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Orario, Reymark A.
Beed 2C
How does technology influence your role as a learner?

 We admit that technology is a lot of advantages and benefits for a learner. When I was
an elementary pupil, I don’t have any kind of technology due to poverty. I need to go to
the libraries to find books for my school works. Then my mother brought me a
smartphone when I was in high school. If I compare my situation in the past or without
technology it is much more difficult to cope up with my subject or school works, i just
need to go to the library in order to find books. While having a technology/phone makes
my schoolwork easier, instead, u find books in the library, Just one click and we find
numerous results and answers that help us with our schoolwork. As a college student,
technology has a significant impact on me, as a learner, it helps me to do anything even
without the direction or assistance of adults, so I can learn everything on my own. It
simplifies all of my work, including schoolwork, and it aids in my learning, discovery, and
exploration of anything new to me.
How will you use your experiences that you had as a teacher of the future?

 As a future educator, I will use my skills in technology in the different learning

processes, such as, when you discuss a lesson u will show a powerpoint presentation in
order to visualize your student about your topic. By using these different technology
tools, students can improve their learning and cognitive abilities, which helps them raise
both their academic achievement and physical wellness.

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