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Unit 4

Task 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of people in the United
Kingdom per age group without any qualifications.

The bar chart provides information about the percentage of people in different
age groups that have no qualification in the UK in 2009.

Overall, the percentage of men was higher than women, however this pattern
was reserved in the elder groups. It is also noticeable that the proportion was
equal in the 25-29 and 30-39 years old groups.

As regards ,in both age group 17-19 and 20-24, men proportion was slightly
higher than their counterpart in comparison. To be precise, the figure was
around 7 to 8% for male, while the female figure was just about 6 to 7%.
Unexpectedly, these numbers was identical at age 25-29 and 30-39 group, with

In contrast, after the age 39, the proportion of people who held no
qualification increased noticeably. In 40-49 years old group, the pattern was
reserved as there was lower percentage in men than women, 10% and 11%
respectively. Regard the final group, where people are over 50 years old, the
total number was even bigger and the gap between genders was wider. That is
to say, women proportion increased to 20%, which is about 3% higher than
men percentage at the same age.

Task 2: Some people believe that competitive sports both team and
individual have no place in the school curriculum. How much do you
agree or disagree?

The sports, especially competitive sport has a lot of benefits and good for
students. However, some people think that competitive sports should be
eradicated from the curriculum of the school. In my opinion, I disagree with
that idea for the following reasons.
First, competitive sports help students keep fit and stay healthy. When
students play competitive sports not only their body and muscles are
enhanced, but also the calories which they absorbed in foods during the day
will be burned. Besides, playing competitive sports prevent students from
obesity and heart attack. For example, competitive sport such as basketball,
football or volleyball make players move continuously, the fat and calories in
the body will be burned more than sitting immovable. Some scientists proved
that playing competitive sport reduce potential diseases and lengthen age.
Second, competitive sports also help the student build up a team spirit and
bring benefits for students social well-being. When students take part in
competitive sports, they have to work with their teams. This forces them to
make friends, talk with others and cooperate with their team members. As a
result, students' teamwork, skill will be improved and increase their
communication. Moreover, playing competitive sports is good opportunities
for the student to improve their problem-solving skills and decision-making
skills. These are highly useful skills for students in future works.
In conclusion, for these reasons above, I think that competitive sports should
not be removed from the curriculum of school because they bring a lot of
benefits for students with physical and mental health and they also contribute
to students social well-being.

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