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 General:

- Our background:
"Cuisine For Uni Students" is a project that was founded by 5 members with the aim of
conveying to students delicious, cheap, and easy-to-make foods.
With simple and close criteria, this project promises to bring a lot of fun as well as new
experiences, especially for students.

- Processes:
We follow two main ideas: cooking by ourselves and rating the dishes. Then to attract students,
we will advertise through a widely used Social Network. We will meet at the home of a member
who is staying in a hostel or in private and learn simple, easy-to-make, and nutritious dishes
together then proceed to cook and record the process. We will try as much as possible to simplify
the dishes as well as create excitement when cooking. So, it’s easy to attract students and help
them have more experience with food. Then students can create their own dishes or follow our
way to make their meals cheaper and better for their health.

- Timeline:
Week 1: Preaparing (Establing page – Form up and reposition team)
Week 1: Making food from pork (Ba chỉ cuốn lá mơ chấm mắm tôm)
Week 2: Making food from fish (Cá thu sốt cà)
Week 3: Making food from vegatables (Lẩu chay – Vegan hotpot)
Week 4: Making food from chicken (Mì xào ức gà – Stir-fry noodles with breast chicken)
Week 5: Making food from rice (Cơm chiên Dương Châu - Yangzhou fried rice)

 Achieve
- Until 04/11/2022, our Facebook page has 102 followers and 102 likes, total number of
people post reached is 2851 and the interaction is 1071.
- The most reached post is a page introduction post (872) and the most interaction post is a
first recipe post (243)
- In TikTok, our page has 10 followers and 98 likes in all posts

 Analysis and recommendations:

- As first, our challange is find out which meal has enough healthy with cheap price and
lesstime. Also in some week, we have lots of deadlines which make our work are very
- Second, in some recipe, we lack of ingredients, but fortunately, we can find the solutions.
- And finally, is about our advertisement, since not everybody using Tiktok, the followers
in there is not much as we expected.

- Improve the advertise parts
- Improve the interaction between viewers and admin
- Do some feedback for all viewers to improve quality of content and video
 Conclusion:
- We cannot say this project is completely successed, but we are satisfy about what and
how this project brought to everyone.
- What we need is share these recipe to all of you so that everyone can have healthy and
lesstime meal.

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