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 The universe began

about 14.4 billion years

 The Big Bang Theory
states that, in the
beginning, the universe
was all in one place
 All of its matter and
energy were squished
into an infinitely small
point, a singularity
 Then it exploded
 The tremendous
amount of material
blown out by the
explosion eventually
formed the stars and
 After about 10 billion
years, our solar
system began to form
 In cosmogony, the Nebular Hypothesis is the
currently accepted argument about how a
Solar System can form
A large gas cloud (nebula) begins to condense
Most of the mass is in the center, there is
turbulence in the outer parts
The turbulent
eddies collect
matter measuring
meters across
Small chunks grow
and collide,
becoming large
aggregates of gas
and solid chunks
 Pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope
show newborn stars emerging from dense,
compact pockets of interstellar gas called
evaporating gaseous globules
 Gravitational attraction causes the mass of gas
and dust to slowly contract and it begins to
 The dust and matter slowly falls towards the
 A theory that states that the universe
began to expand with the explosion
of concentrated matter and energy.
 The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation
about how the universe began. At its simplest,
it says the universe as we know it started with
a small singularity, then inflated over the next
13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know
 Because current instruments don't allow
astronomers to peer back at the universe's
birth, much of what we understand about the
Big Bang Theory comes from mathematical
formulas and models.
 The Earth is divided into four
main layers.

*Inner Core
*Outer Core
* The Earth’s crust is like the
skin of an apple. It is very
thin compared to the other
three layers.
 *The crust makes up 1% of
the Earth.
* The crust of the Earth is
broken into many pieces
called plates.
 Outer layer
 5-100 km thick
 2 types of crust
 Oceanic (very
dense, made of
 Continental
(less dense,
made of granite)
 The mantle is the
layer below the
 The mantle is the
largest layer of
the Earth.
 The mantle is
divided into two
regions: the upper
and lower sections.
* The core of the
Earth is like a ball
of very hot metals.

* The outer core is


* The outer core is

made up of iron
and is very dense.
* The inner core of
the Earth has
temperatures and
pressures so great
that the metals are
squeezed together
and are not able to
* The inner core is a
 How are the earth’s
layers similar to an

 Shell=crust
 Egg white=mantle
 Yolk=core
 What is Earth?
 The Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun between
Venus and Mars.the Earth is made up of several
unique properties, characteristics and composition.
*Every of these properties and elements in Earth
system are largely categories into one of the major
subsystem including water, living things,land and
the air. *these four Wonder of the Earth are
dependants upon each other and have been used to
make the study of biological and physical
components of the Earth. *They are scientifically
called the biophysical elements, which names are….
 1.Hydrosphere
 2.Biosphere
 3.Lithosphere
 4.Atmosphere
 These spheres are further divided into various
sub spheres.
 • The hydrosphere contains all the water found on
our Earth. • Water found on the surface of our planet
including that ocean as well from lakes, rivers and
streams. • Water found under the surface of our
planet including water trapped in the soil and
ground water. • Water found in our atmosphere
including water vapor. • Frozen water on our planet
including ice caps and glaciers. • Only about 3% of
the water on Earth is fresh water and about 70% of
the fresh water is frozen in the from of glacial ice.
 • the biosphere is the life zone of the Earth and
including all living organism (including human)and
all organic matter that has not yet decomposed. •
The biosphere is structured into a hierarchy known
as the found chain • Energy and mass is transferred
from one level of the food chain to the next. •
Deserts,forests, grasslands, aquatic and tundra are
the five main biomes that are present in the
 The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air,
which we call the atmosphere. The atmosphere
reaches over 560 kilometers (348miles)up from
the surface of the Earth The atmosphere is
primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%)
and oxygen (about 21%) other components
exist in small quantities. The atmosphere
consists of four unique layers (the
troposphere,the stratosphere,the mesosphere
and the thermosphere).
 •These atmosphere layers exhibit different
chemical composition and temperature and the
temperatures and chemical composition widely
vary with the different layers.
 •The atmosphere is always in constant
interaction with the hyrdosphere, giving rise to
the planets weather conditions.
 The lithosphere is made up of all hard and
solid land mass on the Earth surface,the semi
rocks(molten materials) underneath the earth
crust and the liquid rocks in the inner core of
the earth. The surface of the lithosphere is
uneven as it is characterized by various
landforms features. The liquid,semi-solid and
solid land components of the lithosphere form
layers that are chemically and physically
different.this is why the lithosphere is further
divided into sub spheres namely the crust,the
mantle,the outer core ,and the inner core.

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