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Topic Competencies Constructivist Teaching strategies

-Divide the class into 4 groups. The

teacher must provide the following
things: Stone, water in a container,
balloons in different shapes, ice
cubes Each group must brainstorming
Characteristics of Describe different objects based on and identify those things whether it is
solids, liquids, and their characteristics (e. g. shape , solid, liquid, or gas. After identifying it,
gases weight, volume, ease of flow) they must report it to the whole class
and identify when will be the solid
turns into liquid and the liquid turns
into solid. Each group who will get the
greatest points will receive a reward
from the teacher.

- The teacher will give the pupils to

go outside the classroom and
observed everything that surrounds
them either living or non-living
things. After a few minutes she/he
Enumerate healthful habits to will be calling some pupils to
Human sense organs protect the sense organs perform a scenario and ask
everyone what kind of sense organ
do they portray and after that pupil
who answered will explain and after
that pupil who answered will explain
about the given answer

-Print some pictures of the animals and

Describe animals in their give it to your pupils one by one. Let
Animals immediate surroundings them identify it using sounds that can
be done by that particular

-Divide the class into groups, let the

class demonstrate how sound, heat,
Describe sources of light, sound, light and electricity can be transformed
Heat and electricity heat, and electricity give them enough time to discuss it with
the group and make a presentation
after the said discussion.

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