Questionnaire in Tools For Collaboration

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Examination in Technology Tools for Collaboration

Test I. Multiple Choice

1. A situation in which two or more people attempt to learn something together.

A. Transformative Learning B. Collaborative Learning

C. Perspective Learning D. Cooperative Learning

2. Focuses on the idea that learners can adjust their thinking based new information.

A. Transformative Learning B. Collaborative Learning

C. Perspective Learning D. Cooperative Learning

3. In perspective transformation, which dimension belong does the changes in understanding of

the self?

A. Psychological B. Convictional

C. Behavioral D. Intellectual

4. In perspective transformation, which dimension belong does the revision of belief systems?

A. Psychological B. Convictional

C. Behavioral D. Intellectual

5. In perspective transformation, which dimension belong does the changes in lifestyle or how
someone acts?

A. Psychological B. Convictional

C. Behavioral D. Intellectual

6. Refers to the virtual computer world, and more specifically, an electronic medium that is
used to facilitate online communication.

A. Cyberspace B. Virtual Community

C. Computer Network D. Virtual Reality

7. A concept describing a widespread interconnected digital technology and it refers to the

online world as a world ‘apart’ as distinct from everyday reality.

A. Cyberspace B. Virtual Community

C. Computer Network D. Virtual Reality

8. Which criteria tool that can help the user to intuitively create and navigate its interface
without requiring intensive training?

A. Privacy Options B. Multiple Features

C. User-friendly Interface D. Cloud-based Technology

9. Which criteria tool that can save, read, share, or convert files to any formats that user is

A. Privacy Options B. Multiple Features

C. User-friendly Interface D. Integration and Compatibility

10. A tool that offers the user with options to whom, particularly among their team members,
can see a particular file or project the one is sharing.

A. Privacy Options B. Multiple Features

C. User-friendly Interface D. Integration and Compatibility

Test II. Enumeration

11-13. Give at least 3 Benefits of Collaborative Learning

14-15. Give the 2 Disadvantages of Collaborative Learning

16-20. List the Five Criteria tool for a Useful Collaboration

Test III. Identification

21. Use online surveys and polls to perform daily or weekly check-ins with students to get their
opinions or lessons.

22. It can be as simple as coming up with a list of questions for students to search and find the
correct answers.

23. Allow you to virtually explore parks, forests and even national and international landmarks.

24. Integrating social media into the classroom in the most innovative wats to use technology in
the classroom.

25. This is use for teachers, parents and students to keep them up to date on their learning.

26. This is the way that we can find anything on the internet, we also know that much of what
we may find is not reliable information form reliable sources.

27. Set up learning stations to encourage and support students working at their own pace.

28. It can bring presentations to life for students by incorporating visual effects, photos, videos
and music into them.

29. It is a great way for students to display their individual creative talents and showcase

Test IV. Essay

30. Why students benefit from using technology in the classroom?

Answer Key

1. B.
2. A.
3. A.
4. B.
5. C.
6. A.
7. A.
8. C.
9. D.
10. A.
 Improves problem-solving skills
 Encourages social interaction
 Promotes diversity
 Improves communication skills
 Inspires creativity
 Encourages engagement
 Allows people to have fun
 Develop critical-thinking skills

 People need to go at different speeds

 Quite people may not feel comfortable
 User-friendly interface
 Multiple features
 Integration and Compatibility
 Privacy Options
 Cloud-based Technology
21. Gather student feedback
22. Gamified learning
23. Digital field trip
24. Integrate social media
25. Using a classroom calendar
26. Review and critique webpages
27. Online activities for students who finish work early
28. Video/Multimedia lessons and presentations
29. Creating digital content
30. (own idea on why student benefit in using technology in the classroom)

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