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Please list at least 3 research methods you have used on the course so far?
Website creation research. (Look at Ben’s example website)
Poster creation research. (I examined various types of posters to help me create my poster)
Trailer creation research. (Using my eyes, I did more than glance at 3 trailers to create my trailers, I dived
deep into them to make my trailer)


What is qualitive research?

Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to
understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem
or generate new ideas for research.

What is quantitative research?

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analysing numerical data. It can be used to find
patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalise results to wider

What is primary research?

Primary research is defined as a methodology used by researchers to collect data directly, rather than
depending on data collected from previously done research. Technically, they “own” the data. Primary
research is solely carried out to address a certain problem, which requires in-depth analysis.


Identify at least 3 elements you would need to build an “audience profile” for one of the media products
you have created on the course so far? (Horror Film Poster / Lost Short Film / Blair with Trailer Project)

An understanding of the source material.

Research the analytics of what people would like out of it.

Look into various age groups and see what which group would like it best.

Create a survey to know what people would want in your project.



From the list below of communication methods and skills select which ones you will be using for each of
the projects listed in this section. You may use the same methods and skills in more than one project.

Use of camera
Use of editing
Use of sound (Music/ dialogue/effects)
Writing skills (Scripts/synopsis/questionaries/surveys/taglines/evaluations)
Research Skills (Secondary research of short films, horror films, interactive films)

Horror Film Poster

Use of editing, Photoshop is the editing software that I used to create the poster.

Writing skills, the tagline and credit block requires me to write in specific contexts that are each different
but both are necessary for the poster to seem more professional then without it.

Lost Short Film

Use of camera, the various camera angles I used like pov and medium shot.

Use of editing, I used when it was necessary, like when I had to include my phone being dropped onto
the ground when the original footage.

Use of sound, I used sound effects to help add effect to a moment like near the end, I also added music
at the beginning to help the beginning sound better and the part where I search for my phone, plus the
credits music also helps audiences cope with the ending.

Narrative, I created a basic plot to help create this film with my group at the time, it went few a few
revisions but it eventually got to the current form that it is.

Blair Witch Trailer Project


Looking at the projects above pick one communication method and skill that you have used in more than
one project, compare how you have used them differently.

When me and my group were planning how we filmed it was different in the way I was working with a
different group with both Blair witch and Lost respectively, but when I say planning on how we filmed it
largely came down to how each team was directed by me in both location and communication, some
people needed more clarity than others when it came to actor movement along with camera movement.

Apply the following media processes and skills to the projects you have worked on, you may apply some
of these processes and skills to more than one project. Be sure to paste a link to your Weebly page for
each project.

Script writing
Video Editing
Primary Research
Secondary Research

Horror Film Poster –
Photoshop, research and storyboarding. I’m not sure if it counts but technically storyboards are made via
sketches and I sketched early versions of the poster. Then after I looked for images using my research
skills and then I plugged them into photoshop to create the poster.

Lost Short Film –
Video editing, research and storyboarding. When we were creating the storyboards we researched

Blair Witch Trailer –

This time focusing on THE BLAIR WITCH TRAILER PROJECT ONLY how successful do you feel you used
the following communication methods and skills? Provide one example below for each of the following
methods and skills.

Use of camera
When me and my crew were in the green screen room, we took a few takes to get things just right.

Use of editing
When, I put the footage into premier pro I then turned some of the footage black and white.

Use of sound (Music/ dialogue/effects)

I did some narration in various voices and tones and then I added some eerie music to help sell the fact
that the trailer is meant to be scary.

Join my character Mark Jackson as he tries to figure out the mystery of the Blair witch.
This version is not meant to be a reboot but rather a retelling of the same story but from a different
point of view like most legends, just look at Greek and Roman gods. But for the trailer it largely follows
the structure of the original trailer just with some minor dialog and sound tweaks.

Writing skills (Scripts/synopsis/questionaries/surveys/taglines/evaluations)

I had to use my writing skills to create the opening text as well as make a makeshift script to follow.

Research Skills (Secondary research of short films)

I combed through the original trailer to create my own version.

Looking at all of the above please answer the following

What worked well?

The filming process went well along with the editing process.

What would you do differently and why?

I would encourage my team to do more of the work as I will admit as fun as it is being able to my many
voices but I feel like more could be done with my team in the narration especially as that was all me.
I certainly would like more than 2 days to film the scenes, especially so my team could each do narration
for each of their versions.

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