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Geologic Hazard Investigation for

Abu Dhabi
Muna Rashed Al Kaabi
A Dissertation Presented to the
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Interdisciplinary Engineering

© 2017 Masdar Institute of Science and Technology

All rights reserved

Abu Dhabi is expecting a huge growth over the next 20 years and is planning a

massive integrated transportation system, including several modes of transportation to

ensure that Abu Dhabi becomes a sustainable city on a global scale. Most of these

structures are expected to encounter difficult ground and groundwater conditions,

which are a concern for construction both at the surface and underground. A first step

to manage the risks associated with this type of infrastructure is to manage the hazards

and the risk associated with the ground conditions. This research focuses on the study

of a particular ground hazard common in Abu Dhabi, gypsum dissolution and karst

formation, and its impacts on infrastructure development. This is done through the

development of two complementary tasks, and therefore the research includes two

parts. Part 1 focuses on the development of an up-to-date geologic model in

combination with a spatial inventory of karst-related features, based on an extensive

field survey and spatial statistical analysis. This allowed us to organize available data,

set up databases and catalogs of karst features and proposed a unified geologic

classification for Abu Dhabi subsurface. The developed 3D geologic model and the

spatial statistical analysis of the geologic data can serve as a tool for planning and

construction of urban systems in Abu Dhabi.

Part 2 of this research studies the effect of gypsum cavities on tunneling.

Geologic and construction data from the Strategic tunneling Enhancement programme

(STEP) tunnels, the largest pipeline infrastructure project in the GCC region, served

as the basis for the study. To investigate this problem, finite element analyses using

the software PLAXIS are conducted, where the size of the cavity, the location, and

distance between the two openings is systematically varied. The simulations are

conducted in different ground types cohesive, granular and mixed ground. Results of

the analyses are presented graphically in charts that show the bending moment and

surface deformations as functions of the tunnel geometry, cavity characteristics,

construction parameters and properties of the ground. These graphs allow one to

identify the most critical scenarios for tunneling through the ground where cavities are


This research was supported by the Government of Abu Dhabi to help fulfill the

vision of the late President Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan for sustainable

development and empowerment of the UAE and humankind.


Thanks to Allah for blessing me with all the beautiful things and the people in

my life. Thanks to Allah for reaching the moment where I am writing my Ph.D.

acknowledgment and the impossible becomes possible. Thank you for blessing me

with my biggest supporter and my strength during the whole time my lovely Mom

(May Allah bless her with long healthy life).

I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Rita Sousa for being the way she is. She

has been the beautiful caring sister and supportive advisor any student wishes to have.

Thank you for your trust, support and guidance which helped me to reach where I am


I would like to thank my co-advisor, Dr. Hosni for his insightful comments

and encouragement. I would like also to thank my MIT RSC member, Professor

Herbert Einstein who I was honored to be under his supervision. Thank you,

Professor, for your Kindness, support, guidance and insightful feedbacks all the time.

I would like to thank the Municipality of Abu Dhabi city, Abu Dhabi

Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) and Abu Dhabi General Services (Musanada),

for providing us with the needed data. Also, I would like to thank Eng. Nasser Al

Nuaimi, Deputy Programme Management Department Manager (ADSSC) as well as

Eng. Majed Al Marzouqi, Projects Engineer (ADSSC) for their continues support.

To my lovely and extraordinary friends, I am blessed with many good friends

who have been like a family to me, nothing can describe them. For me I see them as

different flavors because each one of them is a unique person that added a touch to my

life and all together bring a beautiful harmony. Wala my dearest friend and my sister I

will be always thankful for knowing you, thank you for you friendship and your

support since the beginning of my journey in Masdar. My Golden ladies Aamena,

Naeema, Meshayel, Shaikha, Vims and Cathy, I will always remember our times,

adventures, chats and all the precious moments we shared and for that I am thankful

to you. My soulmate and my sister Nahla, I truly appreciate your friendship, you

brought a different meaning to my life, you changed my perception about things and

today I am a better version of me because of your support. Tata Watita, you are the

most beautiful soul I have ever seen in my life, I am really grateful for knowing you,

meeting you and being a part of your family, love you so much. My lovely Amera, I

am thankful to know someone beautiful, sweet, caring and supportive like you, Allah

bless you my dear. My beautiful crazy twins Mzna and Mzoon, I have always enjoyed

my time with you girls, thank you so much for your friendship and your love. To

Azza and her lovely family, meeting you is one of the amazing things in my life. I

truly love you and I appreciate your love and your support especially during my study

time in Boston. Your presences there made my life easier and happier and no words

can express my feelings towards you people, may Allah bless you all.

Special Thanks to my precious friends who I was fortunate to know in my last

two years at Masdar Institute. Eman, Muhaira, Nora, Shaikha, Kholoud, Afra, Bota,

Abeer, Mona and Radia. You are something really extraordinary; I learned how to be

a true friend among other things from you guys. I am so lucky and beyond that

because I have you in my life and I consider your friendship as a major transaction

step in my life. Thank you for being there for me all the time, thank you million times

for entering my life and making it extra sweet.

I would love also to thank a number of special friends for their friendship and

continuous support: Hessa, Kalthum, Ruqia, Hajar, Ryehana, Nassema, Al Naira,

Huda, Imen, Marwa, Abdullah Kaya, Abhishek Raj and Youssef Al Abd.

My Beautiful Saudi ladies: Haifa, Haya and Sara. It was a real pleasure to

know you girls and I will never forget our time in Boston, it will be always in my

heart and part of my special memories.

Finally, to my lovely family, thank you so much for your support whenever I

need it and for your understanding, May Allah bless you with happiness and long

healthy life.

Muna Rashed Al Kaabi,

Masdar City, December 20 2017



1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Executive summary ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Contribution to Masdar Institute’s mission and research relevance to Abu Dhabi
and the UAE ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Problem statement.................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Detailed Objectives.................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Scope of Work ........................................................................................................... 5
2 The 3D geologic model Methodology and Data Collection ............................................... 7
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2 GIS-based geologic and hydrogeological models ..................................................... 7
2.3 Developing a 3D geological model for Abu Dhabi area ......................................... 14
2.3.1 Abu Dhabi Surface Transportation plan .......................................................... 14
2.3.2 The Capital District, area Description, and geological setting ......................... 18
2.3.3 Framework of Abu Dhabi 3D geological Modelling ......................................... 21
3 3D Geologic Model and Spatial Data Analysis ................................................................. 38
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 38
3.2 Spatial Interpolation ................................................................................................ 38
3.2.1 IDW .................................................................................................................. 40
3.2.2 Kriging .............................................................................................................. 41
3.2.3 Data characterization ...................................................................................... 42
3.2.4 Spatial statistical analysis ................................................................................ 47
3.3 Evaluation of the interpolation methods.................................................................. 58
3.3.1 Study area ........................................................................................................ 58
3.3.2 Creating cross-section “a” ............................................................................... 59
3.4 The Emirate Neighborhood Geologic Model .......................................................... 66

4 Karst Hazard .................................................................................................................... 76
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 76
4.2 Karst areas ............................................................................................................... 76
4.3 Mechanisms of developing karst features ............................................................... 78
4.4 Natural and anthropogenic geohazards hazards in karst areas and Society impact 80
4.4.1 Karst geohazards in Abu Dhabi city, UAE ........................................................ 82
5 Karst Cavity effect on Tunnel construction: STEP Project Case....................................... 87
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 87
5.2 Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP) project in Abu Dhabi............. 87
5.2.1 Project description .......................................................................................... 87
5.3 Construction methods used by STEP ...................................................................... 92
5.3.1 Tunneling Boring Machine (TBM) .................................................................... 92
5.3.2 Pipe jacking and Micro-tunneling .................................................................... 96
5.4 STEP project cavity issues .................................................................................... 100
5.5 Cavity Grouting ..................................................................................................... 107
5.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 111
6 Data and Methodology .................................................................................................. 113
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 113
6.2 Finite Element Method (FEM) ............................................................................... 114
6.3 PLAXIS 2D............................................................................................................... 116
6.4 Modelling 3D tunnel excavation using 2D plain strain analysis ............................ 116
6.5 Geometry and boundary conditions ....................................................................... 118
6.5.1 Model dimensions ......................................................................................... 118
6.5.2 Model Type and Elements ............................................................................. 119
6.5.3 2D meshing .................................................................................................... 121
6.5.4 Boundary conditions...................................................................................... 121
6.6 Material models and input data ............................................................................. 121
6.6.1 Hardening Soil model (HS) ............................................................................. 122
6.6.2 Hardening Soil model (HS) input data ........................................................... 124
6.6.3 Hoek-Brown model (HB)................................................................................ 125
6.6.4 Hoek-Brown model (HB) input data .............................................................. 127
6.6.5 Structural input data ..................................................................................... 129
6.7 Initial stress K0 and calculation stages .................................................................. 129
6.7.1 The role of Initial stress K0 ............................................................................ 129

6.7.2 Calculation stages in PLAXIS 2D ..................................................................... 131
6.8 Empirical solution of surface settlement ............................................................... 142
7 Plaxis Results and Discussion......................................................................................... 145
7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 145
7.2 Results of the Mudstone model ............................................................................ 146
7.2.1 Bending moment (BM) .................................................................................. 146
7.2.2 Surface Displacement .................................................................................... 149
7.2.3 Grouting effect on the value of bending moment and the displacement at the
surface 154
7.2.4 Settlements using empirical solution ............................................................ 156
7.3 Results of the Sand Model..................................................................................... 157
7.3.1 Bending moment (BM) .................................................................................. 157
7.3.2 Displacement at 0.5m cavity distance from tunnel wall ............................... 160
7.3.3 Grouting effect on the value of bending moment and the displacement at the
surface 162
7.3.4 Displacement at 0.5m comparing with empirical solution ........................... 164
7.4 Bending moment for a complex model using HB and HS models ......................... 165
7.5 Summary of the Bending moment results ............................................................ 166
7.6 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 168
7.6.1 The maximum Bending moment ................................................................... 169
7.6.2 Displacement at the surface .......................................................................... 174
7.6.3 Grouting effect............................................................................................... 180
7.6.4 Cavity/ Tunnel Collapse (“soil body collapse”) ........................................... 180
8 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 182
8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 182
8.2 Three-Dimensional geologic model ...................................................................... 182
8.3 On the tunnel - Cavity interaction ......................................................................... 183
8.4 Recommendations and future work ....................................................................... 184
9 Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 186

List of Tables


Table 2. 1. Final Geological unit codes followed in the current project ................................................. 32

Table 5. 1:STEP project sections[58, 68] ............................................................................................... 90

Table 5. 2: T02 contract STEP project characteristics [58] .................................................................... 93
Table 5. 3. Summary of Anomalies identified by the MASW-2D Survey: [74] .................................. 104
Table 5. 4. : Registered risks of STEP project LS-01[75]: ................................................................... 104

Table 6.1: Material properties of the soil layer ..................................................................................... 124

Table 6. 2: Material properties of the Mudstone layer.......................................................................... 127
Table 6. 3: Material properties of the Gypsum layer ............................................................................ 128
Table 6. 4: Material properties of the lining ......................................................................................... 129
Table 6. 5. Summary of the analysis .................................................................................................... 136
Table 6. 6. Summary of the analysis for grouting effect on the value of bending moment and the
displacement at the surface .......................................................................................................... 140
Table 6. 7. Summary of the analysis for Complex ground model ........................................................ 141

Table7. 1: Tunnel bending moment from all scenarios ........................................................................ 166

List of Figures


Figure 1.1. (a) Deep cavity encountered within sandstone (Abu Dhabi), (b) Cavity encountered within
sandstone (Al Falah area, Abu Dhabi), (c and d) Subsidence in Khalifa City leads to cracked
roads, walls, and houses. Adapted from[5, 6] .................................................................................. 3
Figure 1. 2. The Abu Dhabi capital district including the future developed area. The zoom box at the
right shows the area strategic location between the highways Adapted from [1] ............................ 4

Figure 2. 1. 3D geological modeling of a small area in the Capital District, Abu Dhabi, using Arc GIS.8
Figure 2. 2. Fence diagram generated by the GIS of the small area subsoil in the Capital District, Abu
Dhabi. .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 2. 3. Areas covered by RIZZO 3D model. Adapted from [4]...................................................... 10
Figure 2. 4. Flow-chart of the proposed procedure in order to analyses the Turin city subsoil of urban
areas. Adapted from [10] ............................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2. 5: A) Traffic congestion in the2030 morning peak without the Plan. B) Traffic congestion in
the 2030 morning peak with the Plan. Green color represents under capacity areas while red is
over capacity. Adapted from [14] .................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2. 6. Abu Dhabi surface transportation plan. Adapted from[14, 15] ........................................... 17
Figure 2. 7. A) The map showed the location of the Emirati neighborhood within the capital district
area (blue triangle), adapted from [2]. B) Boreholes of the first (Musanada Company) and second
(the Spatial Data Division) data sets. ............................................................................................. 19
Figure 2. 8. A generalized stratigraphic column in the coastal sabkha area. Adapted from [4] ............. 20
Figure 2. 9. Proposed framework of The Abu Dhabi 3D geological model. .......................................... 22
Figure 2. 10. The frequency of the different Z-elevations of the Gypsum data from the first and second
data sets.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2. 11. The frequency of the different depths of the Gypsum data from the first and second data
sets. ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2. 12. The frequency of the Gypsum thickness data from the first and second data sets. ........... 25
Figure 2. 13. Gypsum thickness and depth relationship. ........................................................................ 25
Figure 2. 14 Classification of geological units followed by ACES. ....................................................... 27
Figure 2. 15 Classification of geological units followed by Swissboring............................................... 28
Figure 2. 16. Classification of geological units followed by NASA (BGP). .......................................... 28
Figure 2. 17. The classification of geological units followed by Fugro. ................................................ 29
Figure 2. 18. The classification of geological units followed by Costain. .............................................. 30
Figure 2. 19. Soil and rock type symbols by SPEKTRA JOETEK. Adapted from[2] .......................... 30
Figure 2. 20. Representative image for the spatial comparison between adjacent boreholes that was
followed over the 453 boreholes. ................................................................................................... 32
Figure 2. 21. Workflow for visualizing subsurface data and building 3D subsurface models. .............. 35
Figure 2. 22. Horizons assigned to contacts on boreholes. Adapted from [30] ...................................... 36

Figure 2. 23: Example of A) Stratigraphic data, B) Sample data. Adapted from [30]............................ 37

Figure 3. 1. Search radius (in yellow). Adapted from [36] ..................................................................... 40

Figure 3. 2. Calculated surface using IDW based on power value and neighborhood search strategy.
Adapted from [36] ......................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 3. 3. The different types of semivariance curves. Adapted from [37] ......................................... 42
Figure 3. 4. Cavity Elevation distribution within the Abu Dhabi Municipality data. ............................. 44
Figure 3. 5. Cavity depth distribution within the Abu Dhabi Municipality data. ................................... 44
Figure 3. 6. Cavity Horizons show the distribution over the study area. ................................................ 45
Figure 3. 7. Distribution of gypsum Horizons from the bottom layers to the surface. ........................... 46
Figure 3. 8. A) Histogram of Horizon 28 .B) Histogram of Horizon 23. C) Histogram of Horizon 17
and D) Histogram of Horizon 9, with their descriptive statistic .................................................... 48
Figure 3. 9. Spatial trend direction A) Horizon _28, B) Horizon _23, C) Horizon_17 and D) Horizon_9
....................................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3. 10 Trend analysis A) Raster _28, B) Raster _23 C) Raster_17 and D) Raster_9. The green
dots are the projections of the data point’s elevations into W-E direction. The blue dots are the
projections of the data point’s elevations into N-S direction. ........................................................ 52
Figure 3. 11. Capital District history timeline of the surface change during the years 1996 and 1999-
2003. .............................................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 3. 12. Spatial autocorrelation report A) Horizon_28, B) Horizon _23, C) Horizon_17 and D)
Horizon_9 ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3. 13 Hotspot analysis A) Horizon_28, B) Horizon _23, C) Horizon_17, D) Horizon_9. For the
purpose of the current research, red color dots represent the high values (high values of elevation,
i.e. shallower depths) And the blue dots represent the lower values (low values of elevation, i.e.
higher depths). ............................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3. 14. Semivariogram of Horizon # 28, at the top using the Gaussian function and at the bottom
using the Spherical function. ......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3. 15. Zayed city .......................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 3. 16. Manual interpolation for the area surrounded section “a”. ................................................ 60
Figure 3. 17. Trials of modifying the cross-section “a” .......................................................................... 62
Figure 3. 18. A) sample of layers (Horizons) arranged by Horizon ID values. Geosection results by B)
default Fill and Clip option, C) using the clip option for the third horizon and D) using the Fill
option for the third horizon. Adapted from [29] ............................................................................ 63
Figure 3. 19 cross_ section “a”, after editing trial_4. ............................................................................. 63
Figure 3. 20. cross-section” a” using kriging ......................................................................................... 65
Figure 3. 21. resulted in the 3D model from Kriging ............................................................................. 65
Figure 3. 22. Data from Musanada of the Emirate Neighborhood. ........................................................ 66
Figure 3. 23. From the left the 3D geological model using kriging and from the right using IDW. ..... 68
Figure 3. 24. Comparing cross-section resulting from Kriging (top) and IDW (bottom) with
corresponding well-horizons (colors dots)..................................................................................... 68
Figure 3. 25. Cross-section (e), from the left using kriging interpolation and from the right using IDW.
The five selected boreholes used in this interpolation were at a distance of 20m from the cross-
section. ........................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 3. 26. Cavity spatial distribution over the capital district from both data sets............................. 70
Figure 3. 27. The frequency of the different Z-elevations of the cavity data from the first and second
data sets over the Capital district. .................................................................................................. 70
Figure 3. 28. The Cavity depth distribution from the first and second data sets over the Capital district.
....................................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 3. 29. The cavity thickness from the first and second data sets over the Capital district. ........... 71
Figure 3. 30. The relationship between the cavity size and depth. ......................................................... 72

Figure 3. 31. Mott MacDonald lithological model cross-section of Masdar city. Adapted from [41].... 73
Figure 3. 32. Cross- section resulting from using the entire data of the AD Municipality. ................... 74

Figure 4. 1 Some of the important karst features. Adapted from [44] .................................................... 77
Figure 4. 2 On the left (cavity/dissolution features in carbonate rock encountered during STEP project,
Abu Dhabi), and on the right (cavity in the weathered gypsiferous layer during site excavation,
Masdar city, Abu Dhabi).Adapted from [41, 48] ........................................................................... 78
Figure 4. 3. Karst formulation due to natural and human factors. Adapted from[49] ............................ 78
Figure 4. 4. The process of developing a stable cave chamber in a massive limestone layer over the
southern entrance chamber of Tham En, Laos. Adapted from[51] ................................................ 79
Figure 4. 5. The six types of sinkholes and their major parameters. Adapted from [51] ........................ 80
Figure 4. 6. On the left (giant sinkhole collapse in Fukuoka, Japan, on Nov. 8, 2016), and fixed a week
later on Nov. 15, 2016(on the right).Adapted from [57] ................................................................ 82
Figure 4. 7. Geological map of the Coastal Areas of Abu Dhabi.Adapted from [50] ............................ 83
Figure 4. 8.The geological profile of Working Shaft 5, STEP. Adapted from [58] ............................... 84
Figure 4. 9. Groundwater flows from cavities. Adapted from [50] ........................................................ 84
Figure 4. 10. Homes sit in Khalifa City where the ground has swelled under the pavement and cracked
the foundation.[6, 60] .................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 4. 11. sinkhole collapse due to rainwater infiltration. Adapted from [61] ................................... 86

Figure 5. 1. The layout of STEP. Adapted from [64] ............................................................................. 89

Figure 5. 2. Layout Plan of Link Sewers A) Contract LS-01 and B) Contract LS-02. Adapted from[67]
....................................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 5. 3. A) Tunnel and links sewer system (sewer links in yellow, deep tunnel in blue), B) Gravity
flow system, C&D) Pump station. Adapted from [62, 69] ............................................................ 92
Figure 5. 4Installation of TBM, STEP [64] ............................................................................................ 93
Figure 5. 5.Breakthrough of the TBM, STEP [64] ................................................................................. 94
Figure 5. 6. EPBM principles. Adapted from [70] ................................................................................. 95
Figure 5. 7. EPB machine. Adapted from [70] ....................................................................................... 95
Figure 5. 8. EPBM operation modes. Adapted from [70, 71] ................................................................. 96
Figure 5. 9. Jacking System, STEP [64] ................................................................................................. 98
Figure 5. 10. Pipe Jacking site setup, STEP. Adapted from [67]............................................................ 98
Figure 5. 11. Micro-tunneling Machine, STEP. Adapted from [64] ....................................................... 99
Figure 5. 12. Micro-tunneling Procedure, STEP. Adapted from [64] .................................................... 99
Figure 5. 13. Pipe Jacking and MTBM. Adapted from [73] ................................................................. 100
Figure 5. 14. The layout of the investigated site (LS-01).the Zoomed image to the right is the proposed
sewer line (2.8 km). Adapted from [74] ...................................................................................... 101
Figure 5. 15. Geophysical measurements for LS-01.adapted from[74] ................................................ 102
Figure 5. 16. Shear Wave (Vs) Measurements versus Depth [74] ........................................................ 103
Figure 5. 17. The approximate clearance between invert of pipe/TBM and cavity is 1.7m. Adapted from
[76] .............................................................................................................................................. 106
Figure 5. 18 Invert of pipe/TBM is within the cavity. Adopted from [76] ........................................... 106
Figure 5. 19. Cavity encountered during shaft excavation and mitigation measures [48] .................... 107
Figure 5. 20. Exploratory borehole box from STEP LS-01 Line J showing two cavities around 19-21m.
Adapted from [77] ....................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 5. 21. Grouting sequence at LS-01. Adapted from [77] ............................................................ 109
Figure 5. 22. Layout plan northwest link sewer line-J of the cavity Grouting work. Adapted from [77]
..................................................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 5. 23. Grouting operations at NWLS Line J. Adapted from [77] .............................................. 110
Figure 5. 24.Grouting operations at NWLS. Adapted from [78] .......................................................... 111

Figure 6. 1 Cavity distance from the invert of pipe/TBM, in NWLS – Lines L and J. Adapted from [76]
..................................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 6. 2. Symmetrical half of a) 2D-FE mesh and b) 3D-FE mesh. Adapted from [79] .................. 115
Figure 6. 3 . Different FE shapes available for 2D and 3D FE-mesh. Adapted from [80] ................... 115
Figure 6. 4. Contraction method. A) The uplifting movement of lining during the excavation; B)
Tunnel contraction △R. Adapted from [79] ................................................................................. 118
Figure 6. 5. 2D FE meshing dimensions and boundary conditions. ..................................................... 119
Figure 6. 6. Examples of plain strain model (left) and Axisymmetric model (right). Adapted from[82]
..................................................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 6. 7. The position of nodes and stress points in a) 15-node triangle and b) 6-node triangle.
Adapted from [82] ....................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 6. 8. Hyperbolic stress-strain relation in primary loading for the standard drained triaxial test.
Adapted from [85]. ...................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 6. 9. Hoek-Brown failure criterion in principle stresses. Adapted by [82] ................................ 127
Figure 6. 10. Initial stresses magnitude and orientation. a) Homogeneous ground with horizontal
ground surface, b) Horizontally layered ground with horizontal ground surface, c) homogeneous
ground with non-horizontal ground surface. Adapted from [79] ................................................. 131
Figure 6. 11. The basic staged construction steps followed in this study and the location of the Before
grouting stage (BG) and After Lining (AL) stages. ..................................................................... 134
Figure 6. 12. The basic staged construction steps followed in this study ............................................. 134
Figure 6. 13. The complex ground model consists of three layers Sand, mudstone and Gypsum. ...... 135
Figure 6. 14. Schematic of the tunnel interaction simulations (a) Cavity diameter; (b) tunnel diameter;
(d) distance between tunnel and cavity walls; (α) angle cavity. At the right side, a schematic
showed the cavity inside mudstone and sand models. ................................................................. 136
Figure 6. 15. The naming system of the analysis cases followed in the current study. ........................ 136
Figure 6. 16. Normal probability curve used to describe transverse settlement trough. Adapted from
[95] .............................................................................................................................................. 144

Figure 7. 1. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m at two different
calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is below at the tunnel invert (-90°). ..................... 148
Figure 7.2. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m at Two different
calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is above the crown of the tunnel (90°)................. 148
Figure 7.3. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m ......................... 149
Figure 7. 4. The maximum bending moment in mudstone base case (4.035 kN m/m). ....................... 149
Figure 7.5. The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 1m diameter at the (AL) and (BG), at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ......................................................... 151
Figure 7.6. The surface displacement of the Cavity with 1m diameter, during the contraction stage, at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ......................................................... 151
Figure 7.7 The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 2m diameter at the (AL) and (BG), at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ....................................................... 153
Figure 7.8 The surface displacement of the cavity with 2m diameter, during the contraction stage, at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ......................................................... 153
Figure 7.9. The bending moment of 2m Cavity at (AL) using different grouting values, at different
angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ........................................................................ 155
Figure 7.10. The displacement of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) using different grouting values, at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ......................................................... 156
Figure 7.11. The displacement results from O'Reilly, Clough and the current study BC [Hoek-Brown]
(using two different grouting 432 and 250 KN/m2 ) ................................................................... 157
Figure 7.12. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m at two different
calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is below the tunnel invert (-90°). ......................... 159

Figure 7.13. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m at two different
calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is above the crown (90°) of the tunnel................. 159
Figure 7.14. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m at two different
calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is at the tunnel side (0°). ...................................... 160
Figure 7. 15. The maximum bending moment of tunnel lining in the sand model BC (5.626 kN m/m)
..................................................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 7. 16. The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 1m diameter at the (AL) and (BG), at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ....................................................... 161
Figure 7. 17. The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 2m diameter at the (AL) and (BG), at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ....................................................... 162
Figure 7.18. The bending moment of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) using different grouting values,
at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ................................................... 163
Figure 7.19. The displacement of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) using different grouting values, at
different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ........................................................ 164
Figure 7.20. A) zoom into the displacement results from O’Reilly and Clough, B ) comparing the
empirical one with the results of the current study [HS] at the base case where no cavity
introduced into the calculation ..................................................................................................... 165
Figure 7. 21. The bending moment of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) for a complex geology model,
Cavity at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°). ........................................ 166
Figure 7.22. The change of the Kt with distance (0.5m to 3m). For Two unequal circular holes (b=4m)
and (a=1m) in biaxial tension within the infinite plate. Adapted from [96] ................................ 170
Figure 7. 23. Total displacements in the sand model with a 2m cavity at 0.5m distance from tunnel A)
at final lining stage and B) after cavity occurrence. ..................................................................... 171
Figure 7.24. Displacement direction at 2m cavity during after-lining stage A) in sand medium and B)
Mudstone medium. ...................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 7. 25. The maximums BM and total displacement for the case (AL_2_90) in (A) mudstone
model and (B) Sand model. ......................................................................................................... 173
Figure 7. 26. Total displacement for The BC without activating the cavity in mudstone. A) tunnel
excavation step, B) Contraction, C) Grouting and D) Final lining. ............................................. 176
Figure 7. 27. Total displacement during (BG_2_0) in mudstone , A) Cavity activation step and B)
Grouting step. .............................................................................................................................. 177
Figure 7. 28. Total displacement during (AL_2_0) in mudstone, at the final stage after the cavity
occurrence. ................................................................................................................................... 178
Figure 7.29. A) Plastic points around a 2m cavity at BG stage in the sand model and B) the stress
response at the same stage of (A). ............................................................................................... 181


1 Introduction

1.1 Executive summary

Urban systems and the transportation systems within them consist of many

subsystems that interact during construction and operation. Planning, implementing

and operating such systems require sufficient evaluation of the subsurface conditions

and uncertainties affecting them. The research intends to analyze some of these

uncertainty effects, which measure natural geological uncertainties and can be

extended to other natural hazards. Specifically, this research will focus on studying

the mechanics of gypsum rock hazard, through a field research study, and the

development of up to date 3D geological and hydrogeological models. In addition to

this, the interaction between tunneling and gypsum cavities (voids) will be studied by

considering different soil/rock material, cavity sizes, etc. The proposed analysis is an

important step toward evaluating the transportation system in Abu Dhabi and provides

an insightful look at tunneling through difficult ground conditions of Abu Dhabi,

through the analysis of a case study of the STEP programme tunnels.

1.2 Contribution to Masdar Institute’s mission and research relevance to Abu

Dhabi and the UAE

The proposed research contributes on the one hand to the better understanding of the

solution processes of gypsum rock seams located within the subsurface, contributing

factors as well as associated consequences to transportation planning and construction

both above and below ground. On the other hand, the analysis will provide a better

understanding to the uncertainties affecting tunneling and will serve as the basis for

stakeholders and decision makers to support decisions related to planning,

construction, and operation of transportation systems. The work can be extended to

other natural hazards and Emirates, and possibly create the framework for a program

at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology that can have continuous value to

its host nation for years to come.

1.3 Problem statement

Abu Dhabi is expecting a huge growth over the next 20 years and is planning a

massive integrated transportation system, including several modes of transportation

such as bus, rail, and metro, to ensure Abu Dhabi becomes a sustainable city on a

global scale. Most of these structures are expected to encounter difficult ground and

groundwater conditions, which are of concern to construction both at the surface and

underground. In particular, the presence of gypsum that occurs within the tertiary

bedrock, as persistent quasi-horizontal bands, at different levels, may cause problems

because it is prone to volume change by dissolution, due to changes water chemistry

and flow. The dissolution of gypsum is also a cause for cavities that can be found

within this formation in greater Abu Dhabi, as shown in Figure 1.1.

The Abu Dhabi Capital District area has been chosen as one of the city centers in the

developed Transportation plan of Abu Dhabi, where it plays a role in connecting the

main areas of the Abu Dhabi, see Figure 1. 2. The Abu Dhabi Capital District area is

located between Mohammed Bin Zayed City and Abu Dhabi International Airport at

the southern side of Abu Dhabi Island. The area covers about fourty five (45) squared

kilometers of Abu Dhabi land and is strategically located between the highways E-20

and E-22 from north and West sides and the E-11 from the South side [1, 2], see

Figure 1. 2. This area will witness major surface and subsurface developments.

However the area is still under exploration and only limited subsurface studies have

done [3, 4]. It is, therefore essential to initiate a study focusing on studying the

subsurface conditions.

Figure 1.1. (a) Deep cavity encountered within sandstone (Abu Dhabi), (b) Cavity
encountered within sandstone (Al Falah area, Abu Dhabi), (c and d) Subsidence in
Khalifa City leads to cracked roads, walls, and houses. Adapted from[5, 6]

Figure 1. 2. The Abu Dhabi capital district including the future developed area. The
zoom box at the right shows the area strategic location between the highways Adapted
from [1]

In order to address some of the issues mentioned above, this research is divided into

two parts. The first part (part I) focuses on studying the phenomena of gypsum karst

for the Abu Dhabi capital district area through the development of an up to date

geologic database in combination with a spatial inventory of karst-related features

(cavities). The second part (part II) focuses on studying the interaction between

tunneling and cavities, specifically through different cases with respect to soil/rock

medium, cavity size, and location.

1.4 Detailed Objectives

The objectives of the research are as follows:

Part I Field Survey and Geologic Model

• Field Survey Study: Collection of geological data on the Abu Dhabi


• Spatial inventory: of gypsum rock hazard related incidents.

• Creation of a Database of geological data for the city of Abu Dhabi.

• Development of an updated 3D geological model for Abu Dhabi.

Part II tunneling/cavity interaction

• A comprehensive numerical study of the tunneling and cavity interaction

considering different parameters that might affect or trigger risks during

tunnel construction, such as ground properties, cavity size, angle and cavity –

tunnel distance.

1.5 Scope of Work

The study objectives will be achieved through the following tasks:

I. A field survey study to gain a better understanding of the geology, and to

develop an accurate and updated geologic mapping of the area. Available

information was collected from various sources such as existing borings, thin

section descriptions, and geologic maps, among others. The borehole logs data

for this research were provided by Musanada (68 Borehole logs) and the Abu

Dhabi Municipality (453 Borehole logs). The data organized and stored as an

interactive database. The description of the collected data is detailed in

Chapter 2.

II. Spatial inventory of gypsum rock hazard related incidents (cavities) using Arc

GIS and GMS software (Chapter 3). Information on gypsum rock hazard

related features was collected from the existing boreholes and mapped to

produce a spatial inventory of these features.

III. Build of an updated 3D geologic model for the Capital District area (Chapter

3). This task will make it possible to gain a better understanding of the

geology in this area, in particular, the distribution of the gypsum within the

bedrocks. Furthermore, it will serve as the basis for the development of

predictive tools for problems such as collapse, swelling, subsidence, etc. The

survey data (collected in task I) is used to develop the 3D geologic model.

IV. Numerical simulations of tunneling/cavity interactions are conducted using

data from STEP project of Abu Dhabi City provided by Abu Dhabi Sewerage

Services Company (ADSSC). The tunneling /cavity interaction simulations

will be done with finite element code PLAXIS 2D and consider different

parameters that might affect risks related to cavity presence during tunnel

construction (chapter 7).


2 The 3D geologic model Methodology and Data


2.1 Introduction

This chapter includes, firstly, a background on studies done, using GIS methods, to

examine subsurface and karst terrain and a literature review on the development of 3D

geologic models. The second part of the chapter describes the steps followed to

develop the 3D geologic model of the Capital district area of Abu Dhabi. Specifically,

the framework followed will be discussed in detail such as data collection, database,

unifying the geologic units and the software used to analyze the data and to build the

3D models. An overview of the Abu Dhabi surface transportation plan will also be

included in the chapter.

2.2 GIS-based geologic and hydrogeological models

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows storing and managing spatial data that

are critical for karst collapse susceptibility. The ability of GIS to integrate many types

of data sources (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, wells, etc.) makes this tool

invaluable for subsurface modeling [7].The ArcGIS 3D modeling tool, a GIS for

working with maps and geographic information, is a valuable tool that can be used to

represent engineering geological subsurface data and build geologic models, as shown

in Figure 2. 1 and Figure 2. 2. This type of tool is particularly useful when assessing

geologic hazards, such as for example gypsum karstification, which we will be

addressing in this research. Gypsum karstification can result in different problems

such as destruction of engineering structures, produce settlement areas, cause

infiltration of a contaminant into the groundwater and produce natural lakes, and

therefore its assessment is crucial.[8]

Figure 2. 1. 3D geological modeling of a small area in the Capital District, Abu

Dhabi, using Arc GIS.

Figure 2. 2. Fence diagram generated by the GIS of the small area subsoil in the
Capital District, Abu Dhabi.

The development of 3D geologic models is an essential practice that serves

geotechnical and geological engineers. Limited work has been done in the

characterization of the subsurface of Abu Dhabi. One report by the Abu Dhabi

Municipality (ADM) presents the geological setting, a 3D lithostratigraphic model,

and a 3D lithologic model. The 3D lithostratigraphic model is an updated model by

RIZZO [4] to the existing lithostratigraphic model that was developed by the British

Geologic Survey (BGS) for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Energy

(MoE).The updated lithostratigraphic model by RIZZO was extended to covers more

areas using the same methodology as the existing model of (MOE). The RIZZO

model covers Al Wathba, Al Nahda, Al Khadim towards the east, Al Shamkha South,

Al Shahma, Al Rahba, Al Hanjurah, Al Taweelah, Al Samha, and Khalifa Industrial

City A and B towards the north, as shown in Figure 2. 3. The advantage of the 3D

model was to gain an understanding of the regional geological conditions as well as

visualizing the distribution, thickness, and elevation of stratigraphic units. The

lithologic 3D model (geotechnical model) is based mainly on lithologic descriptions

found in borehole logs from ADM Geotechnical Information Management System


Figure 2. 3. Areas covered by RIZZO 3D model. Adapted from [4]

One example of a GIS application for mapping is the study that was done for the city

of Paris, to improve an existent hazard map of the areas that are likely affected by

ground instability due to gypsum dissolution. For this purpose, different analyses

were carried out and a 3D geologic model was developed following three main steps.

The first step consisted of defining a geological frame reference to group the

lithostratigraphic formations into large homogeneous units considering their different

mechanical and hydrologic behavior. The second step consisted of building a database

containing the descriptions of existing borehole data after applying quality control on

the boreholes data to ensure its consistency. A control procedure included the

identification of duplicated boreholes, the examination of the borehole interfaces’

consistency and comparison with the geological boundaries, the comparison between

neighboring boreholes, among other measures. The third step consisted of choosing a

geological interpolation method to build a 3D model of the subsurface. In this case,

kriging was used because it can produce the estimated error corresponding to each

interpolated value. This is done by plotting iso-uncertainty curves which represent the

accuracy of the interpolation method along the study area. The developed geologic

model was used to study other issues such as sand flow and clay creep.[9]

The complex nature of the ground beneath the city of Turin in Italy showed the need

for the development of a 3D subsurface geological-geotechnical model that could be

used as a planning tool, for future underground development in the city. al

[10] proposed a methodology that was used to build the 3D GIS geological-

geotechnical model for sustainable subsoil planning in the Turin city, see Figure 2. 4.

More than 300 boreholes were used to develop the geologic model to represent the

subsurface up to a depth of 60 m. The model development included various aspects

that ranged from stratigraphic analysis and evaluation of the geotechnical parameters

to the management of the model by the geographical information system (GIS). The

3D GIS geological-geotechnical model was successfully used in applications related

to underground engineering such as providing useful information for defining specific

characteristics of the excavation machines and construction strategies in general.

Figure 2. 4. Flow-chart of the proposed procedure in order to analyses the Turin city
subsoil of urban areas. Adapted from [10]

In 1993, with the goal of avoiding accidents and cost increases during the extensive

underground work construction that was planned for the city of the Stockholm, the

Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) started a comprehensive investigation of the

geology of the Stockholm area. The reason for the investigation was to come up with

detailed maps of the surface conditions and a detailed 3D model based on existing

data that could be updated with underground information to be available during the

planning and construction phase of any future underground projects. For the purpose

of creating the model/database, different geological data were collected, from

boreholes and geophysical measurements, such as magnetic, radiation information

and very low-frequency data that shows electrical conductive horizons in the bedrock.

Through the combination of the geologic data with other subsurface and surface data,

such as utility lines, buildings, morphology, hydrography, a detailed map for the

surface was produced. The 3D model and the surface map allows one to match the

underground information with the surface information, this would provide useful

information on underground projects effects (environmental, social, etc) in the

populated areas. Additionally, the 3D model was used for other projects that have

been conducted in Stockholm region.[11]

Groundwater flow was modeled over the geologically complex area located into the

east of Basel on the southeastern border of the Upper Rhine Graben. The study

developed a novel approach based on integrating geological data into a hydrological

model. A 3D geological model was developed to combine all the geological

information from diverse sources such as borehole descriptions, geological maps, and

geological cross-sections. The resulting geologic model includes forty-seven faults

and six stratigraphic horizons related to groundwater flow. These faults and horizons

were later represented as separate elements to simulate the 3D groundwater flow

system within the modeled aquifers. The results of the groundwater modeling provide

information on the industrial pumping effects. Furthermore, the results of the model

will serve as a ground for future developments on models related to groundwater

contamination and land subsidence risks. [12]

In China, karst terrain covers large parts of the land which brought the need for

studying karst features. Wu, al [13], developed a 3D model to study karst

features in Huaibei, China. The study integrates geology, groundwater hydrology, a

geographic information system (GIS), a database management system (DBMS),

visualization and data mining. The study aimed at building 3D geological elements

from karst features, store them and handle them by DBMS, forming virtual

environment out of the 3D geological models and the stored data. The success of the

study provided the government and policy makers with a powerful tool to manage

water resources over the study area.

2.3 Developing a 3D geological model for Abu Dhabi area

2.3.1 Abu Dhabi Surface Transportation plan

Abu Dhabi plans to develop a world-class transportation system to support the Abu

Dhabi 2030 vision. The city is expected to have an impressive growth in population

within the next 20 years (up to 3.1 million). The Surface Transportation Plan will

address the increasing needs of regional transportation by residents, visitors and

businesses in a safe, smart and environmentally sustainable approach. Abu Dhabi’s

development has a dynamic nature that brings the need for a continuous monitoring of

the plan by the Department of Transport (DoT) to keep it updated. The plan will

efficiently use the available land as well as reducing existing jamming problems

shown in Figure 2. 5. Two City centers will be constructed to create a balanced traffic

flow into two directions; one will be located in the Abu Dhabi downtown area while

the other one will be in the new Capital District, as shown in Figure 2. 6. To

accommodate different needs, the integrated transportation network will consist of a

high-speed rail, a local metro railway, a cargo rail, a surface network of buses,

streetcars and a light rail, with a sufficient number of interconnected streets, as shown

in Figure 2. 6.[14, 15]

Abu Dhabi adopted two major themes to influence the integrated transportation

system and make it more sustainable. Sustainability is considered as the first essential

theme, with emphasis on reducing the current dependency on private transportation.

The developed plan should efficiently use available resources without damaging

natural and cultural resources and without unnecessarily destroying buildings. As a

second theme, Abu Dhabi wants to assure an efficient connectivity between different

areas with the emphasis on the connection between future sustainable land use

patterns and the influence of the transport network on Abu Dhabi. The newly

developed islands and the growing nodes will need a multi-layered transport network

to connect them with the downtown core, see Figure 2. 6 [14, 15]

Figure 2. 5: A) Traffic congestion in the2030 morning peak without the Plan. B)
Traffic congestion in the 2030 morning peak with the Plan. Green color represents
under capacity areas while red is over capacity. Adapted from [14]

Figure 2. 6. Abu Dhabi surface transportation plan. Adapted from[14, 15]

2.3.2 The Capital District, area Description, and geological setting

The Abu Dhabi Capital District area is located between Mohammed Bin Zayed City

and Abu Dhabi International Airport at the southern side of Abu Dhabi Island. The

area covers about forty-five (45) square kilometers of Abu Dhabi land and is

strategically bonded by the highways E-20 and E-22 from North and West sides and

E-11 from the South side, as shown in Figure 2. 7. The Capital District Area was

chosen as one of the two city centers in the developed Transportation plan for Abu

Dhabi, see Figure 2. 6. The area plays an important role in connecting the main areas

of the Abu Dhabi metropolitan area, such as the International Airport of Abu Dhabi,

Al Raha Beach, the Palaces District, Central Business District, Corniche District, the

Cultural District on Saadiyat Island , Masdar City, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed

City and Sheikh Khalifa Cities A & B, see Figure 2. 3. Additionally, part of the area

will be developed to serve a community dominated by Emirati national families called

the Emirati neighborhood, see Figure 2. 7. [2]

Figure 2. 7. A) The map showed the location of the Emirati neighborhood within the
capital district area (blue triangle), adapted from [2]. B) Boreholes of the first
(Musanada Company) and second (the Spatial Data Division) data sets.

The general geological setting of the Khalifa City area where the Emirati

neighborhood located is represented by Miocene aged bedrock which is a repetitive

alternation of mudstone, siltstone, and beds of gypcrete (huge gypsum layers).

Occasionally, the Miocene bedrock outcropping with a gypsiferous weak sandstone

veneer and gypcrete.

Different deposits are known to cover the Miocene rock, where a deposit of thin

sandy fill and locally gravels initiating from the quaternary deposits of aged fluvial

gravels (weak conglomerate) and disjointed Aeolian weakly cemented sandstones, see

Figure 2. 8 . [2]

Figure 2. 8. A generalized stratigraphic column in the coastal sabkha area. Adapted

from [4]

Intertidal actions caused natural filling starting in the Capital District and north of

Sheikh Khalifa City )A(. Those actions lead to recent deposits of sand, gravel, and

fines (tidal flat Sabkha deposits) that were covered by man-made fill. Sea level has

fluctuated at the Arabian Gulf shorelines. It has transgressed and regressed through

time and progressively dropped more than 10m in the latest ice age. The groundwater

level in the area is believed to be tidally driven, in such a case the sea level

fluctuations will lead to fluctuation in groundwater flow through the siltstones and

mudstones and evaporate units. Leading to a dissolution of soluble rocks existing

between 5 and 20 m under the current ground level, which is one of the main reasons

for the existence of cavities within the subsurface in the area.[2]

2.3.3 Framework of Abu Dhabi 3D geological Modelling

In this research we developed a 3D geologic model for Capital District area following

the proposed Framework, as shown in Figure 2. 9 and detailed below:

Step 1 and 2: The data were collected and organized in a database according to their

source of origin (Musanada Company and ADM) with the main fields (attributes) as

borehole ID, drilling date, top/bottom elevations, geographic location, among others.

Step 3: The geological units used by the different drilling companies were compared

and a unified geological unit’s system was developed to be used for the current


Step 4: Data tables with key attributes are extracted to be used in the ArcGIS (GIS

software) and in the GMS (Ground Modelling System) Software

Step 5: Horizon IDs are defined within GMS. Horizon ID is used to relate the

different boreholes. They define the interface between the geological layers. They are

numbered from bottom up as the order of strata deposited, following the convention

adopted by GMS.[16]

Step 6: The Arc GIS software is used to build the 3D model, geologic cross sections,

and longitudinal profiles. The data set follows the “WGS 1984 UTM Zone 40N”

horizontal datum and the NADD as a vertical datum commonly adopted in Abu


Figure 2. 9. Proposed framework of The Abu Dhabi 3D geological model.

22 Data Collection and Database

Two geologic data sets are used in this research. The first data set (for the Emirati

neighborhood) was provided by the Musanada Company and it will be used to

develop the last version of the 3D model, as the data is most recent and believed to

have better engineering supervision than the second data set. The data provided by

Musanada cover the Emirati neighborhood (Package-3) which is located in the capital

district, see Figure 2. 7. The data were obtained during the period (2010-2011) by

SPEKTRA JOETEK geotechnical engineers and include 68 Borehole logs with a

depth of 20 m. The borehologs show that the subsurface includes alternating layers of

mudstone and gypsum overlay by sand and intrusion of other soil and rocks as

conglomerate and limestone. Moreover, the top layer mostly consists of Fill (man-

made ground).

The second data set has been provided by the Spatial Data Division of the Abu Dhabi

Municipality and obtained between 2000 and 2003 by five different companies. The

data consist of 453 borehole logs with the depth of 10 to 20 m. The data set covers the

Capital District and surrounded areas: Khalifa City, Zayed City, Mohamed Bin Zayed

City and Shakhbout City, as shown in Figure 2. 7. The drilling of the boreholes was

conducted by five different companies: Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES),

Swissboring, NASA international group (BGP), Fugro and Costain. This implies that

different naming systems were used for the geological units and, therefore, there is the

need to come up with our own naming system. This will be discussed in detail in the

following section. The geological layers are a sequence of sand, silt-clay, siltstone,

gypsum, calcarenite, claystone, clay, sandstone, mudstone, and limestone.

Gypsum layers from both data sets can be found at different elevations, as shown by

the histogram in Figure 2. 10. The main occurrence is around the elevations (-2.5 to -

5 m) and (-12.5m) which corresponds to depths of about 10 m and 20m, as shown in

Figure 2. 11. These gypsum layers are mostly associated with the occurrence of

mudstones. The gypsum layers range in thickness from a few meters up to 9.7 m, as

shown in Figure 2. 12. Additionally, the data shows no relationship between the

gypsum layer thickness and the gypsum layer depth, see Figure 2. 13.

Figure 2. 10. The frequency of the different Z-elevations of the Gypsum data from
the first and second data sets.

Figure 2. 11. The frequency of the different depths of the Gypsum data from the first
and second data sets.

Figure 2. 12. The frequency of the Gypsum thickness data from the first and second
data sets.

Figure 2. 13. Gypsum thickness and depth relationship.

Large geologic datasets can pose a difficulty when building a 3D geological model.

The issues are mainly related to data heterogeneity and the accuracy of the data

description. Consequently, accurate reviewing of the data is essential to assure the

reliability of the results. Controlling input data will add reliability through reducing

errors resulted from technical report, typing errors, interpretation errors. For these

reasons, the collected data were grouped based on the different drilling companies

which use different geologic classification systems. The 453 boreholes need to be

carefully reviewed to insure an adequate level of consistency within the input data.

The data controlling process included manual entering for the data to assure the

detailed accuracy included in the borehole logs reports (depths, reference elevation,

geological units, etc.), verifying duplicated boreholes and the borehole's X and Y

coordinates. In the next stage, the data were checked again using Groundwater

Modeling System software (GMS) to help to identify typing errors, duplicate

boreholes, and coordinates precision. This allows us to discover inconsistencies and

other anomalies in the data. The details of these boreholes are recorded in a database

containing main attributes as borehole name, coordinates, reference elevation, and top

and bottom elevation of the different layers and unique geological unit number for

different geological units. Unifying Geological units

As mentioned in section, data inconsistencies can create difficulties when

building the 3D geologic model, in particular during the interpolation process. In

order to address this issue, we have performed some data controlling activities

(described previously). During this process we identified several different

classification systems, used by different companies. These classification systems were

compared to each other, and a new unified classification system is proposed for the

current project. Below we provide a brief description of the classification systems

used by the different drilling companies.

Description of classification system:

Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES):

In 1983, the company was founded in Jordan. It was specialized in a geotechnical and

materials testing, while today it offers additional different types of services as quality

control of projects, special studies, environmental studies and testing, and land and

marine surveying. [17]

In the current study, 107 out of the 453 boreholes were drilled by Arab Center for

Engineering Studies (ACES). The borehole logs by ACES were reviewed to

summarize the classification system, as shown in Figure 2. 14. It was noticed that the

company tends to use a detailed classification for different units which could create

complexity during building the model.

Figure 2. 14 Classification of geological units followed by ACES.


The company was originated from Switzerland in 1952 and by 1973 their office was

established in Dubai. They work on different projects related to soil investigation,

underpinning, grouting projects and piling/shoring projects [18]. In the current study,

73 out of the 453 boreholes were done by Swissboring. The borehole logs were

reviewed to summarize the classification system, as shown in Figure 2. 15. It was

noticed that the company tend to use broad categories to classify rock and soil type,

providing less details to address the different geological units, and less alternative

names for the same units.

Figure 2. 15 Classification of geological units followed by Swissboring.

NASA international group (BGP):

NASA international group (BGP) is a company located in Abu Dhabi. In the current

project, 268 out of the 453 boreholes were done by BGP. The borehole logs were

reviewed to summarize the classification system, as shown in Figure 2. 16. It was

noticed that the company tends to use a similar classification system as Swissboring

to address the different geological units.

Figure 2. 16. Classification of geological units followed by NASA (BGP).


Fugro is a global company working mainly in energy and infrastructure market. The

company considers a leader in the offshore survey, offshore geotechnical and seabed

geophysical services. [19]

In the current project, two out of the 453 boreholes were done by Fugro. The borehole

logs were reviewed to summarize the classification system, as shown in Figure 2. 17.

It was noticed that, similar to ACES, Fugro tend to use a more detailed classification

Figure 2. 17. The classification of geological units followed by Fugro.


The company was founded in 1865 in Liverpool and it provides services related to

highways, rails, water supply and energy. [20]

Only three out of the 453 boreholes were drilled by Costain in the current study. The

borehole logs were reviewed to summarize the classification system, as shown in

Figure 2. 18. It was noticed that the company tend to use a broader classification

system for the geologic units.

Figure 2. 18. The classification of geological units followed by Costain.


This company was used to provide the geotechnical borehologs (68) for the Emirati

neighborhood project. The classification system that was used by this company was

detailed for soil and rocks, providing information regarding texture, plasticity, particle

size. The classification system used by SPEKTRA is shown in Figure 2. 19.

Figure 2. 19. Soil and rock type symbols by SPEKTRA JOETEK. Adapted from[2]

Once the classification systems by the different drilling companies were identified,

the process of coming up with a unified geologic unit classification started. The

ultimate aim is to create a more basic classification which will allow one to build the

3D geologic model in a more efficient way, since a large amount of geologic unit

(some conflicting) may result in an unrealistic model. For this reason, lithologies with

minor physicals differences as, for example, particle size were combined into a single

representative unit, as shown Table 2. 1. The quality steps followed in this project are:

Step 1: Manual spatial comparison between adjacent boreholes, as shown in Figure

2. 20. The process was applied to the 453 borehole logs, to identify inconsistencies,

errors or outliers. Most of the inconsistencies found were related to classification

system used by the different companies. For example Figure 2. 20, the two boreholes

from Fugro and Swissboring separated by 21m and both boreholes at 5m ground

datum level with 10m depth below the surface. The two boreholes have different

geological units at the same depths, where Fugro used Siltstone and Swissboring used

Mudstone. By comparing the classification systems from both companies Figure 2. 15

and Figure 2. 17, it is clear that this is a classification issue.

Step 2: Extensive literature review to study the possibility of grouping different

geological units under the single representative unit, as shown in Table 2. 1. Unit 1

represents the made ground which covers most of the Abu Dhabi area. Unit 2

represents clayey silt, silty sand, clayey sand unit’s .Mudstone, Siltstone, and

Claystone considers as Murdock and their grain size is relatively between silt to clay,

therefore will be represented by Unit 3. Gypsum is the only evaporated rock and will

be represented by unit 4. Unit 5 represents Calcarenite and Limestone where both are

Carbonate sedimentary rock, as well as Calcarenite, is a clastic limestone. Unit 6

contains the clay which was not observed at a large range within the data. Sandstone

(Unit 7) is made of compacted sand particles (1/16 to 2-millimeter diameter)

combined together by mineral cement. The karst features (cavity) will be assigned to

Unit 8. Unit 9 represents the conglomerate (gravel), which is a clastic sedimentary

rock consist of rounded clasts with a diameter larger than 2 millimeter and the space

between them filled with cement or smaller soil/rocks.

Figure 2. 20. Representative image for the spatial comparison between adjacent
boreholes that was followed over the 453 boreholes.

Table 2. 1. Final Geological unit codes followed in the current project

Geological Categories Description References

unit codes
Unit 1 Made Ground Represents the upper [4]
layer where usually
made by people
during reclamation
where could be
mixed with natural
and non-natural
Unit 2 Silt/Sand Represents all the [21]
clayey silt, silty sand, clayey sand and silt sand
sand units ( silty sand,

clayey sand etc)
Unit 3 Siltstone/mudstone/claystone Sedimentary rocks [21, 22]

Unit 4 Gypsum Evaporate rocks [22]

Unit 5 Calcarenite/Limestone Carbonate [22-25]

sedimentary rocks

Unit 6 Clay fine-grained soil/ [21]

Unit 7 Sandstone Medium-grained [21-23]
sedimentary rock
Unit 8 cavity gypsiferous features -

Unit 9 conglomerate Clastic sedimentary [4, 26]

rock Arc hydro groundwater and GMS software

The geologic model was developed using two tools: 1) the Arc hydro groundwater

tool in Arc GIS to create the database, interpolation, geological cross sections and 3D

geological model; 2) the Groundwater modeling software (GMS) to assign horizon ID

and visualizing the boreholes.

Geographic information system (GIS) involves many important tools as Arc Hydro

Groundwater (AHGW). AHGW is a geographic data model with supplementary tools

(as interpolation tool, spatial statistical tools, etc) to represent spatial and temporal

geologic information in Arc GIS. It is useful to import, edit, and achieve data stored in

a geodatabase. AHGW can represent several types of data such as wells/boreholes, 3D

hydrogeological models, temporal information, and data resulting from simulated

models. [27, 28]

AHGW is useful in visualizing subsurface data and constructing 2D and 3D models of

the subsurface through associated tools such as subsurface analyst tool. The workflow

associated with the tool helps with visualization and classification of borehole

stratigraphy, building cross sections, and construction of fence diagrams and volume

models, as shown in Figure 2. 21. Generally, the steps of the followed workflow

(Figure 2. 21) in the current research are:

a) Adding wells/boreholes location through creating point features and link

vertical stratigraphic data by fundamental fields such as Well ID and

Hydrological units ID.

b) Arrange the boreholes stratigraphic data and visualize as 3D points and lines.

c) Create the GeoRasters file. The file will contain the different raster’s created

from the Horizon ID data (b). This file will be used to create the GeoSection

and GeoVolume feature classes

d) Create Section line features which will be used to derive the 3D features. The

section line polyline features will be used to determine the location of the

intended subsurface cross-sections.

e) GeoSection: create the cross sections or fence diagrams. The step is helpful to

check the interpolation quality before building the Geovolume features. To

create the GeoSection feature we will need section line polyline features (d)

along with the GeoRasters catalog (c) and the multipatch GeoSection feature

class to place the new created features. The GeoSection could be visualized

as 2D or 3D.

Transforming the 3D GeoSection into 2D cross-sections by using the XS2D

Editor tool in the Subsurface Analyst tool (AHGW). The tool transforms the

actual coordinate system (x, y, and z) to a 2D cross section coordinate

system. The x represents the length alongside the cross section line and y is

the vertical dimension. The tool creates a new feature classes based on a

specific section line to represents the 2D cross-section. Additionally, Wells

around the intended Section line could be selected to guide the creation of the

cross section dimensions. Also, the stratigraphy of the wells borehole data

will be added to the resulted cross section which help in evaluating the

interpolation quality.[29]

f) Create a projection TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) to define the extent of

the Geovolume features.

g) Creating the Geovolume and checking the quality of the interpolation (steps e

& f). The inputs for this step are the TIN, GeoRasters and GeoVolume

feature class.

Figure 2. 21. Workflow for visualizing subsurface data and building 3D subsurface

For the purpose of the current research, boreholes module in groundwater modeling

software (GMS) was used to visualize the boreholes and create horizon ID’s, see

Figure 2. 22. The horizon ID represents the top of each stratigraphic unit is numbered

in the deposition order from bottom up. The boreholes module deals with different

boreholes data as stratigraphy data or sample data or both. Stratigraphy is data that

symbolize geologic layers that are encountered in borehole. Where, the segments and

contacts are used to represent the geologic layers, as shown in Figure 2. 23.The

sample data is acquired through the length of the hole by continuous sampling and

stored in a database to be used in GMS [30]. The borehole data can be created

manually using the borehole tool or automatically by importing borehole data. [16,


Figure 2. 22. Horizons assigned to contacts on boreholes. Adapted from [30]

Figure 2. 23: Example of A) Stratigraphic data, B) Sample data. Adapted from [30]


3 3D Geologic Model and Spatial Data Analysis

3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, spatial statistical analysis of the data is performed to examine the data

distribution, trends, and spatial patterns of the Abu Dhabi Municipality data. The

findings from the analysis will be used to choose a suitable interpolation method

which later will be tested over a small part of the study area. This will show which

interpolation method creates a more representative cross-section of the subsurface of

the study area. After defining the suitable interpolation method, the study area will be

adjusted based on the findings to have a better performance of the interpolation


3.2 Spatial Interpolation

Interpolation of the geological data is used to predict unknown values for any point

data: elevation, geology, rainfall, chemical concentrations, and is critical step to create

representative surfaces for different purposes. The performance of a spatial

interpolation method depends on several factors, not only the method features itself,

but also on factors such as data variation. Therefore when choosing an adequate

interpolation method for a particular application one should take into consideration

some of the following factors [31]:

1. Density of the measurements (i.e. measurement points per unit area)

2. The distance between measurements and their distribution in the study area.

3. The number of points used to build cross-sections and the distance between

the points and the cross-section.

4. Geologic discontinuities such as faults and fractures.

5. The features of the interpolation model (assumptions, limitations)

In some situations, the results of the interpolation are independent of the method used

[32]. For instance, regardless of interpolation method:

1. Realistic results could be achieved when the measurement point’s locations

are dense and uniformly distributed over the specified area.

2. Unreliable results could be achieved in the case where the available

measurements are grouped in clusters with large distances between them.

3. Since most interpolation algorithms use some kind of averaging of the data,

high values will be underestimated, and low values will be overestimated.

In addition, most of the methods perform at an acceptable level for predicting soil

properties in a gentle terrain, but few perform well in a complex terrain.

Interpolation methods are categorized into two groups: deterministic and

geostatistical. Deterministic techniques such as the Inverse Distance Weight (IDW)

use mathematical functions to calculate values at unknown locations based on the

values of the neighboring data points. The geostatistical methods, such as kriging are

based on both mathematical and statistical methods, to predict values at all locations

within the region of interest and to provide probabilistic estimates of the prediction

accuracy [33].

3.2.1 IDW

Inverse distance weighted (IDW) is a deterministic interpolation method that uses a

linear weighted function of the inverse distance of a set of neighboring points (i.e. it

weights the points closer to the prediction location greater than those farther away) to

determine the unknown values in the region of interest, see Figure 3. 1. The weights

are proportional to the inverse distance raised to the power value p. Therefore, the

results from IDW interpolation depend greatly on the power value (p) as well as the

neighborhood search strategy, i.e. the neighboring radius. Figure 3. 1 shows a

schematic of the IDW neighborhood for a selected point. It illustrates the concept of

neighboring radius, neighborhood and prediction point. IDW is an exact interpolator,

where the maximum and minimum values (see Figure 3. 2) in the interpolated surface

can only occur at sample points. For this reason, the model is quite sensitive to

clustering and to the presence of outliers. IDW assumes that the surface is being

driven by the local variation that can be captured through the neighborhood. [33-35]

Figure 3. 1. Search radius (in yellow). Adapted from [36]

Figure 3. 2. Calculated surface using IDW based on power value and neighborhood
search strategy. Adapted from [36]

3.2.2 Kriging

Kriging is a method of interpolation assumes that the distances between data points

reflect the spatial autocorrelation of the data and uses that to build a mathematical

function which is used to create a prediction surface. Unlike, deterministic methods

kriging provides one with a measure of confidence of how likely that prediction will

be true by estimating the error of the prediction. Kriging is mostly used in soil

science and geologic applications where spatially correlated distance data is available

or directional bias in the data is known. Kriging minimizes the clustering effect on the

predictions by giving less weight for individual points within a cluster than the points

outside the clusters and this is more like treating clusters as single points. [32, 35]

[33]. Key to kriging is the semivariogram, which quantifies the autocorrelation of the

spatial data, as it graphs the variance of all pairs of data according to distance. Figure

3. 3 show the different types of semivariance curves.

Figure 3. 3. The different types of semivariance curves. Adapted from [37]

3.2.3 Data characterization

The available geologic data was analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and

relationships between data. Special emphasis was given to the analysis of the gypsum

related data. The Horizon IDs created by GMS results in the creation of surfaces that

represent the top of different geologic layers. The information associated with those

layers (i.e. elevation and the Horizon ID, which is associated with one specific

geologic material) are stored in Raster datasets. For that space is divided into discrete

square or rectangular cells laid out in a grid. Each cell has a value that is used to

represent some characteristic of that location. In our case, they represent the elevation

and geologic material.

In our analysis, we looked in detail at the data related to cavity and gypsum, in

particular to its spatial distribution. Figure 3. 4, shows the elevation distribution of the

cavity encountered during borehole drilling. One can see that most of the cavities are

located between elevations 5 and -5, i.e. within the first 10m of the subsurface. Figure

3. 5 shows the same data in terms of depths. Figure 3. 6 shows the spatial

distributions of the cavities in each raster. There are five Horizons for the cavities

which are associated with a range of elevations.

• Horizon # 8 contains 3 sample points with top elevations ( -2.2 to -12.4 m)

• Horizon # 15 contains 5 sample points with top elevations ( -1.4 to -5.4 m)

• Horizon # 19 contains 3 sample points with top elevations ( 0 to -5.2 m)

• Horizon # 22 contains 22 sample points with top elevations ( 1 to -7.5 m)

• Horizon # 25 contains 27 sample points with top elevations ( 1.6 t0 -4.7 m)

Regarding the gypsum layers, nine Horizons were identified at the elevations stated

below. Figure 3. 7 shows the sample points for each one of the nine-gypsum


• Horizon # 1 contains 3 sample points with top elevations ( -10.1 to -13.1 m)

• Horizon # 3 contains 14 sample points with top elevations (2.8 to -20.9 m)

• Horizon # 6 contains 37 sample points with top elevations ( 4.6 to -15.2 m)

• Horizon # 9 contains 127 sample points with top elevations ( 4.6 to -15.2 m)

• Horizon # 14 contains 4 sample points with top elevations (-2.3 to -5.5 m)

• Horizon # 17 contains 274 sample points with top elevations (6.5 to -15.9 m)

• Horizon # 21 contains 13 sample points with top elevations ( 0.85 to -7.6 m)

• Horizon # 23 contains 395 sample points with top elevations (7.3 to -15 m)

• Horizon # 28 contains 207 sample points with top elevations (6.5 to -7 m)

The distribution of gypsum Horizon ID’s from bottom layers to the surface is shown

in Figure 3. 7. Gypsum appears at different elevations; near to the surface (7_-2 m), at

the middle (-5 _-10m) and deep (-11_-20 m). However, as one moves towards the

surface, the gypsum presence increases towards NE and SW.

We believe that the low occurrence of gypsum in the NW is in part related to the

limited availability of boreholes data on that direction of the study area. The observed

distribution may indicate that the thickness of gypsum layers could be greater in the

NE/SW than it is in NW. Additionally, the intensity of the points will play a role

during interpolation process, where the part of NW could have less accuracy than the

rest of the area. To have a better understanding of the gypsum distribution, spatial

statistical analysis for the Horizons # 28, 23, 17 and 9 is performed. These Horizons

were chosen because they are the ones that contain the largest number of data points.

Figure 3. 4. Cavity Elevation distribution within the Abu Dhabi Municipality data.

Figure 3. 5. Cavity depth distribution within the Abu Dhabi Municipality data.

Figure 3. 6. Cavity Horizons show the distribution over the study area.

Figure 3. 7. Distribution of gypsum Horizons from the bottom layers to the surface.

3.2.4 Spatial statistical analysis Data distribution

Figure 3. 8, shows histograms of the gypsum Horizons with the highest number of

sample points. Figure 3. 8.A, Horizon # 28 which is the nearest gypsum Horizon to

the surface. The data top elevation is between -7m up to 6.5 m. The data distribution

is bimodal but shows a slight right skewness, with some of highest data values, being

most probably pocket or lenses of gypsum. The mean is -0.695m and the standard

deviation is 2.598 m. The two modes indicate the presence of two groups, maybe

lenses at different elevations. Figure 3. 8.B, gypsum data elevations range between (-

15 to 7.3m), with left skewness, the data tend to have higher elevations which is

reasonable as we get closer to the surface. The mean is around -5.57m and standard

deviation (4.07 m) which means that the data is highly distributed around the mean.

Again here Figure 3. 8.C& D shows right skewness meaning that most of the data has

smaller elevations which makes sense since the Horizon’s located at the bottom.

Horizons 17 and 9 data elevations range from (-15.9_6.5m) and (-15.2_4.6m),

respectively. Additionally, the data seems to closely distribute around the means with

STD of 3.85 and 3.39, respectively. Overall, the Horizon’s mean and median are not

close which indicates that the data is not normally distributed (heterogeneous data).

Figure 3. 8. A) Histogram of Horizon 28 .B) Histogram of Horizon 23. C) Histogram of Horizon 17 and D) Histogram of Horizon 9, with
their descriptive statistic

48 Spatial trend direction

The spatial trend direction was examined using the Directional Distribution tool in

ArcGIS. This tool analyses the central tendency, dispersion, and directional trends by

creating a standard deviational ellipse. A standard deviational ellipse calculates

separately the standard deviation of the x-coordinates and y-coordinates from the

mean center to define the ellipse axes. The trend could be identifying through the

resulted ellipse elongation.[38]

Overall, the results from all the Horizons show an orientation in the data toward NE to

SW, as shown in Figure 3. 9. The elongation results indicate that Horizon 17 has the

strongest trend among the other Horizons. To confirm these results, a trend analysis

using top elevation values was performed with the Geostatistical Analyst tool, as

shown in Figure 3. 10. The Trend Analysis tool can help in identifying trends in the

input dataset. The tool provides a three-dimensional plot of the data in the study area.

The locations of the sample points are plotted on an x, y plane and the z-value of each

data point is represented by a vertical stick. Additionally, the data are projected into

two plan y-z (North-South direction, points blue in color) and x-z (East-West

direction, points green in color) so that you can isolate directional trends. From Figure

3. 10, one can observe that Horizons near to the surface (28 and 23) exhibit a clear

trend in the North-South direction and no trend in the East-West direction. The data

start with higher elevations and decreases as we move to the North. Horizon-17 shows

a strong trend in both directions where the elevations data start high at West and south

and decrease as we move to North and East with a slight increase at the end. Horizon-

9, the trend in the North-South direction is stronger than the East-West direction, in

both directions the trend starts high at West and South and decreases toward East and


One possible reason for such a trend is the surface nature of the capital district. The

Municipality data used in the statistical analysis were collected during the years

(2000-2003). Figure 3. 11, demonstrate the surface changes over the study area during

the years 1996 and 1999-2003. Clearly, in the year 1996, the surface was not the same

along the study area. A zone at the South West of the study area exhibit a higher

elevation than the rest of the study area. By 1999, the lower parts started slowly to be

filled either re-elevated naturally or due human activities, as some developments

started in the area. By the year 2003 it was still clear that the elevations of the South

West part were higher than the rest of the area. This explains the boreholes data with

high elevations located in the South West area. Also, it might means that the original

lithological deposition over the Capital district area is characterized by increasing in

depth as we move to the North East direction. Subsurface geology is complex and

difficult to predict or interpret, a glance to it possible through surface characteristic.

The observed trend within the study area could also explain the cavity spatial

distribution (Figure 3. 6). In Figure 3. 6, one can observe that the cavities are

concentrated in the North East direction; the change in elevations could indicate a

slope in the subsurface layers. This could, in turn, impact the groundwater flow, i.e.

flow will take place towards the North West direction leading to more dissolution in

the area, and therefore explaining the higher concentration of cavities at the NE


Figure 3. 9. Spatial trend direction A) Horizon _28, B) Horizon _23, C) Horizon_17 and D) Horizon_9

Figure 3. 10 Trend analysis A) Raster _28, B) Raster _23 C) Raster_17 and D) Raster_9. The green dots are the projections of the data
point’s elevations into W-E direction. The blue dots are the projections of the data point’s elevations into N-S direction.

Figure 3. 11. Capital District history timeline of the surface change during the years 1996 and 1999-2003.

53 Spatial Autocorrelation

In order to analyze the spatial autocorrelation among the data points within the

gypsum Horizons, we used the spatial autocorrelation (Morans I) tool in Arc GIS. The

tool provides statistical tests based on a null hypothesis of Complete Spatial

Randomness (CSR), i.e. homogeneous spatial point Poisson process, of the features or

their values. The resulting Z-scores and P-values will indicate whether the data have a

significant clustering or randomness, depending on whether the null hypothesis is

rejected. In this study, we used a 99 percent degree of the confident interval to reject

the null hypothesis. Figure 3. 12, shows the results of the spatial autocorrelation for

each Horizon. The results indicate a significant clustering with high Z-scores (> 2.58)

and very low p-value close to zero (less than 1%). This means the null hypothesis is

rejected, and therefore it is highly unlikely that the observed spatial patterns reflect a

complete random pattern, i.e. Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR). The clustering

intensity over the four Horizons differs, but in general, the clustering intensity

decreases with depth, for example, Horizon #9 exhibits less intense clustering with a

Z-score of 6.22 and Horizon 28 has the highest intense clustering with a Z-score of


Where are those clusters? To answer this question, the Hotspot analysis tool in Arc

GIS was used. The Hotspot analysis is a tool that can be used to identify statistically

significant hot spots (spatial clusters of high values) and cold spots (spatial cluster of

low values) using the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. For more details on this method see [39,

40]. Figure 3. 13 show the results of the Hotspot analysis for the gypsum Horizons.

The results show that the gypsum is found at higher elevation (red color) in the South

West direction and it becomes deeper (smaller elevation) as one move toward to the

North East.

Figure 3. 12. Spatial autocorrelation report A) Horizon_28, B) Horizon _23, C)
Horizon_17 and D) Horizon_9

Figure 3. 13 Hotspot analysis A) Horizon_28, B) Horizon _23, C) Horizon_17, D)
Horizon_9. For the purpose of the current research, red color dots represent the high
values (high values of elevation, i.e. shallower depths) And the blue dots represent the
lower values (low values of elevation, i.e. higher depths).

Semivariogram is another spatial autocorrelation tool in ArcGIS. This tool pairs every

two locations within the datasets and plots the squared difference between the values

of two points as a function of the distance that separates them, see Figure 3. 14. As the

distance between two locations becomes smaller the squared difference is also

smaller, showing a stronger correlation between points that are closer to each other,

inversely as the distance between the data points becomes larger, the squared

difference increases, i.e. the data points become less correlated with distance. Figure

3. 14, shows the performance of the Gaussian and the Spherical functions on Horizon

28. The functions play a key role during the interpolation and predicting the unknown

values. Some of the main points to take into consideration to determine the best

function for specific data are:

• The closest neighbor’s data points will have a high influence on the predicted

point as the curve near to the origin become steeper.

• On the semivariogram, it’s preferable to have the average crosses close to the

fitted line.

Based on the previous two points, the Spherical function in Figure 3. 14 shows a

steeper curve near to the origin and the average crosses are much closer to the

fitted model line than the Gaussian function.

Figure 3. 14. Semivariogram of Horizon # 28, at the top using the Gaussian function
and at the bottom using the Spherical function.

In summary, the spatial statistics of the data show that the data are clustered and trend

behavior is observed within the gypsum layers. The elevations for each Horizon tend

to decrease towards the NE/SW, which may relate to the geological deposition in the

area. The geologic deposition is believed to affect the flow direction within the study

area and leads to more cavity occurrences in the NE direction. These findings tend to

suggest that kriging is the most suitable interpolation algorithm for this particular

dataset. Furthermore, the data characterized by a significant clustering and applying

kriging will minimize the clustering effects. While using IDW for the presented data

might not suitable where it based on assigning weights, it tends to decrease weight

when separation distances increase. In order to test this hypothesis, i.e. that kriging is

a more suitable interpolation algorithm for this application, both interpolation

methods, Kriging, and IDW, were tested. The results are presented in the next section.

3.3 Evaluation of the interpolation methods

In this section, the study area around the Abu Dhabi planned metro line is chosen to

create a cross-section using both IDW and Kriging interpolation methods. The goal is

to test the performance of each method before proceeding to other areas. The

interpolation method showing a better performance will be used to create cross-

sections and a 3D geological model of the Emirate Neighborhood.

3.3.1 Study area

The study area chosen to test the interpolation algorithm is shown in Figure 3. 15 and

contains 15 borehole logs with maximum depth of 20 m. In this area, the gypsum

layers thickness were found to be up to 5m at different elevations, near the surface (-3

to -6m), middle (-4 to -7 m) and deep (-11to -16m).

Figure 3. 15. Zayed city

3.3.2 Creating cross-section “a”

Arc GIS and GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) was used to create the cross-

section “a” as shown in Figure 3. 15. The GMS was used to assign the Horizon ID for

different geological units/materials at contact points between geologies in boreholes,

as described in Section ArcGIS was used to create the geodatabase which

includes wells table, borehole logs table, HGUID (material ID) table, cross-sections

and 3D geological model. Step 1 (manual interpolation)

Started with manual interpolation for the selected boreholes with red dots around the

section line-a, shown in Figure 3. 15. The Boreholes within 100 m are used to create

the 2D cross sections in Step (1) and the Trials A and B. Cross Section “a” will be
created (Trials A and B) using the ArcGIS, following the procedure described in

chapter 2, Section

Step (1) of manual interpolation was done to have an initial idea about the expected

output of section “a”, as shown in Figure 3. 16.

Figure 3. 16. Manual interpolation for the area surrounded section “a”. Trial A: IDW

IDW interpolation method was used to create the different lithology surfaces. The

cross-section “a” (Figure 3. 15) was created using the ArcGIS, following the

procedure described in chapter 2, Section The resulting cross-section from

IDW (Figure 3. 17,Trail 1) was compared to the manual interpolated cross-section “a”

(Figure 3. 16) as well as the remaining boreholes outside the green study area. The

resulted IDW was not as expected and therefore several trials using Clip/Fill option to

enhance the resulted cross-section”a” were performed, as shown in Figure 3. 17. The

Clip and Fill options in ArcGIS help to control the construction of 3D models through

controlling the appearance of geologic units and enhancing the results of the different

interpolation methods. Figure 3. 18, shows how to use the Clip and Fill option to

control the derived features from rasters.

Figure 3. 17, Trial (1), shows the resulting cross section using the default Clip and

Fill option where no clip (all layers will be shown) and all fill (all layers will be

shown), the resulting cross-section shows a bad result. When the resulting cross-

section is compared to the boreholes located within its proximity, it shows an

underestimation of both the gypsum and mudstone layers. Therefore another trial

using the Clip and Fill option is done in order to have a better representation for the

deposition of the gypsum and mudstone strata.

Figure 3. 17, Trial (2), clip cavity and sandstone (any horizons extend above the

clipped horizons will be also cut off but with fill), the resulting cross-section still

shows a poor results. The cavity is a localized event therefore in Trial (3), it was

cliped with no fill and the sandstone clipped but with fill, the resulting cross-section

shows a bad result. Trial (4), clip cavity with no fill and no clip/fill for sandstone

shows better results.

Trial (4) shows the best results among the other trials. However there was un issue

with showing the bottom layers therefor the resulting cross-section was improved

using the Eidtor toolbar in Arc GIS, as shown in Figure 3. 19. The bottom layers were

manually interpolated using the boreholes around the created cross-section.

Figure 3. 17. Trials of modifying the cross-section “a”

Figure 3. 18. A) sample of layers (Horizons) arranged by Horizon ID values.
Geosection results by B) default Fill and Clip option, C) using the clip option for the
third horizon and D) using the Fill option for the third horizon. Adapted from [29]

Figure 3. 19 cross_ section “a”, after editing trial_4.

63 Trial B: Kriging

Kriging method is used to create the model and the results are compared with those of

Trial A, i.e. the model obtained using IDW.

The first trial was done with the default Clip and Fill option (no clip and all fill). The

result was satisfactory and very similar to that obtained using the manual interpolation

in Figure 3. 16 as well as to the boreholes surrounding the study area. As mentioned

before in the study area description (section 3.2.3) that gypsum was noticed in three

different elevations which are also shown in Figure 3. 20, where gypsum appear

somewhere between the elevations of (-4 to -7m) and at -11 m. The issue with the

interpolation of the bottom layer of the cross-section will be addressed for the Emirate

Neighborhood model, because it affects the occurrence of the gypsum. One reason for

this issue is might be related to the fact that the data from the ADM were conducted

by different drilling companies. Each company used different horizontal datum

leading to a different coordinates. Therefore, the ADM transformed all coordinates to

the common horizontal datum that is used by Abu Dhabi (WGS 1984 UTM Zone

40N). In addition, each constructor was using different vertical references and the

ADM have generated Z values for all Boreholes using common vertical datum data.

These issues might leads to an issue during the transformation of the rasters into a


Figure 3. 20. cross-section” a” using kriging

Figure 3. 21. resulted in the 3D model from Kriging

The 3D model in Figure 3. 21, shows a missing part of the gypsum bottom layer, just

like in the cross section of Figure 3. 17, Figure 3. 19 and Figure 3. 20‫ز‬

Overall, results from trial A and trial B shows that kriging interpolation provides more

reasonable results than IDW. This means that IDW may not be reliable for our case

since some rasters don’t contain enough data points. Both interpolation methods are

tested again while building a 3D geologic model for Emirate Neighborhood area in

the next section, using the Musanada dataset.

3.4 The Emirate Neighborhood Geologic Model

Borehole logs from Musanada were used in this section to develop the 3D geologic

model; data are shown in Figure 3. 22 . In total there are 68 boreholes all drilled by

the same company.

Figure 3. 22. Data from Musanada of the Emirate Neighborhood.

Kriging and IDW interpolation are tested again using Musanada data to confirm the

finding from the previous section, as shown in Figure 3. 23. The models follow the

common horizontal and vertical spatial reference systems which are the NADD for

the vertical datum and the WGS84 for the horizontal datum. As previously mentioned

in section 3.3, kriging is more suitable for our data and this finding was also when

using the Musanada data. The IDW interpolation tends to overestimate the sand layer,

and underestimate the mudstone and gypsum layers, as shown in Figure 3. 24 and

Figure 3. 25. While, in kriging, the interpolation was consistent, and more

representative of the actual borehole data used to create the model. This can also be

seen in Figure 3. 24 and Figure 3. 25. Moreover, the cavity points are not included

when building the Emirate Neighborhood 3D geological model. The cavity is a local

event and not lateral persistent therefore histograms were developed to have an

adequate analyze the cavity size and spatial distribution using both datasets from

Musanada and the Abu Dhabi Municipality, see Figure 3. 26. Figure 3. 27 show that

the main cavity occurrence is at the higher elevations between (2.5 m to -3.5 m)

which are between the depths (5.5m to 10 m) as shown in Figure 3. 28.This is might

be related to the presence of the groundwater at the elevations between 3.5m to 1.5m.

The groundwater fluctuations is within the range of those high elevations which

increase the chance for cavity occurring.

Additionally, the cavity size is mostly less than 1m however it could reach to 2m, see

Figure 3. 29. The cavity size does not depend on the depth as shown in Figure 3. 30.

Figure 3. 23. From the left the 3D geological model using kriging and from the right
using IDW.

Figure 3. 24. Comparing cross-section resulting from Kriging (top) and IDW (bottom)
with corresponding well-horizons (colors dots).

Figure 3. 25. Cross-section (e), from the left using kriging interpolation and from the
right using IDW. The five selected boreholes used in this interpolation were at a
distance of 20m from the cross-section.

Figure 3. 26. Cavity spatial distribution over the capital district from both data sets

Figure 3. 27. The frequency of the different Z-elevations of the cavity data from the
first and second data sets over the Capital district.

Figure 3. 28. The Cavity depth distribution from the first and second data sets over the
Capital district.

Figure 3. 29. The cavity thickness from the first and second data sets over the Capital

Figure 3. 30. The relationship between the cavity size and depth.

The resulting kriging cross-section (Figure 3. 25) was compared to the results of Mott

MacDonald lithological cross-section of Masdar city, see Figure 3. 31. Our model

using kriging (ArcGIS) provides similar results to the Mott MacDonald reports [41].

Mott MacDonald model (Figure 3. 31) shows that the area mainly consists of sand

(from different formation/ types), Sabkha (silty clays and sand) and alternate layers of

siltstone and gypsum, which approximately resembling the resulting cross-section in

this study (Figure 3. 25).

Figure 3. 31. Mott MacDonald lithological model cross-section of Masdar city.
Adapted from [41]

In conclusion, performing spatial statistical analysis using the borehole logs data

provided by the Abu Dhabi Municipality, Spatial Data Division was helpful to

examine the distribution, trend and correlation within the data which was beneficial in

choosing the interpolation method. It was difficult to create 3 D geological modeling

on a large scale for the capital district using the data from the municipality due to

several reasons, Figure 3. 32. The first reason is the limited available information

about the quality of the Abu Dhabi Municipality borehologs data. As mentioned in

Chapter 2, the boreholes drilling were performed by different drilling companies and

this affects the lithologic descriptions quality and this in return will affect the

interpolation. Using multiple drilling companies will affect the quality of depth

control during, quality of boring location (X, Y, and Z) and recovered samples. As

mentioned previously (section, the drilling companies used different

horizontal datum and vertical references. The second reason is the layers lateral

consistency; there is a spatial lateral variation consistency between the mudstone and

gypsum alternating layers as well as the overlying sand layer. This consistency within

those layers makes the correlation during interpolation much easier, however, the

occurrence of unexpected geological units as cavity or lenses (sandstones) could

create difficulties during interpolation especially if the distance between boreholes is

not adequate.

Figure 3. 32. Cross- section resulting from using the entire data of the AD

The data used in developing the 3D geological model of the Emirati neighborhood is

believed to have a better-quality control per to the provided testing reports by


Therefore, the resulting 3D geologic model and the corresponding cross-section were

much consistency with the boreholes data, Figure 3. 24 (Top part). The advantage of

the Emirate Neighborhood model is giving a better visualization of the current

subsurface of the area as the used borehole logs extraction date is during the years

2010-2011 while the boreholes from Abu Dhabi Municipality were during years



4 Karst Hazard

4.1 Introduction

This chapter will be as an introduction to the karst hazard. It will cover the karst

formation as a type of the host bedrock and environmental conditions. The role of

urbanization and water fluctuations in inducing karst collapse will be presented. In

addition, mechanisms of developing some of the karst features as caves and sinkholes

will be addressed. Finally, the karst geohazards in Abu Dhabi will be presented.

4.2 Karst areas

Karsts are topographies formed through the dissolution of the bedrock caused by

surface or groundwater. Sinkholes, caves, large springs, dry valleys and sinking

streams are typical features of karst landscapes, as shown in Figure 4. 1 [42, 43].

Generally, occur within the certain bedrock-geologic formations such as Carbonate

rocks ( limestone, marble, dolomite) and evaporate rocks (gypsum and rock salts).[42]

Figure 4. 1 Some of the important karst features. Adapted from [44]

Gypsum is calcium sulfate dehydrate (CaSO4_2H2O), a highly soluble mineral and

the main component in large beds of evaporates. There are different sources for

gypsum accumulation such as lakes, seawater, hot springs, volcanic vapors, and

sulfate solutions in veins. Gypsum is one of the most soluble common rocks. When

gypsum is subjected to water flow, it dissolves 100 times faster than limestone. Even

though the karst features that form within gypsum are similar to the ones that form

within limestone or dolomite (Figure 4. 2), the main difference is that these features

form more rapidly within gypsum, within a matter of weeks or years. This higher

solubility of gypsum and the fact that voids within gypsum layers could occur at any

depth makes it quite dangerous foundation material for civil infrastructures. Voids are

openings where groundwater can be stored as well as providing the pathways for

groundwater flow when they are connected. The existence of discontinuities, such as

joints and faults within the soluble bedrocks in addition to other factors as rain and

groundwater pumping exacerbates the production of cavities and karstic features, see

Figure 4. 3. [43, 45-47]

Figure 4. 2 On the left (cavity/dissolution features in carbonate rock encountered
during STEP project, Abu Dhabi), and on the right (cavity in the weathered
gypsiferous layer during site excavation, Masdar city, Abu Dhabi).Adapted from [41,

Figure 4. 3. Karst formulation due to natural and human factors. Adapted from[49]

4.3 Mechanisms of developing karst features

Geohazards features of karst areas may occur naturally with the different magnitude

depending on inducing factors and soluble bedrock mass (evaporates or/and

carbonates minerals). Sinkholes and caves among others are significant geohazards

types of karst formation that usually developed due to cavity enlargement. Experts

single out two steps in the formation of subsurface cavities, in the first stage evaporate

minerals and/ or carbonate mineral rocks are dissolved to form cavities due to the

flow and chemistry of groundwater. This occurs mainly just below the water table, in

a zone of constant groundwater movement. The second phase of cavity development

may occur after (if) the water table is lowered. In this phase the solution inside the

cavities becomes trapped and may be filled with air or fine materials, forming weaker

pockets within the subsurface. These pockets may cause subsidence of the overlying

geologic layers or eventually collapse (sinkholes). [50] Massive caves developed due

to the gravitational stress distortion around the cavity. Which leads to developing a

compression arch zone at the roof and cavity walls as well as a tension zone under the

compression arch, as shown in Figure 4. 4.[51]

Figure 4. 4. The process of developing a stable cave chamber in a massive limestone

layer over the southern entrance chamber of Tham En, Laos. Adapted from[51]

Sinkholes can be formed of inter-connected processes such as bedrock dissolution,

rock collapse, soil down-washing and soil collapse. Figure 4. 5, the six main types of

sinkholes as well as their main parameters; formation process, host rock type,

engineering hazard and the maximum predictable size. [51]

Figure 4. 5. The six types of sinkholes and their major parameters. Adapted from [51]

4.4 Natural and anthropogenic geohazards hazards in karst areas and Society


Karst geohazards formulated naturally or/and anthropogenic with significant negative

outcomes on society in term of economic losses, safety threatens and hydrological

hazards. Karst areas responsible for about 25% of the drinkable water supply in the

world. The soluble bedrocks nature characterized by discontinuities, joints, caves, etc

works on accelerate water infiltration into the ground and accumulate in aquifers. On

the other hand, these pathways could also transfer sewage runoff, fertilizers,

pesticides, herbicides, dead livestock, industrial chemicals and trash that contaminate

groundwater causing health issues and damaging water natural resources [43] [52].

In the recent years, Karst collapse tends to happen more often due to the continuing

developments and human engineering activities. Human activities could trigger some

of the karst collapse inducing factors such as geological conditions, development

levels of karst, depth of overlying soil, groundwater dynamic which might lead to

major economic losses [53]. Study at suburban Pretoria, South Africa, shows that

human activities such as groundwater pumping and mine dewatering were responsible

for 96% of nearly 400 sinkholes collapses [43]. Groundwater pumping leads to

increasing water infiltrations into the subsurface as well as reducing the fluid pressure

that supports the karst overlying soil and accelerating the karst collapse phenomenon

leading to major consequences on the economy and human life, see Figure 4. 3. In the

southern Italy, suffusion sinkholes were formulated over the years affecting the

gypsum coastal aquifer of Lesina Marina. Previous studies in that area confirmed that

the suffusion sinkholes were induced by the canal excavation within the evaporate

formation and changing the groundwater dynamic conditions[53, 54]. Urbanization

could induce sinkhole collapse in different ways, such as heavy traffic above the

surface, changing land use and impoundments which rapidly increase the downward

movement of water into bedrock openings beneath the soil as well as water table

fluctuation due to groundwater pumping and injection during construction, Figure 4. 6

and Figure 4. 3. One of the most historically tragic sinkhole collapses happened in

1962 at West Driefontein, South Africa when buildings suddenly disappeared in a

55m sinkhole and Twenty-nine lives were lost [43, 55]. 1928 in Los Angeles, in the

United States of America, the city witnessed one of the most severe catastrophes with

the destruction of the St. Francis Dam as a result gypsum dissolution. The city suffers

from economic consequences as well as losing 400 people in the incident [56].Some

of the United States dam damage incidents due to the karst problems, the repair coast

for five large dams coast $140 million [43]. China society and economy have affected

by the large collapse numbers, 60 families were moved at the Zhongshan South Road

collapse in 1985. In 1997, series of more than 60 collapse pits, four houses destroyed

and economic losses reached to 1.2 million Yuan resulting from collapse at Zhemu


Figure 4. 6. On the left (giant sinkhole collapse in Fukuoka, Japan, on Nov. 8, 2016),
and fixed a week later on Nov. 15, 2016(on the right).Adapted from [57]

4.4.1 Karst geohazards in Abu Dhabi city, UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is located in the eastern part of the Arabian

Peninsula between Latitudes 22° 40’ N and 26° 00’N and Longitudes 51° 00’ E and

56° 00’ E (Figure 4. 7). The geology of the United Arab Emirates is greatly

influenced by the deposition of marine sediments associated with numerous sea level

changes during relatively recent geological time. With exception of mountainous

areas at the border with Oman, the topography of the country is relatively flat. The

geology of Abu Dhabi comprises superficial deposits of marine sands and silts, and

Sabkha deposits which overlay alternating beds of claystone and mudstone,

calcarenite, sandstone, and gypsum (see a typical stratigraphic column in Figure 4. 8,

at tunnel depth). Historical observations identify cavities associated with the presence

of evaporate and carbonate minerals within the Abu Dhabi subsurface and considered

to be a significant hazard for tunnel construction. The formation of subsurface cavities

is normally triggered by groundwater flow. Figure 4. 9, shows groundwater flow from

cavities within the rock mass in Abu Dhabi.[50]

Figure 4. 7. Geological map of the Coastal Areas of Abu Dhabi.Adapted from [50]

Figure 4. 8.The geological profile of Working Shaft 5, STEP. Adapted from [58]

Figure 4. 9. Groundwater flows from cavities. Adapted from [50]

Cavities have been found in the coastal areas of Abu Dhabi Island, Khalifa City, Al

Raha Beach and around Abu Dhabi International airport, among others, see Figure

1.1, Figure 4. 2 and Figure 4. 10. Geotechnical surveys performed prior to the

construction of the Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP) also identified

typical indicators for karstic features, such as voids, loss of drilling fluid, along with

several stretches of the project. Some of the negative consequences of cavities were

noticed in Khalifa city (A&B), road subsidence issues occurred in Khalifa City (A)

[59]. While in Khalifa City B, some villas started to sink due to subsidence and

sinkholes which in turn affected roads and damaged sewerage pipes. [6, 60]

Figure 4. 10. Homes sit in Khalifa City where the ground has swelled under the
pavement and cracked the foundation.[6, 60]

In conclusion, there are several conditions and factors that might trigger karst

geohazards, and can be used to predict possible karst collapse; 1) availability of

soluble bedrocks (carbonate or evaporate rocks) that contains karst features such as

caves or cracks which facilitate groundwater movement, 2) the presence of a karst

cover such as weak rock layer or loose soil and 3) fluctuation of the water table and

infiltration of surface water, see Figure 4. 11.[55] Certain signs at the surface can

indicate a possible karst collapse. For example, soil depression, linear and circular

cracks in soil or floor, sinking or oriented of some vertical or horizontal feature such

as trees, roads, rails, fences, pipes, also cracks in building foundations and walls, see

Figure 4. 10 [43]. Sustainable management of human activities in karst area will

control the negative outcomes of karst geohazards.

Figure 4. 11. sinkhole collapse due to rainwater infiltration. Adapted from [61]


5 Karst Cavity effect on Tunnel construction: STEP

Project Case

5.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP) project,

which was developed by the Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) to

improve the sewerage systems in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In the first part

of the chapter, the project and its major components will be described. In the second

part of the chapter, the focus will be on the geotechnical issues faced during

construction, in particular, the occurrence of karst voids. Finally, the STEP project

will be used, in subsequent chapters, as a case study to investigate the effect of karst

cavities on tunneling.

5.2 Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP) project in Abu Dhabi

5.2.1 Project description

The Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) has developed a

comprehensive Capital Investment Plan (CIP). The key aspects of the plan are two

major investment programs that cover important strategic and conceptual aspects,

which support the Urban Planning Council's (UPC) goal to manage Abu Dhabi’s

growth in a sustainable manner and accommodate the projected sewage flow in the

future. The first is the tactical investment plan (TIP), a program that focuses on

infrastructure rehabilitation and construction projects. The second major capital

investment is the Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP), which has been

launched by ADSSC to address the aging sewerage infrastructure and rapid

population growth.[62]

The conceptual layout of STEP, as shown in Figure 5. 1, consists of [63]

• Deep sewer tunnel extending from Abu Dhabi Island (ADI) to the Al Wathba

Independent Sewage Treatment Plant (ISTP).

• One large pumping station adjacent to AL Wathba ISTP at the end of the deep

tunnel sewer.

• Linking the existing sewerage system with the new deep sewer tunnels

through a series of link sewers. This will make it possible to removing of

several of the existing pumping stations.

Figure 5. 1. The layout of STEP. Adapted from [64]

More specifically, the STEP project consists of 41 km long deep sewer tunnel running

from the northern part of Abu Dhabi Island to the Mainland, drilled by eight

Tunneling Boring Machine (TBM). The tunnel depth will start from 27m underground

and reach to 100 m depth at Al Wathba. The entire deep tunnel will be divided into 3

contracts: T-01, T-02, and T-03, as shown in Figure 5. 1.T-02, covers 14.5 km out of

the entire tunnel (see Table 5. 1), and the excavation of this part is mainly in

mudstone and gypsum with the presence of underground water, as shown in Figure 4.

8.[58, 65]

In a move toward eliminating the existing pumping stations (up to 35) on the Abu

Dhabi Island and the mainland, the STEP will include link sewers totaling 50 km long

with varying diameters (max. of 3.1 m), a 100m deep pumping station as well as new

wastewater treatment plants at Al Wathba. The link sewers will be constructed under

two contracts, one will cover Abu Dhabi Island (LS-01) and the other (LS-02) will

cover Abu Dhabi mainland (Residential and Industrial Area) as shown Figure 5. 2.

These link sewers are intended to stop the flow into the existing pumping stations and

divert it to the deep tunnel using gravity, ( Figure 5. 3). LS-01 covers about 35.7 km

of the whole link sewer system with diameters ranging from 200 mm to 2800 mm.

while LS-02 will consist of 15.4 km sewerage network with diameters varying from

200 mm to 3100 mm. Furthermore, LS-01 and LS-02 will include 247 and 95 shafts,

respectively, for manholes with a depth between 8 m to 26 m. Micro-tunneling and

pipe jacking methods were adopted for the deep link sewers while open cut

excavation was used for the shallow ones [66, 67]. Figure 5. 2, shows the layout and

location of Contract LS-01 ( Figure 5. 2.A) and Contract LS-02 ( Figure 5. 2.B).

Table 5. 1:STEP project sections[58, 68]

T-01 T-02 T-03 LS-01/LS-02 Pump
Link tunnels Station
Total length 16 km 14.5 km 10.5 km 50 km n/a
Number of 3 3 2 n/a n/a
Number of 3 3 2 n/a n/a
Tunnel 4m 6.3 m 7m 200mm-3.1m n/a
Company Samsung Impregilo Impregilo Züblin Odebrecht
Value 270 243 200 385 572

Figure 5. 2. Layout Plan of Link Sewers A) Contract LS-01 and B) Contract LS-02.
Adapted from[67]

Figure 5. 3. A) Tunnel and links sewer system (sewer links in yellow, deep tunnel in
blue), B) Gravity flow system, C&D) Pump station. Adapted from [62, 69]

5.3 Construction methods used by STEP

During the STEP project different construction methods, such as Tunneling Boring

Machine (TBM), Micro-tunneling and pipe jacking, were used depending on the

needs and depths of tunnel/links.

5.3.1 Tunneling Boring Machine (TBM)

There are several different types of tunnel boring machines, which differ in the

support type they provide during excavation, as None, Peripheral and Frontal support.

In this section, we will focus on the Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Tunnel Boring

Machine (TBM), which was the one used to construct STEP’s deep sewer tunnel. The

specification of the EPBM used for T-02 is presented in Table 5. 2. Figure 5. 4 and

Figure 5. 5, show pictures of the EPBM machines used during the STEP project.

Figure 5. 4 shows a picture of the installation of one of the TBM’s through a work

shaft along the deep sewer tunnel alignment, and Figure 5. 5, shows one of the TBM’s

breaking through a working shaft.

Table 5. 2: T02 contract STEP project characteristics [58]

T02 contract Tunnel Approx. 15 WS5-5251 WS6-5159 WS7-4809

length km m m m
T02 Contract- Tunnel Boring Machines Characteristics
Machine type Earth pressure balance shield
Bore diameter 6.340 mm
Length TBM + Back- Aprox.106 m
Power 3 x 315 kW
Cutter head speed 0-4.5 rotation/min
Max. working pressure 6.0 bars
Lining type Pre-casted segments
Intern ring diameter 5500 mm
Segment length 1400 mm
Number of segments for 5 plus crown

Figure 5. 4Installation of TBM, STEP [64]

Figure 5. 5.Breakthrough of the TBM, STEP [64]

The Earth Pressure Balanced Machine (EPBM), is one of the TBM types that is used

to construct tunnels located partly or completely in soft soil under the water table. The

principle behind this method is to use the pressure at the machine face so that the

supporting pressure ps at the face balances the horizontal ground pressure ph and the

water pressure pw ( Figure 5. 6 shows the EPBM’s principles).[70]

Figure 5. 7 show a schematic of an EPBM and its different components. The face

stability is maintained by pressurizing the excavated material in the cutter-head

chamber (2). Excavated material is located behind the cutter-head and in front of the

pressure bulkhead (3). Then, the excavated material is removed through auger

conveyer (5). Operators control the speed and material discharge rates through the

conveyer, which in turn control the face pressure and balance the EPBM advance rate.

With the erectors (6), the tunnel is lined with steel reinforced concrete lining segments

(7) behind the pressure bulkhead. Then grout is injected into the tail skin or openings

in the segments to close the gap between the segments and ground. [70]

Figure 5. 6. EPBM principles. Adapted from [70]

Figure 5. 7. EPB machine. Adapted from [70]

Based on the support needed to be provided during the excavation, an EPBM can

operate at three different modes (see Figure 5. 8) [70, 71]:

• Open mode: depends only on the passive support from the cutter-head.

• Semi-closed mode: mostly in the stable ground with sufficient cohesion. The

excavation chamber is partially filled with excavated material and the rest is

occupied by compressed air. This compressed air provides support to the face

to achieve stability.

• Closed mode: the excavation chamber is fully occupied with the pressurized

excavated material, which is controlled by the cutter-head and auger conveyor

to provide the face pressure level.

Figure 5. 8. EPBM operation modes. Adapted from [70, 71]

5.3.2 Pipe jacking and Micro-tunneling

The pipe jacking method is currently used to create man-entry size diameter tunnels

that could reach to 900mm. This method needs two shafts/pits, an entry (thrust) pit

and receiving pit. The pipes are pushed through the ground by the hydraulic rams in

the thrust pit. Hydraulic jacking systems (pipe jacking method) are often used with

Microtunnelling Boring Machines (MTBM). [72]

Figure 5. 9 and Figure 5. 10shows the pipe jacking system used during the STEP and

one of the pipe jacking set up sites.

Microtunnelling is described as a remotely-controlled, guided, pipe-jacking operation.

This method is used to install pipes in different locations under highways, runways,

etc. The Microtunnelling Boring Machines (MTBM), consist of rotating cutting head

to excavate the ground along with crushing cone to smash large material to create a

mothy remove of the excavated material through the slurry lines. To achieve face

stability, there is a pressurized slurry mixing chamber in the back of the cutting head.

Hydraulic/electric motors direct the cutting head, for steering corrections. Figure 5. 11

shows one of the MTBM used during the construction of the link sewers of STEP.

Figure 5. 12 shows a schematic of the micro-tunneling procedure used during STEP


Figure 5. 9. Jacking System, STEP [64]

Figure 5. 10. Pipe Jacking site setup, STEP. Adapted from [67]

Figure 5. 11. Micro-tunneling Machine, STEP. Adapted from [64]

Figure 5. 12. Micro-tunneling Procedure, STEP. Adapted from [64]

The MTBM needs a jacking system and two shafts (entry and receptor). The MTBM

is lowered into the jacking shaft and pushed through the ground by the hydraulic

jacking (see Figure 5. 12 and Figure 5. 13). After the jacking of each pipe element, the

slurry lines and control cables which connect the container (at the surface) and the

MTBM are disconnected, the jack frame returns to the original position and a new

pipe is lowered down into the shafts to be pushed into the ground while the MTBM

advances. The equipment, such as slurry lines and power and control cable

connections are used to remove the excavated material and achieve a safety

excavation progress. The process is repeated until the excavation concluded and the

MTBM reach to the receptor shaft. [73]

Figure 5. 13. Pipe Jacking and MTBM. Adapted from [73]

5.4 STEP project cavity issues

In order to evaluate the potential presence of cavities within the construction sites of

the STEP project, a surface geophysical survey was performed. The layout of the

investigated site (LS-01) is shown in Figure 5. 14. The geophysical investigation

extended to the maximum depth of drilled geotechnical boreholes (20-40m) and the

length of the sewer line surveyed was about 2.8 km. The main goal of the study was

to identify possible features that may indicate the presence of cavities/karts such as

subsurface cavities, fractured zones, and zones with important discontinuities within

the area of interest.

Figure 5. 14. The layout of the investigated site (LS-01).the Zoomed image to the
right is the proposed sewer line (2.8 km). Adapted from [74]

As shown in Figure 5. 14, ten sections were chosen for the investigation and twenty

five (25) survey lines were established for the geophysical measurements to cover the

proposed project area using a Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW-2D),

which was determined to be an adequate geophysical survey technique for the site

conditions. A Seismic Surface Wave (MASW-2D) survey was conducted with Geode

–Ultra –Light Exploration Seismograph (24- Channels), manufactured by Geometrics,

Inc. (U.S.A), utilizing Vertical Geophones (4.5) Hz, spacing 3m apart. The data were

processed using SurfSeis Version (3) from Kansas Geological Survey. A number of 1-

D Vs profiles were produced for each shot point from the inversion results. The

resulting 1-D Vs profiles were placed at a surface location consistent with the middle

of the receiver line to construct a 2-D (surface and depth) (Vs ) maps. The X-axis

shows the distance (station= 3) along the survey line and the Y-axis represents the

depth in meters. Figure 5. 15, shows one of the 2D maps of Shear Wave Velocity

(m/sec) versus depth (m). The Images use a color scale, with blue showing areas of

low velocity and red areas of high velocity.

a) Satellite Image for Layout of MASW-2D Line Section A

b) Shear Wave Velocity (m/sec) versus depth (m) for Line Section A (A3)

Figure 5. 15. Geophysical measurements for LS-01.adapted from[74]

A summary of the analyses of the shear wave results from the MASW-2D survey is

shown Figure 5. 16. The figure combines all the shear wave values measurements

(about 2737), taken during this particular survey. They are plotted versus depth.

Relatively wide variations of measured velocities were generally obtained, however

the general trend of the results indicated an increase in velocity with depth with a

significant decrease in velocities at depths (8-10) m, (11-15) m, (15-20) m, (24-26) m

and (32-35) m, which could be an indication of the subsurface cavity or fractures

zones. [74]

Figure 5. 16. Shear Wave (Vs) Measurements versus Depth [74]

Several anomalies (i.e. a small area of low velocity embedded within a zone of high

velocity) which might indicate cavities or solution/geologic features in-filled with

water / soluble material were identified and they are summarized in Table 5. 3.

Table 5. 3. Summary of Anomalies identified by the MASW-2D Survey: [74]

Depth (m) Number of anomalies

15-17 14

20-25 16

33-37 23

Some of the potential risks of cavities that the tunnel excavation might face during the

execution of the stretch of the STEP project LS-01(Figure 5. 14) are listed in Table 5.

4 . Also listed in this table are the mitigation measures.

Most cavities encountered during tunneling of the link sewer were either within or

below the invert of the pipe/TBM, as shown in Figure 5. 17 and Figure 5. 18.

Table 5. 4. : Registered risks of STEP project LS-01[75]:

Figure 5. 17. The approximate clearance between invert of pipe/TBM and cavity is
1.7m. Adapted from [76]

Figure 5. 18 Invert of pipe/TBM is within the cavity. Adopted from [76]

In addition, cavities were also found during the construction of shafts as shown in

Figure 5. 19, which contains a picture of a cavity encountered during the excavation

of a shaft, and the mitigation measures used.

Figure 5. 19. Cavity encountered during shaft excavation and mitigation measures

5.5 Cavity Grouting

During the exploration drilling and geophysical surveys of link sewer Contract LS-01

(see Figure 5. 2.A) for LS-01 layout) several cavities were suspected to exist at depths

(at the level and below the planned sewer tunnel) that may influence the excavation of

link sewers tunnels (see Figure 5. 20). To mitigate potential adverse consequences

posed by cavity hazard and to ensure a safe and uninterrupted tunnel drive, additional

exploratory drilling for cavity grouting were performed at several locations of the link

sewer Contract LS-01. These works were performed during the period of February-

July 2015. [77, 78]

The boreholes were drilled and grouted in a sequence as shown in Figure 5. 21, Figure

5. 22. The grouting is executed in two stages (stage 1: boreholes A, C, and E; stage 2:

boreholes B and D), in order to ensure a safe distance between boreholes and

minimize or prevent the possibility of by-pass or connection between boreholes,

which could result in insufficient grouting. The grouting of each borehole is done

from a grouting station through grouting pipes. The grouting of each borehole is

considered finished after the upper section of the borehole has been filled and the

grout settlement is less than 2.5L over 5 min.

The results of the grouting operations seem to indicate that the possible cavities are

mainly isolated. However, the water inflow observed during shaft constructions

within this area seem to indicate that there is some connectivity through

fractures/fissures within the rock mass.[78]

Figure 5. 20. Exploratory borehole box from STEP LS-01 Line J showing two cavities
around 19-21m. Adapted from [77]
Figure 5. 21. Grouting sequence at LS-01. Adapted from [77]

Figure 5. 22. Layout plan northwest link sewer line-J of the cavity Grouting work.
Adapted from [77]

There were only a few of instances of where a high volume of cement grout intake

was observed (i.e. approx. 72m3, 45m3 , and 56m3), the other cavities were much

smaller. Even though, the smaller features would be less likely to cause large

movements of the TBM, however, they are likely to cause the problem of excessive

water inflow [77, 78]. Figure 5. 23 and Figure 5. 24show pictures of the grouting

operations at the North West Link Sewer (NWLS).

Figure 5. 23. Grouting operations at NWLS Line J. Adapted from [77]

Figure 5. 24.Grouting operations at NWLS. Adapted from [78]

5.6 Summary

In this chapter, one of the largest tunnel projects in the Gulf and Middle East region

was presented. The Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP), consists of

41 km long deep tunnel extending across Abu Dhabi city out to the desert where is the

deepest underground pumping station (100 m) in depth. STEP is considered as the

core of a large subterranean sewer system that will divert all the wastewater from the

city into the pump station that is located in the desert. A total of eight TBMs were

used to excavate the deep tunnel. Microtunnelling and jack piping methods were used

for sewage links. During the excavation different issues related to cavity, presence

was encountered. Cavities that were found during the construction of shafts were

either within or below the invert of pipe/TBM. To mitigate potential adverse

consequences posed by cavity hazard and to ensure a safe and uninterrupted tunnel

drive, additional exploratory drilling for cavity grouting was performed at several

locations. The STEP project and the karts issues it faced will be used as a case study

in this research to analyze the effect of the presence of cavities in tunnel construction.


6 Data and Methodology

6.1 Introduction

Previously in Chapter 5, STEP project and the issues encountered during its

construction were detailed. Overall, Geophysical surveys show that the cavities found

during tunneling were within or below the pipe/TBM of the sewer links, reaching

dimensions of up to 3 m in diameter, as shown in Figure 6. 1.

Tunnel excavation near to existing cavities may lead to important interaction effects,

affect stress-distribution and ground deformation around the tunnel. Therefore, in the

present study, the Cavity and tunnel interaction will be performed through numerical

simulations of a shield (TBM) tunnel construction, using the STEP tunnels ground

material data. The analyses are done using Finite Element Method (FEM) in Plaxis

2D software. This chapter describes the methodology and data used in the tunnel-

cavity interaction cavity. The chapter will include a brief description of the numerical

software used, modeling approach, input data and the empirical solutions. The

empirical solutions will be used to compare the surface settlements.

Figure 6. 1 Cavity distance from the invert of pipe/TBM, in NWLS – Lines L and J.
Adapted from [76]

6.2 Finite Element Method (FEM)

In 1960’s the finite element term was introduced and today several different

numerical tools such as Finite Element Method, Finite Difference Method, Boundary

Element Method and Discrete Element Method provide efficient tools for tunneling

engineers for tunnel design. With time, the numerical method known as finite element

(FE) has been used in a wide range of soil and rock mechanics problems for which a

suitable analytical solution is difficult or not available. FEM gives several options to

model various aspects of tunneling and provides useful information about deformation

field with the advancing in computer capacity and friendly user soft wares. FEM

could be applied for different one, two or three dimensions, where it divides the

required area or volume into small numbers of areas or volumes called finite

elements, as shown in Figure 6. 2, and are obtained through discretization. Several

types of 2D and 3D shapes can be used to discretize the space, as seen in Figure 6. 3.

2D. [79-81]

Figure 6. 2. Symmetrical half of a) 2D-FE mesh and b) 3D-FE mesh. Adapted from

Figure 6. 3 . Different FE shapes available for 2D and 3D FE-mesh. Adapted from


Presently, numerical FEM provides significant support for tunneling projects all

around the world. Numerical models allow studying the complex material behavior

and boundary conditions as well as conducting different parametric effects. [79]

Tunnel deformation is a 3D problem, however, for simplicity; it is often simulating as

a 2D problem. However, modelling the tunneling process in 2D plane strain analysis

requires an approach that can consider 3D tunneling effect. There are several methods

that can be used to consider this effect in terms of a loss of volume. The next sections

will describe the FE software used in this study (PLAXIS 2D), as well as the approach

used to simulate the tunnel construction in 2D.


In 1987, the Dutch Ministry of Public Works and Water Management

(Rijkswaterstaat) started an initiative by developing PLAXIS at the Delft University

of Technology. The original purpose of this initiative was to support river

embankments analysis in the lowlands part of Holland by providing an easy to use 2D

FEM code. Later, PLAXIS Company (Plaxis bv) was established in 1993 as a result

of the continuous development of the product [82].

By 1998, the first PLAXIS 2D for windows was released. It is two-dimensional FE

software, used by geotechnical engineers to perform different analysis such as

deformation, stability, and flow in geotechnical engineering. The program is equipped

with a broad range of material models (from Mohr-coulomb to complex user-defined

soil models). Modelling and interaction between structures is a critical issue in

tunneling and geotechnical engineering in general. PLAXIS contains various features

that allow for analysis of various aspects of complex geotechnical structures,

including a user-friendly interface that guides the user through fast and efficient finite

element model creation, with a possibility of importing geometric details from Cad

files and automatic meshing. Finally, PLAXIS 2D contains powerful postprocessor

offering different possibilities of presenting results such as forces, displacements,

stresses. Furthermore, the results can be easily extracted from tables for further

processing outside PLAXIS. [82]

6.4 Modelling 3D tunnel excavation using 2D plain strain analysis

Tunnel excavation is a three-dimensional problem, and even though computer

software and storage have seen a huge development in the past years, 3D modeling
includes complex calculations which are time-consuming and require large data

storage. For this reason, many of tunnel excavation simulations tend to model the

tunneling process using 2D plane strain analyses. [79]

Modelling tunnel installation with 2D model requires different approaches to capture

the missing behavior in the third dimensions. Some of these approaches include the

contraction method, stress reduction method and modified grout pressure method.

[83] In this study, the contraction approach developed by Vermeer and Brinkgreve

[79, 84]will be used to allow for the 3D tunneling effect to be taken into consideration

in the 2D numerical models. The approach consists of simulating ground loss by

specifying a tunnel contraction value. This is done through two different calculation

phases. The first calculation step consists of deactivating the soil clustering inside the

tunnel to simulate excavation and at the same time activate the tunnel lining. The

removal of ground weight from inside the tunnel will affect the tunnel lining and

cause some uplifting movement of the lining. In the second phase of calculation, the

tunnel lining is stepwise contracted until it reaches the pre-assigned (i.e. user defined)

contraction value. These two steps are shown in Figure 6. 4 [79] [83]. Note that this

contraction should be the same as the volume loss in undrained conditions.

Figure 6. 4. Contraction method. A) The uplifting movement of lining during the
excavation; B) Tunnel contraction △R. Adapted from [79]

6.5 Geometry and boundary conditions

6.5.1 Model dimensions

Two-dimension Finite Element modeling requires an adequate modeling dimensions

to eliminate boundary effects. In this study, the dimensions of the 2D mesh

dimensions were calculated using equation 1 and 2. Figure 6. 5 show the model

dimensions used (h=17.6m, W=60m)

The distance from the tunnel crown dimension to the bottom boundary (h), was

calculated as following [79, 83]:

h = 2.2*D Equation 1

Where, D is the tunnel diameter, in this case, it is 8 m.

The minimum width of the FE model was calculated following [79, 83]:
W = 2D(1 + D) Equation 2

Where W is the model width, H is the distance from the ground surface until the

tunnel crown (18m) and D is the tunnel diameter.

Figure 6. 5. 2D FE meshing dimensions and boundary conditions.

6.5.2 Model Type and Elements

Two types of models can be used to define the 2D FE modeling, plain strain and

axisymmetric, as shown in Figure 6. 6. In this study, the 2D FE model was defined as

plane strain, which assumes that out-of-plane geometry is characterized by a large

uniform cross-section and that loading does not vary in the out-of-plane direction (Z)

such that Z displacements are neglected, while the normal stresses are fully taken into

account. [82]

Figure 6. 6. Examples of plain strain model (left) and Axisymmetric model (right).
Adapted from[82]

The study used the default soil element number in PLAXIS 2D which is a 15- node

triangle, as shown in Figure 6. 7. The 15-node provides a fourth order interpolation

for displacement and numerical integration which involves twelve stress points, and is

therefore more accurate than the lower node elements (e.g. 6-node triangle). This is

especially important in the more complex problems. [82]

Figure 6. 7. The position of nodes and stress points in a) 15-node triangle and b) 6-
node triangle. Adapted from [82]

6.5.3 2D meshing

Once the geometry of the model is defined, the process of meshing, which consists of

dividing the model into finite elements, starts. PLAXIS 2D provides automatic FE

mesh generation which is used in this study. An example of a mesh is shown in Figure

6. 5. The mesh generation process takes into consideration the soil stratigraphy,

structural objects, loads and boundary conditions. In addition, the process is based on

a robust triangular procedure[82]. Fine to very-fine 2D meshing was used in the

present study to provide more accurate numerical results, especially around structural

elements, loads and prescribed displacement.

6.5.4 Boundary conditions

The model boundary fixities (i.e. boundary restraints) were set as following, also

shown in Figure 6. 5.:

• The model vertical boundaries (at right and left side) are fixed in their normal

x-direction (guaranteeing that the horizontal displacement is zero) and are kept

free in the y-direction. This will allow only for normal stress σ but no shear

stress τ.

• The horizontal ground surface has no fixities and left free to displace.

• The bottom boundary is fixed so that both displacements in y and x-direction

are zero. Normal stress σ and shear stress τ may occur.

• Tunnel elements at the left boundary set to zero rotation øz and bending

moment M can occur.

6.6 Material models and input data

PLAXIS contains different model options to simulate the soil and rock behavior. In

this study, Hardening soil model (HS) and Hoek-Brown model (HB) were used to

simulate the ground’s behavior. A brief description of both models is provided below.

6.6.1 Hardening Soil model (HS)

HS is an elasto-plastic model that can be used to simulate the behavior of different

soils such as sands, gravel, clays, and silts. HS model is different from elastic

perfectly-plastic models where the yield surface of hardening plasticity is not fixed in

principal stress space. In contrast to others model, such as Mohr-Coulomb for

example, the Hardening Soil model also accounts for stress-dependency of stiffness

moduli. Two types of hardening can be identified in HS model. The first one is the

shear hardening, as soil goes under deviatoric loading it shows an irreversible plastic

strain which is modeled using this type of hardening. While, irreversible plastic

strains resultant from initial compression in oedometer loading and isotropic loading

are simulated by the second type, compression hardening. [82, 85]

The hardening soil model is an advanced hyperbolic soil model which differs from the

well-known hyperbolic Duncan and Chang model by three things. First, it uses

plasticity theory instead of the elasticity theory. Second, it considers the soil

dilantancy and the third one consists of presenting the yield cap to close elastic region

in the p-direction (hydrostatic direction). The hardening soil model is characterized by


• Stress dependent stiffness according to a power law (input parameter m)

• Plastic strain resultant from main deviatoric loading (input parameter 𝐸50 ).

• Plastic strain resultant from main compression (input parameter 𝐸𝑜𝑒𝑑 ).

• Elastic unloading/reloading (input parameter 𝐸𝑢𝑟 𝑣𝑢𝑟 ).

• Failure according to Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion (parameters c, φ, ѱ).

The hyperbolic relationship observed between the vertical strain ε1 and the deviatoric

stress q in triaxial loading is the main idea behind the formulation of the hardening

soil model, as shown in Figure 6. 8. The resultant curve for a standard drained triaxial

test is described by:

𝐪 (𝛔𝟏 −𝛔𝟑 )
𝛆𝟏 = 𝟐𝐄𝐚 For q< qf Equation 3
𝟓𝟎 𝐪𝐚 −(𝛔𝟏 −𝛔𝟑 )

Where the ultimate deviatoric stress qf and the quantity qa can be defined from:

𝟔 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛗𝐩 𝐪
𝐪𝐟 = 𝟑−𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛗 (𝐩 + 𝐜 𝐜𝐨𝐭 𝛗𝐩 ) 𝐪𝐚 = 𝐑𝐟 Equation 4
𝐩 𝐟

The ultimate deviatoric stress is derived from the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion,

which includes the strength variables c and φp . Perfectly plastic yielding will occur

when the failure criterion is satisfied (q=qf). The failure ratio (Rf) is the ratio between

qf and qa and it should be smaller than 1.

Figure 6. 8. Hyperbolic stress-strain relation in primary loading for the standard

drained triaxial test. Adapted from [85].

6.6.2 Hardening Soil model (HS) input data

In our study, we model tunneling through sand. Sand is a loose granular material and

its stiffness increase with depth. As shown before in Chapter 3, the sand layer located

below the made ground and cover all the Abu Dhabi area. Therefore, HS model will

be used to simulate tunneling through sand as it’s suitable for granular material and

accounts for stress-dependency of stiffness moduli. The data used in this study was

obtained directly from the geotechnical report of STEP project [86] and from

technical literature review [87]. These are shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Material properties of the soil layer

Parameter Name Sand units

Material model Model Hardening -
Drainage type type Drained -
Soil unit weight above phreatic level 𝛾unsat 19 KN/m3

Soil unit weight below phreatic level 𝛾sat 19.5 KN/m3

Secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial 𝑟𝑒𝑓 35000 KN/m2
Tangent stiffness or primary oedometer 𝑟𝑒𝑓 35000 KN/m2
unloading/reloading stiffness 𝑟𝑒𝑓 105000 KN/m2
power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m 0.5 -
Cohesion 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑓 0 KN/m2
Friction angle 𝜑, 34 °
Dilatancy angle Ψ 0 °
Poisson’s ratio 𝑣, 0.2 -
Horizontal permeability 𝐾𝑥 298.08 m/day
Vertical permeability 𝐾𝑦 298.08 m/day
Interface strength type type Rigid Unit

Interface strength * 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 1.0 -
K0 determination - Manual units
lateral earth pressure coefficient 𝐾0,𝑥 0.44 -
over- consolidation ratio OCR 1 -
Pre-overburden ration POP 0 -
• Interface strength: is modeling the soil-structure interaction through choosing a

reduction strength factor Rinter.

6.6.3 Hoek-Brown model (HB)

Rock behavior is different from the soil behavior as it is stiffer and stronger in

general. Rock stiffness considers constant as the stiffness dependency on stress level

is minor. In contrast, the shear strength is highly dependent on the stress level. Mohr-

Coulomb failure criterion is usually chosen as a first approach to simulate the shear

strength of the rock material. However, rock material could be under a wide range of

stress level where linear stress- dependency of Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is not

appropriate. In that case, a non-linear approximation of rock strength by Hoek–Brown

failure criterion is sufficient where it contains shear strength as well as tensile strength

in a continuous formulation, see Figure 6. 9. Hoek- Brown model for rock mass

behavior is formulated by combining the Hoek-Brown failure criterion and Hooke’s

law of isotropic linear elastic behavior.[82]

General Hoek-Brown failure criterion is generated as a non-linear relationship

between the major and minor effective principal stresses, where tension (+) and

pressure (-), [82]:

𝝈′𝟏 = 𝝈′𝟑 − 𝝈𝒄𝒊 (𝒎𝒃 + 𝒔) Equation 5

Where mb is a reduced value intact rock parameter mi, which depend on the geological

strength index (GSI) and the Disturbance factor (D), as follows:

𝐦𝐛 = 𝐦𝐢 𝐞𝐱𝐩 ( 𝟐𝟖−𝟏𝟒𝐃 ) Equation 6

S and a constant for the rock mass and could be calculated as follows:

𝐬 = 𝐞𝐱𝐩 ( ) Equation 7

𝟏 𝟏 −𝐆𝐒𝐈 −𝟐𝟎
𝐚 = 𝟐 + 𝟔 [𝐞𝐱𝐩 ( ) − 𝐞𝐱𝐩 ( )] Equation 8
𝟏𝟓 𝟑

σc is the uniaxial compressive strength of the specific rock under consideration and it

could be calculated from the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock material

(σci ):

𝛔𝐜 = 𝛔𝐜𝐢 𝐬𝐚 Equation 9

Furthermore, the tensile strength of the specific rock under consideration (σt ):

𝛔𝐭 = Equation 10

Hoek-Brown failure criterion is rewritten for the plasticity theory as:

′ 𝐚
𝐟𝐇𝐁 = 𝛔′𝟏 − 𝛔′𝟑 + 𝐟(̅ 𝛔′𝟑 ) where 𝐟(̅ 𝛔′𝟑 ) = 𝛔𝐜𝐢 (𝐦𝐛 𝛔 𝟑 + 𝐬) Equation 11

Figure 6. 9. Hoek-Brown failure criterion in principle stresses. Adapted by [82]

6.6.4 Hoek-Brown model (HB) input data

In this study, the Hoek-brown model was used to model the behavior of mudstone

which is a predominant layer within the underground of Abu Dhabi. This is layer is

normally associated with the existence of an adjacent gypsum layer which will be

represented by Hoek-brown. At the interface of these two layers, it is common for

voids to exist. The material properties were obtained from STEP [86] as well as from

a technical literature review [3, 88]. The values used for both materials are shown in

Table 6. 2 and Table 6. 3

Table 6. 2: Material properties of the Mudstone layer

Parameter Name Mudstone units

Material model Model Hoek-Brown -
Drainage type type Drained -
Soil unit weight above phreatic level 𝛾unsat 17 KN/m3

Soil unit weight below phreatic level 𝛾sat 20 KN/m3

Initial void ratio 𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡 -

young's modulus 𝐸, 163200 KN/m2
Poisson’s ratio 𝑣𝑢𝑟 0.3 -
uniaxial compressive strength σci 1600 KN/m2
Material constant for the intact rock 𝑚𝑖 9 -
Geological strength index GSI 50 -
Disturbance factor D 0 -
Dilatancy parameter Ψmax 0 °
Dilatancy parameter σΨ 0 KN/m2
Interface strength type type Rigid Unit
Interface strength 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 1.0 -
K0 determination - Manual units
lateral earth pressure coefficient 𝐾0,𝑥 1 -

Table 6. 3: Material properties of the Gypsum layer

Parameter Name Gypsum units

Material model Model Hoek-Brown -
Drainage type type Drained -
Soil unit weight above phreatic level 𝛾unsat 20 KN/m3

Soil unit weight below phreatic level 𝛾sat 21 KN/m3

Initial void ratio 𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡 -

young's modulus 𝐸, 621400 KN/m2
Poisson’s ratio 𝑣𝑢𝑟 0.3 -
uniaxial compressive strength σci 4300 KN/m2
Material constant for the intact rock 𝑚𝑖 16 -
Geological strength index GSI 50 -
Disturbance factor D 0 -
Dilatancy parameter Ψmax 0 °
Dilatancy parameter σΨ 0 KN/m2
Interface strength type type Rigid Unit
Interface strength 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 1.0 -

K0 determination - Manual units
lateral earth pressure coefficient 𝐾0,𝑥 1 -

6.6.5 Structural input data

The properties of the structural elements used to model the tunnel lining are presented

in Table 6. 4, which are the typical values for concrete that were collected from

literature review [83, 89].

Table 6. 4: Material properties of the lining

Parameter Name lining unit

Material type Type Elastic, Isotropic -

Normal stiffness EA 8000,000 kN/m

Flexural rigidity EI 56000 kNm2/m

Weight w 8.4 kN/m/m

Poisson's ratio v 0.15 -

6.7 Initial stress K0 and calculation stages

6.7.1 The role of Initial stress K0

Prior to the tunnel excavation, the ground is already pre-stressed. Therefore, in

various geotechnical engineering issues and tunneling domain, these initial stresses

must be taken into consideration. Generally, material weight and geologic formation

history affect the initial stresses. The stress state is characterized by two stresses, the

initial vertical effective stress (σ′v,0 ) and the initial horizontal effective stress (σ′h,0 ).

The horizontal stress can be related to the vertical stress by the lateral earth pressure

coefficient K0, through the equations: [79, 82]

𝛔′𝐯,𝟎 = 𝛔𝐯 − 𝐮 = 𝛄. 𝐡 − 𝐮 Equation 12

𝛔′𝐡,𝐨 = 𝐊 𝟎 . 𝛔′𝐯,𝟎 Equation 13

Where 𝜎v,0 is the initial vertical effective stress at depth h, 𝜎v is the corresponding

total stress, u is the pore water pressure and 𝛾 is the unit ground weight. Equations 12

and 13 are also known as K0 procedure.

PLAXIS 2D provide the users with K0 procedure or gravity loading option to

generate the initial stresses. In gravity loading, the initial stresses are generated from

the volumetric weight of the soil.

As shown in Figure 6. 10, there are different possibilities for the stress magnitude and

orientation. K0 procedure is recommended to be used when we have homogeneous

ground or horizontal layers with the horizontal ground surface (Figure 6. 10a and b).

In the case of the ground in the non-horizontal ground surface the gravity loading

procedure is preferable because in this case, K0 calculation is not sufficient as the

initial stress around tunnel will be different at different region depending on soils self-

weigh (Figure 6. 10c).

If the tunnel is constructed below the groundwater then water pressure must be taken

into consideration in the deformation analysis by subtracting the pore pressure from

the total stresses. While for tunnels constructed above the water table and

characterized by drained ground behavior, the effective vertical stresses will be equal

to the total since the pore water pressure is zero. In addition, if the geological profile

contains different horizontal layers, as shown in Figure 6. 10.b, then the vertical

stresses could be generated as summation of vertical stresses with respect to the

ground layer i :[79]

𝛔′𝐯,𝟎 = ∑𝐢 𝛄𝐢 . ∆𝐡𝐢 − 𝐮𝐢 Equation 14

Figure 6. 10. Initial stresses magnitude and orientation. a) Homogeneous ground with
horizontal ground surface, b) Horizontally layered ground with horizontal ground
surface, c) homogeneous ground with non-horizontal ground surface. Adapted from

For this research, the values of K0 used are those determined in the field and the

method used to calculate the initial stress is the K0 procedure [86]

6.7.2 Calculation stages in PLAXIS 2D

In this study, we modeled different scenarios of cavity-tunnel interaction by varying

the ground materials, cavity location and dimensions, see

Figure 6. 11. In addition, we consider two scenarios for the cavity-tunnel interaction:

1) the cavity occurs during initial states of tunneling. 2) The cavity occurs after the

tunnel has been completed. The plastic calculation was used for the analyses to carry

out an elastic-plastic deformation analysis.

Staged construction mode controls the loading process where loads, soil volume

clusters or structural objects can be activated or deactivated during the tunneling

simulation process. In this study, different scenarios will be generated to simulate the

cavity-tunnel interaction at different stages of the tunnel construction. The stages used

for the baseline calculation are shown in

Figure 6. 11 and Figure 6. 12, and described below:

1) Initial phase: This step is only used to set the initial stresses of the model as a

starting point for numerical calculation. Deformations are zeroed at the end of

this phase.

2) Tunnel excavation: the ground is removed from inside the tunnel to simulate

the excavation and at the same time tunnel lining is placed. This is the first

step of the contraction method (see Figure 6. 4)

3) Lining contraction: The tunnel lining is stepwise contracted until it reaches

the pre-assigned (i.e. user defined) contraction value of 0.5%. This constitutes

the second step of the contraction method (see Figure 6. 4)

4) Grouting: This step is used to account for the tail void injection effect. It is

modeled through a pressure which is applied to the gap between soil and

tunnel lining, in our model. To be able to apply this pressure, in this stage the

tunnel lining and interface are deactivated. Since we do not have the exact

values of grouting pressure that were used during the STEP tunnel

construction, we have estimated the grouting pressure to be [90]:

𝛔𝐢𝐧𝐣 = 𝟏. 𝟐. 𝛔𝐯 Equation 15

This is a common valued adopted in this type of tunnel construction.

5) Final lining: Final lining and interface are activated to present the final tunnel

shape and size.

In addition to these steps we have a cavity step, i.e. a step in which we active a cavity

of certain dimensions at a specified distance and angle from the tunnel. For the two

cases mentioned above the construction steps are as follows (see Figure 6. 11):

Cavity at initial states of the construction (Before Grouting (BG))

1) Initial phase

2) Tunnel excavation

3) Lining contraction

4) Cavity

5) Grouting

6) Final lining

Cavity after tunnel construction (After-Lining (AL))

1) Initial phase

2) Tunnel excavation

3) Lining contraction

4) Grouting

5) Final lining

6) Cavity

The basic aim of the construction stages is to analysis the tunnel and soil interaction

without the effect of cavity presence. This procedure will help us to measure the

cavity effect on tunneling in different soil material as will be shown in chapter 7.

Figure 6. 11. The basic staged construction steps followed in this study and the
location of the Before grouting stage (BG) and After Lining (AL) stages.

Figure 6. 12. The basic staged construction steps followed in this study

Different finite element analyses were conducted, where the size of the cavity, of the

tunnel, the depth and distance between the two openings were varied, as shown in

Figure 6. 14. The simulations are conducted in a two-different ground (cohesive and

granular) as well as complex ground materials, see Figure 6. 11 and Figure 6. 13 .

Table 6. 5 contains a summary of the analyses, Table 6. 6 contains a summary of the

analysis for specific cases of the grouting effect and Table 6. 7 for the analysis of the

complex ground model. The Cases naming in Tables are following the order in Figure

6. 15

Figure 6. 13. The complex ground model consists of three layers Sand, mudstone and

As shown in Figure 6. 14, in mudstone the cavity was created as a hole in the medium

and due to the high cohesion of the medium no support was needed. While in the sand

model, it has a low cohesion, therefore, it was not realistic to create a hole in the

medium as it will collapse directly. We are assuming that the void (cavity) is located

within the mudstone intrusion. Because as we know, there are alternating layers of

mudstone and gypsum located under the sand over Abu Dhabi (This was discussed in


Figure 6. 14. Schematic of the tunnel interaction simulations (a) Cavity diameter; (b)
tunnel diameter; (d) distance between tunnel and cavity walls; (α) angle cavity. At the
right side, a schematic showed the cavity inside mudstone and sand models.

Figure 6. 15. The naming system of the analysis cases followed in the current study.

Table 6. 5. Summary of the analysis

scenario Case Cavity size Distance to Angle Grouting

(m) tunnel (m) (°) (KN/m2)
Base Case BC _ _ _ -432
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 0.5 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 0.5 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 0.5 -90 -432
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 0.75 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 0.75 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 0.75 -90 -432
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 1 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 1 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 1 -90 -432

BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 1.5 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 1.5 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 1.5 -90 -432
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 2 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 2 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 2 -90 -432
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 2.5 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 2.5 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 2.5 -90 -432
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 3 -90 -432
BG BG_1_-90 1 3 -90 -432
BG BG_2_-90 2 3 -90 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 0.5 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 0.5 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 0.5 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 0.75 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 0.75 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 0.75 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 1 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 1 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 1 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 1.5 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 1.5 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 1.5 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 2 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 2 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 2 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 2.5 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 2.5 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 2.5 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 3 0 -432
BG BG_1_0 1 3 0 -432
BG BG_2_0 2 3 0 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 0.5 90 -432
BG BG_1_90 1 0.5 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 0.5 90 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 0.75 90 -432
BG BG_1_90 1 0.75 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 0.75 90 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 1 90 -432

BG BG_1_90 1 1 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 1 90 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 1.5 90 -432
BG BG_1_90 1 1.5 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 1.5 90 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 2 90 -432
BG BG_1_90 1 2 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 2 90 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 2.5 90 -432
BG BG_1_90 1 2.5 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 2.5 90 -432
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 3 90 -432
BG BG_1_90 1 3 90 -432
BG BG_2_90 2 3 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 0.5 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 0.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 0.5 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 0.75 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 0.75 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 0.75 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 1 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 1 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 1 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 1.5 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 1.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 1.5 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 2 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 2 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 2 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 2.5 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 2.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 2.5 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 3 -90 -432
AL AL_1_-90 1 3 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90 2 3 -90 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 0.5 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 0.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0 2 0.5 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 0.75 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 0.75 0 -432

AL AL_2_0 2 0.75 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 1 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 1 0 -432
AL AL_2_0 2 1 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 1.5 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 1.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0 2 1.5 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 2 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 2 0 -432
AL AL_2_0 2 2 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 2.5 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 2.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0 2 2.5 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 3 0 -432
AL AL_1_0 1 3 0 -432
AL AL_2_0 2 3 0 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 0.5 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 0.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 0.5 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 0.75 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 0.75 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 0.75 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 1 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 1 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 1 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 1.5 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 1.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 1.5 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 2 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 2 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 2 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 2.5 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 2.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 2.5 90 -432
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 3 90 -432
AL AL_1_90 1 3 90 -432
AL AL_2_90 2 3 90 -432

Table 6. 6. Summary of the analysis for grouting effect on the value of bending
moment and the displacement at the surface

scenario Case Cavity Distance to Angle (°) Grouting

size (m) tunnel (m) (KN/m2)
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 0.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 0.75 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 1 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 1.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 2 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 2.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 3 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 0.5 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 0.75 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 1 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 1.5 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 2 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 2.5 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_350 2 3 -90 -350
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 0.5 -90 -250
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 0.75 -90 -250
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 1 -90 -250
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 1.5 -90 -250
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 2 -90 -250
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 2.5 -90 -250
AL AL_2_-90_250 2 3 -90 -250
AL AL_2_0_432 2 0.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 0.75 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 1 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 1.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 2 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 2.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 3 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_350 2 0.5 0 -350
AL AL_2_0_350 2 0.75 0 -350
AL AL_2_0_350 2 1 0 -350
AL AL_2_0_350 2 1.5 0 -350
AL AL_2_0_350 2 2 0 -350
AL AL_2_0_350 2 2.5 0 -350
AL AL_2_0_350 2 3 0 -350

AL AL_2_0_250 2 0.5 0 -250
AL AL_2_0_250 2 0.75 0 -250
AL AL_2_0_250 2 1 0 -250
AL AL_2_0_250 2 1.5 0 -250
AL AL_2_0_250 2 2 0 -250
AL AL_2_0_250 2 2.5 0 -250
AL AL_2_0_250 2 3 0 -250
AL AL_2_90_432 2 0.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 0.75 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 1 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 1.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 2 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 2.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 3 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_350 2 0.5 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_350 2 0.75 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_350 2 1 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_350 2 1.5 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_350 2 2 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_350 2 2.5 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_350 2 3 90 -350
AL AL_2_90_250 2 0.5 90 -250
AL AL_2_90_250 2 0.75 90 -250
AL AL_2_90_250 2 1 90 -250
AL AL_2_90_250 2 1.5 90 -250
AL AL_2_90_250 2 2 90 -250
AL AL_2_90_250 2 2.5 90 -250
AL AL_2_90_250 2 3 90 -250

Table 6. 7. Summary of the analysis for Complex ground model

scenario Case Cavity Distance to Angle Grouting

size tunnel (m) (°) (KN/m2)
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 0.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 0.75 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 1 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 1.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 2 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 2.5 -90 -432
AL AL_2_-90_432 2 3 -90 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 0.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 0.75 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 1 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 1.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 2 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 2.5 0 -432
AL AL_2_0_432 2 3 0 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 0.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 0.75 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 1 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 1.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 2 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 2.5 90 -432
AL AL_2_90_432 2 3 90 -432

6.8 Empirical solution of surface settlement

The results of the model surface settlement were compared results from empirical

models. One of the most commonly used empirical equations to estimate settlements

due to tunneling is the one developed by Peck [91] [92]. Peck observed by studying

several tunnel projects that Gaussian curves could use to represent settlement trough

over a single tunnel. The finding of Peck was supported by O'Reilly and New [92-94].

In the modified empirical solution by Peck gives an approximation of the settlement

at different horizontal distances from the centerline of a tunnel which is important to

the safety of the adjacent building. As shown in Figure 6. 16, a Gaussian curve along

with its related properties as well as its relationships to the tunnel dimensions is

assumed, where R represents the tunneling radius, Z represents the depth to the tunnel

center. The ground surface settlements of the Gaussian curve are determined

empirically from Peck equation at any point: [92-94]

𝐲𝟐 𝐬 𝐕
𝐒 = 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐞𝐱𝐩 [− 𝟐𝐢𝟐 ] , 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐱 = 𝐢.√𝟐𝛑 Equation 16

And O’Reilly and New proposed a linear relationship for the “i” : [92]

i = Kz0 Equation 17


𝑆 is the ground surface settlement at a distance y from the tunnel center. y is the

horizontal distance from the tunnel axis. Inflection points” i” of the curve are located

at a distance y on either side of the centerline.

Based on the normal probability curve properties, (i) is equal to 0.61 Smax, (Vs) is the

settlement volume which usually assumed to be equal to the volume loss as the

difference between them is very small. z0, is the vertical distance from the surface to

the center of the tunnel, K material constant; o.4-0.7 for soft, silty clay and 0.2-0.3 for

granular materials. To account for subsurface settlements z0 is replaced by(z0 − z),

where z is the depth at which the trough is to be determined. [79, 93]

Also, Clough and Schmidt [93] proposed a formulation that relates the trough width

(i0) in soft ground to the tunnel diameter (D) and depth to the center z:

𝐢𝟎 = 𝟎. 𝟓 𝐃𝟎.𝟐 𝐙𝟎𝟎.𝟖 Equation 18

Figure 6. 16. Normal probability curve used to describe transverse settlement trough.
Adapted from [95]


7 Plaxis Results and Discussion

7.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the simulation results from PLAXIS 2D are presented and analyzed, to

provide an insight into the different parameters that may affect the tunnel and cavity

interaction. The interaction was analyzed in terms of the tunnel maximum bending

moment (absolute value) and surface displacement. The effect of cavity size (0.5 m,

1 m, and 2 m diameter), cavity distance from the tunnel, cavity angle (-90°,90°,0°)

and stage of occurrence (AL or BG) and grouting values effect were tested in both

soil models (Hardening soil and Hoek-Brown).

In addition, the surface settlements resulting from the base cases (without cavity) of

both models (Hardening soil and Hoek-Brown) were compared with the empirical

solutions Peck[94] O’Reilly[92] and clough[93].

In all the scenarios as shown in Table 6. 5, Table 6. 6,and Table 6. 7 the tunnel has a

diameter of 8 m at a depth of 22m below the surface and the cavity is filled with


7.2 Results of the Mudstone model

7.2.1 Bending moment (BM)

The effect of cavity size (0.5 m, 1 m, and 2 m diameter), cavity distance from the

tunnel, angle and stage of occurrence (AL) and (BG) on the resulting maximum

bending moments (BM) on the tunnel lining were calculated.

Results are presented in Figure 7. 1 (cavity at -90o, i.e. below the invert of the tunnel),

Figure 7.2 (cavity at 90o, i.e. above the crown of the tunnel), and Figure 7.3 (cavity at

0o, i.e. at the side of the tunnel. The maximum bending moment during the base case

scenario (no cavity) at the final stage was 4.035 kN m/m, as shown in Figure 7. 4. The

unusual shape of the bending moment diagram has to do with the grouting phase. The

grouting is applied as an internal pressure to the tunnel and causes the bending

moment to have the same sign along the tunnel lining.

From Figure 7. 1, one can observe that in the case of the (BG), at the distance of

0.5 m away from the tunnel invert, both cavities (1m and 2m) show a soil body

collapse message at the grouting stage while at the case of the cavity (0.5m diameter)

no body collapse was observed. The “body collapse” message is related to excessive

settlement and premature collapse due to the absence of stiffness. In general, the

bending moment decreases with distance and the highest bending moments were

observed with (AL_2_-90) case with the highest value at 0.5m distance from the

tunnel (63.26 kN m/m).

From Figure 7.2, one can observe that soil body collapse occurred at distance 0.5 and

0.75 m for the case (BG_2_90). The maximum bending moment decreases with

distance expect at the case (AL_0.5_90) at a 1m distance that could be related to

technical reasons or model limitation. The highest bending moments were observed
with (AL_2_90) with the highest value at 0.5m distance from the tunnel (84.27 kN


From Figure 7.3, one can observe that soil body collapse occurred only during the

calculations of the (BG_2_0) at distance 0.5 and 0.75 m. The largest maximum

bending moments were observed with the case (AL_2_0) with the highest value

occurring at a 0.5m distance from the tunnel (82.3 kN m/m).

In general, comparing the results of the figures Figure 7. 1, Figure 7.2, and Figure 7.3

shows that:

• The highest bending moment occurs with the cavity (AL_2_90), located at 0.5

from the crown (90°) of the tunnel.

• For all cases, the maximum bending moment decreases as the distance

between cavity and tunnel increases, as expected.

• For each cavity location (i.e. -90°, 90° and 0°), the highest bending moment

occurs always, as expected, with the 2 m cavity and at AL stage.

• When the cavity occurs after the final tunnel lining (AL stage), the effect on

the value of the maximum bending moment is larger than when the cavity

occurs during the grouting stage.

• Cavity with 0.5m diameter has almost no effect on the bending moment.

• Soil body collapse regularly happens during the BG stage with cavity size of

2m at distance 0.5 m and 0.75 m. This is probably related to the excessive

deformations occurring around the tunnel and cavity.

Figure 7. 1. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
at two different calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is below at the tunnel
invert (-90°).

Figure 7.2. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m at
Two different calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is above the crown of the
tunnel (90°).

Figure 7.3. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
at two different calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), Cavity is at the tunnel side (0°).

Figure 7. 4. The maximum bending moment in mudstone base case (4.035 kN m/m).

7.2.2 Surface Displacement

The displacement at the surface was analyzed for the worst-case scenarios, i.e. for the

cases where the cavity is 0.5m away from the tunnel, and only for cavity sizes of 1m

and 2m in diameter. Figure 7.5, shows the resulting surface displacements for a 1m

diameter cavity, occurring both BG and AL. The results are also compared with the

base case scenario, i.e. tunnel construction with no cavity (BC). Clearly, there is an

uplifting movement resulting from all cases. The maximum uplift at the centerline of

the tunnel is 0.001278m and the minimum value is 0.00067m. They both occur when

the cavity appears at the BG cases, and is located at the crown and at the side of the

tunnel, respectively. Note that uplift displacement at the centerline of the tunnel for

the base case is very close to the maximum value. The observed uplifting movement

is due to the grouting stage. This is confirmed by the results from Figure 7.6, which

shows the surface displacements for the same cases, immediately after the contraction

stage, and prior to grouting. It is clear from this Figure 7.6 that the grouting as a

strong effect on the final displacement. From Figure 7.6, one can observe that the

largest displacement (settlement) is 0.00312. One can observe that the values are

similar, for all cases. In fact, they should be the same, since at this stage the cavity has

not yet been activated.

Figure 7.5. The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 1m diameter at the (AL)
and (BG), at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

Figure 7.6. The surface displacement of the Cavity with 1m diameter, during the
contraction stage, at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

Figure 7.7 shows the surface displacements for a cavity with 2 m diameter size

introduced into the system at different orientations and calculation stages, as well as

the surface settlements resulting from the base case (no cavity). The results show two

types of displacements, uplift, and settlement. The uplift movement occurs for the BC

and for all the AL cases. The remaining cases show a settlement. The largest

settlement is 0.004m and occurred for the case (BG _2_0). The largest uplifts

occurred for the case of the BC, (AL_2_-90) and (AL_2_ 90) with values of 0.00125

m, 0.00119m, and 0.00116 m, respectively. Here again, the uplift is caused by the

grouting phase. However, in this case, due to the fact that we are dealing with a larger

cavity with a diameter of 2m, in certain cases, i.e. BG cases, the grouting stage is not

sufficient to uplift the ground at the surface. This is because, for the BG cases, the

occurrence of a cavity with a diameter of 2m, right after the contraction stage will

induce further displacement at the surface. These displacements caused by the cavity

are less pronounced when the cavity appears after tunnel construction, i.e. after the

final lining.

Figure 7.8 shows the displacement at the surface after the contraction stage. The

downward displacements are for the cases of (BG) in different directions which are

the cases of soil body collapse and settlements curves were produce at the grouting

stage. It’s noticeable from Figure 7.5, that the grouting effect on the settlements when

cavity size is 2m is lower than the 1m cavity cases. This has to do with the fact that a

larger cavity will induce larger settlements at the surface.

Figure 7.7 The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 2m diameter at the (AL) and
(BG), at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

Figure 7.8 The surface displacement of the cavity with 2m diameter, during the
contraction stage, at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

In general, comparing the results of the two sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 shows that there

is no clear relationship between the bending moment values and the displacement at

the surface. However, there is a relationship between the cavity angle and the

displacement, as well as the cavity angle and the bending moment. The highest

bending moment value is always when the cavity is located at the crown (90°) and the

maximum upward displacement at the centerline of the tunnel occurs also always

when the cavity is located at the crown (BG_1_90).

7.2.3 Grouting effect on the value of bending moment and the

displacement at the surface

In this section we consider the effect of grouting in the maximum bending moment of

the tunnel and the surface displacements. This is done only for the AL scenario and

for a cavity of 2m diameter (see Table 6. 6), since this is the scenario that yielded the

largest bending moments. Figure 7.9 shows the results of the maximum bending

moment on the tunnel lining for different grouting values. One can observe the


• The grouting stage as a significant effect on the bending moment. One can see

that as the grouting value decreases the bending moment decreases. In the case

of (AL_2_90) a decrease of 19% in the grout (432 to 350 KN/m2) yielded a

decrease of 42% in the BM. Further reduction in the grouting of 42% (432 to

250 KN/m2) yield a decrease of 81% in the BM.

• During all the grouting scenarios, the lowest bending moment at distance 0.5m

is always at the invert (-90°) direction during all the grouting scenarios and the

highest mostly at the crown (90°) direction.

Figure 7.9. The bending moment of 2m Cavity at (AL) using different grouting
values, at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

Figure 7.10, shows the displacement of the different 2m cavity scenarios when the

cavity at the 0.5 m distance from the tunnel. The displacement results show that:

• Grouting has a significant effect on the displacements at the surface; As the

grouting values decrease, the settlements at the tunnel centerline increase.

• A grouting value of 432 kN/m2 resulted in the largest upward displacement

when the cavity is at the crown (90o) and invert direction (-90o).

• Smaller grouting values (350 and 250 kN/m2) produced the largest

displacement when the cavity is at the side direction.

• If the cavity occurs at the tunnel side (0°), there is a higher possibility for a

higher settlement curve than occurring of the cavity in the other two directions

when using an appropriate grouting pressure, this will be addressed in the

discussion (Section 7.6).

• There is no clear relationship between the BM values (Figure 7.9 ) and the

displacements (Figure 7.10).

Figure 7.10. The displacement of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) using different
grouting values, at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

7.2.4 Settlements using empirical solution

Results of the surface displacement from the base case were compared to the ones

obtained using empirical solutions, as shown in Figure 7.11. For this purpose, we

used the empirical solutions by Peck, to calculate the ground settlements, and the

empirical formulas proposed by O'Reilly and Clough to calculate the (i) values of the

inflection point (Section6.8). It is shown that the results of the empirical (O’Reilly

and Clough) are very similar for a k =0.4 (cohesive material) and they yield a surface

displacement of approximately -0.0116m. While the resulting ground surface

displacement curve corresponding to base case for Mudstone (Hoek-Brown model)

with grouting value of 432 KN/m2 shows a heave movement (0.0013 m) which is due

to the grouting effect and the material properties. Using a smaller grouting value of

250KN/m2 in the BC calculations show a settlement of (0.0004m). Overall, the

empirical solutions show an overestimation for the maximum settlements above the

tunnel centerline and a narrower settlement trough width. This has mainly to do with

the fact that the empirical formulas do not account for the (uplifting) grouting effect.

Figure 7.11. The displacement results from O'Reilly, Clough and the current study BC
[Hoek-Brown] (using two different grouting 432 and 250 KN/m2 )

7.3 Results of the Sand Model

7.3.1 Bending moment (BM)

A similar analysis to what has been presented in section 7.2 was done for the sand

model. The results of the maximum bending moment are presented in Figure 7.12

(cavity at -90o, i.e. below the invert of the tunnel), Figure 7.13 (cavity at 90o, i.e.

above the crown of the tunnel), and Figure 7.14 (cavity at 0o, i.e. side of the tunnel.

The maximum bending moment for the BC scenario (no cavity) at the final stage was

5.626 kN m/m, as shown in Figure 7. 15.

Figure 7.12 shows that soil body collapse happens during the calculations of the

(BG_2_-90) for all cavity distances from the tunnel. The highest bending moment

value in the tunnel lining for the cases when the cavity is at a distance of 0.5m was

observed for AL_2_-90 with a value of (113.3 kN m/m) and the lowest was observed

for two cases (BG_0.5_-90) and (BG_1_-90) with the value (5.65 kNm/m). Figure

7.13, cavity introduced at (90°) direction shows that at the case of the ( BG_2_90) a

soil body collapse occurs at all distance and for (BG_1_90) at distance 0.5m during

the grouting stage. The highest BM value is 128.1 kNm/m for (AL_2_90) and the

lowest is (BG_0.5_90) with the value 5.6 kNm/m. Again, in Figure 7.14, one can

observe that soil body collapse occurred for (BG_2_0) for all cavity distances. The

highest BM value is 183.6 kNm/m and occurs for (AL_2_0) and the lowest value is

5.6 kNm/m and occurs for (BG_0.5_0).

A comparison between Figure 7.12, Figure 7.13 and Figure 7.14 shows that:

• The highest bending moment value occurs for 2m cavity at (AL).

• Soil body collapse happens regularly for the BG scenario with cavity size of

2m, for all distances from the tunnel, at the grouting stage.

• The values of the bending moment are greater when the cavity at the (AL),

than when the cavity at the (BG).

• The maximum bending moment observed at the tunnel lining decreases with

increasing distance between cavity and tunnel.

• The highest bending moment value is observed for the case of (AL_2_0).

• The cavity with a diameter of 0.5m has a negligible effect on the resulting

bending moment values.

Figure 7.12. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
at two different calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is below the tunnel
invert (-90°).

Figure 7.13. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
at two different calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is above the crown (90°)
of the tunnel.

Figure 7.14. The bending moment of Cavity with the diameters of 0.5m, 1m, and 2m
at two different calculation stages; (BG) and (AL), the cavity is at the tunnel side (0°).

Figure 7. 15. The maximum bending moment of tunnel lining in the sand model BC
(5.626 kN m/m)

7.3.2 Displacement at 0.5m cavity distance from tunnel wall

Figure 7. 16, shows the resulting surface settlements when cavity of 1m diameter is

introduced into the system at different orientations and different calculation stages.

The settlements were compared to the surface settlements resulting from the BC. The

maximum surface settlement was observed for (BG_1_ 0) with a value of (-0.017 m).

Figure 7. 17 shows the surface displacement of the cavity with a 2m diameter at the

(AL) and (BG). The maximum surface settlements were observed at cases (BG_2_0)

and (AL_2_0) with values of -0.022m and -0.0195 m, respectively.

As previously mentioned in section 7.2.2, the cavity orientation has an effect on the

BM and displacement but no direct relationship between the BM and the surface

displacement was identified. In the sand model, the highest BM and displacement

were when the cavity occurs at the tunnel side direction (0°).

Figure 7. 16. The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 1m diameter at the (AL)
and (BG), at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

Figure 7. 17. The surface displacement of the Cavity with a 2m diameter at the (AL)
and (BG), at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

7.3.3 Grouting effect on the value of bending moment and th e

displacement at the surface

In this section, we consider the effect of grouting on the maximum bending moment

of the tunnel lining and the surface displacements. This is done only for the AL

scenario and for a cavity of 2m diameter (see Table 6. 6) since this is the scenario that

yielded the largest bending moments (Section 7.3.1). Figure 7.18, shows the results

of the maximum bending moment on the tunnel lining for different grouting values.

One can observe the following:

• As the grouting value decreases the maximum bending moment of the tunnel

lining decreases as well. In the case of (AL_2_0) decreases of 19% in the

grout (432 to 350 KN/m2) yield a decrease of 22% in the BM. Further

reduction in the grouting up to 42% (432 to 250 KN/m2) yield a decrease of

45% in the BM.

• For all the grouting scenarios, the lowest bending moment at distance 0.5m

occurs always at the invert (-90°) and the highest bending moment occurs

always at the side (0°) direction.

Figure 7.18. The bending moment of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) using
different grouting values, at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side

Figure 7.19 shows the surface displacements for different 2m cavity scenarios, for a

cavity at the 0.5m distance from the tunnel. The results show that:

• The largest surface settlement (0.024 m) occurs when using the grouting value

is 250 kN/ m2 .

• As the grouting values decrease the displacement curve becomes wider, and

the settlement at the tunnel centerline increases (i.e. more loss of volume due

to tunneling process)

• For all grouting scenarios, the maximum surface displacement occurs when

the cavity is located at the tunnel side (0°).

Figure 7.19. The displacement of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) using different
grouting values, at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

7.3.4 Displacement at 0.5m comparing with empirical solution

Results of the surface displacement of the BC were compared to the empirical

calculations, as shown in Figure 7.20. The parameters used in the calculations of the

empirical solutions are shown in Figure 7.20. O’Reilly shows a higher settlement

value than Clough results above the tunnel centerline (0.00036 m) and narrower curve

width with inflection points equal to 5.5m.

The resulted settlement curve from our simulations of the BC using Hardening soil

model shows maximum settlements of (0.016 m) that is less than O’Reilly (0.018m)

and larger than Clough (0.011m). The resulted in BC trough width similar to Clough,

while O'Reilly shows a much steeper and narrower curve.

Figure 7.20. A) zoom into the displacement results from O’Reilly and Clough, B )
comparing the empirical one with the results of the current study [HS] at the base case
where no cavity introduced into the calculation

7.4 Bending moment for a complex model using HB and HS models

The complex geologic model consists of sand, mudstone, and gypsum layers, and has

the goal of representing a more realistic geologic cross section of the Abu Dhabi

subsurface. The model and the numerical investigation cases are presented in Figure

6. 13 and Table 6. 7, respectively. Since the results for the sand and mudstone models

have shown a maximum BM with 2m cavity during AL stage, the numerical

simulations using the complex model, were done only for a 2m cavity during AL

stage. The results of the simulations are presented in Figure 7. 21. The highest

bending moment occurred for a cavity located at the crown direction (110kN m/m) of

the tunnel and the lowest bending moment occurred when the cavity is located at the

invert direction. This agrees with the findings from the sand and mudstone models.

Figure 7. 21. The bending moment of 2m Cavity at the after lining (AL) for a complex
geology model, Cavity at different angles; invert (-90°), Crown (90°), and side (0°).

7.5 Summary of the Bending moment results

In this section a summary of the tunnel highest bending moments value and their

location in the tunnel lining is presented for all models (sand, mudstone, and

complex) in Table7. 1. The results correspond only to the worst case scenarios in

terms of cavity distance, i.e. when the cavity is at a 0.5m distance from the tunnel.

Table7. 1: Tunnel bending moment from all scenarios

Distance Grouting BM (kN
to tunnel ( (kN m/m)
Model scenario Case (m) KN/m2) m/m) location
Case BC _ -432 -4.035 side

BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 -432 -4.016 side

*BG BG_1_-90 0.5 -432 -11.88 invert
*BG BG_2_-90 0.5 -432 -13.49 invert
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 -432 -6.103 side
BG BG_1_0 0.5 -432 -6.541 side

*BG BG_2_0 0.5 -432 -12.8 side
BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 -432 -4.018 side
*BG BG_1_90 0.5 -432 -8.846 crown
*BG BG_2_90 0.5 -432 -11.42 crown
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 -432 -8.907 invert
AL AL_1_-90 0.5 -432 -19.97 invert
AL AL_2_-90 0.5 -432 -63.26 invert
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 -432 -14.61 side
AL AL_1_0 0.5 -432 -32.63 side
AL AL_2_0 0.5 -432 -82.3 side
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 -432 -4.042 crown
AL AL_1_90 0.5 -432 -35.53 crown
AL AL_2_90 0.5 -432 -84.27 crown
AL 90_432 0.5 -432 -63.26 invert
AL 90_350 0.5 -350 -31.64 invert
AL 90_250 0.5 -250 -11.26 invert
AL AL_2_0_432 0.5 -432 -82.3 side
AL AL_2_0_350 0.5 -350 -46 side
AL AL_2_0_250 0.5 -250 -18.6 side
AL AL_2_90_432 0.5 -432 -84.27 crown
AL AL_2_90_350 0.5 -350 -49.41 crown
AL AL_2_90_250 0.5 -250 -16.62 crown
Case BC _ -432 -5.626 side
BG BG_0.5_-90 0.5 -432 -5.654 side
BG BG_1_-90 0.5 -432 -5.651 side
*BG BG_2_-90 0.5 -432 -92.69 side
BG BG_0.5_0 0.5 -432 -5.693 side
BG BG_1_0 0.5 -432 -6.932 side
*BG BG_2_0 0.5 -432 -173.6 side

BG BG_0.5_90 0.5 -432 -5.642 side

*BG BG_1_90 0.5 -432 -92.42 side
*BG BG_2_90 0.5 -432 -90.18 side
AL AL_0.5_-90 0.5 -432 -9.787 invert
AL AL_1_-90 0.5 -432 -39.18 invert
AL AL_2_-90 0.5 -432 -113.3 invert
AL AL_0.5_0 0.5 -432 -15.27 side
AL AL_1_0 0.5 -432 -34.75 side
AL AL_2_0 0.5 -432 -183.6 side
AL AL_0.5_90 0.5 -432 -11.93 crown
AL AL_1_90 0.5 -432 -54.95 crown
AL AL_2_90 0.5 -432 -129 crown
AL 90_432 0.5 -432 -113.3 invert
AL 90_350 0.5 -350 -66.53 invert
AL 90_250 0.5 -250 -16.09 invert
AL AL_2_0_432 0.5 -432 -183.6 side
AL AL_2_0_350 0.5 -350 -143.2 side
AL AL_2_0_250 0.5 -250 -101.1 side
AL AL_2_90_432 0.5 -432 -129 crown
AL AL_2_90_350 0.5 -350 -74.29 crown
AL AL_2_90_250 0.5 -250 -30.07 crown

AL 90_432 0.5 -432 -32.89 invert

AL AL_2_0_432 0.5 -432 -91.42 side
AL AL_2_90_432 0.5 -432 -110 crown
*Calculation stopped at the grouting stage.

7.6 Discussion

From the analysis of the results from both models Mudstone (HB) and Sand (HS), the

discussion of the results can be divided into four sections. The first section (7.6.1)

consists of general observations related to the maximum bending moment, and the

impact of several parameters, such as construction stage at which cavity occurs: BG,

AL; cavity size; angle; ground type; and cavity distance, in the resulting bending

moment. The second section (7.6.2) discusses the behavior of surface displacement

with respect the model parameters (construction stage at which cavity occurs: BG,

AL; cavity size; angle; ground type; and cavity distance) and a comparison with

empirical models. In third section (7.6.3) the effect of grouting stage in the bending

moment and surface displacements is analyzed and the last section (7.6.4) discusses

the issue of soil body collapse during the simulations.

7.6.1 The maximum Bending moment

For both models (Sand and Mudstone) the highest bending moment occurs in the

after-lining scenario (AL) for a cavity of 2m diameter, when the cavity is at a distance

of 0.5m from the tunnel. For the sand, the highest maximum bending moment occurs

when the cavity is located at the side (0°), however for the mudstone model the, the

highest maximum bending moment on the lining occurs either when the cavity is

located at the side (0°) or at the crown (90°). There is a very small difference between

the two cases.

The fact that cavity with 2 m diameter has more effect on the stresses around the

tunnel, and therefore on the bending moment is supported by stress concentration

factor analysis. Figure 7.22 shows the stress concentration factor Kt for two unequal

circular holes in an infinite plate, in function of the ratios b/a and s/a. One can observe

that as the ratio b/a increases the Kt (increases to ∞) and as the ratio (s/a) increases, Kt

decreases [96], i.e for the same diameter tunnel, the closer and the larger the diameter

of the cavity, the higher the Kt, and therefore the higher the stresses around the tunnel.

When the cavity occurs during the After linning stage (AL), the bending moment

(BM) is higher than when the cavity occurs during the before grouting stage (BG).

This is because when cavity introduced after the final lining it creates a stress relieve

around it and displacement occurs, and stresses on the lining occur see Figure 7. 23.

Figure 7. 23 shows the displacement around the tunnel (A) before the cavity

occurrence the maximum displacement is 0.016 m, and (B) after the cavity occurs it

increases the displacement to 0.023m. In the case of cavity occurring before grouting

(BG), the cavity occurrence will definitely increase the displacements on the tunnel
and at the surface, however this will not affect the lining as much as when the

construction is done.

In the sand model, highest bending moment occurs at the side (0°) and at the crown

(90°) for the mudstone model. This is mostly related to the displacement direction as

shown in Figure 7.24. Where in sand most displacement is coming from surface and

bottom of the tunnel toward the side direction which it’s believed leads to more

horizontal stress which increases the bending moment. In mudstone, the soil is

moving toward the tunnel centerline to develop a heaving surface which increases the

loads on the tunnel crown , so once the cavity occurs it creates some stress relieve at

the cavity boundary and it increases the vertical stresses which lead to higher BM at

the (90) direction more than the other sides.

Figure 7.22. The change of the Kt with distance (0.5m to 3m). For Two unequal
circular holes (b=4m) and (a=1m) in biaxial tension within the infinite plate. Adapted
from [96]
Figure 7. 23. Total displacements in the sand model with a 2m cavity at 0.5m
distance from tunnel A) at final lining stage and B) after cavity occurrence.

Figure 7.24. Displacement direction at 2m cavity during after-lining stage A) in sand
medium and B) Mudstone medium. Mudstone model vs Sand model

In general, the maximum bending moments resulting in the sand (HS) model are

higher than those resulting from the mudstone (HB) model. This most likely due to
the largest displacements in the rock mass around tunnel boundary, see Figure 7. 25.

The figure shows an example of the surface displacements for the (AL_2_90) in sand

and mudstone and the corresponding BM.

Figure 7. 25. The maximums BM and total displacement for the case (AL_2_90) in
(A) mudstone model and (B) Sand model. Before grouting scenario (BG) vs After Lining Scenario (AL)

As previously mentioned, in general, cavity occurring after the final tunnel lining has

more effect on the bending moment than when the cavity occurs during the grouting

stage. For a more detailed explanation see section 7.6.1. Cavity distance

The maximum bending moment decreases as the distance between cavity and tunnel

increases. As mentioned above, this due to the stress concentration around the tunnel

due to the presence of cavity. This effect is larger the closer , the cavity is to the
tunnel as one can see from Figure 7.22. Moreover, the effect of the cavity effect on

the BM doesn’t show after a distance of 2m from the tunnel. Cavity size

The presence of the cavity with a size of 0.5m has almost no effect on the Bending

Moment. While, as mentioned in previously in section 7.6.1, the cases of cavity with

2m diameter resulted in a higher maximum bending moments (BM). Cavity location

If we focus on the results of when the cavity is at distance of 0.5 m away from

tunnels, one can observe that cavity orientation has a clear effect the maximum BM.

This is because the cavity location can change the displacement amount around the

tunnel which impacts the stresses around it, and the loading on the tunnel lining. The maximum surface displacement

There is no clear relationship between the maximum BM and the maximum

displacement. The results show that the cases where the highest maximum BM occur,

do not necessarily correspond to the cases where maximum displacements occur. For

example, when comparing the results of Figure 7.14 and those of Figure 7. 17. One

can observe that Figure 7. 17 shows that the the highest maximum displacement

occurs in in the case of BG_2_0, where the highest maximum BM occur in the case

AL_2_0 (Figure 7.14).

7.6.2 Displacement at the surface

The surface displacements curves are presented only for the case of Cavity (1 and 2m

diameter) at distance of 0.5m from the tunnel wall. The resulting surface displacement

curves from both models (mudstone and sand) were different. The surface

displacement in mudstone shows a heave movement because of grouting, see Figure

7.7 (i.e. displacement after grouting) and Figure 7.8 (i.e. displacement before grouting

at contraction stage). The maximum uplifting displacement value occurred in the case

of (BG_1_90), 0.00128m, close to the maximum value resulted in the BC, 0.00125m.

As the cavity size increases, the upward displacement behavior was reduced and in

some cases, one observes settlements. For example the case (BG_2_0) which was the

highest settlement with a maximum displacement value at the tunnel centerline of

0.004m. In the sand model the maximum surface settlement is 0.022m and occurs at

the (BG_2_0). This is higher than all the mudstones settlements results.

Overall, in both models higher settlements occur with a cavity of 2m diameter and at

the side (0°) of the tunnel. Mudstone vs Sand model

Displacements in sand models tend to be higher than the mudstone. This is mostly

because the mudstone is stiffer than the sand and therefore, sand will always result in

more displacement, see Figure 7. 25 (i.e. maximum surface displacement in sand and

mudstone for the case (AL_2_90)). Before grouting scenario (BG) vs After Lining Scenario (AL)

Overall, for both the sand and the mudstone models, when cavity occurs at BG, this

leads to higher settlements than when the cavity occurs at AL. In the case of BG, the
tunnel is still not supported by grout and, therefore displacements around the tunnel

are still occurring. Therefore when the cavity is introduced in BG, larger

displacements are observed when compared with AL cases, see Figure 7. 26 and

Figure 7. 27. In contrast, when the cavity occurs after final lining (AL), grouting

stage has already occurred and less displacement will take place around the tunnel,

see Figure 7. 26 and Figure 7. 28

Figure 7. 26. Total displacement for The BC without activating the cavity in
mudstone. A) tunnel excavation step, B) Contraction, C) Grouting and D) Final lining.

Figure 7. 27. Total displacement during (BG_2_0) in mudstone , A) Cavity activation
step and B) Grouting step.

Figure 7. 28. Total displacement during (AL_2_0) in mudstone, at the final stage after
the cavity occurrence. Cavity size

As expected, for both the sand and mudstone models, the higher displacements at

tunnel centerline occur always with a 2m cavity. In particular, the role of the cavity

size in the resulted surface displacement curve was very clear in mudstone, i.e. the

larger the cavity size in mudstone had the effect of minimizing the the grouting effect

and lead to settlements instead of the heave movement at the surface, see Figure 7.5

(displacement for a 1m cavity in mudstone) and Figure 7.7 (displacement for a 2m

cavity in mudstone). Cavity location

In general, for both the sand and mudstone models, the highest settlement curves with

maximum value are always encountered for the cases of the cavity at the tunnel side

(0°). Empirical solutions

Overall the settlement curves of the BC numerical simulations and those obtained

through empirical models don’t match. In mudstone and due to the high grouting

value there are no settlements and a heaving surface developed instead of (0.0013m)

above the surface. The corresponding empirical solutions show only settlement. In

sand, O’Reilly shows steeper curve than Clough and this due to the K value used

(0.25), since a higher K value would result in a less deep and wider settlement trough.

The results of sand model show a settlement curve similar to that obtained using

Peck-Clough empirical solution. However, the later overestimates Smax (0.016 m).

This can be explained by the effect of grouting in the surface displacements, which

counteracts the settlement induced by the excavation. In addition, to the effect of K0

may explain the differences between the sand and the mudstone models. As shown in

[79], as the K0 values decrease it will lead to a steeper settlement trough and in the

present HS model the value of K0 is 0.44 which might be one of the reasons for the

resulted steeper curve in the sand model. These effects are not included in the

empirical solutions by Peck, O’Reilly and Clough, as they don’t take into

consideration the construction stages and the effect of all input parameters. Finally, it

is worth noting that the difference between both solutions is just a few millimeters.

Real field data is needed to confirm which models gave a better estimation or how

much we are far from reality.

7.6.3 Grouting effect

For both models, as the grouting increase the maximum BM increases. This because

as the grouting increases the net loading on the tunnel lining increase.

Regarding the surface displacement, as the grouting pressure decreases the settlement

increases. The grouting effect, in terms of uplift at the surface, was larger in

Mudstone, where higher grouting values led to larger heave movement at the surface.

This may be related the stiffness of the material and the constitutive model used (HB

vs HS).

7.6.4 Cavity/ Tunnel Collapse (“soil body collapse”)

Soil body collapse regularly happens during BG stage with a cavity diameter of 2m.

This behavior occurs in both models, but it was more pronounced in the Sand model,

where it happened for all cavity distances.

In sand, the failure criteria are controlled by Hardening Soil regime. The cavity in

soil is surrounded by layer of mudstone (HB) and filled with water which introduced

more stress. Figure 7.29, shows hardening soil around the cavity which means

increasing the stiffness of the sand around the mudstone (HB). We believe that in the

case of the 2m diameter cavity the mudstone layer, which represent the remains of a

gypsum/mudstone lens, is not thick enough to provide support to the cavity and

collapses causing the “soil body collapse” warning.

Figure 7.29. A) Plastic points around a 2m cavity at BG stage in the sand model and
B) the stress response at the same stage of (A).


8 Conclusion

8.1 Introduction

The objectives of this thesis (part I) were to examine the gypsum rock layer

distribution over the Capital district (Abu Dhabi) and the related karst features

(cavity). In addition, it aimed at providing a suitable methodology to develop an up-

to-date 3D geologic model for the Capital district, which can be applied to the whole

of the Abu Dhabi city. The aim of the part II of this thesis was to study the interaction

between tunnel and cavity in different soils using real data from the STEP project.

The interaction between tunnel and cavity was analyzed based on the resulted bending

moment and transverse surface displacement resulting from parametric studies where

different inputs were varied systematically (e.g. cavity size, cavity distance, cavity

angle, and grouting). The main findings of this study are summarized in following

sections. In addition future work recommendations are presented.

8.2 Three-Dimensional geologic model

Spatial statistical analyses were performed over the dataset of capital district using

different tools in the ArcGIS. The spatial statistical analysis shows a trend in the data

where the gypsum raster’s oriented toward the NE/SW. In addition, a clustering

behavior within the data as shallower depths located at the SW and as we move to the

NE it’s getting deeper. Cavities located in the NE part of the Capital District area with

sizes of 0.5 to 2m diameter. The trend and clustering behavior was justified by the

geological nature of the area using real images from the google earth map.

Furthermore, it was shown that gypsum layers and cavities presences increase at

shallower depths, but that there is no apparent relationship between the depth and

cavity size.

The proposed methodology for the developed 3D geologic models shows good

results. The resulted cross sections were consistent with the borehole data as well as

with the cross-sections form a study conducted by The Mott MacDonald Company for

Masdar city. It was also shown that kriging interpolation shows better results than the

IDW interpolation method.

8.3 On the tunnel - Cavity interaction

The results of the tunnel- cavity interaction in two medium sand and mudstone show

some similarities and differences. Two different models were used to study the

tunnel-cavity interaction; the Hoek-Brown model (for Mudstone) and The Hardening

soil (for sand).

The findings show that as the cavity size increases, bending moment increases and it

is much higher if the cavity occurs after the final lining. Also, cavity angle or

orientations influence settlements trough and bending moments. In sand, the largest
cavity diameter, i.e. 2m at an angle (0°) has more effect while in mudstone the 2m

cavity at (90°) and (0°) have a larger impact on the results. There is no clear

relationship between the bending moment and the surface displacements. The

Bending moment has a positive relationship with both cavity distance from tunnel and

grouting value. Generally, the higher bending moments are likely to occur in sands

(HS) than mudstone (HB) due to the lower stiffness of the sand. High grouting values

could be problematic especially in stiffer rock mass where it can cause heave at the


Finally, when comparing the surface displacements from the numerical results with

that of the empirical solutions, one can observe a different response. The differences

were justified by the possible effect of the numerical model's input values as k0 and

grouting. And the empirical inputs as Vs and K values. Changing those parameters

could affect the resulted settlements curve however it is beyond the scope of the

current work.

8.4 Recommendations and future work

The 3D geologic model: One of the limitations in our data is the poor quality of the

Borehole logs data. Using a data with a better quality control will lead to enhancing

the statistical spatial analysis over the area and the performance of the interpolation

methods. Comparing the resulted geologic section with real field data such as tunnel

face mapping and/ or seismic profiles. In addition, using different software’s as

RockWorks™ software and GMS to creates geologic cross- sections and compare it

with the performance of the Arc GIS. Finally, developing hazard and risk maps for

gypsum dissolution.
The tunnel- cavity interaction: The work on this part could be extended in diverse

ways. Firstly, using data with quality control to eliminate the effect of unsuitable data.

The numerical calculations could be improved through using different models as

Mohr-Coulomb model and compare the BM and settlement results with the present

study. Analyzing the effect of input data such as the K0 (initial stresses) on the

heaving surface in Mudstone (HB) model. Analyzing the effect of the cavity at

different angles as 45°, varying the VL (volume loss) value, tunnel depths. In


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