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Chukwuemeka, E 2022, Impact of Technology on Culture, Tradition and Social Values, Scholarly, viewed

18 October 2022,

Gok, H, Kurt, I 2015, Impact of Technology on the Perceptions of Culture Shock, ResearchGate, vol.
2(2), pp. 21-28, viewed 18 October 2022,
This paper critically attempts to seek how technology affects on culture, tradition, and social values. The

findings revealed the fact that found people who get used to using technology in daily life have increased,

raising questions as to the relationship between technology and human. In other words, they tried to

disentangle the questions of whether using technology contributes to increasing the impact on culture,

tradition, and social values. 'Impact of technology on the Perceptions of Culture Shock' by Ibrahim Kurt

views culture shock from the digital era perspective. Another article by Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka,

entitled 'Impact of Technology on Culture, Tradition and Social Values,' perspective to access the impact

of technology on culture.

Firstly, 'Impact of technology on the Perceptions of Culture Shock' by Kurt, which was written in

academic writing, seeks to state the importance of culture.  Furthermore, the writer has claimed his article

for a large number of individuals who may be experiencing culture shock. In addition, the physical

boundaries and borders are eliminated by technology, focusing on identifying the cultural terms and

culture shock. The writer also states that excessive usage of technology may have impacts on the culture

and result in the loss of the original state of the culture.

In contrast, Chukwuemeka's article was written tersely. It examines that technology must be compatible

with social and cultural norms. Chukwuemeka also warns human interaction cannot substitute for

technology, and human value may not be recognized when more technological innovations arise. It is also

stated that every aspect of our existence has changed due to technological improvements, and

leapfrogging may alter cultural legacy and mindsets. In addition, Chukwuemeka clarified that technology

unites individuals and transforms the world into a "global community."  The author highlighted the
significance of technology in promoting interpersonal relationships and advancing professions such as

economics, engineering, and medicine.

Impact of Technology on the Perceptions of Culture Shock is a highly pragmatic paper for international

students who desire to adjust to living abroad. The style of expressing the author's ideas in Impact of

Technology on the Perceptions of Culture Shock is one of the ideal ways for readers to gain information.

The handy keyword list in Kurt's article is convenient for readers to have a deeper insight into the main

ideas of the article. In addition, Kurt cited various sources from different cultures that make his article

informative and directional to the main ideas. Kurt's article also includes numerous common words that

help his article easier for readers to understand. His article's objectivity is one quality worth noticing. He

avoids overgeneralization and does not cite personal viewpoints to back up his assertions. One flaw

noticed is that his article contained too much redundant information so his article may confuse his

readers. Moreover, Kurt provided symptoms of people who experienced culture shock, but his article does

not offer any strategies to deal with it. Understanding would have been easier if there had been color

graphics. Kurt's article is not well-organized due to the advantages and disadvantages of technology

impact being organized chaotically.

The author Chukuemeka's ' Impact of Technology on Culture, Tradition, and Social Values' concisely

covers the important points in a concise manner to make the essay easier to understand. Chukwuemeka

adores "Succinctism" in his article, which is brief but comprehensive. The author also explores the

consequences of earlier technologies, giving readers the context they need to fully understand the effects

of modern technology. Additionally, Chukuemeka's piece demonstrates that technology has a significant

impact on a range of aspects (culture, human activities, social values, and relationships). In his piece,

Chukuemeka presents additional information as well as a thoughtful discussion of culture and technology.

The absence of a reference list in Chukuemeka's article is one flaw that should be pointed out because it

prevents his argument from being backed by various expert perspectives. Additionally, he proposed a
plethora of concepts but only offers a few phrases to support them, and some of his ideas have not been

fully clarified. It renders his article devoid of credible supporting evidence.

In summary, readers wish to gain an understanding of technology's impacts surrounding society becoming

more complicated, and human labor will be replaced with technology. Kurt's article is suitable for readers

who revel in reading scholarly articles. Besides, the superfluous information may lead to readers’

confusion. Chukuemeka's piece is a better option for a different group of readers who prefer reading an

online newspaper. On the other hand, in Chukuemeka's article, he tends to be biased in his opinions.

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