Death Penalty Full Essay

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Integrated essay 

Crimes have been around since the beginning of time; it is something

in the nature of the human brain to break the rules. As a result of this, the

governments decided that anyone who commits crimes should be punished

accordingly. These systems try to make the punishments as equal in weight

as the crime that occurred. As for when someone is murdered, the only

logical way to punish them is by giving the person convicted of this crime

the death penalty. Capital punishment is when someone is executed due to

the fact that he or she committed a crime serious enough that they get sen-

tenced to the death penalty. Many opinions have been floating around

about whether we should abolish the practice of eliminating someone as a

form of punishment. Two reasons why capital punishment should not be

abolished are to give criminals the fear of losing their lives because of an
act they have committed, as well as to give justice to the friends and fam-

ily of the victim.

Breaking in and stealing from houses is something that commonly

happens; in some cases, the intruder gets caught by the owners of the

house. In a situation like this, the intruder tends to panic, and he might

harm or even murder whoever confronted him. The death penalty planted a

fear in the intruder’s heart because he knew that if he killed anyone, he

would also lose his life. As mentioned in the article "Arguments For The

Death Penalty”, the author explained that the intruder ‘’ is less inclined to

break and enter’’ if he is aware that the justice system will punish him no

matter what; meaning that ‘’there is a better chance that he will not break

and enter in the first place”. This shows that having the death penalty may

prevent many crimes from happening, due to the fact that criminals will

fear dying. Therefore, it is something favourable to have capital punish-

ment implemented everywhere, so that people who commit crimes know

that there are consequences to their actions. It is in our human nature to

fear death; it is a basic survival instinct. Personally, I think that we should

stress this fact and use it to our advantage to minimise murder crimes as

much as possible.

  Giving justice to the friends and the family of the victim is a reason

why capital punishment should be allowed. The feeling of grief that comes

after losing a loved one is unbearable; the concept of revenge numbs this

feeling and makes it easier for the family as well as the friends of the vic-

tim to move on. As stated in the article "Arguments For The Death

Penalty”, "the execution does engender a feeling of relief at no longer hav-

ing to think about the ordeal." This quote further reinforces the idea that

systems should not ban the death sentence. When the families of the victim

know that the person responsible for their loss is alive, they get this feeling

of wanting to punish this person. Putting the criminal in prison is still a

harsh life that they have to adapt to, but this still doesn’t cool down the

sadness that the families experience. Hence, it would be the least comfort-

ing to reassure them by knowing that the reason for their loss no longer ex-


Giving offenders the fear of dying as punishment for a crime they

committed and providing justice to the victim's friends and family are two

reasons why the death penalty shouldn't be abolished. These reasons are

sufficient to continue this act and to even support it in different areas

around the world. The death penalty should only be used when necessary.

The reason that many people are against this idea is due to the fact that

many systems use capital punishment as an easy way to get rid of the situ-

ation. And this can cause many unfair executions of innocent people; in

this case, capital punishment should be banned. If capital punishment is

used under control and supervision, it will be a very effective way to lower

crime rates as much as possible.

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