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Jazan University

College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course ME427

Power and Desalination Plants

Dr. Sofiene Mellouli

Chapter 5

Using the T-s and h-s Diagrams

for the Thermal Power Plants

 Describe the T-s and h-s Diagrams

 Draw the cycle of a Thermal Power Plant on the T-s Diagram

Determine the efficiency of a steam turbine using h-s Diagram

Chapter 5 T-s and h-s Diagrams for Water

T-s Diagram for Water

Chapter 5 T-s Diagram for Water

P= 5 bar
T = 270 ˚C
h= 3000 kj/kg
S = 7.3 Kj/K kg
V = 0.5 m3/kg

Chapter 5 Example 1
Steam is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle with superheat and reheat. Steam
enters the first-stage turbine at 100 bar, 560 ˚C, and expands to 5 bar. It is then reheated
to 560 ˚C before entering the second-stage turbine, where it expands to the condenser
pressure of 0.1 bar.
1- Draw the cycle on the T-s Diagram.
2- Determine the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
Chapter 5 Example 1

ɳ = [(h1-h2) +(h3-h4)-(h6-h5)]/[h1-h6)+(h3-h2)]
ɳ = 42 %


h1= 3550 kj/kg

h2 = 2700 kj/kg
h3= 3620 kj/kg
h4= 2650 kj/kg
h5 = 210 kj/kg
h6 = 230 kj/kg

5 4

Chapter 5 h-s Diagram for Water

h-s Diagram for Water

Chapter 5 Example 2
1- Draw the expansion process on the h-s

Chapter 5 Example 2
Steam is the working fluid in a Rankine cycle with superheat and reheat. Steam enters
the first-stage turbine at 100 bar, 550 ˚C, and expands to 6 bar, 250 ˚C. It is then
reheated to 550 ˚C before entering the second-stage turbine, where it expands to the
condenser pressure of 0.03 bar, 50 ˚C.

1- Draw the expansion process on the h-s Diagram.

2- Determine the thermal efficiency of the turbine.
Chapter 5 h-s Diagram for Water


2s 4


Chapter 5 Example 2
2- Determine the thermal efficiency of the turbine.

h1= 3500 kj/kg

h2 = 2950 kj/kg
h2s= 2750 kj/kg
h2= 2950 kj/kg
h3 = 3600 kj/kg
h4s = 2400 kj/kg
h4= 2600 kj/kg

ɳstage1 = (h1-h2)/(h1-h2s) ɳstage2 = (h3-h4)/(h3-h4s)

ɳstage1 = 73 % ɳstage2 = 83 %

ɳTurbine = ɳstage1 * ɳstage2

ɳTurbine = 60.59%

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