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Imagination in History

Teodoro Agoncillo

“One might say that the facts are conditioned by the historian’s imagination, and the imagination
is conditioned by the facts.” This quotation is confusing, we all know that history should be based
on facts, evidence and documentation that has been truly seen by two human eyes.  But as I
deepen my understanding, imagination is different from fiction and historians are not fictionists. 
As Teodoro Agoncillo states, when a historian has finished gathering his data of facts, he does
not immediately piece them together but studies them thoroughly and intensely. They are the
bones of history, but the flesh and blood must be supplied by the historian through the judicious
use of his imagination. Let’s not be confused between probability and possibility and imagination
between fiction. In both instances, the imagination follows the logic of the situation.  But fiction
follows the logic of an impossible situation that no one has seen. According to Bowen, History,
be worthy of its name, must be written with IMAGINATION, with verve and color as a primary
source would allow. Let us not be Kennan who is guilty for writing fiction into history, claiming
his piece without any documentary evidence to support his vivid descriptions.  

These statements could go to the Philippine issues before the election for 17th president.  I want
to be more enlightened because the written history is different from the people who have lived
and experienced the cruelty of the past. Some people say that martial law which is also
considered a golden era has brought a great world peace to the Philippines but the people and the
country have experienced the opposite from what history has been claiming throughout the years. 
Maybe yes, some people may experience peace, it is because they are privileged people who do
not need to experience suffering at that time, but how about the Filipino people at the bottom who
became vulnerable when martial law was declared. Do historians become blind to that specific
part of history to protect someone with a high profile name or maybe they are like Kennan who
still writes but not actually witness the scene he is describing; nor had any documentary to prove
it. According to Mr. Agoncillo “Let the facts speak for themselves” at the end of the day the truth
will come out by itself. Again, let us not be confused about using imaginative creativity in history
because according to George Macaulay Trevelyan,  let the science and research of the historians
find the fact, and let his imagination and art make clear its significance. 


403 Forbidden. (n.d.).Was martial law good for the Philippine

Martial Law in Data. (n.d.).The  Martial Law Memorial Museum 
Teodoro A. Agoncillo | GOVPH. (n.d.). Teodoro a. Agoncillo | Official Gazette of the Republic of
the Philippines. Retrieved November 5, 2022, from

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