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Objective Case

A noun or pronoun is said to be in objective case if it exists and functions as a

grammatical object of a sentence.


Please pass me the pepper.

In the above example, pepper is the direct object and we can say that it is
existing or functioning as an objective case in the above sentence.

A noun or pronoun can exist in three states of objective case; direct object,
indirect object and object of pronoun.

Direct Object

When a noun or pronoun is existing as a direct object i.e. the word on which the
verb is acting upon, it is referred to as direct object.


She likes soup.

In the above sentence, the verb likes is acting upon the noun soup so that depicts
that soup is existing in objective case.

Indirect Object

The secondary object of the sentence is known as the indirect object. The indirect
object is the one which receives activity from the direct object. Simple trick to
identify the indirect object of the sentence is by identifying the direct object
and asking the question what or who?


Sara felt her heart beat faster.

In the above example, the direct object is heart which we figured out by asking
felt what? (felt=verb). Now ask heart what? answer: beat faster. Thus beat faster
is the indirect object of this sentence and is existing as objective case in this

Object of Preposition

When a noun or pronoun comes after a preposition, it is referred to as object of



She is standing beside me.

In the above example, me is the object of preposition as it is preceded by beside

(a preposition). Thus me is existing as an objective case in this example.

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