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Name: Princess Gesa O.

Macula Date: March 17, 2022

Grade & Section: 12 - St. Benedict

Just over a week ago, Super Typhoon odette, made its first landfall on 16 December
2021, bringing torrential rains, violent winds, floods and storm surges to the Visayas
and Mindanao Islands. Overnight, the Typhoon left thousands of families homeless,
placing at risk some of the impressive social and economic gains made since
recovering from the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic of the past two years. And as
we encounter this situation, we decided to help the people who is in need of support
services, like food and non-food items, such as hygienic items so they can use it
temporarily. And this happen before the typhoon. We plan to give some pamaskong
handog to the mankinds who can’t celebrate their christmas celebration. Just a
small gift but it gives them a sweet jolly smile by receiving it.

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