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Earth & Life Science Quarter 2 Lesson 1: Evolving Concept of Life Based on Emerging Pieces of Evidence

The universe is about 4.6 billion years old. Life on earth, probably began only between 3.5 and 4.0 billion years ago.
Evidence from fossil records show the emergence of the different life forms. The common ancestor of all life was
prokaryotic. Since, oxygen was scarce on the early Earth, so the ancestral cell must also have been an anaerobic. There
are some challenges encountered in searching for the evidence of early life. Cells are microscopic and most have no
parts to fossilize. The tectonic plate movements have destroyed nearly all rocks older than about 4 billion years, and
most of the younger rocks have been heated or undergone processes that destroy the traces of biological material. At
present, the oldest cell microfossils (microscopic fossils) are filaments from 3.5 billion-year-old rocks in Western
Australia. The filaments resemble chains of modern photosynthetic bacteria and the rocks in which they occur are the
remains of ancient stromatolites.

The researchers look for biomarkers specific to eukaryotes. It is a substance that occurs only or predominantly in cells of
a specific type. Eukaryotes are organisms having true nucleus. The DNA is enclosed within the nucleus whereas DNA of
most prokaryotes lies enclosed in the cell’s cytoplasm. The first eukaryotes were protists.

For life to evolve from simple single-celled organisms to many millions of species of prokaryotic species to simple
eukaryotic species to all the protists, fungi, plants, and animals, took some time. The first life forms were very basic and
this then allowed for the evolution of more complex life forms. Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells. The
evolution of life is brought about the changes in the environment which are linked to changes in climate and geology.
These Earth’s environmental changes made the Earth’s environment more suitable for a wider variety of life forms.

Trilobite- A marine animal first evolved at the beginning of the Cambrian period, 542 MYA, where they
dominated the ocean.
Homo erectus- Extinct species of the genus Homo from which the modern human has evolved from.
Prokaryotes- A basic cell type which lacks true nucleus. Bacteria, blue-green algae, archaeans and spirochetes are
examples of organisms belonging to this cell type.
Dinosaurs- These are giant reptiles that roamed the earth during the Mesozoic era.

Eukaryotes- This basic cell type possesses a true nucleus that contains DNA.
Earth & Life Science Quarter 2 Lesson 2: Evolving Concept of Life Based on Emerging Pieces of Evidence
Earth is the home of organisms including animals, plants and microorganisms. They are found in the different parts of the planet. The ecosystems-the biological
communities- include living organisms (biotic factors) like animals, plants, insects and bacteria (interacting to its environment), as well as the non-living components
(abiotic factors) like the rock, soil, water and sunlight. Non-living things are classified as inanimate objects that may influence, alter or impact the life of biotic factors.
These abiotic factors are essential to biotic factors in various ways. The field of science that deals with the study of life is the Life Science or Biology. It involves
different disciplines. These disciplines are connected to one another, through which biologist termed as unifying themes. This module emphasizes these unifying
themes that serve as the bases of the study of Life Science. The ten unifying themes include: emergent properties, the cell, the heritable information, structure or
function, interaction with the environment, regulation, unity and diversity, evolution, scientific inquiry, and the science, technology and society. More so, this module
explores how organisms interact with one another and its environment.

The unifying theme connects the different subdisciplines that make biology as a
science. In addition to, the living organisms differ from non-living organisms in
various aspects. What are these shared properties (of living organisms) that make
something “alive”?
All levels of life have systems of related a population of a species changes. chemical energy in food.
parts. - It accounts for both the diversity and the - Some living organisms use chemical
- A system is an organized group of unity of life. energy stored in molecules obtained from
interacting parts. Traits are being inherited and food.
- A cell is a system of chemicals and transferred.
processes. It is the basic unit of life. - The continuity of life depends on the In addition to the properties mentioned,
- A body system includes organs that inheritance of biological information in the two additional unifying themes
interact. the form of DNA molecules. in the study of life include the scientific
- An ecosystem includes living and non- - The genetic information is encoded in inquiry and science, technology
living things that interact. the nucleotide sequences of the DNA and society.
Structure and function are related in (Deoxyribonucleic acid).
biology. Organisms reproduce. Scientific Inquiry
- Structure determines function. - It is necessary part of living; process of - The process of science includes
- The structure is the shape of the object. making more of one’s own kind. observation-based discovery and the
- The function is the object’s specific role. Organisms are interdependent with one testing of explanations through the
Organisms must maintain homeostasis to another. hypothetic-deductive.
survive in diverse - Organisms have evolved to live and - Scientific credibility depends on the
environments. interact with other organisms. repeatability of observation and
- Homeostasis is the maintenance of - Ecology deals with the interactions of experiments.
constant internal conditions. living organisms with one another and Science, Technology and Society
- All living organisms must live in a stable their environment. - Many technologies are goal-oriented
environment. Organisms acquire and process energy. applications of science.
Evolution explains the unity and diversity - Living organisms use a source of energy - The relationships of science and
of life. for their metabolic activities. technology to society are now more
- Evolution is the change in living things - Some living organisms capture the light crucial to understand than ever before.
over time. The genetic makeup of energy and convert it into

Understanding how life came about is a deep scientific undertaking. Organisms’

function, structures, growth and origin are indeed one of many diverse topics that
should be explored to grasp the complexities of life. Generally, the following
statements provide key concepts on the unifying themes in the study of life.

1. Biology is about the study of life. 5. The continuity of life is best explained the ability to reproduce, grow, move and
2. The unifying themes connect the by the molecular basis of inheritance. ability to adapt to its environment.
different subdisciplines that make up Heredity, which is the continuity of life They need food, water and other abiotic
biology as a science. from one generation to the next, is factors for their growth and
3. The unifying themes of biology dependent on correct copying of cell’s development.
comprise the cell theory as a description DNA into daughter cells. 10. Abiotic factors are inanimate objects
of 6. The function and structure are which include rocks, water, weather
living systems, continuity of life, interdependent. and other living things present in the
interdependence of function and 7. The evolutionary change give rise to environment.
structure, evolution, unity of living the diversity of life. 11. Biological systems are organized.
systems and the properties that arise 8. Living organisms (biotic factors) are 12. The study of Biology is important. It
from the organization of life. dependent on its environment which enables us to make appropriate
4. The living organisms are composed of consists of non-living organisms (abiotic decisions in life. Failure to grasp
cells as what was discussed in the factors). Living organisms also biological concepts lead into an
cell theory. The cell theory is the interact with other living organisms. inappropriate decision.
foundation of our understanding of 9. Biotic factors (living things) are defined 13. One must value life by taking good
reproduction and growth of organisms. by set of characteristics including care of all beings, humans, plants and
Earth & Life Science Quarter 2 Lesson 3: Perpetuation of Life
There are varieties of organism in animal kingdom that means they possess different modes of reproduction depending on the complexity of their
morphology and physiology. Simple organisms reproduce through asexual reproduction –offspring come from a single parent and has the exact
copy of the genes hence referred as “clone”. Sexual reproduction in animals is the production of new living organism by combining two gametes
from different organism, one male producing motile gamete that must fused with the egg cell from female organism. Through this process
similarity is preserve with respect to the transfer of genes from the parts to offspring and individuality that explains the individual characteristics
possessed by an organism different from their parents nor siblings.

Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction is defined as the formation of new individuals from the cells of a single parent. This is very common in plants and is less
common in animals. Asexual reproduction does not involve the union of gametes (sperm cell and egg cell) and it does not change the number of
chromosomes present. The resulting offspring is similar or identical to the parent and without the need for a mate, they are able to reproduce.
There are different types of asexual reproduction in animals.

Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction is the perpetuation of a new organism from two organisms with the use of gametes. In this process, male gametes which is the
sperm cell fuses with a female gamete known as the egg cell to form a diploid cell called zygote containing two sets of chromosomes. During sexual
reproduction, the genetic material contained in their chromosomes combine to produce genetically diverse offspring that are different from both
parents. Most mammals and amphibians reproduce through the method of sexual reproduction.

1. Animals can reproduce through asexual and sexual means.

2. Asexual reproduction in animals have different types such as : Binary fission where organism split into two separate organism; Budding is when
new individual grows on the body of its parent; Fragmentation happens when multiple pieces of the parent breaks off and develops into a new
organism; Transverse fission occur when an organism divides into two, leaving one piece headless and the other tailless each piece grows the
missing body parts and Parthenogenesis when females egg develop into a new organism without
being fertilized by a sperm cell.

3. Sexual reproduction in animals/ organism is when two organisms reproduce using their gametes the sperm and egg cell both have a haploid
number of chromosomes.
4. Oviparous animals lay their eggs, with little or no other embryonic development within the parent.

5. Viviparous animals bring forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent.
6. Asexual reproduction requires only one parent while sexual reproduction requires two parents.

CLONE- is a term used to described morphologically and genetically similar individuals through asexual reproduction.
An asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud due to cell division at one particular site is called BUDDING
In multicellular organisms it is a form of asexual reproduction in which an organism split into fragments where each of these fragments develop
into matured, fully grown individuals that are identical to their parents FRAGMENTATION
TRANSVERSE FISSION is a fission that involves direct reproduction in which each portion regenerates missing parts to become a complete new
animal depending on the axis of separation.
PARTHENOGENESIS a reproductive strategy that involves development of a female (rarely a male) gamete (sex cell) without fertilization.
Earth & Life Science Quarter 2 Lesson 4: Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organism’s genes using

biotechnology. It covers different kinds of technologies used to alter the genomes that
includes the insertion of genes from other individual either the same or from different
species that aims to produce or improve products.

Since ancient times the practice of genetic engineering had begun. Artificial selection is done to indirectly
manipulate genes focusing on the physical traits among organisms. Breeders choose which organism to mate
and produce offspring with desirable traits. They maintain this procedure without control of what genes can
be passed. Selective breeding is a process when animals with desired characteristics are mated to produce
offspring with those desired traits such as Angus cows are bred to increase more meat. Hybridizations are
when two individuals with unlike characteristics are crossed to produce the best in both organisms like the
disease resistant potato called the Burbank potato. Inbreeding is a technique of breeding organisms that are
genetically similar to maintain desired traits found in the pure dog breeds. As defined, genetic engineering is
the process of changing the DNA in living organisms to create something new. It involves artificial
manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA or other nucleic acid molecules to modify an organism
or population of organisms.
Recombinant DNA Technology
Recombinant DNA is made by mixing DNA from two different sources. Restriction enzymes were discovered in
1968 by Swiss microbiologist Werner Arbe. This was used to splice, connect (or ligate), and remove or add
nucleotides to sequences of the DNA. This process is used in recombinant DNA technology to remove and
insert genetic sequences from and into other sequences of other organisms. Inserting the desired gene into
the genome of the host involves the selection of the desired gene for administration into the host followed by
a selection of the perfect vector (either plasmid or bacteriophage) with which the gene has to be integrated
and a recombinant DNA is formed. The recombinant DNA has to be introduced into the host, maintained and
carried forward to the offspring. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies practice these techniques in
working with medical and research purpose.
Genetic engineering- A science of changing the DNA in a living organism to create something new.
Artificial selection- Breeders choose which organism to mate to produce offspring with desired traits.
Selective breeding- Animals with desired characteristics are mated to produce offspring with those desired
Hybridization- Two individuals with unlike characteristics are crossed to produce the best in both organisms.
Inbreeding- Breeding of organisms that are genetically similar to maintain desired traits.
Cloning- Creating an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another
Gene splicing- DNA is cut out of one organism and put into another organism
Gel electrophoresis- A technique used to compare DNA from two or more organisms.
Earth & Life Science Quarter 2 Lesson 5: Benefits of Genetic Engineering
As defined, Genetic Engineering is the processes of changing the DNA in living organisms to create something new. It involves artificial
manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA or other nucleic acid molecules in order to modify an organism or population of organisms.
Recombinant DNA technology has applications in various areas like medicine, focusing on the discoveries of medicine to cure and improve human
health and nutrition aimed to produce good quality and high quantity crops.

Transgenic organism
Grapple- taste of grapes but looks like apple
Transgenic cow- contained human protein per liter of milk and found to be more nutritionally balance
Venomous cabbage- injected with scorpion venom aimed to kill caterpillars
Banana vaccine- can produce virus proteins against hepatitis and cholera
Escherichia coli- insulin gene is injected to bacteria to produce hormone insulin
Spider goat- spider enhanced milk that can produce silk stronger than steel
Luminous cat- produce a fluorescent protein in its fur
Liger- hybrid of tiger and lion

The aim of planting genetically modified organisms and its commercial use is to help improve farming methods efficiently and productively. Some
of the most common genetically modified crops are soybean, maize, cotton, canola, alfalfa, papaya, eggplant, potato, apple, safflower, pineapple,
and sugarcane. Genetically modified plants have created resistance to harmful agents, enhanced product yield, and shown increased adaptability
for better survival. Recombinant technology has been widely used in improving crop varieties. Several transgenic or genetically modified organisms
(GMO) have been produced. Genetically Modified Organism are also called transgenic organism since genes are transferred from one organism to
another. Recombinant DNA technology is playing a vital role in improving health conditions by developing new vaccines and pharmaceuticals. The
treatment strategies are also improved by developing
diagnostic kits, monitoring devices, and new therapeutic approaches. Synthesis of synthetic human insulin and erythropoietin by genetically
modified bacteria; human growth hormones which cure stunted growth; tissues plasminogen activator which dissolves blood clots among patients
who had heart attack; transgenic pigs used to produced human hemoglobin; human clotting factors have also been produced in the milk of
transgenic goats; production of “pharm” animals to synthesize such as pharmaceutical products and production of new types of experimental
mutant mice for research purposes.

Bioethics is the study of controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethics are multidisciplinary. It blends
philosophy, theology, history, and law with medicine, nursing, health policy, and the medical humanities. It is concerned with all the ethical
questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences and the cited fields. Bioethics is commonly understood that refers to the ethical
implications and application of the health-related life sciences including biotechnology, such as cloning, gene therapy, life extension, human genetic
engineering. It promotes critic reflection about ethical conflicts, which are caused by progressing in life science and medicine.

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