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Entrepreneurial Mind - CLOTHES

Business - HOME/HOUSE
– an organization with the objective of
making a profit from the sale of goods and Stress can be viewed as a function of
services discrepancies of persons expectations and ability
• An enterprise, commercial entity or to meet demand as well as discrepancies
firm either in private or public between individuals’ expectation and
sector, concerned with providing personality.
products to satisfy customer
requirements. Source of Stress
• A buying and selling of products or 1. Loneliness- Isolation
services in order to make profit 2. Emersion in Business-married to their
Entrepreneurship. 3. People problems- clients/ customers
• Creating or establishing a business different personality
Entrepreneur 4. Needs to achieve – achievement brings
• A person who plans, implements satisfaction
and manage a small business *PRELIM EXAM*
Model of Entrepreneurship *MAG-ARAL*
1. Self-discovery
2. Identifying opportunities Dealing with Stress
3. Generating and evaluating ideas 1. Networking- Communicate with other
4. Planning business owners
5. Raising start-up capital 2. Getting away from it all- best antidote /
6. Start up holiday
7. Growth 3. Communicating with employees – team
8. Harvest building , activity/ cash advance
Characteristic of Entrepreneur 4. Finding satisfaction outside the
1. Passionate about their work company – holiday
2. Clear Vision 5. Delegating - gain time ; giving task to
3. S.M.A.R.T ( Specific, Measurable, another employee
attainable, relevant, time bound) 6. Exercise – physical activity
4. Resilient
5. Organized
6. Competent in Human Relations
7. Self-aware
8. Technical knowledge
9. Market Knowledge
10. Superior Customer service

Entrepreneurs face of no. of diff. types of risk

• Financial Risk
• Career Risk
• Family and Social Risk
• Psychic Risk


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