08LAB Laureano MarkRegieFrancis

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Laboratory Exercise

User Interface Evaluation

1. Open Google Chrome and search for two (2) popular websites or Web applications related to

any of the following categories:

▪ Design

▪ Education

▪ Online booking.

2. Provide the following items for each website or web application:

a. Category and name of the website or Web application (3 points)

▪ Netflix

▪ Microsoft Office

b. Link to the website or Web application (2 points)

▪ https://www.netflix.com
▪ https://www.microsoft.com
c. Properly labeled screenshots of the modules/pages you evaluated (5 points)

d. What method would you use to evaluate the website or Web application? Justify your answer in at
least five (5) sentences. (Essay: 10 points)

▪ The main worry for anyone conducting web research is whether the information is reliable,
current, and unbiased. Books, magazines, journals, and newspaper articles now have stricter
quality control regulations. Anyone can create a website, and there are usually no guidelines
in place to determine the quality and authenticity of the material.

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3. Select one (1) website or Web application from Step 3 and create a simple evaluation survey. Use
08Sample Evaluation Survey as a reference, but do not copy and paste the content.

4. Answer the evaluation survey that you created and briefly justify the ratings that you gave to the
website or Web application. (Essay: 10 points)

▪ Microsoft word also helps in formatting documents that requires header and footer, page
number and alignment. It also gives us auto correction of word, warning lines for misspelled
letters and improper sentence construction. The table of contents can contain links which
when clicked, will get you to the page of the sub header. It greatly helps reading huge
document content. It can also cater imports like data, image and such which is also applicable
in mostly all the office. Regarding Excel, it can help in manipulating small or large data by
using built-in functions like SUM, AVE, REPLACE, etc. which is readily available and easy to
use. It is sometimes being used as database in some small organizations especially those
involved in accounting and/or finances due to its size capacity. PowerPoint on the other hand,
helps in presenting data part by part with moving characters or photos, if you are creative
enough, you can make an animation out of this. Built in functions are readily available if you
want to give emphasis on certain item in the slide or have transition to entertain viewers
during presentations. It can support export to MP4 file and make your project a video type
runnable in mostly all of the electronic device.
5. Access your eLMS account. Go to 08 User Interface Development > 08 Laboratory Exercise
1Dropbox. Attach a PDF file of your answer sheet.

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