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Final essay

In Egypt the way people raise their child differs from the rest of the world.

Egypt is mostly an islamic country, which influences the way children are

raised. Some believe that the ways used to develop a child in Egypt is

wrong and misleading, while others believe that the methods used should

be implemented on every child. In Egypt the way boys are raised is com-

pletely different from the way girls are raised; where boys are raised to be

strong and masculine, and girls are raised to be kind and feminine.

Many years ago Egypt went through a lot of wars, this had an effect on the

Egyptian men. They believed that in order for a man to survive he has to

be cold hearted and brutal, that men must shut off their emotions. This way

was effective back at that time, but now the environment changed. Boys

now are still raised as if they are going to war. Teaching men to be tough

is not something that completely forbidden, but it can be harmful when

they are only raised this way. Fathers are so harsh on their sons to the point

that boys now struggle with showing their emotions; they are taught that

seeking help is a sign of weakness. We all heard the phrase “men do not

cry”, this phrase was the cause of many mental health issues that men face.
This idea was planted in boys’ minds from when they were little kids. The

way fathers were harsh on their children caused them to be emotionally

unavailable. This was the reason to many divorces, and many conflicts

men face. Men are supposed to have a kind and gentle side, while at the

same time being brave and strong. When raising a boy there has to be bal-

ance between being harsh and being soft on them, parents should teach

them manners toward themselves and others. If this is implemented on

boys when they are still infants, it will take Egypt to a far more greater


Meanwhile the ways girls are raised is the complete opposite. Women in

general are kind-hearted, that is why women are the ones that take care of

babies. But due to harsh conditions and the unsafe environment in Egypt;

parents are raising their girls to be masculine, so that they would be able to

defend themselves. Parents now, specially fathers, put their daughters in

fighting sports like karate or boxing, this is not something that is harmful.

This can be draw back when it becomes excessive. In other words, girls

are raised to be like men. The main thing that differentiates girls from boys

is the way their brain functions; boys think in a more logical way while
girls use their emotional side when making a decision. Both is equally as

important, but when the balance is tipped it can causes misunderstandings.

Girls should be in touch with their feminine side, they should be proud of

it rather than hiding it. This can be achieved by swerving away from the

idea that girls should be strong at all times, parents have to stop comparing

girls to boys. They need to understand that what makes a girl a girl is her

soft side, and when they are taught the opposite they lose the only thing

that differentiate them from boys.

In the end, The way girls and boys are raised should be changed in Egypt.

Our world is built around having balance, between good and bad, kind and

evil; the scale must always be level. At the moment the scale is unbal-

anced, If the ways parents in Egypt raise their children changed to the bet-

ter; it will certainly bring back the scale to how it should be.

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