U1L8 Student Guide - 2

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Unit 1: Introduction to the Brain

Student Guide Lesson 8

1. What are the objectives of today’s lesson?

2. Review the triad:

 Executive Function; C
 Reward; N A
 Threat; A

3. What is memory?

 A memory is the _________________ of a specific group of ________________

 Memory involves the process of e ,s , and r experiences and
 During the _____________________ process (remembering), neurons that were involved in
the ________________________ __________________ fire in the same pattern they did
when the information was ___________________ _____________________

4. Describe the stages of memory and what your brain does:

 Encode (__________________ _________________) – your brain determines whether to

“s__________” information
 Store (m_____________ i_______________ over t_________________) – If it is important,
your brain places that information in “___________________ ___________________”
 Retrieve (_______________) – the ability to a____________ the information when you need
it. Think of the memory file as “_____________________” files

5. How are memories formed?

 Memory is the ____________________ of a specific group of __________________

 S____________ P______________ describes the persistent changes in the s_____________
of connections (called s______________) between brain cells
 These connections can be made ________________ or _______________ depending on
when and how often they have been activated in the past

U1L6 Student Guide 1

 A____________ c_______________ tend to get stronger, whereas those that are not used
get weaker and can eventually d________________ e__________________
 Changing the strength of e_____________ s______________ or even adding new ones or
removing old ones, is critical to m________________ f___________________

6. What is the difference between declarative and nondeclarative memories?

 Declarative (explicit) – knowing the “what” – memories of _____________and

- For example:
 Nondeclarative (implicit) – ____________________________________
- For example:

7. What is memory consolidation and when does it occur?

 Memory consolidation is the ________________ from working to l_________ t____________

 Occurs during s________________
 While we sleep, the ___________________ replays recent events
 The same _________________active in the hippocampus during an experience become
_____________________ again during deep sleep
 This occurs repeatedly, helping to update the _________________ about what needs to be
 Replay occurs during sleep, so if you are not getting enough sleep, you are not letting your
brain c_________________ m__________________

8. What is a working memory and how is it similar to being the “brain’s post-it notes”?
 The ability to _______________ and _____________________ information at the same time
 Holds a __________________ _______________ of information
 Necessary step towards long term ________________________

9. Where are memories formed and stored?

 Memories are not stored in just ______________ _____________ of the brain
 Different types are stored across different interc______________ b____________
- _______________ memories (conscious) – hippocampus, neocortex, and amygdala
- _______________ memories (unconscious) – basal ganglia and cerebellum
- _______________ memory- prefrontal cortex

10. Which parts of the brain are involved with memory?

U1L6 Student Guide 2

 Working memory; pre___________ c____________
 Long term memory
- Declarative ; ____________________, _____________________, ___________________
- Nondeclarative; b______________ g_____________, c________________

11. Take a few notes on the Living Lesson video

12. Who is Henry Molaison (HM)?

 His ______________ was s______________ r________________ during an operation to treat
his e_________________
 After the surgery he was only able to form _________________ m_______________ that
lasted a matter of ______________________
 Unable to p__________________ s__________________ new information
 He was still able to improve performance on various motor tasks, even though no memory of
ever encountering or practicing them
 Study proved that the hippocampus is crucial for laying down memories, it is not the site of
p_____________ m_________________ s______________ and is not needed for motor
 The study also showed that m___________ t_____________ of memory existed, and that
i_____________m_____________ l_____________ occurs in other brain areas – the
__________ ______________ and cerebellum

13. What is the hippocampus responsible for in relevance to memory?

 _______________________ new memories for facts and events
 N_______________________
 Spatial orientation
 L___________ t__________ storage of information
 It records information; involves ____________y or phy________ changes in different areas
 Moves information from w_________ m______________ storage to ____________
__________ storage

14. What role does fear play in forming memories?

U1L6 Student Guide 3

 The _______________ plays a key role in forming n________ m___________ specifically
related to fear
 _______________ m______________ can be formed after one i___________ or only a few
 Understanding how the amygdala processes fear is important

15. Describe the difference between progressive and immediate memory disorders:

 Progressive
- _________________and ultimately ________________ brain disease
- ____________________ to acquire new memories
- Difficulty ____________________recent facts
- Example: Alzheimer’s

 Immediate
- Damage to the brain caused by an ____________________ __________________
- Potential for ____________________
- Can be associated with __________________________ ____________________
- ______________________ normal brain functioning
- Example: Traumatic Brain Injury

16. Tips to Improve Memory

 Sleep

 Participate a___________________

 P__________________ and test yourself

 Eat a _____________________________ diet

 Exercise

17. Motivation and Memory

 You remember what is i_______________________ to you

 Why do teachers attempt to make content more interesting with songs or acronyms?


18. Memory Take-Away

U1L6 Student Guide 4
 You remember what you _________________ about, what you are ___________________ in
and what you are ____________________ about… because all of those things are largely
involved in the brain’s making of ________________________

U1L6 Student Guide 5

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