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There was a young man who tried to settle a live in manila in order to continue his study.
His name is Breih he is smart, good looking and with big dream in life. He is one the lucky
student who is a scholar in a very well-known school in manila. As time goes by, he suffer lots
of adjustment in is present residence compare to his place of origin. Breih meet a girl named
Fiona. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson who owns one of the prominent
manufacturing company in manila.
Over the months that they always been together Breih gradually adapt and understand the
way of living in manila with the help of Fiona who influenced him. It seems like the sweetness
and happiness of them when they are in each other. Which in some cases there are lots of
students who are confuse to their relationship. And the closeness of the two is seems like they
really know each other for a long time even it’s just a month when they meet each other.
As the years passed by Breih fell in love with Fiona and he can’t tell it to Fiona because
he is afraid to be rejected. Even though He feel that Fiona have feelings to him too, he still think
carefully and plan if this is the right time to confess his feeling to here, because there are
something in his mind that he can’t love Fiona, because of his status in life. But Breih love will
conquer all he try to tell to Fiona he confess his feeling. It’s seems like a roller coaster ride that
he cannot say it directly about his feelings. But Fiona speak and say “you know Breih you don’t
need to be afraid to tell me that thing, because I also like you know the reason behind while
gradually I fell in love with you”. After that they become a couple they become a couple that
everyone is dreaming off.
But one day Fiona and Breih legalize their relationship to the parents of Fiona. But as
what Breih expected he can’t accept by the parents of Fiona because of his status in life. But try
to explain to her parents that it’s not a hindrance for her love a man like Breih but her mother
refuse it and tell “NO”. After that they continue loving each other even though Fiona’s parents
are against to them. They fight for their love and prove to them that they are wrong in their
judgement. Several years after they graduated college Breih immediately find a stable job just to
prove to the parents of Fiona that he can be a right man as they wanted to their daughter. Until
they decided to build their own family. And the parents of Fiona have no choice to support their
daughter’s decision and they prove that they made a good decision. And they live joyous with
worthy love.

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