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Name: Monsuller, Ray Reven E.




1. What are the two kinds of outlines?

- The two kinds of outline are the Topic outlines and Sentence outlines.
Topic outline allows writers to organize the topics of a paper quickly
without going into details. It may use noun phrases, infinitive
phrases, or gerund phrases instead of sentences, while sentence
outline allows writers to crystallize ideas by summarizing a
paragraph’s point or a major sub-point in a paragraph in one clear
sentence. It also enables the writer to judge their paper in terms of
clarity, coherence, and flow.

2. What are the parts of the IMRaD outline

- The parts of IMRaD outline are

1. Introduction
 Provide research question
 Explain the significance
 Review of background or known information on your topic

2. Methods
 Describe your methods for gathering information
 Explain your sources information, both primary and secondary

3. Results
 Describe what you found out from your research
 Develop each point thoroughly, as this is the main section of
your paper

4. Discussion
 Explain the significance of your findings
 Describe how they support your thesis
 Discuss limitations of your research
3. What are the five parts of methods, which should be included in the

- Here are the five parts of methods, all of these must be included in
the outline because it is very important in doing a research paper

1. Choose your topic and establish your purpose.

2. Create a list of main ideas
3. Organize your main ideas
4. Flush out your main points
5. Review and adjust

4. What are the differences between the two types of outline?

- The differences between the two types of outline, is simply that while
the headings in a topic outline are only a word or phrase, the
headings in a sentence outline are complete sentences. Sentence
outline is an outline that uses complete sentences for heading.

5. What is the one essential part that needs to always be present in an


- A thesis statement of summarizing sentence, this thesis sentence

presents the central idea of the paper. It must always be a complete,
grammatical sentence, specific and brief, which expresses the point of
view you are taking towards the subject.


1. Why is it imperative to create an outline for expository texts?

- Outlining will help construct and organize ideas in a sequential

manner and thoughtful flow. Doing so allows you to pick relevant
information or quotes from sources early on, giving writers steady
foundation and groundwork when beginning the writing process.

2. Why is it important to construct an outline for the IMRaD of your


- To ensure that your reader including the journal editor and reviewer
is able to understand the full implications of your work, ensure that
your manuscript is well-structured and that each of the IMRaD
elements is clearly written and organized. This allows authors to
organize and structure their work in an effective manner, which
maintains the emphasis on the matter of good science.

3. Create a thesis statement and three supporting details for a persuasive

essay about testing and experimentation on animals.
- Thesis statement: Animal testing is wrong because it is inhumane,
costly and unpredictable.

I. Animal testing is inhumane

a. Torture
b. Type of testing
c. Effect on the animal

II. Animal testing is costly

a. The cost of testing
b. The cost of research’
c. What else we could be spending money

III. Animal testing is wasteful and unpredictable

a. Mass murdering of animals
b. Endangered species
c. If it works on animals it may not work on humans

4. Create a thesis statement, three supporting details, and three more

specific details under the given details for a descriptive essay about
music therapy for children.

- Thesis statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the

subject of music therapy in terms of the way it works, importance, as
well as reflect on the impact and benefits of music therapy for
children and their families.

1. Why is music therapy important?

2. Who can benefit from music therapy?

3. Benefits of music toward patients

4. How does music therapy work?

5. Music therapy and children

6. What do music therapists do for children?

7. How does music therapy help family?

8. How does music therapy help kids?

9. Family interactions
Name: Monsuller, Ray Reven E.




1. What is the article’s thesis statement?

- Thesis statement: Psychoanalytic therapies are evidence-based and

lead to significant improvements in mental health conditions,
including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress.

2. Was the title able to hint at the direction the whole article would take?
Why or why not?

- Because it is cited in the title that psychoanalytic therapies achieve

lasting results by exploring underlying causes of one’s mental health
issues, this deeper exploration gets to the root of a person’s

3. Are there specific examples in the text? Can they be committed? If so,
why? If not, why should they kept?

- Yes, because the statement shows how the psychoanalysis help to the
mental health of the patients, also children and teens can also benefit
as some psychoanalysts specialize in working with children in
partnership with parents.

4. Write a short summary of the article, keeping in mind your answers to

the previous questions. Your summary should have at least 250 words.

Studies have found that psychoanalytic therapies are evidence-based and

lead to significant improvements in health conditions, including depression,
anxiety, and post-traumatic stress, psychoanalytic therapies achieve lasting
results by exploring underlying causes of one’s mental issues. Psychoanalysis
is often indicated when other less intensive therapies have failed to achieve the
desired results. Psychoanalysis seeks to elucidate connections among
unconscious components of patients’ mental process, and to do so in a
systematic way through a process of tracing out associations. In classical
psychoanalysis, the fundamental subject matter of psychoanalysis is the
unconscious patterns of the life as they become revealed through the patient’s
free associations. However, one’s problem needs not be too severe to benefit
from psychoanalysis, individuals are struggling in the workplace who have
long-term relationship issues with family members, or who simply want a new
perspective on their lives. Through psychoanalysis one can unlock the past,
inform the present, and expand the future to reach their full potential. The
deeper exploration gets to the root of a person’s symptoms and sets
psychoanalysis apart from more superficial therapies that only treat symptoms.
Psychoanalysis now, 400 psychoanalysts in the United States highlighted the
realities of psychoanalysis and how it works, almost all professionals surveyed
(96%) said they regularly conduct therapy either once or twice per week, which
is feasible for most patients.
By looking closely at each person’s life, psychoanalytic therapies help one
feel more understood as a unique individual, improve personal relationships,
relieve painful emotional symptoms, and change life-long ways of coping.


1. What is summary

- Summary is a usual brief abstract or compendium of a previous facts

or statement. A summary begins with an introductory sentence that
states the text’s title, author and main point of the text. Summary is
written in your own words it contains only the ideas of the original

2. What is previewing?

- Is a strategy that readers use to recall prior knowledge and set a

purpose for reading. Previewing simply means looking over your
reading material in order to become familiar with its content before
you actually begin reading

3. What is skimming?

- Reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the materials, it

is a strategic reading method in which you focus on the main ideas of
a text.

4. How is skimming different from scanning?

- Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye
movement and keywords to move quickly through texts for slightly
different purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a
general overview of material, while scanning is reading rapidly in
order to find specific facts.

5. What parts of a text should be included in summary?

- A summary should contain all the major points of the original text,
but should ignore most of the fine details, examples, illustrations or

1. Why should you write a summary for your research?

- Because it is a short report that contains a framework, and discusses

the academic benefits, and more broad impacts of the research

2. Why is it important to preview, skim, or scan a text first before writing a


- To know what was your topic or research is all about, to help you
decide whether a book or journal is useful for your purpose, to help
you locate relevant information, to help you identify the sections of
the text you may need to read and the sections you can commit.

3. Why is it important to have a clear purpose first for reading a text before
writing a summary?

- You need to show that you have understood the materials you have
read and that you can use ideas and findings in your own way.

4. Why can specific examples usually be omitted from the summary?

- Omit ideas that are not really central to the text don’t feel that you
must reproduce the author’s exact progression of thought. In general,
omit minor details and specific examples.

5. Why is it important to not add any personal opinions in a summary?

- A summary should not include your opinion or analysis of the text, it

should include only a condensed version of the text that restates the
author’s points in a shorter format in your own words for the
convenience of your readers.
Name: Monsuller, Ray Reven E.


Check Your Understanding

Developmental tasks

 Learning to get along with friends

In relation to the self  Becoming more self-sufficient

Interpersonal  Motivation
 Patience
 Dependability

1. Build and embrace socially acceptable behavior and become socially

- You must be responsible in making life decisions and become socially

responsible in your friends and family.

2. Establish mature relationships with peers of both sexes.

- Be mature in your relationship to other so that you can interact to

them in mature ways and facing their fears and insecurities and
confronting them in a mature level

3. Recreate relationships with parents.

- Learn to communicate effectively to your parents, when you take the

time to learn new things in life so that they can guide you.

1. Because he wants more advice to his family in making decisions in his

life. He learns to communicate with his parents to stand with his own,
because asking your parents is very important when you grow up to
guide you in a very good way.
2. Even if they had a family they will still friends and helping each other
when there is a problem, this affect their development because they
think like a mature enough to stand with their own.

3. Yes, so she can develop her skills in becoming a veterinarian. She

developed her skills by volunteering at the animal shelter in their village.


Check Your Understanding

1. Leadership skills
2. Cognitive changes
3. Downward comparison
4. Upward comparison
5. Social comparison

1. In some cases, yes. When you start school, you will notice the teachers
comparing your work to the other students, then determining if you are
doing “average” work, or something better, or worse. You could compare
your work, and study time to the other students before the teachers do to
determine how you are doing, and whether you should work harder. If
comparing yourself to others gets you to studying more, or feel more
comfortable with your work, then yes, it was a good thing.

2. Adolescence is the hardest stage for one's life. There are too many drastic
life changes like physical, psychological and behavioral changes going on
in one's life. It is easy for adolescents to get lost on their way in searching
for the adult world by making mistakes.

3. Social media enables identity expression, exploration, and

experimentation; something natural for the human experience. It is the
agencies in real life, which provide a source of names for different
sectors, that inspire the internet communities and the interactions they
make within themselves.

1. We all want to have a higher grade, but it is not good to compete just
to have a high grade, having a higher grade is all about competing with
ourselves cause the only opponent that we have is nothing more but

2. Don't envy others for what they have but be happy for them because
there will be a time that you will have what you want.

3. It’s not right to feel good when someone is suffering I can tell him that all
he need is acceptance, accept himself for he what he is. Never, as in never
insult someone just to make you feel good about yourself. Don't be Insecure,
everyone is unique for who they are.





1. Adolescence
2. Personal responsibility
4. Control
5. Behavior and obligations


1. Personal responsibility is important because it allows individuals to:

Readily accept the outcome of their choices without holding anybody else
accountable, look back at the outcomes, especially if they're negative,
create a strategy that prevents future mistakes.
2. Being responsible refers to our ability to make decisions that serve our
own interests and the interests of others. We first need to be responsible
for ourselves before we can be responsible for others. In learning to be
more responsible it is important that we know our limitations. It does not
matter how smart we are, there is only so much responsibility that a
person can handle. It is also important to remember that we are not
responsible for things that are out of our control, for example, how other
people feel or how they react to ourselves or others.
3. Sense of responsibility is an awareness of one’s obligations. It can be
defined as a general conscious awareness, a sense of security, a sense of
happiness, a sense of danger, a sense of self. Sense of responsibility is an
important factor that cannot be overemphasized even in our society.

1. It will result into that individual being undetermined about his task.
He/she might complain all the time and that responsibility might not
be completed or done with full attention.
2. You recognize and own up to your part of what is occurring. If your
message is hurtful to someone, you are willing to examine how your
communication may have been damaging. You don't blame others
when you're at fault. You don't make excuses for why things are
3. Young people who are prepared for adulthood feel comfortable with
their bodies, know how to take care of their bodies, have a sense of
identity, are emotionally healthy, and understand the consequences of
risk behaviors.


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