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NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Class Lecture # 1
Naturally Occurring Radiations

Dr. M. Sohail
01-07-2021 (Summer Semester)
Department of Nuclear Engineering

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Reference books
 “Introduction to Health Physics” by Herman Cember

 “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering “ by John R


NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Naturally Occurring Radiation

Cosmic Radiation

 The primary cosmic radiation consists of a mixture of

protons ( ̴87%), α-particles ( ̴11%), and a trace of
heavier nuclei ( ̴1 %) and electrons ( ̴1 %)

 Mainly with energies between 108 and 1011 eV

 Interact in the first few hundred g/cm2 of the


NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Naturally Occurring Radiation contd..

 Large numbers of secondary particles, in particular,
neutrons, additional protons, and charged pions, are
produced as a result of these interactions.

 Cosmic ray intensity increases with altitude because of

the decreased shielding effect of the atmosphere

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Naturally Occurring Radiation contd..

Terrestrial Radiation

 Approximately 340 naturally occurring nuclides on

earth of which 70 are radioactive

 Primordial radionuclides present since the earth was


 Concentrations or quantities of naturally occurring

radioactive material of sufficient activity are known by
the acronym NORM

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Half Lives of Radionuclides

 Primordial nuclides must be very long-lived e.g. 238U(T1/2 =
4.5 X 109 yrs)

 Parents of long decay chains (short lived radionuclides)

 Cosmogenic radionuclides that are continually being

produced by the action of cosmic rays

 Other Naturally occurring short-lived radionuclides, such as

1/2 = 5,730 yrs) produced by cosmic rays

 3H, the worldwide steady state inventory is estimated to be

34 × 106 Ci and for 14C is 31 × 107 Ci

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes

NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes
 The 238U and 234U belong to one family, the uranium

 While the 235U isotope of uranium is the first member

of another series called the actinium series

 All members of a radioactive series are found in the

upper portion of the periodic table

 The lowest atomic number in these groups is 81, while

the lowest mass number is 207

NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes
 The first member of each series is very long-lived

 In case of artificially produced neptunium series, the

first member is the transuranic element 241Pu
 The half-life of 241Pu is only 13 years, a period of a
century is long enough to permit most of the 241Pu to
decay away

 The half-life of the longest-lived member of this series,

237Np, which is 2.2 × 106 years is also sufficiently short

compared to 4.5 billion yrs

NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes
 Each naturally series has a gaseous member

 Which is the radioactive gas a different isotope of the

element radon

 The artificial neptunium series has no gaseous member

 The existence of the radioactive gases in the three

chains is one of the chief reasons for naturally
occurring environmental radioactivity

10 DNE
NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes
 The radon gas diffuses out of the earth into the air and
becomes widely dispersed throughout the local

 The radioactive radon daughters, which are solids

under ordinary conditions, attach themselves to
atmospheric dust
 Airborne particles are washed out of the atmosphere
by rain, to increase background radiation during
periods of rain

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NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes
 When the ground is covered with snow a decrease in
airborne radioactivity occurs

 The filtering action of the snow blanket on the effusing

radon and its daughters

 Increased environmental radioactivity from this source

also occurs during temperature inversions

 When vertical mixing of the air and consequent

dilution of radon and its daughters temporarily ceases

12 DNE
NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Long Series of Radioactive Isotopes
 The end product in each case of three natural
radioactive series is lead
o In the case of the uranium series, the final member is stable
206Pb, in the actinium series, it is 207Pb, and in the thorium

series, it is 208Pb.
 The artificial neptunium series differs, the terminal
member is stable bismuth, 209Bi.

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NE-507 Radiological Engineering
Low-Atomic-Numbered Naturally
Occurring Radioisotopes
 Several of the elements among the lower-atomic
numbered members also have radioactive isotopes

 Potassium in humans is about 1.7 g/kg is the most

important from the health physics point of view

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