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In a small town nestled in the mountains, there lived a mischievous boy named Jack. He loved to play pra
nks on the townspeople, always finding new and creative ways to fool them.

One day, while he was out playing in the woods, Jack stumbled upon an old book that spoke of a powerfu
l demon that lived in the mountains. Excited by the possibility of a new prank, Jack decided to trick the to
wnspeople by pretending that the demon was coming to attack the town.

He ran through the streets, shouting, "The demon is coming! Run for your lives!" The townspeople, not kn
owing what to make of Jack’s words, dismissed him as a foolish boy and went about their business.

Days passed, and Jack continued his pranks, always careful not to take them too far. But one night, a po
werful demon actually did appear in the town. The townspeople were terrified, and many of them ran to th
e safety of their homes.

Jack, who had been out playing a prank, suddenly found himself face to face with the demon. He ran to th
e town square, crying out for help, but the townspeople, thinking it was just another one of his pranks, did
n’t take him seriously.

The demon chased Jack through the town, destroying everything in its path. The townspeople watched in
horror as the demon tore through their homes and streets, leaving destruction in its wake.

In the end, the demon caught up with Jack and dragged him away, never to be seen again. The townspeo
ple realized too late that they should have taken Jack’s warning seriously, and that they had paid the ultim
ate price for their lack of trust.

From that day on, the town bore a curse, haunted by the ghostly cries of Jack, warning them of the dange
rs that lurked in the darkness. They knew that they could never again ignore the cries of a child, for fear th
at it might be too late to save them. And they knew that the boy who cried Demon had met a dark, twisted
fate that was beyond their wildest nightmares.

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