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Combined Sciences (Chemistry): Separation Techniques

1. Separation Mixtures
• There are physical methods which can be used to separate a mixture to obtain pure
substances again.
• The choice for selecting a suitable physical method is determined by the nature of the

Nature of mixtures Examples

• Two different solid substances mixed together such as sand
with salt or iron powder with sulfur.
Solid-liquid • Salt solution, sugar solution
Liquid-liquid • Alcoholic solution, crude oil
Quantity of • Sample containing minute amount of components such as
components food dyes, food colouring and inks

A) Separating Solid-Solid Mixtures

Magnetic Attraction
• This technique uses magnets to separate magnetic substances from a mixture.
Examples of magnetic substances are iron, steel, nickel and cobalt
For example:
A magnet can be used to separate iron from sulfur in a mixture of iron and sulfur

• It is used when a mixture contains a solid substance which sublimes upon heating.
Examples of solid substances which undergo sublimation are iodine crystals, naphthalene
(moth balls) and dry ice.
For example:
Iodine crystals can be separated from salt crystals by heating the mixture until the iodine
crystals sublime. 1
B) Separating Solid-Liquid Mixtures
• It is suitable to separate a solid-solid mixture (such as sand with table salt) or solid-liquid
mixture (such as sand and water) which contains insoluble solids.
• The separation is first carried out by dissolving the mixture in water.
The insoluble solid will remain undissolved in water.

• A filter paper is used to separate the mixture because it has very tiny pores. Only the tiny
dissolved substances can pass through the pores. The insoluble solids are too large to
pass through them. Therefore, the large insoluble substances remain on the filter paper.
• The substance collected on the filter paper is called the residue.
• The solution collected in the flask after passing through the filter paper is called the filtrate.
• Applications of filtration:
- In humans, organs such as the nose and kidney remove unwanted substances so that the
human bodies are free from toxic substances which can affect the human health.
- In Singapore, reverse osmosis is involved in obtaining purified reclaimed water called
NEWater. In this process, a membrane is used to filter off unwanted substances from
used water so that pure water can be obtained again.
- Filtration is one of the steps to purify rainwater collected in the reservoir. It removes
unwanted particles present in rainwater.

• Evaporation is used to recover pure soluble solid from a solution which is heat-stable
• The solution is heated to dryness. The solid remains as crystallised residue after the solvent
has evaporated completely. 2
Sodium chloride crystals are heat-stable which can be obtained by evaporation to dryness

• These methods are used to recover pure soluble solid from a solution which is not heat-
• The solution is heated until it becomes saturated. It is allowed to cool slowly so that
crystals can be formed easily.
• If a compound is not heat-stable, strong heating to dryness would decompose it.
Sugar crystals are not heat-stable. They can only be obtained by crystallisation. Evaporation
to dryness will decompose the sugar crystals to carbon.

Simple distillation
• The liquid is heated until its boiling point and changes into a vapour
• The vapour is then cooled by a condenser and changes back into a liquid. It is collected in
the receiver as a distillate.
• The impurities which have much higher boiling points remain in the flask
• The bulb of the thermometer must be placed near the opening of the condenser so that it
can measure the boiling point of the substance accurately.
• During boiling of a substance, the temperature remains constant. 3
• The boiling chips are added for smooth boiling.
• Applications of distillation
- Obtain pure water from seawater by desalination. The process removes salt from
seawater to obtain pure water.
- Produce pure distilled water from normal water.

• It is used to separate a mixture which is based on the extent of solubility in a given solvent
• There are different techniques in chromatography. Paper chromatography is the common
technique used in the school laboratory
• The basic paper chromatography has the following features: 4
• The result of the separated components on the chromatography paper is called the

• The more soluble the component in the solvent, the further the distance it travels in the
chromatography paper.
• The advantage of using chromatography:
- Gives quick and accurate analysis of sample
- Requires only a small amount of sample
- Able to separate complex mixtures such as food dyes or flavourings
• The identity of the components can be determined by comparing to the standard samples.

Dye X is found to contain dye A and dye B 5
C) Separating Liquid-Liquid Mixtures
Fractional Distillation
• It is used to separate a liquid-liquid mixture which is miscible. Miscible liquids are two or
more liquids that dissolve well in each other to form a single continuous layer.
• It can only be used if the liquids have different boiling points.
• The substance with a lower boiling point is distilled first.
• A tall fractionating column filled with glass beads is used in the fractional distillation. It
allows the separation of different liquids more efficiently.

• Fractional distillation is used largely in the following industries:

- Separation of liquid air
- Separation of crude oil (petroleum)
- Separation of ethanol from sugar solution 6
Separating Mixtures: Summary

Separation Techniques
Technique Nature of mixture Principle Steps Examples
Magnetic Solid-solid mixture Separating magnetic solid (1) Use magnet to attract magnetic solid particles. Sulfur and iron
separation from non-magnetic solid (2) Non-magnetic solid particles will be left behind powder mixture
Filtration Solid-solid mixture Separating one insoluble (1) Put the mixture into solvent (water or alcohol) Salt and sand
from soluble solid. (2) Stir to dissolve soluble solid
(3) Filter to collect insoluble solid as residue
(4) Filtrate collected is the soluble solid solution
Solid-liquid mixture Separating an insoluble (1) Filter to collect insoluble solid as residue Water and sand
solid from a liquid. (2) Filtrate collected is the liquid
Evaporation Solid-liquid mixture Collecting heat-stable (1) Heat solution till dryness to collect solid Salt solution
soluble solid from solution
Crystallisation Solid-liquid mixture Collecting heat-unstable (1) Heat solution till saturation point Sugar solution
soluble solid from solution (2) Cool solution to crystallize
Simple Solid-liquid mixture Collecting liquid from (1) Heat mixture with a simple distillation set-up Water from salt water
Distillation mixture. (2) Liquid will evaporate and go through condenser
(3) As vapour passes through condenser, it will turn
back into liquid state (condense).
(4) Liquid is collected as distillate 7
Technique Nature of mixture Principle Steps Examples
Chromatography Liquid-liquid Extent of solubility. There are different types of chromatography. Paper Food dye
Components travel at chromatography is a common technique used in
different rates up the paper school laboratory.
Fractional Liquid-liquid Different boiling points. (1) Heat liquid-liquid mixture with fractional Separation of liquid
distillation Liquid with lower boiling column (fractional distillation set-up) air
point will distillate first. (2) The liquid with lower boiling point will Separation of crude
evaporate and distillate first. Fractionating oil (petroleum)
column helps to ensure so. Separation of ethanol
(3) As the vapour passes through the condenser, it from sugar solution
condenses back into liquid state.
(4) Liquid with lower boiling point will be collected
as distillate. 8
Name : _________________________

Date: _________________________

Separation Techniques (Worksheet 1)

Paper 1 – MCQ

1. What is distillation most suitable for?

A. To obtain sugar from soda.
B. To obtain salt from sea water.
C. To obtain milk powder from milk.
D. To obtain water from salt solution.

2. The table shows some information about the solubilities of three solids.

solid solubility in water solubility in ethanol

P insoluble insoluble
Q soluble insoluble
R insoluble soluble

The following steps could be taken to obtain R from a mixture of P, Q and R.

I filter
II evaporate filtrate till dryness
III add ethanol
IV add water

In what order should the steps be taken to obtain R from a mixture of P, Q and R?

A. III → I → II B. III → IV → I → II
C. IV → I → II D. IV → III → I → II

3. Which of the following cannot be separated from a mixture by magnetic attraction?

A. aluminum bottle caps from paper rubbish
B. nickel nails from a mixture of nickel nails and chalk
C. scrap cobalt parts from vehicles
D. steel paper clips from a mixture of paper clips and plastic buttons 9
4. The table below shows a list of substances and their solubility in water.

substance solubility in water

ammonium chloride soluble
calcium chloride soluble
silver nitrate soluble
barium sulfate insoluble
lead(ll) sulfate insoluble

Which mixture can be separated into its components by adding water, stirring and filtering?
A. ammonium chloride and silver nitrate
B. barium sulfate and calcium chloride
C. calcium chloride and silver nitrate
D. lead(ll) sulfate and barium sulfate

5. A sample of cows’ milk from a nearby animal farm was tested for its sugar content and compared
with four different types of sugars. The chromatogram is shown below. Which sugar(s) does the
cow’s milk probably contain?

A. W only
B. X and Y
C. X and Z
D. W, Y and Z

6. Which of the following explains why coffee powder cannot be obtained from coffee by filtration?

A The heat of the coffee causes the filter paper to be unstable.

B The coffee powder had reacted to form a new liquid substance.
C The filter paper is not strong enough to hold the coffee powder.
D The coffee powder is small enough to enter through the pores of the filter paper. 10
7. A student wants to separate a mixture of salt and sand. She came up with four experimental
procedures as shown in the table.

Which option lists the steps in the correct order to separate a mixture of salt and sand?
A. 1,4,3,2
B. 2,1,4,3
C. 3,1,4,2
D. 4,1,2,3

For questions 8 and 9, refer to the diagram below which shows an apparatus used to separate soil
from water.

8. What are parts E and F?

9. What is the technique shown in the diagram above?

A. dissolving
B. riveting
C. evaporation
D. filtration 11
10. Which of the following cannot be separated using filtration?
A. salt and sugar
B. salt and sand
C. sugar and chalk
D. chalk and salt

11. Which is the technique used for separating pure water from sea water?
A. Fractional distillation
B. Simple distillation
C. Chromatography
D. Filtration

12. Which of the following reason is not the reason why chromatography is widely used in the food
industry to investigate the nature of food dyes and artificial colorings?
A. Small amounts of food dye is required
B. It is a fast and easy process
C. It is very accurate and foolproof
D. Toxic substances can be detected

13. The diagram below shows the fractional distillation of crude oil in an oil refinery.

Which of the fraction would be distilled over first?

A. petrol C. petroleum gas
B. kerosene D. bitumen for road 12
14. The diagram shows an experiment carried out to separate a mixture of red ink and water.

What are the colours of the liquids in the flask and the beaker at the end of the experiment? 13
Paper 2 – Structured questions

1. Paper chromatography can be used to identify food dyes. The results of a chromatogram done on
different food samples is shown in the diagram below:

(a) Which samples of food contain a single dye?

_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) How many types of dyes were identified in Food B?

_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(c) A toxic dye was identified in Food E, but not in Food D. Suggest which other food sample(s)
is/are toxic.

_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

2. Study the experimental setup shown in the diagram below: 14
(a) What kind of mixture can the setup above be used to separate?

_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) State an error in the setup.

_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(c) State the purpose of the boiling chips.


_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(d) What is the general name for the liquid collected in B?

_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

3. Describe the separation techniques, filtration and simple distillation, by using the example of a sand
and water mixture to separate out the three components – salt crystals, sand and water.


Salt Water






___________________________________________________________________________ [3] 15
Name : _________________________

Date: _________________________

Separation Techniques (Worksheet 2)

Paper 1 – MCQ

1. The diagram below shows a chromatogram

Which of the components dissolves the best in the solvent used in this chromatography?
A. Red B. Blue C. Green D. Yellow

2. Which of the following is the correct procedures for separating a mixture of insoluble silver chloride
from soluble lithium nitrate?
A. Dissolving, crystallisation, heating, filtration
B. Crystallisation, dissolving, filtration, heating
C. Heating, dissolving, crystallisation, filtration
D. Dissolving, filtration, heating, crystallisation

3. Which method can be used to separate steel powder from aluminium powder?
A. Magnetic attraction C. Crystallisation
B. Filtration D. Filtration

4. When iron is exposed to air and water, it combines with oxygen to form iron oxide. Which method
can be used to change iron oxide back into simpler substances?
A. Fractional distillation C. Crystallisation
B. Electrolysis D. Filtration 16
5. The diagrams below show a mixture of two substances, X and Y.

Which of the following is correct?

A. X is a soluble substance but Y is an insoluble substance
B. X is the filtrate and Y is the residue.
C. X must be a compound and Y must be an element.
D. X is recovered by filtration and Y is recovered by crystallisation

6. Which of the following examples can be separated by simple distillation?

A. Alcoholic beverages C. Pen ink
B. Seawater D. Chalk powder in water

7. The diagram below shows the process of filtration. At which point A, B, C or D, is the residue of
the filtration?

8. Which property enables the separation of a mixture by using paper chromatography more
A. Different extent of solubility of the substances in the mixture
B. Different melting point of the substances in the mixture
C. Different electrical conductivity of the substances in the mixture
D. Different density of the substances in the mixture 17
9. The diagram below shows the chromatogram obtained after the paper chromatography is carried
out to identify the sample X.

Which dyes P, Q, R or S, are present in sample X?

A. P and S B. P and R C. Q and R D. Q and S

10. Ethanol can be separated from water in alcoholic beverages by fractional distillation. Which
property enables the successful separation of these substances by this method?
A. They have different melting points.
B. They have different boiling points.
C. They have different densities
D. They have different solubilities

11. A sample of iodine crystals is contaminated with steel powder. Which of the following methods is
the most effective to separate this mixture?
A. Filtration C. Crystallisation
B. Evaporation D. Magnetic separation

12. Which of the following methods is used to obtain pure water by desalination?
A. Fractional distillation C. Distillation
B. Filtration D. Crystallisation

13. Which of the following mixtures is suitable to be separated by crystallisation?

A. A liquid-solid mixture C. A liquid-liquid mixture
B. A solid-solid mixture D. A liquid-gas mixture 18
14. The diagram below shows the set-up of a simple distillation. Which position, A, B, C or D, should
the bulb of the thermometer be placed?

15. The diagram shows a process of distillation. In which part do liquid particles gain energy?

16. The diagram below shows a sample of seawater in the process of distillation.

What is the function of substance X in this process?

A. The reduce the bumpy effect of boiling
B. To lower the boiling point of seawater
C. To prevent the loss of heat energy
D. To separate water from other impurities 19
17. Which of the following physical means are possible to be used to separate oxygen from nitrogen in
air? (Hint: do they have the same boiling point?)
A. Sublimation C. Filtration
B. Magnetic attraction D. Fractional distillation

18. The diagram below shows an experiment using a Visking tubing.

At the end of the experiment, starch is not present in the water. Which of the following physical
methods has the similar principle as the Visking tubing?

A. Distillation C. Crystallisation
B. Filtration D. Fractional distillation

19. Which of the following statements is correct in purification methods?

A. The filtrate must always have a fixed melting point after filtration.
B. The residue is always insoluble in every solvent.
C. Evaporation to dryness is used to recover insoluble solids
D. Filtration of a solid-solid mixture depends on the nature of solvent

20. Equal amounts of silver nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution are added into a beaker. After
mixing these solutions, the beaker is left undisturbed for a while. White solid substances is found
settling at the bottom of the beaker in the solution. Which one of the following methods can be used
to separate the products formed after mixing the two solutions?
A. Chromatography C. Evaporation
B. Distillation D. Filtration 20
21. The diagram shows the result of a chromatogram obtained from an analysis of food sample X using
ethanol as a solvent.

Which of the following statements about this chromatogram is not correct?

A. R is the most soluble in ethanol
B. X boils over a range of temperature
C. P is present in the greatest amount in X
D. P has the slowest speed

22. The diagram shows a chromatogram of four ink samples P to S.

Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Ink sample P contains samples Q, R and S
B. Ink sample Q is pure
C. Ink samples R and S have the same number of dyes
D. The dye in sample Q has a lower solubility than those in sample R.

23. Which of the following mixtures can be separated by sublimation?

A. Iodine crystals and table salt crystals
B. Iron powder and sulfur powder
C. Ethanol and water
D. Sugar crystals and table salt crystals 21
24. The table shows the information of four different substances. Which of the substances will be the
last substance left in the distillation flask during fractional distillation?

Substance Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C)

A – 56 65
B – 98 55
C – 76 85
D – 25 75

25. The diagram shows the separating technique.

What is the function of apparatus X?

A. To increase surface area for heating
B. To allow effective separation of different liquids
C. To maintain heat energy of vapour
D. To shorten the time of distillation

26. Which of the following about the advantages of chromatography is correct?

I It requires only a minute amount of sample
II It can be used to separate complex substances
III It takes less time to give an accurate analysis of samples.

A. I, II B. I, III C. II, III D. I, II, III 22
27. Which of the following reasons best explains why the filtrate is heated to become a saturated
A. To obtain bigger size of crystals C. To reduce time for crystals to form
B. To vapourize the impurities D. To prevent the crystals from decomposition

28. The diagram shows a technique to separate a mixture.

What is the working principle for this technique to separate a mixture?

A. Based on different boiling points C. Based on different densities
B. Based on the solubility in a solvent D. Based on different melting points

29. A mixture containing sugar and sand is contaminated with traces of steel. In what order should the
separation techniques be carried out to obtain each substance separately?
First -----------------------------------------------------à last
A. Dissolving, filtration, evaporation, crystallisation
B. Magnetic attraction, dissolving, filtration, crystallisation
C. Sublimation, dissolving, filtration, crystallisation
D. Dissolving, filtration, crystallisation, magnetic attraction

30. Which of the following is not an application of fractional distillation?

A. To separate water from seawater
B. To separate fuels from petroleum
C. To separate ethanol from sugar solution
D. To separate nitrogen from liquid air. 23
Paper 2 – Structured questions

1. Name the appropriate method to separate the following mixtures

(a) Water from sugar solution


(b) Colour dyes in food colourings


(c) Petrol from crude oil


(d) Coffee grains from coffee drink


(e) Sugar from sweetening drink


2. The diagram below shows the apparatus used to obtain water from seawater.

(a) What is the name of this process?


(b) What is the purpose of boiling chips?

___________________________________________________________________________ 24
(c) How do you know that water collected in the receiving flask is pure?


(d) What is the purpose of the condenser?


(e) Identify the following parts:

X: __________________________

Y: __________________________

(f) Suggest two remaining substances in the distillation flask after distillation.


3. The diagram below shows a chemical reaction between silver nitrate solution and sodium chloride
solution. The reaction produces insoluble silver chloride and sodium nitrate solution.

(a) What is the name of the residue?


(b) What is the name of the filtrate?


(c) Describe how you would obtain sodium nitrate crystals from the solution.


___________________________________________________________________________ 25
4. Paper chromatography is used to determine the coloured dyes found in a food colouring X. The
chromatograms A and B are obtained after a sample of food colouring X is analysed using two
different solvents.

(a) How does paper chromatography method enable the coloured dyes in the food colouring X to
be separated?



(b) Explain the different results of coloured dye P in chromatograms A and B.



(c) (i) Which coloured dyes are present in food colouring X


(ii) Explain your answer




(d) Explain why paper chromatography is widely used in food and beverage industry.

___________________________________________________________________________ 26
5. The diagram below shows an experiment to separate seawater by using heat.

The substance obtained from the heating of seawater has a boiling point of 100°C.
(a) Which physical method can be represented by this experiment shown above?


(b) Identify the substance obtained in this experiment.


(c) Give two different general properties between seawater and the substance.



(d) (i) What is the function of the ice bag in this experiment?


(ii) Which apparatus has the similar function with the ice bag in the method named in (a)?



(iii) Hence, draw another diagram of the method named in (a) for the separation of seawater.
Label the diagram properly 27
6. The diagram shows the separation of a mixture of liquids which is at room temperature initially.

The table shows the information of the substances found in a sample of crude oil.
Substance Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C)
Triacontane 66 450
Hexane –95 69
Propane –190 –42
Nonane –51 151

(a) (i) Identify the substance present in the mixture.


(ii) State your reason




(ii) Hence, predict the substance which is distilled first.


(b) How did the student know when the first liquid had completely distilled over?

___________________________________________________________________________ 28
(c) (i) One of the substances is not collected successfully in the receiving flask. Identify this
substance and explain why it is not collected successfully.




(ii) Suggest, and explain, a way to improve the efficiency for the collection of this




7. The diagram shows the process of separating a mixture containing calcium sulfate and sodium

(a) Name the following substances

(i) Residue: ______________________________________________

(ii) Filtrate: ______________________________________________

(b) Why is stirring rod used in the process of separation of mixture?



(c) How can filter paper help in the separation of these substances?



___________________________________________________________________________ 29
(d) (i) Name a technique to recover pure sodium chloride.


(ii) How would you check for purity of sodium chloride?


Section C – Free Response questions

1. Pure water can be obtained from a sample of muddy water.

(a) List three different properties between muddy water and pure water.




(b) Describe how pure water can be obtained from the sample of muddy water.




2. The chromatography is carried out to find out the number of coloured component(s) used in five
different samples of inks A to E. The chromatogram obtained is shown below:

(a) Which ink(s) is/are pure in this investigation?


(b) How can you make ink A by using other inks?


(c) Give two reasons why chromatography is widely used in food industry to investigate the nature
of food dyes and artificial colourings.


___________________________________________________________________________ 30
Name : _________________________

Date: _________________________

Separation Techniques (Test 1)

1. Fill in the missing blanks below.




2. List the two steps to carry out crystallisation of sugar from sugar solution.

(1) ___________________________________________________________________________

(2) ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Fractional Distillation allows the separation of a liquid-liquid mixture.

(a) What is the working principle for this technique to separate a mixture?


(b) Ethanol has a boiling point of and water has a boiling point of . If we were to separate an
ethanol-water mixture using fractional distillation, which liquid will distillate first?


(c) Name another example which can be separated by fractional distillation.

___________________________________________________________________________ 31

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