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Fusion Autocomplete Rules for validating

National ID number

Autocomplete Rules is the fourth component of the HCM Experience Design Studio joining
Transaction Design Studio, Person Spotlight, and Landing Pages. Autocomplete Rules, a data
model layer extensibility framework is part of the HCM Cloud extensibility tools. It provides the
ability to create your own rules on top of the application to default or validate values entered in a
transaction. By default, these rules apply everywhere such as UI, HDL, REST, SOAP, etc.

If you are in application release 21A or prior, refer - Controlled Availability of Oracle HCM
Cloud AutoComplete Tool (Doc ID 2637151.1).

You can use the Autocomplete Rules tool to do these tasks:

 Validate single-entity
o Prevent special characters in names and address fields
o Ensure phone number formats
 Validate date attributes
o Prevent retro or future dated transactions
 Validate across business attributes
o If Location is … then Department must be …
 Default business attributes
o Logged in user Department, Legal Entity, Business Unit
 Default based on a condition
o Set the Full-time/Part-time status based on Work Hours
 Default based on complex business rules across objects
o Default Salary Basis based on FLSA status

-Create intake request for using Autocomplete Rules:

You have to submit your defaulting and validation use cases to enable and use Autocomplete
Rules in your environments. Follow the steps below and submit your use cases for review and
approval by Oracle.

1. Create SR to request access for implementing Autocomplete Rules. Follow the steps
below to create the SR:
1. In MOS/Cloud Portal, navigate to Cloud Tab (for MOS)
2. Select Product - “Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources Cloud Service”
3. Choose Problem Type – “Global Human Resources > HCM Experience Design
Studio (Transaction Design Studio, Autocomplete, Person Spotlight, Landing
Page Background Images)”
4. Choose the flow - “Autocomplete Rules intake request” and follow the
instructions provided. Please note: the email you provide during SR creation
process is used to send user account, password reset etc. notifications from
CoE Autocomplete Program App* which will be used to submit and track use
2. Support initiates internal process
3. Oracle provisions user account for the CoE Autocomplete Program App
1. CoE Autocomplete Program App is available outside the Oracle network
2. Email is sent to customer / SI partner POC from step 1
4. Customer / SI Partner to submit Autocomplete use cases. Use cases must be submitted
online using the Autocomplete Program App
5. After your use case is approved, you will receive an approval email, instructions to
enable Autocomplete Rules and methods to request any additional assistance.
6. Only approved use cases are supported by Oracle. Hence, the approved use case number
must be provided when you create an SR to request assistance on a specific use case.
7. Autocomplete Rules only supports mobile responsive UI.

Note: In case you have been approved for using Autocomplete Rules and you want to request
contact email change, send an email to Autocomplete Team

*)In order for you to access “Autocomplete Program App” click on the link outlined in Document
2767655.1 on My Oracle Support as you can’t bookmark and access the sign in URL directly.

**) Another PDF File is attached to this user guide that shows how to submit a use case also u can find
the link of the use case guide at the home page of the autocomplete program.
-Sign in to Autocomplete Program App after receiving your COE
account user name and setting your password using the password reset

-open the attached folder to figure out how to submit the use case or get
the folder from inside of the autocomplete app.
-Example of an approved use case: national identifier number.
-wait till the status of your use cause turns from under-review to
approved , it may turn into in-hold which means that the support team
have provided a comment that you need to adjust your use case
accordingly then re-submit , the process of reviewing may take up to 14
days , Support team will keep you updated during every step via email
and via the status of the use case on autocomplete app.
-when the use case is approved go to pod keys section to acquire the key
which we will use later , Two keys are provided one for the test instance
and another for production instance.
-Sign in to the targeted instance.
You need to create and enable the HCM_BUSINESS_RULES_EDITOR_ENABLED profile
option to enable the Autocomplete Rules tool in the HCM Experience Design Studio. To
complete the setup tasks, users must be provisioned with the IT Security Manager role.

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Manage Profile
Options task.
2. Create the HCM_BUSINESS_RULES_EDITOR_ENABLED profile option.
3. Enter Business Rules Editor Pages Enabled in the Profile Display Name field.
4. Select Global Human Resources for the Application and Module.
5. Enter a description, such as Enable the Autocomplete Rules pages.
6. Specify the start date, such as 01/01/1950
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Manage
Administrator Profile Values task.
9. Search for the HCM_BUSINESS_RULES_EDITOR_ENABLED profile option.
10. Click the Add icon in the Profile Value section.
11. Set the Level to Site.
12. Copy and paste the key provided by Oracle in the Profile Value field.
13. Click Save and Close.
-Create and enter a sandbox where you enabled HCM Experience
Design Studio tool.
-From Tools Navigate to HCM Experience Design Studio

-In the HCM Experience Design Studio , if the previous steps had been
done in the correct way you should now see Autocomplete rules as they
are hidden by default, Navigate to Autocomplete Rules , then choose the
Business object you want to work on , then click Add at Rules section .
-click on object validation rule type.

-Enter a suitable Name at Basic Info section and make sure to leave the
Active check box enabled as it is enabled by default , then use the rule
composer to write the suitable logic that validate the field and trigger a
warning if the entered value doesn’t satisfy the requirements.

-click save and close then publish the sandbox after testing , note that
you can always undo the created autocomplete after publishing from
another sandbox.

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