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Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam

as an alternative to reinforced concrete for

beams in building construction projects
Halivier C. Legaspina 1

Abstract I. Introduction
All materials used in building construction are gathered from A. Rationale
different natural resources, such as logging and mining, This paper will discuss about the economic and
depending on the material applied. In any way, it creates impacts environmental impacts of the integration of glue-laminated
upon the environment as well as the economy. The sustainability timber in structures in the Philippines using local fast-
of the materials is defined by how it is gathered and processed. In growing, low-cost softwood timber species, particularly the
addition, it is defined as well in how great is its impact to the Acacia Mangium specie; how sustainable will it be? This
economy and the environment. paper is a feasibility study of the integration of glue-
In the construction of structural elements, such as columns and laminated timber in the Philippines as well as an in-depth
beams, the most common materials integrated are timber, analysis in its economic and environmental impacts. This is
concrete, and steel, although the most common and widely used also a comparative analysis between glue-laminated timber
material is reinforced concrete. Although timber was widely used
and concrete. Several building materials are used in the
in the early period of construction, it alone has its disadvantages
construction of major structural elements, such as beams
and cannot overcome the strength of reinforced concrete.
and columns. The most commonly known material
However, innovations have been made and the production of
categories of materials are concrete, steel, and timber. The
glulam have been discovered over the years in order to increase
applicability of the uses of these materials depends on the
the capacity of timber and be a competitive material to the
type of building, loadings, and location.
conventional ones in terms of strength and physical capabilities.
Concrete and steel are both gathered from mining, where the Reinforced concrete is widely used in major construction
resources for the raw materials are not naturally renewable. projects all across the world. It is known for its durability
Timber, on the other hand, is harvested by logging of trees from and strength, in which it can withstand different forces and
forests, in which timber is the only building material used in carry different loads in a building. However, raw materials
major construction that is organic and can be grown. that are contained in reinforced concrete used in major
This paper will focus on the comparison of reinforced concrete and structural elements are all gathered through mining, and
glulam beams. The purpose of focusing on beams rather than the resources for these materials are not renewable, unlike
columns is the behavior of forces acting within. Column element indigenous materials, such as timber and bamboo that can
is mainly subjected to compression, while beams are subjected to be grown and reproduced over time. Once the raw
both shear and bending, which composes of the combination of the materials are gathered for producing reinforced concrete,
two axial forces, tension and compression, separated by the they cannot be replaced. After several years, there might be
neutral axis. a scarcity of the resources for this particular building
This paper is an investigation of the sustainability of glulam in material. Also, the major component of reinforced concrete,
its integration to beams of various construction projects in the which is the cement, cannot be recycled into its original
Philippines. The timber specie to be focused on for the glulam state, unlike steel. Hence, an alternative material, which can
material will be Acacia mangium Willd., as it is a fast-growing be reproduced, may be recommended.
tree and has a good quality to be used in construction. This study Timber is one of the building materials that is used in major
will involve validation through building simulation, different construction projects. It can also be applied in construction
quantitative methods, and comparative analyses between Acacia of major structural elements such as post and lintel
mangium glulam and reinforced concrete. It is expected to justify elements (Ramage, Burridge, Busse-Wicher, Fereday,
the capability of Acacia mangium glulam in its integration to Reynolds, Shah, Wu, Yu, Fleming, Densley-Tingley,
beams of structures, as well as its sustainability in construction. Allwood, Dupree, Linden, & Scherman, 2017). This material
can also be used in large bridges (Malo, 2016), proving that
Keywords: Glulam, Acacia mangium Willd., Reinforced it can carry dynamic loads. Among the building materials
concrete, beams, timber used in the construction of major structural elements,
timber is the only material that is grown (Ramage, et. al,
2017) and reproduced quickly. However, the reproduction
cycles might take too long, depending on the species of
trees used for this material, especially hardwood products.
Therefore, many studies indicate that many fast-growing
timber species may be used for timber production, which
1st Year graduate student, Master of Architecture, College of will take a shorter time to regrow.
Architecture, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City,
Philippines 1101, 2nd Semester, S.Y. 2018-2019

MUHON: A Journa l of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designe d Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 6
Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam as an alternative to reinforced concrete for beams in
building construction projects
One of the main issues in using timber in construction is its B. Statement of the Problem
environmental impacts, which is the inevitable Research Problem
deforestation or decline in the forestry. Although the trees, Although the cost for integrating Acacia mangium glulam
which are the sources of this building material, are grown, would be higher than using concrete for beams in building
but it would take decades to for them to regrow and reach construction, there are other advantages in glulam in terms
the age, where each tree reaches its peak of maturity in of its performance and sustainability in many aspects, in
order to be used for major construction. This is the most which it would be more beneficial in the long-term run.
usual cases especially in hardwood tree species. How will it justify that Acacia mangium glulam can be
Nevertheless, there are also trees that take a shorter time to sustainably used as an alternative to concrete beams in
grow and reach its maturity age – these are the softwood building construction projects in the Philippines?
species. One example of softwood species is the Acacia The main goal of this paper is to justify the possibility of
Mangium, also known as the forest mangroves and locally integrating glulam for beams in different
mangium as its common names, which will be focused in construction projects in the Philippines, particularly within
this study. Acacia mangium is a fast-growing specie of tree Metro Manila in a feasible way in terms of construction,
that can be recommended in integrating in building economy, and environment. However, it is necessary to
construction, as it takes a short amount of time to mature determine whether it is really feasible and more sustainable
and germinates a high amount of seeds (Hedge, to integrate glue-laminated timber in the Philippines. Some
Palanisamy, & Yi, 2013). Based on the provisions of the factors to consider in this study is the availability or
National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015, the Acacia material sources, applicability, strength, economy, and
mangium timber is classified within the moderate strength environment; these factors can be considered
category of timber (Association of Structural Engineers of interchangeably, with no particular order, as they all affect
the Philippines, 2016). each other. Hypothetically, consideration of these five
Timber also has properties and capabilities that are similar major factors may lead to a sustainable outcome.
to reinforced concrete in terms of its behavior of resisting The main problem of the research is subdivided into
different loads. Although timber has many weakness, and smaller key research questions. These questions will
it alone cannot be as sturdy as reinforced concrete, somewhat lead to the formulation of answers to the main
innovations has been conducted in engineering this problem, resulting to the achievement of the main research
material to produce various timber technologies that has goal. The significances of each following questions are
improved material properties, such as glue-laminated shown through the research objectives.
timber and many other engineered timber.
Glue-laminated timber, also known as glulam, is the Key Research Questions and Objectives
commonly used engineered timber for major structural What do current studies and discoveries tell about Acacia
elements in building construction projects among the other mangium and the possibility of using Acacia mangium
engineered timber products, such as cross-laminated glulam for beams? The current studies and discoveries of
timber. It is composed of several timber planks or pieces the focus of this study aims to understand the capability of
laminated together with the use of adhesive material to glulam timber, in which it can be integrated in major
create a larger structural member (Ong, 2015). Glulam, like structural elements in building construction projects,
concrete, is classified into different categories of strength. particularly beams for this study. Also, it may be a way to
Depending on the specie of timber and adhesive used in its identify different means of enhancing the capabilities and
production, it can achieve a various amount of strength as strength of Acacia mangium.
categorized in the table shown in BS EN 1194 (1999), one of What are the characteristics of Acacia mangium glulam in
the British standards in glulam. terms of its physical, mechanical, chemical, and
Segundinho, França, Neto, Gonçalves, & Oliveira (2015) construction properties? The properties and characteristics
investigated the material properties of glulam beams using of Acacia mangium glulam should be well understood in
Acacia mangium species and different adhesives for order to identify its composition. This problem aims to
lamination. Their investigation led them to a result that identify the materials contained in its production, as well as
proves that the strength of Acacia mangium glulam can be the resources of these materials, and their availability.
competitive with the strength of reinforced concrete for What are the various methods that Acacia mangium can be
beam structures. Based on their study, the strength of tested for its sustainability and capability as a structural
Acacia mangium glulam may reach maximum strength beam, and what would be the results? These various testing
under C-30 category, which are shown in the tabulation of methods for mangium will determine the different
strength categories provided in BS EN 1194 (1999) and standards in its production in order to indicate its safety
Hassachler Norica Timber (n.d.). measures. In addition, these safety measures refer to the
This research is a deeper investigation of the properties of construction of glulam beams with the use of Acacia
the Acacia mangium timber and its properties as a glulam mangium timber, which are defined through its size, its
structural member. It aims to prove the sustainability of span, and layout. This way, the possible structural failures
integrating this particular material as an alternative caused by different casualties and natural phenomena may
material to reinforced concrete for beams in various be addressed.
building construction projects in Metro Manila. Although, Based on the findings drawn from this study and
this study does not intend to discourage or omit the use of experiment, how does Acacia mangium perform and show
reinforced concrete, but to provide a future long-term its sustainability as a structural beam that can withstand
solution for promoting a sustainable construction design. different loads? The performance and sustainability of the

MUHON: A Journa l of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designe d Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 6
Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam as an alternative to reinforced concrete for beams in
building construction projects
beams produced by Acacia mangium timber aims to further materials, timber is the only material that is regrown in a
analyze and compare the different characteristics and period of time, indicating that it may be beneficial to the
properties between this material and the conventional environment. However, a large amount of energy may be
reinforced concrete. This way, the advantages of both used in the production of timber material for building
materials in different aspects will be determined. In construction, particularly in the process of logging and
addition, the comparison of these materials will determine drying. (Ramage, et. al, 2017).
and prove the sustainability of glulam in the construction
of buildings. Glue-laminated timber, its history, characteristics, and
C. Setting of the Problem Glulam is an engineered timber that can be used as a
Scope of the Study structural member in building construction projects, such
This research will focus on the properties of Acacia as columns and beams. It is composed of timber strips that
mangium, its characteristics as a building material, its are glued together using various types of adhesives, such as
physical features, and its applications. In terms of Melamine-urea formaldehyde, liquid polyurethane, and
application, this study is limited only to beams, particularly other amino plastics. (Ong, 2015, Segundinho, et. al, 2015, &
simply supported beams, as beams are subjected manly in DSCDocumentries, 2012). The factors that will determine
shear and bending, in which bending contains a the strength of a glulam member are the species of timber,
combination of both tension and compression forces. dimensions of the member, and the adhesives. (Ong, 2015).
High-grade timber are mostly used in the early years, but
Assumptions recent studies show that softwood species can also be used
Based on different theories, discoveries, and readings, it is in glulam production. Some examples of softwood species
assumed that glued-laminated timber, being a flexible, used in producing glulam beams are Popular (Basterra, et.
elastic, lightweight, and less massive material, has the al, 2017) and Acacia Mangium (Segundinho, et. al, 2015).
capability to carry loads and resist earthquake more than Many studies stated that such softwood species can be
conventional materials such as reinforced concrete. And strengthened by the use of reinforcements, such as Fiber
based on the basic principles and characteristics of Reinforced Polymer (FRP) (Ong, 2015) and Glass Fiber
materials, it is also assumed that timber is more sustainable Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) (Basterra, et. al, 2017) sheets
than conventional reinforced concrete, such as concrete and applied with the adhesives.
steel, as it can be recycled. Since timber is an organic
material, once the life span reaches its end, it can be
disposed and naturally degrade, which benefits the natural
environment. Timber is also a renewable material, and its
scarcity can be managed accordingly.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study addresses various aspects in
the environment and building construction industry in the
Philippines. This research aims to address global warming
by reducing carbon footprint emissions through promotion
of the use of glued laminated timber, as this material
composes of organic elements, such as wood and resins.
The reinforcement of glued laminated timber can
contribute of prolonging its life span, which can give ample
time for some trees to grow back. This research is not
intended only for the benefit of different design
professionals but also for the students in the field of
designing built environment, who will design structures in
the future.

II. Review of Related Literature

Several literatures that are related to the research topic,
particularly the focus of the research, are reviewed in order
to provide answers to the key research questions, as well as
the main research problem. These literatures may also be
used as bases for validating the theories, assumptions, and
hypotheses of this study.

A. Background of the Study

Timber structures Figure 1. Typical stages of glulam production
Timber is one of the categories of building materials used Source: Ong, C.B. (2015). “Glue-Laminated Timber”. Wood composites,
in the construction of major structural elements along with p. 125
reinforced concrete and steel. Among these building
MUHON: A Journa l of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Desi gne d Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 6
Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam as an alternative to reinforced concrete for beams in
building construction projects

Figure 2. Multi-story structures worldwide that applied timber in major structural elements.
Source: Ramage, M.H., Burridge, H., Busse-Wicher, M., Fereday, G., Reynolds, T., Shah, D.U., Wu, G., Yu, L., Fleming, P., Densley-Tingley, D., Allwood, J.,
Dupree, P., Linden, P.F., & Scherman, O. (2015). “The wood from the trees: The use of timber in construction”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
Issue 68, p. 350

Timber species applied in glulam structures There is also a current on-going conceptualization of a 42-
National Structural Code of the Philippines (ASEP, 2016) story high-rise building by SOM engineers, however, it is
provided a tabulation of timber species that can be used in not yet being constructed. (Ramage, et. al, 2017)
structural designing of building main structural elements, In the Philippines, the first all-glulam roof structure was
wherein these species are also used in glulam integration. constructed in Mactan, Cebu (BuildingandInteriors, 2018).
One of the species listed in this Code is the Acacia This structure is the new terminal of the Mactan Cebu
mangium, which is used in the production of glulam beams International airport, though the glulam materials
as mentioned in the stdy of Segundinho (et. al) (2015). Other integrated in this structure are all imported from Europe
species used in producing beams are Poplar, a fast-growing (Galarpe, 2018). This was also featured in the article by
low cost timber as mentioned by Basterra, Balmori, Manila Standard (2018). The image of the exterior of this
Morillas, Acuña, & Casado (2017) and Van Acker, Defoirdt, structure is shown in Figure 3.
& Van den Bulcke (2016), Nordic pine (Abrahamsen &
Malo, 2014), and mahogany (Lestari, Hadi, Hermawan, &
Santoso, 2015).

Existing Structures using glulam

Multi-story structures that used glulam in the structural
elements are located in many different countries
worldwide, as shown in Figure 2. Majority of these
structures are mid-rise buildings, and there is one existing
high-rise building located in Bergen, Norway (Abrahamsen Figure 3. Mactan, Cebu International Airport Terminal 2
& Malo, 2014). The structural design of these buildings are Source: Republic of the Philippine: Philippine News Agency. (2018).
a combination of reinforced concrete applied in the Public viewing for new Cebu airport terminal set. Retrieved from
foundation and base of the building and glulam material for
the structural elements rising to the top. Examples of these
structure that are located in different countries are two the B. Acacia mangium
five-story buildings in Italy, the six-story Limnologen As shown in Figures 4 and 5, Acacia mangium, also known
located in Sweden, seven-story residence in United as mangium as its common name worldwide, is a fast-
Kingdom, and the fourteen-story Treet building in Norway. growing timber specie that is native to Papua New Guinea,

MUHON: A Journa l of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designe d Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 6
Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam as an alternative to reinforced concrete for beams in
building construction projects
parts of Indonesia, and northeastern Queensland in The use of such small diameter fast-growing timber specie
Australia. Due to its rapid growth and tolerance of very like Acacia mangium may be able to substitute the slow-
poor soil, it is introduced to many countries such as other growing hardwood species for timber construction
Southeast Asian countries, African countries, and parts of (Herawati, Massijaya, & Nugroho, n.d.). Hardwood and
South America. Mangium is a quality timber that can be large-diameter species of timber take several decades to
used in different variety, especially in furnishing and mature and be able to harvest, while Acacia mangium,
building construction. (Hedge, Palanisamy, & Yi, 2013) based on the experimental study of Segundinho, et. al.
(2015), can be harvested in 18 years of age, yet it could
almost reach the same strength as of reinforced conrete in

C. Properties of Acacia mangium glulam

Acacia mangium is categorized in medium strength group
of timber species in the National Structural Code of the
Philippines 2015, having a maximum bending capacity of
15.51 MPa (2249.54 psi) and a maximum shearing capacity
of 1.95 MPa (230.61 psi) (ASEP, 2016). Many current studies
have investigated the use of Acacia mangium in the
production of glulam.

Figure 4. Generalized distribution of Acacia mangium.

Source: Acacia mangium Willd. Kew science: Plants of the world online.. Segundinho, França, Neto, Gonçalves, & Oliveira (2015)
Retrieved from conducted shear and delamination test for Acacia mangium
glulam using various adhesives for laminating the timber
planks. The shear test is used to determine the compressive
and shear capacities of Acacia mangium glulam. The
adhesives in their study are liquid polyurethane (PUR) and
melamine-urea formaldehyde (MUR), which are both
having a pressure of 0.80 MPa (116 psi). The result of their
test indicated that Acacia mangium glulam may be
classified under the C-30 strength category of glulam
timber based on BS EN 1194 (1999), in which it may reach a
maximum bending capacity of 30 MPa or 4350 psi.
30 MPa of modulus of rupture (MOR) is required by Japan
Agricultural Standard for glulam timber (JAS 234:2003) for
glulam design. Acacia mangium tested and compared with
other timber species for glulam beam strength; it was
compared with African wood with the use of water-based
polymer isocyanate (WBPI) (Herawati, Massijaya, &
Nugroho, n.d.), and with manii and sengon species
(Komariah, Hadi, Massijaya, & Suryana, 2015).
Compression test was conducted in these studies, resulting
to results that satisfies the requirements of JAS 234:2003.
However, since glulam is still an organic material, it is still
subject to different failures that occur naturally in wood,
such as decays, expansion or shrinkage due to moisture,
termites and insects, and fire. Other failures are due to the
loads that are carried by the glulam member. These failures
particular to glulam beams that are occurred by the carried
loads are the shear, bending, and delamination of
adhesives. Even though glulam is subjected to various
failures, there are treatments that can be applied to prevent
these. In Australia, they have conducted different standards
for different wood treatments, especially fire treatment,
since many structures are built in this country using timber
(Wood Solutions, 2016). Shear and bending failures can
only be prevented by the design of the glulam member itself
as long as it is designed and produced according to the
provisions of different standards and codes such as the
Figure 5. Acacia mangium Willd. National Structural Code of the Philippines (ASEP, 2015),
Source: Maurice McDonald. Retrieved from BS EN 1194 (1999), BS EN 408 (1995), ISO 12578 (2016), and other standards relevant to glulam design. Delamination,

MUHON: A Journa l of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Desi gne d Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 6
Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam as an alternative to reinforced concrete for beams in
building construction projects
however, can be repaired, but the behavior should be beam, the adhesive did not lose its bond to the timber. The
understood (Ferreira, Cruz, & Silva, 2017). timber sheared after it reached its maximum limits, but the
adhesive still remained attached in between the timber
D. Methods for testing Acacia mangium pieces, though, according to the principles of strength of
glulam beams materials, there will always be a limit for every material and
In testing Acacia mangium beams, shearing and/or component. Hence, there are still probabilities that
bending tests may be conducted using various testing delamination will still occur.
machines. Some examples of testing apparatuses or
machines for glulam beams are INSTRON MEN-102/100 IV. Research Methodology
machine for bending capacity (Basterra, Balmori, Morillas, The nature of research is a combination of both qualitative
Acuña, & Casado, 2017) and Empa machine for shearing and quantitative. The design of this research design consists
tests (Steiger & Richter, 2009) shown in Figures 6 and 7, of logical argumentation and case studies, showing the
although there are many other machine models for these qualitative nature of research, and also simulation and
kinds of tests. experimental, showing the quantitative nature of research.
Testing methods of glulam should be in accordance to The method of this research will be composed of several
certain standards, such as the provisions by American methodologies. Quantitative methods will probably be
Institute of Timber Construction (2007), ASTM D 143-94 used in this research in terms of time of growth, plantation
(2000) and ASTM D 905-03 (1998). The result of the cycle, and material properties and strength of the timber
performance of glulam beams should comply with the material. Other methodologies to be executed in this
provisions of ISO 12578 (2016) and BS EN 386:2001 (2001). research will include gathering of data from primary and
In testing glulam structures, the strength of adhesives in the secondary sources, material testing, and mathematical
lamination of timber components must also be determined validation.
and must comply with the provisions of BS EN 391:2002 The foremost method of this research is gathering of data
(2002) and BS EN:392:2002 (2002). from secondary and primary sources that are related to
glulam, which is the focus of this research. Such data to be
collected are laws and standards of glulam design, glulam
production and technology, material properties, methods
of testing and experimentation, material resources,
applications and limitations of glulam, and its advantages.
The following methods can be done in no particular order,
but these must be executed systematically.
One of the necessary methods to be done in this research is
to conduct interviews with related agencies (e.g.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources) and
other professionals that has mastery and/or knowledge to
Gathering of materials for the production of glulam is
another tactic for this research, in which samples will be
collected for experimentation. The experimental part of this
research is the testing of the glulam material using the
Acacia Mangium as the main timber material. The
mechanical testing method for beams will be in accordance
to the usual methods for glulam beams – bending and shear
tests, which will be in accordance to the most stringent
among the related standards, such as the provisions from
Figure 6 (Left). Shear test for glulam members. AITC (2007) and ASTM D 143.94 (2000). Production of
Source: Steiger, R. & Richter, K. (2009). Glued laminated timber: Shear glulam beam will be based on the provisions of BS EN 386
test of glueliness [Conference Paper], p. 12. (2001) and ISO 12578 (2016). Shear tests, which will
determine the maximum capacity in terms of shear and
compression perpendicular to the grain of timber as well as
Figure 7 (Right). Bending test for glulam members.
the delamination of adhesive used in the glulam member,
Source: Basterra, L.A., Balmori, J.A., Morillas, L., Acuña, L., & Casado, M.
will be based according to the provisions of ASTM D905-03
(2017). Internal reinforcement of laminated duo beams of low-grade
timber with GFRP sheets. “Construction and Building Materials, Issue (1998), BS EN 391 (2002) and BS EN 392 (1995). The cross-
154, p. 917. sectional dimension to be used for testing glulam members
for this study will be 150 millimeters wide and 300
millimeters deep. The results will be validated through
E. Performance of Acacia mangium glulam quantitative methods, such as statistical analysis.
based on test results Since this research is a design-based research and a
Segundinho, et. al. (2015) mentioned in their experimental comparative analysis, case studies of various existing
study that the melamine-urea formaldehyde (MUF) structures in Metro Manila should be done. These
adhesive bonded well in Acacia mangium glulam. structures are observed visually, determining the way these
According to their result of delamination test of glulam buildings are maintained and possible structural
MUHON: A Journa l of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designe d Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 6
Investigation of using Acacia Mangium glulam as an alternative to reinforced concrete for beams in
building construction projects
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BS EN 1194:1999 – Timber structures – Glued laminated
timber – Strength classes and determination of characteristic
BS EN 386:2001 Glued laminated timber – Performance
requirements and minimum production requirements
BS EN 391:2002 Glued-laminated timber – Delamination test of
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