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;+rfns ;ldlt (Board of Directors) M @

;fwf/0f ;ef;DaGwL ;"rgf (Notice Related to AGM) M #
;ef;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L (General Information Related to AGM) M %
;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg (Board of Director’s Report) M (
cg'kfngf clws[tsf] k|ltj]bg (Compliance Officer’s Report) M @(
n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg (Auditor’s Report) M #*
jf;nft (Statement of Financial Position) M $#
gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fa (Statement of Profit or Loss) M $$
cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL (Statement of Other Comprehensive Income) M $%
OlSj6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{g;DaGwL ljj/0f (Statement of Changes in Equity) M $^
gubk|jfx ljj/0f (Statement of Cash Flow) M %)
jf;nft;“u ;Da4 gf]6x? (Notes Related to SFP) M %!–!!)
pb\3f]if0f tyf cltl/Qm ljj/0fx? (Disclosure and Additional Information) M !!!–!$$
t'ngfTds q}dfl;s kl/0ffd (Comparative Unaudited Financial Statement) M !$%
n]vfk/LIf0fk"j{ rf}yf] q}dfl;s kl/0ffd (Unaudited Quarterly Result) M !$&
kf“r jif{sf] ljQLo ;f/f+z (5 Years Financial Highlights) M !$(
jf;n III pb\3f]if0f (Disclosure under BASEL III) : !%!–!%^
lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg ;DaGwL (Related with Securities Issuance) M !%&
k|aGwkq tyf lgodfjnLdf ;+zf]wg÷yk ug]{ k|:tfjsf] ljj/0f (Proposed
Amendment/Addition in MOA/AOA) M !%(–!^$
k|d'v ljQLo ;"rsx? (Major Financial Highlights) M !^%–!^&
g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 lbOPsf] lgb]{zg (NRB Approval Letter) M !^*
;xfos sDkgL ;DaGwL ljj/0fx? (Financial Statements of Subsidiary) M !&)–!&*
Joj:yfkg ;d"x (Management Team) M !&(

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 1

;+rfns ;ldlt

>Lk[YjLaxfb'/ kfF8]
;+:yfks ;d"x

;+rfns ;+rfns ;+rfns

>Lk|hGo /fhe08f/L >L;"o{k|sfznfn >]i7 >Lsljs'df/ l6j/]jfnf
;+:yfks ;d"x ;+:yfks ;d"x ;+:yfks ;d"x

;+rfns ;+rfns ;+rfns

>Le'jg]Zj/k|;fb zfx >Lljsf; yfkf >LdtLd~h' a:g]t
;j{;fwf/0fx¿sf] tkm{af6 ;j{;fwf/0fx¿sf] tkm{af6 :jtGq ;+rfns

2 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8sf] #^ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;"rgf
o; a}+ssf] ldlt @)&(÷)*÷!! df a;]sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] %&* cf}+ a}7ssf] lg0f{o cg';f/ o; a}+ssf] #^ cf}+ jflif{s
;fwf/0f ;ef lgDg lnlvt ldlt, ;do tyf :yfgdf lgDg ljifox? pk/ 5nkmn tyf lg0f{o ug{ a:g] ePsf] xF'bf ;Dk"0f{
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?sf] pkl:yltsf nflu cg'/f]w ub{5' .
;ef x'g] ldlt, ;do / :yfg M
ldlt M @)&( ;fn kf}if dlxgf & ut] -@@ l8;]Da/, @)@@_ laxLaf/ .
;do M laxfg !)=)) ah] .
:yfg M g]kfn k|1f k|lti7fg, sdnfbL, sf7df08f} .
5nkmnsf] ljifo
s= ;fdfGo k|:tfj M
!= cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷)&( sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ .
@= n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg ;lxtsf] cfiff9 #@, @)&( df ;dfKt ePsf] jif{sf] jf;nft, tyf ;f]xL ldltdf ;dfKt
ePsf] cf=j= @)&*÷)&( sf] gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa tyf gub k|jfx ljj/0f pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ .
#= o; a}+ssf] ;xfos sDkgL æPgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n ln=Æ sf] cf=j= @)&*÷)&( sf] ljQLo ljj/0f ;lxtsf]
PsLs[t (Consolidated) ljQLo ljj/0f :jLs[t ug]{ .
$= ;~rfns ;ldltaf6 k|:tfj u/] adf]lhd k|lt z]o/ & k|ltzt -af]g; z]o/ tyf gub nfef+zsf] s/ k|of]hgsf] nflu
;d]t_ gub nfef+z ljt/0f ug{ :jLs[t ug]{ .
%= sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !!! tyf a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DalGw P]g, @)&# sf] bkmf ^# cg';f/
cfly{s jif{ @)&(÷)*) sf] n]vfk/LIf0f ug{ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/z d'tflas n]vfk/LIfs lgo'lQm ug]{ /
lghsf] kfl/>lds tyf lgo'lQmsf] zt{ tf]Sg] . -jt{dfg n]vfk/LIfs >L lh=lk= /fhjfxs P08 sDkgLsf] tkm{af6
cz]if /fhjfxsHo" k'gM lgo'Qm x'g ;Sg'x'g]5 ._
v= ljz]if k|:tfj
! o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln= sf] clws[t k"‘hL ?= c7f/ ca{ krf; s/f]8af6 j[l4 u/L ?= krf; ca{ k'¥ofpg] /
;f] sf] nflu o; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqsf] bkmf %-s_ df ;+zf]wg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
@= ;~rfns ;ldltaf6 k|:tfj u/] adf]lhd o; a}+ssf] r'Qmf k"FhLsf] $ k|ltzt af]g; z]o/ hf/L ug]{ / ;f] ubf{ a}+ssf]
hf/L k"FhL tyf r'Qmf k"FhL ;d]t a[l4 x'g] x'Fbf ;f] sf] nflu k|aGwkqsf] bkmf %-v_ / % -u_ df ;+zf]wg u/L hf/L
k"FhL tyf r'Qmf k"FhL a[l4 ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
#= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufEg]÷ufleg] -dh{/_ ;DaGwL ljz]if k|:tfj
kfl/t ug]{ .
$= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufEg]÷ufleg] -dh{/_ k|of]hgsf] nflu
d"NofÍgstf{ lks]Pkm 6L=cf/= pkfWofo P08 sDkgL (PKF T.R. Udadhaya & Company), rf6{8
PsfpG6]06;\n] tof/ u/]sf] b'a} ;+:yfsf]] rn–crn ;DklQ tyf bfloTj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg [Due Diligence Audit
(DDA)] tyf cGo ;Da4 Joj:yf ;d]tsf cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] z]o/ :jfk /]l;of] !)) a/fa/ () x'g] u/L
-d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8sf] !)) lsQf z]o/ a/fa/ g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln= sf] () lsQf z]o/ x'g] u/L_
Pscfk;df ufEg]÷ ufleg] -dh{/_ ug]{ sfo{nfO{ clGtd :jLs[tL k|bfg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
%= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufEg]÷ufleg] -dh{/_ ;DaGwL clGtd
;Demf}tfkq tyf cGo eP u/]sf ;Demf}tfx?sf] cg'df]bg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
^= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufEg]÷ufleg] -dh{/_ k|of]hgsf] nflu b'a}
;+:yfsf] rn–crn ;DklQ tyf bfloTj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg [Due Diligence Audit (DDA)] ug{ lgo'Qm u/]sf
n]vfk/LIfs÷d"NofÍgstf{sf] lgo'QmL tyf lghnfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] kfl/>lds cg'df]bg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 3

&= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufEg]÷ufleg] -dh{/_ k|of]hgsf] nflu ePsf]
;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;f] sf] cfjZos :jLs[tLsf nflu lgodgsf/L lgsfox?df lgj]bg ug{ / dh{/;Fu ;DalGwt
k|rlnt sfg"g, lgb]{zgx? adf]lhd ckgfpg' kg]{ tyf ug'{ kg]{ ;Dk"0f{ cfjZos sfo{x? Pj+ k|lqmofx? k"/f u/L clGtd
:jLs[tL lng] tyf ;f] ;DaGwdf lgodgsf/L lgsfox?af6 lgb]{zg u/] adf]lhdsf sfuhft tyf ljj/0fx? tof/
ug]{, ;f] pknAw ug]{ u/fpg], dh{/ ug]{ sfo{;Fu ;DalGwt ug'{kg]{ ;Dk"0f{ sfo{x? ug]{ nufotsf cfjZos sfo{ ug{
u/fpg ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ ;Dk"0f{ clVtof/L k|bfg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
*= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\ o; a}+ssf]
k|aGwkqsf] bkmf ! tyf lgodfjnLsf] lgod ! nufot ;DalGwt bkmf÷lgoddf ;d]t ;+zf]wg u/L o; a+}ssf] gfd
æg]kfn OGe]i6d]06 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8 (Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited)Æ x'g] u/L ;+zf]wg ug]{
ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
(= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\ o; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqsf]
bkmf $-s6_ kl5 -s7_, -s8_, -s9_, -s0f_, -st_ yk ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
!)= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\ b'a} ;+:yfsf] hf/L k"FhL
tyf r'Qmf k"FhL ;d]t hf]l8 hf/L k"FhL tyf r'Qmf k"FhL sfod x'g] x'Fbf o; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqsf] bkmf %-v_ / %-u_ df
;+zf]wg u/L hf/L k"FhL tyf r'Qmf k"FhL j[l4 ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
!!= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\ ;+:yfks tyf ;j{;fwf/0f
;d"xsf] z]o/ :jfldTj k|ltzt kl/jt{g x'g] x'Fbf o; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqsf] bkmf %-ª_ df ;+zf]wg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj
kfl/t ug]{ .
!@= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\ b'a} ;+:yfn] xfn;Dd
u/]sf] sfd sf/jflxnfO{ dfGotf lbg o; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqsf] bkmf !! kl5 bkmf !@ yk ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
!#= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ sf] sf/0fn] b'a} ;+:yfsf]
lgodfjnLdf ePsf] Joj:yfx?sf] ldnfg u/L cfjZos Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ x'Fbf o; a}+ssf] lgodfjnLsf] lgod @ kl5
lgod @ -s_ yk ug]{, lgod ^ -(_ kl5 lgod ^ -!)_ / lgod !) -!#_ kl5 lgod !) -!$_ yk ug]{, lgod *
-@_ -u_, lgod !# -@_, lgod #! -v_, lgod #! -u_ -c_ sf] -s_, -v_, -u_, lgod #! -u_ -p_, lgod $! -(_ df
;+zf]wg ug]{ tyf lgod #! -u_ -O_ vf/]h ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
!$= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ sf] sf/0fn] o; a}+ssf] k|aGwkq
tyf lgodfjnLsf] s'g} bkmf÷lgoddf dfly pNn]v ul/P afx]s cGo s'g} yk jf ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]{ ePdf jf cGo s'g}
bkmf÷lgoddf yk jf ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;f] d'tfljs ug{ ;+rfns ;ldltnfO{ k"0f{ clVtof/L lbg] ljz]if k|:tfj
kfl/t ug]{ .
!%= o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln= sf] k|aGwkq tyf lgodfjnLdf ug'{kg]{ yk÷;+zf]wgx?df lgodgsf/L lgsfox?n]
km]/abn ug{ s'g} ;'emfj jf lgb]{zg lbPdf jf s'g} eflifs km]/abn ug'{kg]{ ePdf jf o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=
/ d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 Pscfk;df ufleg -dh{/_ sf] nflu s'g} sfd sf/jflx jf lg0f{o ug'{kg]{ ePdf ;f] cg';f/
ug{ ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ ;Dk"0f{ clVtof/L k|bfg ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .

;+zf]wg ug'{kg]{ ljj/0fx? z]o/wgLdxfg'efjx?nfO{ ;ef ;DalGw JolQmut ;"rgfsf ;fy k|]lift ul/Psf] 5 .

u= ljljw .

;+rfns ;ldltsf] cf1fn]
sDkgL ;lrj

4 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;ef ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L
!_ a}+ssf] z]o/wgL btf{ lstfadf gfd btf{ ePsf z]o/wgLx?n] cfkm} jf k|ltlglw dfkm{t ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ /
dtbfg ug{ ;Sg]5 . gfafns z]o/wgLx?sf] tkm{af6 gfafnssf] ;+/Ifs jf lghn] lgo'Qm u/]sf] k|ltlglwn] ;efdf efu
lng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . z]o/wgLx?sf] btf{ lstfadf ;+/Ifssf] ?kdf gfd n]lvPsf] JolQmnfO{ dfq
;+/Ifs dflgg]5 .
@_ ;+o"Qm?kdf Pshgf eGbf a9L JolQmsf] gfddf z]o/ lnPsf]df To:tf] ;fem]bf/x?4f/f dgf]lgt ul/Psf] ;fem]bf/n] jf
lghx?n] dgf]lgt u/]sf] k|ltlglwn] / ;f] adf]lhd s'g} ;fem]bf/ dgf]lgt x'g g;s]sf]df z]o/wgLx?sf] btf{ lstfadf
h;sf] gfd klxn] pNn]v ePsf] 5 ;f]lx JolQmn] lbPsf] dt jf k|ltlglwkq dfq ;b/ x'g]5 .
#_ ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{sf] nflu k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug{ rfxg] z]o/wgLn] a}+ssf] csf]{ s'g} z]o/wgLnfO{
dfq k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg'x'g]5 .
$_ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm x'g] z]o/wgLn] ;ef ;'? x'g' eGbf &@ 306f cufj} k|ltlglwkq o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ PgcfOlaPn P;
Soflk6n ln=, nflhDkf6, sf7df08f}+df a'emfO{ ;Sg'kg]{5 .
%_ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/L ;f]sf] nflu k|ltlglwkq o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n ln=, nflhDkf6,
sf7df08f}+df a'emfO{ ;s]kl5 k|ltlglw ab/ u/L csf]{ k|ltlglw lbg rfx]df ;f]sf] ;"rgf ;ef ;'? x'g eGbf &@ 306f cufj}
o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n ln=, nflhDkf6, sf7df08f}+df lbg'kg]{5 . gofF k|ltlglwsf] xsdf bkmf
# / $ adf]lhd x'g]5 .
^_ Ps} z]o/wgLn] Ps eGbf a9L k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/]sf] cj:yfdf bkmf % adf]lhd ab/ ul/Psf]df afx]s To:tf] ;a} k|ltlglw
ab/ x'g]5 .
&_ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug]{ z]o/wgLn] s'g} sf/0fjz To:tf] k|ltlglw ab/ u/L cfkm} ;efdf pkl:yt eO{ ;efdf efu lng,
5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{ rfx]df ;f]sf] lnlvt ;"rgf ;ef z'? x'g' eGbf &@ 306f cufj} o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/
PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n ln=, nflhDkf6, sf7df08f}+df a'emfO{ ;Sg'kg]{5 .
*_ ljljw zLif{s cGtu{t k|Zg ug{ rfxg] z]o/wgLn] cfkm"n] k|Zg ug{ rfx]sf] laifo af/] ;ef x'g'eGbf & lbg cufj} a}+ssf]
b/af/dfu{, sf7df08f} l:yt s]Gb|Lo sfof{nodf hfgsf/L lbg'kg]{5 . To;/L hfgsf/L glbPsf] ljifo pk/ 5nkmn ug{
;lsg] 5}g .
(_ cfkm\gf] kl/ro kq ;lxt a}+sn] hf/L u/]sf] k|j]z–kq jf z]o/ k|df0f kq jf a}+ssf] z]o/ cef}ltsLs/0f u/]sf] b]lvg]
cef}ltsLs/0f vftf (DEMAT Account) sf] ljj/0f (BOID Statement) k|:t't u/]kl5 dfq ;efdf efu
lng kfO{g]5 . ;fy} ldlt @)&( d+l;/ @! ut]b]lv #^ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef geP;Dd z]o/ bflvn vf/]h btf{ aGb
ul/g]5 . g]kfn :6s PS;r]~h lnld6]8df @)&( d+l;/ @) ut];Dd sf/f]af/ eO{ ldlt @)&( d+l;/ @( ut] leq o;
a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n ln=, nflhDkf6, sf7df08f}+n] k|fKt u/]sf] gfd;f/Lsf] lnvtsf cfwf/df
z]o/wgL btf{ lstfadf sfod z]o/wgLx?n] ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{ ;Sg'x'g]5 .
!)_ ;efsf] lbg ;ef z'? x'g'eGbf klxn] g} pkl:yt eO{ lbg'x'g xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5' . ;fy} z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?sf] ;'ljwfsf]
nflu ;ef x'g] lbg laxfg (M)) ah]b]lv xflh/ k'l:tsf v'Nnf ul/g]5 .

b|i6JoM a}+ssf] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef;Fu ;DjlGwt ;"rgf ;lxtsf] 5nkmnsf] ljifo ;"rL ;Dk"0f{ z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?nfO{ s'l/o/
dfkm{t k7fpg'sf ;fy} o; a}+ssf] j]a;fO6 df klg /flvPsf] x'Fbf ToxfFaf6 ;d]t x]g{ ;lsg] Joxf]/f
hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 5

6 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
k|f]S;L kmf/fd
>L;+rfns ;ldlt,
g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=
b/af/dfu{, sf7df8f}F .
# kf]=a=g+= #$!@
ljifoM k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm u/]sf] af/] .

============================================ lhNnf ================================================== d=g=kf=÷p=d=g=kf=÷g=kf=÷ufpFkflnsf

-;fljs ====================================================================_ j8f g+========a:g] d÷xfdL =====================================
============================================================== n] To; a}+ssf] z]o/wgLsf] x}l;otn] ldlt @)&( ;fn kf}if dlxgf &
ut]sf lbg x'g] #^ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf d÷xfdL :jo+ pkl:yt eO{ 5nkmn tyf lg0f{odf ;xefuL x'g g;Sg]
ePsf]n] pQm ;efdf d]/f]÷xfd|f] tkm{af6 efu lng tyf dtbfg ug{sf] nflu =========================== lhNnf ================
======================== d=g=kf=÷p=d=g=kf=÷g=kf=÷ufpFkflnsf -;fljs =================================================================_
j8f g+= ========== a:g] To; a}+ssf z]o/wgL >L ===================================================================================== nfO{
d]/f]÷xfd|f] k|ltlglw dgf]lgt u/L k7fPsf] 5'÷k7fPsf 5f}F .
k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ePsf] JolQmsf] lgj]bs,
x:tfIf/sf] gd"gfM b:tvtM ==============================================================
gfdM ===================================================================
7]ufgfM =================================================================
z]o/k|df0f–kq g+=M===================================================
z]o/ k|df0fkq g+=M
lxtu|flx -l8Dof6_ vftf g+=M—
lxtu|flx -l8Dof6_ vftf g+=M
z]o/wgL -qmd ;+Vof_ g+=M z]o/wgL -qmd ;+Vof_ g+=M—
ldltM— z]o/ ;+VofM
-b|i6JoM of] k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ kmf/fd ;ef z'? x'g'eGbf &@ 306f cufj} sf=lh=, sf=d=g=kf=, j8f g+= @, nflhDkf6
l:yt o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8df k]z ul/;Sg' kg]{5 ._
# #

z]o/wgLsf] gfd M=====================================================================================================================================
z]o/wgL -qmd ;+Vof_ g+= M===========================================================================================================================
z]o/ ;+Vof M=============================================================================================================================================
lxtu|flx -l8Dof6_ vftf g+=M==========================================================================================================================
z]o/wgLsf] ;xL M======================================================================================================================================

cflwsf/Ls b:tvt
-sDkgL ;lrj_

#^ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf pkl:yt x'g hf/L ul/Psf] k|j]z–kq .

!= z]o/wgL cfk}Fmn] vfnL sf]i7x¿ eg'{xf]nf .
#^ cf} + jflif{
@= s ;efsIfdf
k|ltj]bg k|j]z ug{ of] k|j]z–kq k|:t't ug'{ clgjfo{ 5 . 7
8 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
#^ ;f+} jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf
cWoIfHo"åf/f k|:t't ;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg -cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&(_

cfb/0fLo z]o/wgLdxfg'efjx?,

g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 -PgcfOlaPn_ sf] #^ ;f+} jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf z]o/wgL
dxfg'efjx?nfO{ :jfut ug{ kfpFbf xfdLnfO{ cToGt v';L nfu]sf]] 5 .

ljut tLg bzseGbf nfdf] ;do b]lv oxfFx?af6 xfdLnfO{ k|fKt c;Ld ljZjf; / cfTdLo ;xof]usf
nflu a}+s kl/jf/ oxfFx? k|lt xflb{s cfef/L 5 . ljutsf pknlAwk"0f{ ;kmntfx?nfO{ cfly{s jif{
@)&*÷&( df klg a}+sn] lg/Gt/tf lbO{ Joj;flos pTs[i6tf / u|fxs ;Gt'li6nfO{ sfod /fVg ;kmn
ePsf] 5 .

a}+sx? 7'nf / alnof x'g' k5{ eGg] xfd|f] dfGotf /x]sf] 5 . 7'nf / alnof a}+sx?n] dfq} lbuf] j[l4
xfl;n ug{ ;Sg] / gofF sfo{If]qdf Joj;fo tyf nufgL lj:tf/ ul/ ;]jfu|fxLx?nfO{ gljgtd
k|ljwL tyf Go'g nfut dfkm{t k|efjsf/L a}+lsË ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfk\mgf ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] nflu plrt
d"No l;h{gf ug{ ;Sg] ljZjf; xfdLn] lnPsf 5f}+ . ljut s]lx jif{ b]lv a}+sx?sf] k"FhLdf k|ltkmn
(Return on equity) 36\b} uPsf] 5 . s]xL jif{ cufl8;Dd @) k|ltzteGbf dfly /x]sf] k"FhL k|ltkmn
ut jif{ !!÷!@ k|ltztdf em/]sf] 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf k"FhLdf plrt k|ltkmnsf] nflu 7"nf] cfsf/
df Jofkf/ lj:tf/ (Economies of scale) sf] ljsNk b]lvb}g . k|ljlwdf cfO/x]sf] Jofks kl/jt{g
(Digitalization) tyf lkmg6]s (Fin-tech) sDkgLx?sf] pbo;Fu} k/Dk/fut a}lsË Joj;fosf] eljio g}
r'gf}tLk'0f{ ePsf] 5 . ;fy} bL3{sflng tyf cNksflng ;d:ofx? xn ug{sf nflu klg lau dh{/
(Big merger) cfjZostf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] klg a}+sx?sf] ;+Vof 36fpg lau dh{/ sf]
gLltnfO{ hf]8tf]8n] cufl8 a9fO/x]sf] 5 . ;f]xL gLltnfO{ cg';/0f ub}{ o; a}+sn] cf=j= @)&#÷&$
df P; 8]enkd]G6 a}+s lnld6]8, cf=j= @)&%÷&^ df h]laN; kmfO{gfG;\ lnld6]8 / cf=j=@)&&÷&*
df l;6L PS;k|]; kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8nfO{ ufle;s]sf] 5 / lau dh{/sf] k|of; :j?k ut jif{
ldlt @)&* j}zfv #) ut] dh{/sf nflu lxdfnog a}+s lnld6]8;Fu dh{/ ;DaGwL ;Demf}tfdf x:tfIf/
u/]sf] lyof] . t/ ljljw sf/0fa; lxdfnog a}+ssf] ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 dh{/ k|:tfj kfl/t x'g
g;Sbf xfd|f] a}+ssf] @ jif{ eGbf a9L ax'd"No ;do tyf ldx]gt v]/ uPsf] 5 . tyfkL lau dh{/sf]
cleofgnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg xfdLn] ljleGg ljsNkx?df cWoog uof}{+ / ;f] kZrft\ g]kfnsf :yflkt
a}+sx? dWo] Ps d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8;Fu ldlt @)&( h]i7 @& ut] dh{/ ;DaGwL ;Demf}tfdf
x:tfIf/ u/L g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 ldlt @)&( cfiff9 @@ ut] ;}4flGts ;xdtL k|fKt u/]sf 5f}+ . b'j}
a}+s dh{ u/L lz3|fltlz3| Plss[t sf/f]af/ ;'? ug{ cfjZos sfo{x? b'|t ultdf cufl8 al9/x]sf] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 9

ca d oxfFx? ;dIf cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( sf] a}+ssf ultljlwx?, jf;nft tyf gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa
;lxtsf cGo ljQLo ljj/0f k|:t't ub{5' .
!= ljut jif{ -cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&(_ sf] a}+ssf] sf/f]jf/sf] l;+xfjnf]sg M

cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( a}+lsË If]qsf nflu ptf/r9fjo'Qm /x\of]] . cfly{s jif{sf] kl5Nnf
q}df;x?df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf t/ntf cj:yf ;xh /x]g . /]ld6\ofG; k|jfxdf sld, Go"g
;/sf/L k'FhLut vr{, pRr cfoft, lgIf]kdf ;':t j[l4, ?;–o'qm]g o'4n] ubf{ r'lnPsf] dx+uL cflb
sf/0fn] ljQLo k|0ffnLdf r/d t/ntf cefj x'Fb} uof] . kmn:j?k 5f]6f] cGt/fndf lgIf]k tyf
shf{sf] Jofhb/df pRr j[l4 x'g uO{ c;xh cj:yf ;[hgf eof] . t/ o;} lar ;dLIff jif{df
Go'g :t/ -@=$$Ü_ df em/]sf] Jofhb/ cGt/ (Interest Spread) qmlds ?kdf ;'wf/ x'Fb} uO{
jiff{Gtdf ;fdfGo :t/ -$=))Ü_ df k'u]sfn] a}+ssf] Aofh cfDbfgLdf ;sf/fTds k|efj k¥of] .
cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷&* df ?= % ca{ %( s/f]8 /x]sf] v'b Aofh cfDbfgL o; cfly{s
jif{ @)&*÷&( df ?= @@ s/f]8 cyf{t\ $=)$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= % ca{ *! s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 .

To;}ul/ z'MNs tyf sldzg cfDbfgLdf ;+tf]ifhgs j[l4 ePsf] 5 . cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{df
?= ! cj{ !! s/f]8 /x]sf] v'b z'MNs tyf sldzg cfDbfgL o; cfly{s jif{df ?= !% s/f]8 cyf{t\
!$=)! k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= ! cj{ @& s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 .

t/ cfoftdf ePsf] lgodgsf/L aGb]hn] ubf{{ ;6xL cfDbfgLdf x|f; cfPsf] 5 . ljb]zL d'b|f ;6xL
cfDbfgL (net trading gain) ?= * s/f]8 ^ nfv cyf{t\ !)=&* k|ltztn] 36]/ ?= ^^ s/f]8 &@
nfv k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf]] cfly{s jif{df of] cfDbfgL ?= &$ s/f]8 &* nfv lyof] .

To;}ul/ cGo ;~rfng cfDbfgL eg] ?= ^@ s/f]8 ($ nfv cyf{t\ ^&=!% k|ltztn] 36]/
?= #) s/f]8 *) nfv k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf]] cfly{s jif{df of] cfDbfgL ?= (# s/f]8 &$ nfv
lyof] . cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{df a}+ssf] ljleGg sDkgLdf /x]sf] z]o/ nufgL ljqmLaf6 cflh{t nfe
?= &) s/f]8 @# nfv ;dfj]z ePsf] t/ o; cfly{s jif{df ;f] ;/xsf] nfe gePsf]n] cGo
;~rfng cfDbfgL 36L x'g k'Uf]sf] xf] .

shf{ gf]S;fgL tkm{ eg] a}+sn] cf=j= @)&*÷&( df v'b ?=! ca{ #) s/f]8 Joj:yf lkmtf{
u/]sf] 5 eg] u}/ ;~rfng vr{ cGt{ut ?= () s/f]8 $! nfv shf{ ckn]vg u/]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf]]
cfly{s jif{df shf{ gf]S;fgL Joj:yfsf nflu v'b ?= $$ s/f]8 5'§ØfPsf] lyof] .

ut cfly{s jif{df a}+ssf] sd{rf/L vr{ ?= ! ca{ &! s/f]8 af6 (=&$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= !
ca{ *& s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 eg] ;~rfng vr{ -x|f; sl§ ;lxt_ ?= ! ca{ @! s/f]8 sfod ePsf]
10 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
5 . a}+sn] ;~rfng vr{df ldtJolotf ckgfO{ lgwf{l/t nIo k|fKt ug]{ /0fgLlt cjnDag u/]sf]

kmn:j?k a}+ssf] ;~rfng d'gfkmf ?= ! cj{ !& s/f]8 cyf{t @@=*^ k|ltztn] a9]/ ?= ^ ca{
@* s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{df eg] of] ?= % ca{ !! s/f]8 lyof] . ;du|df a}+ssf]
v'b d'gfkmf ?= @# s/f]8 *( nfv cyf{t\ ^=&@ k|ltztn] a9]/ ?= # ca{ &( s/f]8 ePsf] 5 .
ut jif{ a}+ssf] v'b d'gfkmf ?= # ca{ %% s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] .

jf;nfttkm{ ;dLIff cfly{s jif{df a}+ssf] s"n ;DklQ ?= !^ ca{ %@ s/f]8 cyf{t\ &=@% k|ltztn]
j[l4 eO{ ?= @ vj{ $$ ca{ k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ s"n ;DklQ ?= @ vj{ @& cj{ lyof] . To:t}
u/L, a}+ssf] s"n lgIf]k / s"n shf{ qmdzM $=!! k|ltzt / !=&( k|ltztn] j[l4 x'Fb} ?= ! va{
*^ ca{ / ?= ! va{ ^$ ca{ sfod ePsf] 5 eg] s"n nufgL @^=%% k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= $$
ca{ *@ s/f]8 sfod ePsf] 5 .

;dLIff cfly{s jif{df a}+ssf] lglis|o shf{ (NPA) !=$( k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . cfpFbf jif{x?df
lglis|o shf{nfO{ 36fP/ Go"gtd\ :t/df n}hfg xfdL lg/Gt/ k|of;/t /xg]5f}+ .

a}+ssf] k"FhL kof{Kttf cg'kft ;Gtf]ifhgs :t/df sfod /x]sf] 5 . af;n tLg (Basel III)
cg';f/ Go"gtd k|fylds k"FhL (Tier I ) *=%) k|ltzt cfjZos ePklg xfn ;f] cg'kft !@=!%
k|ltzt sfod /x]sf] 5 . To:t}u/L, s"n k"FhL sf]if cg'kft Go"gtd !!=) k|ltzt tf]lsPsf]df
a}+ssf] s"n k"FhL sf]if !%=(^ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .

To;}u/L a}+ssf] shf{ lgIf]k cg'kft -s"n lgIf]k tyf C0fkq_ klg ;xh:t/df g} sfod /x]sf]
5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zfg';f/ shf{ lgIf]k cg'kft -s"n lgIf]k tyf C0fkq_ () k|ltzt
eGbf a9L gx'g] u/L sfod ug'{kg]{ Joj:yf ePsf]df a}+ssf] of] cg'kft *%=!$ k|ltztdf sfod
/x]sf] 5 .

;dLIff cjlwdf r'Qmf k"FhLdf k|fKt k|ltkmn @)=&$ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 eg] z]o/wgL sf]ifdf k|fKt
k|ltkmn !!=!& k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . To:t}u/L ;dLIff jif{df lgIf]k / shf{df xfd|f] ahf/ lx:;f
qmdzM $=)* k|ltzt / #=(^ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 11

;dLIff cjlwdf a}+sn] xfl;n u/]sf] sfo{;Dkfbgsf] emns tn pNn]v ul/P cg';f/ 5 M
?= cj{df
cfly{s jif{ cfly{s jif{ a[l4 a[l4
qm=; ljj/0f @)&&÷&* @)&*÷&( 36L /sd 36L k|ltzt
! s"n ;DklQ 227.93 244.45 16.52 7.25%
@ s"n lgIf]k 179.39 186.76 7.37 4.11%
# s"n shf{–;fk6 161.91 164.81 2.9 1.79%
$ s"n nufgL 35.42 44.82 9.4 26.55%
% s"n ;+rfng d'gfkmf -shf{ gf]S;fgL Joj:yf cl3_ 5.56 4.98 (0.58) (10.40)%
^ v"b d'gfkmf 3.55 3.79 0.24 6.72%
& lgliqmo shf{ (NPA) -k|ltztdf_ 2.46% 1.49% - (0.97)%
* k"FhL kof{Kttf cg'kft -k|ltztdf_ 14.71% 15.96% - 1.25%
( shf{ lgIf]k cg'kft 75.12% 85.14% - 10.02%
!) r'Qmf k"FhLdf k|fKt k|ltkmn -k|ltztdf_ 22.00% 20.74% - (1.26)%
!! z]o/wgL sf]ifdf k|fKt k|ltkmn -k|ltztdf_ 11.04% 11.17% - 0.13%
!@ s"n u|fxs ;+Vof -c+sdf_ 12,07,889 13,34,511 1,26,622 10.48%
!# lgIf]kdf ahf/ c+z -k|ltztdf_ 4.24 4.08 (0.16) (0.16)
!$ shf{df ahf/ c+z -k|ltztdf_ 4.39 3.96 (0.43) (0.43)

@= /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o kl/l:yltaf6 sDkgLsf] sf/f]af/nfO{ s'g} c;/ k/]sf] eP ;f] c;/ M
cGt/f{li6«o d'b|f sf]ifsf cg';f/ ;g\ @)@! Dff ^=! k|ltztn] lj:tf/ ePsf] ljZj cy{tGqsf]
j[l4b/ ;g\ @)@@ df #=^ k|ltztdf ;Lldt x'g] b]lvPsf] 5 . ljsl;t cy{tGqsf] j[l4b/ cl3Nnf]
jif{sf] %=@ k|ltztsf] t'ngfdf ;g\ @)@@ df #=# k|ltztdf ;Lldt x'g] / pbLodfg cy{tGqsf]
j[l4b/ cl3Nnf] jif{sf] ^=* k|ltztsf] t'ngfdf ;g\ @)@@ df #=* k|ltztdf ;Lldt x'g] sf]ifsf]
k|If]k0f 5 .

?;–o'qm]g o'4sf sf/0f cGt/f{li6«o Jofkf/ ;d]t k|efljt eO{ sRrf t]n, vlgh kbfy{, dn
tyf vfB j:t', wft'x? tyf cd]l/sL 8n/sf] d"Noj[l4 eO{ ljZje/L g} dx+uL P]ltxfl;s :t/df
k'u]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o ahf/df @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf k|lt Aof/n cd]l/sL 8n/ &$=%# /x]sf]
sRrf k]6«f]lnod (Crude Oil Brent) sf] d"No @)&( c;f/ d;fGtdf %)=^ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{
cd]l/sL 8n/ !!@=@^ k'u]sf] 5 eg] ljut Ps bzsdf ljsl;t d'n'sx?sf] cf};t d'b|f:kmLlt
!=% k|ltzt /x]sf]df ;g\ @)@@ df %=& k|ltzt k'Ug] cGt/f{li6«o d'b|f sf]ifsf] k|If]k0f 5 . o;}
u/L pbLodfg tyf ljsf;zLn d'n'sx?df ljut Ps bzssf] cf};t d'b|f:kmLlt %=! k|ltzt
/x]sf]df ;g\ @)@@ df *=& k|ltzt k'Ug] sf]ifsf] k|If]k0f 5 .
12 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
pRr d"No j[l4nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ljleGg d'n'ssf s]Gb|Lo a}+sx?n] sl;nf] df}lb|s gLltsf]
sfo{lbzfcg'?k Aofhb/df j[l4 u/]sf 5g\ . g]kfndf klg s]Gb|Lo a}+sn] ;f]xL gLlt cuL+sf/
ub}{ Aofhsf b/x? j[l4 u/]sf] 5 .

s]Gb|Lo tYofË ljefu g]kfnsf cg';f/ cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( df g]kfnsf] cfly{s j[l4b/ %=*$
k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s j[l4df d'Vo ?kdf ljB't pTkfbg, lgdf{0f ultljlwdf ePsf] lj:tf/ /
ko{6g If]qsf] k'g?Tyfgn] ;xof]u k'¥ofPsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷&* df cfly{s j[l4b/ $=@%
k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .

@)&( c;f/ dlxgfdf jflif{s ljGb'ut pkef]Qmf d'b|f:kmLlt *=)* k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . @)&*
c;f/ dlxgfdf o:tf] d'b|f:kmLlt $=!( k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .

cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( df s'n j:t' lgof{t $!=& k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=@)) ca{ # s/f]8
k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] lgof{t $$=$ k|ltztn] j[l4 ePsf] lyof] . ;dLIff jif{df s'n j:t'
cfoft @$=& k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= !(@) ca{ $% s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] cfoft
@*=& k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . ;dLIff jif{df s'n j:t' Jofkf/ 3f6f @#=) k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{
?= !&@) ca{ $@ s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] 3f6f @&=# k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] .

cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( df ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx $=* k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= !))& ca{ #! s/f]8 k'u]sf]
5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx (=* k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . cd]l/sL 8n/df ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx
@=@ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= * ca{ ## s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] cfk|jfx *=@ k|ltztn]
a9]sf] lyof] .

@)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf ?= !#(( ca{ # s/f]8 a/fa/ /x]sf] s'n ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt
!#=! k|ltztn] sdL cfO{ @)&( c;f/ d;fGtdf ?= !@!% ca{ *) s/f]8 sfod ePsf] 5 .
cd]l/sL 8n/df o:tf] ;l~rlt @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf ?= !! ca{ &% s/f]8 /x]sf]df @)&(
c;f/ d;fGtdf !*=( k|ltztn] sdL cfO{ ?= ( ca{ %$ s/f]8 sfod ePsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{
@)&*÷&( sf] cfoftnfO{ cfwf/ dfGbf a}lsË If]q;Fu /x]sf] ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt &=*
dlxgfsf] j:t' cfoft / ^=( dlxgfsf] j:t' tyf ;]jf cfoft wfGg kof{Kt /xg] b]lvG5 .

;dLIff jif{df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf] lgIf]k ( k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf]
lgIf]k @!=$ k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . @)&( c;f/df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx¿sf] s'n lgIf]kdf
rNtL, art / d'2tLsf] c+z qmdzM *=( k|ltzt, @&=^ k|ltzt / %%=* k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] c+z qmdzM !)=$ k|ltzt, #$=@ k|ltzt / $& k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] . @)&(
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 13
c;f/ d;fGtdf a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] s'n lgIf]kdf ;+:yfut lgIf]ksf] c+z #*=# k|ltzt
/x]sf] 5 . @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf o:tf] lgIf]ksf] c+z $@=& k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .

;dLIff jif{df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?af6 lghL If]qdf k|jflxt shf{ !#=! k|ltztn] a9]sf]
5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] shf{ @&=# k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] .

@)&* c;f/df (!–lbg] 6«]h/L aLnsf] efl/t cf};t Aofhb/ $=%% k|ltzt /x]sf]df @)&( c;f/
df !)=^^ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . jfl0fHo a}+sx?aLrsf] cGt/–a}+s sf/f]af/sf] efl/t cf};t Aofhb/
@)&* c;f/df $=!@ k|ltzt /x]sf]df @)&( c;f/df ^=(( k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .

jfl0fHo a}+sx?sf] cf};t cfwf/ b/ @)&* c;f/df ^=*^ k|ltzt /x]sf]df @)&( c;f/df (=%$
k|ltzt sfod ePsf] 5 . @)&( c;f/df jfl0fHo a}+sx?sf] lgIf]ksf] efl/t cf};t Aofhb/
&=$! k|ltzt / shf{sf] efl/t cf};t Aofhb/ !!=^@ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf b/x?
qmdzM $=^% k|ltzt / *=$# k|ltzt /x]sf lyP .

ljB'tLo e'QmfgL k"jf{wf/df ePsf] ljsf;, ljB'tLo e'QmfgL sf/f]af/sf nflu ul/Psf] k|f]T;fxg /
;j{;fwf/0fsf] ljB'tLo e'QmfgL pks/0f k|of]udf a9\bf] cEof;sf sf/0f cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&(
df ljB'tLo e'QmfgL sf/f]af/ pNn]Vo j9]sf] 5 .

#= k|ltj]bg tof/ ePsf] ldlt;Dd rfn' jif{ -cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&(_ sf] pknlAw / eljiodf ug'{kg]{
s'/fx?sf ljifodf ;+rfns ;ldltsf] wf/0ff M
@)&( cflZjg d;fGt ;Dddf a}+sn] ?= ! va{ (# ca{ lgIf]k ;+sng u/L ?= ! va{ &( ca{
shf{ nufgL u/]sf] 5 . eljiodf ug'{kg]{ sfdsf ljifodf o;} k|ltj]bgsf] a"Fbf g+= @% sf] …vÚ df
rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 .
$= sDkgLsf] cf}Bf]lus jf Jofj;flos ;DaGw M
;dLIff cjlwdf a}+sn] cfkm\gf ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnfx?;Fu ;f}xfb{k"0f{ / Jofj;flos ;DaGw lj:tf/
u/]sf] 5 . kf/blz{tf / Jofj;flostfsf cfwf/df :yflkt ePsf o:tf ;DaGwx? kmnbfoL x'g]
/ a}+ssf] efjL k|ult / ;kmntfsf nflu klg pko'Qm dfWod x'g] ljZjf; xfdLn] lnPsf 5f}F .
a}+sn] >d ;DaGwL nufot ;a} ;Da¢ sfg"gsf] kfngf ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .
%= ;+rfns ;ldltdf ePsf] x]/km]/ / ;f] sf] sf/0f M
;dLIff cfly{s jif{df ;+rfns ;ldltdf s'g} x]/km]/ gePsf] .

14 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

^= sf/f]af/nfO{ c;/ kfg]{ d'Vo s'/fx? M
a}+ssf] sf/f]af/nfO{ c;/ kfg]{ d"Vo s'/fx? tn pNn]v ul/Pcg';f/ /x]sf 5g\M

 ;du| a}+lsË If]qdf 5f]6f] ;dodf x'g] t/ntf cj:yfdf ptf/ r9fj / ;f]sf] sf/0f ;DklQ
/ bfloTj tyf lgIf]k / shf{sf] Aofhb/ Joj:yfkgdf pTkGg x'g] r'gf}tLx? .

shf{sf] dfu cg'?k lgIf]k j[l4 gx'+bf shf{ lj:tf/df r'gf}tL .
 a}+sx? lar shf{ tyf lgIf]k Joj;fo lj:tf/df c:j:y k|lt:kwf{ tyf xf]8afhLn] lgDTofPsf]
hf]lvd .
 a}+saf6 k|bfg ul/g] shf{ tyf u}x|–sf]ifLo ;]jfx? pknAw u/fpFbf x'g;Sg] ;+efljt
hf]lvdx? .
 ljb]zL ljlgdo sf/f]jf/ ubf{ ljlgdo b/df x'g] kl/jt{gaf6 x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
 /fi6«sf] cfly{s, df}lb|s tyf ljQLo gLlt kl/jt{gaf6 x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
 cGt/f{li6«o cfly{s tyf ljQLo If]qdf x'g] ptf/ r9fjsf] sf/0faf6 g]kfnL ahf/df kg{;Sg]
c;/af6 x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdx? .
 cfDbfgLsf] ;|f]t ;fF3'l/Psf] a]nf k"FhL ;DaGwL dfkb08 sfod u/L nufgLstf{nfO{ lg/Gt/
;Gtf]ifhgs k|ltkmn k|bfg ul//xg] ;DaGwL r'gf}tL .
 j}slNks nufgL If]qsf] cefj .

;fOa/ ck/fwsf sf/0f k|ljwL ;'/Iffdf cfpg ;Sg] hf]lvd .
&= n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf s'g} s}lkmot pNn]v ePsf] eP ;f] pk/ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltls|of M
lgoldt sf/f]af/sf qmddf ePsf ;fdfGo s}lkmot afx]s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf c? s'g}
gsf/fTds s'/f b]lvPsf] 5}g . n]vfk/LIfsx?af6 k|fKt k|ltlqmof / ;'emfjsf ;DaGwdf ;+rfns
;ldltsf] Wofgfsif{0f ePsf] 5 . k|ltj]bgdf ;'emfPsf ;'wf/sf nflu cfjZos sbd klg
rflnPsf] 5 .
*= nfef+z afF8kmfF8 ug{ l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] /sd M
a}+ssf] ;+rfns ;ldltsf] %&& cf}F a}7sn] a}+ssf] d'gfkmfaf6 r'Qmf k"FhLdf & k|ltzt gub
nfef+z ?= !,@*,!%,@&,*(# tyf $ k|ltzt af]g; z]o/ ?= &#,@#,)!,^%# ul/ s'n !!=))
k|ltzt nfef+z ?= @,)!,#*,@(,%$^ ljt/0f ug]{ k|:tfj u/]sf] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 15

(= z]o/ hkmt ePsf] eP hkmt ePsf] z]o/ ;+Vof, To:tf] z]o/sf] c+lst d"No, To:tf] z]o/ hkmt
x'g'eGbf cufj} ;f] afkt sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] hDdf /sd / To:tf] z]o/ hkmt ePkl5 ;f]
z]o/ laqmL u/L sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] /sd tyf hkmt ePsf] z]o/afkt /sd lkmtf{ u/]sf] eP
;f] sf] ljj/0f M
;dLIff jif{df s'g} klg z]o/ hkmt ul/Psf] 5}g .
!)= ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgL / o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLsf] sf/f]af/sf] k|ult / ;f] cfly{s jif{sf]
cGTodf /x]sf] l:yltsf] k'g/fjnf]sg M
PgcfO{laPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8 o; a}+ssf] zt\ k|ltzt\ nufgL ePsf] ;xfos sDkgL
xf] . pQm sDkgLn] # j6f of]hgfx? ;~rfng ul//x]sf] 5 . ;dLIff jif{df pQm sDkgLn] b]zs}
klxnf] v'Nnfd'vL of]hgf æPgcfO{laPn ;xeflutf km08Æ sf] cfsf/ ?= %) s/f]8af6 a[l4 u/L
?= ! ca{sf] nflu lgods lgsfoaf6 l:js[tL ;d]t k|fKt ul/;s]sf] 5 . pQm sDkgLaf6
pknJw u/fOg] dr]{G6 a}+lsË cGtu{tsf ;]jfx?nfO{ ;'ne Pj+ ;xh agfpg ljut aif{x?df
h:t} pkTosf leq s]Gb|Lo sfof{no nflhDkf6 ;lxt k'tln;8s / nugv]n tyf pkTosf aflx/
kf]v/f, a'6jn, aL/u~h / la/f6gu/df /x]sf] zfvfx?af6 ;]jf k'/\ofpg] sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lb+b}
cfPsf] 5 .

;dLIff cjlwdf pQm sDkgLn] %! j6f sDkgLx?sf] z]o/ /lhi6«]zg ;]jf ;DaGwL sfo{
ul//x]sf] 5 / nufgL Joj:yfkg ;]jf cGtu{t u|fxs ;+Vof &$! tyf nufgL Joj:yfkg /sd
?= @ ca{ *$ s/f]8 k'¥ofpg ;kmn /x]sf] 5 . cf=j=@)&*÷)&( ;Dddf PgcfO{laPn P;
Soflk6n lnld6]8n]] nufgL Joj:yfkg cGtu{tsf ;]jfx? k|bfg ub}{ cfkm\gf ;]jfu|fxLx?nfO{
plrt k|ltkmn lbg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . sDkgLn] o; a}+ssf] ;Dk"0f{ zfvf sfof{nox? nufot
PgcfO{laPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8af6 b]ze/ lgIf]k ;b:o ;DaGwL ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ s"n
@%$,*!^ vftf vf]n]sf]] 5 .

;dLIff cjlwdf PgcfO{laPn Do'r'cn km08 cGtu{tsf] klxnf] of]hgf PgcfO{laPn ;d[l4
km08—! kl/kSj eO{ ldlt @)&* kf}if @@ ut] kZrft vf/]hLdf nluPsf] lyof] . o; of]hgfsf]
& jif]{ cjlwdf cf};t k|ltkmn sl/a !* k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] / pQm of]hgfsf OsfO{wgLx¿nfO{
kl/kSj ;dodf k|lt OsfO{ s/ ;lxt ?= !@=&$ lkmtf{ e"Qmfg ul/Psf] lyof] .

To;}ul/ PgcfO{laPn k|ult km08 sf] of]hgf Joj:yfks /xL PgcfO{laPn P; Soflk6n
lnld6]8n] ?= &% s/f]8sf] sf]if ;+rfng u/L o; cf=j= sf] cGtdf k|lt OsfO{sf] v'b ;DklQ d"No
?= !)=$@ sfod /x]sf] 5 . h;dWo] O{sfOwgLx?nfO{ cf=j= @)&*÷&( sf nflu $=@ k|ltzt
gub nfef+z ljt/0f u/]sf] 5 .
16 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
;fy} PgcfO{laPn v'Nnfd'vL Do'r'cn km08 cGtu{tsf] æPgcfO{laPn ;xeflutf km08Æ sf] of]
hgf Joj:yfks /xL PgcfO{laPn P; Soflk6n ln= n] ?= ! ca{sf] sf]if ;+rfng u/L o; cf=j=
sf] cGtdf k|lt OsfO{sf] v'b ;DklQ d"No ?= !)=&@ sfod /x]sf] 5 . h;dWo] O{sfOwgLx?nfO{
cf=j= @)&*÷&( sf nflu &=@ k|ltzt gub nfef+z ljt/0f u/]sf] 5 .

To;}ul/ ;dLIff cjlwdf PgcfO{laPn Do'r'cn km08 cGtu{t ?= ! cj{ %) s/f]8sf] cfsf/sf]
rf}yf] of]hgf PgcfO{laPn ;d[l4 km08–@ ;kmntfk'j{s ;~rfngdf NofPsf] 5 . o; cf=j= sf]
cGtdf pQm Do'r'cn km08sf] k|lt OsfO{sf] v'b ;DklQ d"No ?= *=%^ sfod /x]sf] 5 .

ut jif{ PgcfO{laPn P; Soflk6n ln= n] ?= !# s/f]8 ^^ nfv v"b gfkmf sdfPsf] lyof] eg]
o; cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( df sDkgLsf] gfkmfdf x|f; cfO{ ?= !) s/f]8 @* nfv ePsf] 5 .
sDkgLn] cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( sf] nflu o; a}+snfO{ r'Qmf k"FhLdf @) k|ltzt gub nfef+z
-?= % s/f]8 $) nfv _ ljt/0f u/]sf] 5 .

!! sDkgL tyf To;sf] ;xfos sDkgLn] cfly{s jif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] k|d'v sf/f]af/ / ;f] cjlwdf
sDkgLsf] sf/f]af/df cfPsf] s'g} dxTjk"0f{ kl/jt{g M
@)&( c;f/sf] cGTodf PgcfO{aLPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8sf] g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+ssf ljleGg
vftfdf ?= ! s/f]8 @# nfv lgIf]k /x]sf] lyof] . ;f]xL cjlwdf a}+sn] sDkgLnfO{ ?= !% nfv
Aofh e'QmfgL u/]sf] lyof] .

o; a}+sn] cfkm\gf Ps hgf k|aGws :t/sf sd{rf/LnfO{ ;f] sDkgLsf] sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] ?kdf
lgo'Qm u/]sf] 5 . sDkgLn] lghnfO{ kfl/>ldssf] ?kdf dfl;s ?= !=^) nfv k|bfg u/]sf]
5 . ;fy}, Ps hgf k|aGws :t/sf sd{rf/LnfO{ ;f] sDkgLsf] gfoa k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tsf]
?kdf lgo'Qm u/]sf] 5 / sDkgLn] lghnfO{ kfl/>ldssf] ?kdf dfl;s ?= %) xhf/ k|bfg u/]sf]
5 . a}+sn] PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8nfO{ Joj:yfksLo ;]jfsf ;fy;fy} cGo cfjZos
;xof]u pknAw u/fpg sDkgL;Fu ;]jf:t/Lotf ;Demf}tf (Service level agreement) u/]sf]
5 . o; ;]jf afkt a}+sn] sDkgLaf6 jflif{s ?= ^ nfv k|fKt ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

a}+sn] PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8nfO{ cfkmgf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/sf] ?kdf lgo'Qm u/]sf] 5 .
o; ;]jfsf] nflu a}+sn] sDkgLnfO{ jflif{s ?= % nfv z'MNs e'QmfgL ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . z]o/ /lhi6«f/
;]jf ;DaGwL sfo{df ;xof]u ug{sf nflu o; a}+ssf Pshgf sd{rf/LnfO{ pQm sDkgLdf lgo'Qm
ul/Psf] 5 . ;f] sd{rf/Lsf] tna tyf eQf pQm sDkgLn] a}+snfO{ Zff]wegf{ ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 17

a}+sn] PgcfO{aLPn Do"r'cn km08 cGtu{tsf] qmdz –PgcfO{aLPn k|utL km08 ! df ?= !)
s/f]8 @% nfv, PgcfO{laPn ;xeflutf km08df ?= !# s/f]8 %) nfv / PgcfO{laPn ;d[l4
km08–@ df ?= @( s/f]8 nufgL u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} sDkgLn] a}+snfO{ ;dLIff jif{df PgcfO{laPn
;xeflutf km08af6 %) k|ltzt gub nfef+z -?= # s/f]8 @% nfv_, PgcfO{laPn ;d[l4 km08—
! af6 #% k|ltzt gub nfef+z -?= $ s/f]8 () nfv_ / PgcfO{aLPn k|utL km08 ! af6 %)
k|ltzt gub nfef+z -?= % s/f]8 !@ nfv_ ljt/0f u/]sf] 5 .

a}+sn] ;dLIff jif{df PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8af6 ?= ^ s/f]8 ^^ nfv nfef+z :j?k
k|fKt u/]sf] 5 . a}+s / PgcfOlaPn P; Soflk6n lnld6]8 aLrsf] sf/f]af/ c;Da4 kIfaLrsf]
sf/f]af/ (Arm's length transaction) sf] ?kdf ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 .

a}+sn] sf8{ Joj;fo tyf df]afO{n a}+lsË sf/f]jf/ lj:tf/sf nflu Flexiterm Pvt. Ltd. tyf
M Nepal Ltd. df qmdzM ?= *@=** nfv / ?= $ s/f]8 *( nfv a/fa/sf] z]o/ nufgL
u/]sf] 5 . o;} u/L a}+sn] n3'ljQ sf/f]jf/ ug{sf] lglDt National Microfinance Laghubitta
Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. df ?= @ s/f]8 %! nfv a/fa/sf z]o/ k"FhL nufgL u/]sf] 5 .

!@= ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgLsf] cfwf/e"t z]o/wgLx?n] sDkgLnfO{ pknAw u/fPsf] hfgsf/L M
s]xL gePsf] .
!#= ljut cfly{s aif{df sDkgLsf ;+rfns tyf kbflwsf/Lx?n] lnPsf] z]o/sf] :jfldTjsf] ljj/0f
/ sDkgLsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/df lghx? ;+nUg /x]sf] eP ;f] ;DaGwdf lghx?af6 sDkgLn] k|fKt
u/]sf] hfgsf/L M
s]xL gePsf] .
!$= ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgL ;Fu ;DalGwt ;Demf}tfx?df s'g} ;+rfns tyf lghsf] glhssf]
gft]bf/sf] JolQmut :jfy{sf] af/]df pknAw u/fOPsf] hfgsf/Lsf] Joxf]/f M
o; k|sf/sf] s'g} ;Demf}tf gePsf] .

!%= sDkgLn] cfkm\gf] z]o/ cfkm} vl/b u/]sf] eP To;/L cfkm\gf] z]o/ vl/b ug'{sf] sf/0f, To:tf]
z]o/sf] ;+Vof / c+lst d"No tyf To;/L z]o/ vl/b u/] jfkt sDkgLn] e'QmfgL u/]sf] /sd M
;dLIff jif{df cfkm\gf] z]o/ vl/b ug]{ sfo{ gePsf] .

18 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

!^= cfGt/Ls lgoGq0f k|0ffnL eP jf gePsf] / ePsf] eP ;f] sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M
a}+s ;+rfns ;ldltn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 hf/L lgb]{zg tyf sDkgL P]gsf] k|fjwfgsf]
clwgdf /xL n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt, hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt, sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt /
;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt u7g u/]sf] 5 . oL ;ldltx?sf] a}7s cfjlws ?kdf
a:g] ub{5 / lgb]{zgdf ePsf Joj:yf cg';f/ ;ldltx?n] cfkm\gf sfd / lhDd]jf/L k'/f ub{5g\ .
a}+sdf Ps :jtGq cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ljefu /x]sf] 5 . o; ljefun] n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf]
k|ToIf lgu/fgL / /]vb]vdf sfd ub{5 / ;ldlt ;dIf cfkm\gf] k|ltj]bg k]z ub{5 . cfGtl/s
n]vfk/LIf0fsf] sfo{nfO{ ;3fpg a}+sn] cfjZostf cg';f/ s'g} ljifodf yk ;dLIff ug'{
k/]df afx\o n]vfk/LIf0f kmd{x?sf] ;d]t ;]jf lng] u/]sf] 5 . o;sf] ;fy} a}+sdf Ps 5'§}
cg'kfngf ljefu klg /x]sf] 5, h;n] cfGtl/s lgod tyf ljlgodfjnLsf ;fy} afXo lgod tyf
ljlgodfjnL kfngf eO{/x]sf] ;'lglZrt ub{5 .
a}+sn] hf]lvd klxrfg tyf Go"gLs/0f ug{ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ljefu :yfkgf u/]sf] 5 . ;+:yfel/
g} k|efjsf/L cfGtl/s lgoGq0f sfod ug{sf nflu a}+sn] ljleGg gLlt, lgb]{zg tyf k|lqmofx?
th'{df u/L cjnDag u/]sf] 5 . k|To]sh;f] hf]lvdk"0f{ If]qx?df check & balance k|0ffnL
sfof{Gjog u/]sf] 5 . o:tf gLlt, lgb]{zg tyf k|lqmofx? cBfjlws x'g] / hf]lvd klxrfg /
lg/fs/0f x'g] ;'lglZrt ug{ logLx?sf] cfjlws ;dLIff tyf k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 .
s_ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt M
o; ;ldltsf] ;+of]hsdf u}/–sfo{sf/L ;+rfns >L ljsf; yfkf /xg'ePsf] 5 . o;sf cGo
;b:ox?df ;+rfns >L ;"o{k|sfznfn >]i7 -;+of]hs–n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt_, >L lah]Gb| ;'jfn
-k|d'v– ;+rfng_ / >LdtL ;'hftf hf]zL -k|d'v hf]lvd Joj:yfkg_ /xg'ePsf] 5 . o;
;ldltsf] a}+ssf] ;du| hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;+/rgf x]g]{ / hf]lvd Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf]
k|efjsfl/tfsf] ;dLIff tyf cg'udg ug{] lhDd]jf/L 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg
;ldltsf ^ j6f a}7sx? a;]sf lyP .
v_ sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt M
a}+ssf] u}/–sfo{sf/L ;+rfns >L k|hGo /fhe08f/Lsf] ;+of]hsTjdf a}+ssf sd{rf/L ;DaGwL
gLlt lgdf{0f tyf of]hgf th'{df ug]{ p2]Zon] sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf]
5 . o; ;ldltsf cGo ;b:ox?df >L Hof]ltk|sfz kf08] -k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t_,
>L ;lrg l6a8]jfn -k|d'v–n]vf tyf ljQ_ / >LdtL l8gf nfdf -k|d'v–dfgj ;+;fwg_
/xg'ePsf] 5 . ;ldlt a}+ssf] nflu pko'Qm dfgj ;+;fwg gLlt th'{df ug{ / ;f]sf] ;do ;dodf
k'g/fjnf]sg u/L o;nfO{ ;do;fk]If tyf :t/Lo /fVg lhDd]jf/ 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf
sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldltsf ! j6f a}7s a;]sf] lyof] .
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 19
u_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt M
o; ;ldltsf] sfd sf/jfxL / ;+/rgf o; k|ltj]bgsf] a"Fbf g+= !* df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
3_ ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt M

a}+ssf] u}/–sfo{sf/L ;+rfns >L sljs'df/ l6j/]jfnfsf] ;+of]hsTjdf d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f
tyf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL If]qdf cfjZos gLlt lgod agfO{ ;f]sf] cg'udg
ug]{ k|d'v p2]Zosf ;fy ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] 5 . o;
;ldltsf cGo ;b:ox?df >LdtL ;'hftf hf]zL -k|d'v—hf]lvd Joj:yfkg_, >L k|sfz
/fh ;'j]bL -k|d'v–cg'kfngf tyf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f OsfO_ /xg' ePsf] 5 . ;dLIff
cjlwdf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldltsf % j6f a}7sx? a;]sf lyP .
!&= ljut cfly{s jif{sf] s'n Joj:yfkg vr{sf] ljj/0f M
sd{rf/L vr{ M ?= ! ca{ *& s/f]8 $# nfv
;+rfng vr{M ?= ! ca{ @! s/f]8 ! nfv
s"nM ? # ca{ * s/f]8 $$ nfv
!*= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] gfdfjnL, lghx?n] k|fKt u/]sf] kfl/>lds, eQf / ;'ljwf, ;f]
;ldltn] u/]sf] sfd sf/afxLsf] ljj/0f / ;f] ;ldltn] s'g} ;'emfj lbPsf] eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f M
;dLIff cjlwdf a+}ssf] u}/ sfo{sf/L ;+rfns >L ;"o{k|sfznfn >]i7sf] cWoIftfdf ul7t
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltdf ;+rfns >LdtL d~h' a:g]t\ ;b:o tyf a}+ssf] cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f
ljefu k|d'v >L cdL/ e§/fO{ ;ldltsf] ;b:o ;lrj /xg'ePsf] 5 .
;ldltn] a}+ssf] ljQLo l:ylt, cfGtl/s lgoGq0f tyf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL, j}wflgs tyf
lgodgsf/L cg'kfng / n]vfk/LIf0f sfo{qmd cflb af/] lgoldt ;dLIff ug]{ ub{5 . cfGtl/s
tyf afx\o n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg / g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bgx? dfly lj:t[t 5nkmn /
;dLIffkl5 ;ldltn] a}+s ;+rfng ;DaGwL cfjZos ;'emfjx? lgoldt ?kdf ;+rfns ;ldltnfO{
k|bfg ug]{ ub{5 .
;dLIff cjlwdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf !& j6f a}7sx? a;]sf lyP . ;ldltsf] a}7s eQf afkt
k|lt a}7s k|lt ;b:o ;+rfnsnfO{ ?= !@,)))÷– k|bfg ul/G5 .
cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( df n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] a}7sdf 5nkmn ul/Psf k|d'v ljifox? tn
pNn]v ul/P cg';f/ 5g\ M–

!= zfvf tyf ljefux?sf] ;fy} zfvf Joj:yfks / ljefuLo k|d'vx?sf] hjfkm / cg'kfngf
l:yltsf] af/]df cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgx? pk/ ;dLIff / 5nkmn .
20 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
@= a}+ssf] q}dfl;s ljQLo cj:yfsf] ljZn]if0f .
#= cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ljefusf sfo{qmdx?sf] ;dLIff Pj+ 5nkmn .
$= a}+ssf] d'Vo sfof{no tyf ;a} zfvfdf /x]sf gub tyf gub of]Uo pks/0fx?sf] ef}lts
hfFrsf] k|ltj]bg .
%= afx\o n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] ;'kl/j]If0f k|ltj]bg dfly 5nkmn /
;'wf/sf nflu cfjZos gLlt lgb]{zg .
^= cGo .
!(= ;+rfns, k|aGw ;+rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v jf sDkgLsf cfwf/e"t z]o/wgL jf lghsf] glhssf
gft]bf/ jf lgh ;+nUg /x]sf] kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] sDkgLnfO{ s'g} /sd a'emfpg
afFsL eP ;f] s'/f M
s]xL gePsf] .
@)= ;+rfns, k|jGw ;+rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf kbflwsf/Lx?nfO{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf
tyf ;'ljwfsf] /sd M
o;} k|ltj]bgsf] cg';"rL æsÆ cg';f/ .
@!= z]o/wgLx?n] a'lemlng afFsL /x]sf] nfef+z /sd M
a}+sn] 3f]if0ff u/]sf] nfef+zdWo] cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( sf] cGTo;Dd z]o/wgLx?af6 bfaL
gcfPsf] /sd ?= $!,%),)(,@*! /x]sf] 5 .
@@= sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !$! cg';f/ vl/b jf laqmL ul/Psf] ;DklQsf] ljj/0f M
;dLIff jif{df o; k|sf/sf] s'g} vl/b laqmL ePsf] 5}g .
@#= sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !&% cg';f/ ;Da4 sDkgLx?aLr ePsf] sf/f]af/sf] ljj/0f M
o;} k|ltj]bgsf] a"Fbf g+= !! df rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 .
@$= sDkgL P]g, @)^# tyf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg'kg]{ cGo
s'g} s'/fx? M
o; jflif{s k|ltj]bgdf ;fGble{s 7fpFdf v'nfO{Psf] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 21

@%= cGo cfjZos s'/fx? M

s= o; a}+ssf] ;+rfns jf kbflwsf/Lx?sf] glhssf] gft]bf/ sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfo{fno,

lwtf]kq af]8{ jf g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf sDtLdf clws[t txdf sfo{/t /x]sf] ;DjlGw ljj/0f M
s]xL gePsf] .
v= cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷)&( sf] cjlwdf gofF zfvf, pTkfbg tyf ;]jfx? M
l zfvf ;~hfnM a}+sn] o; cfly{s jif{df af/f lhNnfsf] l;d/f}gu9 / l;Gw'nL lhNnfsf]
l;Gw'nLdf9L u/L s'n @ j6f gof+ zfvf vf]n]sf] 5 . o; a}+ssf] cfiff9 d;fGtdf s'n
** j6f zfvf k'u]sf 5g\ . o; cfly{s jif{df kf+ry/ lhNnfsf] kmfSt]k, sflnsf]6
lhNnfsf] ufNh] / /;'jf lhNnfsf] d}n'Ë u/L # j6f :yfgdf PS;6]G;g sfp06/
vf]lnPsf 5g . h; kZrft\ o; a}+ssf] PS;6]G;g sfp06/ s'n #@ j6f k'u]sf 5g .
h; dWo] !) j6f laleGg oftfoft Aoj:yf sfof{nodf /fh:j ;+sng ug]{ sfp06/
/x]sf 5g . Pl6Pd ;+Vof eg] ut jif{sf] !#) df o; jif{ @ j6f yk eO{ !#@ j6f
k'u]sf 5g\ .
l e'QmfgL ;]jf M a}+sn] VISA / Focusone Payment Solutions ;Fusf] ;xsfo{df
æMOCO l8lh6n jfn]6Æ gfds klxnf] sf8{df cfwfl/t æScan to PayÆ ;]jf ;'?
u/]sf] 5 . MOCO Pk Ps l8lh6n jfn]6 xf] / sf8{ wf/sx¿n] cfˆgf] le;f
sf8{x¿ o; Pkdf yKg ;S5g\ . of] ;]jfn] mVISA ;]jf k|of]u ub{5 h;n] VISA
sf8{wf/sx¿nfO{ pgLx¿sf] :df6{kmf]g dfkm{t cgnfOg jf QR e'QmfgL k|of]u ug{
cg'dlt lbG5 .
l ljk|]if0f M xfdLn] d'n'sdf ljk|]if0f leq\ofpg] k|of]hgsf nflu Alrajhi Bank tyf
Gulf Exchange ;Fu cfj4 eO{ yk ;]jf lj:tf/ u/]sf 5f}+ . ;fy} o; cfly{s jif{df
xfdLn] UAE df ahf/ k|ltlglw /fv]/ u|fxsnfO{ ;]jf lbg ;'? ul/;s]sf 5f}+ . o; cl3
xfdLn] stf/, ;fpbL c/]laof, ;+o'Qm c/a Old/]6\; tyf blIf0f sf]l/ofdf ;]jf lj:tf/
ul/;s]sf 5f}+ . cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dddf d'n'se/ xfd|f k|ToIf ljk|]if0f e'QmfgL Ph]G6x?
@,%)) k'u]sf] 5 . To;sf ;fy} xfdLn] xfd|f d'Vo Ph]G6x? dfk{mt kGw| xhf/ eGbf al9
e'QmfgL s]Gb|x?jf6 ljk|]if0f ;]jf k|bfg ul//x]sf 5f}+ .

l qm]l86 /]l6Ë M ljut cfly{s aif{ h:t} o; cfly{s jif{df klg a}+sn] lg/Gt/ ?kdf
cfOqmf g]kfnaf6 …PÚ /]l6ª k|fKt u/]sf] 5 . o;n] xfd|f] dha"t ljZj;gLotf bzf{pg'sf]
;fy} lgodgstf{ / z]o/wgLx? ;dIf a}+ssf] yk kf/blz{tf k|blz{t ePsf] 5 .
l cGt/f{li6«o cjf8{ M a}+sn] k|bfg ub} cfPsf] pTs[i6 ;]jf tyf Joj;fodf u/]sf] cAan
k|bz{gsf sf/0f VISA International gfds cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfaf6 ‘Excellence in
Cross Border Business 2022’ cjf8{ k|fKt ug{ ;kmn ePsf] 5 .

22 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

l C0fkq e'QmfgL M a}+sn] @)&! ;fn >fj0f !! ut]] hf/L u/]sf] ?= &% s/f]8 ?k}+of
a/fa/sf] C0fkq @)&* ;fn >fj0f !) ut] kl/kSj eO{ e'QmfgL u/]sf] 5 .

l a9\bf] l8hL6n sf/f]af/sf] k|j[QLnfO{ k5\ofpb} l8hL6n k|0ffnLaf6 ;]jf lbg a}+s tTk/
5 . ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ljZjf;lgo ;]jf lbg' a}+ssf] klxnf] k|fyldstf xf] eGg] a}+ssf] dfGotf
/x]sf] 5 . ;f]xL efjgfnfO{ cfTd;fy ub}{ a}+sn] ut cfly{s jif{df cfkm\g} l8hL6n
jfn]6\ æy}nLÆ ;~rfngdf NofO{ u|fxssf] cfjZostf cg';f/ lg/Gt/ ck8]6 ub}{ gofF
;'ljwfx? yk ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
u= efjL of]hgfx?
 cfufdL jif{x?df a}+sn] ;+efJotfsf] cWoog u/L ;+efjgf ePsf] :yfgx?df j}+ssf]
;]jf lj:tf/ ug]{ .
 a}lsË If]q tyf Jofkfl/s hutsf] cfjZostf cg';f/ gofF gofF pTkfbg tyf ;]jfx?sf]
z'?jft ug]{ .
 gofF k|ljlwdf cfwfl/t ;j{;'ne ;]jf lj:tf/ ug{] .
 cfjZostf cg';f/ k"FhL yk ug{ qm0fkq hf/L ug{] .
 cfkm\gf] k"FhL, u|fxs ;+Vof tyf zfvf ;+~hfnnfO{ dha"t agfpg pko'Qm a}+s tyf
ljlQo ;+:yfnfO{ ufEg]÷k|fKtL ug{sf lgDtL dh{/ ;DaGwL cWoog sfo{ hf/L /fVg] .
 hf]lvd Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL / shf{, t/ntf tyf ;~rfng;Fu ;DaGwL hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f
ug]{ cEof; dha"t agfpg] / ;f]sf] :t/f]Gglt ug{ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLnfO{ yk
dha't ug{ lg/Gt/ cWoog ug{] .
 ljQLo ;dfj]zLs/0f of]hgfsf] dfWodaf6 u|fdL0f e]usf hgtfnfO{ ;d]t ;dfj]z u/]/
u|fxs kf]6{kmf]lnof]df ljljlwtf Nofpg] .
 yk tflndsf] Joj:yf, ;d"x lgdf{0f ultljlw, j[lQ ljsf;sf] If]qdf yk cu|;/ u/fO{
a}+ssf] dfgj ;+;fwfgsf] bIftf, ;Lk / pTkfbsTj a9fpg] .
 z'MNsdf cfwfl/t cfo a9fpgsf nflu cfDbfgLsf] gofF If]q klxrfg ug]{ .
 P6LPd, O{–a}+lsË, df]afOn a}+lsË, POS d]lzg / cGo 8]lne/L Rofgnsf] dfWodaf6
gofF d"No clej[l4 ;]jf yKg] .
 a9\bf] 3/axfnnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ pko'Qm :yfgdf a}+ssf] zfvf ;+rfng ug{sf] nfuL
a}+ssf] cfkm\g} 3/÷hUuf vl/b ub}{ hfg] .
 cGTodf, ljsf; /0fgLlt / u'0f:t/Lo ;]jfx?sf] cg';/0f ub}{ d'n'ss} zLif{ a}+ssf
?kdf cfkm"nfO{ :yflkt ug{ a}+s lg/Gt/ ?kdf k|of;/t / k|lta4 /x]sf] s'/fdf klg d
oxfFx?nfO{ cfZj:t t'Nofpg rfxG5' .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 23

3= dfgj ;+;fwg M

u|fxsx?nfO{ pTs[i6 ;]jf k|bfg ug{ tyf a}+ssf] p2]Zo xfl;n ug{ dfgj ;+;fwgsf]
k|efjsf/L Joj:yfkg k"j{zt{ xf] eGg] s'/f xfdLn] /fd|/L dgg\ u/]sf 5f}F . pTs[i6, ;Ifd
tyf /fd|f tflnd k|fKt sd{Rff/Lx? a}+ssf cd"No ;DklQ x'g\ . sd{rf/Lx?sf] Ifdtf tyf
af}l4stfn] ;+u7gsf] k|efjsfl/tfdf k|efj kfg]{ x'Fbf /fd|f tyf ;Ifd dfgj ;+;fwgsf]
lgdf{0fsf nflu a}+sn] ;f]xL cg';f/sf] cfjZos nufgL klg ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 .

xfdL;Fu clxn] a}+ssf] d"No, dfGotf / cleofg k|lt k|lta4 !,%!* hgf sd{rf/Lx? 5g\,
h;dWo] $* k|ltzt dlxnf 5g\ . pgLx?n] xfd|f u|fxsx?nfO{ tTsfn ljZj;gLo ;]jf
lbg] nIosf ;fy ;'dw'/ jftfj/0fdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg ul//x]sf 5g\ . ;+:yfdf !) jif{eGbf
nfdf] cjlw;Dd ;]jf ug]{ sd{rf/Lsf] ;+Vof ^*! /x]sf] 5 . xfdLn] ljZjfl;nf] / ;xof]uL
jftfj/0fdf sfd ug]{ ;+:sf/sf] ljsf; u/]sf 5f}F .

tLj| ahf/ k|lt:kwf{;Fu ult sfod ub}{ Jofj;flos j[l4 xfl;n ug{ lg/Gt/ cWoog /
Ifdtf j[l4 dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . ;dLIff jif{df ljleGg sd{rf/Lx?n] k]zfut ljsf; cj;/sf
nflu hDdf !@! j6f tflnd tyf uf]i7Ldf efu lnPsf lyP . h;df g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf]
lgb]{zg, ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f÷cft+ssf/L lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL tflnd, NFRS
/ BASEL ;DalGwt tflnd, k|tLtkq, ;'/Iff hfu?stf, SME Lending, g]t[Tj tyf
JolStTj lasf;, Train the Trainers (TOT), shf{ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg, jftfj/0f tyf
;fdflhs hf]lvd Joj:yfkg, ;~rfng hf]lvd Joj:yfkg, 6]lnkmf]g lzi6frf/ cflb ;DaGwL
tflnd k|d'v x'g\ .

;fy} JolStTj ljsf;sf nflu ‘Positive Attitude & Stress Management’ sf ljleGg
sfo{qmdx?sf] klg cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] .

dfgj k"FhLsf] u'0f:t/ ;'wfg]{ s'g} klg nufgL cGttM ;+:yfsf] j[l4 / z]o/wgLx?sf] d"No
a9fpg] s'/fdf xfdL ljZJff; ub{5f}+ . g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] cl3Nnf] jif{sf] s'n tna eQf
vr{sf] # k|ltztn] x'g] /sd sd{rf/Lsf] tflnd tyf j[lQ ljsf;df vr{ ug'{kg]{ Joj:yf u/]
adf]lhd a}+sn] sd{rf/Lsf] tflnddf o; jif{df ?= ($=$& nfv vr{ u/]sf] 5 . ut jif{
a}+ssf s'n $*) sd{rf/L sf]/f]gf dfxfdf/Laf6 ;+s|d0f ePsf lyP . sf]/f]gf hf]lvdsf]
afah'b a}+ssf sd{rf/Lx?n] cfjZos :jf:Yo ;'/Iff ckgfO{ u|fxsx?nfO{ lg/Gt/ ;]jf lb+b}
cfO/x]sf 5g\ .

ª= ;fdflhs tyf ;fd'bflos sfo{x? (CSR) M

cfk"m h'g ;dfhdf /x]sf] xf] Tof] ;dfhk|lt x/]s ;+3 ;+:yfsf] s]xL g s]xL bfloTj
x'G5 . cfkmgf] ;+:s[lt / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf ;+/If0f tyf k|jw{g ug'{sf ;fy} ;dfhdf /x]sf
;dflhs–z}lIfs ;+:yf, k/f]ksf/L ;+:yf, d7–dlGb/, c:ktfn, v]ns'b / cGo ;fdflhs

24 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

lxtsf ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;xof]u u/]/ of] bfloTj jxg ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] xfd|f] dfGotf 5 . o;
afx]s klg ul/aL lgjf/0f, lzIffdf k|f]T;fxg, cToflws hg;+Vofdf lgoGq0f, jftfj/0fLo
x|f;df lgoGq0f, df]km;nsf o'jfx?nfO{ u|fdL0f pBdtkm{ cfslif{t u/L a]/fhuf/L nufotsf
;d:of ;dfwfgdf ;xefuL eP/klg ;fdflhs bfloTj lgjf{x ug{ ;Sb5 . oxL tYonfO{
Åboªud u/]/ a}+sn]] cfk\mgf] :yfkgfsfn b]lv g} ;fdflhs tyf ;fd'bflos sfo{ ub}{ cfPsf]
5 . ;dLIff jif{df CSR cGtu{t ?= %,##,@*,*@)÷ -ut jif{sf] v'b d'gfkmfsf] !=%)
k|ltzt_ vr{ ul/Psf] 5 .

ljZjJofkL ?kdf km}lnPsf] sf]/f]gf efO/; lgoGq0f tyf pkrf/sf] nflu ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yf,
dxfgu/kflnsf, gu/kflnsf, ufpFkflnsfsf ;fy} sd{rf/L / u|fxssf] :jf:y ;'/Iffsf] nflu
df:s, :oflg6fOh/, lk=lk=O{ nufotsf cfjZos ;'/Iff ;fwgsf ljt/0f ug{ a}+sn] sl/a
?= !$ nfv /sd vr{ u/]sf] 5 . To;}ul/ a}+sn] sf7df8f}+ lhNnf a"9flgns07 l:yt
sf7df8f}+ OlG:6Ro'6 ckm rfON8 x]NynfO{ ?= %) nfv /sd ;xof]u k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . To;sf
;fy} a}+sn] df/jf8L ;]jf ;ldlt g]kfnnfO{ Hemodialysis Centre :yfkgf ug{ ?= @% nfv
cfly{s ;xof]u k|bfg u/]sf] 5 .

a}+sn] o; jif{ klg /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbPsf] 5 . a}+sn] @)&@
;fnsf] e"sDkn] Ifltu|:t wfld{s, ;f+:s[lts tyf k'/ftflTjs b[li6sf]0fn] dxTjk'0f{ kz'klt
dxf:gfg3/ ejgnfO{ k'glg{df{0fu/L kfz'kt If]qdf 5l/P/ /x]sf wfld{s, ;f+:s[lts tyf
k'/ftflTjs dxTjsf ;fdu|Lx?nfO{ Ps} :yfgdf ;+sng, clen]lvs/0f / k|:t'lts/0f u/L
;+u|xfnosf] ?kdf ljsf; ug{nfO{ o; cf=j=df ?= (& nfv k|bfg ul/ lgdf{0f ;DkGg
u/]sf] 5 . a}+sn] ;dLIff cjlwdf ut jif{ em}+ o; cf= j= df klg kz'klt If]qsf] ;/;kmfO{
cleofgsf nflu ?= () nfv /sd k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . xfn;Dd a}+sn] kz'klt ;+u|xfno
dxf:gfg3/ kl/of]hgfdf ?= % s/f]8 !$ nfv tyf kfz'kt If]qsf] ;+/If0ffy{ sl/a $ s/f]8
u/L s'n ( s/f]8 eGbf a9L ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 .

To;}ul/ a}+sn] ;–;fgf jfnjflnsfnfO{ 1fg k|bfg ug{ slds lstfj k|sflzt u/]sf] 5
h;sf] nflu ?= & nfv eGbf al9 vr{ u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} a}+sn] z}lIfs If]qsf] lasf;sf
nflu ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfnfO{ cg'bfg /sd k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . a}+sn] v]ns'b ljsf;sf nflu
la|u]8 af]Oh\ Sna, nlntk'/ Kof6«Lcf]6\;{ tyf km|]G8;\ Sna s'kG8f]nnfO{ v]ns'bdf pTs[i6tf
xfl;n ug{ s|dz ?= !) nfv, ?= @* nfv tyf ?= !@ nfv k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . a}+sn] g]kfnL
;]gfsf] cfof]hgfdf d':tfË lhNnf, hf]d;f]d O{nfsfdf ;+rfng ePsf] cGt/fli6«o :t/
sf] 1st COAS International High Altitude Tri–Adventure Competition–2079
k|ltof]lutfnfO{ ?= !% nfv ;xof]u k|bfg u/]sf] 5 .

a}+sn] d]nDrL gbLdf cfPsf] af9Ln] k'¥ofPsf] Iflt / To;sf kLl8tx?sf nflu /fxt :j?k
?= % nfv ;xof]u pknAw u/fPsf] 5 . b]zsf] k|d'v /Ifs ;+:yf g]kfnL ;]gfsf jxfnjfnf
tyf ;]jf lgj[Q ;b:ox?sf] cfo cfh{gdf a[l4 ug]{ pb]Zon] lghx?sf] ;Lk ljsf;sf nflu

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 25

;Lkd'ns tflnd nufotsf sfo{qmdx?nfO{ cfly{s ;xfotf :j?k ?= @@ nfv /sd pknAw
u/fP/ klg cfkm\gf] ;dflhs pQ/bfloTj k'/f ug]{ k|of; u/]sf] 5 .
a}+sn] k|bfg ug]{ o:tf ;xof]un] Psflt/ ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj k'/f ub{5 eg] o;af6 a}+ssf]
;fv / Joj;fo klg k|j4{g x'gk'Ub5 .
r= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g / sfg"gL kl/kfngf M
s'g} klg ;+:yfsf] ;kmntf d"n?kdf To; ;+:yfn] cjnDag ug]{ s'zn ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf
cEof;x?df lge{/ /xG5 . of] tYo;Fu g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ;w} ;hu / ;r]t 5 .
To;}n] xfdLn] sDkgL P]g, @)^#, a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, @)&#, / lwtf]kq
sf/f]af/ P]g, @)^#, >d P]g, @)&$, e'QmfgL tyf km:of}{6 P]g @)&% tyf cGo ;Da¢ P]g
lgod, lgb]{zg, kl/kq, sfo{ljlwdf ePsf Joj:yfx?sf] kfngf ub}{ cfPsf 5f}F . ;fy} a}+ssf
;a} ;+rfnsx?n] ;d]t tf]lsPsf] cfr/0f k"0f{ ?kdf kl/kfngf u/]sf 5g\ .
5= cfkm\gf u|fxs klxrfg (KYC) / d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f (AML) :
a}+sn] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f -dgL nfpG8l/Ë_ lgjf/0f P]g, @)^$, o; ;DaGwL lgodfjnL
tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] hf/L ug]{ ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgoGq0f;Fu ;DalGwt lgb]{lzsfx?sf]
kl/kfngf ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . o;sf] ;fy} ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f /f]syfd ug{ a}+ssf cfkm\g} gLlt /
lgodx? /x]sf 5g\ . cfkm\gf u|fxs klxrfg (KYC) / ;DklQ z'4Ls/0fsf ljifodf cfk\mgf
sd{rf/LnfO{ cBfjlws hfgsf/L lbg] p2]Zo ;lxt a}+sn] lg/Gt/ tflnd klg cfof]hgf
ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . oxL cg'?k a}+sn] cfk\mgf u|fxsx?sf] ljj/0f cBfjlws gePdf lgoldt
cGt/fndf ltgLx?sf] KYC ljj/0f cBfjlws ug{ cg'/f]w ul//x]sf] 5 .
@^= wGojfb 1fkg M
oyf;dod} n]vfk/LIf0f ;DkGg u/L a}+snfO{ oyf]lrt Jofj;flos ;'emfj k|bfg ug]{ afXo
n]vfk/LIfsnfO{ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 xfdL xflb{s wGojfb lbg rfxG5f}+ . lg/Gt/
;xof]u, k|f]T;fxg / dfu{bz{g k|bfg u/L a}+ssf] dgf]an pRr /fVg ;xof]u ug]{
z]o/wgLdxfg'efjx? k|lt xflb{s cfef/ tyf s[t1tf k|s6 ug{ rfxG5f}+ . To:t}, lg/Gt/
;xof]u / lgb]{zgsf] nflu xfdL g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{ dGqfno, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s, g]kfn lwtf]kq
af]8{, sDkgL /lhi6«f/nfO{ ;d]t wGojfb 1fkg ug{ rfxG5f}+ . ;dk{0f / s8f kl/>daf6 a}+ssf]
pGglt / k|ultdf ;fy lbg] a}+s Joj:yfkg tyf sd{rf/LxnfO{ klg ljz]if wGojfb lbg rfxG5f}+ .
cGTodf, ;]jf ug]{ dxTjk"0f{ cj;/ k|bfg ug]{ xfd|f ;a} u|fxsju{ k|lt klg xflb{s s[t1tf 1fkg
ub{5f}+ . pxfFx?sf] k|]/0ffbfoL] ;xof]u lagf a}+ssf] pGglt / Jofj;flos j[l4 ;Dej lyPg /
5}g .

wGojfb .

e'jg]Zj/k|;fb zfx k[YjLaxfb'/ kfF8]

;+rfns cWoIf
26 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
cg';"rL s
-dflysf] a'Fbf @) ;Fu ;DalGwt_

;+rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf cGo kbflwsf/Lx? nfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwfsf]

s= ;+rfnsx? M
o; a}+ssf] ;+rfns ;ldlt b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf] 5 M–

>Lk[YjLaxfb'/ kFf8] cWoIf
>Lk|hGo /fhe08f/L ;+rfns
-u_ >Lslj s'df/ l6j/]jfnf ;+rfns
-3_ >Le'jg]Zj/ k|;fb zfx ;+rfns
>Lljsf; yfkf ;+rfns
-ª_ >L;"o{k|sfz nfn >]i7 ;+rfns
>LdtLd~h' a:g]t ;+rfns
;+rfnsx?nfO{ tn n]lvPadf]lhd kfl/>lds, eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwfx? pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 M–
-s_ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] kfPsf] a}7s eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwfx?sf] /sd M a}7s eQf
k|lta}7s ? !%,))) . ut cfly{s jif{sf] s'n a}7s eQf ?= @,*%,))) . dfl;s %) ln6/
O{Gwg .
-v_ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] cGo ;b:ox?n] kfPsf] a}7s eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwfx?sf] /sd M a}7s
eQf k|lta}7s ? !@,))) k|lt ;+rfns . ut cfly{s jif{sf] s'n a}7s eQf ?= @$,&^,))) .
dfl;s k|lt ;+rfns %) ln6/ O{Gwg .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 27

v= sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf cGo kbflwsf/L÷Joj:yfksx?sf] jflif{s tna, eQf tyf ;'ljwfx? M
?= xhf/df

q+m= ;+ ljj/0f sfo{sf/L k|d'v cGo sfo{sf/L kbflwsf/L÷Joj:yfks

!= tnj 16,076 !$),^@#

@= eQf 10,717 !)!,$(#
#= bz+} eQf 2,233 !(,&(^
$= ;+ro sf]if 1,608 !$,)^@
%= ;+Vof 1 !#)

sfo{sf/L k|d'vnfO{ tna tyf eQfsf] ;fy} lgDg ;'ljwf lbO{Psf] 5 M—

!= sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] xsdf kfgL, lah'nL / 6]lnkmf]g dxz'nsf] e'QmfgL—lan adf]lhd .

@= sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] xsdf ;jf/L rfns, O{Gwg tyf dd{t ;Def/ ;lxt ;jf/L ;fwg lbO{Psf] 5
eg] Joj:yfksLo÷k|aGws :t/sf kbflwsf/Lx?sf] xsdf sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnL / dfgj
;+;fwg gLltdf Joj:yf ul/P adf]lhd .
#= af]g;sf] ;DaGwdf — af]g; P]g cg';f/ .
$= pkbfgsf] ;DaGwdf — sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnLdf Joj:yf ul/P adf]lhd . sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf]
xsdf ;Femf}tfdf pNn]v eP cg';f/ .
%= hLjg aLdf, cf}ifwf]krf/ aLdf, b'3{6gf aLdf — a}+ssf] sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnL / dfgj
;+;fwg gLltdf Joj:yf ul/P adf]lhd .
^= sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] nflu kqklqsfsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
&= sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] nflu # hgf ;'/Iff uf8{ lbO{Psf] 5 .

28 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL jflif{s cg'kfngf k|ltj]bg
-;"rLs[t ;+ul7t ;+:yfx?sf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)&$ adf]lhd_

;"rLs[t ;Ël7t ;:+yfsf] gfd g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8

b/af/dfu{, sf7df08f}, kf]=a=g+= #$!@
7]ufgf Od]n / j]e;fO6 ;lxt,
kmf]g g=+ $@@*@@(, $@$@%#)
k|ltj]bg k]z ul/Psf] cf=a= @)&*÷&(
!= ;+rfns ;ldlt ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
-s_ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfsf] gfd tyf lgo'lQm ldlt M k[YjL axfb'/ kfF8]
l k|yd k6s cWoIfsf] ?kdf lgo'Qm ldltM O{=;=@)!@÷)&÷!$
-v_ ;+:yfsf]] z]o/ ;+/rgf;DaGwL ljj/0f -;+:yfks, ;j{;fwf/0f tyf cGo_M cfiff9 d;fGt @)&( sf] ljj/0f
qm=;= ljj/0f lsQf k|ltzt
! ;+:yfks !@%,#*^,)#*=(! ^*=$(
@ ;j{;fwf/0f %&,^*(,#&$=## #!=%!
-u_ ;+rfns ;ldlt ;DalGw ljj/0fM -xfn sfod_
z]o/ ;+Vof kb tyf ;+rfns
k|ltlglwTj gfddf-JolQmut
-lsQf_ lgo'Qm uf]klgotfsf] lgo'lQm
qm=;= ;+rfnsx?sf] gfd, 7]ufgf ePsf] ;d"x d;fGt cfiff9 ePsf] zky lnPsf] t/Lsf
@)&( ldlt ldlt -ljlw_
sf] ljj/0f_

!= >Lk[ YjL axfb'/ kfF8], ;+:yfks @(,(%@=@& @)&*÷)*÷!& @)&*÷)(÷!( lgjf{rg

dxf/fhu~h, sf7df08f}+ .

@= >Lk| hGo /fhe08f/L, ;+:yfks @)&*÷)*÷!& @)&*÷)*÷@& lgjf{rg

sdnfbL, sf7df08f}+ .

#= >L;" o{ k|sfz nfn >]i7, ;+:yfks @)&*÷)*÷!& @)&*÷)*÷@& lgjf{rg

Tfxfrn, sf7df08f} .

$= >Lslj s'df/ l6j/]jfnf, ;+:yfks (^,$^(=#$ @)&*÷)*÷!& @)&*÷)*÷@& lgjf{rg

sf7df08f}+ .

%= >Le' jg]Zj/ k|;fb zfx, ;j{;fwf/0f %,#%#=%# @)&&÷!)÷)* @)&&÷!)÷@) lgjf{rg

!@@ 1fg]Zj/, sf7df08f}+ .

^= >Lljsfz yfkf, ;j{;fwf/0f @@&=$& @)&&÷!)÷)* @)&&÷!)÷@) lgjf{rg

r'Gfb]jL $, dxf/fhu~h .

:jtGq ;+rfns
>L dGh' a:g]t,
&= dxf/fhu~h, sf7df08f}+ . !,$)^=%! @)&^÷)(÷@@ @)&^÷)(÷@@ ;ldltaf6
;+rfns lgo'Qm

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 29

-3_ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s
l ;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+rfng ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
a}7ssf] lg0f{odf leGg
o; cf=j= df a;]sf] ;+rfns pkl:yt ut cf=j= df a;]sf]
qm=;= dt /fvL x:tfIf/ ug]{
;ldltsf] a}7ssf] ldlt ;+rfnssf] ;+Vof a}7ssf] ldlt
;+rfnssf] ;+Vof
!= @)&*÷)%÷)* & – @)&&÷)$÷@@
@= @)&*÷)^÷!& & – @)&&÷)%÷!&
#= @)&*÷)&÷)@ & – @)&&÷)^÷)&
$= @)&*÷)&÷@# & – @)&&÷)&÷@^
%= @)&*÷)*÷!$ & – @)&&÷)*÷)(
^= @)&*÷)*÷@& ^ – @)&&÷)*÷!$
&= @)&*÷)(÷!! & – @)&&÷)*÷@^
*= @)&*÷!)÷)! & – @)&&÷)(÷)%
(= @)&*÷!)÷@) & – @)&&÷)(÷!)
!)= @)&*÷!!÷)@ & – @)&&÷)(÷!^
!!= @)&*÷!!÷@% & – @)&&÷)(÷@)
!@= @)&(÷)!÷)( & – @)&&÷)(÷@&
!#= @)&(÷)!÷!$ & – @)&&÷!)÷@)
!$= @)&(÷)@÷!! ^ – @)&&÷!!÷@$
!%= @)&(÷)@÷!& % – @)&&÷!@÷)#
!^= @)&(÷)@÷!( % – @)&&÷!@÷@$
!&= @)&(÷)@÷@& & – @)&*÷)!÷@@
!*= @)&(÷)#÷)* ^ – @)&*÷)@÷!#
!(= @)&(÷)#÷#) & – @)&*÷)#÷!^
@)= @)&*÷)#÷#)
s'g} ;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s cfjZos u0fk'/s ;+Vof gk'uL :ylut ePsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0fM gePsf]
l ;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL cGo ljj/0f M
;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7sdf ;+rfns jf j}slNks ;+rfns pkl:yt eP– gePsf] Nffu" gx'g]
-gePsf] cj:yfdf a}7ssf] ldlt ;lxt sf/0f v'nfpg]_ M
;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7sdf pkl:yt ;+rfnsx¿, 5nkmn ePsf] ljifo / /fv]sf]
tT;DaGwdf ePsf] lg0f{osf] ljj/0f -dfO{Go"6_ sf] 5'§} clen]v /fv] g/fv]sf] M
;+rfns ;ldltsf] b'O{ nuftf/ a;]sf] j}7ssf] clwstd cGt/ -lbgdf_ M #( lbg
;+rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s eQf lgwf{/0f ;DaGwdf a;]sf] jflif{s ;fwf/0f @)&@÷)&÷#)
;efsf] ldltM -@( cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef_
cWoIf ?= !%,)))÷– /
;+rfns ;ldltsf] k|lt j}7s eQf ?= ;+rfnssf] ?= !@,)))÷–
cf=j=sf] ;+rfns ;ldltsf] s'n j}7s vr{ ?= @&,^!,)))÷–

30 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

@= ;+rfnssf] cfr/0f ;DaGwL tyf cGo ljj/0f M

;+rfnssf] cfr/0f ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt ;+:yfsf] cfrf/ ;+lxtf eP÷gePsf] M ePsf]

Psf3/ kl/jf/sf] Ps eGbf a9L ;+rfns eP ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0f M gePsf]
;+rfnsx?sf] jflif{s ?kdf l;sfO{ tyf k"g{tfhuL sfo{qmd ;DaGwL ljjj/0f M
;xefuL tflnd ;+rfng
qm=;= ljifo ldlt ;+rfnssf] ;+Vof ePsf] :yfg
cnkm\6 xf]6n,
@= @)&(÷)@÷@) ( 7d]n
k|To]s ;+rfnsn] cfkm" ;+rfnssf] kbdf lgo'Qm jf dgf]gog ePsf] kG„ lbgleq b]xfosf s'/fsf] lnlvt
hfgsf/L u/fPsf]÷gu/fPsf] / gu/fPsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f M
l ;+:yf;Fu lgh jf lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:on] s'g} lsl;dsf] s/f/ u/]sf] jf ug{
nfu]sf] eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f,
l lgh jf lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:on] ;+:yf jf ;f] ;+:yfsf] d'Vo jf ;xfos sDkgLdf
lnPsf] z]o/ jf l8a]Gr/sf] ljj/0f,
l lgh cGo s'g} ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] cfwf/e"t z]o/wgL jf ;+rfns /x]sf] eP To;sf] ljj/0f, u/fPsf]
l lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:o ;+:yfdf kbflwsf/L jf sd{rf/Lsf] x}l;otdf sfd ul//xsf] u/fPsf]
eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f .
;+rfnsn] p:t} k|s[ltsf] p2]Zo ePsf] ;"lrs[t ;+:yfsf] ;+rfns, tnjL kbflwsf/L, sfo{sf/L k|d'v jf gu/]sf]
sd{rf/L eO{ sfo{ u/]sf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0fM
;+rfnsx?nfO{ lgodg lgsfo tyf cGo lgsfox?af6 s'g} sf/jfxL ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0fM gePsf]

#= ;+:yfsf] hf]lvd Joj:yfkg tyf cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL ;DalGw ljj/0fM

-s_ hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] nflu s'g} ;ldlt u7g eP÷gePsf] u7g gePsf] eP ;f]sf] sf/0fM hf]lvd Joj:yfkg
;ldlt ePsf]
-v_ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt ;DaGwL hfgsf/LM
-c_ ;ldltsf] ;+/rgf -;+of]hs tyf ;b:ox?sf] gfd tyf kb_M
;+of]hs M >L ljsf; yfkf
;b:o M >L ;'o{ k|sfz nfn >]i7
;b:o M >L lah]Gb| ;'jfn
;b:o ;lrj M >L ;'hftf hf]zL
-cf_ ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM cf=j= @)&*÷&( df a}7s ;+Vof M ^
-O_ ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
l a}+sdf ljBdfg shf{, ;+rfng / ahf/ hf]lvdsf] ;dLIff u/L To:tf hf]lvd Go'gLs/0fsf nflu pko'Qm

;'emfj÷;Nnfx lbg] Ù
l a}+sn] hf]lvd Joj:yfkg / hf]lvd jxg ug]{ Ifdtfsf] d"NofÍg ug{ ckgfPsf k|0ffnL / gLltsf]

sfof{Gjog / dfu{bz{gsf] lgoldt k'g/fjnf]sg u/L ;f] sf] sfof{Gjog / kof{Kttfsf] af/]df ;+rfns ;ldltnfO{
;'emfj÷l;kmfl/z ug]{ Ù
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 31
l a}+sn] ;[hgf u/]sf] hf]lvd ;DklQsf] ;DaGwdf k'FhLsf] kof{Kttf, cfGtl/s k'FhL ljZn]if0f k4lt (ICAAP),
Jofj;flos /0fgLlt cg'?k gLltut Joj:Yffsf] kof{Kttf, ;+:yfn] lng ;Sg] clwstd hf]lvd ;DaGwdf
lgoldt ?kdf 5nkmn tyf ljZn]if0f u/L ;+rfns ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos /fo ;'emfj lbg] Ù
l g]kfn /fi6« a}+s nufotsf lgofds lgsfo4f/f hf/L u/LPsf lgb]{zg÷dfu{ lgb]{zg÷kl/kq pk/ ;dLIff u/L

a}+sn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cfGtl/s ;Ldf, pko'Qm k|rng cg'?k cfjZos gLlt Pj+ sfo{ljlwsf] kl/dfh{gsf
nflu cfjZos /fo ;'emfj k]z ug]{ Ù
l ;DklQ bfloTj ;ldlt (ALCO) df 5nkmn ePsf laifox?nfO{ ;dLIff u/L ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos /fo

;'emfj k]z ug]{ Ù

l a}+ssf] shf{ kf]6{kmf]lnof] ;dLIff ug]{ / shf{ hf]lvd 36fpgsf] nflu pko'Qm ;'emfj k]z ug]{ Ù

l a}+ssf] ljQLo cj:yfdf pNn]vlgo c;/ kfg{ ;Sg] b]zsf] ;'Id Pj+ j[xt cfly{s kl/b[Zodf ePsf

kl/jt{gx?sf] ;dLIff ug]{ Pj+ pQm k|efj sd ug{ ckgfpg' kg]{ pko'Qm gLlt Pj+ k|lqmof ;+rfns ;ldlt
;dIf k]z ug]{ Ù
l Joj:yfkg :t/sf ;ldltx?df 5nkmn ul/Psf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg;Fu ;DalGwt laifox?nfO{ ;dLIff u/L

cfjZos /fo ;'emfj ;+rfns ;ldltdf k]z ug]{ Ù

l ;+rfns ;ldltaf6 ePsf] clVtof/ k|Tofof]hgsf] ;Ldf tyf cf}lrTotf ljZn]if0f u/L ;+rfns ;ldltdf

cfjZos ;'emfj k]z ug]{ Ù

l Joj:yfkg ;'rgf k|0ffnL (MIS) sf] kof{Kttf ;dLIff ug]{ Pj+ cfjZos ;'wf/sf] nflu Joj:yfkgnfO{

cfjZos ;'emfj÷ lgb]{zg lbg] Ù

l lgoldt ?kdf bjfj k/LIf0f (Stress Testing) u/L k|fKt kl/0ffd pk/ 5nkmn u/L ;f]sf cfwf/df

;+rfns ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos /fo ;'emfj lbg] .

-u_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f sfo{ljlw eP÷gePsf] M ePsf]
-3_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLsf] nflu s'g} ;ldlt u7g eP÷gePsf] u7g gePsf] eP ;f]sf] sf/0fM u7g ePsf]
-ª_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL ;ldlt ;DaGwL ljj/0fM
-c_ ;ldltsf] ;+/rgf -;+of]hs tyf ;b:ox?sf] gfd tyf kb_
l ;+rfns ;ldltM
cWoIf– >Lk[YjL axfb'/ kfF8]
;+rfns– >Lk|hGo /fh e08f/L
;+rfns– >L;"o{k|sfz nfn >]i7
;+rfns– >Lslj s'df/ l6j/]jfnf
;+rfns– >Le'jg]Zj/ k|;fb zfx
;+rfns– >LdtLdGh' a:g]t
;+rfns– >Lljsfz yfkf
l hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldltM
;+of]hs– >L ljsfz yfkf
;b:o– >L ;'o{ k|sfz nfn >]i7
;b:o– >L lah]Gb| ;'jfn
;b:o ;lrj– >L ;'hftf hf]zL
32 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
l n]vf kl/If0f ;ldltM
;+of]hs– >L ;'o{ k|sfz nfn >]i7
;b:o– >L dGh' a:Goft
;b:o ;lrj– >L cld/ e§/fO{
l ;Dklt z'l4s/0f lgjf/0f ;ldlt M
;+of]hs– >L slj s'df/ l6a8]jfn
;b:o– >L ;'hftf hf]zL
;b:o ;lrj– >L k|sfz /fh ;'a]bL
l sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt M
;+of]hs– >L k|hGo /fhe08f/L
;b:o– >L Hof]lt k|sfz kf08]
;b:o– >L ;lrg l6a8]jfn
;b:o ;lrj– >L l8gf nfdf

-cf_ ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+Vof M

;ldlt a}7s ;+Vof

;+rfns ;ldlt !(

hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt ^

n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt !&

sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt !

;Dklt z'l4s/0f lgjf/0f ;ldlt %

-O_ ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0f M ;ldltsf] d'Vo sfo{ /fi6« a}+s sf] lgb]{zg, sDkgL P]g tyf
a}+s tyf ljlQo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]gsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug'{ /x]sf] 5 . o; afx]s cfGtl/s lgoGq0f
k|0ffnLsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug'{sf] ;fy} ;+rfns ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos ;'´fj k|bfg ug]{ sfo{ klg
ub{5 .

-r_ cfly{s k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL eP÷gePsf] M ePsf]

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 33

$= ;'rgf tyf hfgsf/L k|jfx ;DaGwL ljj/0fM
-s_ ;+:yfn] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/L k|jfxsf] ljj/0f M

ljifo dfWod ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] ldlt

#% cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf]

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@)&(÷)$÷!! sf/f]af/ /fli6«o b}lgs
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;+j]bgzLn ;"rgf dfWodaf6 hfgsf/L u/fPsf]
cGo gePsf]

-v_ ;'rgf ;fj{hlgs gu/]sf] jf cGo sf/0fn] lwtf]kq af]8{ tyf cGo lgsfoaf6 sf/jfxLdf k/]sf] eP ;f] ;DaGwL
hfgsf/L M gk/]sf]
-u_ kl5Nnf] aflif{s tyf ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef ;GkGg ePsf] ldlt M @)&*÷)*÷!& tyf @)&&÷)^÷@* ut]
%= ;+:yfut ;+/rgf / sd{rf/L ;DaGwL ljj/0f
-s_ sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;+/rgf, kbk"lt{, j[lt ljsfz, tflnd, tnj, eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwf, xflh/ / ljbf, cfrf/;+lxtf
nufotsf s'/fx? ;d]l6Psf] sd{rf/L ;]jf zt{ ljlgodfjnL÷Joj:yf eP gePsf]M ePsf]
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l;=g++= sd{rf/Lsf] gfd tx of]Uotf cg'ej

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34 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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gofF sd{rf/Lx?sf] kbk"lt{ ubf{ ckgfPsf] k|s[of M lnlvt tyf df}lvs kl/Iff
Joj:yfkg :t/sf sd{rf/Lsf] ;+Vof -ldlt @)&(÷)#÷#@ ;Dd_M al/i7 k|aGws / ;f] eGbf dfyL !(
s'n sd{rf/Lsf] ;+VofM -ldlt @)&(÷)#÷#@ ;Dd_ !%!*
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sd{rf/Lsf] ;+VofM sd{rf/L ;+Vof !^(#
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-s_ n]vf;DaGwL ljj/0f

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gu/]sf] eP ;f]sf] sf/0f M

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@)&*÷)&÷!% sf/f]af/ b}lgs

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q}dfl;s ljQLo ljj/0f k|sfzg u/]sf] ldlt M
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@)&(÷)$÷!! sf/f]af/ b}lgs

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;fwf/0f ;efaf6 ljQLo ljj/0f :jLs[t ePsf] ldlt M @)&*÷)*÷!&

;+:yfsf] cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f M

cfGtl/s ?kdf n]vfkl/If0f
-c_ cfGtl/s ?kdf n]vfk/LIf0f ug]{ ul/Psf] jf jfXo lj1 lgo'Qm ug]{
ug]{ u/]sf]
-cf_ jfXo lj1 lgo'Qm ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f
-O_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f slt cjlwsf] ug]{ ul/Psf] -q}dfl;s, rf}dfl;s jf
jflif{s ug]{ u/]sf]

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 35

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-;+rfns, lk=Pr=l8_
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-;+rfns, O{=d=la=P=_

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lgDg cg';f/ a;]sf] 5 .

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lgDg cg';f/ a;]sf] 5 .


pkl:yt tLg hgf .

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36 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

&= cGo ljj/0fM
;+:yfn] ;+rfns tyf lghsf] Psf3/sf kl/jf/sf] ljQLo :jfy{ ePsf] JolQm, a}Í
tyf laQLo ;+:yfaf6 C0f jf ;fk6L jf cGo s'g} ¿kdf /sd lnP÷ glnPsf] glnPsf]

k|rlnt sfgg adf]lhd sDkgLsf] ;+rfns, z]o/wgL, sd{rf/L, ;Nnfxsf/,

k/fdz{bftfsf] x}l;otdf kfpg] ;'ljwf jf nfe afx]s;"lrs[t ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf]
ljQLo :jfy{ ePsf] sg} JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL, sd{rf/L, ;Nnfxsf/ jf k/fdz{bftfn] gu/]sf]
;+:yfsf] s'g} ;DklQ s'g} lsl;dn] ef]urng u/]÷gu/]sf]
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lgodsf/L lgsfon] ;+:yfsf] lgodg lg/LIf0f jf ;'k/Lj]If0f ubf{ ;+:yfnfO{ lbOPsf]
lgb]{zg kfngf eP÷gePsf] ePsf]
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afx]s a}+ssf] laQo l:yltdf
tfTjLs c;/ kfg]{ s'g} d'2f
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u'gf;f] tyf ;'g'jfO{ M

o; a}+ssf] cf=j= @)&*÷)&( df u|fxsaf6 k|fKt ePsf] %) j6f u'gf;f]df ;a} u'gf;f] ;'g'jfO{ eO{;s]sf] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 37

38 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 39
40 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 41
42 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As on Ashad 32 2079 (16 July 2022)

Group Bank

Assets Notes 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Ashad 32 2079 Ashad 31 2078 Ashad 32 2079 Ashad 31 2078

Cash and Cash Equivalent 4.01 11,267,036,642 7,956,106,092 11,148,235,754 7,012,723,269

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 4.02 5,637,281,558 7,417,253,539 5,637,281,558 7,417,253,539
Placements with Banks and FIs 4.03 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010
Derivative financial instruments 4.04 - 36,746,635 - 36,746,635
Other trading assets 4.05 70,739,943 92,076,216 - -
Loans and advances to B/FIs 4.06 7,659,343,487 5,094,851,449 7,659,343,487 5,094,851,449
Loans and advances to customers 4.07 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940
Investment Securities 4.08 45,385,704,374 36,784,782,460 44,572,882,570 35,168,048,560
Current tax assets 4.09 443,418,031 589,833,649 436,404,447 586,041,818
Investments in subsidiaries 4.10 - - 171,500,000 171,500,000
Investments in associates 4.11 274,477,556 207,664,608 82,362,800 82,362,800
Investment Property 4.12 573,017,236 601,847,846 573,017,236 601,847,846
Property and Equipment 4.13 4,571,408,002 4,106,742,150 4,536,008,350 4,076,386,667
Goodwill and Intangible assets 4.14 77,255,892 114,436,230 75,348,820 112,239,051
Deferred tax assets 4.15 - - - -
Other assets 4.16 3,808,369,009 2,713,434,821 3,620,607,250 2,616,668,338

Total Assets 245,703,852,928 230,669,232,645 244,448,793,470 227,930,126,922

Group Bank
Liabilities Notes 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Ashad 32 2079 Ashad 31 2078 Ashad 32 2079 Ashad 31 2078

Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 4.17 1,973,919,919 4,840,265,175 1,973,919,919 4,840,265,175
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 4.18 6,470,865,000 3,575,646,633 6,470,865,000 3,575,646,633
Derivative Financial Instruments 4.19 5,238,825 - 5,238,825 -
Deposits from customers 4.20 184,778,724,045 174,525,590,245 184,791,071,928 174,557,704,483
Borrowings 4.21 3,825,000,000 - 3,825,000,000 -
Current tax liabilities 4.09 - - - -
Provisions 4.22 2,246,086 2,246,086 - -
Deferred tax liabilities 4.15 1,095,042,739 1,799,265,833 1,099,513,388 1,792,916,621
Other Liabilities 4.23 7,050,646,470 6,530,468,815 6,291,270,155 4,178,682,382
Debt securities issued 4.24 6,000,000,000 6,750,000,000 6,000,000,000 6,750,000,000
Subordinated liabilities 4.25 - - - -
Total Liabilities 211,201,683,084 198,023,482,787 210,456,879,215 195,695,215,294
Share capital 4.26 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500
Share premium - 4,798,371 - 4,798,371
Retained earnings 1,786,657,538 2,226,187,475 1,307,665,791 1,836,617,021
Reserves 4.27 14,407,970,983 14,157,434,512 14,376,707,141 14,136,166,736
Total equity attributable to equity holders 34,502,169,844 32,645,749,858 33,991,914,255 32,234,911,628
Non-Controlling Interest - - -
Total Liabilities and Equity 245,703,852,928 230,669,232,645 244,448,793,470 227,930,126,922
Contingent Liabilities & commitment 4.28 94,206,193,233 105,840,092,133 94,206,193,233 105,840,092,133

Net assets value per share 188 201 186 198

Prithivi Bahadur Pandé Prajanaya Rajbhandary Surya Prakash Lal Shrestha Kabi Kumar Tibrewala Ashesh Rajbahak, FCA
Chairman Director Director Director Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Bhuwaneshwar Prasad Shah Bikash Thapa Manju Basnett Jyoti P. Pandey Sachin Tibrewal Auditor
Director Director Director CEO Head-Accounts & Finance

Date : November - 15, 2022

Place : Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 43

Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss
For the year ended Ashad 32 2079 (FY 2021-22)
Group Bank

Particulars Notes FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21

FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78 FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78

Interest income 4.29 16,788,029,598 13,797,247,335 16,703,930,495 13,712,045,202

Interest expense 4.30 (10,883,373,382) (8,118,092,792) (10,884,940,919) (8,118,991,367)
Net interest income 5,904,656,216 5,679,154,544 5,818,989,577 5,593,053,836
Fees and Commission income 4.31 1,796,794,579 1,550,993,168 1,592,633,687 1,362,039,220
Fees and Commission expense 4.32 (342,837,801) (277,522,491) (319,597,830) (245,402,727)
Net fee and commission income 1,453,956,778 1,273,470,677 1,273,035,857 1,116,636,493
Net interest, fee and commission income 7,358,612,994 6,952,625,221 7,092,025,434 6,709,690,329
Net trading income 4.33 658,485,930 786,695,127 667,252,484 747,864,081
Other operating income 4.34 241,302,370 880,641,382 307,974,921 937,462,910
Total Operating Income 8,258,401,294 8,619,961,730 8,067,252,839 8,395,017,320
Impairment (charges)/reversals for loans & other losses 4.35 1,306,893,765 (441,669,545) 1,306,893,765 (441,669,545)
Net operating income 9,565,295,059 8,178,292,185 9,374,146,603 7,953,347,775
Personnel Expenses 4.36 (1,948,212,269) (1,769,231,620) (1,874,385,049) (1,708,094,127)
Other Operating Expenses 4.37 (751,317,035) (881,279,960) (722,552,044) (865,492,611)
Depreciation and Amortization 4.38 (497,368,500) (268,655,712) (487,549,820) (260,242,555)
Total operating expenses (3,196,897,804) (2,919,167,292) (3,084,486,913) (2,833,829,293)
Operating profit 6,368,397,255 5,259,124,893 6,289,659,691 5,119,518,483
Non operating income 4.39 69,712,948 68,073,457 2,900,000 4,079,509
Non operating expense 4.40 (904,108,931) (64,725,907) (904,108,931) (64,725,907)
Profit before income tax 5,534,001,272 5,262,472,443 5,388,450,760 5,058,872,085
Income tax expense 4.41
Current Tax (1,673,953,980) (1,582,729,527) (1,620,510,965) (1,531,313,615)
Deferred Tax 40,484,020 22,451,814 29,664,158 31,047,339
Profit for the year 3,900,531,312 3,702,194,730 3,797,603,953 3,558,605,809
Profit attributable to Equity holders of the Bank 3,900,531,312 3,702,194,730 3,797,603,953 3,558,605,809
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests
Profit for the year 3,900,531,312 3,702,194,730 3,797,603,953 3,558,605,809
Earning per share 4.42
Basic earnings per share 21.31 22.89 20.74 22.00
Diluted earnings per share 21.31 22.89 20.74 22.00

Prithivi Bahadur Pandé Prajanaya Rajbhandary Surya Prakash Lal Shrestha Kabi Kumar Tibrewala Ashesh Rajbahak, FCA
Chairman Director Director Director Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Bhuwaneshwar Prasad Shah Bikash Thapa Manju Basnett Jyoti P. Pandey Sachin Tibrewal Auditor
Director Director Director CEO Head-Accounts & Finance

Date : November - 15, 2022

Place : Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

44 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended Ashad 32 2079 ( FY 2021-22)

Group Bank

Particulars Notes
FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21
FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78 FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78

Profit for the year 3,900,531,312 3,702,194,730 3,797,603,953 3,558,605,809

Other comprehensive income/(expense), net of tax
a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

–  Gains/(losses) from investments in equity instruments

(2,161,082,360) 2,921,350,915 (2,161,082,360) 2,904,946,095
measured at fair value

–  Gains/(losses) on revaluation
–  Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans (51,381,222) (54,161,656) (51,381,222) (54,161,656)
–  income taxes 663,739,075 (860,156,778) 663,739,075 (855,235,332)
b) Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss
–  Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge

–  Exchange gains/(losses) (arising from translating

financial assets of foreign operation)

–  income taxes relating to above items

–  reclassify to profit or loss

c) Share of other comprehensive income of associates

accounted as per equity method

Other comprehensive income /(loss) for the year,

(1,548,724,508) 2,007,032,482 (1,548,724,508) 1,995,549,107
net of income tax
Total comprehensive income for the year 2,351,806,804 5,709,227,211 2,248,879,445 5,554,154,916
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to:
–  Equity holders of the Bank 2,351,806,804 5,709,227,211 2,248,879,445 5,554,154,916
–  non-controlling interests - - - -
Total comprehensive income for the year 2,351,806,804 5,709,227,211 2,248,879,445 5,554,154,916

Prithivi Bahadur Pandé Prajanaya Rajbhandary Surya Prakash Lal Shrestha Kabi Kumar Tibrewala Ashesh Rajbahak, FCA
Chairman Director Director Director Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
Bhuwaneshwar Prasad Shah Bikash Thapa Manju Basnett Jyoti P. Pandey Sachin Tibrewal Auditor
Director Director Director CEO Head-Accounts & Finance

Date : November - 15, 2022

Place : Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 45

Statement of
For the year ended
Attributable to equity
Particulars Exchange Assets
Share Share Retained General
equalisation Revaluation
Capital premium earning reserve
reserve Reserve
Balance at 1 Shrawan 2077 14,248,954,500 32,598,858 2,885,969,018 5,985,472,629 103,979,477 1,560,760,238
Comprehensive income for the year - - - - - -
Profit for the year - - 3,702,194,730 - - -
Other comprehensive income, net of tax - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) from investments in equity
instruments measured at fair value
Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - -
Exchange gains/(losses) (arising from translating
- - - - - -
financial assets of foreign operation)
Total comprehensive income for the year - - 3,702,194,730 - - -
Business Combination 120,000,000 4,798,371 (256,181,606) 69,194,942 - -
Adjustments relating to prior periods - - - - - -
Transfer to reserve during the year - - (1,778,763,997) 725,380,659 4,648,474 -
Transfer from reserve during the year - - 279,427,054 - - -
Transactions with owners, directly recognised in equity - - - - - -
Share issued 36,010,915 - - - - -
Share based payments - - - - - -
Dividends to equity holders - - - - - -
Bonus shares issued 1,852,364,085 (32,598,858) (1,819,765,227) - - -
Cash dividend paid - - (786,692,498) - - -
Other - - - - - -
Total contributions by and distributions 2,008,375,000 (27,800,487) (4,361,976,273) 794,575,602 4,648,474 -
Balance at Ashad 2078 16,257,329,500 4,798,371 2,226,187,475 6,780,048,231 108,627,951 1,560,760,238
Balance at 1 Shrawan 2078 16,257,329,500 4,798,371 2,226,187,475 6,780,048,231 108,627,951 1,560,760,238
Comprehensive income for the year - - - - - -
Profit for the year - - 3,900,531,312 - - -
Other comprehensive income, net of tax - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) from investments in equity
instruments measured at fair value
Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - -
Exchange gains/(losses) (arising from translating
- - - - - -
financial assets of foreign operation)
Total comprehensive income for the year - - 3,900,531,312 - - -
Business Combination - - - - - -
Adjustments relating to prior periods - - 59,084,078 - - -
Transfer to reserve during the year - - (2,692,594,406) 778,346,832 3,401,094 -
Transfer from reserve during the year - - 113,333,428 - - -
Transactions with owners, directly recognised in equity - - - - - -
Share issued - - - - - -
Share based payments - - - - - -
Dividends to equity holders - - - - - -
Bonus shares issued 2,050,211,823 (4,798,371) (1,265,413,452) - - -
Cash dividend paid - - (554,470,897) - - -
Other - - - - - -
Total contributions by and distributions 2,050,211,823 (4,798,371) (4,340,061,249) 778,346,832 3,401,094 -
Balance at Ashad 2079 18,307,541,323 0 1,786,657,538 7,558,395,063 112,029,045 1,560,760,238

Prithivi Bahadur Pandé Prajanaya Rajbhandary Surya Prakash Lal Shrestha Kabi Kumar Tibrewala Bhuwaneshwar Prasad Shah
Chairman Director Director Director Director

Date : November - 15, 2022

Place : Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

46 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Changes in Equity
Ashad 32 2079 ( FY 2021-22)

Non controlling
of the Bank interest
Debenture Fair Capital Investment Employee
Actuary Regulatory CSR
Redemption value Adjustment Adjustment Training Total Total
Gain / (loss) Reserves Reserve
Reserve reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve
1,142,857,142 758,207,422 - 65,752,368 (63,202,589) 704,534,421 3,475,203 2,570,978 27,431,929,665 -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - 3,702,194,730 -
- - - - - - - -

2,044,945,641 2,044,945,641 -

- - - - - - - - -
- - - - (37,913,159) (37,913,159) -
- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- 2,044,945,641 - - (37,913,159) - - 5,709,227,211 -

- - - - - 317,033,045 28,193 401,618 255,274,564 -
- - - - - - - - - -
507,142,858 - - - - 504,639,997 36,952,009 - 0 -
- (60,724,412) - - - (179,521,914) (39,180,728) - (0) -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - 36,010,915 -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - (786,692,498) -
- - - - - - - - - -
507,142,858 (60,724,412) - - - 642,151,128 (2,200,526) 401,618 (495,407,018) -
1,650,000,000 2,742,428,650 0 65,752,368 (101,115,748) 1,346,685,549 1,274,677 2,972,596 32,645,749,858 -
1,650,000,000 2,742,428,650 - 65,752,368 (101,115,748) 1,346,685,549 1,274,677 2,972,596 32,645,749,858 -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - 3,900,531,312 -
- - - - - - - -

(1,512,757,652) (1,512,757,652) -

- - - - - - - - -
- - - - (35,966,855) (35,966,855) -
- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- (1,512,757,652) - - (35,966,855) - - 2,351,806,804 -

- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - 59,084,078 -
1,066,666,667 - - 259,155,028 - 527,592,325 39,004,084 18,428,377 0 -
- (42,728,000) - - - (69,293,009) (1,312,419) - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
(500,000,000) - - - - (280,000,000) - - - -
- - - - - - - - (554,470,897) -
- - - - - - - - - -
566,666,667 (42,728,000) - 259,155,028 - 178,299,316 37,691,665 18,428,377 (495,386,819) -
2,216,666,667 1,186,942,998 0 324,907,396 -137,082,604 1,524,984,865 38,966,342 21,400,973 34,502,169,844 -

Bikash Thapa Manju Basnett Jyoti P. Pandey Sachin Tibrewal Ashesh Rajbahak, FCA
Director Director CEO Head-Accounts & Finance Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co.,
Chartered Accountants

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Statement of
For the year ended
Attributable to equity
Particulars Exchange Assets
Share Share Retained General
equalisation Revaluation
Capital premium earning reserve
reserve Reserve
Balance at 1 Shrawan 2077 14,248,954,500 32,598,858 2,622,386,038 5,979,139,028 103,979,477 1,560,760,238
Comprehensive income for the year -
Profit for the year - 3,558,605,809
Other comprehensive income, net of tax -
Gains/(losses) from investments in equity
instruments measured at fair value
Gains/(losses) on revaluation -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans -
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge -
Exchange gains/(losses) (arising from translating
financial assets of foreign operation)
Total comprehensive income for the year - - 3,558,605,809 - - -
Business Combination 120,000,000 4,798,371 (256,181,606) 69,194,942 - -
Adjustments relating to prior periods -
Transfer to reserve during the year (1,763,738,550) 711,721,162 4,648,474 -
Transfer from reserve during the year 279,003,054
Transactions with owners, directly recognised in equity
Share issued 36,010,915
Share based payments
Dividends to equity holders
Bonus shares issued 1,852,364,085 (32,598,858) (1,819,765,227)
Cash dividend paid (783,692,498)
Total contributions by and distributions 2,008,375,000 (27,800,487) (4,344,374,826) 780,916,104 4,648,474 -
Balance at Ashad 2078 16,257,329,500 4,798,371 1,836,617,021 6,760,055,132 108,627,951 1,560,760,238
Balance at 1 Shrawan 2078 16,257,329,500 4,798,371 1,836,617,021 6,760,055,132 108,627,951 1,560,760,238
Comprehensive income for the year -
Profit for the year - 3,797,603,953
Other comprehensive income, net of tax -
Gains/(losses) from investments in equity
instruments measured at fair value
Gains/(losses) on revaluation -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans -
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge -
Exchange gains/(losses) (arising from translating
financial assets of foreign operation)
Total comprehensive income for the year - - 3,797,603,953 - - -
Business Combination
Adjustments relating to prior periods 59,084,078
Transfer to reserve during the year (2,681,285,921) 768,066,391 3,401,094 -
Transfer from reserve during the year 112,021,009
Transactions with owners, directly recognised in equity
Share issued
Share based payments
Dividends to equity holders
Bonus shares issued 2,050,211,823 (4,798,371) (1,265,413,452)
Cash dividend paid (550,960,897)
Total contributions by and distributions 2,050,211,823 (4,798,371) (4,326,555,183) 768,066,391 3,401,094 -
Balance at Ashad 2079 18,307,541,323 0 1,307,665,791 7,528,121,523 112,029,045 1,560,760,238

Prithivi Bahadur Pandé Prajanaya Rajbhandary Surya Prakash Lal Shrestha Kabi Kumar Tibrewala Bhuwaneshwar Prasad Shah
Chairman Director Director Director Director

Date : November - 15, 2022

Place : Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

48 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Changes in Equity
Ashad 32 2079 ( FY 2021-22)

of the Bank
Debenture Fair Capital Investment Employee
Actuary Regulatory CSR
Redemption value Adjustment Adjustment Training Total
Gain / (loss) Reserves Reserve
Reserve reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve
1,142,857,142 769,690,796 - 65,752,368 (63,202,589) 704,534,421 3,142,475 2,570,978 27,173,163,731

2,033,462,266 2,033,462,266

(37,913,159) (37,913,159)

- 2,033,462,266 - - (37,913,159) - - 5,554,154,916

- - - - 317,033,045 28,193 401,618 255,274,564
507,142,858 - - 504,639,997 35,586,059 -
(60,724,412) (179,521,914) (38,756,728) -
507,142,858 (60,724,412) - - - 642,151,128 (3,142,475) 401,618 (492,407,018)
1,650,000,000 2,742,428,650 - 65,752,368 (101,115,748) 1,346,685,549 - 2,972,596 32,234,911,628
1,650,000,000 2,742,428,650 - 65,752,368 (101,115,748) 1,346,685,549 - 2,972,596 32,234,911,628

(1,512,757,652) (1,512,757,652)

(35,966,855) (35,966,855)

- (1,512,757,652) - - (35,966,855) - - 2,248,879,445

1,066,666,667 - - 259,155,028 527,592,325 37,976,040 18,428,377
(42,728,000) (69,293,009) -
(500,000,000) (280,000,000) -
566,666,667 (42,728,000) - 259,155,028 - 178,299,316 37,976,040 18,428,377 (491,876,819)
2,216,666,667 1,186,942,998 - 324,907,396 (137,082,604) 1,524,984,865 37,976,040 21,400,973 33,991,914,255

Bikash Thapa Manju Basnett Jyoti P. Pandey Sachin Tibrewal Ashesh Rajbahak, FCA
Director Director CEO Head-Accounts & Finance Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co.,
Chartered Accountants

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Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended Ashad 32 2079 ( FY 2021-22)
Group Bank
Particulars Notes FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21
FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78 FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78
Interest received 14,896,294,679 13,932,838,154 14,826,271,347 13,829,175,767
Fees and other income received 1,080,696,723 1,424,710,196 906,494,849 1,270,419,856
Divided received - - - -
Receipts from other operating activities 771,910,232 1,555,613,201 727,499,923 1,536,440,040
Interest paid (10,148,067,748) (7,602,524,090) (10,148,067,748) (7,602,524,090)
Commission and fees paid (332,749,836) (263,178,960) (319,597,830) (245,402,727)
Cash payment to employees (1,341,453,326) (1,170,270,706) (1,262,667,016) (1,122,139,605)
Other expense paid (754,293,063) (891,343,863) (722,552,044) (865,492,611)
Operating cash flows before changes in operating assets and liabilities 4,172,337,663 6,985,843,932 4,007,381,481 6,800,476,630
(Increase)/Decrease in operating assets
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 1,779,971,981 6,904,717,225 1,779,971,981 6,904,717,225
Placement with bank and financial institutions (641,926,490) (171,788,140) (641,926,490) (171,788,140)
Other trading assets 790,236,943 (770,646,604) - -
Loan and advances to bank and financial institutions (2,598,269,541) (192,197,067) (2,598,269,541) (192,197,067)
Loans and advances to customers 971,740,807 (22,585,449,913) 971,740,807 (22,585,449,913)
Other assets (327,963,160) (695,307,439) (243,820,686) (676,906,476)
Increase/(Decrease) in operating liabilities
Due to bank and financial institutions (2,866,345,256) 2,378,048,097 (2,866,345,256) 2,378,048,097
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 2,895,218,367 3,572,923,846 2,895,218,367 3,572,923,846
Deposit from customers 10,253,133,800 8,187,035,925 10,233,367,445 8,195,578,190
Borrowings 3,825,000,000 - 3,825,000,000 -
Other liabilities 505,210,834 2,112,716,906 2,079,172,263 729,629,232
Net cash flow from operating activities before tax paid
Income taxes paid (1,527,538,362) (1,457,224,225) (1,470,873,594) (1,401,476,967)
Net cash flow from operating activities 17,230,807,583 4,268,672,543 17,970,616,775 3,553,554,659
Purchase of investment securities (11,744,307,101) (7,862,726,857) (11,744,307,101) (7,862,726,857)
Receipts from sale of investment securities 178,390,730 1,678,060,921 178,390,730 1,678,060,921
Purchase of property and equipment (709,674,274) (300,085,823) (695,101,531) (279,662,300)
Receipt from the sale of property and equipment 26,258,566 17,240,354 26,258,566 15,729,755
Purchase of intangible assets (3,015,000) (26,818,446) (3,015,000) (26,818,446)
Receipt from the sale of intangible assets - - - -
Subsidiary - - - -
Associates - - - -
Purchase of investment properties (366,064,893) (477,954,885) (366,064,893) (477,954,885)
Receipt from the sale of investment properties 394,895,503 142,090,000 394,895,503 142,090,000
Interest received - - - -
Dividend received 227,951,016 137,768,091 227,951,016 137,768,091
Net cash used in investing activities (11,995,565,452) (6,692,426,644) (11,980,992,709) (6,673,513,720)
Receipt from issue of debt securities - 4,000,000,000 - 4,000,000,000
Repayment of debt securities (750,000,000) (500,000,000) (750,000,000) (500,000,000)
Receipt from issue of subordinated liabilities - - - -
Repayment of subordinated liabilities - - - -
Receipt from issue of shares - 36,010,915 - 36,010,915
Dividends paid (621,160,897) (843,692,498) (550,960,897) (783,692,498)
Interest paid (553,150,685) (405,616,438) (553,150,685) (405,616,438)
Other receipt/payment - - -
Net cash from financing activities (1,924,311,582) 2,286,701,979 (1,854,111,582) 2,346,701,979
Cash Flow From Merger & Acquisition Activities - 247,951,705 - 247,951,705
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 3,310,930,550 110,899,583 4,135,512,485 (525,305,377)
Cash and cash equivalents at Shrawan 1, 2078 7,956,106,092 7,845,206,508 7,012,723,269 7,538,028,646
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents held - - - -
Cash and cash equivalents at Ashad end 2079 11,267,036,642 7,956,106,092 11,148,235,754 7,012,723,269

Prithivi Bahadur Pandé Prajanaya Rajbhandary Surya Prakash Lal Shrestha Kabi Kumar Tibrewala Ashesh Rajbahak, FCA
Chairman Director Director Director Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co.,
Bhuwaneshwar Prasad Shah Bikash Thapa Manju Basnett Jyoti P. Pandey Sachin Tibrewal
Chartered Accountants
Director Director Director CEO Head-Accounts & Finance
Date : November - 15, 2022
Place : Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

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Nepal Investment Bank Limited Group
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
For the year ended Ashad 32, 2079 (16 July 2022)

1. About Nepal Investment Bank Limited

Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL) was established in 1986 as Nepal Indosuez
Bank, a joint venture between Nepalese and French partners. The French partner Credit
Agricole Indosuez, one of the largest global banking group holding the equity stake of
50%, decided to divest its investment in the bank. Consequently, in April 2002, Nepalese
group of companies comprising of bankers, professional, industrialists and businessman
acquired the 50% stake of divested by Credit Agricole Indosuez. The name of the bank
was then changed to Nepal Investment Bank Limited, after completing all legal and
regulatory formalities.

NIBL is licenced by Nepal Rastra Bank (the central bank of Nepal) as a commercial
bank under Class “A” financial institution category. The registered office of the Bank is
located at Durbar Marg, Kathmandu Nepal. The Bank’s ordinary shares are listed in the
Nepal Stock Exchange for public trading.NIBL is licenced to operate as a commercial
bank under the Banking and Financial Institution Act. It provides wide arrays of banking
services within the limits and parameters set by legislations and regulatory framework.

NIBL is the parent company with its subsidiary namely NIBL Ace Capital Limited.
NIBL Ace capital Limited is a 100% subsidiary of the bank and its business include
merchant banking, depository services, asset-management of mutual fund units, portfolio
management and corporate advisory. The bank had acquired Ace Development Bank
Ltd., a leading development bank in July 2017 AD, Jebils Finance Ltd in July 2019 AD
and City express Finance Ltd in January 2021 AD.

2. Basis of preparation
2.1 Statement of Compliance

The consolidated financial statements of the group and the separate financial statements
of NIBL have been prepared in accordance with NFRSs as issued by the ASB-N and as
endorsed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal and Nepal Rastra Bank

2.2 Reporting period and approval of financial statements

The Bank follows the Nepalese financial year based on the Nepalese calendar.

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The corresponding dates for the English calendar are as follows:

Relevant Financial Nepalese Calendar English Calendar

Statement Date/Period Date/Period
Comparative SFP Date 31 Ashad 2078 15 July 2021

Comparative reporting period 1 Shrawan 2077 – 31 Ashad 2078 16 July 2020 – 15 July 2021

Reporting SFP Date 32 Ashad 2079 16 July 2022

Reporting period 1 Shrawan 2078– 32 Ashad 2079 16 July 2021 – 16 July 2022

2.3. Functional and presentation currency

The functional currency of the bank is Nepalese Rupees (NPR), which is also the
presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements of the group.
2.4. Use of Estimates, assumptions and judgements
The preparation of financial information requires the use of estimates and judgements
about future conditions. In view of the inherent uncertainties and the high level of
subjectivity involved in the recognition or measurement of items listed below, it is
possible that the outcomes in the next financial year could differ from those on which
management’s estimates are based, resulting in materially different conclusions from
those reached by management for the purposes of this financial statements.
Management’s selection of the accounting policies, which contain critical estimates and
judgements, is listed below; it reflects the materiality of the items to which the policies are
applied, the high degree of judgement and estimation uncertainty involved:
• Impairment of loans and advances 

• Valuation of financial instruments
• Provisions
• Estimation of useful lives of property and equipment and intangible assets
2.5. Changes in accounting policies
NFRS requires the company to adopt accounting policies that are most appropriate
to the company’s circumstances.The bank has been adopting accounting policies to
ensure compliance with NFRS. Specific accounting policies have been included in the
section 3 of the notes for each items of financial statements which requires disclosures of
accounting policies or changes in accounting policies. Effect and nature of the changes,
if any, have been disclosed wherever applicable.
2.6. New standards issued but not yet effective
NFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’
Classification and measurement: The classification and measurement of financial assets
will depend on how these are managed (the entity’s business model) and their contractual
cash flow characteristics. These factors determine whether the financial assets are
measured at amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (‘FVtOCI’)
or fair value through profit or loss (‘FVtPL’). In many instances, the classification and
measurement outcomes will be similar to NAS 39, although differences will arise. The

52 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

combined effect of the application of the business model and the contractual cash flow
characteristics tests may result in some differences in the population of financial assets
measured at amortised cost or fair value compared with NAS 39. The classification of
financial liabilities is essentially unchanged. For certain liabilities measured at fair value,
gains or losses relating to changes in the entity’s own credit risk are to be included in
other comprehensive income.
Impairment: The impairment requirements apply to financial assets measured at
amortised cost and FVOCI, and lease receivables and certain loan commitments and
financial guarantee contracts. At initial recognition, allowance (or provision in the case
of commitments and guarantees) is required for expected credit losses (‘ECL’) resulting
from default events that are possible within the next 12 months (’12-month ECL’). In the
event of a significant increase in credit risk, allowance (or provision) is required for ECL
resulting from all possible default events over the expected life of the financial instrument
(‘lifetime ECL’).
• Financial assets where 12-month ECL is recognised are considered to be ‘stage 1’;
• Financial assets which are considered to have experienced a significant increase in
credit risk are in ‘stage 2’; and
• Financial assets for which there is objective evidence of impairment so are considered
to be in default or otherwise credit impaired are in ‘stage 3’.
The assessment of whether credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition
is performed for each reporting period by considering the change in the risk of default
occurring over the remaining life of the financial instrument, rather than by considering
an increase in ECL. The assessment of credit risk and the estimation of ECL are required
to be unbiased and probability-weighted and should incorporate all available information
which is relevant to the assessment, including information about past events, current
conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts of future events and economic
conditions at the reporting date. In addition, the estimation of ECL should take into
account the time value of money. As a result, the recognition and measurement of
impairment is intended to be more forward-looking than under NAS 39 and the resulting
impairment charge will tend to be more volatile. It will also tend to result in an increase
in the total level of impairment allowances, since all financial assets will be assessed
for at least 12-month ECL and the population of financial assets to which lifetime ECL
applies is likely to be larger than the population for which there is objective evidence of
impairment in accordance with NAS 39.

2.7. New Standards and Interpretations not adopted

New standards on revenue recognition, financial instrument accounting and insurance
accounting have been issued by IASB which could represent significant changes to
accounting requirements in the future.
a. IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’
In July 2014, the IASB issued IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’, which is the
comprehensive standard to replace IAS 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement’, and includes requirements for classification and measurement of
financial assets and liabilities, impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting.

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(Effects and implications have been discussed above in 2.6).
b. IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’
In May 2014, the IASB issued IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’.
The original effective date of IFRS 15 has been delayed by one year and the standard
is now effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 with early
application permitted. IFRS 15 provides a principles-based approach for revenue
recognition, and introduces the concept of recognising revenue for performance
obligations as they are satisfied. The standard should be applied retrospectively,
with certain practical expedients available. The bank has assessed the impact of
IFRS 15 and it expects that the standard will have no significant effect, when applied,

 on the financial statements of the group and NIBL.

2.8. Previous Year’s Figures

Previous year’s figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to make
them comparable with the current year’s classification / disclosure.
2.9. Discounting
When the realisation of assets and settlement of obligation is for more than one year,
the Bank considers the discounting of such assets and liabilities where the impact is
material. Various internal and external factors have been considered for determining
the discount rate to be applied to the cash flows of the bank. For financial instruments
recognised at amortised costs that meet the ‘SPPI’ criteria, i.e. solely for the purpose of
collecting principal and interest, the effective interest rate is considered to cover for the
credit risk and time value of money, therefore further discounting is not made. The fair
value of debt securities shall be determined by discounting by the future cash flows by
the coupon interest rate.
2.10. Going concern
The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, as the management of
the Bank is satisfied that it has the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable
future. Furthermore, the Board of Directors is not aware of any material uncertainties
that may cast significant doubt upon the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Therefore, the Financial Statements continue to be prepared on the going concern
basis. In making this assessment, the Board of directors have considered a wide range
of information relating to present and future conditions, including future projections of
profitability, cash flows and capital resources.
2.11. Materiality
The Bank for the preparation of financial statements determines materiality based on the
nature or magnitude, or both. Materiality is a pervasive constraint in financial reporting
because it is pertinent to all of the qualitative characteristics.
2.12. Approval of financial statements
The accompanied financial statements have been approved and authorised for issue by
the Board of Directors in its meeting held on15th November 2022.

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3. Significant accounting policies
3.1. Basis of measurement
The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost convention, fair
value measurement of financial assets and liabilities wherever the standard requires or
provides option for such measurements.
3.2. Basis of consolidation
The group controls and consequently consolidates an entity when it is exposed, or
has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability
to affect those returns through its power over the entity. Control is initially assessed
based on consideration of all facts and circumstances, and is subsequently reassessed
when there are significant changes to the initial setup. Where an entity is governed
by voting rights, the group would consolidate when it holds, directly or indirectly, the
necessary voting rights to pass resolutions by the governing body. In all other cases, the
assessment of control is more complex and requires judgement of other factors, including
having exposure to variability of returns, power over the relevant activities or holding the
power as agent or principal. The cost of an acquisition is measured at the fair value of
the consideration, including contingent consideration, given at the date of exchange.
Acquisition-related costs are recognised as an expense in the income statement in
the period in which they are incurred. The acquired identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities are generally measured at their fair values at the date of acquisition.
Goodwill is measured as the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred,
the amount of non-controlling interest and the fair value of the group’s previously held
equity interest, if any, over the net of the amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and
the liabilities assumed.
a. Non-controlling interest (NCI): The amount of non-controlling interest is measured
either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the
acquiree’s identifiable net assets. For acquisitions achieved in stages, the previously
held equity interest is re-measured at the acquisition-date fair value with the resulting
gain or loss recognised in the income statement.
b. Subsidiaries - Carve out not Taken Subsidiary of Bank, NIBL Ace Capital Limited,
has applied NFRS in preparation of their financial statements, which have been
consolidated in NIBL Group consolidated financial statements under NFRS.The
Financial Statements of the Bank’s Subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting
period as per the Bank, using consistent accounting policies.
National Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Limited, M Nepal Ltd and Flexiterm Private
Limited the group’s associate companies have not prepared its financial statements
in accordance with NFRS however the Group has applied equity accounting for
recognition and presentation of its associates. The Bank in its standalone financial
statements has recognised its investment in associates at cost under NAS 27.

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c. Loss of Control – Upon the loss of control, the Bank derecognizes the assets and
liabilities of the Subsidiary, any non-controlling interests and other components of
equity related to the subsidiary. Any surplus or deficit arising on the loss of control
is recognized in the Statement of Profit or loss. If the Bank retains any interest in
the previous Subsidiary, then such interest is measured at fair value at the date that
control is lost. Subsequently it is accounted for as equity-accounted investee or in
accordance with the Bank’s accounting policy for financial instruments depending
on the level of influence retained.
d. Special Purpose Entity (SPE) – The bank does not have any investment in special
purpose entities.
e. All intra-group transactions are eliminated on consolidation.
Intra group balances and transactions, any unrealized income and expenses arising
from intra group transactions, are eliminating in preparing the consolidated financial
statements. Unrealized gains/losses arising from transactions with equity accounted
investees are eliminated against the investments to the extent of group interest of
3.3. Cash and cash Equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents include highly liquid investments that are readily convertible
to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in
value. Such investments and/or placements are normally those with less than three
months’ maturity from the date of acquisition. Cash and cash equivalent are classified as
financial assets and treated accordingly.
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash
and non-mandatory balances with central banks and amounts due from banks with a
maturity of less than three months. Cash and cash equivalent are carried at amortized
cost in the Statement of Financial Position.
3.4. Financial Instruments: Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
Financial asset is any asset that is:
(a) cash
(b) an equity instrument of another entity;
(c) a contractual right:
i) to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity; or
ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under
conditions that are potentially favourable to the entity; or
(d) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments and is:
(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to receive a variable
number of the entity’s own equity instruments; or
(ii)a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed
amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity’s own
equity instruments.

56 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Financial liability is any liability that is:
a) a) contractual obligation:
(i) to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity; or
(ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under
conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the entity; or
(b) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments and is:
(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to deliver a variable
number of the entity’s own equity instruments; or
(ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed
amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity’s own
equity instruments.
3.4.1. Recognition
Bank / group recognises financial asset or financial liability in its statement of financial
position when, and only when, it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the

3.4.2. Classification
Financial assets are classified under three categories, namely,
• Fair Value through Profit or Loss,
• Fair Value Though Other Comprehensive Income
• At Amortised Cost
Financial liabilities are classified under two categories, namely,
• Fair Value through Profit or Loss,
• Held at amortised cost
3.4.3. Measurement
At initial recognition, the bank measures financial instruments (financial assets and
liabilities) at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through
profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the
financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at fair value through profit or
loss are expensed in profit or loss.
Subsequent measurement – financial assets
• Financial assets other than recognised at amortised cost are measured and reported
at fair value.
• Assets classified as held at amortised costs are carried at amortised costs using
effective interest rate.
Subsequent measurement – financial liabilities
• Financial liabilities carried at fair value are measured and reported at fair value
• Other financial liabilities are carried at amortised cost.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 57

Gain or loss
Gain or loss arising from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or financial liability
are recognised, as follows.
• A gain or loss on a financial asset or financial liability classified as at fair value
through profit or loss shall be recognised in profit or loss.
• A gain or loss on a financial asset or financial liability classified as at fair value
through OCI shall be recognised in other comprehensive income.

3.4.4. De-recognition
Bank derecognises financial assets when, and only when:
• the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or 

• It transfers the financial asset and the transfer qualifies for de-recognition. 

Bank removes financial liabilities (or a part of a financial liabilities) from its statement
of financial position when, and only when, it is extinguished: i.e. when the obligation
specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. 

3.4.5. Determination of fair value
Fair values of financial assets and liabilities are determined according to the following
• Level 1 – valuation technique using quoted market price: financial instruments with
quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets that the group can access
at the measurement date.
• Level 2 – valuation technique using observable inputs: financial instruments with
quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets or quoted prices for identical
or similar instruments in inactive markets and financial instruments valued using
models where all significant inputs are observable. For the listed securities where
the bank holds promoter shares which are priced and traded differently in the market
than ordinary shares, the bank has considered the valuation of promoters shares at
50% of the price of the ordinary shares.For quoted mutualfunds which are yet to be
traded in NEPSE, published NAV has been considered as fair value.

Level 3 – valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs: financial
instruments valued using valuation techniques where one or more significant inputs
are unobservable, where market prices are not available, then the bank considers
the carrying value and future cash flows from the financial instruments. In case of
Participating Financial Instruments (PFI) instrument, bank has valued them at 50%
as conversion right into bond is 50% only.
3.4.6. Impairment
Impairment of financial assets held at amortised costs
Impairment of financial assets is considered when the carrying values of the assets are
more than the recoverable amount from the assets. Impairment is tested for all financial
assets except those measured at fair value.
Impairment of loans and advances to customers and bank and financial institutions
Losses for impaired loans are recognised promptly when there is objective evidence that

58 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

impairment of a loan or portfolio of loans has occurred. Impairment allowances that are
calculated on individual loans or on groups of loans assessed collectively are recorded
as charges to the profit or loss and are recorded against the carrying amount of impaired
loans in the statement of financial position. Losses, which may arise from future events
are not recognised.
The process of impairment followed by the bank under NAS 39 is as under
 Bank individually assesses for impairment of loans and advances for all loans that
are overdue.
 When testing for impairment if there is no indication of impairments such loans
and advances are considered for collective assessment. If there is an indication of
impairment then impairment is charged to loans and advances on individual basis.
 If the loans and advances are not overdue and do not indicate any trigger events that
would require detailed impairment testing such loans and advances are categorised
for collective assessment of impairment.
 When triggers are identified for individually significant loans and advances they are
tested for impairment.
 Impairment is specifically (individually) assessed and charged for overdue loans and
 Collective assessment is based on the risk assessment, risk categories and risk
classification of loans and advances.
Individually assessed loans and advances
The criteria used to make this assessment include:
• known cash flow difficulties experienced by the borrower;
• contractual payments of either principal or interest being past due for more than 90
• the probability that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial realisation;
• a concession granted to the borrower for economic or legal reasons relating to the
borrower’s financial difficulty that results in forgiveness or postponement of principal,
interest or fees, where the concession is not insignificant; and
• There has been deterioration in the financial condition or outlook of the borrower such
that its ability to repay is considered doubtful. For loans where objective evidence
of impairment exists, impairment losses are determined considering the following
– the group’s aggregate exposure to the customer;
– the viability of the customer’s business model and their capacity to trade
successfully out of financial difficulties and generate sufficient cash flow to
service debt obligations;
– the amount and timing of expected receipts and recoveries;
– the likely dividend available on liquidation or bankruptcy;
– the extent of other creditors’ commitments ranking ahead of, or paripassu with,
the group and the likelihood of other creditors continuing to support the company;
– the complexity of determining the aggregate amount and ranking of all creditor

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 59

claims and the extent to which legal and insurance uncertainties are evident;
• the realisable value of security (or other credit mitigants) and likelihood of successful
• the likely costs of obtaining and selling collateral as part of foreclosure;
• the ability of the borrower to obtain, and make payments in, the currency of the loan
if not denominated in local currency; and
• when available, the secondary market price of the debt.
The determination of the realisable value of security is based on the market value
at the time the impairment assessment is performed. The value is not adjusted for
expected future changes in market prices, though adjustments are made to reflect
local conditions such as forced sale discounts. Impairment losses are calculated by
discounting the expected future cash flows of a loan, which includes expected future
receipts of contractual interest, at the loan’s original effective interest rate and comparing
the resultant present value with the loan’s current carrying amount. The impairment
allowances on individually significant accounts are reviewed at least quarterly and more
regularly when circumstances require. 

Collectively assessed loans and advances
Impairment is assessed collectively to cover losses, which have been incurred but have
not yet been identified on loans subject to individual assessment or for homogeneous
groups of loans that are not considered individually significant. All individually significant
loans and advances and investment securities are assessed for specific impairment.
Those found not to be specifically impaired are then collectively assessed for any
impairment that has been incurred but not yet identified. Loans and advances that are
not individually significant are collectively assessed for impairment by grouping together
loans and advances with similar risk characteristics.
Impairment of loans and advances portfolios are based on the judgments in past
experience of portfolio behaviour. In assessing collective impairment, the Bank uses
historical trends of the probability of default by analyzing data of last twenty quarters,
the timing of recoveries and the amount of loss incurred, adjusted for management’s
judgment as to whether current economic and credit conditions are such that the actual
losses are likely to be greater or less than suggested by historical trends. Default rates,
loss rates and the expected timing of future recoveries are regularly benchmarked against
actual outcomes to ensure that they remain appropriate. When information becomes
available which identifies losses on individual loans within the group, those loans are

 removed from the group and assessed individually.
The entire loan portfolio has been segregated into eight portfolio categories considering
similar characterises, risk profile and other similar attributes of the loans. The collective
impairment allowance is determined using statistical methods by calculating probability
of default (PD) and Loss given Default (LGD) for each portfolio or homogeneous groups
of loans not considered individually significant and not specifically impaired.
Reversals of impairment
If the amount of an impairment loss decreases in a subsequent period, and the decrease
can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the

60 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

excess is written back by reducing the loan impairment allowance account accordingly.
The write-back is recognised in the profit and loss statement.
Write-off of loans and advances
Loans (and the related impairment allowance accounts) are normally written off, either
partially or in full, when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Where loans are
secured, this is generally after receipt of any proceeds from the realisation of security. In
circumstances where the net realisable value of any collateral has been determined and
there is no reasonable expectation of further recovery, write-off may be earlier.
Carve out – Loans and Advances Impairment
The regulators have provided a mandatory carve-out for charging impairment of loans
and advances. The carve-out provides that the bank needs to assess its impairment of
loans and advances under NFRS and calculate impairment under rule based impairment
model of Directive 2 of Nepal Rastra Bank. Then higher impairment of the two methods
needs to be recognised in the financial statements, with additional disclosure of the
loans and advances had the other methods been applied for comparison purpose. The
bank for the current financial year has assessed the impairment under NFRS impairment
model and under NRB Directives. Since the impairments under NRB directives are
more than under NFRS, the bank has recognised impairment calculated under NRB
directives. Following table below depicts the calculation of impairment allowance as per
NFRS and as per NRB Directives:

Loans and advances to As per NFRS As per NRB As per NFRS As per NRB
BF/Is FY 2078-79 FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78 FY 2077-78

Loans to microfinance
7,760,226,430 7,760,226,430 5,161,956,889 5,161,956,889

Other - - - -

Less: Allowances for

(20,649,745) (100,882,944) (15,505,159) (67,105,440)

Total Loans and advances to

7,739,576,685 7,659,343,487 5,146,451,730 5,094,851,449

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 61

Loans and advances to As per NFRS As per NRB As per NFRS As per NRB
Customers FY 2078-79 FY 2078-79 FY 2077-78 FY 2077-78

Loans and advances measured at

amortised cost
Loans and advances to
160,399,500,486 160,399,500,486 162,020,744,702 162,020,744,702
Customers (A)
Staff Loan (B) 474,595,032 474,595,032 521,154,496 439,202,631

AIR ( C) 1,732,239,034 1,732,239,034 1,065,915,955 1,646,333,004

Total Loan as per Financial
162,606,334,552 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152 163,607,815,152
Statement (A+B+C)

Less: Impairment allowances (a+b+c)

for Loans and Advances

(1,025,184,893) (1,631,355,622) (534,142,942) (1,686,958,194)
Collective Allowances (a)
for Loans and Advances
(2,798,664,562) (3,817,884,232) (4,837,310,942) (5,104,180,018)
Individual Allowances (b)

Total Impairment Allowance (3,823,849,455) (5,449,239,854) (5,371,453,883) (6,791,138,212)

Net Loans and Advance to

158,782,536,067 157,157,094,698 158,236,361,269 156,816,676,940

3.4.7. Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the
balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts
and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or realise the asset and settle the liability
simultaneously (‘the offset criteria’).
3.5. Trading Assets
Financial assets are classified as trading assets (held for trading) if they have been
acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the near term, or form part of a portfolio of
identified financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is evidence
of a recent pattern of short- term profit-taking. They are recognised on trade date, when
the group enters into contractual arrangements with counterparties, and are normally
derecognised when sold. They are initially measured at fair value, with transaction costs
taken to the income statement. Subsequent changes in their fair values are recognised
in the income statement in ‘Net trading income’.
3.6. Derivative Assets and derivative liabilities
Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from the price of underlying
items such as equities, bonds, interest rates, foreign exchange, credit spreads,
commodities and equity or other indices. Derivatives are initially recognised, and are
subsequently re-measured, at fair value. Fair values of derivatives are obtained either
from quoted market prices or by using valuation techniques.
Embedded derivatives are bifurcated from the host contract when their economic
characteristics and risks are not clearly and closely related to those of the host non-
derivative contract, their contractual terms would otherwise meet the definition of a
stand-alone derivative and the combined contract is not held for trading or designated at

62 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

fair value. The bifurcated embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with changes
therein recognised in the income statement.
3.7. Property and equipment
Property and Equipment except freehold land are stated at historical cost, or fair value at
the date of transition to NFRSs (‘deemed cost’), less impairment losses and depreciation
over their estimated useful lives. Freehold land are periodically assessed for their fair
value and reported at revalued amount. The excess of fair value over the cost of freehold
land is recognized in equity as revaluation reserve.
Depreciation is made on the following basis
Asset Class Useful life / years (%)
Land Not depreciated
Building 50 (2%)
Leasehold Properties 6.67 (15%)
Computer & accessories 5 (20%)
Vehicles 6.67 (15%)
Furniture 6.67 (15%)
Machinery 6.67 (15%)
Equipment & others 6.67 (15%)

Property and equipment is subject to an impairment review if their carrying amount

may not be recoverable. Leasehold properties are depreciated over 6.67 years or over
the remaining useful life, whichever is lower. Depreciation on property and equipment
is charged from next month of purchase. No depreciation is charged in the month of
Low value assets costing less than NRs 10,000 each are charged as operational expenses
in the year of purchase. The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and
adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date. Assets are reviewed for impairment
whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not
be recoverable. In the event that an asset’s carrying amount is determined to be greater
than its recoverable amount it is written down immediately. The recoverable amount is
the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. For the first time
adoption of NFRS land properties, under the ownership and control of the bank, have
been revalued to reflect the value of those properties. The excess of the carrying value
and the market value is taken to the equity as revaluation reserve.
3.8. Goodwill and intangible assets
Goodwill arises on the acquisition of subsidiaries, when the aggregate of the fair value
of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non- controlling interest and the
fair value of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree exceed the amount of
the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired. If the amount of the identifiable assets
and liabilities acquired is greater, the difference is recognised immediately in the profit
and loss. Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units (‘CGU’s) for the purpose of
impairment testing, which is undertaken at the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored
for internal management purposes. Impairment testing is performed at least annually, or

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 63

whenever there is an indication of impairment, by comparing the recoverable amount of
a CGU with its carrying amount. The carrying amount of a CGU is based on its assets
and liabilities, including attributable goodwill. The recoverable amount of an asset is the
higher of its fair value less cost to sell and its value in use. Value in use (‘VIU’) is the
present value of the expected future CGU cash flows. If the recoverable amount is less
than the carrying value, an impairment loss is charged to the income statement. Goodwill
is carried on balance sheet at cost less accumulated impairment losses. At the date of
disposal of a business, attributable goodwill is included in the group’s share of net assets
in the calculation of the gain or loss on disposal.
Intangible assets are recognised separately from goodwill when they are separable
or arise from contractual or other legal rights, and their fair value can be measured
reliably. These intangible assets are recognised at historical cost less impairment less
amortisation over their estimated useful life.
Amortisation is made on the following basis
Asset Class Useful life
Software 5

3.9. Investment property

Land or a building or part of a building or both owned by the bank or held by the bank as
the lessee under a finance lease to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, rather
than for:
• use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or
• sale in the ordinary course of business.
are classified as investment properties
Investment properties are measured initially at its cost. Transaction costs are included
in the initial measurement.After initial recognition, the bank chooses the cost model to
measure its investment properties in accordance with NAS 16.
3.10. Income Tax
Income tax comprises current tax and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the income
statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive
income or directly in equity, in which case it is recognised in the same statement in which
the related item appears. Current tax is the tax expected to be payable on the taxable
profit for the year, calculated using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted by the
reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. Current
tax assets and liabilities are offset when the group intends to settle on a net basis and
the legal right to offset exists.
Deferred tax is recognised on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of
assets and liabilities in the balance sheet and the amounts attributed to such assets and
liabilities for tax purposes. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable
temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is
probable that future taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary
differences can be utilised.

64 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Deferred tax is calculated using the tax rates expected to apply in the periods in which
the assets will be realised or the liabilities settled, based on tax rates and laws enacted,
or substantively enacted, by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities
are offset when they arise in the same tax reporting group and relate to income taxes
levied by the same taxation authority, and when the group has a legal right to offset.
Deferred tax relating to actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits is
recognised in other comprehensive income. Deferred tax relating to share-based
payment transactions is recognised directly in equity to the extent that the amount
of the estimated future tax deduction exceeds the amount of the related cumulative
remuneration expense. Deferred tax relating to fair value re-measurements of available-
for-sale investments and cash flow hedging instruments is credited or charged directly to
other comprehensive income and is subsequently recognised in the income statement
when the deferred fair value gain or loss is recognised in the income statement.
3.11. Deposits, debt securities issued and subordinated liabilities
Borrowings (which include deposits from banks, customer deposits, debt securities in
issue and subordinated liabilities) are recognised initially at fair value, being their issue
proceeds net of transaction costs incurred. These instruments are subsequently stated
at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
3.12. Provisions
Provisions are recognised when it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be
required to settle a current legal or constructive obligation, which has arisen as a result
of past events, and for which a reliable estimate can be made. Judgement is involved in
determining whether a present obligation exists and in estimating the probability, timing
and amount of any outflows. Professional expert advice is taken on the assessment
of litigation, property (including onerous contracts) and similar obligations wherever
3.13. Revenue recognition
Interest income
(i) Interest income are recognised under accrual basis in the profit or loss for all interest-
bearing financial instruments.
(ii) The bank has recognised interest income on loans and advances as per the
guidelines prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank through NRB Circular number 1 dated
The criteria for determining when interest income recognition should be suspended as
per the NRB circular are as follows:
a. Loans where there is reasonable doubt about the ultimate collectability of principal
or interest;
b. Loans against which individual impairment as per NAS 39 or life time impairment as
per NFRS 9 has been made;
c. Loans where contractual payments of principal and/or interest are more than 3
months in arrears and where the “net realizable value” of security is insufficient to
cover payment of principal and accrued interest;

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 65

d. Loans where contractual payments of principal and/or interest are more than 12
months in arrears, irrespective of the net realizable value of collateral;
e. Overdrafts and other short term facilities which have not been settled after the expiry
of the loan and even not renewed within 3 months of the expiry, and where the net
realizable value of security is insufficient to cover payment of principal and accrued
f. Overdrafts and other short term facilities which have not been settled after the expiry
of the loan and even not renewed within 12 months of the expiry, irrespective of the
net realizable value of collateral;.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this paragraph, the suspended interest shall be
recognized as income in profit or loss when the interest is receipt by the bank.
Bank shall accrue the interest on loan although it has been decided to suspend the
recognition of income. However, bank shall cease to accrue interest on loan, in case
where contractual payments of principal and/or interest of the loan are due for more than
12 months and the “net realizable value” of security is insufficient to cover payment of
principal and accrued interest. Cessation of accrual of interest for accounting purpose
shall not preclude the bank to continue to accrue interest on a memorandum basis for
legal enforcement purposes unless the loan is written off.
NFRS Requirement
NFRS requires interest income to be recognised using the effective interest method,
except for those classified at fair value through profit or loss. The effective interest method
is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and of allocating the
interest income over the expected life of the financial instrument. The effective interest
rate is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash payments or receipts
over the expected life of the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter period,
to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. The effective interest
rate is calculated on initial recognition of the financial asset or liability by estimating
the future cash flows after considering all the contractual terms of the instrument but
not future credit losses. The calculation includes all amounts expected to be paid or
received by the Bank including expected early redemption fees and related penalties and
premiums and discounts that are an integral part of the overall return. Direct incremental
transaction costs related to the acquisition, issue or disposal of financial instruments
is also taken into account in the calculation. Once financial asset or a group of similar
financial assets has been written down as a result of an impairment loss, interest income
is recognised using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the
purpose of measuring the impairment loss.
Since the commission and other service fees that the bank charges on the loans and
advances are less than 1% and hence considered insignificant, applying EIR method
would not be practical and cost effective. Hence, initial service fees and renewal charges
have been recognised during the period when such income accrue rather than being
included within the component of interest income under EIR method.
Total accrued interest income accounted as per Interest income recognition guidelines
issued by NRB is NPR 1,732.24 million out of which NPR 109.98 million, realized till

66 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Shrawan 15th 2079 has been factored in computation of Regulatory Reserve as per
section 3 of NRB directive number 4.
Fees and Commission Income – Fees and commissions, which are not an integral
part of the effective interest rate are generally recognised when the service has been
provided. Fee income is earned from a diverse range of services provided by the group
to its customers. Loan commitment fees for loans that are likely to be drawn down are
deferred (together with related direct costs) and recognised as an adjustment to the
effective interest rate on the loan once drawn. Where it is unlikely that loan commitments
will be drawn, loan commitment fees are recognised over the life of the facility. Loan
syndication fees are recognised as revenue when the syndication has been completed
and the Bank retains no part of the loan package for itself or retains a part at the same
effective interest rate for all interest-bearing financial instruments, including loans and
advances, as for the other participants.
Dividend Income: Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is
established. This is the ex-dividend date for listed equity securities, and usually the date
when shareholders approve the dividend for unlisted equity securities. 

Net trading income comprises all gains and losses from changes in the fair value of
financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading, together with the related interest
income, expense and dividends. 

Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value includes all
• gains and losses from changes in the fair value of financial assets and liabilities
designated at fair value through profit or loss, including liabilities under investment
• gains and losses from changes in the fair value of derivatives that are managed in
conjunction with financial assets or liabilities designated at fair value through profit or
loss; and
• interest income, interest expense and dividend income in respect of
n financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss; and
n derivatives managed in conjunction with the above,
n except for interest arising from the group’s issued debt securities and derivatives
managed in conjunction with those debt securities, which is included in ‘Interest
3.14. Interest expense
Under NFRS Interest expense are recognised in the profit or loss for all interest-bearing
financial instruments using the effective interest method. The effective interest method
is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial liability and of allocating the
interest expense over the expected life of the financial instrument.
3.15. Employee benefits
3.15.1.Current employee benefits costs
Short-term employee benefits, such as salaries, paid absences, performance-based
cash rewards and social security costs are recognised over the period in which the
employees provide the related services.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 67

3.15.2. Post-employment benefits
The bank operates a number of post-employment benefit plans. These plans include
both defined benefit and defined contribution plans.
Defined contribution plan
Payments to defined contribution plans where the bank’s obligations are equivalent to a
contribution to the defined contribution plan. These are charged as an expense as the
employees render service. The bank operates provident fund scheme under Defined
contribution plan. A percentage of basic pay is paid on monthly basis to the plan. The
bank has no further obligation to pay after such contribution even if the plan assets may
not be sufficient to pay out to the employees. The plan is managed by a separately
registered retirement benefit plan managed by the employees of the bank. Any further
income on such fund belongs to the employees.
Defined benefit plan
The defined benefit plan includes gratuity and accumulated leave compensation payment
at the time of retirement. The present value of defined benefit obligations are calculated
at the reporting date by the actuaries. The net charge to the profit and loss comprises
the service costs and the net interest on the net defined benefit liability and is presented
under staff cost.
The past service cost, which is charged immediately to the income statement, is the
change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation for employee service in prior
periods resulting from a plan amendment (the introduction or withdrawal of, or changes
to, a defined benefit plan) or curtailment (a significant reduction by the entity in the
number of employees covered by a plan). A settlement is a transaction that eliminates all
further legal and constructive obligations for part or all of the benefits provided under a
defined benefit plan, other than a payment of benefits to, or on behalf of, employees that
is set out in the terms of the plan and included in the actuarial assumptions.
Re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability, which comprise actuarial gains and
losses, return on plan assets (excluding interest) and the effect of the asset ceiling (if
any, excluding interest), are recognised immediately in other comprehensive income.
Actuarial gains and losses comprise experience adjustments (the effects of differences
between the previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred), as well as
the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions.
The defined benefit asset or liability represents the present value of defined benefit
obligations reduced by the fair value of plan assets. Any net defined benefit surplus is
limited to the present value of available refunds and reductions in future contributions to
the plan.
Sick Leave and Accumulative Leave
Sick Leave and accumulated leave has been defined as long term employee benefit.
Expense relating to leave benefits, including actuarial gain or loss are charged to profit
and loss.
Staff Loans:
The bank provides under listed types of loans to its staffs at the rates mentioned below
as per the provisions of employees’ bylaws of the bank. The staff loans are shown at fair

68 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

value in the financial statements considering the base rate of the bank. The subsidized
interest is shown as expense in the staff costs in the income statement.
Land loan: 5%
Social loan: 5%
Vehicle loan: 4%
Housing loan: tied up with insurance policy
Solar loan: 8%
3.16. Right of Use Assets / Leasehold Properties
Initial Recognition and Measurement.
Lessee is required to recognise a right-of-use asset representing its right to use the
underlying leased asset and a lease liability representing its obligation to make lease
payments in the Statement of Financial Position.
Lessee measures right-of-use assets similarly to other non-financial assets (such as
Property, Plant and Equipment) and lease liabilities similarly to other financial liabilities.
Consequently, a lessee recognises amortisation of the right-of-use asset and interest on
the lease liability.
Assets and liabilities arising from a lease are initially measured on a present value basis.
The initial lease asset equals the lease liability in most cases.
At lease commencement, a lessee accounts for two elements:
(a) Right-of-use asset: Initially, a right-of-use asset is measured in the amount of the lease
liability and initial direct costs. Then it is adjusted by the lease payments made before or
on commencement date, lease incentives received, and any estimate of dismantling and
restoration costs.
(b) Lease liability: The lease liability is in fact all payments not paid at the commencement
date discounted to present value using the interest rate implicit in the lease or incremental
borrowing rate if the implicit rate cannot be determined. These payments may include
fixed payments, variable payments, payments under residual value guarantees, purchase
price if purchase option will be exercised.
Subsequent Measurement
After commencement date, lessee needs to adjust both elements recognised initially.
Lessee accretes the lease liability to reflect interest and reduce the liability to reflect
lease payments made.
Right-of-Use Asset Lessee shall measure the right-of-use asset using a cost model
under NAS 16 - “Property, Plant and Equipment” and to depreciate the asset over the
lease term on a straight-line basis. The resulted depreciation amount is charged to the
Profit or Loss.
Lease Liability Lessee shall recognise an interest on the lease liability and the lease
payments are recognised as a reduction of the lease liability. Interest on lease liability is
charged to the Profit or Loss.
Lessee shall re-measure the lease liability upon the occurrence of certain events (e.g;
change in the lease term, change in variable rents based on an index or rate), which is
generally recognised as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 69

3.17. Foreign currency translation
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in the functional currency at rate of
exchange prevailing on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency at the
buying rate of exchange at the balance sheet date. Any resulting exchange differences
are included in the profit or loss. Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured
at historical cost in a foreign currency are translated into the functional currency using
the rate of exchange at the date of the initial transaction. Non-monetary assets and
liabilities measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated into the functional
currency using the rate of exchange at the date the fair value was determined.
3.18. Financial Guarantee and loan commitments
Financial guarantees, which are not classified as insurance contracts, are the contingent
liabilities, which include certain guarantees and letters of credit pledged as collateral
security as well as contingent liabilities related to legal proceedings or regulatory matters
are possible obligations that arise from past events whose existence will be confirmed
only by the occurrence, or non-occurrence, of one or more uncertain future events not
wholly within the control of the group; or are present obligations that have arisen from
past events but are not recognised because it is not probable that settlement will require
the outflow of economic benefits, or because the amount of the obligations cannot be
reliably measured. Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the financial statements
but are disclosed unless the probability of settlement is remote.
Loan Commitments
These include the amount of loans approved by the bank but are not yet disbursed /
utilised. These include for example overdraft / crash credit limits given to the customers
in excess of already utilised balances where customers can draw down credit facilities,
within the limit, without going through any further approval process of the bank.
3.19. Share capital and reserves
Financial instruments issued are classified as equity when there is no contractual
obligation to transfer cash, other financial assets or issue a variable number of own equity
instruments. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of equity instruments are
shown in equity as a deduction from the proceeds.
• Share Premium: Any premium collected on issue of shares to the public is credited to
this reserve. This reserve is utilised only for issue of the bonus share capital.
• Retained Earnings: Earning made during the current and previous years not distributed
has been credited to this reserve.
• General Reserve: There is a regulatory requirement under Bank and Financial
Institutions Act to set aside 20% of the net profit after tax every year as general
reserve to build up the capital until the general reserve fund balance is twice the paid
up share capital. This is the restricted reserve and cannot be freely used. The Bank
appropriates 20% of the regulatory net profit every year and transfers to the general
reserve fund.

70 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

• Exchange equalization reserve: Central bank’s regulatory directives require banks to
transfer 25% of the revaluation gain as at the year end to this reserve account. Thus,
25% of such gains are transferred to the exchange equalization reserve.
• Assets Revaluation Reserve:Bank has revalued its land properties as on the date of
transition to NFRS. The upward movement in the value of the land is adjusted by
creating an equivalent amount of revaluation reserve. Bank periodically reviews the
fair value of freehold land, as entire class of the assets, and makes changes in the
recognised value. Professional valuations are used to assess the fair value changes.
• Fair value Reserve:Net change in fair value of equity instruments that are measured
at fair value and the changes in fair value is presented under this reserve.
• Debenture Redemption Reserve:The Bank sets aside a portion of its profit to create
a reserve for repayment of debenture liabilities when they mature. On maturity and
settlement of the debentures there reserves will be available as free reserve.
• Other reserves
o CSR Reserve: Bank has regulatory requirement to set aside 1% of the net profit
of previous year for corporate social responsibility activities. The amount spent in
the year is written back from the reserve to retained earnings.
o Staff Training Reserve: Bank has regulatory requirement to set aside the shortfall
between amount spent for training and amount calculated at 3% of the previous
year’s staff cost. Such shortfall amount if any is set aside in the reserves. In case
where the amount spent exceeds 3%, the excess is written back from the reserve.
• Investment Adjustment reserve: 100% reserve is created on investments in equity
instruments that are not listed and are not exempted by NRB.
• Regulatory reserves: Includes
o Accrued Interest Receivable Reserve
o Bargain Purchase Gain Reserve to the extent not available or not proposed for
o Non-banking Asset Reserve
o Actuarial Loss Reserve and
o Other reserves as prescribed by NRB
3.20. Earning per share including diluted
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to equity
shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the
year. For the calculation of diluted earnings per share the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential
ordinary shares that arise in respect of convertible instruments, if any.
3.21. Segment reporting
The bank’s business segments are basically identified as banking operations, treasury

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 71

functions, trade finance business, remittance business and card operations. Measurement
of segmental assets, liabilities, income and expenses is in accordance with the bank’s
accounting policies. Branch networks are under regional demarcation for supervision,
monitoring and control. The bank does not have transfer pricing adjustments between its
segments and branches /units for allocating costs and revenues. After the restructuring
of Nepal under federal constitution, the bank is considering realigning its management
under provincial lines.
Bank’s established departmental operation also allows the management to monitor the
bank’s business under the product /service lines. However the costs and revenues are
not passed on between the intra-product & service lines.
Bank applies following principles for reporting operating segments
n An operating segment is a component of the bank (geographical or product/service
n That engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur
n Whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Banks’s seniors management
team which is also the chief operating decision maker (CODM) to make decisions
about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance
n For which discrete financial information is available.
3.22. Investment in associates and joint ventures
Investments in which the bank, together with one or more parties, has joint control of an
arrangement set up to undertake an economic activity are classified as joint ventures.
The group classifies investments in entities over which it has significant influence, and
that are neither subsidiaries nor joint ventures, as associates. Investments in associates
are recognised using the equity method for reporting under the NIBL Group. Under this
method, such investments are initially stated at cost, including attributable goodwill, and
are adjusted thereafter for the post-acquisition change in the group’s share of net assets.
Goodwill arises on the acquisition of interests in joint ventures and associates when the
cost of investment exceeds the group’s share of the net fair value of the associates or
joint venture’s identifiable assets and liabilities.
An investment in an associate is tested for impairment when there is an indication that
the investment may be impaired. Goodwill on acquisitions of interests in joint ventures
and associates is not tested separately for impairment.
Profits on transactions between the group and its associates and joint ventures are
eliminated to the extent of the group’s interest in the respective associates or joint
ventures. Losses are also eliminated to the extent of the group’s interest in the associates
or joint ventures unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset
For standalone financial statement of the bank the investments in associates have been
carried at cost.

72 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.01 Cash and Cash Equivalents
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cash in Hand 3,669,118,051 4,168,374,382 3,550,317,163 3,224,991,559

Balance with B/Fis 5,537,518,591 3,609,456,710 5,537,518,591 3,609,456,710

Money at call and short notice 1,402,500,000 - 1,402,500,000 -

Others 657,900,000 178,275,000 657,900,000 178,275,000

Total 11,267,036,642 7,956,106,092 11,148,235,754 7,012,723,269

4.02 Due from Nepal Rastra Bank

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Statutory balances with NRB 5,025,721,990 4,937,449,920 5,025,721,990 4,937,449,920

Securities purchased under resale agreement -

Other deposit and receivable from NRB 611,559,568 2,479,803,619 611,559,568 2,479,803,619

Total 5,637,281,558 7,417,253,539 5,637,281,558 7,417,253,539

4.03 Placements with Banks and Financial Institutions

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Placement with domestic B/Fis - - - -

Placements with Foreign B/Fis 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010

Less: Allowances for Impairments - - - -

Total 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010

4.04 Derivative Financial Instruments - Assets

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Held for trading - - - -

- Interest rate swap - - - -
- Currency swap - - - -
- Forward exchange contract - - - -
- Others - - - -
Held for risk management - 36,746,635 - 36,746,635
-Interest rate swap - - - -
-Currency swap - - - -
- Forward exchange contract - 36,746,635 36,746,635
- Others - - - -
Total - 36,746,635 - 36,746,635

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 73

4.05 Other Trading Assets

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Treasury Bills - - - -
Government Bonds - - - -
NRB Bonds - - - -
Domestic Corporate Bonds - - - -
Equities 70,739,943 92,076,216 - -
Other - - - -
Total 70,739,943 92,076,216 - -
Pledged - - - -
Non- Pledged - - - -

4.05.1 Information relating to Investments in Equities of subsidiary

Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value
A Investment in Equity Shares
Nepal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. - 747 - -
(1 shares of Rs.100 each)
Butwal Power Co. Ltd. 1,129 966 1,129 1,518
(3 shares of Rs.100 each)
Mero Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Limited 1,414 28,798 1,414 41,742
(34 shares of Rs.100 each)
National Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Limited 343 29,025 343 39,633
(15 shares of Rs.100 each)
Saptakoshi Development Bank Limited - - 75,223 314,995
(863 shares of Rs.100 each)
Mega Bank Nepal Ltd. 2,935,658 3,118,800 1,574,545 2,928,000
(13800 shares of Rs.100 each)
Rasuwagadi Hydropower Co.Ltd 2,884,523 1,911,000 - -
(7000 shares of Rs.100 each)
Deprosc Development Bank Ltd. 3,796,846 2,391,360 - -
(2120 shares of Rs.100 each)
Forward Community Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. 444,144 500,850 - -
(210 shares of Rs.100 each)
Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Ltd 3,425,088 3,252,000 - -
(6000 shares of Rs.100 each)
Sanjen Jalavidhyut Company Ltd 2,396,667 1,560,000 - -
(6000 shares of Rs.100 each)

74 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.05.1 Information relating to Investments of subsidiary in Equities
Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value
NIC Asia Bank Ltd 8,256,419 6,337,080 - -
(9105 shares of Rs.100 each)
Ngadi Power Co. Ltd. - 297 - -
(1 shares of Rs.100 each)
Jyoti Bikas Bank Ltd. - 302 - -
(1 shares of Rs.100 each)
RSDC Laghubiita Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. - 555 - -
(1 shares of Rs.100 each)
Siddhartha Bank Ltd. 2,318,399 1,730,736 - -
(5712 shares of Rs.100 each)
Nepal Reinsurance Co. Ltd. 1,458,449 808,500 - -
(1100 shares of Rs.100 each)
Surya Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 1,089,363 496,521 - -
(1283 shares of Rs.100 each)
Prime Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 758,521 545,671 - -
(959 shares of Rs.100 each)
Nadep Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited 226,040 247,282 - -
(238 shares of Rs.100 each)
Aadhikhola Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited 895,693 978,180 - -
(714 shares of Rs.100 each)
Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited 155,412 63,633 - -
(117 shares of Rs.100 each)
Sub total 31,044,108 24,002,303 1,652,655 3,325,888
B. Investment in Mutual Fund Units
Sanima Equity Fund 226,000 288,150 1,293,879 2,187,737
(22,600 units of Rs.10 each)
NIBL Sahavagita Fund 15,266,410 16,350,325 10,712,700 18,640,098
(1,526,641 units of Rs.10 each)
Sanima Large Capital Fund 1,000,000 932,000 1,000,000 1,050,000
(100,000 units of Rs.10 each)
Kumari Equity Fund 422,100 425,055 2,500,000 2,625,000
(42,210 units of Rs.10 each)
Sunrise Bluechip Fund 5,000,000 4,370,000 5,000,000 5,080,000
(500,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NIBL Sambridhhi Fund II 10,000,000 8,670,000 10,000,000 10,810,000
(1,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)
Mega Mutual Fund-1 2,500,000 1,997,500 - -
(250,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NIBL Pragati Fund 10,513,840 10,534,868 8,568,780 15,613,052
(1,051,384 units of Rs.10 each)
Laxmi Equity Fund 3,201,760 3,169,742 3,827,202 6,022,279
(320,176 units of Rs.10 each)
Global IME Samunnat Scheme-1 - - 326,040 770,640
(38,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NIBL Samriddhi Fund-1 - - 9,900,000 14,360,000
(1,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NMB Hybrid Fund L1 - - 899,118 1,291,891
(94,644 units of Rs.10 each)
Nabil Equity Fund - - 1,050,987 1,644,632
(112,646 units of Rs.10 each)
Siddhartha Equity Fund - - 3,500,000 4,917,500
(350,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NMB 50 - - 2,500,000 3,737,500
(250,000 units of Rs.10 each)
Sub total 48,130,110 46,737,640 61,078,705 88,750,328
Total 79,174,218 70,739,943 62,731,360 92,076,216

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 75

4.06 Loans and Advances to Bank and Financial Institutions
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Local Banks and FI

Loan to Micro Finance Institutions 7,760,226,430 5,161,956,889 7,760,226,430 5,161,956,889
Less: Allowances for impairment (100,882,944) (67,105,440) (100,882,944) (67,105,440)
Total 7,659,343,487 5,094,851,449 7,659,343,487 5,094,851,449

4.06.1 Allowance for Impairment

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Balance at Shrawan 1 67,105,440 49,697,598 67,105,440 49,697,598

Impairment loss for the year
Charge for the year 84,086,204 41,395,458 84,086,204 41,395,458
Recoveries / reversals (50,308,700) (23,987,617) (50,308,700) (23,987,617)
Amount Written Off - - - -
Balance at Ashad end 100,882,944 67,105,440 100,882,944 67,105,440

4.07 Loans and Advances to Customers

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Loans and Advances measured at amortised cost 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152
Less: Impairment Allowances
Collective Impairment (1,631,355,622) (1,686,958,194) (1,631,355,622) (1,686,958,194)
Individual Impairment (3,817,884,232) (5,104,180,018) (3,817,884,232) (5,104,180,018)
Total Impairment (5,449,239,854) (6,791,138,212) (5,449,239,854) (6,791,138,212)
Net Amount 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940
Loan and advances measured at FVTPL
Total 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940

76 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.07.1 Analysis of Loans and Advances - By Product

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021


Term loans 58,082,700,950 50,464,749,640 58,082,700,950 50,464,749,640

Overdraft 20,904,151,937 16,918,851,034 20,904,151,937 16,918,851,034

Trust receipt/Import loans 8,913,593,911 23,513,811,333 8,913,593,911 23,513,811,333

Demand and other working capital loans 48,835,362,198 51,294,879,084 48,835,362,198 51,294,879,084

Personal residential loans 1,998,954,642 2,086,859,936 1,998,954,642 2,086,859,936

Real estate loans 7,258,707,432 4,939,753,884 7,258,707,432 4,939,753,884

Margin lending loans 1,683,508,691 2,524,267,257 1,683,508,691 2,524,267,257

Hire purchase loans 2,831,211,115 2,793,247,278 2,831,211,115 2,793,247,278

Deprived sector loans 3,848,962,564 3,323,676,368 3,848,962,564 3,323,676,368

Bills purchased 489,604,356 490,736,128 489,604,356 490,736,128

Staff loans 474,595,032 521,154,496 474,595,032 521,154,496

Other 5,552,742,690 3,669,912,760 5,552,742,690 3,669,912,760

Gross Loan 160,874,095,518 162,541,899,198 160,874,095,518 162,541,899,198

Sub total 160,874,095,518 162,541,899,198 160,874,095,518 162,541,899,198

Interest receivable 1,732,239,034 1,065,915,955 1,732,239,034 1,065,915,955

Grand total 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152

4.07.2 Analysis of Loans and Advances - By Currency

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Nepalese rupee 157,586,930,380 144,370,926,877 157,586,930,380 144,370,926,877

Indian rupee - 80,240 - 80,240

United State dollar 5,019,404,172 19,236,808,035 5,019,404,172 19,236,808,035

Great Britain pound - - - -

Euro - - - -

Japanese yen - - - -

Chinese yuan - - - -

Other - - - -

Total 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 77

4.07.3 Analysis of Loans and Advances - By Collateral
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Movable/immovable assets 151,778,243,765 149,696,600,418 151,778,243,765 149,696,600,418
Gold and silver 1,821,145,441 1,349,297,938 1,821,145,441 1,349,297,938
Guarantee of domestic B/FIs - - -
Government guarantee 383,429,574 383,429,574 383,429,574 383,429,574
Guarantee of international rated bank - - -
Collateral of export document - - -
Collateral of fixed deposit receipt 1,115,476,566 602,932,760 1,115,476,566 602,932,760
Collateral of Government securities 824,510 810,237 824,510 810,237
Counter guarantee - - -
Personal guarantee 1,697,240,991 281,795,652 1,697,240,991 281,795,652
Other collateral 5,809,973,704 11,292,948,574 5,809,973,704 11,292,948,574
Subtotal 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152
Grant Total 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152 162,606,334,552 163,607,815,152

4.07.4 Allowance for Impairment

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Specific Allowances for Impairment
Balance at Shrawan 1 5,104,180,018 5,171,310,505 5,104,180,018 5,171,310,505
Impairment loss for the year
Charge for the year 926,094,957 839,031,713 926,094,957 839,031,713
Recoveries / reversals (1,310,008,676) (841,436,293) (1,310,008,676) (841,436,293)
Write-offs (902,382,067) (64,725,907) (902,382,067) (64,725,907)

Exchange rate variance on FCY impairment - - -

Other Movement - - - -
Balance at Ashad End 3,817,884,232 5,104,180,018 3,817,884,232 5,104,180,018
Collective allowances for impairment
Balance at Shrawan 1 1,686,958,194 1,197,628,743 1,686,958,194 1,197,628,743
Impairment loss for the year
Charge for the year - 488,441,898 488,441,898
Recoveries / reversals (55,602,572) - (55,602,572) -
Write-offs - - -
Exchange rate variance on foreign currency
- - -
Other Movement (City Express) - 887,553 887,553
Balance at Ashad End 1,631,355,622 1,686,958,194 1,631,355,622 1,686,958,194
Total allowances for impairment 5,449,239,854 6,791,138,212 5,449,239,854 6,791,138,212

78 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.08 Investment Securities

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Investment Securities measured at

41,290,356,944 30,801,058,167 40,501,998,040 29,208,787,167
amortised Cost

Investment Securities measured at FVTOCI 4,095,347,430 5,983,724,293 4,070,884,530 5,959,261,393

Total 45,385,704,374 36,784,782,460 44,572,882,570 35,168,048,560

4.08.1 Investments securities measured at amortised cost

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Debt Securities 36,208,904 7,521,000 - -

Govt of Nepal Bonds 21,049,670,000 18,685,800,000 21,049,670,000 18,685,800,000

Govt of Nepal Treasury Bills 19,452,328,040 10,522,987,167 19,452,328,040 10,522,987,167

Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds - - -

NRB deposits instruments/reverse repo - - - -

Other Government Securities - - - -

Other 752,150,000 1,584,750,000 - -

Less: specific allowances for impairment - - - -

Total 41,290,356,944 30,801,058,167 40,501,998,040 29,208,787,167

4.08.2 Investment in equity measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Equity Instruments

Quoted Equity Securities 3,877,709,648 5,901,678,125 3,877,709,648 5,901,678,125

UnQuoted Equity Securities 217,637,782 82,046,168 193,174,882 57,583,268

Total 4,095,347,430 5,983,724,293 4,070,884,530 5,959,261,393

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 79

4.08.3 Information relating to Investments in Equities

Group Bank

Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value

A Investment in Equity Shares


Grameen Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (Promoter) 6,930,000 27,555,444 6,930,000 44,650,025 6,930,000 27,555,444 6,930,000 44,650,025

(72,898 shares of Rs.100 each)

Rural Micro Finance Dev. Centre Ltd (Promoter) 62,593,943 384,531,803 62,593,943 525,022,157 62,593,943 384,531,803 62,593,943 525,022,157

(917,737 shares of Rs.100 each)

Swabalamban Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (Promoter) 12,490,500 788,517,387 12,490,500 940,226,637 12,490,500 788,517,387 12,490,500 940,226,637

(1,349,046 shares of Rs.100 each)

Forward Community Mirrofinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. - 2,385 - - - 2,385 - -

(1 shares of Rs.100 each)

RSDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. - 555 - - - 555 - -

(1 shares of Rs.100 each)

National Microfinance Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. - 1,935 - - - 1,935 - -

(1 shares of Rs.100 each)

National Life Insurance Co. Ltd (Promoter) 136,309,851 554,902,054 136,309,851 930,183,528 136,309,851 554,902,054 136,309,851 930,183,528

(1,923,404 shares of Rs.100 each)

Himalayan General Insurance Co. Ltd. 5,230 8,840 5,230 12,288 5,230 8,840 5,230 12,288

(17 shares of Rs.100 each)

Laxmi Equity MF 787,870 779,991 787,870 1,087,261 787,870 779,991 787,870 1,087,261

(78,787 units of Rs.10 each)

Nabil Equity Fund 235,120 235,120 235,120 343,275 235,120 235,120 235,120 343,275

(23,512 units of Rs.10 each)

NIBL Pragati Fund 102,500,000 102,705,000 102,500,000 152,212,500 102,500,000 102,705,000 102,500,000 152,212,500

(10,250,000 units of Rs.10 each)

NIBL Samriddhi Fund- I - - 140,000,000 201,040,000 140,000,000 201,040,000

(14,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)

NIBL Sambriddhi Fund II 290,000,000 251,430,000 290,000,000 313,490,000 290,000,000 251,430,000 290,000,000 313,490,000

(29,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)

NIBL Sahavagita Fund 135,000,000 138,397,923 65,000,000 113,425,000 135,000,000 138,397,923 65,000,000 113,425,000

(12,910,254 units of Rs.10 each)

NMB Hybrid Fund- I 10,657 12,006 10,657 14,633 10,657 12,006 10,657 14,633

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

(1,072 units of Rs.10 each)
4.08.3 Information relating to Investments in Equities Contd....
Group Bank

Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value

Sanima Equity Fund 8,000 10,200 8,000 13,432 8,000 10,200 8,000 13,432
(800 units of Rs.10 each)
Citizen Mutual Fund - II 14,983,000 15,162,796 14,983,000 21,200,945 14,983,000 15,162,796 14,983,000 21,200,945

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

(1,498,300 units of Rs.10 each)
Nabil Balanced Fund-II 2,580,000 2,781,240 2,580,000 3,637,800 2,580,000 2,781,240 2,580,000 3,637,800
(258,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NIC Asia Balanced Fund 5,290,000 5,665,590 5,290,000 7,263,170 5,290,000 5,665,590 5,290,000 7,263,170
(529,000 units of Rs.10 each)
Sunrise First Mutual Fund 31,510 36,237 31,510 50,416 31,510 36,237 31,510 50,416
(3,151 units of Rs.10 each)
Laxmi Unnati Kosh 13,780 13,174 13,780 17,390 13,780 13,174 13,780 17,390
(1,378 units of Rs.10 each)
Sanima Large Capital Fund 60,000,000 55,920,000 60,000,000 63,000,000 60,000,000 55,920,000 60,000,000 63,000,000
(6,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)
Kumari Equity Fund 24,066,700 24,235,167 24,066,700 25,270,035 24,066,700 24,235,167 24,066,700 25,270,035
(2,406,670 units of Rs.10 each)
Prabhu Select Fund 14,681,000 14,108,441 14,681,000 14,886,534 14,681,000 14,108,441 14,681,000 14,886,534
(1,468,100 units of Rs.10 each)
Sunrise Bluechip Fund 30,000,000 26,220,000 30,000,000 30,480,000 30,000,000 26,220,000 30,000,000 30,480,000
(3,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)
NIC Asia Select 30 49,306,050 43,241,406 49,306,050 49,306,050 49,306,050 43,241,406 49,306,050 49,306,050
(4,930,605units of Rs.10 each)
RBB Mutual Fund I 39,920,870 37,006,646 - - 39,920,870 37,006,646 - -
(3,992,087 units of Rs.10 each)
MEGA Mutual Fund I 4,363,400 3,486,357 - - 4,363,400 3,486,357 - -
(436,340 units of Rs.10 each)
Nabil Balanced Fund-III 166,700 157,198 - - 166,700 157,198 - -
(16,670 units of Rs.10 each)
NMB Saral Bachat Fund-E 94,900 86,454 - - 94,900 86,454 - -
(9,490 units of Rs.10 each)
NIC Asia Flexi Cap Fund 50,000,000 50,000,000 - - 50,000,000 50,000,000 - -
(5,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)
Kumari Dhanabriddhi Yojana 50,000,000 50,000,000 - - 50,000,000 50,000,000 - -

(5,000,000 units of Rs.10 each)
4.08.3 Information relating to Investments in Equities Contd....

Group Bank
Particulars 15-Jul-2021 15-Jul-2020 15-Jul-2021 15-Jul-2020
Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value
Taragaon Regency Hotel Ltd 290,000 913,500 290,000 1,160,000 290,000 913,500 290,000 1,160,000
(2,900 shares of Rs.100 each)
Uniliver Nepal Limited 3,847,500 3,488,400 3,847,500 3,685,050 3,847,500 3,488,400 3,847,500 3,685,050
(190 shares of Rs.100 each)
Nepal Infrastructure Bank Ltd (Promoter) 1,000,000,000 1,296,000,000 1,000,000,000 2,460,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,296,000,000 1,000,000,000 2,460,000,000
(10,000,000 shares of Rs.100 each)
Jalabidyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Co. Ltd 44,600 96,400 - - 44,600 96,400
(446 shares of Rs.100 each)
Sub total 2,096,551,180 3,877,709,648 2,021,960,710 5,901,678,125 2,096,551,180 3,877,709,648 2,021,960,710 5,901,678,125
Not Quoted
M Nepal Limited 24,462,900 24,462,900 24,462,900 24,462,900 - - - -
(244,629 shares of Rs.100 each)
Credit Information Centre Ltd 3,705,600 31,053,000 3,705,600 31,053,000 3,705,600 31,053,000 3,705,600 31,053,000
(310,530 shares of Rs.100 each)
Nepal Clearing House Ltd 5,506,200 20,252,500 5,506,200 14,675,700 5,506,200 20,252,500 5,506,200 14,675,700
(202,525 shares of Rs.100 each)
ICRA Nepal Ltd 760,000 2,280,000 760,000 1,900,000 760,000 2,280,000 760,000 1,900,000
(22,800 shares of Rs.100 each)
Banking Finance And Ins Inst Of Nepal Ltd (Bfin) 3,000,000 3,300,000 3,000,000 3,300,000 3,000,000 3,300,000 3,000,000 3,300,000
(33,000 shares of Rs.100 each)
Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd 5,000 143,200 5,000 85,900 5,000 143,200 5,000 85,900
(1,432 shares of Rs.100 each)
National Banking Institute 1,834,800 1,834,800 1,834,800 1,834,800 1,834,800 1,834,800 1,834,800 1,834,800
(18,348 shares of Rs.100 each)
Other Investments 4,733,868 4,733,868 4,733,868 4,733,868 4,733,868 4,733,868 4,733,868 4,733,868
( 12 shares of Swift)
Other Investments 259,155,028 129,577,514 - - 259,155,028 129,577,514
(2,028,452 no of SFP 2020 CMC Di Ravenna )
Sub total 303,163,396 217,637,782 44,008,368 82,046,168 278,700,496 193,174,882 19,545,468 57,583,268
Total 2,399,714,576 4,095,347,430 2,065,969,078 5,983,724,293 2,375,251,676 4,070,884,530 2,041,506,178 5,959,261,393

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.09 Current Taxes

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Current Tax Assets

Current year income tax assets 1,527,538,362 1,457,336,744 1,470,873,594 1,401,476,967

Tax assets of prior periods 13,847,983,726 12,390,646,982 13,766,399,315 12,364,922,348

Total 15,375,522,088 13,847,983,726 15,237,272,909 13,766,399,315

Current Tax Liabilities

Current year income tax liabilities (1,673,953,980) (1,582,729,527) (1,620,510,965) (1,531,313,615)

Tax liabilities of prior periods (13,258,150,077) (11,675,420,550) (13,180,357,497) (11,649,043,882)

Total (14,932,104,057) (13,258,150,077) (14,800,868,462) (13,180,357,497)

Total 443,418,031 589,833,649 436,404,447 586,041,818

4.10 Investment in Subsidiaries

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Investment in quoted subsidiaries - - - -

Investment in unquoted subsidiaries - - 171,500,000 171,500,000

Total Investment - - 171,500,000 171,500,000

Less: Impairment allowances - - - -

Net Carrying amount - - 171,500,000 171,500,000

4.10.1 Investment in quoted subsidiaries


Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 83

4.10.2 Investment in unquoted subsidiaries


Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value

NIBL Ace Capital Ltd 171,500,000 171,500,000 171,500,000 171,500,000

(2,700,000 shares of Rs.100 each)

Total 171,500,000 171,500,000 171,500,000 171,500,000

4.10.3 Information relating to subsidiaries of the Bank


Particulars Percentage of Ownership held by the Bank

16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

NIBL Ace Capital Ltd 100% 100%

4.11 Investment in Associates

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Investment in quoted associates 254,677,064 186,649,218 25,109,300 25,109,300

Investment in unquoted associates 19,800,492 21,015,391 57,253,500 57,253,500

Total Investment 274,477,556 207,664,608 82,362,800 82,362,800

Less: Impairment allowances

Net Carrying amount 274,477,556 207,664,608 82,362,800 82,362,800

4.11.1 Investment in quoted associates

Group Bank

Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value

National Micro Finance

25,109,300 254,677,064 25,109,300 186,649,218 25,109,300 254,677,064 25,109,300 186,649,218
Bittiya Sanstha Ltd

(1,118,203 shares of Rs.100 each)

Total 25,109,300 254,677,064 25,109,300 186,649,218 25,109,300 254,677,064 25,109,300 186,649,218

84 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.11.2 Investment in unquoted associates

Group Bank

Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value Cost Fair Value

Flexiterm P. Ltd. 8,288,600 7,471,392 8,288,600 7,536,822 8,288,600 7,471,392 8,288,600 7,536,822

(82,886 shares of Rs.100 each)

M Nepal Limited
48,964,900 12,329,100 48,964,900 13,478,568 48,964,900 12,329,100 48,964,900 13,478,568
(489,649 shares of Rs.100 each)

Total 57,253,500 19,800,492 57,253,500 21,015,391 57,253,500 19,800,492 57,253,500 21,015,391

4.11.3 Information relating to associates of the Bank

Group Bank

Particulars Percentage of ownership held by the Group Percentage of ownership held by the Bank

16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

National Micro Finance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd 19% 19% 19% 19%

Flexiterm P Limited 43% 43% 43% 43%

M Nepal Ltd. 49% 49% 49% 49%

4.11.4 Equity value of associates

16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

National Micro Finance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd 254,677,064 186,649,218

Flexiterm P Limited 7,471,392 7,536,822

M Nepal Ltd. 12,329,100 13,478,568

Total 274,477,556 207,664,608

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 85

4.12 Investment Properties
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Investment properties measured at

fair value
Opening Balance - - - -
Addition/disposal during the year - - - -
Net changes in fair value during the year - - - -
Adjustment/transfer - - - -
Net amount - - - -
Investment properties measured at cost
Opening Balance 601,847,846 265,982,961 601,847,846 265,982,961
Addition/disposal during the year (390,766,622) 284,035,628 (390,766,622) 284,035,628
Adjustment/transfer 361,936,012 51,829,257 361,936,012 51,829,257
Accumulated Depreciation - - - -
Accumulated impairment loss - - - -
Net amount 573,017,236 601,847,846 573,017,236 601,847,846
Total 573,017,236 601,847,846 573,017,236 601,847,846

86 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.13 Property and Equipment Group
Lease hold Computer Furniture Equipment Capital Work Total Total
Particulars Land Building vehicles Machinery
Properties & Accessories & Fixture & Others in Progress Ashad End 2079 Ashad End 2079


As on Shrawan 1, 2077 2,917,399,330 324,455,038 407,105,156 671,317,379 607,535,354 215,766,323 - 525,233,704 - 5,668,812,283 5,668,812,283

Addition during the year - - - - - - - -

Acquisition - - 4,448,728 1,698,943 241,345 3,356,720 - 6,342,553 16,088,288 16,088,288

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Capitalization - 3,780,250 17,071,299 33,078,424 65,951,600 19,023,857 - 28,694,852 167,600,282 167,600,282

Disposal During the year - - (1,078,802) (30,887,378) (47,379,900) (2,000,048) - (6,297,550) (87,643,678) (87,643,678)

Adjustment/Revaluation - - 12,750,098 - - (12,750,098) - - - -

Balance as on Asadh End 2078 2,917,399,330 328,235,288 440,296,479 675,207,368 626,348,398 223,396,753 - 553,973,558 - 5,764,857,175 5,764,857,175

Addition during the year 343,695,258 6,700,245 29,607,663 97,836,685 146,270,125 9,956,889 - 26,222,439 660,289,304 660,289,304

Acquisition - - - - - - - - - -

Capitalization - - - -

Disposal During the year - - - (8,739,167) (70,797,900) (455,134) - (11,309,296) (91,301,497) (91,301,497)

Adjustment/Revaluation - - - - - - - - - -

Balance as on Ashadh End 2079 3,261,094,588 334,935,533 469,904,143 764,304,886 701,820,623 232,898,508 - 568,886,701 - 6,333,844,982 6,333,844,983

Depreciation and Impairment - - - - - - - - - -

As on Shrawan 1, 2077 - 82,175,461 305,935,423 470,584,839 276,170,941 146,976,125 - 356,821,113 - 1,638,663,902 1,638,663,902

Depreciation charge for the year - 6,558,129 26,325,053 67,785,035 79,580,084 14,918,736 - 33,700,338 - 228,867,374 228,867,374

Impairment for the year - - - - - - - - - - -

Disposals - - (724,958) (30,807,283) (32,842,127) (1,893,392) - (6,061,854) - (72,329,615) (72,329,615)

Adjustment - - 7,059,820 942,150 164,335 (2,861,072) - 3,460,196 - 8,765,429 8,765,429

As on Asadh End 2078 - 88,733,590 338,595,337 508,504,742 323,073,233 157,140,396 - 387,919,794 - 1,803,967,091 1,803,967,091

Depreciation charge for the year - 6,609,374 27,594,449 68,955,726 86,826,992 17,155,596 - 33,838,182 - 240,980,320 240,980,320

Impairment for the year - - - - - - - - - - -

Disposals - - - (8,632,896) (48,234,558) (455,119) - (11,302,459) - (68,625,032) (68,625,032)

Adjustment - - - - - - - - - - -

As on Ashadh End 2079 - 95,342,964 366,189,786 568,827,572 361,665,667 173,840,872 - 410,455,517 - 1,976,322,379 1,976,322,379

Capital Work in Progress - - - - - - - - - - -

Net Book Value - - - - - - - - - - -

As on Asadh End 2077 2,917,399,330 242,279,577 101,169,734 200,732,539 331,364,412 68,790,198 - 168,412,590 4,030,148,381 4,030,148,381

As on Asadh End 2078 2,917,399,330 239,501,698 101,701,143 166,702,626 303,275,165 66,256,358 - 166,053,764 145,852,065 4,106,742,150 4,106,742,150

As on Asadh End 2079 3,261,094,588 239,592,569 103,714,357 195,477,314 340,154,956 59,057,636 - 158,431,184 213,885,399 4,571,408,002 4,571,408,003
4.13 Property and Equipment Bank

Lease hold Computer Furniture Equipment Capital Work Total Total
Particulars Land Building vehicles Machinery
Properties & Accessories & Fixture & Others in Progress Ashad End 2079 Ashad End 2079


As on Shrawan 1, 2077 2,917,399,330 324,455,038 400,522,234 649,802,045 600,917,325 205,188,344 - 521,901,768 - 5,620,186,084 5,620,186,084

Addition during the year - -

Acquisition 4,448,728 1,698,943 241,345 3,356,720 6,342,553 - 16,088,288 16,088,288

Capitalization - 3,780,250 14,974,086 33,078,424 58,936,700 18,193,575 - 19,514,181 - 148,477,216 148,477,216

Disposal During the year (1,078,802) (30,887,378) (45,180,000) (2,000,048) (6,289,943) - (85,436,171) (85,436,171)

Adjustment/Revaluation 12,750,098 (12,750,098) - -

Balance as on Asadh End 2078 2,917,399,330 328,235,288 431,616,344 653,692,034 614,915,370 211,988,493 - 541,468,560 - 5,699,315,418 5,699,315,418

Addition during the year 343,695,258 6,700,245 24,274,900 97,836,685 146,255,800 7,961,157 - 19,438,516 646,162,561 646,162,561

Acquisition - - - - - - - -

Capitalization - - -

Disposal During the year - (8,739,167) (70,797,900) (455,134) (11,309,296) - (91,301,497) (91,301,497)

Adjustment/Revaluation - -

Balance as on Ashadh End 2079 3,261,094,588 334,935,533 455,891,245 742,789,552 690,373,270 219,494,516 - 549,597,779 - 6,254,176,482 6,254,176,482

Depreciation and Impairment

As on Shrawan 1, 2077 - 82,175,461 301,865,009 462,013,143 273,841,316 141,051,380 - 348,262,675 - 1,609,208,984 1,609,208,984

Depreciation charge for the year 6,558,129 24,897,978 67,785,035 78,406,990 13,504,289 - 29,891,786 221,044,206 221,044,206

Impairment for the year - - -

Disposals (724,958) (30,807,283) (30,754,750) (1,893,392) (6,057,419) (70,237,802) (70,237,802)

Adjustment 7,059,820 942,150 164,335 (2,861,072) 3,460,196 8,765,429 8,765,429

As on Asadh End 2078 - 88,733,590 333,097,849 499,933,045 321,657,891 149,801,204 - 375,557,238 - 1,768,780,817 1,768,780,817

Depreciation charge for the year 6,609,374 25,772,986 68,955,726 85,111,732 15,505,349 - 29,942,579 231,897,747 231,897,747

Impairment for the year - - -

Disposals - (8,632,896) (48,234,558) (455,119) (11,302,459) (68,625,032) (68,625,032)

Adjustment - - - - - - -

As on Ashadh End 2079 - 95,342,964 358,870,835 560,255,875 358,535,065 164,851,434 - 394,197,358 - 1,932,053,532 1,932,053,532

Capital Work in Progress - - - - - - - - - -

Net Book Value - - - - - - - - - - -

As on Asadh End 2077 2,917,399,330 242,279,577 98,657,224 187,788,902 327,076,009 64,136,965 - 173,639,094 4,010,977,101 4,010,977,101

As on Asadh End 2078 2,917,399,330 239,501,698 98,518,496 153,758,988 293,257,478 62,187,289 - 165,911,322 145,852,065 4,076,386,667 4,076,386,667

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

As on Asadh End 2079 3,261,094,588 239,592,569 97,020,409 182,533,677 331,838,204 54,643,082 - 155,400,421 213,885,399 4,536,008,350 4,536,008,350
4.14 Goodwill and Intangible Assets
Software Total Ashad
Particulars Goodwill Other
Purchased Developed End 2079


As on Shrawan 1, 2077 - 383,509,159 383,509,159

Addition during the year -

Acquisition 2,291,923 2,291,923

Capitalization 23,973,464 23,973,464

Disposal During the year - -

Adjustment/Revaluation - -

Balance as on Asadh End 2078 - 409,774,546 409,774,546

Addition during the year - -

Acquisition -

Capitalization 3,461,000 3,461,000

Disposal During the year - -

Adjustment/Revaluation - -

Balance as on Asadh End 2079 - 413,235,546 413,235,546

Amortization and Impairment

As on Shrawan 1, 2077 257,403,495 257,403,495

Amortization charge for the year 39,788,338 39,788,338

Impairment for the year - -

Disposals (3,179,337) (3,179,337)

Adjustment 1,325,819 1,325,819

As on Asadh End 2078 - 295,338,316 295,338,316

Amortization charge for the year 40,641,338 40,641,338

Impairment for the year -

Disposals -

Adjustment -

As on Asadh End 2079 - 335,979,654 335,979,654

Capital Work in Progress - -

Net Book Value - -

As on Asadh End 2077 - 126,105,664 126,105,664

As on Asadh End 2078 - 114,436,230 114,436,230

As on Asadh End 2079 - 77,255,892 77,255,892

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 89

4.14 Goodwill and Intangible Assets

Software Total Asadh

Particulars Goodwill Other
Purchased Developed End 2079


As on Shrawan 1, 2077 - 379,453,016 379,453,016

Addition during the year

Acquisition 2,291,923 2,291,923

Capitalization 22,673,006 22,673,006

Disposal During the year - -

Adjustment/Revaluation - -

Balance as on Asadh End 2078 - 404,417,944 404,417,944

Addition during the year -

Acquisition -

Capitalization 3,015,000 3,015,000

Disposal During the year - -

Adjustment/Revaluation - -

Balance as on Asadh End 2079 - 407,432,944 407,432,944

Amortization and Impairment

As on Shrawan 1, 2077 254,834,062 254,834,062

Amortization charge for the year 39,198,348 39,198,348

Impairment for the year - -

Disposals (3,179,337) (3,179,337)

Adjustment 1,325,819 1,325,819

As on Asadh End 2078 - 292,178,893 292,178,893

Amortization charge for the year 39,905,231 39,905,231

Impairment for the year -

Disposals -

Adjustment -

As on Asadh End 2079 - 332,084,124 332,084,124

Capital Work in Progress - -

Net Book Value - -

As on Asadh End 2077 - 124,618,954 124,618,954

As on Asadh End 2078 - 112,239,051 112,239,051

As on Asadh End 2079 - 75,348,820 75,348,820

90 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.15 Deferred Tax

Group Bank

16-Jul-2022 16-Jul-2022

Deferred Deferred Deferred Tax Deferred Deferred Deferred Tax

Tax Assets Tax Liabilities Assets/(Liabilities) Tax Assets Tax Liabilities Assets/(Liabilities)

Deferred Tax on temporary differences on

following items

Loans and Advance to B/Fis - - - - - -

Loans and advances to customers - - - - - -

Interest receivable - - - - - -

Investment properties - - -

Investment securities - 506,159,574 (506,159,574) - 508,689,856 (508,689,856)

Property & Equipment - 686,814,695 (686,814,695) - 687,471,592 (687,471,592)

Employees' defined benefit plan 90,565,617 - 90,565,617 90,565,617 - 90,565,617

Lease Liabilities 238,800,552 - 238,800,552 238,800,552 - 238,800,552

Provisions 1,283,469 - 1,283,469 - - -

Deferred Tax on temporary differences - - (1,095,042,739) - - (1,099,513,388)

Deferred tax on carry forward of unused tax losses - - - - - -

Deferred tax due to changes in tax rate - - - - - -

Deferred Tax assets acquired from Jebils Finance Ltd. - - - - - -

Net Deferred tax asset/(liabilities) as on

- - (1,095,042,739) - - (1,099,513,388)
year end of Asadh End 2079

Deferred tax asset/(liabilities) as on Shrawan 1, 2078 - - (1,799,265,833) - - (1,792,916,621)

Origination/(Reversal) during the year - - (704,223,094) - - (693,403,233)

Deferred tax expense/(income)

- - (40,484,020) - - (29,664,158)
recognized in profit or loss

Deferred tax expense/(income) recognized

- - (663,739,075) - - (663,739,075)
in other comprehensive income

Deferred tax expense/(income)

- - - - - -
recognized directly in equity

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 91

4.15 Deferred Tax

Group Bank

16-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2021

Deferred Deferred Deferred Tax Deferred Deferred Deferred Tax

Tax Assets Tax Liabilities Assets/(Liabilities) Tax Assets Tax Liabilities Assets/(Liabilities)

Deferred Tax on temporary differences

on following items

Loans and Advance to B/Fis - - - - - -

Loans and advances to customers - - - - - -

Interest receivable - 24,940,600 (24,940,600) - 24,940,600 (24,940,600)

Investment properties - - -

Investment securities - 1,183,299,710 (1,183,299,710) - 1,175,326,564 (1,175,326,564)

Property & Equipment - 688,475,801 (688,475,801) - 688,937,679 (688,937,679)

Employees' defined benefit plan 78,562,999 - 78,562,999 78,562,999 - 78,562,999

Lease Liabilities 17,725,223 - 17,725,223 17,725,223 - 17,725,223

Provisions 1,162,055 - 1,162,055 - - -

Deferred Tax on temporary differences - - (1,799,265,833) - - (1,792,916,621)

Deferred tax on carry forward of unused tax losses - - - - - -

Deferred tax due to changes in tax rate - - - - - -

Net Deferred tax asset/(liabilities)

- - (1,799,265,833) - - (1,792,916,621)
as on year end of Asadh End 2078

Deferred tax asset/(liabilities) as on Shrawan 1, 2077 - - (961,560,869) - - (968,728,628)

Origination/(Reversal) during the year - - 837,704,964 - - 824,187,993

Deferred tax expense/(income)

- - (22,451,814) - - (31,047,339)
recognized in profit or loss

Deferred tax expense/(income) recognized

- - 860,156,778 - - 855,235,332
in other comprehensive income

Deferred tax expense/(income)

- - - - - -
recognized directly in equity

92 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.16 Other Assets
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Assets held for sale
Other non banking assets
Bills receivable
Accounts receivable 215,349,809 1,016,751,398 81,133,649 947,424,294
Accrued Income (investments) 1,357,062,689 417,944,257 1,357,062,689 417,944,257
Prepayments and deposits 132,391,860 134,460,774 132,391,860 134,460,774
Income tax deposit - - - -
Deferred employee expenditure 288,659,266 201,821,196 288,659,266 201,821,196
Premium paid on GoN Bond - - - -
Premium paid on employee home loan 591,113,727 514,999,795 591,113,727 514,999,795
Inventory 47,206,538 55,477,599 47,206,538 55,477,599
Accrued Income (Loans & Advances) 1,022,295,609 1,377,087,698 1,022,295,609 1,377,087,698
Interest Suspense (1,022,295,609) (1,377,087,698) (1,022,295,609) (1,377,087,698)
Right of use of assets 991,473,869 - 991,473,869 -
Less: Accumulated depreciation (215,746,842) - (215,746,842) -
Others 400,858,093 371,979,802 347,312,494 344,540,423
Total 3,808,369,009 2,713,434,821 3,620,607,250 2,616,668,338

4.17 Due to Banks and Financial Institutions

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Money Market Deposits - - - -

Interbank Borrowing 552,751,388 3,351,008,315 552,751,388 3,351,008,315

Settlement and Clearing accounts - - - -

Other Deposits from BFIs 1,421,168,531 1,489,256,860 1,421,168,531 1,489,256,860

Total 1,973,919,919 4,840,265,175 1,973,919,919 4,840,265,175

4.18 Due to Nepal Rastra Bank

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Refinance from NRB 1,470,865,000 3,575,646,633 1,470,865,000 3,575,646,633

Standing Liquidity Facility 5,000,000,000 - 5,000,000,000 -

Lender of last report facility from NRB - - - -

Securities sold under repurchase agreements - - - -

Other payable to NRB - - - -

Total 6,470,865,000 3,575,646,633 6,470,865,000 3,575,646,633

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 93

4.19 Derivative Financial Instruments

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Held for trading

-Interest rate swap - - - -

-Currency swap - - - -

- Forward exchange contract - - - -

- Others - - - -

Held for risk management 5,238,825 - 5,238,825 -

-Interest rate swap - - - -

-Currency swap - - - -

- Forward exchange contract 5,238,825 - 5,238,825 -

- Others - - - -

Total 5,238,825 - 5,238,825 -

4.20 Deposits from Customers

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Institutional Customers:

Term Deposits 37,476,566,467 29,321,309,367 37,476,566,467 29,321,309,367

Call Deposits 18,865,635,529 21,037,680,130 18,865,635,529 21,037,680,130

Current deposits 17,783,985,075 21,587,353,868 17,796,332,958 21,619,468,105

Other 5,209,393,877 3,617,680,915 5,209,393,877 3,617,680,915

Sub-total 79,335,580,948 75,564,024,280 79,347,928,831 75,596,138,518

Individual customers:

Term Deposits 55,031,372,144 38,888,478,868 55,031,372,144 38,888,478,868

Saving Deposits 49,714,953,330 59,481,186,059 49,714,953,330 59,481,186,059

Current Deposits 660,124,112 557,560,988 660,124,112 557,560,988

Other 36,693,511 34,340,051 36,693,511 34,340,051

Sub-total 105,443,143,097 98,961,565,965 105,443,143,097 98,961,565,965

Total 184,778,724,045 174,525,590,245 184,791,071,928 174,557,704,483

94 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.20.1 Currency wise analysis of deposit from customers
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Nepalese Rupee 171,980,343,765 163,016,397,326 171,992,691,648 163,048,511,564
Indian Rupee 15,629,538 69,417,771 15,629,538 69,417,771
United States Dollar 12,192,213,338 10,829,686,160 12,192,213,338 10,829,686,160
Great Britain Pound 43,723,270 28,040,284 43,723,270 28,040,284
Euro 227,463,340 281,631,279 227,463,340 281,631,279
Japanese Yen 9,240,012 7,064,761 9,240,012 7,064,761
Chinese Yuan - - - -
Other 310,110,782 293,352,664 310,110,782 293,352,664
Total 184,778,724,045 174,525,590,245 184,791,071,928 174,557,704,483

4.21 Borrowings
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Domestic Borrowing

Nepal Government - - - -

Other Institutions - - - -

Other - - - -

Sub total - - - -

Foreign Borrowing

Foreign Bank and Financial Institutions 3,825,000,000 - 3,825,000,000 -

Multilateral Development Banks - - - -

Other Institutions - - - -

Sub total 3,825,000,000 - 3,825,000,000 -

Total 3,825,000,000 - 3,825,000,000 -

4.22 Provisions
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Provisions for redundancy - - - -

Provision for restructuring - - - -
Pending legal issues and tax litigation - - - -
Onerous contracts - - - -
Other 2,246,086 2,246,086 - -

Total 2,246,086 2,246,086 - -

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 95

4.22.1 Movement in Provisions
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Balance at Shrawan 1 2,246,086 2,496,960 - -

Provisions made during the year - - - -

Provisions used during the year - (250,874) - -

Provisions reversed during the year - - - -

Unwind of discount - - - -

Balance at Ashad end 2,246,086 2,246,086 - -

4.23 Other Liabilities

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Liabilities for employees defined benefit

157,141,274 141,226,304 157,141,274 141,226,304

Liability for long-service leave 146,776,260 122,277,790 144,744,115 120,650,359

Short term employee benefit - - - -

Bills Payable 57,406,091 245,291,653 57,406,091 245,291,653

Creditors and accruals 1,400,826,208 2,844,681,683 643,482,037 494,522,682

Interest payable on deposits 399,669,669 249,469,103 399,669,669 249,469,103

Interest payable on borrowings 358,149,165 324,627,245 358,149,165 324,627,245

Liabilities on deferred grant income - - - -

Unpaid dividend 415,009,281 417,600,059 415,009,281 417,600,059

Liabilities under lease 796,001,840 59,084,078 796,001,840 59,084,078

Employee bonus payable 598,716,751 562,096,898 598,716,751 562,096,898

Employee bonus payable - Jebils Finance - - - -

Others - - - -

Matured fixed deposits 19,175,983 27,625,457 19,175,983 27,625,457

Audit fees payable 2,260,000 2,260,000 2,260,000 2,260,000

Unearned Discount and commission 1,024,336,337 338,197,499 1,024,336,337 338,197,499

Amounts payable on LC 1,525,466,058 1,020,496,835 1,525,466,058 1,020,496,835

Gratuity NIBL (before 2058) 66,338 135,918 66,338 135,918

Gratuity Jebils Finance 1,327,400 1,920,000 1,327,400 1,920,000

Gratuity City Express 967,162 1,123,116 967,162 1,123,116

Others 147,350,654 172,355,176 147,350,655 172,355,176

Total 7,050,646,470 6,530,468,815 6,291,270,155 4,178,682,382

96 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.23.1 Defined benefit obligations
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Present Value of unfunded obligations -

Present Value of funded obligations 488,893,304 419,394,064 488,893,304 419,394,064

Total present value of obligations 488,893,304 419,394,064 488,893,304 419,394,064

Fair value of plan assets 331,752,030 278,167,760 331,752,030 278,167,760

Present value of net obligations 157,141,274 141,226,304 157,141,274 141,226,304

Recognized liability for defined benefit obligations 157,141,274 141,226,304 157,141,274 141,226,304

4.23.2 Plan Assets

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Equity Securities - - - -
Government bonds - - - -
Bank deposits 331,752,030 278,167,760 331,752,030 278,167,760
Others - - - -
Total 331,752,030 278,167,760 331,752,030 278,167,760
Actual return on plan assets

4.23.3 Movement in present value of defined benefit obligations

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Opening DBP Obligation 419,394,064 337,390,890 419,394,064 337,390,890

Actuarial (Gain) or Loss 13,169,812 22,074,236 13,169,812 22,074,236
Benefits Paid (17,847,512) (5,406,462) (17,847,512) (5,406,462)
Current Service Costs 42,243,540 37,217,700 42,243,540 37,217,700
Interest Cost (unwinding) 31,933,400 28,117,700 31,933,400 28,117,700

Closing DBP Obligation 488,893,304 419,394,064 488,893,304 419,394,064

4.23.4 Movements in fair value of plan assets

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Opening DBP Assets 278,167,760 227,405,771 278,167,760 227,405,771

Contributions paid into the plan 83,358,842 64,812,531 83,358,842 64,812,531

Benefits paid during the year (17,847,512) (5,406,462) (17,847,512) (5,406,462)

Actuarial (losses) gains (38,211,410) (32,087,420) (38,211,410) (32,087,420)

Expected return on plan assets 26,284,350 23,443,340 26,284,350 23,443,340

Closing fair value of DBP Assets 331,752,030 278,167,760 331,752,030 278,167,760

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 97

4.23.5 Amount Recognised in Profit or Loss
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Current Service Costs 42,243,540 37,217,700 42,243,540 37,217,700

Interest on obligation 31,933,400 28,117,700 31,933,400 28,117,700

Expected Return on Plan Assets (26,284,350) (23,443,340) (26,284,350) (23,443,340)

Total 47,892,590 41,892,060 47,892,590 41,892,060

4.23.6 Amount recognised in other comprehensive income

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Actuarial Gain/(Loss) (51,381,222) (54,161,656) (51,381,222) (54,161,656)

4.23.7 Actuarial Assumptions

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Discount rate 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0%

Expected return on plan asset - - - -

Future salary increase 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0%

Withdrawal rate 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

4.23.8 Liability for long service leave

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Opening Leave Obligation 122,277,790 93,213,117 120,650,359 92,055,681

Current Service Costs 13,314,525 10,576,145 12,470,280 10,106,150

Finance Cost (unwinding) 9,201,600 7,644,320 9,201,600 7,644,320

Benefits Paid (13,955,945) (8,023,302) (13,516,414) (8,023,302)

Actuarial Gain or Loss 15,938,290 18,867,510 15,938,290 18,867,510

Closing Leave Obligation 146,776,260 122,277,790 144,744,115 120,650,359

Actuarial loss /(gain) on leave (P&L) 15,938,290 18,867,510 15,938,290 18,867,510

98 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.24 Debt securities issued

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Debt securities issued designated at FVtPL - - - -

Debt Securities issued at amortised cost - - - -

8% Debenture 2078 (11.04.2071 to 10.04.2078) - 750,000,000 - 750,000,000

10.5% Debenture 2083 (04.03.2076 to 03.03.2083) 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000

8.5% Debenture 2084 (09.11.2077 to 08.11.2084) 4,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 4,000,000,000

Total 6,000,000,000 6,750,000,000 6,000,000,000 6,750,000,000

4.25 Subordinated Liabilities

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Redeemable preference shares - - - -

Irredeemade cumulative preference shares
- - - -
(liability component)
Others - - - -

Total - - - -

4.26 Share Capital

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Ordinary shares 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500

Convertible preference shares

- - - -
(equity component only)
Irredeemable preference shares
- - - -
(equity component only)
Perpetual debt (equity component only) - - - -

Total 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 99

4.26.1 Ordinary Shares

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Authorised Capital

185,000,000 no. of ordinary shares of Rs. 100 each 18,500,000,000 18,000,000,000 18,500,000,000 18,000,000,000

Issued Capital

183,075,413.23 no. of ordinary shares of Rs. 100 each 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500

Subscribed and paid up capital

183,075,413.23 no. of ordinary shares of Rs. 100 each 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500

Total 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500

4.26.2 Ordinary Shares Ownership


Particulars 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Percent Amount Percent Amount

Domestic ownership 100.00% 18,307,541,323 100.00% 16,257,329,500

Nepal Government - -
"A" class licensed institutions - -
Other licensed institutions 18.00% 3,295,013,851 17.99% 2,925,014,200
Other Institutions 41.80% 7,652,725,973 41.81% 6,796,647,800
Public 31.51% 5,768,937,433 31.51% 5,122,889,800
Other 8.69% 1,590,864,067 8.69% 1,412,777,700

Foreign ownership 0.00% - 0.00% -

Total 100.00% 18,307,541,323 100.00% 16,257,329,500

100 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Details of Shareholders holding 0.5 percent or above shares are mentioned below:
Shareholder's Name % Holding Amount
Rastriya Beema Company Ltd. 12.06% 2,208,442,023
Mahalaxmi Investment Pvt. Ltd. 7.10% 1,299,766,072
Chaaya Investment Pvt. Ltd. 6.60% 1,207,753,538
K.U.P. Investment Pvt. Ltd. 6.28% 1,150,231,839
Sophia Investment Pvt. Ltd. 5.97% 1,092,727,708
Citizen Investment Trust 1.84% 337,435,371
Annapurna Investment Pvt. Ltd. 1.32% 241,510,055
Surya Inosyspvt Pvt. Ltd. 1.32% 241,509,830
Prestine Investment Pvt. Ltd. 1.32% 241,509,830
Kamala Investment Pvt. Ltd. 1.26% 230,050,872
Nobel Investment Pvt. Ltd. 1.26% 230,050,872
Lotus Investment Pvt. Ltd. 1.16% 213,219,019
Rastriya Beema Sanstha 1.13% 206,722,040
Mercantile Investment Pvt. Ltd. 1.03% 188,354,848
National Life Insurance Company Limited 0.75% 137,318,529
Cit- Citizen Unit Scheme 0.72% 132,629,857
Singhe Carpets (P) Ltd. 0.71% 130,365,250
Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal) Limited 0.64% 117,294,604
Apollo Investment Pvt. Ltd. 0.63% 115,047,564
Shrestha Brothers' Investment Pvt. Ltd 0.63% 115,025,718
Panchakanya Investment Pvt.Ltd. 0.63% 115,025,718
P Sanghai Investment (P) Ltd. 0.63% 115,025,380
R Sanghai Investment (P) Ltd. 0.63% 115,025,380

4.27 Reserves
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Statutory general reserve 7,558,395,063 6,780,048,231 7,528,121,523 6,760,055,132
Exchange equalization reserve 112,029,045 108,627,951 112,029,045 108,627,951
Corporate social responsibility reserve 38,966,342 1,274,677 37,976,040 -
Capital redemption reserve - - - -
Investment adjustment reserve 324,907,396 65,752,368 324,907,396 65,752,368
Capital adjustment reserve - - - -
Assets revaluation reserve 1,560,760,238 1,560,760,238 1,560,760,238 1,560,760,238
Fair value reserve 1,186,942,998 2,742,428,650 1,186,942,998 2,742,428,650
Dividend equalization reserve - - - -
Actuarial Gain Reserve (137,082,604) (101,115,748) (137,082,604) (101,115,748)
Special reserve - - - -
Debenture Redemption Reserve 2,216,666,667 1,650,000,000 2,216,666,667 1,650,000,000
Staff Training Reserve 21,400,973 2,972,596 21,400,973 2,972,596
Regulatory reserve
Accrued Interest Reserve 1,022,017,582 581,521,838 1,022,017,582 581,521,838
NBA Reserve 361,000,859 379,164,143 361,000,859 379,164,143
Acquisition Reserve - 280,000,000 - 280,000,000
Actuary Reserve 137,082,604 101,115,748 137,082,604 101,115,748
Other Reserve 4,883,820 4,883,820 4,883,820 4,883,820
Total 14,407,970,983 14,157,434,512 14,376,707,141 14,136,166,736

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 101

4.28 Contingent Liabilities and Commitments

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Contingent Liabilities 80,232,929,071 89,835,612,629 80,232,929,071 89,835,612,629
Undrawn and undisbursed facilities 13,928,605,198 15,954,155,669 13,928,605,198 15,954,155,669
Capital Commitments - - - -
Lease Commitments - - - -
Litigation 44,658,964 50,323,835 44,658,964 50,323,835

Total 94,206,193,233 105,840,092,133 94,206,193,233 105,840,092,133

4.28.1 Contingent Liabilities

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Acceptance and documentary credit 47,815,047,813 47,360,134,719 47,815,047,813 47,360,134,719
Bills for collection 1,534,549,392 967,331,524 1,534,549,392 967,331,524
Forward exchange contracts 1,822,688,252 14,346,183,257 1,822,688,252 14,346,183,257
Guarantees 29,060,643,614 27,134,463,129 29,060,643,614 27,134,463,129
Underwriting commitment - -
Loan sales - 27,500,000 27,500,000
Other commitments -

Total 80,232,929,071 89,835,612,629 80,232,929,071 89,835,612,629

4.28.2 Undrawn and undisbursed facilities

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Undisbursed amount of loans 5,005,092,537 5,423,068,567 5,005,092,537 5,423,068,567
Undrawn limits of overdrafts 8,690,940,885 10,301,735,822 8,690,940,885 10,301,735,822
Undrawn limits of credit cards 232,571,775 229,351,281 232,571,775 229,351,281
Undrawn limits of letter of credit - - - -
Undrawn limits of guarantee - - - -

Total 13,928,605,198 15,954,155,669 13,928,605,198 15,954,155,669

102 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.28.3 Capital commitments
Capital expenditure approved by relevant authority of the bank but provision has not been made in financial statements

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Capital Commitment in relation to

Property & Equipment
Approved and contracted for - - - -
Approved but not contracted for - - - -
Sub total - - - -
Capital Commitment in relation
with Intangible assets
Approved and contracted for - - - -
Approved but not contracted for - - - -
Sub total - - - -
Total - - - -

4.28.4 Lease commitments

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Operating lease commitments

Future minimum lease payments under non
- - - -
cancellable lease, where bank is a lessee
Not later than 1 year - - - -

Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years - - - -

Later than 5 years - - - -

Sub total - - - -

Finance lease commitments

Future minimum lease payments under non

- - - -
cancellable lease, where bank is a lessee

Not later than 1 year - - - -

Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years - - - -

Later than 5 years - - - -

Sub total - - - -

Total - - - -

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 103

4.28.5 Litigation

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Contingent Liabilities on Taxes 44,658,964 50,323,835 44,658,964 50,323,835

Total 44,658,964 50,323,835 44,658,964 50,323,835

4.29 Interest Income

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Cash and cash equivalent - - - -

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank - - - -

Placement with B/FIs 59,708,832 55,619,016 59,708,832 55,619,016

Loan and advances to B/FIs 742,911,658 293,399,938 742,911,658 293,399,938

Loans and advances to customers 14,267,962,881 12,262,484,882 14,267,962,881 12,262,484,882

Investment securities 1,456,678,488 977,329,169 1,456,678,488 977,329,169

Loan and advances to staff 69,519,485 61,718,708 69,519,485 61,718,708

Other 191,248,254 146,695,623 107,149,151 61,493,490

Total Interest income 16,788,029,598 13,797,247,335 16,703,930,495 13,712,045,202

4.30 Interest Expense

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Due to bank and financial institutions 7,347,903 12,173,106 7,347,903 12,173,106

Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 307,592,538 80,446,418 307,592,538 80,446,418

Deposits from customers 9,830,690,051 7,612,688,026 9,832,257,587 7,613,586,601

Borrowing 144,794,404 7,168,804 144,794,404 7,168,804

Debt securities issued 553,150,685 405,616,438 553,150,685 405,616,438

Subordinated liabilities - - -
Other (finance cost uner lease liability) 39,797,801 - 39,797,801 -

Total Interest expense 10,883,373,382 8,118,092,792 10,884,940,919 8,118,991,367

104 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.31 Fees and Commission Income
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Loan administration fees 167,944,130 163,117,133 167,944,130 163,117,133

Service Fees 74,072,407 69,165,520 74,072,407 69,165,520

Consortium fees 30,176,309 54,604,930 30,176,309 54,604,930

Commitment fees 3,817,631 3,695,053 3,817,631 3,695,053

DD/TT/Swift fees 80,286,257 64,137,659 80,286,257 64,137,659

Card/ATM/POS issuance and renewal fees 498,713,034 352,195,656 498,713,034 352,195,656

Prepayment and swap fees 1,084,543 10,010,693 1,084,543 10,010,693

Investment banking fees - - - -

Assets management fees 77,389,369 75,799,804 - -

Brokerage fees - - - -

Remittance fee 17,498,791 23,863,579 17,498,791 23,863,579

Commission on Letter of Credit 396,814,024 330,564,223 396,814,024 330,564,223

Commission on guarantee contracts issued 226,246,069 220,051,258 226,246,069 220,051,258

Commission on share underwriting/Issue 739,219 1,481,202 - -

Locker rental 43,318,299 40,589,390 43,318,299 40,589,390

Exchange fees (batta) 10,846 2,574 10,846 2,574

Bills discount commission 660,010 582,936 660,010 582,936

Other fees and commission income 178,023,639 141,131,556 51,991,335 29,458,615

Total 1,796,794,579 1,550,993,168 1,592,633,687 1,362,039,220

4.32 Fees and Commission Expense

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
ATM management fees 6,033,628 5,396,935 6,033,628 5,396,935
Card fees and commission 286,894,544 209,885,522 286,894,544 209,885,522
Guarantee commission - - - -
Brokerage - - - -
DD/TT/Swift fees 10,687,438 12,350,492 10,687,438 12,350,492
Branchless banking commission 3,645,121 3,409,200 3,645,121 3,409,200
Bank charges 12,439,874 14,376,539 12,337,099 14,360,578
Others 23,137,196 32,103,802 -
Total fee & commission expense 342,837,801 277,522,491 319,597,830 245,402,727

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 105

4.33 Net Trading Income
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Changes in fair value of trading assets (24,167,890) 35,632,491 - -
Gain/loss on disposal of trading assets - - - -
Interest income on trading assets - - - -
Dividend income on trading assets 15,401,336 3,198,555 - -
Gain/loss foreign exchange transaction 667,252,484 747,864,081 667,252,484 747,864,081
Other - - - -
Net trading income 658,485,930 786,695,127 667,252,484 747,864,081

4.34 Other Operating Income

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Foreign exchange revaluation gain 13,604,375 18,593,895 13,604,375 18,593,895

Gain/loss on sale of investment securities (22,649,270) 702,335,842 (22,649,270) 702,335,842

Fair values gain/loss on investment properties - - - -

Dividend on equity instruments 161,278,465 80,946,563 227,951,016 137,768,091

Gain/loss on sale of property and equipment 3,582,101 531,387 3,582,101 531,387

Gain/loss on sale of investment property 4,128,881 21,072,141 4,128,881 21,072,141

Operating lease income - - - -

Gain/loss on sale of gold and silver 8,835,094 7,705,941 8,835,094 7,705,941

Others 72,522,722 49,455,613 72,522,722 49,455,613

Total 241,302,370 880,641,382 307,974,921 937,462,910

4.35 Impairment Charge / (Reversals)

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Impairment charge/(reversal) on loan and advances to B/FIs 33,777,504 17,407,841 33,777,504 17,407,841

Impairment charge/(reversal) on loan and advances to customer (1,341,898,358) 421,311,411 (1,341,898,358) 421,311,411

Impairment charge/(reversal) on financial investment - - - -

Impairment charge/(reversal) on placement with B/FIs - - - -

Impairment charge/(reversal) on property and equipment - - - -

Impairment charge/(reversal) on goodwill and intangible assets - - - -

Impairment charge/(reversal) on investment properties - - - -

Impairment charge/(reversal) on other receivables 1,227,089 2,950,292 1,227,089 2,950,292

Total (1,306,893,765) 441,669,545 (1,306,893,765) 441,669,545

106 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.36 Personnel Expenses
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Salary 575,415,042 542,124,064 551,723,872 503,640,763

Allowances 493,783,097 425,563,967 473,467,375 425,563,967
Gratuity Expenses 49,668,539 41,892,060 47,892,590 41,892,060
Provident fund 56,803,943 49,963,094 54,663,492 49,963,094
Uniform 1,696,426 1,578,166 1,696,426 1,578,166
Training & development expense 12,203,678 3,120,154 9,447,765 2,781,114
Leave expenses 38,454,415 37,087,975 37,610,170 36,617,980
Medical 1,007,718 574,673 216,037 574,673
Insurance 41,658,992 35,572,399 40,241,254 35,572,399
Employees incentive 1,784,372 2,841,625 1,784,372 2,841,625
Cash-settled share based payments - - - -
Pension expense - - - -
Finance expense under NFRS 24,373,777 18,183,418 24,373,777 18,183,418
Other expenses related to staff (lunch) 36,486,900 26,787,969 32,551,168 26,787,969
Subtotal 1,333,336,900 1,185,289,565 1,275,668,298 1,145,997,229
Employee bonus 614,875,369 583,942,055 598,716,751 562,096,898
Grand total 1,948,212,269 1,769,231,620 1,874,385,049 1,708,094,127

4.37 Other operating expenses

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Directors' fee 3,585,000 3,822,000 2,761,000 2,972,000

Directors' expenses 1,164,282 238,375 302,947 92,557

Auditors' remuneration 2,714,250 2,663,410 2,260,000 2,260,000

Other audit related expenses 495,204 812,047 495,204 735,427

Professional, legal and other expenses 102,177,692 101,190,388 102,420,842 101,471,848

Office administration expense 574,061,630 497,711,507 554,195,810 485,083,273

Operating lease expense 4,206,481 209,990,044 - 209,421,895

Operating expense of investment properties - - - -

Corporate social responsibility expense 54,641,239 57,751,828 53,328,820 57,327,828

Onerous lease provisions - - - -

Other - - - -

Others 8,271,258 7,100,362 6,787,422 6,127,783

Total 751,317,035 881,279,960 722,552,044 865,492,611

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 107

4.37.1 Office administration expense

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Water and electricity 42,075,214 36,641,123 41,807,064 36,641,123
Repair and maintenance
(a) Building 9,283,721 8,796,611 9,096,847 8,404,134
(b) Vehicle 6,756,985 4,513,053 6,551,568 4,381,441
(c) Computer and accessories 4,518,057 3,103,526 4,122,429 2,974,952
(d) Office equipment and furniture 11,699,293 9,679,418 10,752,127 9,085,927
(e) Other - - - -
Insurance 15,454,424 13,463,466 15,287,639 13,378,487
Postage, telex, telephone, fax 43,743,951 40,804,905 40,168,674 38,583,099
Printing and stationery 59,616,782 40,604,350 57,420,186 37,252,898
Newspaper, books and journals 663,616 681,245 648,186 656,322
Advertisement 74,931,723 62,549,373 69,280,944 60,843,213
Donation 47,840 - 47,840 -
Security expense 115,196,030 104,835,836 113,142,695 103,742,347
Deposit and loan guarantee premium 47,024,150 49,449,059 47,024,150 49,449,059
Travel allowance and expense 8,590,902 5,479,823 8,442,929 5,412,023
Entertainment 15,442,431 12,298,891 15,150,259 12,155,954
Annual/special general meeting expense 1,534,030 1,281,043 1,437,902 1,254,915
(a) Share / Debenture expenses 8,481,656 15,139,795 8,481,656 15,139,795
(b) Fuel 40,884,013 24,867,534 39,970,327 24,429,695
(c) Taxes and other duties 16,330,427 14,792,353 16,220,244 14,701,063
(d) Membership fee 2,557,356 6,187,456 1,271,548 4,884,313
(e) Non capital expense 4,018,962 3,209,238 3,798,160 3,139,558
(f) Janitorial expenses 45,210,070 39,333,411 44,072,438 38,572,956
(g) Others - - - -
Total 574,061,630 497,711,507 554,195,810 485,083,273

4.38 Depreciation and Amortisation

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Depreciation of Property and Equipment 240,980,320 228,867,374 231,897,747 221,044,206

Depreciation of Investment properties - - - -

Amortisation of intangible assets 40,641,338 39,788,338 39,905,231 39,198,348

Depreciation of ROU (Right of use of Assets) 215,746,842 215,746,842

Total 497,368,500 268,655,712 487,549,820 260,242,555

108 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

4.39 Non Operating Income
Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021
Recovery of loan written off 2,900,000 4,079,509 2,900,000 4,079,509
Other income (Share of Profit in Associates
66,812,948 63,993,948 - -
equity accounting)
Bargain Purchase Gain - - - -
Other income - - - -
Total 69,712,948 68,073,457 2,900,000 4,079,509

4.40 Non Operating Expense

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Loan written off 904,108,931 64,725,907 904,108,931 64,725,907

Redundancy provision - - - -
Expense of restructuring - - - -
Other expense - - - -
Total 904,108,931 64,725,907 904,108,931 64,725,907

4.41 Income Tax Expense / (Income)

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Income Taxes
For Current Period 1,673,953,980 1,582,729,527 1,620,510,965 1,531,313,615
For Previous period - - - -
Deferred Taxes
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (40,484,020) (22,451,814) (29,664,158) (31,047,339)
Changes in tax rate - - - -
Recognition of previously unrecognized tax losses - - - -
Total income tax expense 1,633,469,960 1,560,277,713 1,590,846,807 1,500,266,276

4.41.1 Reconciliation of tax expense and accounting profit

Group Bank
16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Profit Before Tax 5,534,001,272 5,262,472,443 5,388,450,760 5,058,872,085

Tax amount at tax rate of 30% 1,660,200,382 1,578,741,733 1,616,535,228 1,517,661,625
Add: Tax effect of non deductibles 142,059,802 206,635,294 136,229,513 200,928,978
Less Tax effect on exempt income (4,809,208) (7,581,980) (24,816,208) (24,681,980)
Add/Less: Tax effect on other items (163,981,015) (217,517,335) (137,101,726) (193,642,348)
Total income tax expense 1,633,469,960 1,560,277,713 1,590,846,807 1,500,266,276
Effective tax rate 29.52% 29.65% 29.52% 29.66%

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 109

Statement of distributable profit or loss
For the year ended 32nd Ashad 2079
(As per NRB Regulation)

Current Year Previous Year

Opening Retained Earning 20,242,672 18,928,314

Net profit or (loss) as per statement of profit or loss 3,797,603,953 3,558,605,809


a. General reserve (768,066,391) (711,721,162)

b. Foreign exchange fluctuation fund (3,401,094) (4,648,474)

c. Capital Adjustment reserve reversal - -

d. Corporate social responsibility fund (37,976,040) (35,586,059)

e. Employees' training fund (18,428,377) -

f. Debenture Redemption Reserve (1,066,666,667) (507,142,858)

g. Investment Adjustment Reserve (259,155,028) -

h. Transfer from Debenture Redemption Reserve - -

i. Transfer From Capital Premium - -

j.Transfer from corporate social responsibility fund - 38,756,728
k.Transfer from AFS reserve 42,728,000 60,724,412

Profit or (loss) before regulatory adjustment 1,706,881,029 2,417,916,710

Regulatory adjustment :

a. Interest receivable (-)/previous accrued interest received (+) (440,495,745) (107,006,706)

b. Short loan loss provision in accounts (-)/reversal (+) - -

c. Short provision for possible losses on investment (-)/reversal (+) - -

d. Short loan loss provision on Non Banking Assets (-)/reversal (+) 18,163,284 (175,314,398)

e. Deferred tax assets recognised (-)/ reversal (+) - -

f. Goodwill recognised (-)/ impairment of Goodwill (+) - -

g. Bargain purchase gain recognised (-)/reversal (+) - -

h. Actuarial loss recognised (-)/reversal (+) - -

i. AFS Reserve (+/-) - -

j. Actuarial Loss Reserve (35,966,855) (37,913,159)

k.Other Reserve (4,883,820)
Distributable profit or (loss) 1,248,581,713 2,073,870,313

Previous year adjustments 59,084,078

Opening Balance in Retained Earnings (less dividend paid)

Add City Express Retained Earning - (256,181,606)

Balance Available for Distribution 1,307,665,791 1,836,617,021

110 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5. Disclosure and Additional Information
5.1 Risk Management Framework
Overview of Risk
Risk may be defined as possibility of loss due to uncertainty, which may be financial loss
or loss to the image or reputation of the Bank. Risk management of the Bank has the
practice of identifying potential risks in advance, analyzing them and taking precautionary
steps to reduce/mitigate various types of risks that the Bank is exposed to.
Risk management is an integral part of the Bank’s culture, strategy, and day-to-day
business operations. Keeping in mind that risk management in the banking is a key to
link to financial system stability as well as to optimize return to its stakeholders, the Bank
tries to ensure that the risk taking is informed and prudent. It uses varieties of assessment
tools to measure and predict various types of risk. Moreover, Board of Directors (BOD)
as well as senior management constantly overviews the overall risk governance of the
Active Board and Senior Management Oversight
BOD have ultimate responsibility for the level of risk taken by the Bank. Accordingly,
overall business strategies, risk appetite, risk tolerance to take and manage risks are
formulated by active involvement of BOD and senior level management of the bank.
The role of BOD is limited to oversight of various types of risks that the Bank is exposed
to. Without becoming directly involved in managing such risks, BOD plays active role by:
• Assessing risk on an ongoing basis and developing policies and procedures that are
consistent with the organization’s strategy and risk appetite.
• Regularly monitoring for effective implementation of such policies and procedures by
updating itself through various reports on regular interval.
• Giving regular feedbacks and instructions for taking steps to mitigate risk.
Senior management is actively involved in implementation of approved policies and
procedures at all levels in the Bank. It creates and fosters the environment within the Bank
for effective implementation of policies and procedures by timely communicating at each
level and through constant interaction with key department heads. Further trainings are
provided to the staff for creating risk awareness within the Bank. It also helps to develop
effective internal controls with high ethical standards for effective implementation of such
policies and procedures.
Risk Governance
The ideologies of risk management followed by the Bank include:
• Reviewing/studying changes in micro/macroeconomic of the country that could have
a significant impact on the financial performance of the Bank and suggest/recommend
appropriate policies/processes to adopt to mitigate such impacts.
• Supporting the Board in its implementation, review and approval of the governance
framework which includes the bank’s risk culture, risk appetite, risk limits.
• Establishing trigger system to avoid breaches of the bank’s risk appetite, tolerance
• Taking calculative business risk and optimizing return.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 111

Risk Management Department
The risk management system ensures that the bank takes well-calculated business
risks while safeguarding the bank’s capital, its financial resources and return to its
stakeholders. The Integrated Risk Management Department directly reports to the Board
level committees. The Board of Directors of the Bank recognizes that a critical factor in
the Bank’s continued growth, profitability and stability lies in its effective risk management
capabilities and efficient risk return trade-off.
Perceptions and behaviors towards risk are ever changing. The Bank has well established
system, policies and procedural guidelines in place for comprehensive identification,
assessment, monitoring, controlling and reporting of all material risks which are
timely identified, controlled and managed in an efficient manner. It has adequate risk
management processes commensurate with the nature, scope, scale and the degree of
complexity of its business operations.

Risk Management Department is an integrated department comprising of:

• Credit Risk Management Unit

• Market & Liquidity Risk Management Unit
• Operation Risk Management Unit
• IT Risk Management Unit
a. Credit Risk Management
The goal of credit risk management is to maximize the Bank’s risk adjusted rate of
return by maintaining credit risk exposures within acceptable parameters. The Bank
has formulated tools to evaluate credit risk of the Bank. Credit Risk Management Unit
reviews the credit proposals and assigns independent risk rating before processing
for credit decisions to the concerned authorities. Five pillars of credit namely Industry
Environment, Financial Indicators, Management Quality, Conduct of Account and
Security Realization are taken into consideration while assigning risk for Corporate
Credit & SME whereas, four pillars of credit namely Borrower’s Competency,
Financial & Repayment Capacity, Conduct of Account and Security Realization are
taken into consideration while assigning risk for Personal/Consumer Loan. Credit
quality, credit performance, emerging business trends, expected level of credit losses
are reviewed on periodic basis. Credit Risk reports are thoroughly discussed and
reviewed by Credit Risk Management Sub-Committee and presented to BOD level
Risk Management Committee which is further appraised to BOD on periodic basis
for formulating necessary guidelines. Based on thorough analysis and discussion,
necessary strategies, policies and action plans are formulated. Such policies and
action plans are clearly communicated for effective implementation.
Management of Environment and Social Risk
Environment and Social Risk are also a part of credit assessment tool wherein relation
of business with locales / society, its labor, environmental impact are assessed while
taking credit decision.

112 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

b. Market & Liquidity Risk Management
The Bank is required to identify all the market risks that it faces and the same are
monitored centrally. Risk identification requires a thorough analysis of the Bank’s
activities, its business units, regulatory and market environment, historical scenarios,
etc. Risk identification extensively covers interest rate risk, foreign exchange rate
risk, liquidity risk and counterparty risk.
Market risk is assessed and monitored using the measures such as: Net Open Position,
Gap Analysis, Stress Testing, internal risk limits and parameters as prescribed in the
internal and regulatory policies. In order to monitor market and liquidity risk, Assets
Liability Committee (ALCO) within the management level manages the Bank’s asset
and liability position. ALCO meets on a regular basis to review the liquidity ratios, asset
and liability position, interest rate trend in the market, foreign exchange exposures,
lending and placements, the Bank’s position to internal risk tolerance/appetite,
regulatory ratio requirements and general domestic & international economic and
financial market conditions. The Risk Management based Treasury Middle Office
manages and monitors the market, liquidity and treasury specific risks of the Bank.
It regularly monitors the Bank’s adherence to various integral internal and regulatory
limits as well as counterparty limits. TMO reviews and monitors daily positions and
gaps in the balance sheet. It prepares various assets and liability oriented reports
detailing and analyzing the loan and deposit exposures and interest rate movements
providing comparisons and behavioral trends and key risk issues, periodic stress
testing, financial performance analysis of the Bank and its peer banks.
Market and Liquidity Risk reports are discussed and reviewed by ALCO and presented
to BOD level Risk Management Committee which is further appraised to BOD on
periodic basis for formulating necessary guidelines.
Based on thorough analysis and discussion, necessary strategies, policies and action
plans are formulated. Such policies and action plans are clearly communicated for
effective implementation.
b1. Management of Interest Rate Risk:
The Bank classifies its rate sensitive assets and liabilities into respective maturity
bands to perform Maturity Gap Analysis for measuring and managing the Interest
Rate Risk. The Gap is then used as a measure of interest rates sensitivity of the
assets and liabilities to analyze the impact of changes in the interest rate on the Net
Interest Income and Net Interest Margin of the Bank. Change in interest rates are
periodically reviewed and published as per change in the base rate in line with NRB
guidelines. Cost of fund, interest yield and base rate are monitored for maintaining
optimum interest spread. Interest rate movement in the market is closely monitored.
It is ensured that proper mechanisms are in place to comply with regulatory and
internally defined target/tolerance limits.
b.2.Management of Foreign Exchange Risk
The Bank operates with a full- fledged Treasury department within the consideration
of the foreign exchange rules and regulations under the guidance of Nepal Rastra
Bank (NRB). The department updates the exchange rates daily as per the market

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 113

movement. The foreign currency position is maintained as per the need of the Bank.
Most currencies are squared off at day end to minimize the risks related to exchange
rate fluctuations. The department is equipped with suitable operating procedures,
MIS system and monitoring system.
b.3. Management of Liquidity Risk
The liquidity profile is analyzed on a static basis by tracking all outflows and inflows
in the maturity ladder based on the expected occurrence of cash flows. “Statement of
Structural Liquidity” is prepared by classifying all assets and liabilities under different
maturity bands according to their respective residual maturity periods. Liquidity risk is
monitored by conducting behavioral analysis of non-maturity products. The renewal
pattern and premature withdrawals of deposits and drawdown of un-availed credit
limits are captured through historical and behavioral studies. The concentration of
large institutional and individual deposit is monitored on a periodic basis. The Bank
ensures that adequate level of assets are maintained in cash and equivalents.
Liquidity Contingency Funding Plan is prepared entailing actions to respond and
manage potential adverse liquidity events faced by the Bank.
c. Operational Risk Management
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate internal processes,
people, and systems from external events including legal risks. Losses from these
operational risk cannot be determined in monetary terms only but can also adversely
impact the overall business and reputation of the Bank. With the principle that the
operational risk cannot be fully eliminated but it can be mitigated by taking proactive
approach, the Bank has adopted the following:
• Proper segregation of duties and responsibilities to ascertain checks and
balances has been established in the Bank.
• Regular trainings on bank’s policies, procedures.
• Central Operation Unit for strengthening documentation, data quality and
bringing in uniformity of practices.
• Onsite and offsite branch monitoring to identify risk
• Regular monitoring regarding adherence to the Bank’s policies and procedures.
Operational risks are monitored and controlled through branch monitoring, incident
reporting, review of audit observation, whistle blowing system and MIS reports. It uses
effective tools to analyze the adverse incidents, near to missed events, grievance
lodge records in the Bank and formulates policies and action plans to minimize such
events. The Bank has developed a robust framework for managing operational risks
to evaluate the adequacy of the capital covering the Bank’s appetite and tolerance
for operational risk. The Bank assigns various risks grades based on the functions,
products and its people to determine Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and Key Performance
Indicators (KPI).
Operational risk reports and operational loss data records are discussed and reviewed
by Operation Risk Management Sub Committee and presented to BOD level Risk
Management Committee which is further appraised to BOD on periodic basis for
formulating necessary guidelines.

114 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Based on thorough analysis and discussion, necessary strategies, policies and action
plans are formulated. Such policies and action plans are clearly communicated for
effective implementation.

c.1. IT Risk management
Information Technology (IT) has an important role and is an integral part of the
organization to run and meet the business requirement. All-encompassing use
of IT can provide significant benefits to an organization, but also has a unique
characteristics that may increase an organization’s overall risk profile and the level of
risks associated with traditional financial services, particularly strategic, operational,
legal, and reputation risks. IT Risk can occur with both uncertain frequency and
magnitude, and it creates challenges in meeting strategic goals and objectives.
Hence, effective and timely management and mitigation of IT Risk is necessary and
it should be treated like any other business risk. IT Risk Management provides the
guidance on the systematic process for the management of IT Risk so that bank is
well informed about the extent of the risk and ultimately allows banks to make an
appropriaterisk-aware decision. It provides adequate security for NIBL information
and systems through implementation of proper risk response strategies. It also
provides the stable, yet flexible, cost effective catalogue of security controls to meet
current information protection needs and the demands of future protection needs to
be based on changing threats, requirements, and technologies. Risk reports related
to IT Risk are reviewed by Operation Risk Management Sub Committee, IT Steering
Committee, IT Strategy Committee and presented to Risk Management Committee
to be further appraised to BOD and seek for necessary instructions.
c.2.Other Risk
Strategic Risk
The Board of Directors and the Senior Management are proactively involved in
providing strategic direction to the Bank’s business. At the start of each fiscal year,
the strategic plans are detailed along with the business targets. The Bank has also
formulated long term strategies for showing clear road map for the bank. The Bank
has developed a system for internal communication and free flow of information
so that these strategies are timely and effectively communicated to the concerned
department and branches for effective implementation. Further, the Bank has the
practice of monitoring and reviewing its achievements in line with its long term and
short term strategies.
Human Resource Risk
The Bank has well-defined HR policies and practices, which are revised and reviewed
on a periodic basis. It also has a separate HR Software having comprehensive data
of all employees. At every key level position, successor is identified and appropriately
placed to avoid any succession planning risk. For all functional positions at all levels,
adequate talent pool is maintained through regular promotions and trainings. The
Bank has promotion and transfer procedure to ensure implementation of timely
promotions and transfers to keep the employees motivated and for capacity building.
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 115
Compliance & AML/CFT Risk
Compliance department ensures that the Bank’s overall operation comply with
the Bank’s internal policies, procedures and instructions, statutory and regulatory
requirements like NRB directives & circulars, Companies Act, BAFIA, FATF etc.
Further it ensures compliance of Corporate Government Policy of the Bank. It
coordinates with all departments and branches to ensure that overall compliance
issues are identified and are timely resolved. It conducts branches/department
visits to review and ensure compliance issues are addressed on a regular basis. It
recommends and reports to the management on the overall compliance aspect of the
Bank. Any suspicious transaction/activity is reported from AML Cell to FIU/NRB in a
prescribed format as per NRB. AML policy and procedural guideline is well defined
to identify and mitigate AML/CFT risk. Such risks are discussed in BOD level AML
Committee & Risk Management Committee which is further appraised to BOD on
periodic basis for formulating necessary guideline.
Internal Control
Various policies, procedures, SOP and manuals duly approved by the Board, are in
place to implement internal control mechanism in the bank. Similarly, both on-Site
and off-Site monitoring of branches are conducted on regular basis. It uses various
MIS data for detailed off –site monitoring.
The Bank has robust internal control systems with well-defined responsibilities at
each level. The Internal Audit Department (IAD) of the Bank perform audit of all the
branches and departments as per audit plan approved by the Audit Committee. IAD
is functionally independent. It reports directly to the Audit Committee of the Bank’s
Board. IAD has already started to implement risk based audit in the bank.
Monitoring and Reporting
The Bank has established an adequate system for monitoring and reporting risk
exposures and assessing how the Bank’s changing risk profile affects the need for
capital. The Bank’s senior management or Board of Directors receives on a regular
basis reports on the Bank’s risk profile and capital needs. These reports allow senior
management to:
• Evaluate the level and trend of material risks and their effect on capital levels:
• Evaluate the sensitivity and reasonableness of key assumptions used in the
capital assessment measurement system;
• Determine that the bank holds sufficient capital against the various risks and is
in compliance with established capital adequacy goals; and
• The Bank conducts periodic reviews of its risk management process to ensure
its integrity, accuracy, and reasonableness.
d. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities
Fair values of financial assets and liabilities are determined according to the following

• Level 1 – valuation technique using quoted market price: financial instruments

116 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

with quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets that the group can
access at the measurement date.

• Level 2 – valuation technique using observable inputs: financial instruments with

quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets or quoted prices for identical
or similar instruments in inactive markets and financial instruments valued using
models where all significant inputs are observable. For the listed securities where
the bank holds promoter shares which are priced and traded differently in the
market than ordinary shares the bank has considered the valuation of similar
promoters shares traded in the market which approximates to 50% of the price
that the ordinary shares are traded. For quoted mutualfunds which are yet to be
traded in NEPSE, published NAV has been considered as fair value.

• Level 3 – valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs: financial

instruments valued using valuation techniques where one or more significant
inputs are unobservable.
 where market prices are not available then the bank
considers the carrying value and future cash flows from the financial instruments.
In case of Participating Financial Instruments (PFI) instrument, bank has valued
them at 50% as conversion right into bond is 50% only.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 117

Particulars FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21

Fair Value of Financial Assets and Carrying Value Quoted Observable Unobservable Carrying Value Quoted Observable Unobservable
Liabilities Held at Fair Value 2021-22 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 2020-21 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Fair Value Through Profit and Loss

Fair value Through OCI

Investment Securities 4,070,884,530 826,202,960 3,051,506,688 193,174,882 5,959,261,393 1,001,595,779 4,900,082,346 57,583,268

Fair Value of Financial Assets – Held

at Amortised Cost

Cash and Cash Equivalent 11,148,235,754 11,148,235,754 7,012,723,269 7,012,723,269

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 5,637,281,558 5,637,281,558 7,417,253,539 7,417,253,539

Placements with Banks and Fis 8,778,706,500 8,778,706,500 8,136,780,010 8,136,780,010

Derivative financial instruments - - 36,746,635 36,746,635

Other trading assets - -

Loans and advances to B/Fis 7,659,343,487 7,659,343,487 5,094,851,449 5,094,851,449

Loans and advances to customers 157,157,094,698 157,157,094,698 156,816,676,940 156,816,676,940

Investment Securities 40,501,998,040 40,501,998,040 29,208,787,167 29,208,787,167

Other assets 3,620,607,250 3,620,607,250 2,616,668,338 2,616,668,338

Fair Value Financial Liabilities-Held

at Amortised Cost

Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 1,973,919,919 1,973,919,919 4,840,265,175 4,840,265,175

Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 6,470,865,000 6,470,865,000 3,575,646,633 3,575,646,633

Derivative Financial Instruments 5,238,825 - -

Deposits from customers 184,791,071,928 184,791,071,928 174,557,704,483 174,557,704,483

Borrowings 3,825,000,000 - -

Other Liabilities 6,291,270,155 6,291,270,155 4,178,682,382 4,178,682,382

Debt securities issued 6,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 6,750,000,000 6,750,000,000

Subordinated liabilities

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5.2 Capital Management
(i) Qualitative disclosures
The bank manages and maintains its capital considering the business and associated
risks. The regulator also has set the minimum capital requirements, under Basel III
norms, which the bank has been complying duly. In addition bank has implemented
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Policy (ICAAP) that assesses capital
requirements in accordance with the bank’s strategy and the market conditions.The
purpose of Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. Capital management practice is to ensure
that NIBL has sufficient capital at all times to cover the risks associated with the
bank’s business.Further, NIBL has clearly defined its risk appetite and has set its
risk tolerance limit. Periodic review of these limits are conducted and if required
necessary corrective action plans are formulated on timely manner.
ICAAP is understood as bank’s internal assessment of capital that it considers
adequate to cover all material risks to which it is exposed. The objective is to determine
the economic capital required to cover all risks faced. A sound risk management
framework, which includes Board oversight, risk assessment, monitoring and
reporting processes, and regular independent review of all activities carried out by
the risk function, is the major building block of an ICAAP.
ICAAP document is reviewed annually based on the strategy of the Bank within first
quarter covering the capital assessment and projection for the next year, to enable
collation and presentation of comprehensive ICAAP to the Board.
The ICAAP document contains a comprehensive assessment of identified risks and
estimates Bank’s capital requirement, as applicable, on account of those risks. It
also details controls, monitoring and reporting measures for various risks and hence
is a valuable source for effective risk management.
The following measures are being taken to ensure use of the ICAAP within the Bank:
• The Bank has adopted a conservative approach for evaluating the capital buffer
based on the ICAAP.
• Regular interactions are held with key departments of the Bank during the course
of the ICAAP exercise to sensitize them to various risks and management of
• Copies of ICAAP documents are sent to functional head of the various departments
to ensure dissemination of information contained in the document among the
operating functionaries.
• Other measures include – improving risk management practices, inculcating
risk awareness/culture amongst the operating functionaries by suitable training
programs, constant monitoring, stress testing of portfolios.
The ICAAP review committee reviews ICAAP annually and adequacy of capital
under various stress conditions and scenarios. ICAAP review committee meets at
quarterly intervals and any key findings is appraised to BOD through risk management

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 119

NIBL Board is responsible for setting the risk appetite and risk tolerance limit. NIBL
has a separate independent Risk Management Department (RMD), Internal Audit
Department and Risk Management Committee chaired by a director to monitor and
assess risk appetite and risk tolerance.
The ICAAP guidelines ensure that the Senior Management:
• Establishes detailed set of policies that place effective controls on the Bank’s
activities ensuring consistency with its risks appetite.
• Effectively communicates these policies.
• Recognizes the severity of the risks and its impact on operational activities.
• Assessing the various risks.
• Develops a system to relate risk to the capital level.
• Establishes strong internal control mechanisms and a method for monitoring
compliance with internal policies.
Stress Testing
Stress test scenarios have been developed for credit risk, market risk, operational risk,
and other risks. Individual scenarios for the aforesaid risks are detailed in respective
risk reviews. Bank analyzes the result of Stress Testing and systematically assesses
its impact on the financial position, profitability, liquidity and bank’s available capital
on a periodic basis and adopts necessary strategies.
Bank does not possess any innovative complex or hybrid capital instruments. Bank’s
capital comprises of fully paid up share capital and retained earning and reserves.
(ii) Quantitative disclosures
1. 1 RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURES Current Period Previous Year

a Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 216,834,190,208 213,524,444,081

b Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 12,111,535,764 11,703,762,044
c Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 431,909,552 599,491,275
Total Risk Weighted Exposures
229,377,635,524 225,827,697,400
(Before adjustments of Pillar II)
Adjustments under Pillar II - -
SRP 6.4a (5) ALM policies & practices are not
- -
satisfactory, add 1% of net interest income to RWE
SRP 6.4a (6) Add ...% of the total deposit due to
- -
insufficient Liquid Assets
SRP 6.4a (7) Add RWE equivalent to reciprocal of
2,465,180,912 2,419,114,588
capital charge of 3 % of gross income.
SRP 6.4a (9) Overall risk management policies
6,881,329,066 6,774,830,922
and procedures are not satisfactory. Add 3% of RWE
SRP 6.4a (10) If desired level of disclosure requirement
- -
has not been achieved, Add ....% of RWE
Total Risk Weighted Exposures (After Bank’s
238,724,145,502 200,791,487,712
adjustments of Pillar II)

120 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

1.2 CAPITAL Current Period Previous Period
(A) Tier 1 Capital [Core Capital (CET 1 + AT 1)] 29,003,831,150 26,119,364,873
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) 29,003,831,150 26,119,364,873
a Paid up Equity Share Capital 18,307,541,323 16,257,329,500
b Equity Share Premium - 4,798,371
c Proposed Bonus Equity Shares
d Statutory General Reserves 7,528,121,523 6,760,055,132
e Retained Earnings 1,307,665,791 1,836,617,021
f Unaudited current year cumulative profit/(loss)
g Debenture Redemption Reserve 2,216,666,667 1,650,000,000
h Capital Adjustment Reserve - -
i Dividend Equalization Reserves - -
j Bargain Purchase Gain - -
k Other Free Reserve - -
l Less: Goodwill
m Less: Intangible Assets 75,348,820 112,239,051
n Less: Deferred Tax Assets
o Less: Fictitious Assets
p Less: Investment in equity in licensed Financial Institutions
q Less: Investment in equity of institutions with financial interests 228,753,500 228,753,500
r Less: Investment in equity of institutions in excess of limits 22,667,834 19,048,600
s Less: Investments arising out of underwriting commitments
t Less: Reciprocal crossholdings
u Less: Purchase of land & building in excess of limit and unutilized 29,394,000 29,394,000
v Less: Cash Flow Hedge - -
w Less: Defined Benefits Pension Assets - -
x Less: Unrecognized Defined Benefit Pension Liabilities - -
y Less: Negative balance of reserve accounts - -
z Less: Other Deductions - -
Adjustments under Pillar II
SRP 6.4a(1) Less: Shortfall in Provision - -
SRP 6.4a(2) Less: Loans & Facilities extended to related parties and restricted lending - -
Additional Tier 1 (AT 1) - -
a Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preference Share Capital - -
b Perpetual Debt Instruments - -
c Stock Premium - -
(B) Supplementary Capital (Tier 2) 9,086,879,315 8,443,435,870
a Cumulative and/or Redeemable Preference Share
b Subordinated Term Debt 5,200,000,000 2,150,000,000
c Hybrid Capital Instruments - -
d Stock Premium - -
e General Loan Loss Provision 3,449,942,875 1,247,326,342
f Exchange Equalization Reserve 112,029,045 103,979,477
g Investment Adjustment Reserve 324,907,396 65,752,368
h Assets Revaluation Reserve - -
i Other Reserves - -
Total Capital Fund (Tier I and Tier II) 38,090,710,465 34,562,800,743

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 121

1.3 CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIOS Current Period Previous Period

Common Equity Tier 1 Capital to Total Risk Weighted Exposures (After Bank's
12.15% 11.11%
adjustments of Pillar II)
Tier 1 Capital to Total Risk Weighted Exposures(After Bank's adjustments of
12.15% 11.11%
Pillar II)
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital to Total Risk Weighted Exposures(After Bank's adjust-
15.96% 14.71%
ments of Pillar II)

Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk

As at Ashad 32, 2079
Specific Eligible Net Risk
Book Value Weighted
Provision CRM Value Weight
A. Balance Sheet Exposures Exposures
a b c d=a-b-c e f=d*e

Cash Balance 3,550,317,163 3,550,317,163 0% -

Balance With Nepal Rastra Bank 5,493,392,163 5,493,392,163 0% -

Gold - - 0% -

Investment in Nepalese Government Securities 40,501,998,040 40,501,998,040 0% -

All Claims on Government of Nepal - 0% -

Investment in Nepal Rastra Bank securities - - 0% -

All Claims on Nepal Rastra Bank 143,889,395 143,889,395 0% -

Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank

- 0% -
(ECA rating 0-1)
Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank
- 20% -
Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank
- 50% -
(ECA -3)
Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank
- 100% -
Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank
- 150% -
(ECA -7)
Claims On BIS, IMF, ECB, EC and on Multilateral
Development Banks (MDB's) recognized by the - 0% -

Claims On Other Multilateral Development Banks - 100% -

Claims on Domestic Public Sector Entities 23,633,804 23,633,804 100% 23,633,804

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 0-1) - 20% -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 2) - 50% -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 3-6) - - 100% -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 7) - 150% -

Claims on domestic Banks that meet capital ade-

9,769,186,819 9,769,186,819 20% 1,953,837,364
quacy requirements
Claims on domestic Banks that do not meet capital
- - 100% -
adequacy requirements

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 0-1) 5,635,518,395 5,635,518,395 20% 1,127,103,679

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 2) 8,124,310,798 8,124,310,798 50% 4,062,155,399

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 3-6) - - 100% -

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 7) - - 150% -

Claims on foreign bank incorporated in SAARC
region operating with a buffer of 1% above their 607,835,509 607,835,509 20% 121,567,102
respective regulatory capital requirement
Claims on Do mestic Corporates (Credit rating
- 50% -
score equivalent to AAA)
Claims on Domestic Corporates (Credit rating
28,936,202 28,936,202 70% 20,255,342
score equivalent to AA+ to AA-)

122 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Specific Eligible Net Risk Risk Weighted
Book Value
Provision CRM Value Weight Exposures
A. Balance Sheet Exposures
a b c d=a-b-c e f=d*e
Claims on Domestic Corporates (Credit rating
4,591,839,783 - - 4,591,839,783 80% 3,673,471,826
score equivalent to A+ to A-)
Claims on Domestic Corporates (Credit rating
16,961,504,966 - - 16,961,504,966 100% 16,961,504,966
score equivalent to BBB+ & below)

Claims on Domestic Corporates (Unrated) 108,229,360,606 - 550,308,367 107,679,052,239 100% 107,679,052,239

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 0-1) - - - - 20% -

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 2) - - 50% -

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 3-6) - - 100% -

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 7) - - 150% -

Regulatory Retail Portfolio (Not Overdue) 9,760,561,846 - 2,768,733,428 6,991,828,418 75% 5,243,871,313

Claims fulfilling all criterion of regulatory retail

- - 100% -
except granularity
Claims secured by residential properties 1,823,450,421 - - 1,823,450,421 60% 1,094,070,252

Claims not fully secured by residential properties 91,467,367 - - 91,467,367 150% 137,201,050

Claims secured by residential properties (Overdue) 129,901,103 38,383,359 - 91,517,744 100% 91,517,744

Claims secured by Commercial Real Estate 2,756,769,779 - - 2,756,769,779 100% 2,756,769,779

Past due claims (except for claim secured by
2,957,179,282 2,060,406,714 - 896,772,568 150% 1,345,158,853
residential properties)
High Risk Claims 8,341,274,193 1,389,851 - 8,339,884,342 150% 12,509,826,513

Lending against securities (bonds & shares) 1,672,303,968 - 1,672,303,968 100% 1,672,303,968

Trust Receipt Loans for Trading Firms 3,031,317,167.05 - 3,031,317,167 120% 3,637,580,600
Investment in equity and other capital instruments
1,986,660,480 - - 1,986,660,480 100% 1,986,660,480
of institutions listed in the Stock exchange
Investment in equity and other capital instruments
642,453,996 228,753,500 - 413,700,496 150% 620,550,743
of institutions not listed in the Stock exchange

Staff Loan Secured by residential property 611,165,251 611,165,251 50% 305,582,626

Interest receivable/Claim on government securities 1,335,155,763 1,335,155,763 0% -

Cash in Transit & other cash items in the process

- - 20% -
of Collection

Other Assets (as per attachment) 24,178,312,489 17,755,217,602 - 6,423,094,887 100% 6,423,094,887

Total 262,979,696,746 20,084,151,025 3,319,041,795 239,576,503,925 173,446,770,529

B. Off Balance Sheet Exposures

Revocable Commitments - - - - 0% -

Bills Under Collection 1,534,549,392 - - 1,534,549,392 0% -

Forward Exchange Contract Liabilities 1,822,688,252 - - 1,822,688,252 10% 182,268,825

LC Commitments With Original Maturity Up to 6
domestic counterparty 12,977,856,318 - 1,593,431,791 11,384,424,527 20% 2,276,884,905

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 0-1) - - 20% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 2) - - 50% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 3-6) - - 100% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 7) - - - - 150% -

L C Commitments With Original Maturity Over 6
domestic counterparty 16,779,069,833 - 2,645,443,223 14,133,626,610 50% 7,066,813,305

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 0-1) - - 20% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 2) - - 50% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 3-6) - - 100% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 7) - - - - 150% -

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 123

Specific Eligible Net Risk
Book Value Weighted
Provision CRM Value Weight
B. Off Balance Sheet Exposures Exposures

a b c d=a-b-c e f=d*e

Bid Bond, Performance Bond and Counter guarantee - -

domestic counterparty 25,643,805,446 - 5,022,672,806 20,621,132,640 40% 8,248,453,056

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 0-1) - - - 20% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 2) - - - 50% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 3-6) - - - 100% -

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 7) - - - - 150% -

Underwriting commitments - - - - 50% -

Lending of Bank's Securities or Posting of Securities as

- - - - 100% -

Repurchase Agreements, Assets sale with recourse - - - - 100% -

Advance Payment Guarantee 3,416,838,169 - 73,425,093 3,343,413,075 100% 3,343,413,075

Financial Guarantee - - - - 100% -

Acceptances and Endorsements 18,058,121,662 - 722,324,866 17,335,796,795 100% 17,335,796,795

Unpaid portion of Partly paid shares and Securities - - - - 100% -

Irrevocable Credit Commitments (short term) 8,923,512,661 - - 8,923,512,661 20% 1,784,702,532

Irrevocable Credit Commitments (long term) 5,005,092,537 5,005,092,537 50% 2,502,546,269

Claims on foreign bank incorporated in SAARC region

- - - - 20% -
operating with a buffer of 1% above

their respective regulatory capital requirement - - - - -

Other Contingent Liabilities 50,323,835 50,323,835 100% 50,323,835

Unpaid Guarantee Claims 298,108,541 - - 298,108,541 200% 596,217,081

Total 94,509,966,645 - 10,057,297,780 84,452,668,865 - 43,387,419,678

Total RWE for Credit Risk Before Adjustment (A)+(B) 357,489,663,391 20,084,151,025 13,376,339,576 324,029,172,790 - 216,834,190,208

Adjustments under Pillar II

Add: 10% of the loan and facilities in excess of Single

- - - - - -
Obligor Limits(6.4 a 3)

Add: 1% of the Contract (sale) value in case of the sale of

- - - - -
Credit with recourse(6.4 a 4)

Total RWE for Credit Risk (After Bank's Adjustment

357,489,663,391 20,084,151,025 13,376,339,576 324,029,172,790 216,834,190,208
of Pillar II)

124 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Sec/G'tee G'tee
Deposits with Deposits with Govt.& NRB G'tee of Govt. Sec/G'tee of
Gold of Other of domestic G'tee of MDBs Total
Bank other banks/FI Securities of Nepal Foreign Banks
Credit exposures Sovereigns banks

(a) (b) I (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank

Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank
Claims on Foreign Government and Central Bank

Claims on Other Multilateral Development Banks -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 0-1) -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 2) -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 3-6) -

Claims on Public Sector Entity (ECA 7) -

Claims on domestic banks that meet capital adequa-

cy requirements
Claims on domestic banks that do not meet capital
adequacy requirements

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 0-1) -

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 2) -

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 3-6) -

Claims on foreign bank (ECA Rating 7) -

claims on foreign bank incorporated in SAARC

region operating with a buffer of 1% above their
respective regulatory capital requirement

Claims on Domestic Corporates 168,713,089 - - 2,000,000 379,595,278 - - - - 550,308,367

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 0-1) - - - - - - - - - -

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 2) - - - - - - - - - -

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 3-6) - - - - - - - - - -

Claims on Foreign Corporates (ECA 7) - - - - - - - - - -

Sec/G'tee G'tee
Deposits with Deposits with Govt.& NRB G'tee of Govt. Sec/G'tee of
Gold of Other of domestic G'tee of MDBs Total

Bank other banks/FI Securities of Nepal Foreign Banks
Credit exposures Sovereigns banks

(a) (b) I (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

Regulatory Retail Portfolio (Not Overdue) 946,763,478 1,821,145,441 824,510 - - 2,768,733,428.44

Claims fulfilling all criterion of regulatory retail except


Claims secured by residential properties

Claims not fully secured by residential properties

Claims secured by residential properties (Overdue)

Claims secured by Commercial real estate

Past due claims (except for claim secured by resi-

dential properties)

High Risk claims

Investments in equity and other capital instruments

of institutions listed in the stock exchange
Investments in equity and other capital instruments
of institutions not listed in the stock exchange

Other Assets (as per attachment)

Off Balance Sheet Exposures

Forward Exchange Contract Liabilities

LC Commitments With Original Maturity Up to 6


domestic counterparty 1,593,431,791 1,593,431,791

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 0-1)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 2)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 3-6)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 7)

LC Commitments With Original Maturity Over 6


domestic counterparty 2,645,443,223 2,645,443,223

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 0-1)

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Sec/G'tee G'tee
Deposits with Deposits with Govt.& NRB G'tee of Govt. G'tee of Sec/G'tee of
Gold of Other of domestic Total
Bank other banks/FI Securities of Nepal MDBs Foreign Banks
Credit exposures Sovereigns banks

(a) (b) I (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 2)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 3-6)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 7)

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Bid Bond, Performance Bond and Counter guarantee

domestic counterparty 164,252,053 4,858,420,753 5,022,672,806

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 0-1)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 2)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 3-6)

foreign counterparty (ECA Rating 7)

Underwriting commitments

Lending of Bank's Securities or Posting of Securities

as Collateral

Repurchase Agreements, Assets sale with recourse

Advance Payment Guarantee 73,425,093 73,425,093.33

Financial Guarantee

Acceptances and Endorsements 722,324,866 722,324,866.46

Unpaid portion of Partly paid shares and Securities

Irrevocable Credit commitments( Short Term)

Irrevocable Credit commitments(Long Term)

Other Contingent Liabilities

Total 6,314,353,593 - 1,821,145,441 2,824,510 379,595,278 - - - 4,858,420,753 13,376,339,575

Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk
As at Ashad end, 2079
Fiscal Year
S.N. Particulars
2075-76 2076-77 2077-78
1 Net Interest Income 6,173,506,249 5,777,668,980 5,593,053,836

2 Commission and Discount Income 1,442,867,238 1,513,163,506 1,362,039,220

3 Other Operating Income 155,740,986 173,729,893 918,869,015

4 Exchange Fluctuation Income 915,431,834 928,267,158 766,457,976

5 Addition/Deduction in Interest Suspense during the period 49,622,590 478,144,384 399,480,620

6 Gross income (a) 8,737,168,897 8,870,973,921 9,039,900,668

7 Alfa (b) 15% 15% 15%

8 Fixed Percentage of Gross Income [c=(a×b)] 1,310,575,335 1,330,646,088 1,355,985,100

9 Capital Requirement for operational risk (d) (average of c) 1,332,402,174

10 Risk Weight (reciprocal of capital requirement of 11%) in times (e) 9.09

11 Equivalent Risk Weight Exposure [f=(d×e)] - 12,111,535,764

Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk

As at Ashad, 2079
S.No. Currency Open Position (FCY) Exchange Rate Open Position (NPR) Relevant Open Position

1 AED 28,170.00 33.34 939,187.80 939,188

2 AUD 311,656.89 85.96 26,790,026.26 26,790,026
3 BHD 0.00 336.37 0.00 0.00
4 CAD 102,721.46 97.42 10,007,124.63 10,007,125
5 CHF (76,019.97) 129.82 (9,868,912.51) 9,868,913
6 CNY 228,347.50 18.8 4,292,933.00 4,292,933
7 DKK 139,900.00 17.12 2,395,088.00 2,395,088
8 EUR (136,011.12) 127.97 (17,405,343.03) 17,405,343
9 GBP 5,521.19 150.48 830,828.67 830,829
10 HKD 47,200.00 16.14 761,808.00 761,808
11 INR 464,455,951.94 1.6 743,129,523.10 743,129,523
12 JPY (1,261,536.00) 0.9179 (1,157,963.89) 1,157,964
13 KRW 724,000.00 0.0967 70,010.80 70,010.80
14 KWD 455.00 411.69 187,318.95 187,318.95
15 MYR 47,537.00 27.72 1,317,725.64 1,317,726
16 QAR 6,261.00 33.33 208,679.13 208,679
17 SAR 58,493.00 33.49 1,958,930.57 1,958,931
18 SEK 0.00 12.09 0.00 -
19 SGD 75,778.20 90.7 6,873,082.74 6,873,083
20 THB 194,990.00 3.47 676,615.30 676,615
21 USD 952,352.49 127.5 121,424,942.48 121,424,942
(a) Total Open Position 950,296,045

(b) Fixed Percentage 5%

Capital Charge for Market Risk (=a×b) 47,514,802

(d) Risk Weight (reciprocal of capital requirement of 11%) in times 9.09

(e) Equivalent Risk Weight Exposure (=c×d) 431,909,552

128 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

(iii) Compliance with external requirements
Bank has not been in default on the minimum capital requirement under the central bank
directives. In addition bank regularly furnishes to the central bank its ICAAP compliances
5.3 Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities
Financial assets are classified under three categories, namely,
• Fair Value through Profit or Loss,
• Fair Value Though Other Comprehensive Income
• At Amortised Cost
Financial liabilities are classified under two categories, namely,
• Fair Value through Profit or Loss,
• Held at amortised cost
Bank Assets held at FV Assets held at
2021-22 FVtPL FVtOCI amortised cost

Cash and Cash Equivalent 11,148,235,754 11,148,235,754

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 5,637,281,558 5,637,281,558

Placements with Banks and Fis 8,778,706,500 8,778,706,500

Derivative financial instruments - -

Other trading assets - -

Loans and advances to B/Fis 7,659,343,487 7,659,343,487

Loans and advances to customers 157,157,094,698 157,157,094,698

Investment Securities 4,070,884,530 40,501,998,040 44,572,882,570

Current tax assets 436,404,447 436,404,447

Other assets 2,509,014,419 2,509,014,419

Total 4,070,884,530 233,828,078,903 237,898,963,433

Bank Assets held at FV Assets held at

2020-21 FVtPL FVtOCI amortised cost

Cash and Cash Equivalent 7,012,723,269 7,012,723,269

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 7,417,253,539 7,417,253,539
Placements with Banks and Fis 8,136,780,010 8,136,780,010
Derivative financial instruments 36,746,635 36,746,635
Other trading assets - -
Loans and advances to B/Fis 5,094,851,449 5,094,851,449
Loans and advances to customers 156,816,676,940 156,816,676,940
Investment Securities 5,959,261,393 29,208,787,167 35,168,048,560
Current tax assets 586,041,818 586,041,818
Other assets 2,359,369,543 2,359,369,543
Total 5,959,261,393 216,669,230,370 222,628,491,763

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 129

Liabilities at Liabilities at
Bank 2021-22 Total
fair value amortized costs
Financial Liabilities Designated at FVTPL
Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 1,973,919,919 1,973,919,919
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 6,470,865,000 6,470,865,000
Derivative Financial Instruments 5,238,825 5,238,825
Deposits from customers 184,791,071,928 184,791,071,928
Borrowings 3,825,000,000 3,825,000,000
Current tax liabilities - -
Other Financial Liabilities 6,134,128,881 6,134,128,881
Debt Securities Issued 6,000,000,000 6,000,000,000
Total 209,200,224,553 209,200,224,553

Liabilities at Liabilities at
Bank 2020-21 Total
fair value amortized costs
Financial Liabilities Designated at FVTPL

Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 4,840,265,175 4,840,265,175

Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 3,575,646,633 3,575,646,633

Derivative Financial Instruments - -

Deposits from customers 174,557,704,483 174,557,704,483

Borrowings - -

Current tax liabilities - -

Other Financial Liabilities 4,037,456,078 4,037,456,078

Debt Securities Issued 6,750,000,000 6,750,000,000

Total 193,761,072,369 193,761,072,369

5.4 Segmental Reporting

5.4.1 General Information
The bank is managed through central operation. All policies and operations are
controlled and directed from the head office. NIBL operates in single jurisdictional area.
The management of the bank is on the basis of various types of operations supported
by ancillary support services. Bank has identified banking operation (which includes
basically deposit lending and cash operation related activities), treasury function,
trade finance business, card operation and remittance business as its major business
segments.None of the segments have been identified as a single cost centre. Therefore
there is no inter-unit cost transfer mechanism within the bank.
Banking Operations primarily includes deposit, lending and other cash and
transfer managements related services.
Treasury: The Treasury business basically includes services such as foreign currencies
exchange (Buy/ Sell), money market operations as well as specific services such
as foreign currency forward contracts, placements of funds, inter bank borrowings,
investments in securities and government bonds and instruments.

130 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Trade Finance: The function basically involves issuance of letters of credit and bank
guarantees.Letter of creditis an undertaking/promise given by a Bank on behalf of the
Buyer/Importer to the Seller/Exporter to make or receive payments upon the receipt of
LC documents. Bank guarantee is an undertaking/promise given by a Bank on behalf of
the applicant and in favor of the Beneficiary.
Card business basically involves providing various type of card services like debit card
credit card, prepaid card POS terminal etc.
Remittance: The business basically involves receiving remittances money from remitters
outside Nepal and within Nepal. It is a means of money transfer between two persons.
Remitters can send money to NIBL from any part of the globe through our correspondent
banks, exchange houses and banks in the Middle East and using PrithiviExpress,
our in-house remittance software. NIBL is the authorized agent of leading remittance
companies of the world including UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, United States and
United Kingdom.
5.4.2 Information on profit or loss, assets and liabilities
S/N Particulars Treasury Trade Finance Card Remittance Total

a Revenue from external customers 4,374,320,176 1,510,876,691 1,051,529,759 211,818,490 17,498,791 7,166,043,908

b intersegment revenue - - - - - -

c Net Revenue 4,374,320,176 1,510,876,691 1,051,529,759 211,818,490 17,498,791 7,166,043,908

d Interest Revenue 13,876,090,060 1,516,387,321 1,311,453,115 - - 16,703,930,495

e Interest Expenses (9,042,208,391) (988,137,876) (854,594,652) - - (10,884,940,919)

f Net interest revenue 4,833,881,669 528,249,445 456,858,463 - - 5,818,989,577

g Depreciation and amortization (273,954,928) (94,623,187) (65,855,207) (52,020,584) (1,095,914) (487,549,820)

h Segment Profit 3,823,501,799 868,988,829 604,792,978 81,102,630 10,064,524 5,388,450,760

Entity's interest in the profit or loss

i of associates accounted for using - - - - - -
equity method

j Other material non-cash Items: - - - - - -

k Impairment of Assets 1,307,588,099 - (694,334) - 1,306,893,765

l Segment Assets 178,131,423,056 57,166,803,953 8,916,775,911 232,201,223 1,589,327 244,448,793,470

m Segment Liability 173,960,825,427 60,754,367,048 9,342,279,447 373,308,100 18,013,448 244,448,793,470

a. Revenue from external customers: the revenue from external customers have been
segregated in accordance with the nature and the type of the segment.
b. Inter segment revenue: Bank does not have inter unit cost charging mechanism
therefore inter segment revenue is not disclosed.
c. Net Revenue: Net revenue is same as the revenue from external customers as there
is no intersegment revenue.
d. Interest Revenue: Total interest income is bifurcated into those from the loans and
advances to the customers and interest earned from investments.
e. Interest Expense: Interest expense has been apportioned on the basis of the interest
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 131
f. Net interest revenue: Net interest revenue is Interest revenue less interest expense
g. Depreciation and amortisation: Bank’s assets are managed centrally, depreciation and
amortisations are apportioned according to income generation capacity of segments.
h. Segment Profit / Loss: the profit before tax has been apportion on the basis of the net
revenue from external customers in absence of cost allocation data for each of the
reported segment.
i. Profit from associates under equity method has been shown separately.
j. Other material non-cash items: - Bank does not have basis of allocation non-cash
assets to the segments, as it operates as a single comprehensive business unit.
k. Impairment of assets: has been allocated to the specific segment assets.
l. Segment Assets: Segment assets have been allocated in accordance with the nature
of the assets.
m. Segment Liabilities: Segment liabilities have been allocated in accordance with the
nature of the liabilities.
5.4.3 Measurement of Operating segment profit or loss, assets and liabilities
Transaction between reportable segments is reported as per the bank’s accounting
policy. There is no separate policy for measuring segments profit or loss, assets and
5.4.4 Reconciliation of reportable segments revenues, profit or loss, assets and liabilities

a) Revenue NPR

Total revenues for reportable segments 7,166,043,908

Other revenues
Elimination of intersegment revenues -
Entity's revenues 7,166,043,908
b) Profit or Loss
Total Profit or loss for reportable segments 5,388,450,760
Other profit or loss -
Elimination of intersegment profits -
Unallocated amounts
Profit Before Income Tax 5,388,450,760
c) Assets
Total Assets for reportable segments 244,448,793,470
Other assets
Unallocated amounts
Entity's assets 244,448,793,470
d) Liability
Total Assets for reportable segments 244,448,793,470
Other liabilities
Unallocated liabilities
Entity's liabilities 244,448,793,470

132 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5.4.5 Information about product and services
Product and Services NPR
Banking Operation 4,374,320,176
Treasury 1,510,876,691
Trade Finance 1,051,529,759
Card 211,818,490
Remittance 17,498,791
Total 7,166,043,908

5.4.6 Information about geographical areas

Province NPR
PROVINCE 1 290,351,523
PROVINCE 2 574,205,905
PROVINCE 3 4,827,325,510
PROVINCE 4 118,951,549
PROVINCE 5 1,218,550,638
PROVINCE 6 57,935,649
PROVINCE 7 78,723,135
Total 7,166,043,908

5.4.7 Information about major customers

Concentration of Borrowings, Credits and Deposits
A. Concentration of Credit exposures

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Total exposures to twenty largest borrowers
a. As per group (related party) 56,362,008,365 61,213,471,320
b. As per individual customer 37,444,664,051 42,117,869,100
Percentage of exposures to twenty largest
borrowers to Total Loans and Advances
a. As per group (related party) 33.52% 36.61%
b. As per individual customer 22.27% 25.19%

B.Concentration of Deposits
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Total exposures to twenty largest depositors
a. Group-wise 37,607,678,431 33,276,000,080
b. As per individual customer 3,477,836,210 3,004,570,733
Percentage of deposits from twenty largest
depositors to Total Deposits
a. Group-wise 20.20% 18.90%
b. As per individual customer 1.87% 1.71%

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 133

5.4.8 Information about major customers
None of the customer individually or as a group contribute to 10% or more of the bank’s
5.5 Share options and share based payments
A share-based payment is a transaction in which the bank receives goods or services
either as consideration for its equity instruments or by incurring liabilities for amounts
based on the price of the entity’s shares or other equity instruments of the entity.
There are no share options and employees and directors are not given any share based
payments whether equity settled or cash settled.
5.6 Contingent liabilities and commitments
Details of contingent liabilities and commitments are given in note 4.28
5.7 Related Parties
5.7.1 Identification of Related Parties
Following has been identified as related parties for Nepal Investment Bank Limited under
NAS 24 Related Parties
1. Directors of the Bank
2. Key Management Personnel of the Bank
3. Relatives of directors and key management personnel
4. Subsidiaries- NIBL Ace Capital Limited
and Associate companies- Flexiterm Private Limited, M Nepal Limited and National
Micro Finance BittiyaSanstha Ltd.
5. NIBL Employee Retirement Fund
5.7.2 Transactions during the period NPR
Particulars 2021-22 2020-21
Directors and Family
Director's Sitting Fees 2,761,000 2,972,000
Other Expenses 302,947 92,557
Interest Paid 2,189,036 3,362,065
Key Management Personnel and Family
Remuneration and benefits Paid 106,988,654 90,689,596
Interest paid 5,330,628 10,019,065
NIBL Ace Capital Limited
Dividend Received 66,690,000 57,000,000
Bonus Shares Received
Interest paid 1,567,536 898,575
Other Fee and cost Payable 1,100,000 1,100,000
NIBL Retirement Fund
Interest paid 45,954,108 42,371,226
National Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha
Dividend Received 3,993,584 3,069,449
Bonus Shares Received 31,948,700 13,862,000

134 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Salary, allowances and other benefits provided to CEO

S.N. Particulars NPR

1 Basic Salary 16,076,052

2 Allowances 10,717,356
3 Dashain Allowance 2,232,784
4 Provident Fund 1,607,605
5 Bonus 16,904,560
6 Leave encashment 572,572
TOTAL 48,110,929

Besides Salary and Allowances, following facilities were provided to Chief

Executive Officer:
1. Water/ Electricity/Telephone Bills are reimbursed as per actual to Chief
2. Vehicle with driver, fuel and repair and maintenance is provided to Chief Executive.
3. Bonus - as per Bonus Act.
4. Severance allowance as per Contract.
5. Accident Insurance, Medical Insurance, Life Insurance - as per Contract
6. Books & Periodicals are provided to Chief Executive.
7. Three security guards are provided to Chief Executive.
5.7.3 Reporting date balances

Year-end Balance 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Directors Deposits 35,380,752 48,886,767

KMP Deposits 10,7574,647 147,176,380
NIBL Capital 12,347,883 32,114,238
M Nepal Limited 197,022 65,356
Flexiterm Private Ltd 61,267 8,479
NIBL Retirement Fund 708,578,614 415,096,828

5.7.4 Board of Directors

1.Mr.Prithivi B. Pande’ (Chairman)
2.Mr. Surya P. L. Shrestha
3.Mr. Prajanya Raj Bhandary
4.Mr. Bhuwaneshwor P. Shah
5.Mr. Kabi Kumar Tibrewala
6.Ms.Manju Basnett
7.Mr. Bikash Thapa
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 135
5.7.5 Key Management Personnel

CEO Mr. Jyoti Prakash Pandey

DGMs Mr. Bijendra Suwal, Mr. Rabin Sijapati

Mr. Deepak Shrestha, Mr. Sachin Tibrewal, Ms. Sujata Joshi,

Ms. Nikita Maskey, Mr.Ujwol Manandhar

5.8 Merger and Acquisition

The bank has signed MOU with Mega Bank Limited on Jestha 27th 2079 for merger and
has received principle approval from Nepal Rastra Bank on Ashad 22nd 2079.

5.9 Additional disclosures of non-consolidated entities

The bank has no unconsolidated entities.

5.10 Loan written off / Recovery

A. Loans and advances of different parties amounting to NPR. 904,108,931 has been
written off during the fiscal year 2078-79.Correspondingly, loan loss provision on
written off loans of NPR 902,382,067has been written back which has been shown
in schedule 4.07.04.

Of the total loan written off, NPR 817 million pertains to C.M.C. The bank had
total outstanding of loan of NPR 1.07 billion with C.M.C. The client had filed with
insolvency court of Ravenna (Italy) a petition to be admitted to a court settlement
with creditors procedure. As per the court order, PFIs has been issued to bank for
a recovery of 20% of the original claim. Accordingly, bank has received 2,028,452
number ofParticipating Financial Instruments (PFI) instruments namely “SFP 2020”
of Euro 1,00 eachfrom C.M.C which has been booked in investment.

B. Further, there has been recovery of written off loans of NPR 2,900,000which were
written off in the year previous fiscal years. Details are mentioned as below:

Amount Recovered
Date of write off
in 2021-22

07/14/2017 200,000

01/14/2022 2,700,000

Total 2,900,000

136 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5.11 Non-Banking Assets (NBA)
Non-Banking Assets of the bank comprises of following parties worth NPR 573,017,236
as on Ashad end 2079.
Date of assume Total amount of
S.N. Borrower 's Name the Non-Banking Non-Banking
Assets Assets (Rs)
1 Ram Adhikari 11/20/2014 4,393,590

2 Raju Thapa Magar 6/27/2016 6,657,500

3 Radha Structure & Engineering 4/7/2016 5,508,000

4 Trishuli Construction 7/16/2019 55,441,000

5 Rewata Ghimire 7/15/2020 26,294,818

6 Shangai And Bankok- Gopal 2/14/2021 37,716,522

7 Shangai And Bankok- Shobha 2/14/2021 23,240,537

8 Manmohan Singh Baruwal 9/30/2016 7,321,500

9 Dev Prasad Bhurtel 10/28/2016 12,000,000

10 Min Prasad Upadhaya 7/13/2016 3,191,053

11 Ginu Shrestha 6/14/2016 5,889,930

12 Sushila Shrestha 6/14/2016 3,656,250

13 Rijesh Thapa 6/14/2016 3,104,080

14 Saraswati Devi Kurmi 7/24/2016 5,100,000

15 Kalyan Rijal 1/14/2019 5,400,000

26 Diwakar Sharma 6/26/2019 566,500

17 Sarvesh Marashini 6/18/2020 5,599,944

18 Kapilvastu Multi Agro Industries 1/14/2022 331,101,842

19 P B Khadhyan Suppliers 1/14/2022 30,834,170

Total 573,017,236

5.12 Capital Work in Progress (WIP)

Capital work in progress includes cost of property under construction at Lazimpat,
Kathmandu which is worth NPR 213,885,399.
5.13 Interest Capitalization
During the year, NPR 208.046 million interest accrued on various project loans has been
capitalized in line with NRB’s directives on interest capitalization.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 137

5.14 Investment Adjustment Reserve
Investment Adjustment Reserve of the bank as per the exemption provided by Nepal
Rastra Bank Directive 8 and other requirements as per the same directive as on Ashad
end 2079 includes investment in shares of various entities as mentioned below:

Particulars % Reserve Cost Price
Adjustment Reserve
Credit Information Centre Ltd exempted 3,705,600 -

CMC Di Ravenna unlisted 259,155,028 259,155,028

Nepal Clearing House Ltd exempted 5,506,200 -

ICRA Nepal Ltd unlisted 760,000 760,000

BFIN unlisted 3,000,000

Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd unlisted 5,000 5,000

National Banking Institute exempted 1,834,800 -

M Nepal Ltd unlisted 48,964,900 48,964,900

Flexiterm Ltd. unlisted 8,288,600 8,288,600

Swift Investment unlisted 4,733,868 4,733,868

NIBL Ace capital Ltd. exempted (51% 171,500,000 -

Total 324,907,396

5.15 Movement in Regulatory Reserve

Short Gain on Actuarial

FY Particulars Provision Bargain Loss Other Total
on NBA Purchase Recognized

2074/75 Opening 730,769,503 16,559,090 710,110,135 50,406,526 - 1,507,845,254

2075/76 Movement (530,002,141) 197,531,000 568,163,786 239,239 - 235,931,884

2076/77 Movement 272,995,204 (46,520,825) (1,278,273,921) 12,556,824 - (1,039,242,717)

2077/78 Movement 107,759,271 211,594,877 280,000,000 37,913,159 4,883,820 642,151,128

2078/79 Movement 440,495,745 (18,163,284) (280,000,000) 35,966,855 - 178,299,316

Total Closing 1,022,017,582 361,000,859 - 137,082,604 4,883,820 1,524,984,865

138 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5.16 Covid Related Disclosure

As of Asadh end

No. of Customers Amount (NRs.)

Accrued Interest Received after Asadh end 2079 till 15 Shrawan

3979 109,988,904

Additional 0.3% Loan Loss Provision created on Pass Loan Portfolio 16707 546,592,987

Extension of moratorium period of loan provided to Industry or Pro-

1 801,048,249
ject under construction

Restructured/Rescheduled Loan with 5% Loan Loss Provision 47 5,107,513,284

Enhancement of Working Capital Loan by 20% to COVID affected

24 594,514,317

Enhancement of Term Loan by 10% to COVID affected borrowers - -

Expiry Date of Additional 20% Working Capital Loan (COVID Loan)

24 594,514,317
extended for upto 1 year with 5% provisioning

Expiry Date of Additional 10% Term Loan (COVID Loan) extended for
- -
upto 1 year with 5% provisioning

Time Extension provided for repayment of Principal and Interest for

23 938,405,824
upto two years as per clause 41 of NRB Directives 2

5.17 Disclosure related to Refinance, Business Continuity and Subsidy Loan

As of Asadh end 2078/79
No. of Customers Amount (NRs.)
Refinance Loan 49 1,334,701,453

Business Continuity Loan 7 167,450,000

As of Asadh end 2079

No. of Customers Amount (NRs.)
Subsidized loan 4145 4,989,689,011

5.18 Events after reporting date

The Bank follows NAS 10 Events After Reporting Period for accounting and reporting of
the events that occur after the reporting period. Bank classifies those events as adjusting
and non-adjusting. There are no material events both adjusting and non-adjusting after
the reporting period.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 139

5.19 Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve Movements

Particulars FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21 FY 2019-20

Opening Reserve - 3,142,474 18,747,930

1% of Current Period Profit 37,976,040 35,586,058 24,231,861

Acquisition from City Express 28,194 -

Amount Spent - (38,756,726) (39,837,316)

Closing Balance 37,976,040 - 3,142,474

CSR Expenses sector wise disclosures

Sector Amount NPR

Financial, Economic and Industrial Development 6,081,931
Socio Economic Empowerment 41,000
Heritage Conservation And Preservation 21,026,905
Natural Disaster Management 1,466,404
Arts & Craft 900,000
Health and Sports 13,800,000
Education 1,371,580
Social Projects 7,841,000
Gender Equality and Empowerment Of Women 800,000
Cultural Program
TOTAL 53,328,820

CSR Expenses Province wise disclosures

Sector Amount NPR

Province 1 533,403
Province 2 335,791
Province 3 49,871,562
Province 4 644,053
Province 5 514,591
Province 6 84,310
Province 7 1,345,110
TOTAL 53,328,820

140 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5.20 Staff Training Reserve Movements

FY 2021-22 FY 2020-21

Opening Reserve 2,972,596 2,570,978

3% of LY staff cost ( salary and allowances) 27,876,142 -
Acquisition from City Express - 401,618
Amount Spent (9,447,765) -
Amount (transfer/(reversal) - -
Closing Balance 21,400,973 2,972,596

5.21 Nostro Reconciliation

Particulars Upto 1 Year 1-3 Years Above 3 Years Total

Agency Balance (NRB) 71,991,909 32,947,613 19,885,677 124,825,199

Agency Balance (Others) 260,153,898 1,271,509 2,545,814 263,971,221

The above balance includes debit/credit differences. The differences are recognized and reconciled on
daily basis.

5.22 Maturity Analysis of Lease Liability

As on Ashad
end 2079
Less than 1 year 137,517,186

More than 1 year 658,484,654

Total lease liability 796,001,840

The details of right of use asset, interest expenses and total cash outflows for leases of the bank is as
As on Ashad
end 2079
ROU Assets 837,310,940

Addition: ROU Assets 154,162,929

Gross ROU Assets 991,473,869

Accumulated Depreciation (215,746,842)

Net ROU Assets 775,727,027

Interest Expenses on lease liabilities 39,797,801

Total cash outflows for leases 223,976,478

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 141

5.23 Table of assets and liabilities in accordance to their liquidity
Assets 1-90 Days 91-180 Days 181-270 Days 271-365 Days Above one Year Total Amount

Cash Balance 3,550,317,163 - - - - 3,550,317,163

Balance with Banks & FIs 11,030,910,753 - - - - 11,030,910,753

Investment in Foreign Banks 8,926,606,500 - - 510,000,000 - 9,436,606,500

Call Money - - - - - -

Government Securities - 4,400,157,000 9,217,906,815 5,834,264,225 21,049,670,000 40,501,998,040

Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds - - - - - -

Inter Bank & FI Lending 1,402,500,000 - - - - 1,402,500,000

Loans & Advances 47,654,494,768 19,050,985,464 10,247,508,748 6,087,882,623 85,118,855,312 168,159,726,916

Interest Receivable 3,625,336,022 - - - - 3,625,336,022

Reverse Repo - - - - - -

Receivables from other

- - - - - -
Institutions under Commitment
Payment to be made for
- - - - - -
facilities under 20,21 & 22

Others - - - - 2,365,225,580 2,365,225,580

Total Assets (A) 76,190,165,207 23,451,142,464 19,465,415,563 12,432,146,848 108,533,750,893 240,072,620,975


Current Deposits 16,046,373,066 3,823,322,051 5,734,983,077 3,823,322,051 13,381,627,180 42,809,627,426

Saving Deposits 47,964,987,019 - - - - 47,964,987,019

Fixed Deposits 26,264,181,470 20,903,626,185 14,204,691,575 14,512,197,764 15,511,153,925 91,395,850,919

Debentures - - - - 6,000,000,000 6,000,000,000

Borrowings: 552,751,388 4,783,165,000 - 400,000,000 112,700,000 5,848,616,388

(a) Call/Short Notice - - - - - -

(b) Inter-bank/Financial
552,751,388 - - - - 552,751,388

(c) Refinance - 958,165,000 - 400,000,000 112,700,000 1,470,865,000

(d) Others - 3,825,000,000 - - - 3,825,000,000

Other Liabilities and Provisions 1,268,881,509 - - - - 1,268,881,509

(a) Sundry Creditors 584,484,454 - - - - 584,484,454

(b) Bills Payable - - - - - -

(c) Interest Payable 684,397,055 - - - - 684,397,055

(d) Provisions - - - - - -

(e) Others - - - - - -

Payable to other institutions

- - - - - -
under Commitment

Unutilized Approved Facilities - - - - - -

Letter of Credit/Guarantee
28,575,663,697 7,765,539,490 3,521,824,568 1,697,968,005 12,057,696,980 53,618,692,739
(Net of Margin)

Repo - - - - - -

Payment to be made for facili-

- - - - - -
ties under S.No 11

Others - - - - - -

Total Liabilities (B) 120,672,838,148 37,275,652,726 23,461,499,220 20,433,487,820 47,063,178,085 248,906,655,998

Net Financial Assets (A-B) (44,482,672,941) (13,824,510,262) (3,996,083,657) (8,001,340,971) 61,470,572,807 (8,834,035,024)

Cumulative Net Financial

(44,482,672,941) (58,307,183,203) (62,303,266,860) (70,304,607,831) (8,834,035,024) 0

142 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

5.24 Earning Per share

Earning Per Share Group Bank

16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021 16-Jul-2022 15-Jul-2021

Opening 162,573,295 142,489,545 162,573,295 142,489,545

Weight 1 1 1 1

Bonus 20,502,118 18,523,641 20,502,118 18,523,640.85

weight 1 1 1 1

Fraction - 360,109 - 360,109

AGM date for confirmation of bonus 3-Dec-2021 21-Jan-2021 3-Dec-2021 21-Jan-2021

weight - 0.48 0.48

Further / Right / Merger - 1,200,000 - 1,200,000

Acquisition / Allotment date - 24-Jan-2021 - 24-Jan-2021

weight - 0.47 - 0.47

Total number of shares (gross) 183,075,413 162,573,295 183,075,413 162,573,295

Weighted number of shares 183,075,413 161,751,320 183,075,413 161,751,320

PAT 3,900,531,312 3,702,344,174 3,797,603,953 3,558,755,253

Weighted EPS 21.31 22.89 20.74 22.00

5.25 Distribution to shareholders

The Bank’s 577th Board meeting has proposed total dividend of 11.00% (NPR
2,013,829,546) of which,7.00% cash dividend (NPR 1,281,527,893) and 4% stock
dividend (NPR 732,301,653) for the fiscal year 2021-22 subject to approval from NRB
and annual general meeting. The appropriation of dividend is as follows:

• 7.00% cash dividend from Retained Earning and

• 4.00% stock dividend from Debenture Redemption Reserve.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 143

5.26 Principal Indicators
5 Years Principal Indicators

F/Y 2017/2018 F/Y 2018/2019 F/Y 2019/2020 F/Y 2020/2021 F/Y 2021/2022
Particulars Indicators
(F/Y 074/75) (F/Y 075/76) (F/Y 076/77) (F/Y 077/78) (F/Y 078/79)

1. Percent of Net Profit/ Operating Income Percent 46.10 39.82 30.00 42.39 47.07

2. Earning Per Share (Basic) Rs. 35.7 26.4 17.0 22.0 20.7

3. Market Value Per Share Rs. 621 519 431 460 265

4. Price Earning Ratio Ratio 17.4 19.6 25.3 20.9 12.8

5. Dividend (including bonus) on share capital Percent 40.0 19.0 18.5 16.0 11.0

6. Cash Dividend on Share Capital Percent 22.0 8.5 5.5 3.389 4.0

7. Interest Income/ Loan & Advances Percent 11.0 10.9 10.1 8.2 8.7

8. Staff Expenses/ Total operating Expenses Percent 63.6 59.1 56.3 60.3 60.8

9. Interest Expenses on Total Deposit and Borrowings Percent 5.8 6.1 6.0 4.6 5.7

10.Exchange Gain/ Operating Income Percent 8.6 11.0 11.5 9.1 8.4

11.Staff Bonus/ Total Staff Expenses Percent 37.6 32.2 27.05 32.91 31.94

12.Net Profit/Loan and Advances (Gross) Percent 3.0 2.5 1.7 2.1 2.3

13.Net Profit/Total Assets Ratio 2.13 1.79 1.19 1.56 1.55

14. Credit Deposit Ratio with Equity (CCD LCY) Percent 74.7 71.97 72.93 75.12 85.1

15.Total Operating Expenses**/ Total Assets Percent 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3

16.Adequacy of Capital Fund on Risk Weighted Assets

a. Core Capital Percent 11.58 11.39 11.77 11.11 12.15

b. Supplementary Capital Percent 1.08 1.87 1.77 3.60 3.81

c. Total Capital Fund Percent 12.66 13.26 13.54 14.71 15.96

17.Liquidity (CRR) Percent 8.2 5.5 8.7 4.4 3.1

18.Non-performing credit/ Total credit Ratio 1.36 2.78 2.91 2.46 1.49

19. Base Rate Percent 9.02 8.74 8.36 6.40 7.47

20.Weighted Average Interest Rate Spread Percent 4.30 4.32 4.83 3.89 3.22

21.Total Net-worth (Net Assets) Rs. '000 24,871,022 25,579,196 27,173,163,731 32,234,911,628 33,991,914,255

22.Total Shares No. 106,455,990 128,697,491 142,489,545 162,573,295 183,075,413

23.Total Staffs No. 1,355 1,408 1,437 1,506 1,518

24.Book Value Per Share Rs. 234 199 191 198 186

25. Return on Paid-Up Capital Percent 34.4 25.8 17.0 22.0 20.7

26. Return on Shareholders' fund Percent 14.7 13.0 8.9 11.0 11.1

27. Market Capitalization (in Billion) Rs. 66.1 66.8 61.4 74.8 48.5

28. Total number of Branches No. 77 81 82 86 88

29. Total number of ATMs No. 101 117 125 130 132

30. Total employee expenses per employee Rs. '000 673 744 733 761 840

31. Total Deposit per employee Rs. '000 103,374 107,153 117,322 116,897 122,669

32.Employee expense/ Total income Percent 18.4 18.5 17.9 20.3 23.2

144 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Comparison of Unaudited and Audited Financial Statements as of FY 2021/22 (2078/79)

Statement of Financial Position As per As per Variance

unaudited Audited
Reasons for Variance
Financial Financial
Assets Statement Statement In amount In %

Cash and Cash Equivalent 11,148,236 11,148,236 - 0.00%

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 5,637,282 5,637,282 - 0.00%

Placements with Banks and FIs 8,778,707 8,778,707 - 0.00%

Derivative financial instruments - - - 0.00%

Other trading assets - - - 0.00%

Loans and advances to B/FIs 7,659,343 7,659,343 (0) 0.00%

due to additional provision during finalization of ac-
Loans and advances to customers 157,469,744 157,157,095 (312,649) -0.20%

Investment Securities 44,572,875 44,572,883 7 0.00%

Current tax assets 316,907 436,404 119,498 37.71% due to change in profit

Investments in subsidiaries 171,500 171,500 - 0.00%

Investments in associates 82,363 82,363 - 0.00%

Investment Property 923,413 573,017 (350,396) -37.95% due to booking of fixed assets from NBA

Property and Equipment 4,185,658 4,536,008 350,351 8.37% due to booking of fixed assets from NBA

Goodwill and Intangible assets 75,349 75,349 0 0.00%

Deferred tax assets - - - 0.00%

Other assets 3,628,040 3,620,607 (7,432) -0.20%

Total Assets 244,649,415 244,448,793 (200,622) -0.08%

Capital and Liabilities

Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 1,973,920 1,973,920 - 0.00%

Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 6,470,865 6,470,865 - 0.00%

Derivative Financial Instruments 5,239 5,239 - 0.00%

Deposits from customers 184,791,072 184,791,072 (0) 0.00%

Borrowings 3,825,000 3,825,000 - 0.00%

Current tax liabilities - - - 0.00%

Provisions - - - 0.00%

Deferred tax liabilities 1,126,278 1,099,513 (26,764) -2.38%

Other Liabilities 6,183,114 6,291,270 108,156 1.75%

Debt securities issued 6,000,000 6,000,000 - 0.00%

Subordinated liabilities - - - 0.00%

Total Liabilities 210,375,487 210,456,879 81,392


Share capital 18,307,541 18,307,541 - 0.00%

Share premium - - - 0.00%

Retained earnings 1,288,376 1,307,666 19,290 1.50%

Reserves 14,678,011 14,376,707 (301,304) -2.05% due to change in profit

Total equity attributable to equity holders 34,273,928 33,991,914 (282,014) -0.82%

Non-Controlling Interest -

Total Liabilities and Equity 244,649,415 244,448,793 (200,622) -0.08% -

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 145

Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Comparison of Unaudited and Audited Financial Statements as of FY 2021/22 (2078/79)

Statement of Financial Position As per As per Variance

unaudited Audited
Reasons for Variance
Financial Financial
Assets Statement Statement In amount In %

Statement of Profit or Loss

Interest income 16,833,981 16,703,930 (130,051) -0.77% due to reversal of interest

Interest expense (10,884,913) (10,884,941) (28) 0.00%

Net interest income 5,949,068 5,818,990 (130,079) -2.19%

Fee and commission income 1,584,768 1,592,634 7,866 0.50%

Fee and commission expense (319,598) (319,598) - 0.00%

Net fee and commission income 1,265,170 1,273,036 7,866 0.62%

Net interest, fee and commission income 7,214,239 7,092,025 (122,213) -1.69%

Net trading income 667,252 667,252 - 0.00%

Other operating income 369,015 307,975 (61,040) -16.54% due to reclassification of gain on investment securities

Total operating income 8,250,506 8,067,253 (183,253) -2.22%

Impairment charge/(reversal) for loans and oth- due to additional impairment allowance during finaliza-
1,620,719 1,306,894 (313,826) -19.36%
er losses tion of audit

Net operating income 9,871,225 9,374,147 (497,079) -5.04%

Personnel expenses (1,934,418) (1,874,385) 60,033 -3.10%

Other operating expenses (722,552) (722,552) - 0.00%

Depreciation and Amortisation (486,654) (487,550) (896) 0.18%

Total operating expenses (3,143,624) (3,084,487) 59,137 -1.88%

Operating profit 6,727,601 6,289,660 (437,942) -6.51%

Non operating income 2,900 2,900 - 0.00%

Non operating expense (904,109) (904,109) - 0.00%

Profit before tax 5,826,392 5,388,451 (437,942) -7.52%

Income tax

Current Tax (1,740,009) (1,620,511) 119,498 -6.87% due to change in profit

Deferred Tax - 29,664 29,664 #DIV/0! due to deferred tax adjustments in additional liabilities

Profit /(loss) for the period 4,086,384 3,797,604 (288,780) -7.07%

146 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Unaudited Quarterly Result
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As on Quarter ended 2079 Ashad 32

Group Bank
lmmediate lmmediate
This Quarter This Quarter
Previous Year Previous Year
Assets Ending Ending
Ending (Audited) Ending (Audited)

Ashad 32 2079 Ashadh 31 2078 Ashad 32 2079 Ashadh 31 2078

Cash and Cash Equivalent 13,070,634 7,956,106 11,148,236 7,012,723

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 5,637,282 7,417,254 5,637,282 7,417,254
Placements with Banks and FIs 8,778,707 8,136,780 8,778,707 8,136,780
Derivative financial instruments - 36,747 - 36,747
Other trading assets 73,387 92,076 - -
Loans and advances to B/FIs 7,659,343 5,094,851 7,659,343 5,094,851
Loans and advances to customers 157,469,744 156,816,677 157,469,744 156,816,677
Investment Securities 45,410,697 36,784,782 44,572,875 35,168,049
Current tax assets 328,708 589,834 316,907 586,042
Investments in subsidiaries - - 171,500 171,500
Investments in associates 275,293 207,665 82,363 82,363
Investment Property 923,413 601,848 923,413 601,848
Property and Equipment 4,221,157 4,106,742 4,185,658 4,076,387
Goodwill and Intangible assets 77,256 114,436 75,349 112,239
Deferred tax assets - - - -
Other assets 3,864,718 2,713,435 3,628,040 2,616,668
Total Assets 247,790,339 230,669,233 244,649,415 227,930,127

Group Bank
lmmediate lmmediate
This Quarter This Quarter
Liabilities Previous Year Previous Year
Ending Ending
Ending (Audited) Ending (Audited)

Ashad 32 2079 Ashadh 31 2078 Ashad 32 2079 Ashadh 31 2078

Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 1,973,920 4,840,265 1,973,920 4,840,265

Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 6,470,865 3,575,647 6,470,865 3,575,647
Derivative Financial Instruments 5,239 - 5,239 -
Deposits from customers 184,778,724 174,525,590 184,791,072 174,557,704
Borrowings 3,825,000 - 3,825,000 -
Current tax liabilities - - - -
Provisions 2,246 2,246 - -
Deferred tax liabilities 1,132,627 1,799,266 1,126,278 1,792,917
Other Liabilities 8,816,791 6,530,469 6,183,114 4,178,682
Debt securities issued 6,000,000 6,750,000 6,000,000 6,750,000
Subordinated liabilities - - - -
Total Liabilities 213,005,412 198,023,483 210,375,487 195,695,215
Share capital 18,307,541 16,257,330 18,307,541 16,257,330
Share premium - 4,798 - 4,798
Retained earnings 1,768,170 2,226,187 1,288,376 1,836,617
Reserves 14,709,216 14,157,435 14,678,011 14,136,167
Total equity attributable to equity holders 34,784,927 32,645,750 34,273,928 32,234,912
Non-Controlling Interest - - - -
Total equity 34,784,927 32,645,750 34,273,928 32,234,912
Total Liabilities and Equity 247,790,339 230,669,233 244,649,415 227,930,127
Net assets value per share 190 201 187 198

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 147

Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss
For the Quarter ended 2079 Ashad

Group Bank

Previous Year Previous Year

Current Year Current Year
Particulars Corresponding (Audited) Corresponding (Audited)

Up to This Up to This Up to This Up to This

This This This This
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter

Interest income 5,501,768 16,919,413 3,265,259 13,797,247 5,476,400 16,833,981 3,244,701 13,712,045

Interest expense (3,434,253) (10,883,346) (1,946,683) (8,118,093) (3,434,860) (10,884,913) (1,946,831) (8,118,991)

Net interest income 2,067,515 6,036,068 1,318,577 5,679,155 2,041,540 5,949,068 1,297,870 5,593,054

Fees and Commission income 1,599,935 2,881,454 487,417 1,550,993 456,080 1,584,768 424,331 1,362,039

Fees and Commission expense (103,714) (339,720) (75,098) (277,522) (97,980) (319,598) (73,136) (245,403)

Net fee and commission income 1,496,220 2,541,734 412,319 1,273,471 358,100 1,265,170 351,195 1,116,636

Net interest, fee and commission

3,563,736 8,577,802 1,730,896 6,952,625 2,399,640 7,214,239 1,649,064 6,709,690

Net trading income 106,319 661,151 218,473 786,695 108,289 667,252 210,327 747,864

Other operating income 20,149 303,491 338,396 880,641 19,933 369,015 338,452 937,463

Total Operating Income 3,690,204 9,542,444 2,287,765 8,619,962 2,527,862 8,250,506 2,197,844 8,395,017

Impairment (charges)/reversals for loans

1,589,201 1,620,719 (406,591) (441,670) 1,589,201 1,620,719 (406,591) (441,670)
& other losses

Net operating income 5,279,404 11,163,163 1,881,173 8,178,292 4,117,062 9,871,225 1,791,252 7,953,348

Operating expenses (2,144,104) (4,355,492) (823,443) (2,919,167) (1,015,373) (3,143,624) (800,245) (2,833,829)

Personnel Expenses (694,890) (2,007,266) (510,298) (1,769,232) (677,173) (1,934,418) (492,741) (1,708,094)

Other Operating Expenses (1,164,069) (1,851,739) (246,160) (881,280) (55,648) (722,552) (242,523) (865,493)

Depreciation and Amortization (285,145) (496,487) (66,985) (268,656) (282,552) (486,654) (64,982) (260,243)

Operating profit 3,135,300 6,807,671 1,057,730 5,259,125 3,101,689 6,727,601 991,007 5,119,518

Non operating income 16,242 70,529 33,446 68,073 2,900 2,900 536 4,080

Non operating expense (817,141) (904,109) 0 (64,726) -817,141 (904,109) 0 (64,726)

Profit before income tax 2,334,401 5,974,091 1,091,176 5,262,472 2,287,448 5,826,392 991,543 5,058,872

Income tax expense

Current Tax (688,409) (1,784,037) (323,566) (1,582,730) (678,325) (1,740,009) (311,115) (1,531,314)

Deferred Tax - 22,452 22,451.81 - 31,047 31,047.34

Profit for the period 1,645,992 4,190,055 790,062 3,702,195 1,609,123 4,086,384 711,475 3,558,606

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Profit/(loss) for the period 1,645,992 4,190,055 790,062 3,702,195 1,609,123 4,086,384 711,475 3,558,606

Other Comprehensive lncome (525,422) (1,555,491) 1,179,640 2,007,032 (525,422) (1,555,491) 1,168,157 1,995,549

Total Comprehensive lncome (525,422) (1,555,491) 1,179,640 2,007,032 (525,422) (1,555,491) 1,168,157 1,995,549

Basic earnings per share 22.89 22.89 22.32 22.00

Dituted earnings per share 22.89 22.89 22.32 22.00

Profit attributable to:

Equity hotders of the Bank 1,120,570 2,634,564 1,969,702 5,709,227 1,083,701 2,530,893 1,879,632 5,554,155

Non-controlling i nterest

Total 1,120,570 2,634,564 1,969,702 5,709,227 1,083,701 2,530,893 1,879,632 5,554,155

148 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Five Years Financial Summary
Balance Sheet
Rs. in’000
Fiscal Year 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79
Assets 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022

Cash and Cash Equivalent 10,610,892 13,520,574 7,538,029 7,012,723 11,148,236

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 7,389,706 10,860,922 14,321,971 7,417,254 5,637,282
Placements with Banks and FIs 10,246,404 8,498,974 7,964,992 8,136,780 8,778,707
Derivative financial instruments 30,855 436,888 133,977 36,747 -
Other trading assets - - - - -
Loans and advances to B/FIs 2,502,926 4,274,416 4,920,062 5,094,851 7,659,343
Loans and advances to customers 118,322,570 122,866,554 135,082,099 156,816,677 157,157,095
Investment Securities 17,154,379 16,973,475 26,078,437 35,168,049 44,572,883
Current tax assets 346,852 501,180 715,878 586,042 436,404
Investments in subsidiaries 238,160 171,500 171,500 171,500 171,500
Investments in associates 33,289 82,364 82,363 82,363 82,363
Investment Property 16,559 214,090 265,983 601,848 573,017
Property and Equipment 3,727,972 4,042,456 4,010,977 4,076,387 4,536,008
Goodwill and Intangible assets 61,464 90,628 124,619 112,239 75,349
Deferred tax assets - - - - -
Other assets 1,211,518 3,307,966 1,613,011 2,616,668 3,620,607
Total Assets 171,893,547 185,841,988 203,023,897 227,930,127 244,448,793

Capital & Liabilities 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2018/2019 2021/2022

Due to Banks and Financial Institutions 3,742,408 2,790,963 2,462,217 4,840,265 1,973,920
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 505,848 940,267 2,723 3,575,647 6,470,865
Derivative Financial Instruments - - - - 5,239
Deposits from customers 136,585,576 149,392,282 166,362,126 174,557,704 184,791,072
Borrowings - - - - 3,825,000
Current tax liabilities - - - - -
Provisions - - - - -
Deferred tax liabilities 868,925 865,207 968,729 1,792,917 1,099,513
Other Liabilities 4,069,767 3,024,074 2,804,939 4,178,682 6,291,270
Debt securities issued 1,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 6,750,000 6,000,000
Subordinated liabilities - - - -
Total Liabilities 147,022,524 160,262,792 175,850,733 195,695,215 210,456,879
Equity - -
Share capital 10,645,599 12,869,749 14,248,955 16,257,330 18,307,541
Share premium 1,718,454 105,649 32,599 4,798 -
Retained earnings 2,735,026 2,064,662 2,622,386 1,836,617 1,307,666
Reserves 9,771,943 10,539,136 10,269,224 14,136,167 14,376,707
Total equity attributable to equity holders 24,871,022 25,579,196 27,173,164 32,234,912 33,991,914
Non-Controlling Interest - -
Total Liabilities and Equity 171,893,547 185,841,988 203,023,897 227,930,127 244,448,793
Contingent Liabilities & commitment
Net assets value per share 234 199 191 198 186
Total Liabilities 171,893,547 185,841,988 203,023,897 227,930,127 244,448,793

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 149

Five Years Financial Summary
Profit & Loss Account
Fiscal Year 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79
Particulars 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022

1. Interest Income 13,574,102 14,975,215 15,201,326 13,712,045 16,703,930

2. Interest Expenses (7,723,924) (8,801,709) (9,423,657) (8,118,991) (10,884,941)

Net Interest Income 5,850,178 6,173,506 5,777,669 5,593,054 5,818,990

Fees and Commission income 1,429,754 1,442,867 1,513,164 1,362,039 1,592,634

Fees and Commission expense (211,923) (339,737) (315,998) (245,403) (319,598)

Net fee and commission income 1,217,831 1,103,130 1,197,165 1,116,636 1,273,036

Net interest, fee and commission income 7,068,009 7,276,637 6,974,834 6,709,690 7,092,025

Net trading income 654,481 890,844 871,873 747,864 667,252

Other operating income 208,295 180,329 230,124 937,463 307,975

Total Operating Income 7,930,785 8,347,809 8,076,831 8,395,017 8,067,253

Impairment (charges)/reversals for loans & other
(675,208) (1,596,610) (1,997,245) (441,670) 1,306,894
Net operating income 7,255,578 6,751,200 6,079,586 7,953,348 9,374,147

Personnel Expenses (1,467,836) (1,546,163) (1,442,949) (1,708,094) (1,874,385)

Other operating expense (641,031) (854,242) (862,095) (865,493) (722,552)

Depreciation and Amortization (187,796) (217,421) (259,301) (260,243) (487,550)

Total operating expenses (2,296,662) (2,617,826) (2,564,346) (2,833,829) (3,084,487)

Operating profit 4,958,916 4,133,374 3,515,240 5,119,518 6,289,660

Non operating income 48,280 650,919 3,317 4,080 2,900

Non operating expense (66,975) (297,758) (6,288) (64,726) (904,109)

Profit before income tax 4,940,221 4,486,534 3,512,270 5,058,872 5,388,451

Income tax expense

- Current Year (1,464,507) (1,153,110) (1,087,060) (1,531,314) (1,620,511)

- Upto Previous Year - - - - -

- Deferred Tax Income / (Expense) 183,609 (9,311) (2,023) 31,047 29,664

Net Profit/ Loss 3,659,323 3,324,113 2,423,186 3,558,606 3,797,604

150 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

As at ASHAD End 2079
1. Capital Structure & Capital Adequacy Amount in NPR
Core Capital (Tier I) 29,003,831,150
Paid up Equity Share Capital 18,307,541,323
Share Premium -
Proposed Bonus Equity Shares -
Statutory General Reserves 7,528,121,523
Retained Earnings upto Previous Year 1,307,665,791
Acquisition Reserve -
Unaudited current year cumulative profit -
Debenture Redemption Reserve 2,216,666,667
Capital Adjustment Reserve -
Less : Intangible Assets (75,348,820)
Less. Investment in equity of institutions with financial interests (228,753,500)
Less. Investment in equity of institutions in excess of limits (22,667,834)
Less.Other Deductions (29,394,000)
Supplementary Capital (Tier 2) 9,086,879,315
Subordinated Term Debt 6,000,000,000
Less : 20% discount value to 5YTM Bond/ Debenture (800,000,000)
General loan loss provision 3,449,942,875
Exchange Equalization Reserve 112,029,045
Investment Adjustment Reserve 324,907,396
Other Reserves -
Total Capital Fund (Tier I and Tier II) 38,090,710,465
Information about Subordinated Term Debts
8% Debenture of Rs.1000 each issued on 21-07-2013(2070-04-06)
and Maturing On 20-07-2020(2077-04-05)
Outstanding balance of Redemption Reserve - -
8% Debenture of Rs.1000 each issued on 27-07-2014(2071-04-11)
and Maturing on 26-07-2021(2078-04-10)
Outstanding balance of Redemption Reserve 750,000,000 -
10.25% Debenture of Rs.1000 each issued on 19-06-2019
(2076-03-04) and Maturing on 28-06-2026(2081-03-03)
Outstanding balance of Redemption Reserve 400,000,000 -
8.5% Debenture of Rs.1000 each issued on 21-02-2021
(2077-10-09) and Maturing on 20-02-2028(2084-10-08)
Outstanding balance of Redemption Reserve - -
Total 1,150,000,000 6,000,000,000
Deductions from Capital
20% Discount value to 5 YTM Debenture (800,000,000)
Total Qualifying Capital 5,200,000,000

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 151

Tier 1 Capital to Total Risk Weighted Exposures 12.15%
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital to Total Risk Weighted Exposures 15.96%

Summary of the Banks internal approach to assess the adequacy of its capital to support current & future

- Regular monitoring by the Internal Audit & Compliance Department

- `Periodic supervision by the Top management

Features of Subordinated Term Debts (Debenture)

- Fixed Maturity period of 7 Years

-         Interest payment half yearly
-         At the time of liquidation rights of claim will be only after depositors
-         Listed with Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd.
-         Redeemable and non convertible

2.Risk Exposures
Amount in NPR


Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 216,834,190,208
Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 12,111,535,764
Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 431,909,552
Add:2% of the total RWE As Per NRB Instruction 6,881,329,066
Add:3% Capital Charge For Operational Risk 2,465,180,912
Total Risk Weighted Exposures 238,724,145,502

Risk Weighted exposure under each of 11 categories of Credit Risk

Particulars Risk Weighted Exposure

a.Claims on government & central bank -
b.Claims on other official entities -
c.Claims on banks 7,264,663,544
d.Claims on corporate & securities firms 131,995,498,776
e.Claims on regulatory retail portfolio 5,243,871,313
f. Claims secured by residential properties 1,094,070,252
g.Claims secured by commercial real state 2,756,769,779
h.Past due claims 1,436,676,596
i.High risk claims 12,509,826,513
j.Other assets 11,145,393,755
k.Off balance sheet items 43,387,419,678
Total 216,834,190,208

152 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Amount of NPA’s Amount in NPR
Category Gross Provision Net
Substandard 223,481,470 55,870,368 167,611,103
Doubtful 483,422,136 241,711,068 241,711,068
Loss 1,802,598,488 1,802,598,488 -
Total 2,509,502,094 2,100,179,923 409,322,171

NPA Ratio
Gross NPA to Gross Advances 1.49%
Net NPA to Net Advances 0.25%

Movement of NPA Amount in NPR

Particulars Opening Balance Closing Balance Movement
Non Performing Loan 4,105,023,353 2,509,502,094 (1,595,521,259)
1 Substandard 406,855,269 223,481,470 (183,373,799)
2 Doubtful 176,033,764 483,422,136 307,388,372
3 Loss 3,522,134,320 1,802,598,488 (1,719,535,832)

Write off of Loans & Interest Suspense: Amount in NPR

Particulars Loan Amount Interest Suspense Provision write back
Total Loan Write off 904,108,933 782,848,804 1,511,710,097

Movement of Loan Loss Provision & Interest Suspense Amount in NPR

Particulars Opening Balance Closing Balance Movement
Loan Loss Provision
1. Pass 1,754,063,633 1,732,238,565 (21,825,068.05)
2. Watch List 1,389,735,099 1,713,300,851 323,565,752
3. Substandard 101,713,817 55,870,368 (45,843,449)
4. Doubtful 88,516,882 241,711,068 153,194,186
5. Loss 3,522,134,320 1,802,598,488 (1,719,535,832)
6. PG & Third Party Collateral 2,079,901 4,403,458 2,323,557
Total Loan Loss Provision 6,858,243,652 5,550,122,798 (1,308,120,854)

Interest Suspense Amount in NPR

Particulars Opening Balance Closing Balance Movement
Interest Suspense 1,377,225,740 1,022,295,609 (354,930,131)

Details of Additional Loan Loss Provision Amount in NPR

Particulars Opening Balance Closing Balance Movement
Total Loan Loss Provision 6,858,243,652 5,550,122,798 (1,308,120,854)

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 153

Segregation of Investment Portfolio Amount in NPR

Amount Impaired till
Investment Held to Maturity Cost Price Rs. (A) Net
Previous Year Rs.
Nepal Government Treasury Bills 19,452,328,040 19,452,328,040
Nepal Government Savings Bond 21,049,670,000 21,049,670,000
Nepal Government Other Securities -
Nepal Rastra Bank Bond - -
Foreign Bonds - -
Local Licensed Institutions-Placement with Local Banks - -
Local Licensed Institutions' Shares -
Local Licensed Institutions' Debentures & Bond - -
Foreign Bank Placements 9,436,606,500 9,436,606,500
Other Investment 134,311,382 134,311,382
Total 50,072,915,921 - 50,072,915,921

Investment Held For Trading NIL NIL NIL

Amount in NPR
Previous Current Current year
Investment (Available for Sale) Cost Price market Market Adjustment in
price Price Investment Reserve
Nepal Government Treasury Bills
Nepal Government Savings Bond
Nepal Government Other Securities
Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds
Foreign Bonds
Local Licensed Institutions' Shares *** 107,123,743 3,060,835,679 1,839,285,394
Local Licensed Institutions' Mutual Fund 874,039,557 666,695,527 821,690,946
Foreign Bank Placements
Other Investment 1,384,062,281 913,922,763 2,241,518,994
Total 2,365,225,580 4,641,453,968 4,902,495,333 -

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

***Note: Incase of unlisted share Cost price is taken as Market Price.
Risk Management Process

Nepal Investment Bank has tailored its risk management program to its needs and circumstances. Regardless of the
risk management program design, each program should cover:

Risk identification

In order to properly manage risks, an institution must recognize and understand risks that may arise from both
existing and new business initiatives; for example, risks inherent in lending activity include credit, liquidity, interest
rate and operational risks. Risk identification should be a continuing process, and should be understood at both the
transaction and portfolio levels.

Risk Measurement

Once risks have been identified, they should be measured in order to determine their impact on the banking
institution’s profitability and capital. This can be done using various simple models. Accurate and timely
measurement of risk is essential to effective risk management systems. An institution that does not have a risk
measurement system has limited ability to control or monitor risk levels. Banking institutions should periodically
test their risk measurement tools to make sure they are accurate. Good risk measurement systems assess the risks
of both individual transactions and portfolios.

Risk Monitoring

Institutions should put in place an effective management information system (MIS) to monitor risk levels and
facilitate timely review of risk positions and exceptions. Monitoring reports should be frequent, timely, accurate,
and informative and should be distributed to appropriate individuals to ensure action, when needed.

Risk Control

After measuring risk, an institution should establish and communicate risk limits through policies, standards, and
procedures that define responsibility and authority. These limits should serve as a means to control exposure to
various risks associated with the banking institution’s activities. Institutions may also apply various mitigating tools
in minimizing exposure to various risks. Institutions should have a process to authorize and document Exceptions
or changes to risk limits when warranted.

A sound risk management system should have the following elements:

• Active board and senior management oversight; (BMO)
• Adequate policies, procedures and limits; (PPL)
• Adequate risk measurement, monitoring and management information system (MIS); and Comprehensive
internal controls. (ICs)

Active Board and Senior Management Oversight

Boards of directors have ultimate responsibility for the level of risk taken by Nepal Investment Bank Limited.
Accordingly, they should approve the overall business strategies and significant policies of NIBL, including those
related to managing and taking risks, and should also ensure that senior management is fully capable of managing
the activities that NIBL undertake. While all boards of directors are responsible for understanding the nature of
the risks significant to NIBL and for ensuring that management is taking the steps necessary to identify, measure,
monitor, and control these risks.

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 155

Senior management is responsible for implementing strategies in a manner that limits risks associated with
each strategy and that ensures compliance with laws and regulations on both a long-term and day-to-day basis.
Accordingly, management should be fully involved in the activities of NIBL and possess sufficient knowledge of all
major business lines to ensure that appropriate policies, controls, and risk monitoring systems are in place and that
accountability and lines of authority are clearly delineated. Senior management is also responsible for establishing
and communicating a strong awareness of and need for effective internal controls and high ethical standards.

Strategies and Processes

Credit risk process is a joint effort between its marketing and credit areas. Relationship managers and account
officers on one hand, and the credit officers on the other are engaged in analyzing inherent risks in the customer’s
business, ability to repay and structure a facility that simultaneously accommodates the financing needs, while
assuring seniority, protection and control of the Bank’s assets and collateral.

The Structure and Organization of the Relevant Risk Management Function

The Board of Directors (BOD) is the ultimate authority in the decision making process. The process, however, is
initiated at the business unit officers / business unit heads / ALCO level, Risk Management department and goes
through the Chief Executive Officer, Risk management committee and the BOD. The risk management stops at
different levels depending on the Bank’s policy relating to approval discretions. Further policy manuals on credit,
asset liability, information technology & operations are also available to guide the staff on day to day business.

The Scope and Nature of Risk Reporting and / or Measurement Systems

Risk reporting / measurement system is done through regular customer interactions, site inspections & annual
reviews. These are continuous processes. Further, quarterly review of the bank’s performance is conducted every
quarter and findings reported to the BOD.

Policies for Hedging and / or mitigating risk and Strategies, and processes for monitoring the continuing
effectiveness of hedges / mitigants

Policies for mitigating risks & strategies are as outlined in the respective manuals and as discussed at various levels
after customer interactions / visits, during annual reviews, quarterly reviews and at meetings at various levels.

Types of Eligible credit risk mitigants used and the benefits availed under CRM:

Particulars Eligible CRM

Deposits with Bank 6,314,353,593

Deposits with other banks/FI -

Gold 1,821,145,441

Govt. & NRB Securities 2.824.510

Government Guarantee 379,595,278

Sec/G’tee of Foreign Banks 4,858,420,753

Total 13,376,339,575

156 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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bfo/ gePsf] .
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pk/f]Qm r'gf}lt ;dfwfg ug{ Joj;fo ljljwLs/0f, u|fxsd'vL u'0f:t/Lo ;]jf, dfgj ;+zfwg ljsf; cflb If]qdf nufgL ug]{ /0fgLlt lnPsf] 5 .

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#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 157

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158 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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-s8_ yk ug]{ a}+ssf] p2]Zodf yk ug'{kg]{ ePsf]n] .
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bkmf $-s8_ /xL lwtf]kqsf] s]Gb|Lo lgIf]k ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ;DaGwL a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\
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kl5 bkmf $ g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{sf] :jLs[lt lnO{ lwtf]kq Joj;foL d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=sf] k|aGwkqdf ePsf] p2]Zo o;
-s0f_ yk ug]{ -dr]{06 a}+s/_ ;DjGwL sfo{x? ug]{ . a}+ssf] p2]Zodf yk ug'{kg]{ ePsf]n

k|rlnt lwtf]kq ;DjGwL P]g, lgod / sfg"gL Joj:yf o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 tyf d]uf
bkmf $ -s0f_ tyf ljBdfg gLltut Joj:yfsf] clwgdf /lx 5'§} a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_ kZrft\
kl5 bkmf $ ;xfos sDkgL dfkm{t g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{sf] cg'dlt d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=sf] k|aGwkqdf ePsf] p2]Zo o;
-st_ yk ug]{ lnO{ lwtf]kq Joj;fo ;DjGwL sfo{ ug]{ a}+ssf] p2]Zodf yk ug'{kg]{ ePsf]n] .

a}+ssf] clws[t k"FhL ?= !*,%),)),)),)))÷– a}+ssf] clws[t kF"hL ?= %),))),))),)))÷–- o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 tyf
-cIf/]kL c7f/ cj{ krf; s/f]8 dfq_ x'g]5 . cIf/]kL ? krf; ca{ dfq_ x''g]5 . ;f] kF"hLnfO{ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
bkmf % -s_ ;f] k"FhLnfO{ ?= !))÷– b/sf] !*,%),)),))) ?= !))÷– sf b/n] %),)),)),))) -krf; kZrft\ a}{ssf] clws[t kF"hL a[l4 ug{ pko'Qm
;+zf]wg ug -c7f/ s/f]8 krf; nfv_ yfg ;fwf/0f z]o/df s/f]8_ yfg ;fwf/0f z]o/df ljeflht ul/Psf] 5 . ePsf]n] .
ljeflht ul/Psf] 5 .

a}+ssf] hf/L k"FhL ?= !*,#),&%,$!,#@#÷– a}+ssf] hf/L k"FhL ?= #$,!@,*%,($,*(^÷%@ o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 tyf
-cIf/]kL ?= c7f/ cj{ tL; s/f]8 krxQ/ nfv -cIf/]kL ? rf}lt; ca{ afx| s/f]8 krf;L nfv d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
Psrfln; xhf/ tLg ;o t]O; dfq_ x'g]5 . rf}/fgAa] xhf/ cf7 ;o 5ofgAa] / k};f kZrft\ b'j} a}+ssf] hf/L k"FhL hf]l8 hf/L k"FhL
bkmf % -v_
;f] k"FhLnfO{ ?= !))÷– b/sf !*,#),&%,$!#=@# afpGg dfq_ dfq x'g]5 . ;f] k"FhLnfO{ ?= !))÷– a[l4 x'g] ePsf]n] .
;+zf]wg ug]{
-c7f/ s/f]8 tL; nfv krxQ/ xhf/ rf/ ;o b/sf #$,!@,*%,($*÷(& -rf}lt; s/f]8 afx| nfv
t]x| bzdnj t]O{;_ yfg ;fwf/0f z]o/df krf;L xhf/ gf} ;o c8rfnL; bzdnj ;GtfgAa]_
ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 . yfg ;fwf/0f z]o/df ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 .

a}+ssf] r'Qmf k"FhL ?= !*,#),&%,$!,#@#÷– a}+ssf] r'Qmf k"FhL ?= #$,!@,*%,($,*(^÷%@ o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 tyf
bkmf % -u_ -cIf/]kL ? c7f/ cj{ tL; s/f]8 krxQ/ nfv -cIf/]kL ? rf}lt; cj{ afx| s/f]8 krf;L nfv d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
;+zf]wg ug]{ Psrfln; xhf/ tLg ;o t]O; dfq_ x'g]5 . rf}/fgAa] xhf/ cf7 ;o 5ofgAa] / k};f afpGg kZrft\ b'j} a}+ssf] r'Qmf k"FhL hf]l8 r'Qmf k"FhL
dfq_ dfq x'g]5 . a[l4 x'g] ePsf]n] .

a}+ssf] z]o/x? ;+:yfks ;d"x / ;j{;fwf/0f a}+ssf] z]o/x? ;+:yfks ;d"x / ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"x o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 tyf
;d"x u/L b'O{ ;d"xdf juL{s/0f ul/Psf] 5 . u/L b'O{ ;d"xdf juL{s/0f ul/Psf] 5 . h;dWo] d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
h;dWo] ;+:yfks ;d"xsf] z]o/ :jfldTj ^( ;+:yfks ;d"xsf] z]o/ :jfldTj ^)=*! k|ltzt / kZrft\ b'j} a}+ssf] z]o/ ;+/rgf d'tflas ldnfg
bkmf % -ª_ k|ltzt / ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf]] z]o/ :jfldTj ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf]] z]o/ :jfldTj #(=!( k|ltzt ubf{ a}+ssf] ;+:yfks tyf ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xsf]
;+zf]wg ug]{ #! k|ltzt x'g]5 . ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ hf/L ul/g]] x'g]5 . ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ hf/L ul/g]] z]o/dWo]af6 z]o/ :jfldTj k|ltzt kl/j{tg x'g] ePsf]n] .
z]o/dWo]af6 a9Ldf % k|ltzt;Dd z]o/ a}+ssf a9Ldf % k|ltzt;Dd z]o/ a}+ssf sd{rf/Lsf]
sd{rf/Lsf] nflu 5'§ofO{ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] nflu 5'§ofO{ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{o adf]lhd
lg0f{o adf]lhd laqmL ljt/0f ug{ ;lsg]5 . laqmL ljt/0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .

;flassf a}+sn] u/]sf] sfdsf] dfGotfM ;flas o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s lnld6]8 tyf
bkmf !! kl5 d]uf a}+s g]kfn lnld6]8 / g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
bkmf !@ yk lnld6]8 Ps cfk;df ufleO of] a}+s ag]sf]n] kZrft\ b'j} a}+sn] xfn;Dd u/]sf] sfd sf/f]af/
ug]{ ;flasdf pQm b'j} a}+sx?n] u/]sf] sfd sf/f]jf/ nfO{ dfGotf lbg .
o;} k|jGwkq cg';f/ eP u/]sf] dflgg] 5 .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s ln=
b/af/dfu{, sf7df08f}+
#^ cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 lgodfjnLdf ;+zf]wg÷yk ug{ k|:tfljt # dxn] laj/0f
;DalGwt xfnsf] Joj:yf k|:tfljt ;+zf]wg÷yk ;+zf]wg÷yk ug{'kg]{ sf/0f

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

o; sDkgLsf] gfd æg]kfn OGe]i6d]06 o; sDkgLsf] gfd æg]kfn OGe]i6d]06 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8Æ x'g]5 / o;nfO{ c+u|]hLdf o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
a}+s lnld6]8Æ x'g]5 / o;nfO{ c+u|]hLdf “NEPAL INVESTMENT MEGA BANK LIMITED” elgg] 5, h;nfO{ o;kl5 æa}+sÆ lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
lgod !
“NEPAL INVESTMENT BANK LIMITED” elgPsf] 5 . ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
;+zf]wg ug]{
elgg] 5, h;nfO{ o;kl5 æa}+sÆ elgPsf] kZrft\ a}+ssf] gfd ;+zf]wg ug'{
5. kg]{ ePsf] .
kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; lgodfjnLdf, o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
-s_ æP]gÆ eGgfn] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DalGw P]g, @)&# ;Demg' k5{ . lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
-v_ æsDkgL P]gÆ eGgfn] sDkgL P]g,@)^# ;Demg' k5{ . ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
-u_ æ/fi6« a}+sÆ eGgfn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+s P]g, @)%* adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfn kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=sf]
/fi6« a}+s ;Demg' k5{ . lgodfjnLdf ePsf] kl/efiff
-3_ æa}+sÆ eGgfn] g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 d]uf a}+s lnld6]8 ;Demg' k5{ . v08nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg .
-ª_ æk|jGw kqÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] k|aGwkq ;Demg' k5{ .
-r_ ælgodfjnLÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] lgodfjnL ;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ æ;ldltÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] ;+rfns ;ldlt ;Demg' k5{ .
-h_ æ;+:yfksÆ eGgfn] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g,@)&# adf]lhd a}+s
lgod @ kl5
:yfkgf ug{sf] nflu k|aGwkq tyf lgodfjnLdf sDtLdf Ps z]o/ lng d~h'/
lgod @ -s_
u/L ;+:yfkssf] x}l;otn] x:tfIf/ ug]{ AolQm ;Demg' k5{ .
yk ug]{
-em_ æz]o/Æ eGgfn] a}+ssf] z]o/ k"+hLsf] ljefhLt c+z ;Demg' k5{ .
-`_ æz]o/wgLÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] z]o/df :jfldTj ePsf] AolQm ;Demg' k5{ .
-6_ æcWoIfÆ eGgfn] ;ldltsf] cWoIf ;Demg' k5{ .
-7_ æ;~rfnsÆ eGgfn] ;ldltsf] ;b:o ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] cWoIf / a}slNks
;~rfns ;d]tnfO{ hgfp5 .
-8_ æljQLo sf/f]jf/Æ eGgfn] a}+sn] ug]{ P]gsf] bkmf $( sf] pkbkmf -!_ df pNn]v
eP adf]lhdsf] sf/f]jf/ ;Demg' k5{ .
-9_ æsfof{noÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] a}+ssf]
If]qLo, zfvf, pk–zfvf, k|zfvf, Onfsf, k|ltlglw, ;Dks{ sfof{no nufotsf
cGo h'g;'s} sfof{no ;d]tnfO{ hgfp5 .

-0f_ ækbflwsf/LÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v, k|aGws, sDkgL ;lrj,

lnlSj8]6/, sd{rf/L, ;Nnfxsf/, n]vfk/LIfs / Joj;flos lj1 ;d]t ;Demg'
k5{ .
-t_ æsfo{sf/L k|d'vÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] sfo{sf/L cWoIf, k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t,
sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, k|aGw lgb]{zs, k|aGw ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L ;~rfns, jf
dxfk|aGws ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] a}+ssf] sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] ?kdf sfd ug]{
cGo kbflwsf/L ;d]tnfO{ hgfp5
-y_ æ;efÆ eGgfn] a}+ssf] ;fwf/0f ;ef ;Demg' k5{ .

;efsf] lg0f{o ax'dtsf] cfwf/df x'g]5 . o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s

t/ ljz]if k|:tfjsf] xsdf ;efdf pkl:yt z]o/wgLx? dWo] &% -krxQ/_ lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s
lgod ^ -(_ k|ltzt z]o/sf] k|ltlglwTj ug]{ z]o/wgLn] k|:tfjsf] kIfdf dt lbPdf dfq To:tf] g]kfn ln= Pscfk;df ufleP
kl5 lgod ^ k|:tfj ;efaf6 kfl/t ePsf] dflgg]5 . -dh{/_ kZrft\ d]uf a}s ln=sf]
-!)_ yk ug]{ lgodfjnLsf] Joj:yfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg .

:jtGq ;~rfns ! -Ps_ hgf . :jtGq ;~rfns ! -Ps_ hgf . t/ a}+ssf] ;+:yfks, ;+rfns jf ;'Go bzdnj :jtGq ;~rfns x'g aGb]h
lgod * -@_
Ps k|ltzt eGbf a9L z]o/ lnPsf] z]o/wgL tyf lghsf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o :jtGq ;DalGw Joj:yfnfO{ yk :ki6
-u_ ;+zf]wg
;~rfns x'g kfpg] 5}g . ug{ .

P]g tyf sDkgL P]gsf] cwLgdf /xL ;ldltn] ljifo, JolQm, ;ldlt÷pk;ldlt v'nfO{ o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
lg0f{o u/] adf]lhd clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 . lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
lgod !) -!#_ ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
kl5 lgod !) kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=sf]
-!$_ yk ug]{ lgodfjnLsf] Joj:yfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg .

o; a}+ssf] ;~rfnssf] kbdf lgo'Qm o; a}+ssf] ;~rfnssf] kbdf lgo'Qm x'gsf] nflu cfk\mgf] gfddf sDtLdf !)) yfg o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
x'gsf] nflu cfk\mgf] gfddf sDtLdf #) z]o/ lnPsf] x'g'kg]{5 . lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
lgod !# -@_ yfg z]o/ lnPsf] x'g'kg]{5 . ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
;+zf]wg ug]{ kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=sf]
lgodfjnLsf] Joj:yfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] k|lt a}7s ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] k|lt a}7s eQf ?= @),)))÷– -la; xhf/_ / o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
eQf ?= !%,)))÷– -kGw| xhf/_ / ;~rfnsn] k|lt a}7s eQf ?= !&,)))÷– -;q xhf/_ kfpg] 5 . lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
;~rfnsn] k|lt a}7s eQf ?= !@,)))÷– ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
lgod #! -v_ -afx| xhf/_ kfpg] 5 . kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=df
;+zf]wg ug]{ /x]sf] a}7s eQf / ;'lawfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbO{ ;dofs'n ;d]t

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

ug{sf nfuL .

g]kfn clw/fHo leq ?= @,%)).– g]kfn /fHo leq ?= *,*)).– k|ltlbg . o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
k|ltlbg . lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
lgod #! -u_ ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
-c_ -s_ kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=df
;+zf]wg ug]{ /x]sf] e|d0f eQf / ;'lawfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg .

ef/tdf k|ltlbg o'=P;=8n/ !!).– ;fs{ d'n'sdf o'=P;=8n/ @&%.– k|ltlbg o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
a/fa/sf] lx;fan] x'g cfpg] ef/tLo lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
lgod #! -u_ ?k}of, ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
-c_ -v_ kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=df
;+zf]wg ug]{ /x]sf] e|d0f eQf / ;'lawfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg .

dfly pNn]v ul/P afx]ssf cGo dfly pNn]v ul/P afx]ssf cGo d'n"sx?df o'=P;=8n/ #*%.– k|ltlbg, o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
d'n"sx?df o'=P;=8n/ !&%.– k|ltlbg, lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
lgod #! -u_ ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
-c_ -u_ kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=df
;+zf]wg ug]{ /x]sf] e|d0f eQf / ;'lawfnfO{
lg/Gt/tf lbg .

lgod #! -u_ ;~rfnsx?n] a}+saf6 ;'ljwf :j?k k|lt vf/]h ug]{ xfn cfjZos gePsf]n] .
-O_ dlxgf %) ln6/ k6«f]n÷l8h]n kfpg]5 .
vf/]h ug]{

;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] a}7s eQf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] a}7s eQf / ;'ljwfsf cnfjf 6]lnkmf]g, df]afOn tyf o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s

/ ;'ljwfsf cnfjfM 6]lnkmf]g, df]afOn kqklqsf vr{ afkt k|lt dlxgf ?= @),)))÷– tyf ;~rfns ;ldltsf cGo lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
tyf kqklqsf afktsf] vr{ jf:tljs ;b:ox?n] k|lt dlxgf k|lt ;b:o ?= !%,)))÷– kfpg] 5 . ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
lgod #! -u_
nfut adf]lhd kfpg]5 . kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=df
/x]sf] Joj:yfnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbO{
;+zf]wg ug]{
;dofg's"n ;d]t ug{ .

a}+sn] ;~rfns, z]o/wgL, sd{rf/L jf a}+sn] ;~rfns, z]o/wgL, l8a]~r/jfnf sd{rf/L jf a}+s;Fu ;DalGwt ljifosf] o; g]kfn OGe]i6d]06 a}+s
a}+s;Fu ;DalGwt ljifosf] ;DaGwdf ;DaGwdf s'g} ;"rgf, Dofb, aGb;afn cflb tfd]n ubf{ sDkgL sfg"g tyf laB'tLo lnld6]8 tyf d]uf a}+s g]kfn
s'g} ;"rgf, Dofb, aGb;afn cflb -On]S6«f]lgs_ sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL k|rflnt sfg"gsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd ug{ ;lsg]5 . ln= Pscfk;df ufleP -dh{/_
lgod $! -(_ tfd]n ubf{ sDkgL sfg"g tyf laB'tLo kZrft\ d]uf a}+s g]kfn ln=df
;+zf]wg ug]{ -On]S6«f]lgs_ sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL k|rflnt /x]sf] Joj:yfnfO{ lg/Gt/tf
sfg"gsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd ug{ ;lsg]5 . lbg .

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Major Financial Highlights

Paid up Capital Shareholder’s Fund

(Rs. In Billion) (Rs. In Billion)
20.00 18.31 40.00
18.00 16.26
35.00 32.23
16.00 14.25
30.00 27.17
14.00 12.87 24.87 25.58
12.00 10.65 25.00
10.00 20.00
8.00 15.00
- -
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

Profit After Tax Total Assets

(Rs. In Billion) (Rs. In Billion)
4.00 3.66 3.80
3.56 244.45
3.50 3.32 250.00 227.93
3.00 200.00 185.84
2.42 171.89
1.50 100.00
- -
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

Deposit Loans and Advances (net of provision)

(Rs. In Billion) (Rs. In Billion)
200.00 186.76
179.40 180.00 164.82
180.00 168.82 161.91
152.18 160.00
160.00 140.00
140.33 140.00 127.14
140.00 120.83
80.00 80.00

60.00 60.00

40.00 40.00
20.00 20.00
- -
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 165

Investment Non Performing Assets
(Rs. In Billion) (NPA)
44.83 (%)
40.00 3.00% 2.78%
35.00 2.46%
30.00 26.33
17.43 17.23 1.50% 1.36%
15.00 1.00%
- 0.00%
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

Capital Adequacy Earning Per Share (EPS)

(%) Rs.
18.00% 40.00
15.96% 35.66
16.00% 14.71% 35.00
13.26% 13.54%
14.00% 12.66% 30.00 26.43
12.00% 25.00 22.00 20.74
20.00 17.03
2.00% 5.00

0.00% -
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

Return on Total Assets Return on Closing Equity (ROE)

(%) (%)
16.00% 14.71%
14.00% 13.00%
2.13% 11.17%
12.00% 11.04%
2.00% 1.79%
10.00% 8.92%
1.56% 1.55%
1.50% 1.19% 8.00%


0.00% 0.00%
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

166 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Book Value Market Capitalization
Rs. (Rs. In Billion)

205 90 82
199 198 80 75
70 67
195 191 61
190 60
186 49
185 50
180 176 40
175 30
170 20
165 10
160 -
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79

Foreign Exchange Impairment Income Tax Non operating

Gain reversal
Other operating 10% expense
3% 6%
income 5%

Fee &
Operating expense

Interest Expense

Fee and
Interest Income 2%

TOTAL INCOME Total Expense

Deposit MixMix
Call Account Other
2.29% Current Account
7.69% 8.65%
Saving Acount

Fixed Deposit

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 167

168 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
a}+ssf] cfly{s jif{ @)&*÷&( sf] jflif{s x/lx;fa :jLs[ltsf] qmddf
g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6
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#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 169

;xfos sDkgL ;DalGw ljj/0fx?
Financial Statements of Subsidiary

170 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 171
172 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 173
174 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 175
176 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg
#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 177
178 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Mr. Jyoti Prakash Pandey Chief Executive Officer Management

Mr. Bijendra Suwal Deputy General Manager Management
Mr. Rabin Sijapati Deputy General Manager Management
Mr. Deepak Shrestha Asst. General Manager Legal & Recovery
Mr. Sachin Tibrewal Asst. General Manager Accounts & Finance
Ms. Sujata Joshi Asst. General Manager Risk Management
Ms. Nikita Maskey Asst. General Manager Credit Administration
Mr. Ujwol Manandhar Asst. General Manager Information Technology


Ms. Srijana Pandey Corporate Bank

Mr. Sanjeev Jung Karki Cash & Customer Service
Mr. Tul Jung Pandey Reconciliation
Mr. Shivanth Bahadur Pande Deputated as Ceo of Nibl Ace Capital
Mr. Shekhar Thapa Branch Coordination
Mr. Basu Upadhyay Card and Alternative Delivery Channels
Mr. Prakash Raj Subedi Compliance
Mr. Sanjit Kumar Pokhrel Central Operation
Mr. Amir Bhattarai Internal Audit
Ms. Dina Lama Human Resource
Ms. Srijana Neupane Basnet Marketing
Ms. Tina Bajracharya Trade Finance
Mr. Aman Shrestha Micro Financing
Mr. Santosh Ghimire Treasury
Ms. Niyanta Koirala SME Lending
Mr. Prabin Shakya CIC & Credit Reporting
Mr. Dipesh Bhakta Shrestha Consumer and Retail Financing Unit
Mr. Sunil Shah Research & Development
Mr. Ranjit Maharjan Remittance
Mr. Anil Maharjan Information Security
Mr. Atmaram Koirala Loan Operation
Ms. Anuja Pande Visa Processing


Mr. Jipesh Thapa Province No. 1

Ms. Reena Rajeswori Chand Madhesh Pradesh
Mr. Ram Raj Upadhyaya Bagmati Pradesh
Mr. Alok Mishra Gandaki Pradesh
Mr. Sumer SJB Rana Lumbini Pradesh
Mr. Shatish Poudyal Karnali Pradesh
Mr. Pratij Shrestha Sudurpashchim Pradesh

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 179


Mr. Sujeet Shakya

Mr. Suraj Jung Thapa

Mr. Bibhu Shrestha

Mr. Rahul Chakravertty

Mr. Sunil Sharma

Mr. Prem Prakash Oli

180 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Mr. Roshan Shrestha

Mr. Deepak Prasad Dahal

Mr. Santosh Neupane

Ms. Sharmila Maharjan Mr. Nabin Simkhada

Mr. Shubhash Bhandari

Mr. Abhisek Prasad Bhattarai Mr. Hari Narayan Khatri

Mr. Suraj Subedi

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 181

Mr. Arun Shrestha Mr. Prakash Bhandari

Mr. Bal Krishna Gautam Mr. Debi Krishna Adhikari

Mr. Basanta Thapa

Mr. Arun Kumar Shrestha

Mr. Pramod Kumar Adhikari

182 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Extension Counters

Contact: 021-412090
Dulikhel, Kavre


Newroad, Kathmandu Dhunche, Rasuwa


Thapathali,Kathmandu Mahalaxmisthan Marg, Lalitpur

Pashupati Temple,Kathmandu Budanilkantha, Municipality Ward No. 13


School Of Arts
Bansgadhi Nagarpalika Ward No. 1
Hattiban, Lalitpur


Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality-1, Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality-5,
Kharikhola, Solukhumbu Namche, Solukhumbu

Pauwadungma Rural Municipality,
Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu


School Of Managment Changunarayan Municipality,
Balkumari, Lalitpur Bhaktapur


Sakotha (Sukuldhoka) Chandragiri MN ward No.9
Bhaktapur Machchhegaun Kathmandu

Mangalbazar, Ward No. 12 20. PHAKTEP
Phalgunanda Gaunpalika-5,
Contact: 01-5214282 Panchami Bazar, Phaktep, Panchthar


Tilagupha Municipality - 06, Galje Bazar, Kalika Rural Municipality- 01, Mailung,
Kalikot Rasuwa

Aaathbis Municipality- 04, Rakam,

Extension Counters for Revenue Collection



Birtamod, Mechi Itahari, Koshi


Sallaghari, Bagmati Dhangadhi, Seti


Surkhet, Bheri Hetauda, Narayani


Nepalgunj, Bheri Janakpur, Janakpur


Sanobharyang, Bagmati Bharatpur, Narayangardh

#^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg 183

gf]6 M

184 #^ cf}+ jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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