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Direction: Read and understand the Vision, Mission, Goal and Objective of the School.

I.  Fill in the blanks to spell out your vision in community and your vision for KSU. 
I dream that from years from now I will become a soldier. By achieving this I need to Educate myself
I also envision my school/community____________________________________________. And
Kalinga State University is,

1.  What then should to reach my visions for myself, my family/school/community? Write them
down below.
Action 1. Defining my personal vision My personal vision is to
and mission statements. become the CEO of a
consumer product
manufacturing company and
to make a significant positive
difference for consumers at
large .
My personal mission
statement is to reach the top
position in Supply Chain in a
consumer product
manufacturing company by
starting from an executive's
positive so that I learn all the
facets of Supply Chain
Management .

Action 2. List a minimum of five 1. To have an engineering degree .

SMART goals you will need to achieve
to reach your vision and describe how
these relate to your overall personal 2. To have a MBA in finance degree .

3. To do certification courses in
information technology specifically in
Oracle or SAP

4. To start working in Supply Chain

function in a consumer manufacturing
company .

5. To become the member of a

professional organization like All
India Management Association & or
Indian Institute of Management & or
Confederation of Indian Industries
ON. Reflect
on the
6. To play a sport like Tennis or Golf below.
regularly. Incorporate
Action 3.3.Identify significant I am honest , sincere , answers to
personal standards or hardworking , ethical and the
principles you hold and have very high integrity . I following
discuss how they guide, limit, am very creative , at the questions on
or circumscribe your stated same time very practical and
vision, mission, and goal have a habit a personal trait
plan. of learning at all times .
These personal traits will
help me not only performing
and raising the bar at all
times but they will also help
reflection you are going to write entitled “our Vision and I’. (Make it as whole, at least of 500
1.Of all other possible courses, why did you enroll this course? What do you plan to be 10 years
from now?

2.How can you continuously develop yourself for you to reach your vision?

3. How can you continuously improve yourself to contribute in the development of your
school/community/ and for KSU?

4.Why do you need to continuously develop?

Continuous development is a process which starts from a set of simple changes in the everyday work
environment of a company and extends to some major shifts in focus, policies and procedures on a
global scale, in every case, you will require the right tools and guidelines to achieve a successful
transition and continuously improve the overall approach of the organization.

Organizations which concentrate towards continuous development and are dedicated towards change,
recognize the necessity of these actions for improving the quality of their products, increasing customer
satisfaction, and for becoming more efficient, productive and profitable.

Few reasons that make continuous improvement and development absolutely necessary are:

Increasing Competition: The ever increasing competition in every industry makes it highly important for
every organization to continuously improve their products.

Globalization: These days globalization has made the world a huge marketplace where organizations
frequently venture into new markets and new countries which makes it important for them to adapt
according the socio-cultural environment of each market.

Free flow of Information: The easy availability of relevant information has made it easy for potential
customers to enquire and compare every product before the buy it thus making it essential for
organizations to continuously improve their products and increase customer satisfaction.

5. What is your purpose of living?

6. How do values help in reaching one’s dream?

From this assignment I got to better know myself, my goals and motivation in
life. But more importantly I realized how my goals which I perceived to be very
personal and small in their outlook are in actuality related to much larger and
deeper set of values. Values that correspond to ethics and principles related
to the world. By the help of the assignment I got the confidence that perhaps
my smaller personal goals in little ways could contribute to a better world.

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