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Review Quiz

A. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb in its correct form.

1. The boys ( build / move ) a sand castle at the moment.

2. We ( leave / live ) in Hong Kong from 1994 to 1996.

3. “I ( not finish / not start) my summer assignments yet,”

Martin said.

4. they ( come / walk ) to the party tomorrow?

5. The principal is walking to the stage. He is ( give / send ) prizes

to the winners.

6. Look! The firemen (rescue) the little boy.

7. Dr. Crazy (work) on his latest invention for a few months.

8. I suppose the shops (close) early tomorrow.

9. you (have) breakfast this morning?

10. Oil (float) on water.

B. Complete the sentences with a correct form of the verb.

1. How our lives (be) if oil was finally used up?

2. If countries stop producing nuclear weapons, the world (be)

much safer.

3. How would you feel if someone (want) to clone you?


4. If some species become extinct, they never


5. If sea level (rise) to a dangerous point, some places would be

flooded in the future.

C. Complete the sentences with a correct form of the adjective.

1. I’m thirsty. I must get to drink.

2. Apart from the canteen, is there I can buy food?

3. We are new to the dormitory so we know about it yet. Is there

who can help us?

4. is responsible for the loss of your property, except you.

5. who is found smoking in the dormitory will be given a warning


E. Rewrite the sentences into passive sentences.

1. My mother gives me a kiss every day.

2. Tommy has finished his homework.

3. A lot of tourists visit Disneyland.

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