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Risk Analysis, Vol. 24, No.

4, 2004

Redundancy as a Design Principle and

an Operating Principle

John S. Carroll∗

1. INTRODUCTION dently” confirm the identity of the helicopters. How-

ever, the second pilot, unable to get a clear view, only
In an era of increased concern over terrorist at-
stated that he saw two helicopters; each pilot assumed
tacks on nuclear installations and other targets, policy
the other had made a correct identification.
makers must address questions such as: “Will more
(nuclear) security forces produce more (nuclear) se-
curity?” As Scott Sagan (this issue) points out, station-
ing more guards at every vulnerable point seems like a 2. DESIGN LOGICS AND OPERATING
simple and effective solution based on the engineering LOGICS
principle of redundancy, but carries additional risks Underlying this difficulty in managing human sys-
that could make us less secure overall. Sagan articu- tems is a larger issue of the differences between de-
lates three problems with redundancy as a strategy: sign logics and operating logics (Carroll, 1998; Perin,
common-mode failures such as insider threats from 1998). Design logics, the province of engineers and
the guards themselves, diffusion of responsibility that other technical specialists, deal with how things are
produces relaxed vigilance, and overcompensation or intended to work. As Sagan points out, the existing
expanding the mission in the belief that there is more regulations that call for five security guards at nuclear
than adequate protective capability. power plants are designed to meet a maximum threat
Sagan’s argument is innovative and persuasive. from three outside attackers and one plant insider,
In essence, policy makers and engineer designers are giving the guards a numerical advantage. Similarly,
familiar with technical logics that analyze problems the concrete containments of nuclear power plants are
into subpieces, address each subpiece, and then cal- designed to withstand a direct hit from a Boeing 707
culate overall effectiveness under assumptions such jet, the largest commercial plane when the regulations
as independence. In technical systems, independence were written (but much smaller than modern jumbo
means that a flaw in one place is uncoupled from a jets). Probabilistic risk analysis, the most elaborate
flaw elsewhere, so the probability of two flaws can version of protective calculus, is based on a variety
be calculated easily from the separate probabilities. of assumptions, including that plants will correspond
However, in human systems, independence rapidly to their designs and be operated in accordance with
breaks down because people take action based on regulatory requirements. In short, design logics are di-
their beliefs about what other people are doing: in rected at anticipating threats and designing defenses
short, protective measures that are technically inde- (redundant or “in depth” where necessary) to prevent
pendent may be socially coupled (and also technically and mitigate known problems.
coupled in unanticipated ways, Perrow (1984)). Sagan However, the world of actual operations always
gives the example of the friendly fire downing of two diverges from the assumptions on which plans and
Black Hawk helicopters over the no-fly zone in Iraq designs are based. Analyses of serious accidents at
in which two F-15 pilots were supposed to “indepen- nuclear power plants show that plants were outside
their intended operating conditions (Reason, 1990;
∗ MIT Sloan School of Management. Rasmussen, 1990). The as-built plant was not identical

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C 2004 Society for Risk Analysis
956 Carroll

to the design, equipment was allowed to deteriorate, selves, who may choose to attack a less formidable
repairs were not made in a timely fashion, opera- target.
tors and maintenance personnel worked in ways that
designers had not considered, and unanticipated tech-
nical challenges emerged (e.g., stress corrosion crack-
ing, outage risk). In contrast to design logics, operat-
ing logics demand continual alertness, maintenance
of doubt (Schulman, 1993), heedful interrelating However, if we want real safety beyond the per-
(Weick et al., 1999), and resilience in the face of sur- ception of safety, then we have to combine design log-
prise (Wildavsky, 1988). This means that plants are ics with operating logics. Sagan offers awareness as a
both less safe and more safe than we calculate: less first step for opening a dialogue around the value of re-
safe because hidden traps or “latent defects” (Reason, dundancy, or how much is enough. But we can go fur-
1990) are widespread, and more safe because people ther. There are ways to address problems such as diffu-
can improvise to handle risks and manage problems sion of responsibility, complacency, and scope creep
in creative and unplanned ways (e.g., using fire hoses that are linked to redundancy. Research on “social
to provide cooling water when all cooling pumps were loafing” (Karau & Williams, 1993) and accountability
disabled). (Tetlock, 1992) shows that responsibility does not dif-
Thus, there is no exact answer to the question fuse if people know they are individually accountable,
of how many guards are needed at a nuclear facil- particularly to a diverse audience that may ask unpre-
ity. Given a predictable threat (three outside attack- dictable questions. Research on safety culture shows
ers and one insider) and a set of assumptions (well- that it is possible to maintain a questioning attitude
trained guards who react appropriately, attackers who and avoid complacency (Carroll et al., 2002; Mearns,
follow a standard attack plan, etc.), then a level of et al., 2003; Reason, 1997). Above all, research and
safety can be calculated. However, as someone who experience show that safety comes from people, not
sat in on verbal reports following a simulated attack from technology alone (Weick et al., 1999). It is peo-
against a nuclear power plant, I know that these as- ple who notice vulnerabilities, design models, pay at-
sumptions are routinely violated. Plants prepare care- tention to surprises, tell each other about discover-
fully for these scheduled tests and, when weaknesses ies and problems, create technical and organizational
are revealed, they make changes intended to reme- innovations, and pass information across plants and
diate the weaknesses, but they are not necessarily industries.
re-tested at that point in time. Thus, any number of Far more resources have been invested in techni-
weaknesses may remain, at least for some number of cal know-how than in understanding how people op-
years. Nor do we really know whether a “surprise” test erate within technical systems. Nuclear power plants
would achieve the same level of performance. Since are required to spend millions of dollars on technical
security forces face an intelligent opponent who is well safety analyses and safety equipment. On the people
aware of the countermeasures being adopted, we can side, we rely on procedures, training, and supervision
be reasonably assured that terrorists will attack at a to make people do what is expected of them. Unfortu-
time and place of their choice and in a manner di- nately, we also need them to do more than is expected.
rected at whatever weaknesses they anticipate. If 19 We want people to bring their experience, creativity,
terrorists can attack 4 airplanes, then 19 terrorists can imagination, and teamwork to the workplace. We can-
attack 1 nuclear power plant. Five guards are only “re- not “design in” safety through technical means alone;
dundant” if we assume that they (and more) are not discussions over safety have to engage the knowledge
all needed at once. and experience of a wide range of experts and prac-
The truth of the matter is that redundancy serves titioners, including operations personnel and social
to make us feel safe. At a time of public concern, policy scientists. Policy makers should consider that invest-
makers have “to let insiders and outsiders see that top ments in a greater variety of skills and viewpoints, a
officials are doing something” (Sagan, this issue). Re- reasonable amount of slack time for reflection and
dundancy is in part a persuasive argument addressed observation, critical self-analysis that admits doubt,
to policy makers who allocate funds, plant employees willingness to improvise and learn from experience,
who must be motivated to do their jobs as well as pos- and managerial capabilities are just as important for
sible, a public that needs reassurance in order to con- security against terrorists as they are for operational
tinue working and spending, and the terrorists them- excellence in general.
Redundancy as a Design or Operating Principle 957

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