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“He had willed that the blood drawn with a lash shall not, in my country, be paid by blood drawn
by the sword, but by the tearful joy of reconciliation.”

- This quote is significant because it emphasizes the importance of democracy and peaceful methods
of resolving issues rather than conflict and force. This demonstrates one of the redeeming qualities
that a leader or president must possess when it comes to leading their people, which is likely one of
the reasons why the people supported her so strongly in the past. And a leader would

2. "Still, we fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall pay.“

-She emphasized that the fight they started was not a waste of time and was not a frivolous one. That
they, the Filipinos, fought hard against the administration

3. “We have swept away absolute power by a limited revolution that respected the life and freedom
of every Filipino.”
-This quote is related to the People Power Revolution, which took place from February 22 to February
25, 1986. It was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines, mostly in Metro Manila, as well
as a sustained campaign of civil resistance against regime violence and electoral fraud that
demonstrated our people's united front at the time.

4. “The task had fallen on my shoulders to continue offering the democratic alternative to our
-She accepted the responsibility of caring for and fighting for the freedom of the entire country.

5. “The US spent a lot of treasure trying to preserve democracy but she said that the Philippines is a
recovering democracy coming out of the nightmare of dictatorship.”
-She was implying that the United States should assist the Philippines in its efforts to rebuild itself as a
democracy. How could she have done so when she fired all elected members of the legislature and
local government officials upon taking office in 1986?

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