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Please list at least 3 research methods you have used on the course so far?

 Watching videos – These videos include photoshop editing and videos of the foley artist. The
main reason we watch the videos is to have an understanding of what we need to do.
 Looking at websites – By looking at the different websites this allows us to have an idea for what
we may want our website to look like.
 worksheets

What is qualitive research? This is non-numerical data.

What is quantitative research? A range of numerical data.

What is primary research? This is information that is collected by the researcher. The data is being
collected for the first time and is specific to the objective or purpose.

What is secondary research? This is research that has already been collected.


Identify at least 3 elements you would need to build an “audience profile” for one of the media products
you have created on the course so far? (Horror Film Poster / Lost Short Film / Blair Witch Trailer Project)

Horror film – we would consider age, gender and where the poster would be shown.
Lost short film – for this we would consider students, gender and where the film would be shown
Blair witch trailer – we would consider age, gender and when the trailer would be shown (time of year)

From the list below of communication methods and skills select which ones you will be using for each of
the projects listed in this section. You may use the same methods and skills in more than one project.

Use of camera
Use of editing
Use of sound (Music/ dialogue/effects)
Writing skills (Scripts/synopsis/questionaries/surveys/taglines/evaluations)
Research Skills (Secondary research of short films, horror films, interactive films)

Horror Film Poster

Editing (Photoshop) – This was the main software we used to create a poster as we had practiced doing
posters before.
Narrative – we used a narrative for the poster as this would allow us to tell a story through the poster.
Research – we condoned research for the poster to be able to create ideas for the poster as well as
creating ideas for the film.

Lost Short Film

Filming – we looked at filming on the camera (seeing how the camera works)
Editing (premier pro) – the editing for the film was done in premier pro and this was one of the harder
things to edit as having sound and video to do.
Scrip of filming order – the script for filming was easy to do as we just took an order of what shot types
we wanted and when.
Research of short films – for this we looked at short films as shot types this then made us able to have an
idea for what to do.

Blair Witch Trailer Project

Filming – we watched the trailer for the project so that we had an idea for the filming process and
overall idea of the final video.
Editing on premier pro – the editing process for this was similar to the short film and included similar
editing techniques.
Sound (dialogue and effects) -for this the sound was mainly filmed and edited for us. Somethings like the
wind was taken from free sounds and then edited.
Narrative – this was used during the videos to show the trailer but to not spoil the film it also allows us
to tell a story.
Research – the research for this included looking at the trailer to collect ideas.
Writing skills (script, synopsis, taglines on the poster and evaluation) – this was used thought the project
for the scrip (filming) , synopsis , taglines for the poster and to evaluate our work.

Looking at the projects above pick one communication method and skill that you have used in more than
one project, compare how you have used them differently.

The research for the lost film and the research for the Blair Witch trailer.

For the lost film we looked at shot types and story boards to help create the film. This allowed us to have
an idea of what to include in the film.
For the Blair Witch trailer, we looked at a trailer created, what to include in the film, and looking at what
dialogue to use.


Apply the following media processes and skills to the projects you have worked on, you may apply some
of these processes and skills to more than one project. Be sure to paste a link to your Weebly page for
each project.

Script writing
Video Editing
Primary Research
Secondary Research

Horror Film Poster –
Primary research

Lost Short Film –
Story board
Video editing
Secondary research

Blair Witch Trailer – paste link to this project here

Script writing
Video editing
Secondary research


This time focusing on THE BLAIR WITCH TRAILER PROJECT ONLY how successful do you feel you used
the following communication methods and skills? Provide one example below for each of the following
methods and skills.

Use of camera I feel like we were successful on filming the clips as it looked like the trailer we were using
as a reference.

Use of editing with the editing I edited the shots in black and white to show horror and the lack of hope
that the people might have when they are trying to find the disappeared people. I would edit the clips
differently as the editing process took a while.

Use of sound (Music/ dialogue/effects) when it came to doing dialogue and sound effect this wasn’t too
hard because I was able to take the dialogue from the trailer type it out and then film it. For sound
effects we were able to take the effects from a free sounds website on google.

Narrative we knew for this that the narrative was to create a horror film and to recreate the trailer.

Writing skills (Scripts/synopsis/questionaries/surveys/taglines/evaluations) With this we had to copy

script from the trailer we were referencing from. We created a synopsis for our film website, taglines I
took from the film and used that on the poster. I really liked my evaluation for this part of the project as I
think this was the best evaluation I have created.

Research Skills (Secondary research of short films) researching the trailer and trailers for other horror
films as well allowed me to understand what my trailer would need as well as things like the sound
effects need to be lower to hear the dialogue at the same time.

Looking at all of the above please answer the following

What worked well? I think I worked well with the writing skills as I really enjoy doing the synopsis,
taglines and evaluations from projects like this. I also think that my evaluation work has improved and
I’m able to go into more detail when writing about things.

What would you do differently and why? I would change the editing process to make it slightly easier as
I done things in a weird order. I think by doing the tittle cards before the clips and sounds will make the
process easier as I needed to move things around to be able to add the title cards.

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