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A foundation is that part of a structure which transmits the weight of the structure to the
ground. The word ‘foundation’ is derived from the latin word fundare, meaning to set or ground
on something solid. In other words, a foundation is an artificially laid base on which a structure
is set or built up.


(i) Ultimate bearing capacity (qn): The ultimate bearing capacity is the gross pressure at
the base of the foundation at which the soil fails in shear.
(ii) Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qnu): It is the net increase in pressure at the base of
foundation that causes shear failure of the soil. It is equal to the gross pressure minus
overburden pressure.
qnu = qu - γDf
qu = ultimate bearing capacity (gross),
γ = unit weight of foundation soil and
Df = depth of foundation
It may be noted that the overburden pressure equal to γDf existed even before the construction
of foundation.
(iii) Net safe bearing capacity (qns): It is the net soil pressure which can be safely to applied
to the soil considering only shear failure. It is obtained by dividing the net ultimate bearing
capacity by a suitable factor of safety. Thus
qns =
Where F = Factor of safety, which is usually taken as 3.0.
(iv) Gross Safe Bearing Capacity (qs): It is maximum gross pressure which the soil can
carry safely without shear failure. It is equal to the net safe bearing capacity plus the original
overburden pressure. Thus,
qs = qns + γDf


qs = + Df
(v) Net Safe Settlement Pressure (qnp): It is the net pressure which the soil can carry
without exceeding the allowable settlement. The maximum allowable settlement generally
varies between 25 mm and 40 mm for individual footings.
(vi) Net Allowable Bearing Pressure (qna): The net allowable bearing pressure is the net
bearing pressure which can be used for the design of foundations. As the requirements for the
design of foundation are that there should be no shearing failure and the settlements should
also be within the limits, the allowable bearing pressure is the smaller of the net safe bearing
capacity (qns) and the net safe settlement pressure (qnp). Thus,
qna = qns if qnp > qns
qna = qnp if qns > qnp
The net allowable bearing pressure is also known as the allowable soil pressure or allowable
bearing pressure or allowable bearing capacity.


Terzaghi gave a general theory for the bearing capacity of soils under a strip footing, making
the following assumptions.
(i) The base of footing is rough.
(ii) The footing is laid at a shallow depth, i.e. Df < B.
(iii) The shear strength of the soil above the base of the footing is neglected. (iv) The soil
above the base is replaced by a uniform surcharge γDf.
(v) The load on the footing is vertical and is uniformly distributed.
(vi) The footing is long i.e. length to width ratio is infinite.
(vii) The shear strength of the soil is governed by the Mohr-Coulomb equation.
The failure surface as given by Terzaghi is as follows:

The ultimate bearing capacity is calculated using the following formula:

qu = c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.5 γBNγ


c’ = Effective cohesion
Df = Depth of footing
NC, Nq and Nγ are the dimensionless number known as bearing capacity factors depends upon
angle of friction of soil. These are defined by the following equations:
 
 a2 
Nc = cot   − 1
 2 ' 
 2 cos  45 + 2  
   
 
 a2 
Nq =  
 2 '
 2 cos  45 + 2  
  

1  Kp 
N =  − 1  tan  '
2  cos  ' 


a = e(
3 /4 − '/2) tan  '

KP = coefficient of passive earth pressure.

ϕ = Angle of internal friction
3.1. Types of Shear Failure
(i) General shear failure: This type of failure is observed in dense and stiff soil. In this
type of failure, a continuous, well defined failure surface develops between the edge of
the footing and ground surface. General shear failure will likely to occur if angle of friction
is greater than 36˚
(ii) Local shear failure: This type of failure takes place in medium dense sand and
medium consistency clay. The failure surface is not well defined and less heaving is
observed as compared to general shear failure. Local shear failure will likely to occur if
angle of friction is greater than 29˚
(iii) Punching shear failure: This type of failure is observed in very loose sand and soft
clay. The failure surface does not reach to the ground surface and no heave is observed.
Only vertical settlement of footing takes place in this type of failure.


Terzaghi has suggested the following empirical reduction to the actual cohesion and the
angle of shearing resistance in case of local shear failure.
Mobilised cohesion,
c'm = c'
Mobilised angle of shearing resistance,

 'm = tan−1 (2 / 3 tan  ')

3.2. Effect of Water Table on Bearing Capacity

Case I: Water table located above the base of footing

qu = c’Nc + [γ’ Df +(γ - γ')Dw]Nq + 0.5 γ’BNγ

If DW = 0(i.e. a = Df),
qu = c’Nc + γ’ DfNq + 0.5 γ’ BNγ
If a = 0(i.e. Df = Dw),
qu = c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.5 γ’ BNγ


Case II: Water table located at a depth b below base

If the water table is located at the level of the base of footing or below it, the surcharge
term is not affected. However, the unit weight in the third term of Eq. is modified as
 =  '+
(  −  ')

 b 
qu = c 'Nc + Df Nq + 0.5B   '+ (  −  ')  N
 B 
When b = 0, i.e. W/T at the base,
qu = c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.5 γ’BNγ
When b = B, i.e. W/T at depth B below the base,
qu = c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.5 γBNγ
Hence, when the ground water table is located at a depth b equal to or greater than B,
there is no effect on the ultimate bearing capacity.
Example: Determine the ultimate bearing capacity using Terzaghi’s theory for a strip
footing 1.5 m wide assuming the water table is far below the base of footing. The depth
of footing is 0.8 m. Assume general shear failure. Take c = 12 kN/m 2, γ = 17.5 kN/m3
and ϕ = 35˚.
For ϕ = 35˚, Nc = 57.8, Nq = 41.4 and Nγ = 42.4
As per Terzaghi,
qu = c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.5 γBNγ
⇒ qu = 12 × 57.8 + 17.5 × 0.8 × 41.4 + 0.5 × 17.5 × 1.5 × 42.4 = 1829.7 kN/m2
Example: In the example above, find the bearing capacity if the water table rises to
(a) The base of footing.
(b) At the ground surface
(a) When the water table is at the base of the footing:
qu = c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.5 γ’BNγ
⇒ qu = 12 × 57.8 + 17.5 × 0.8 × 41.4 + 0.5 × (17.5 − 9.81) × 1.5 × 42.4 = 1517.75 kN/m2


(b) When the water table is at the ground surface:

qu = c’Nc + γ’DfNq + 0.5 γ’BNγ
⇒ qu = 12 × 57.8 + (17.5 − 9.81) × 0.8 × 41.4 + 0.5 × (17.5 − 9.81) × 1.5 × 42.4
⇒ q u = 1192.84 kN/m2
3.3. Bearing Capacity of Square and Circular Footing
Based on experimental results, Terzaghi gave the following equations for the ultimate
bearing capacity for square and circular shallow footings.
(a) Square footing:
qu = 1.3c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.4γBNγ
where B is the dimension of each side of footing.
(b) Circular footing
qu = 1.3c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.3γBNγ
where B is the diameter of each side of footing.
(c) Rectangular footing:
qu = (1 + 0.3 ) cNc + γDf Nq + 0.5 (1 − 0.2 ) γBNγ
B and L are width and length of the footing respectively.
Example: Find the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing having diameter 1.45 m
having depth 0.95 m. Take c = 25 kN/m2, γ = 18.5 kN/m3 and ϕ = 0.
For ϕ = 0, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1 and Nγ = 0
qu = 1.3 c’Nc + γDfNq + 0.3γBNγ
⇒ qu = 1.3 × 25 × 5.7 + 18.5 × 0.95 = 202.825 kN/m2
Example: Determine the net safe bearing capacity of a square footing having width 1.8
m and depth 0.9 m. Use factor of safety 3. Take c’ = 18 kN/m 2, γ = 18.5 kN/m3 and ϕ’
= 25˚
Since ϕ is less than 29˚, it is a case of local shear failure.
Mobilized cohesion = 2/3 ×18 = 12 kN/m 2
Mobilized angle of friction ϕ′m = tan−1 (2/3 tan ϕ ′) = tan−1 ( tan 25) = 17.28°

For 17.28˚, Nc = 14.8, Nq = 5.6 and Nγ = 3.2

So, ultimate bearing capacity
qu = cmNc + γDfNq + 0.5 γBNγ
⇒ qu = 12 × 14.8 + 18.5 × 0.9 × 5.6 + 0.5 × 18.5 × 1.8 × 3.2 = 285.85kN/m2
Net ultimate bearing capacity, qnu = qu - γDf = 285.85 – 18.5 × 0.9 = 269.2 kN/m2
Net safe bearing capacity, qns = qnu / FOS = 269.2 / 3 = 89.74 kN/m2



Meyerhof gave a general theory of bearing capacity for a strip footing at any depth. Meyerhof
considered the failure mechanism similar to that assumed by Terzaghi. but extended the failure
surfaces above foundation level. Thus, the shearing strength of the soil above the footing base
was also accounted for the analysis. The curved rupture surfaces in the zone of radial shear
were assumed to be logarithmic spirals, Meyerhof’s rupture surfaces are more general than
those assumed by Terzaghi.

Meyerhof gave the following equation for the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footings.
qu = c’Nc + q0Nq + 0.5γ BNγ
where Nc, Nq and Nγ are the general bearing capacity factors of Meyerhof's theory. These factors
depend upon the roughness of base, depth of footing and the shape of footing.


IS: 6403 – 1981 gives the equation for the net ultimate bearing capacity
qnu = c Nc sc dc ic + q (Nq - 1) sq dq iq + q(Nq - 1) sq dq iq + 0.5B γNγsγdγiγ W’
q = effective pressure at the base.
sc, sq and sγ are shape factors
dc, dq and dγ are depth factors
ic, iq and iγ are inclination factors
W’ is the water table correction factor
Shape Factors:

Shape of footing sc sq sγ

Continuous Footing (strip) 1.0 1.0 1.0

Rectangular Footing 1 + 0.2 B/L 1 + 0.2 B/L 1 – 0.4 B/L

Square Footing 1.3 1.2 0.8

Circular Footing 1.3 1.2 0.6


L = length of footing
B = width of footing.
The depth factors are given below.
dc = 1 + 0.2 (Df/B) tan (45° + ϕ/2)
dq = dγ = 1.0 for ϕ < 10°
dq = dγ = 1 + 0.1(Df/B) tan (45° + ϕ/2) for ϕ < 10°
The inclination factors given by fig. are used.
ic = iq = (1 – α°/90°)2
iγ = (1 – α°/ϕ)2
where α° is the inclination of the load with vertical.


Skempton analysis is suitable for soils having angle of internal friction equal to zero. As per
qnu = cuNc
The bearing capacity factors can be calculated using the following relations:
For Strip Footing:
Nc = 5 (1 + 0.2 ) ≤ 7.5
For square and circular footings:
Nc = 6 (1 + 0.2 )≤9
For rectangular footing:
Df B Df
Nc = 5 (1 + 0.2 ) (1 + 0.2 ) ; for ≤ 2.5
B Df
Nc = 7.5 (1 + 0.2 ) ; for > 2.5
Example: A square footing of width 1.5 m and depth 1 m is laid in a cohesive soil having the
undrained cohesion value 28 kN/m2. What will be the net safe bearing capacity as per
Skempton’s theory using a factor of safety 2.65.
As per Skempton’s theory for square footing,
Df 1
Nc = 6 (1 + 0.2 ) = 6 (1 + 0.2 × ) = 6.8 < 9
B 1.5
Net ultimate bearing capacity
qnu = cuNc = 28 × 6.8 = 190.4 kN/m2
Net Safe bearing capacity = qnu/ FOS = 190.4/2.65 = 71.85 kN/m2



Problem 1: Derive the ultimate bearing capacity equation given by Terzaghi. State all the
assumptions used.
Problem 2: Determine the safe gross load that can be carried by a square footing using a
factor of safety of 3 if the size and depth of footing is 1.2 m and 1 m respectively. The water
table is at a depth of 0.5 m from the ground surface. Take c’ = 0, ϕ’ = 32˚, γd = 16 kN/m3, γsat
= 19.5 kN/m3.
Ans. 311.5 kN
Problem 3: A square footing is to be designed to carry a load of 2400 kN. Assume the factor
of safety of 3. Take c = 50 kN/m 2, ϕ = 32˚, γd = 17.25 kN/m3, γsat = 19.5 kN/m3. Determine
the size of the footing using Terzaghi’s theory in the following cases:
(a) The water table is 1m below the base of footing.
(b) The water table rises to the ground surface.
Ans. 1.33 m, 1.42 m
Problem 4: A circular footing having diameter 2.5 m is laid at a depth of 1.2 m in a cohesive
soil having the bulk density of 1.8 t/m3 and an unconfined compressive stress of 5.5 t/m 2.
Determine the ultimate and safe bearing capacity of the footing using a factor of safety of 2.54
using skempton’s theory.
Ans. 20.24 t/m2, 9.39 t/m2.




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