Azul Verde y Naranja Dibujo A Mano Biografía y Proceso Infografía

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Elizabeth II

Who was Queen Elizabeth II?

Queen Elizabeth II became queen on February 6,
1952, and was crowned on June 2, 1953. She was the
longest-serving monarch in British history, she tried
to make her reign more modern, bur she mainteined
traditions associated with the crown.

Her husband is Jorge VI, their children
are Carlos Phillip Arthur George,
princess Ana Elizabeth Alice Louise,
Andrés Albert Christian Edward and
Eduardo Anthony Richard Louis. And
and the heirs to the throne Prince
William and his brother Prince Harry.

The new king

Charles III is the son of Elizabeth II and now the new
King of England. Carlos says that he will follow his
mother's example by doing that in his reign, in which
he promises to respect constitutional principles and
serve the citizens with dedication.

Her reign
Elizabeth II was not destined to be queen, but the
abdication of her uncle Edward VIII placed her on the
path of succession. She Served during the WWII and she
raised nearly 2$ billion for charity. Even though her reign
had ragged she knew how to control them and left the
throne better for her sucessor than she found it.

Queen Elizabeth:
The importance of her character led her
to be portrayed in around 100 movies or
television series.
Queen Elizabeth did not grant interviews
but her love for corgi dogs and, of course,
for hats was known. Of which she had a
large collection and that have always set
trends in the United Kingdom.

The death of the Queen of England Elizabeth II gave rise

More to a meticulous plan elaborated by heart: a protocol that
began to take shape in the 1960s and that has launched
curiosities the so-called Operation Unicorn. Under the code name
The queen's will is divided 'Operation London Bridge', the operation includes the
into two, her personal steps to follow in the 10 days after the death of the
belongings and those of longest-living queen in the country's history, until the
the crown estate. state funeral, which will be held at 11:00 local time at
Westminster Abbey.

Sofiya Sazoeva, Robert Sayol, Laia Beltran and Irene San Clemente.

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