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NATURAL Interaction t.

The function of interaction has three parts:
1. Receive information from our sense organs
2. Interpret information and decide how to react.
3. Carry out the reaction.

Nervous System
●The nervous system consists of the brain, musculoskeletal system, the
nerves and the sense organs.

●The brain has three parts:

The cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brainstem.

During the function of interaction:

1. The brain decides how to react and sends intructions about the
reaction to the musculoskeletal system.
LEER 2. The nerves carry the information from the sense organs to the brain
and the instructions from the brain to the musculoskeletal system.

The sense organs

We have fivesense organs that receive information:
 The Sight- Sense organ the eyes
 The Hearing- Sense organ the ears
 The Smell- Sense organ the mucous membrane
 The Taste- Sense organ taste buds
 The Touch- Sense organ the skin
1. The eyes
Our eyes detect light and form images.

●The iris is a muscle, it control the amount of

light that enters the eye.

● The pupil is the opening in the middle of the

iris. Light passes trough it and travels through
the lens to the back of the eye.

●The retina is at the back of the eye. It

receives images and convert them into signals. It
sends the signals to the brain via the optic nerve.

●The eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes protect

our eyes.

2. The Ear
Detect vibrations that travels trough the air (the sounds)

●The Outer ear- Contains the opening to the ear canal. The vibrations
enter and travel through the ear canal.

●The middle ear- Contains the eardrum and the three small bones. The
vibrations pass through the middle ear before reaching the inner ear.

●The Inner ear- Contains the cochlea. Recives vibrations from the small
bones and converts it into signals. The signals are sent to the brain via the
auditory nerve.
3. The Mucous Membrane
When we inhale through the nostrils, the mucous membrane detects
substances in the air. The mucous membrane sends signals to the brain via
the olfatory nerve.

4. The Taste Buds

The taste buds send signals to the brain via the gustatory nerve. The brain
interprets these signals as tastes. The four main tastes are: Salty, sweet,
bitter and sour.

5. The Skin
The nerve endings in our skin detect textures and temperatures. The nerve
endings send signals to the brain. The brain interprets yhe information (cold,
heat, pressure and texture). The fingertips contain many nerve endings.
6. The Skeleton
1. Supports the body
2. Protects vital organs
3. Help the body move
The skeleton is made up of bones and joints. There are 206 bones in an adult
skeleton. Bones are hard, white tissue and can be long, short or flat.

Joint- The point where two or more bones connect

7. The Muscles
Are organs that produce movement when they contract.
1. They contract when they receive instruction from the brain.
2. They relax when the instructions disappears.

There are two types of muscles:

● Connected to the bones by tendons, help our body to move.

● Not connected to the bones, help other parts of our body to move.

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