Narrative Report

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Narrative Report

Submitted to: Clarin

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Physical Activity Towards Health

Linggayo, Jessica M.

December 2022

NOVEMBER 14, 2022
Sports is one way not only to show the skills and talents of the students but
also develop the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie among individuals.
Another purpose of this activity is to enable students to realize their strengths
and weaknesses and be able to improve on each area.
Finally, the purpose of the said activity will help students derive from doing
obnoxious things that might hinder them in achieving a bright future.
That is why the Kalinga State University in collaboration with the Department
of Education conducted its Intramurals activity on November 14-18, 2022. The said
activity is spearheaded by the School Principal with the help of the teacher’s staffs
ROTC cadet, cadettes.


The first activity is the parade where all of the students together with the
faculty and staff also the ROTC cadet and cadettes. It is then followed by the general
assembly of the athletes and officials and an opening program. As the day goes on
games were played from the different events until it reaches the final games to
determine the champions of each competition.
The school not only conducted sports activities but also the Socio-cultural,
Pageant in every Departments as well. This is very crucial because we ROTC it
believe that learners are diverse in many ways thus, it is true that not all students are
adept in the field of sports. Therefore, it is essential that it is conduct differentiated
activities to cater the skills and talents the students have.
The final part of the activity is the declaration and awarding ceremony where
in not only the victors have been awarded prizes to recognize their efforts during the
conduct of games but also those who have lost but actively participated in the


Problems are inevitable part of every activity conducted. During our
Intramurals Activity we have encountered several problems such as many students
were not aware on what happening for example (when the running events started
many of the students were crossing without knowing that the game is started.), so for
us ROTC we help the couches/teachers tell the students who were crossing around
to at least walk in the sideway. Another problem is many students and athletes were
getting fracture after their games. So we ROTC team interviewed them and their
reasons are ( permi t pudot maam saan me kaya, maam kurangak t practice maam
sunga naulawak, maam ory nakatugawak ngem naulawak kasi saan nk nangan,
maam talaga madi ti riknak nga senemrek, para lng attendance sumrek nk
esukapay nga points). Another problem is the bad weather during the Intramurals
Activity; some activities were not fully implemented due to the rainy season like our
parade, it causes danger of slippery playing surface and risk of having sickness in
the part of the Athletes. One of the biggest problems we encountered is the waste,
many of the waste were scattered everywhere and we ROTC team only were
working to clean it so, in our mind where are the officers of every department to help
us to clean. In these problems we just make our mind positive and work until it
finishes. Finally, the major problem is the lack of workforce during the conduct of
games. Some sports events lack game officials which led to different problems in the


Base on the problems that we have encountered it will be more helpful if all
students will cooperate on us ROTC cadet and cadettes. It is also vital if we can find
or prepare the playing court so that no matter how bad the weather is, we can still
continue to play the games that can help us in the time management. Finally, it will
really help if we have more days of Intramurals so that we really focus on each
sports event to ensure that the winning athletes are really qualified to compete for
the higher meets to come.


The Intramurals Start with Parade followed by the socio cultural followed by Rampa of
Mr. and Ms. Intramurals. The Candidates of each team show their production in the

The second day of intramurals start the Qualification round/ elimination round.

The day is the classification round. Each team are Competitive and have fighting spirit
they want to win the game in each of the games.

This is the most exciting day of Intramurals where all of the ball games were had to play
for the championship.

This is the last day of our intramural where in it is the awarding of certificates and

NOVEMBER 24, 2022
Wearing the right looks is so much appreciated and
entertaining upon entering the school. The ROTC extend their
talent and effort through hairdo to the Pa-o ES pupils. This
shared talent and effort is to help both concern parties
regarding the needs, to bring joy and inspiration to the young
ones and to show that when partnership happen so their will
be unity that bring solidarity to the community.
“Yehey” cheered the children enthusiastically after
hearing about the haircutting. Parents accompanied their
children in line while waiting for their turn.

“Nagdakkel nga tulong kinyami nga paryentes daytoy

programa nga inyumay t KSU. Haan min kailangan nga agplete mapan jay City ken
agbayad jay barbershop tapno lang mapapukisan mi dagitoy
abbeng mi” said one of the grandmother who assisted her
grandson in the haircutting section.

While the other children are in line waiting for their turn,
the SSC officers volunteered and allow the children to take
their sit forming round and teach them some Bible songs/round songs and other
popular short choruses in order to draw them out from boredom. They sang, dance
and shared short stories.
DECEMBER 1, 2022
ROTC in Action

Dec 1,2022, Cadet of the Kalinga State University being

administered by 1405 Community Defense Center, 14RCDG,
RESCOM PA joined with other local government agencies and
non government organization in the province of Kalinga, such as
the Philippine National Police, DENR, Barangay Officials and the
Kabataan Kontra Droga is promoting the Bayanihan Caravan
Towards National Recovery in the province. The ROTC Cadets
once again showed their exemplary commitment in supporting
socio-economic program of the government. It is in this manner
that the foundation of patriotism and nationalism is being
developed and instituted to the youth.
Also 50IB: 14RCDG Conducts Simultaneous Clean-up Drive
Camalog, Pinukpuk, Kalinga-50th Infantry (DEFENDER)
Battalion, 5th Infantry (STAR) Division, and 1405 Community
Defense Center, 14 Regional Community Defense Group,
Reserve Command, Philippine Army conducts Clean-up Drive at
Chico River Barangay Calanan, Tabuk City, Kalinga on
September 13,2022.
Hand in hand the 50IB and 14RCDG collaborates all Civil Military Operations related activities
in order to preserve the natural resources and to maintain peace and development in the Province
of Kalinga.
The Clean-up Drive activity conducted was part of the 39th Anniversary Celebration of the
RESCOM, PA, participated by the ROTC and 69 reservists of 1405CDC led by LIEUTENANT
COLONEL RAMONITO C TABOY FS (GSC) PA, Director and 12 personnel from 50IB led by
“The collaborative efforts of our dedicated soldiers with 1405CDC will speed up our goal in
attaining our mandate”. Said LTC MELANIO E SOMERA INF (GSC) PA, Battalion Commander of

DECEMBER 6, 2022

I am the making the final exam of our basic cadet and cadet’s because I
am the secretary as well as the S1 of the ROTC unit. Also I am task to
compute the grades of our basic cadets.

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