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Dear Sreo,

I hope you’re doing well. I am writing you this letter to let you know what our relationship
means to me.Our beginning might not have been the best. We met through mutual friends. You
were probably scared and jealous because you probably thought you would lose them. I didn’t
like the way you behaved like an immature child with me and Sinthia initially. You yelled at me
and Sinthia asked us what we were doing there and why we were there. Honestly, I was only
there because Namira and Anushka wanted to hang out. We didn’t mean any harm, but again we
were told that was just the way you were and we needed to accept that. I didn’t think much of it
because we weren’t that close anyway.In the middle of the ninth grade, I met you through
Tohaseen. I was shy and awkward most of the time because I didn’t know you very well. You,
me, and Tohaseen used to hang out a lot during breaks. I realized that you were really nice. I
liked what we had, and it was fun for a while.Some people told me beforehand, don’t be too
close to her. You will regret it soon. I didn’t understand why they were saying that because I
believe what I see. I didn’t believe the rumors because I know sometimes you shouldn't believe
everything people say to you. Things were great between us. I like how we had a lot of things in
common between us, like baking and whatnot. I was grateful to you for being so nice to me,
doing braids on my hair, and teaching me how to bake. You were a really good friend to me.
Those days and memories mean a lot to me. I hope you know I will always be grateful to you. I
don't know when everything started to go wrong. But there were moments when I felt like I
couldn't be myself or I couldn't have my own opinions. The moment I realized something was
wrong between us was when you kept on asking us to choose sides between you and Tahmid. I
didn't understand the purpose of it. There are always two sides to a relationship. I didn't know
what Tahmid did or what you did. But no one is innocent. How can I choose if I don't know
anything? Honestly, I didn't care much about Tahmid. He was just a guy in my class. In the
interactions I had with Tahmid, he was always respectful, friendly, and a genuine person. And
I'm not sure why you made everyone choose teams when you knew we already supported you.
We might have said nice things about Tahmid to you because it's the truth. In the library, when
you started crying and going on about how we are always on Tahmind's and we don't take your
word for it. It bothered me because we weren't supporting him; we were simply saying he's nice,
and I didn't know the details of how serious it was. The moment I talked back to you to explain
myself, I regretted it instantly. I wasn't exactly friends with you back when you were seeing him.
I don't know exactly what happened. In order for me to know, you had to talk to me. No matter
what I said, you weren't listening to me. You made me feel like I was talking to a wall. Right
then and there, I gave up and admitted that it was my fault that I didn't know. I didn't know why I
apologized when I did nothing. And why was I the only one to say sorry because I talked back?
What's the point of having a friend if we can't talk and hear each other out? Everything was
always about you. You acted like your life was difficult. We always had to listen to your
problems and be there for you. What about us? Do you know what we are going through? Did
you ever ask us if we were okay? No, you didn't because you have never cared how we feel or
what we are going through. And I realized that sharing my problems with you was pointless
because your problems would always be more important than mine. I am sorry if I ever did
anything to offend you, but you always made me feel like I couldn't be myself or have my own
thoughts. You're always right and we're wrong. This isn't friendship; this is controlling. I'm
trying so hard to be sane and realize what was happening. You always say you are an open-
minded person, but then why can't you think from other people's points of view? It's good to
have your own beliefs, but you don't have to force other people to have the same beliefs.I hope
you realize I am not on anyone's side, yours or Elham's. I am my own person with my own
thoughts. The only reason I am telling you this is because I want you to know that I got to know
about the things you said about me when we were friends. That I liked Arpon's attention, I am an
attention seeker and whatnot. You always kept on changing your opinions about Arpon. He
stared at Sabia's boobs and then you said, "He's a decent guy."Well whatever I don’t care what
you said about me to other people but I promise you there was never a single time I said anything
bad about you because I’m not like you.

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