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Script for Per-Dev

Narrator: Sexual relationship involves intimacy relationship. Intimacy in relationship is a feeling of being
close and emotionally connected and supported to each other.
Narrator: There are two people who are in the same relationship, named ----- and -----. At first they
relationship were full of joy, care and love and they decided to live under the same roof but as time
passes by their relationship seems so different. They no longer feel the love connection for each other
and it seems that they are falling out of love. Until they were both tired, they started to fight over the
little things, the clutter in the house, the bills and so on and their only priority is their work and it caused
a lack of communication with each other.

First scene: The girl came home from work and she found their house is messy, the bills are cluttered on
the floor, and she started complaining.
Girl: What the heck every time I came home, the house is always a mess! Are you blind? You don’t even
know how to clean! For heaven’s sake
Boy: Can you please shut up?! You’re annoying the hell out of me!
Girl: Oh wow! Even the bills are scattered here, you haven’t paid it yet? What’s your use? You’re just a
burden into my life!
Boy: Burden huh? (then lumapit sya sa girl tas hinawakan niya sa pulse ng mahigpit) it’s like you didn’t
love me if you could talk!
Girl: Ouch! Let me go (crying) it hurts!
Boy: You will be really hurt if you don’t shut up!
Girl: You know what let’s just break up! This relationship is no longer worth it. I’ll just go back with my
family. I regret that I loved someone like you! (walk out)

2nd Scene: Narrator: The girl consults to her friend and so is the boy.

Friend: Are you okay? Why do you have a bruise again? He hurt you again?
Girl: (nodding) I’m tired (crying) we always just hurt each other.
Friend: Why don’t you just break up with him? You’re already stressed, see your body change a lot, you
look even thinner? Are you still eating?
Girl: Every time that I’ll eat I feel like I wanted to swallow it. And don’t worry I already ended up our
relationship. After this I’ll get therapy, I need treatment.

(Scene naman ito ng boy at nong friend)

Friend: What’s the problem? I heard you two already broke up?

Boy: We fought again, I hurt her again bro

Friend: Why did you prolong your relationship?

Boy: I haven’t tasted her yet (laugh)

Friend: Asshole! (parang sinuntok asajshjasnx) good thing she already broke up with you. You’re so
useless man (walk out)

Narrator: The boy’s actions caused trauma to the girl. And the girl need to consult to Psychiatrist in
order for her to heal all her trauma.

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