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United Nations
Global Compact
on Progress 2016
Table of 1. INTRODUCTION 4

Statement of continued support 4
of the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles
About Neptune Lines 6

Principles 1 & 2 8
Assessment, Policy and Goals 8
Implementation 9
Measurement of outcomes 9

3. LABOUR 10
Principles 3, 4, 5 & 6 10
Assessment, Policy and Goals 10
Implementation 11
Measurement of outcomes 11

Principles 7, 8 & 9 16
Assessment, Policy and Goals 16
Implementation 17
Measurement of outcomes 19

Published: September 2017. Principle 10 22
Assessment, Policy and Goals 22
Implementation 23
Measurement of outcomes 23

Neptune Lines Sustainability Contact Desk Abbreviations and Acronyms 24

Neptune Lines Shipping and Managing Enterprises S.A
5-9 Iassonos Street, GR 18537, Piraeus, Greece

Department of Health, Safety, Quality & Environment

Tel. +30 210 45 57700

This Communication on Progress has been developed

with the support of Global Sustain.

Creative design and layout:


Neptune Lines reaffirms its support of the Ten We are excited to build upon, develop, and further
Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the strengthen our commitment to this initiative while
areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and striving to promote sustainable business practices for
Anti-Corruption. For each of these four areas, this the benefit of our employees, our customers and the
Communication on Progress (COP) outlines our communities in which we operate.
policies,  goals and  assessments as well as the
implementation and  outcomes to integrate the Ten We see our investments in these areas as good
Principles of the UNGC into our business strategy, business and the right thing to do. We are
culture and daily operations. committed to sharing our efforts and performance in
terms of sustainability with our stakeholders, using
Neptune Lines is a leading short sea, car carrier our primary channels of communications, including
operator, specializing in the transportation of finished this COP.
vehicles, and other rolling and static cargoes for the
world’s largest automotive manufacturers and logistics This COP (Active level) covers the reporting period
providers. from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016.

The largest proportion of global transportation is We welcome your comments and feedback to
seaborne and this makes shipping an important pillar advance our corporate responsibility and sustainability
of international trade. As a leader in its business practices.
segment, Neptune Lines has taken significant steps
over the last three years in identifying and assessing its
economic, environmental and social impact at both
national and international levels. Our Company has
already issued two Sustainability Reports, communicat- Yours sincerely,
ing non-financial information to our stakeholders since Melina Travlos
2014, using internationally accepted guidelines such as President & CEO
the GRI and the UNGC.

The year 2016 was full of exciting corporate

responsibility initiatives and one of our main objectives
was meeting the expectations of our stakeholders. This
was achieved by continually providing outstanding
quality services and by strengthening our relationships
with both our customers and our people.

4 5

Neptune Lines
Shipping and Managing
Enterprises S.A.
(Neptune Lines)
is a leading car carrier
operator in the short
sea transportation


Neptune Lines Shipping and Managing Enterprises Neptune Lines mission is to be the most trusted car
S.A. (Neptune Lines) is a leading car carrier operator carrier company in the areas we operate, always
in the short sea transportation sector, controlled and delivering flexible and tailor-made solutions to our
ultimately owned by the Travlos family. Neptune client-partners by investing in our most valuable
Lines is a finished vehicle logistics provider, offering asset, our people.
transportation and shipping solutions to manufacturers
and shippers of cars and high and heavy cargoes. It is an integral part of our vision to be pioneering
whether in our services and markets served,
Through our modern fleet of Pure Car & Truck Carrier environmental standards, or supporting actions to
(PCTC) vessels and our expansive agency network the communities we operate.
and operational expertise, we provide short sea
transportation in the Mediterranean basin, extending Established in 1975, Neptune Lines has been
from the Atlantic ports of Vigo and Casablanca in the conducting business for over 40 years now based on
West, to the Black Sea in the East. the founding values of Trust, Flexibility, Confidence,
Integrity, Pioneering, Human Capital, Excellence and
In June 2016, Neptune Lines launched its new Ro/Ro Responsibility.
transportation service in the Gulf currently
connecting the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq,
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain.

Neptune Lines has always been proud to combine its

family-owned enterprise values – such as personal
attention to customers and service flexibility – with
the efficiency and professional management of a
thoroughly modern shipping company. The
Company’s service is backed by an unwavering
17 +50 11 25 3 402
commitment to conducting business in a socially
Vessels Ports Trade Routes Countries Continents Employees
responsible and ethical manner.

6 7

With regards to the Human Rights Principles, the
Company is setting the following targets:
• Continuous monitoring of performance with

Businesses should support
and respect the protection of
respect to internal corporate human rights
policies and international declarations and
• Continuous support of UN Global Compact
internationally Human Rights Principles.
proclaimed human rights • Maintain zero-tolerance in human rights abuse.
Principle 2:
Make sure that they are not complicit
Neptune Lines goals for 2016 with respect to
in human rights abuses human rights were mainly achieved by training
through internal arrangements such as meetings,
Assessment, Policy Neptune Lines itself was recognised for its news and presentations of induction documents
and Goals sustainability efforts as a service provider and for new employees.
Neptune Lines aims to be a achieved the Renault Supplier Award for
company for which people want to Corporate and Social Responsibility in June 2016. Human rights awareness has been achieved
work, a company that boasts about through the following actions and initiatives:
Furthermore, the same month, Neptune Lines
an interesting working environment • All employees are signing Neptune Lines policy
achieved the bronze award from the Corporate acceptance clause related with human rights
both at sea and ashore. Neptune Lines
Responsibility Index (CR Index), an initiative and principles as part of their induction
and its management board are
introduced by “Business in the Community” - a programme.
committed to supporting and protecting
responsible business network.
the Universal Declaration of Human • Provision of training for all management team
Rights within their sphere of influence and members.
All Neptune Lines suppliers must be aware that
throughout their business activities. It is • The Global Compact Human Rights Principles
child labour is unacceptable and that the have been a subject of attention in employees
further declared that the Company’s policy is
employment of young workers should adhere to and managers’ meetings.
neither to permit nor to tolerate but to prevent
local regulations. Neptune Lines suppliers are • Neptune Lines documents regarding corporate
any kind of discrimination and/or harassment of
expected to treat all employees fairly and not responsibility, where human rights policies and
its employees on board or ashore on the grounds
discriminate against any group in employment commitments are included, are accessible to all
of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief,
practices and also respect human rights in the employees and other stakeholders through the
disability, age or sexual orientation.
areas of their operation. The Company is aiming Company’s intranet.
Neptune Lines chooses its business partners to continually improve its social and environmental
• Continued training activities for employees and
based on their efforts to respect human rights, performance through its worldwide supply chain seafarers in 2016.
comply with laws, protect the environment and and for that purpose has issued a Code of
• The Company encourages all employees to
address social issues, as well as considerations Conduct for Suppliers. formally report any concerns of assault or other
such as quality and price. The Company shares its bullying behaviour as well as any incident of
Also within its management system Neptune
stance regarding fulfilment of social responsibility, harassment or discrimination to
Lines has established a reporting procedure that
including respect for human rights, compliance Human Resources Manager
enables and
with laws and protection of the environment, with (grievance mechanism).
encourages all
its business partners and encourages them to take
their own voluntary initiatives.
employees to Measurement of
report any outcomes
non-conformity In 2016, there has not been any
or compliance suspected or unethical behaviour
regarding the reported, nor concerns about possible
Maritime Labour breaches of the Company’s Code of
Convention (MLC) and Conduct or violation or abuse of human rights.
other applicable national,
international or internal rules No legal claims have been made against the
and regulations. Company by any of its employees or other
RENAULT SUPPLIER AWARDS 2016 stakeholders regarding violation of human rights.

8 9
• Is committed to respecting multicultural issues
Principle 3:
(beliefs, cultures, religions) and is committed to
Businesses should uphold the freedom treating people with respect, courtesy, honesty,
of association and the effective recogni- integrity and fairness.
tion of the right to collective bargaining • Is committed to eliminating discrimination
Principle 4: regarding gender, ethnicity, religion, culture
The elimination of all forms of forced and social profile and is also committed to
and compulsory labour offering all employees fair and equitable
Principle 5: treatment.
The effective abolition of child labour • Does not tolerate any form of child labour and
Principle 6: it does not tolerate any form of forced or
The elimination of discrimination in compulsory labour.
respect of employment and occupation
The Company has in place appropriate policies
against discrimination and harassment and all
complaints of unlawful harassment, intimidation
Assessment, Policy marital status, place of origin, membership in a
or bullying are handled in an absolute discreet
and Goals union or staff association, political affiliation, race,
and confidential manner. Once the matter has
Neptune Lines has in receipt of public assistance, record of offences,
been reported it is promptly investigated and any
place policies that sexual orientation or any other personal
necessary corrective action is taken where
fully support the labour characteristics by or within the organisation. additional training opportunities to all.
appropriate. Any employee found in violation of
principles of the
this policy will be disciplined, up to and including
• To continue improving employee satisfaction
International Labour Neptune Lines: rate, as well as the crew retention rate.
immediate termination of his or her employment.
Organization (ILO). As of August 2013, • Recognises and respects cultural differences.
all vessels of Neptune Lines fleet comply All employees are treated strictly according to
Independent contractors found to be in violation
of this policy may be subject to contract
with the MLC 2006 (Maritime Labour his or her abilities and qualifications in any The Company ensures that all labour regulated
cancellation. All Neptune Lines suppliers must
Convention). MLC establishes minimum employment decisions, including but not activities are reviewed according to the countries’
prohibit the use of forced labour and give
working and living standards for all seafarers limited to hiring, advancement (promotion), specific regulations and the Labour Principles are
workers, whether local or migrant, the right and
working on ships flying the flags of ratifying compensation, benefits, training, layoffs and applied.
the ability to leave employment when they
countries. Neptune Lines complies with the termination.
choose. For the health and safety of its employees,
current labour market legislation of the country • Is committed to treating with fair, objective and
in which the individual is employed. transparent manner the professional Neptune Lines has in place strict procedures, such
Neptune Lines promotes a no-blame culture and
development of all its employees and no as emergencies training and drill plans, that are
motivates staff to ensure that they understand and
Neptune Lines is committed to providing a discrimination is practiced in respect of rehearsed and performed at regular intervals,
embrace the requirements of the Company’s
working environment free from any form of employment, dismissals, relocations, onboard the ships and ashore. Neptune Lines
management system.
harassment, intimidation or bullying. The promotions, determination of salary and working ensures that all employees are fully prepared for
Company defines bullying as persistent, conditions or competence development. Additionally, Neptune Lines provides that all all emergencies, as the implementation of safety
malicious, unwelcome, severe and pervasive identified risks to its personnel are being assessed principles and of environmentally friendly
mistreatment that harms, intimidates, demeans, and appropriate processes exist to ensure that no practices improve the safety of the working
offends, degrades or humiliates an employee, unacceptable or avoidable risks are taken. environment and help in preventing injuries and ill
whether verbal, physical or otherwise, at the place health.
of work and/or during employment. Goals
Neptune Lines is committed to supporting the Measurement of outcomes
Bullying behaviour includes, but is not limited to Neptune Lines maintains a policy of providing
Labour Principles and sets the following main
abusive and offensive language, insults, teasing, employees with equal opportunities for
spreading rumour and innuendo, unreasonable development of skills and offering new challenges
criticism, unfairly blaming for mistakes, criticizing • To maintain zero loss-of-life incidents and
minimize Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) within the Company. All employees are treated
in public, and trivializing of work and
rates. The target for 2017 is set at a LTIF equally, irrespective of ethnic background,
reduction of at least 0.25. gender, religion or age and they are offered equal
The Company, also prohibits discrimination and • Ensure that the Company continues to be opportunities for development and promotion to
harassment and protects the right to be free of compliant with applicable rules, regulations and higher positions. Gender-based discrimination is
hate activity, based on age, ancestry, citizenship, laws. not allowed in terms of recruitment, promotion or
creed (religion), colour, disability, ethnic origin, • To continually improve the training wage compensation.
family status, gender identity, level of literacy, performance of its employees and to provide

10 11
2015 2016 Neptune Lines provides equal employment opportunities and endeavours to recruit more women to its
Number shipping operations.
38 (61%) 40 (61.5%)
& Percentage Permanent
of Employees 62 65
Employees Training
(Shore based (Shore based) Each department within the Company is responsible to identify the training needs of its employees and request
24 (39%) 25 (38.5%)
& Shipboard the relevant seminars. Technical, Commercial, Accounting / Finance matters and English language, were the
main training topics for 2016. The performance indicators for 2016 for the shore based personnel are shown
workforce) below.
by Gender 319 (98%) 330 (98%)
Shore Based Personnel Average
(2015 & 2016) Fixed Contract
Training Number of training
326 337 Training Performance Gender
Percentage employess
trained hours per
Indicators (2016) employee
7 (2%) 7 (2%)
27 12% 3 9
TOTAL 388 402

4 2% 1 4
Workforce by Employee
Category & Gender (2015 & 2016)
124 53% 11 11
2015 2016
4 4
78 33% 11 7
3 (75%) 3 (75%)

MANAGEMENT 1 (25%) 1 (25%) TOTAL 233 100% 26 8.9

11 11
Average Training Hours
7 (64%) 9 (82%)
per Employee (2015 & 2016)
4 (36%) 2 (18%)

44 50 15

28 (64%) 27 (54%)

19 (36%) 23 (46%) In 2015 there was a massive training
performed due to the completion of
projects which triggered the need for
training such as the change of the main

TOTAL 62 65 17.3 8.9

communication system, the implementation
of business reporting tools (target) as well as
the completion of English training courses.
38 24 39 26
2015 2016

12 13
Seagoing personnel have undergone training activities onboard the ships. Training activities were based on computer
Absentee Rates (2015 & 2016)
training (DVD training materials) for CBT, CST and CES. Onboard test results have shown that an average score of
more than 80% was achieved (minimum pass level is 60%). %
Onboard Personnel – Average Test Results (2016)

Master 0.00009
90% 88% Electrician 0.0040
Chief Officer 90% 88% Bosun
2 nd rd
& 3 Officer 89% 87% Deck Ratings 0.00004
Apprentice Officer 88% 86% Engine Ratings
Chief Engineer 91% 86% Chief Cook
3rd & 4th Engineer 89% 84% Messman 2015 2016 2015 2016
2 Engineer 89%

Absentee Rate Absentee Rate

Shore-based Shipboard

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIF)

Office pre joining tests were also performed for Greek Officers. Pre-joining tests included Navigation, STCW,
Fire-fighting, MLC 2006, Maritime English and GMDSS. The average score (%), per crew category for 2016 is shown
In comparison with the 2015 figure (2.49), the frequency of the injuries reduced, resulting in 1.01 LTIF incidents.
in the following graph.

Crew Retention Rate (per nationality & per category)

Average Scores
Pre Joining Master Chief
Tests (2016) 61% 70%
Greek Crew
Retention Rate
Filipino Crew
Retention Rate
Ukranian Crew
Retention Rate

2015 Year 2016 2015 Year 2016 2015 Year 2016

2016 90% Masters 100% 80% Masters 100% 100% Masters 100%

90% Senior 88% 88% Senior 85% 95% Senior 93%

2nd & 3rd Apprentice Officers Officers Officers
Officer Officer
Junior 90% Junior 88% Junior 92%
56% 87%

N/A Ratings N/A 90% Ratings 87% 90% Ratings 93%

The above figures indicate that Neptune Lines has a high retention rate of its crew.
Absentee Rate (AR)
The absence rate figures recorded at shore and on ships increased. Our occasional absences from work increased Report to Labour Standards Violations
since 2015 due to employees’ sickness as well as due to childcare and eldercare. Home/family responsibilities remain There have not been any reported possible breaches of Labour Standards since Neptune Lines became a
among the top causes of short-term absence. Human Resources Department is handling each case separately trying signatory to the UN Global Compact in 2015. Furthermore, the Company has not reported any breach of
to facilitate the best possible course of action for each one of our employees. any labour principles since its establishment.

14 15

Neptune Lines is strongly committed to the
protection of the environment and society, by The goals set by Neptune Lines are:
adhering to the following commitments: • Minimisation of environmental impact.
• Comply with international and national • Compliance with applicable laws and
Principle 7: regulations.
legislation in all countries in which it operates.
Businesses should support a precautionary • Compliance of Company’s suppliers with the
• Promote its initiatives and programmes related
approach to environmental challenges to environmental and social components and Company’s policies and procedures.
Principle 8: encourage its stakeholders to engage actively.
Undertake initiatives to promote greater • Sustain the ongoing communication with its Implementation
environmental responsibility stakeholders regarding the development of Efforts to enhance the energy efficiency of the
Principle 9: environmental and social initiatives and shipboard operations include:
Encourage the development and diffusion programmes. • Implementation of an Environmental
of environmentally friendly technologies • Measure its environmental and social impacts. Management System supported with several
• Mitigate and reduce the environmental environmental programmes with the objective
Assessment, Policy footprint deriving from its operations and to continually increase energy efficiency and
and Goals business activities. minimise energy waste. A set of SMART targets
Neptune Lines fully supports the • Obtaining and maintaining all permits and are established and maintained related to a
Principles 7, 8 & 9. The Company approvals required for its business and the combination of design optimisation, in-service
constantly works on developing proper handling, storage and disposal of performance monitoring and best-practice
instructions and procedures and takes materials. operational management processes.
measures to ensure the safe operation • All suppliers and subcontractors shall operate in • Establishment and maintenance of a Ship
of all its vessels regarding environmental full compliance with relevant laws and Specific Energy Efficiency Management Plan
protection. regulations applicable to their operations and (SEEMP) that is regularly reviewed and
employment in the countries in which they approved by the management. SEEMP,
Neptune Lines has implemented a operate. developed specifically for each vessel and
Management System that is under annual • All major suppliers must have a written provides standard procedures and practices on
evaluation for effectiveness and continual environmental policy appropriate to the size best energy management under the various
improvement. The “Neptune Lines and nature of their operations. operational modes of the vessel.
Management System” (NL-MS), combines ISO • All suppliers must abide by all legislation and • Energy efficiency awareness through training to
9001 and 14001 as well as OHSAS 18001 regulations related to the protection of the the shore and sea-going personnel and
standards and MLC 2006 concurrently with the environment and the handling of dangerous implementation of energy related campaigns
ISM Code mandatory regulatory requirements. and hazardous materials. and other personnel incentive/motivating
The Company is assessing all identified • All suppliers should work actively to improve programmes.
environmental risks that may emerge within its the environment in the communities in which • Monitoring and compliance with all applicable
sphere of influence or through its business they operate and pursue initiatives to bring legal requirements related to ship energy
activities and is committed to continually improve about such improvement. management.
its employee skills and abilities, with regard to • All clients shall comply with every regulation
environmental protection. and policy related to Neptune Lines operations.
• Continually access all identified environmental
Neptune Lines as part of its commitment for the risks that may emerge within its sphere of
protection of the environment is a member of the influence or through its business activities.
Clean Shipping Index (CSI), a business to
business tool, for cargo owners to select clean Neptune Lines has also an Energy Efficiency
ships and quality ship operators, driven by a Management Policy, as it believes that although
non-profit organisation. shipping is the most fuel-efficient mode of
transport, additional actions must be taken to
The Company has also taken measures and improve the energy efficiency of ship related
initiatives to promote greater environmental operations. Energy efficiency is controlled
responsibility and encourages the use of primarily through well-planned and properly
environmentally friendly technologies. Neptune managed ship operations that require the
Lines has in place an Environmental Protection personal commitment of everyone involved.
Policy, which dictates that all employees are
committed and dedicated in the protection of the
environment and pollution prevention.

16 17
As part of the membership of the CSI, Neptune Through its Environmental Protection Policy In 2016, Neptune Lines implemented all

Lines has participated in a workshop organised by (pursuant to the ISO 14001 standard) the necessary measures and procedures to comply
VW in 2016 in Germany and presented and Company aims to: with the SOLAS Ch. XI-1, Reg. 7. MSC. 380 (94)
discussed its experience related to the • Reduce total weight of waste by type and use regulation, which requires atmosphere testing
implementation of CSI, especially the major issues more environmental disposal methods, by instruments for enclosed spaces to be carried Neptune Lines
faced during implementation phase, which was
completed in 2016 including the verification
implementing zero-tolerance in water pollution
from oil, implementing zero-tolerance in water
onboard the ships.
has set targets and is
process. pollution from garbage, reducing total Neptune Lines also adopted the regulation EU
MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification of
continually monitoring
generated quantity of plastics, reducing sludge
The Company has also taken important measures, generation and increasing oily waste disposed CO2 emissions from maritime transport). The MRV several parameters
set targets and implemented technologies that regulation aims to quantify and reduce CO2
quantities at dedicated shore facilities.
that affect

affect the vessels performance, making them • Maintain zero-tolerance to water pollution from emissions from shipping and will create a new
more environmental friendly. These measures are
touching elements from operations to mechanical
micro-organisms that may disrupt the native
ecology of visited ports, from negligent and
benchmarking system in Europe. The implementation
is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.
modifications and ships coating as well as training improper management of ballast water.
activities. • Minimise total direct and indirect greenhouse Measurement of outcomes
Neptune Lines has set targets and is continually
Neptune Lines also participates in the
gas emissions (by weight) by reducing CO2
monitoring several parameters that affect the
• Use of paints
emissions and by monitoring SOX air emissions
POSEIDON MED (part I and part II) – LNG EU environment. These parameters and their
The monthly consumption was reduced in 2016
(by weight). in comparison with 2015 from 188 to 143
sponsored project. The Company provides design monitored target results are presented below.
• Optimise materials use (by volume and weight) liters/vessel/month. Maintenance is monitored
information and operational data for one of its
by optimising paint, chemical, paper and lube during onboard attendances from Superintendents.
vessels, which will be a candidate for conversion
oil consumption. • CO2 emissions
to LNG. As part of POSEIDON MED part II, which A total reduction of 8.64% on CO2 emissions
started in 2016, a detailed conversion design will
• Monitor water withdrawal by source by
was achieved since January 1st, 2010. The
• Use of chemicals
reducing fresh water consumption and by The monthly consumption was reduced in 2016
be performed on one of the Company’s vessels. target for 2016 was an annual reduction of 0.5%
maximising fresh water production on board in comparison with 2015 from 191 to 179
Neptune Lines participates in this project, by but due to increased speed demands for the
vessel. liters/vessel/month.
providing vessel’s plans and drawings so a retrofit fulfilment of contractual agreements with the
• Reduce incineration process and increase the
LNG installation could be feasible. The first phase
of the project completed with the preliminary
use of more environmentally friendly disposal customers, this figure was not achieved.
• Paper consumption
methods. Nevertheless, Neptune Lines for each year
design and risk assessment performed with the The majority of monthly forms needed for
• Ensure compliance with environmental following 2016, is aiming for a further annual
participation of Lloyds Register. The second periodical reporting are forwarded by email and
legislation, regulations and other requirements reduction in CO2 emissions of 0.5% until 2018.
phase started in February 2016 and included are being filed electronically in the office.
by maximising third party inspections and Electronic filling onboard the vessels is not yet
detailed design drawings and cost related studies
audits performance. • Waste disposal at sea implemented since proper filling arrangements
for the retrofitting of LNG Since 2013 Neptune Lines implements a
as well as for the design
• Implement, periodically review and communicate by using appropriate software tools need to be
the Policy to all employees and other zero-tolerance policy for waste disposal at sea.
and cost of the land-based implemented. Paper consumption has slightly
stakeholders. Further to this policy and after February 2016,
port infrastructure. increased in comparison with 2015 (from 4.61
• Provide adequate resources to promote this no waste was disposed at sea. The amount of
to 4.73 packets/vessel/month).
Policy. garbage discharged at sea for 2016 was the
• Assess all identified hazards and manage risks minimum amount of 0.008 m3/vessel/month
• Cooking oil consumption
to its ships, personnel and the environment by and is expected to be eliminated in 2017.
Consumption of cooking oil increased from
establishing appropriate safeguards (risk 1.33 (in 2015) to 1.36 liters/crew/month in 2016.
assessment). • Oily water and sludge generation
• Provide appropriate training to all personnel Oily water increased for 2016 (0.49 m3/day) in
• Consumption and production of
whose work may create a significant impact on comparison with 2015 (0.45 m3/day). However,
fresh water
the environment. sludge generated for 2016 (0.37 m3/day/vessel)
Fresh water consumption for 2016 was slightly
• Continual improvement of the overall was reduced in comparison with 2015 (0.39
reduced compared to 2015 (5.5 tons/vessel/
environmental performance. m3/day/vessel). The environmental character of
day). Fresh water production was reduced from
• Continuously cooperate with its suppliers and Neptune Lines HMD vessels (eight Vessels) do
5.93 tons/sailing day/vessel in 2015 to 5.27 in
contractors for their environmental not allow any drains to be directed overboard
improvement. but on the contrary to be collected in oily water
• Review objectives and targets on annual basis tank and further processed through 15 ppm or
through established KPIs. discharged at dedicated shore facilities.

18 19
• Incineration process • Installation of shaft power meters
Incineration processes need to be reduced as Neptune Lines installed shaft power meters for
much as possible while shore disposal of eight vessels being now able to more
garbage and sludge is being compulsory at accurately control the performance of the
home ports like Barcelona and Piraeus. motor engine, hull and propeller cleanliness.
Garbage incineration process reduced from
0.55 in 2015, to 0.44 m3/month in 2016, while • Water in oil monitor installation on
sludge incineration process reduced from 0.225 11 vessels
to 0.158 m3/month. Eleven vessels are equipped with water in oil
monitors attached to the main engine to
Neptune Lines has taken the following monitor continuously the water percentage in
environmental measures during 2016, the lub oil. All installations are presently
encouraging this way the development and working, while two more were implemented in
diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies: 2016.

• Operational measure for speed • Installation of VSD drives on sea

optimisation and ship efficiency to water pumps and E/R fans
reduce fuel consumption On the eight Korean built vessels, VSD drives
In 2016, Neptune Lines continued with the were installed on the sea water pumps and the
speed operation for most vessels at 16 knots. E/R fans and the results have been successful.
This is an operational measure for monitoring • Energy efficiency improvements for • Car deck lights turning off at sea
results in the fuel consumption. Neptune Lines two of the Company’s ships Neptune Lines continued turning off the car • Coriolis flowmeters
changed its policy in the use of the constant (Neptune Aegli and Neptune deck lights on 12 vessels during sailing. Only On eight vessels Coriolis flowmeters were
RPM mode on the Korean fleet (six vessels). If Dynamis) the emergency lights are left on. Savings on installed for accurate measurement of the fuel
the speed is above or equal to 16 knots they Both vessels have now been re-bladed and auxiliary engine consumption have been oil consumption for motor engine and
continue to use the constant RPM mode and if their efficiency has improved. reported through this measure. Instructions also auxiliaries. On two new vessels, Coriolis
the speed is less than 16 knots the combinator provided for turning off lights in various spaces flowmeters were installed for accurate
mode is used. The owned fleet has run more
• SOX emissions reductions onboard the vessel when these are not used. measurements during bunkering.
For the eighth year, Neptune Lines restricted Special stickers are installed in most spaces to
miles in 2016 as compared to 2015 due to the
the mean sulphur content of the HFO fuel remind users to turn off the lights.
increase in the fleet size (3.7% increase in
miles). The total fuel consumption per ton mile
bunkered for the fleet to below 2.8% S content. Flag performance
was increased by 2.3% due to increased idle
The global limit has been reduced as from • Led lights installation test A total of eight flag inspections were performed in
periods of the vessels (utilisation reduction).
January 2012 to 3.5%. For 2016, the mean (continuation) 2016 and six observations were raised, having an
value was 2.7%. In 2015, Neptune Lines installed on Neptune average of 0.75 deficiencies per flag inspection,
The fuel oil consumption of the motor engine
Odyssey and Neptune Iliad about 50 pieces of thus achieving the target set for 2016 (i.e. less
per nautical mile (indicating the hull
• Energy savings device on propeller Led tubes replacing some of the fluorescent than two deficiencies per flag inspection). The
performance) was reduced by 0.1%. No
Installation and use of energy saving device on tubes. The Company is presently monitoring
improvements in hull (re-coating) took place in figure for 2015 was 1.08.
propeller of six vessels. their performance and durability in preparation
the first period of the year.
for a large-scale implementation. RO Performance
• Trim optimisation and reduction of • Alpha lubricator usage and A total number of seven external audits, covering
ballast carried / GM control scavenge drain analysis • Telemetry system (continuation) ISM, ISPS, MLC and ISO-OHSAS scopes, were
With the installation of the Alpha lubricator on On the two new ships, Neptune Lines installed performed in 2016 and zero observations per
Trim optimisation and ballast control is now
the new ships, Neptune Lines reduced the a telemetry system to monitor real time 24 audit were identified. The target is to maintain
applied to 12 vessels in the fleet, using
cylinder oil consumption to very low levels up parameters – from ship performance to energy zero non-conformities at all audits and less than
specialised software.
to 0.6 gr/kwh (the normal is 1.0 gr/kwh). Two consumption. All these can be monitored three observations per audit (mean value), a
• Foul release and advanced A/F new ships were entered also on this remotely from the Company’s office or target already achieved.
coatings to reduce fuel consumption programme. The results of cylinder oil elsewhere.
Neptune lines continues monitoring the consumption of the 2-stroke vessels have been Port State Control (PSC) Performance
performance of the eight vessels coated with consistently low throughout the year. The two • Installation of kwh meters A total of 19 PSC inspections were performed in
silicon anti-foulings and the three with new vessels reduced their cylinder oil Neptune Lines installed kwh meters presently 2016. The average number of deficiencies issued
advanced efficiency A/Fs. The performance is consumption significantly through this on eight vessels and is monitoring the auxiliary per PSC inspection was reduced by 3.3% in
very good. In 2016, the Company dry-docked programme. Neptune Hellas from 249 to 158 power usage monthly. This will assist in comparison with the 2015 figure (0.84 compared
one of the Fincantieri vessels and re-coated the liters/day and Neptune Horizon from 205 to measuring the effects of any improvements that to 0.87), achieving the target set for 2016 of less
silicon with the Hempel Hempaguard X7 silicon 149 liters/day in 2016 respectively. will be made to the auxiliary power usage than two deficiencies per inspection.
based antifouling system. systems onboard.

20 21
5.ANTI- Implementation
Neptune Lines is a member of the Maritime
Neptune Lines has also addressed the following
topics regarding the 10th Principle:

Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a global
business network working towards its vision of a The Company provides anti-corruption training
maritime industry free of corruption that enables to those employees for whom it believes it is most
relevant of their role or in response to specific
Principle 10: fair trade to the benefit of society at large.
incidents. Every new employee at Neptune Lines
MACN’s mission is to promote good corporate
Businesses should work receives relevant familiarisation training regarding
practice in the maritime industry for tackling
against corruption in all its bribes, facilitation payments, and other forms of the established anti-corruption policies. Existing
forms, including extortion corruption. Neptune Lines HSQE Manager and personnel receive a refreshment course on the
and bribery Legal Advisor attended the MACN annual established policies, every two years, or upon any
meeting held at London on April 2016. Neptune alteration or revision effected to the already
Lines participates in best practice sharing implemented anti-corruption policies. The
webinars and reports corruption incidents faced Company is currently exploring possibilities for
during Company’s vessels' day-to-day operations, further investing on anti-corruption training for its
through a web-sharing MACN platform which governance body members (decision-makers),
Assessment, Policy may eventually lead to a collective action shore-based and seagoing employees as well as
and Goals programme depending on the severity and those business partners who may have a higher
Neptune Lines fully adheres to the Neptune Lines has also in place a Fair Business repetition status of the incidents reported. risk of facing or raising incidents of corruption.
10th UN Global Compact Principle. Practices Policy, which dictates that the
The Company adopts a zero-tolerance Company and its employees: In 2015, for the 40th anniversary of Neptune Neptune Lines Code of Conduct explicitly
policy to bribery and corruption • Do not engage in unfair price fixing, collusion, Lines, the Company has held the Neptune Lines prohibits engaging in bribery and corruption in
practices. According to its Anti-Corruption dumping or any other actions that hinder free 1st Agents Conference to promote relationships any form. The Company has a responsibility to its
& Anti-Bribery Policy, all employees competition. and communication between all Company’s major employees and to the countries and communities
should refrain from: • Do not provide or accept gifts or entertainment Port Agents from all over the Mediterranean and it operates to be ethical and lawful in all business
• Offering, giving or promising a financial or that may cause suspicion regarding the Black Sea. Among the topics discussed and given dealings.
other advantage to another person with the Company’s fairness. attention was the number of
corruption practices and Neptune Lines abides by all relevant international
intention to induce or reward them to • Do not give or accept money or gifts during
perform an improper act. work with the Company’s business partners. incidents amongst port laws and principles and has zero-tolerance
• Requesting, receiving or agreeing to receive a • Keep meals and entertainment with the authorities in some ports of the policies for corruption and anti-competitive
financial or other advantage from another Company’s business partners within socially Company’s operation – a practices, for both the Company and its
person with the intention of being induced or acceptable limits only. continuous challenge for stakeholders.
rewarded to perform their responsibilities or Neptune Lines.
duties inappropriately. Neptune Lines is committed to act against any Measurement of outcomes
unlawful act such as bribery, fraud, money Neptune Lines has undergone a thorough risk

Any employee found in violation of this policy will laundering or abuse. Employees or representatives assessment regarding corruption issues with the
be disciplined, up to and including immediate of Neptune Lines must not offer, provide, accept, assistance of an external legal firm. The top-level
termination of his or her employment.
Independent contractors found to be in violation
or promise, either directly or indirectly, any undue
financial or other advantage to a public and/or
The Company management has been informed about the
outcomes of this risk assessment and was trained
of this policy shall be subject to contract private official for obtaining any favourable has a responsibility on corruption issues.
cancellation. treatment or business advantage.
to its employees No incidents of corruption have been recorded

Goals and no legal actions have been taken against the

The goals set by the Company regarding the 10th

and to the countries Company and/or any of its employees.

Principle are: and communities

• To continually monitor its performance and the
compliance with anti-corruption laws and it operates to be
regulations including its Anti-Corruption &
ethical and lawful in all

Anti-Bribery Policy.
• To continually monitor the compliance of its Fair
Practices Policy.
business dealings
• To expand training on corruption to all levels of

22 23
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AF Anti-Fouling (coating)
AR Absentee Rate
CBT Computer Based Training
CES Crew Evaluation System
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COP Communication on Progress
CR Corporate Responsibility
CSI Clean Shipping Index
CST Computer Simulation Training
E/R Engine Room
EU European Union
GM Gravity Metacentre
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GR Grams
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
HMD Hyundai Mipo Dockyard
HSQE Health, Safety, Quality, Environment
ILO International Labour Organization
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISM International Safety Management (Code)
ISO International Standardization Organization
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security
KPI Key Performance Indicator(s)
KWH Kilo Watt Hour(s)
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LTIF Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
MACN Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
MLC Maritime Labour Convention
MRV Monitoring, Reporting, Verification (Regulation)
MSC Maritime Safety Committee
NL-MS Neptune Lines Management System
OHSAS Occupational Health & Safety Assessment
PBCF Propeller Boss Cap Fins
PCTC Pure Car & Truck Carrier
PPM Parts Per Million
PSC Port State Control
RO Recognised Organization
Ro/Ro Roll-on/Roll-off
RPM Revolutions per Minute
S Sulphur
SEEMP (Ship) Specific Energy Efficiency Management Plan
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time sensitive
SO Sulphur Oxide
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
STCW Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
UNGC United Nations Global Compact
VSD Variable Speed Devices

Neptune Lines Shipping and Managing Enterprises S.A
5-9 Iassonos Street, GR 18537, Piraeus, Greece

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