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Practical File

(Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Submitted By:
Himanshu Bansal

NEW DELHI – 110064
AIM: Calculate for step index fibers’-

a) Numerical Aperture (NA)

b) Acceptance Angle (θa)
c) Solid Acceptance Angle (Ω)
d) Propagation Constant (β)


Numerical aperture: It is the maximum angle to the fiber axis at which Light ray may enter
the fiber axis in order to get propagated

Acceptance Angle: It is used to describe the light gathering or light collecting ability of
Optical fiber

Propagation Constant: A mode- and frequency-dependent quantity describing the propagation

of light in a medium or waveguide

Input Boundary limits for Expected

Formula Units
required inputs output
1.4 < (n1, n2) < 1.5
n1 and n2
And (n12 - n22 )1/ 2 0.14 to 0.20 unit less
n1 > n2

θa Sin-1[(n12 - n22)1/2]

(n1 and n2) 1.4 < (n1, n2) < 1.5 Or

Or And 00 to 250 degree
NA n1 > n2

(n1 and n2) or π(n12 - n22) or π(NA)2 or

1.4 < (n1, n2) < 1.5
NA or θa And radian
n1 > n2
β 1.4 < (n1, n2) <1.5

(n1 , n2 ,λ) or n1 > n2 (2π n1 / λ)Cos(θa) or (2π n1 / (2πn1/ λ) < β< m
(n1 ,θa , λ) and λ)Cos(Sin-1[(n12 -n22)1/2]) (2πn2 /λ)

1.1μm < λ< 1.7μm


disp('fundamental of step index fibers');
n1 = input('enter the index of core =');
n2 = input('enter the index of cladding =');
lam = input('enter the operating wavelength of fiber in micrometer =');
NA = ((n1^2)-(n2^2))^(1/2);
disp('numerical aperture of fiber is =');
theta = asind(NA);
disp('Acceptance angle of fiber in degree is =');
ohm = pi*(NA^2);
disp('solid acceptance angle of fiber in radian is =');
beta = (2*pi*n1/lam)*cos(theta);
disp('Propagation constant of fiber in degree per micrometer is =');


With the help of MATLAB software, we are able to find out numerical aperture, acceptance
angle, solid acceptance angle and propagation constant by knowing only index of core and
cladding, also, operating wavelength of fiber.

AIM: Calculate for Graded Index Fibers (using MATLAB):

a) Propagation constant (β)

b) Normalized propagation constant (b)
c) V number (V)
d) Check whether the fiber is single mode or multi-mode
e) Graph between normalized propagation constant (b) and V number
f) Cut off wavelength (λc)
g) Number of modes traveling in fiber (Ms)


Propagation constant: Propagation constant is a measure of changes in a sinusoidal

electromagnetic wave in terms of amplitude and phase, while propagating through a medium.

V Number: The V number determines the fraction of the optical power in a certain mode
which is confined to the fiber core.

Single Mode Fiber Optic Cable: Single Mode fiber optic cable has a small diametric core that
allows only one mode of light to propagate. Because of this, the number of light reflections
created as the light passes through the core decreases, lowering attenuation and creating the
ability for the signal to travel further.

Multi-Mode Fiber Optic Cable: Multimode fiber optic cable has a large diametric core that
allows multiple modes of light to propagate. Because of this, the number of light reflections
created as the light passes through the core increases, creating the ability for more data to
pass through at a given time. Because of the high dispersion and attenuation rate with this
type of fiber, the quality of the signal is reduced over long distances

Input Boundary limits for Formula Expected Units


∆ n1[0] 1.4 < (n1[0], n2) < 1.5 (n1[0] 2 - n22) / (2 0.001 to 0.10 unit
n12) less
and and n1[0] > n2

n1[r] n1[0] 1.4 < (n1[0] , n2) < 1.5 n1[0] * (1- n1[0] < n1[r] < n2
and and unit
∆ n1[0] > n2

and and

a 0.3 μm < 2a < 25 μm and

α 0 < r <= a

1< α < ∞

NA[0] n1[0] 1.4 < (n1[0], n2) < 1.5 (n1[0]2 - n22)1/ 2 0.14 to 0.20 unit
and n2 less

n1[0] > n2

NA[r] NA[0] 0.3 μm < 2a < 25 μm and NA[0] * (1- unit

(r/a)α)1/2 less
and 0 < r <= a

θa (n1[0] 1.4 < (n1[0], n2) < 1.5 Sin [NA[0]
and * 00 to 250 degree
and n2
n1[0] > n2
and r) or



Disp (‘fundamentals of graded index fibers’);

D = input(‘enter the diameter of core in micrometer =’);

D = d*1000;

N1axis = input (‘enter the index at core axis =’);

N2 = input (‘enter the index of cladding =’);

Alpha = input (‘enter profile parameter =’);

R = input (‘enter the radius in micrometer at which acceptance angle is to be fined =’);

A = d/2;

Del = ((n1axis^2)-(n2^2))/(2*(n1axis^2));

NAaxis = (((n1axis) ^2)-(n2^2)) ^ (1/2);

R = [0:1:a];

N1r = n1axis;

NA = NAaxis;

L = a+1;

For I = R (1, 2): R(1,l)

N1r = [n1r, n1axis*((1-(2*del*((i/a)^alpha)))^(1/2))];

NA = [NA, NAaxis*((1- (i/a) ^alpha) ^ (1/2))];


Theta = asind (NAaxis*((1- (r/a) ^alpha) ^ (1/2)));

Disp (‘the value of acceptance angle in degree is =’);

Disp (theta);

Subplot (1, 2, 1);

Plot(R, n1r);

Title (‘refractive index in graded index fiber w.r.t. radius’);

Xlabel (‘radius (nm) --→’);

Ylabel (‘refractive index (unitless) --→’);


Subplot (1, 2, 2);

Plot(R, NA);

Title (‘Numerical Aperture in graded index fiber w.r.t. radius’);

Xlabel (‘radius (nm) --→’);

Ylabel (‘numerical aperture (unitless) --→’);




With the help of MATLAB software, we were able to find the propagation constant,
normalized propagation constant, V Number, Cut-off wavelength and also able to check
whether fiber is single Mode or multi-mode.
AIM: Calculate for step Index Fibers (using MATLAB):

a) Graphical representation of core refractive index n1[r] w.r.t.

radius(a) of core for different profile parameters.

b) Graphical representation of numerical aperture NA[r] w.r.t.

radius of core (r) for different profile parameters.

c) Acceptance Angle (θa) for given value of radius

Where 0 < r <= a, ∆ = refractive index difference


Numerical Aperture:
The numerical aperture (NA) of an optical system (e.g. an imaging system) is a measure for
its angular acceptance for incoming light. It is defined based on geometrical considerations
and is thus a theoretical parameter which is calculated from the optical design. It cannot be
directly measured, except in limiting cases with rather large apertures and negligible
diffraction effects.

Acceptance Angle:
The acceptance angle of an optical fiber is defined based on a purely geometrical consideration
(ray optics): it is the maximum angle of a ray (against the fiber axis) hitting the fiber core which
allows the incident light to be guided by the core. The sine of that acceptable angle (assuming
an incident ray in air or vacuum) is called the numerical aperture, and it is essentially
determined by the refractive index contrast between core and cladding of the fiber, assuming
that the incident beam comes from air or vacuum:

Here, ncore and ncladding are the refractive indices of core and cladding, respectively, and n0 is
the refractive index of the medium around the fiber, which is close to 1 in case of air.
Input Boundary Formula Expected Units
required limits for inputs output

NA n1 and n2 1.4 < (n1 , (n12 - n22 )1/ 2

n2) < 1.5 and
n1 > n2 0.14 to 0.20 unit less

θa (n1 and n2) 1.4 < (n1 , Sin-1[(n12 - n22)1/ 2]

or n2) < 1.5 and
n1 > n2 or 00 to 250 degree

β (n1 , n2 ,λ) 1.4 < (n1 , n2) (2π n1 / λ)Cos(θa) or

or < 1.5 and n1 > (2π n1 / λ)Cos(Sin-1[(n12
(n1 ,θa , λ) n2 and n22)1/2]) (2πn2/λ) < degree/μm
1.1μm < λ< β< (2πn1/λ)
b n1 and 1.4 < (n1 , k=2 π / λ 0 to 10 unit less

n2 and n2) < 1.5 and and

n1 > n2 and
β and [(β 2/ k2)- n22]/( n12 - n22)
1.1μm <
λ< 1.7μm

(2πn2/ λ) < β<

(2πn1 /λ)

V (a and λ and 1.4 < (n1 , (2πa/λ)[(n12 - n22)1/ 2 or 0 to 12 unit less

n1 and n2) or n2) < 1.5 and
(2πa/λ)*NA And
(a and NA n1 > n2 and
and λ)
1.1μm < λ< for single
1.7μm mode fiber
0.3 μm < 2a <
25 μm V>2.405 for

Relation b = 1-[{a2(n12k2- β 2)}/

between b and V2 ]
λc (a and Vc 1.4 < (n1 , Vc=2.405(fixed value) and μm
and n1 and n2) < 1.5 and (2πa/Vc)[(n12 - n22)1/ 2 or
n2) or
n1 > n2 and
(2πa/Vc) * NA
(a and NA
and Vc) 0.3 μm < 2a <
25 μm

Ms V V>=10 V2/2 unit less



Clear all;

D = input(‘diameter of core in micrometer=’);

N1 = input(‘enter the index of core =’);

N2 = input(‘enter the index of cladding =’);

Lamda = input(‘enter the operating wavelength of fiber in micrometer =’);

NA = ((n1^2)-(n2^2))^(1/2);

Disp(‘numerical aperture of fiber is = ‘);


Theta = asind(NA);

D = d*1000;% convert diameter micrometer to nanometer

A = d/2;%radius of core

K = 2*pi/lamda;
Beta = k*n1*cos(theta);%calculation of propogation constant

Disp(‘propagation constant of fiber is = ‘);


B = (((beta^2)/(k^2))-(n2^2))/((n1^2)-(n2^2)); %normalized propogation constant

Disp(‘Normalized propagation constant of fiber is = ‘);


Vnumber = pi*d*Nwavelengtl

Disp(‘V number = ‘);


%find wether fiber is single mode or multi mode

If Vnumber <=2.405

Disp(‘fiber is single mode fiber at given wavelength’);


Disp(‘fiber is multimode fiber at given wavelength’);


%graphical representation of V verses normalized propogation constant(b)

X = [1:1:12];% X-axis b- 1 to 12

Y = 1-(((a^2)*(((n1^2)*(k^2))-(beta^2)))/(1^2))

For I = x(1,2):x(1,12)

Y = [y,1-(((a^2)*(((n1^2)*(k^2))-(beta^2)))/(i^2))];






Ylabel(‘normalized propogatio constant(b)unitless-→’);

%graphical representation of V with wavelength

X1=[800:1:2000];% X-axis wavelength from 100 to 4000 range in nanometer


For j=x1(1,2):x1(1,1201)




Vc = 2.405;

CutoffWavelength = pi*d*NA/Vc;

CutoffWavelength = round(CutoffWavelength);

Disp(‘cutoff wavlength(nm) = ‘);




Hold on

H = stem(CutoffWavelength,Vc,’LineWidth’,1);


Hold off

Annotation(‘textbox’, ‘Position’,[0.6271 0.7976 0.2021 0.0524],

‘FitHeightToText’,’off’,’BackgroundColor’,[1 0.6431 1], ‘String’,{sprintf(‘Cutoff
wavelength= %s’,… Int2str(CutoffWavelength))});

Title(‘variation of normalized frequency with wavelength in step index fibers’);




Lamda = input(‘operating Wavelength at which number of modes to be calculated in


Vnumber = pi*d*NA/Lamda;
Disp(‘V number=’);


Annotation(‘textbox’, ‘Position’,[0.6271 0.6976 0.1021 0.0424], ‘FitHeightToText’,

‘off’,’BackgroundColor’,[1 0.6431 1],’String’,{sprintf(‘Vnumber= %s’ ,int2str(Vnumber))})

Ms = (Vnumber^2)/2;

Disp(‘number of modes at operating wavelength=’);

Ms = round(Ms);


Calculate for Graded Index Fibers (using MATLAB):
a) Numerical aperture (NA)
c) V number (V)
d) Check whether the fiber is single mode or multi-mode.
e) Graph between V number and wavelength (λ)
f) Cut off wavelength (λc)
g) Number of modes traveling in fiber (Ms)

Numerical Aperture:
The numerical aperture (NA) of an optical system (e.g. an imaging system) is a measure for its
angular acceptance for incoming light. It is defined based on geometrical considerations and is
thus a theoretical parameter which is calculated from the optical design. It cannot be directly
measured, except in limiting cases with rather large apertures and negligible diffraction effects.
V Number:
The V number is a dimensionless parameter which is often used in the context of step-index
fibers. It is defined as

V number
where λ is the vacuum wavelength, a is the radius of the fiber core, and NA is the numerical
aperture. Of course, the V number should not be confused with some velocity v, e.g. the phase
velocity of light, and also not with the Abbe number, which is also sometimes called V-number.

Input Boundary limits for Formula Expected Units

inputs output

NA n1 1.4 < (n1 , n2) < 1.5 (n12 - n22 )1/ 2

and and 0.14 to 0.20 unit

n2 n1 > n2
V (a and λ 1.4 < (n1 , n2) < 1.5 (2πa/λ)[(n12 - n22)1/ 2 0 to 12 unit
and less
n1 and and or and
n1 > n2 and (2πa/λ)*NA V<=2.405
or for single
1.1μm < λ< 1.7μm mode
(a and
NA and 0.3 μm < 2a < 25 μm and
V>2.405 for
2w a and V 0.8< V< 2.5 2a * [0.65+(1.619/ w<a μm
V3/2)+(2.879/ V6)]


clear all;

d=input('diameter of core in micrometer=');

n1=input('index of core=');

n2=input('index of cladding=');


NA = 0.13;

d=d*1000;% convert diameter micrometer to nanometer

Lamda = input('operating Wavelength at which number of modes to be calculated in

nanometer=');%800 to 1600 nanometer

Vnumber = pi*d*NA/Lamda;

MFD = 2*(d/2)*(0.65+(1.619/(Vnumber^(3/2)))+2.879/(Vnumber^6));

MFD = round(MFD);

MFD = MFD/1000;%convert MFD to micrometer

disp('mode field diameter in micrometer = ');


AIM: Introduction to OptiSystem by Opti-wave
• The design and analysis of Optical communication systems, which normally include
nonlinear devices and non-Gaussian noise sources, are highly complex and extremely
• As a result, these tasks can now only be performed efficiently and effectively with the
help of advanced new software tools.
• OptiSystem is an innovative optical communication system simulation package that
designs, tests, and optimizes virtually any type of optical link in the physical layer of a
broad spectrum of optical networks.
• It is a system level simulator based on the realistic modeling of fiber-optic
communication systems.
• Its capabilities can be extended easily with the addition of user components, and can be
seamlessly interfaced to a wide range of tools.
• A comprehensive Graphical User Interface (GUI) controls the optical component
layout and netlist, component models, and presentation graphics.
• The extensive library of active and passive components includes realistic, wavelength-
dependent parameters.
• Parameter sweeps allow you to investigate the effect of particular device specifications
on system performance

• Optical communication system design from component to system level at the physical
• CATV or TDM/WDM network design
• Passive optical networks (PON) based FTTx
• Free space optic (FSO) systems
• Radio over fiber (ROF) systems
• SONET/SDH ring design
• Transmitter, channel, amplifier, and receiver design
• Dispersion map design
• Estimation of BER and system penalties with different receiver models
• Amplified system BER and link budget calculations

Main Features:
• Component Library
To be fully effective, component modules must be able to reproduce the actual
behavior of the real device and specified effects according to the selected accuracy
and efficiency.
• Mixed signal representation
OptiSystem handles mixed signal formats for optical and electrical signals in the
Component Library.
• Measured components
The OptiSystem Component Library allows you to enter parameters that can be
measured from real devices. It integrates with test and measurement equipment from
different vendors.
• Integration with Optiwave Software Tools
- OptiSystem allows you to employ specific Optiwave software tools for integrated
and fiber optics at the component level: OptiAmplifier, OptiBPM, OptiGrating,
WDM_Phasar, and OptiFiber.
• Advanced visualization tools
Advanced visualization tools produce OSA Spectra, signal chirp, eye diagrams,
polarization state, constellation diagrams and much more.
• User-defined components
- You can incorporate new components based on subsystems and user-defined
libraries, or use co-simulation with a third party tool such as MATLAB.
• Data monitors
-You can select component ports to save the data and attach monitors after the
simulation ends.
- You can attach an arbitrary number of visualizers to the monitor at the same port.
• Powerful Script language
You can enter arithmetical expressions for parameters and create global parameters
that can be shared between components and subsystems
• State-of-the-art calculation data-flow
- The Calculation Scheduler controls the simulation by determining the order of
execution of component modules according to the selected data flow model

• Multiple layouts
- You can create many designs using the same project file, which allows you to create
and modify your designs quickly and efficiently.
- Each OptiSystem project file can contain many design versions.
- Design versions are calculated and modified independently, but calculation results
can be combined across different versions, allowing for comparison of the designs.
• Report page
- A fully customizable report page allows you to display any set of parameters and
results available in the design.
- The produced reports are organized into resizable and moveable spreadsheets, text,
2D and 3D graphs.
• Parameter sweeps and optimizations
- Simulations can be repeated with an iterated variation of the parameters.
- OptiSystem can also optimize any parameter to minimize or maximize any result or
can search for target results.
- You can combine multiple parameter sweeps and multiple optimizations.
• OptiPerformer
- For any given system topology and component specification scenario, a full
OptiSystem project can be encrypted and exported to OptiPerformer.
- OptiPerformer users can then vary any parameter within defined specification
ranges, and observe resulting system effects via detailed graphics and reports

OptiSystem graphical user interface (GUI)

The OptiSystem GUI contains the following main windows:

• Project layout
- the main working area where you insert components into the layout, edit
components, and create connections between components
Dockers: to display information about the active (current) project
• Component Library, Access components to create the system design
• Project Browser, Organize the project to achieve results more efficiently, and navigate
through the current project
• Description, Display detailed information about the current project

• Status Bar: Displays project calculation

progress information, useful hints about using
OptiSystem, and other help. Located at the bottom of the Project Layout window.
AIM: To study Optical Transmitter Design using OptiSystem
An optical transmitter is one half of a communications system, where the other half would be
an optical receiver.

Generating an optical signal is the job of the optical transmitter, which encodes the
information to be transmitted on the light that it generates. This is very similar to other
transmission methods that use electrical signals, e.g. Ethernet or USB cables, or radio
transmissions like AM or FM radio.

Optical transmission falls into one of two categories. Guided-wave or free-space. The most
common guided wave optical transmission system uses fiber optic cable. Light is transmitted
through the fiber which uses total internal reflection to keep the light trapped inside.

The role of the optical transmitter is to convert the electrical signal into optical form, and
launch the resulting optical signal into the optical fiber. The optical transmitter consists of the
following components:
optical source
electrical pulse generator
optical modulator
First, We have to connect Various component taken from Component Libary such as : BER
Analyzer , CW Laser , low Pass Filter , Mach-Zehnder Module , NRZ Pulse Generator ,
Optical Fibre , Optical Spectrum Analyzer , Optical Time Domain , Oscillcscope Visualizer ,
Photodetector PIN & Pseudo-Random Bit Sequencer .
In the Following Way:


Connecting Various Components, We Should Follow the Following steps:

Double-click the CW Laser.
The CW Laser Properties dialog box appears (see Figure 2).

In the Power row, click the Mode cell.

A drop-down list appears.

3 Select Sweep.

Figure 2: Changing the parameter mode to Sweep

4 To save the settings, click OK.

The CW Laser Properties dialog box closes.
1 From the Layout menu, select Set Total Sweep Iterations.
The Total Parameter Sweep Iterations dialog box appears (see Figure 3).

In the Total Iterations, type:


3 To set the value and return to the Main layout, click OK.

Figure 3: Adding iterations

From the Layout menu, select Parameter Sweeps.

The Parameter Sweeps dialog box appears.

Select the Power column (all cells).

The selected cells are highlighted.
Under Spread Tools, click Linear.
The Parameter Iteration Spread dialog box appears (see Figure 4).

In Start Value, type:


In End Value, type:


To set the values, click OK.

The Parameter Iteration Spread dialog box closes.

To return to the Main layout, click OK.

The Parameter Sweeps dialog box closes.

Figure 4: Entering values for all iterations

1 Click Calculate.

Click the Run button.

The calculation progress appears in the Calculations dialog box window.

Select the Report tab in the Project layout window.

The Report window appears.
Click the Opti2DGraph button on the Report toolbar and draw a 2D graph in the report
2 window.
The 2D graph appears in the Report window.

In the Project Browser, select the parameter Power from the CW Laser, and drag it to the
3 2D graph X-axis (a grey triangle appears in the graph in the bottom right corner).
The graph appears in the Report window.

In the Project Browser, select the Min. log of BER result from the BER
Analyzer component, and drag it into the Y-axis of the graph (the grey triangle appears in
the top left corner).
The result is plotted in the graph.
In the Main layout, double-click the BER Analyzer.
The BER Analyzer graph opens.

Select the Show Eye Diagram check box.

The graph changes to display the Eye Diagram.

In the toolbar, change the Sweep iteration (see Figure 6).

Note: You obtain different results for each iteration, one for each input power value.

Figure 6

If the Project Browser is closed:

•From the Main toolbar, select View > Project Browser
•press Ctrl+2.

Expand the Graphs subfolder for the BER Analyzer.

The list of available graphs appears.

Right-click Q Factor, and select Quick view,

Drag and drop the graph into the Report Page.
A graph appears and displays the iterations for each input power value (see Figure 7).

Figure 7
AIM: To study LED Modulation Response using optisystem
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light
when current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes,
releasing energy in the form of photons.
The color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photons) is determined by the
energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of the semiconductor.
White light is obtained by using multiple semiconductors or a layer of light-emitting
phosphor on the semiconductor device.
Appearing as practical electronic components in 1962, the earliest LEDs emitted low-
intensity infrared (IR) light.
Infrared LEDs are used in remote-control circuits, such as those used with a wide variety of
consumer electronics.
The first visible-light LEDs were of low intensity and limited to red. Modern LEDs are
available across the visible, ultraviolet (UV), and infrared wavelengths, with high light
Early LEDs were often used as indicator lamps, replacing small incandescent bulbs, and
in seven-segment displays.
Recent developments have produced high-output white light LEDs suitable for room and
outdoor area lighting.
LEDs have led to new displays and sensors, while their high switching rates are useful in
advanced communications technology.
Unlike a laser, the light emitted from an LED is neither spectrally coherent nor even
highly monochromatic.
However, its spectrum is sufficiently narrow that it appears to the human eye as a pure
(saturated) color.
Also unlike most lasers, its radiation is not spatially coherent, so it cannot approach the very
high brightness’s characteristic of lasers.
The frequency response of an LED is determined by the carrier dynamics (and therefore is
limited by the carrier lifetime Tn) and the parasitic capacitance of the LED (described by the
RC constant TRC.
If a small, constant forward bias is applied, the influence of the parasitic capacitance of the
LED can be neglected.
The LED 3-dB modulation optical bandwidth is defined as the modulation frequency at the
LED power transfer function is reduced by 3 dB [1]. The LED 3-dB modulation optical
bandwidth could be expressed as:
ƒ3dB = √3 / 2π / (Tn + TRCn).
First, We have to connect Various component taken from Component Library such as: CW
Laser, NRZ Pulse Generator, Optical Time Domain Visualizer, Oscilloscope Visualizer ,
Pseudo Random Bit Sequence Generator, Convert to Electrical Individual, Convert from
Electrical Individual Samples, Convert to Optical Individual & Convert from Optical
Individual Samples .

In the Following Way

After This, Go to the File Menu & Choose The Option Calculate. After this you will get pop-
up, choose the play button option on that pop-up. When the calculation is done, choose the

cross button.
Double click on Optical Time Domain Visualizer & Oscilloscope Visualizer, you will get this
AIM: To study Semiconductor Laser-Large Signal Modulation using optisystem.
Semiconductor lasers or laser diodes play an important part in our everyday lives by providing
cheap and compact-size lasers.
They consist of complex multi-layer structures requiring nanometer scale accuracy and an
elaborat design.
Their theoretical description is important not only from a fundamental point of view, but also
in order to generate new and improved designs. It is common to all systems that the laser is an
inverted carrier density system.
The carrier inversion results in an electromagnetic polarization which drives an electric field .
In most cases, the electric field is confined in a resonator, the properties of which are also
important factors for laser performance.
Semiconductor lasers are solid-state lasers based on semiconductor gain media, where optical
gain is usually achieved by stimulated emission at an inter-band transition under conditions of
a high carrier density in the conduction band.
Most semiconductor lasers are laser diodes, which are pumped with an electrical current in a
region where an n-doped and a p-doped semiconductor material meet.
However, there are also optically pumped semiconductor lasers, where carriers are generated
by absorbed pump light, and quantum cascade lasers, where intra-band transitions are utilized.
The large-signal characteristics are related to the digital on/off switching of the laser diode.
First, we will demonstrate the delay time required to achieve the population inversion to
produce the gain. Second, we will demonstrate the typical for the direct modulation of
semiconductor laser amplitude and phase modulations.
For the laser which is completely turned off, the carrier lifetime will limit the modulation rate.
For a current pulse Ip , a period of time td given by:

is needed to achieve the population inversion to produce a gain. IB and Ith are the bias and
threshold currents, and T the average lifetime of the carriers.
From this formula could be inferred that the time delay can be eliminated by biasing the diode
at the lasing threshold current.

First, We have to connect Various component taken from Component Library such as: CW
Laser, isolator, Optical delay, optical spectrum analyzer.
In the following way:

After this, Go to the File Menu & Choose The Option Calculate. After this you will get pop-
up, choose the play button option on that pop-up. When the calculation is done,choose the cross

Double click on Optical Spectrum Analyzer _3, you will get this:

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