for special
scaffolds by CSD.
 The craftsman must wear full body harness while erecting, altering and dismantling the
scaffold. He must properly anchor his lanyard whenever he is not protected by a
guardrail system and possibility to fall more than 1.8m(6ft). The lanyard shall anchor to
scaffold only if there is no strong anchorage available.
 Scaffold shall be continuously tagged SA red tag during erection at each point of access.

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