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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Speaking Textbook Reference: p. 20

A. Read the dialogue.

Diyana: Hey, Nandini. What are you reading?

Nandini: Hi, Diyana. I am reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. This book is a science fiction. It
narrates the tale of a society that is divided into five factions.
Diyana: That sounds interesting! Can you tell me more about this book?
Nandini: Well, everyone can only choose one faction once they reach sixteen years old. This book is
such an exciting and thrilling read. How about you, Diyana? Are you reading anything at the
Diyana: I just finished Heartless last night. My sister gave it to me for my birthday last month. The
book is written by Marissa Meyer. I’m not sure whether you have heard about it or not.
Nandini: No, I haven’t. Please tell me more.

Praktis Penjajaran
Diyana: It’s a fairy tale retelling of Alice in Wonderland but told from the perspective of the
Queen of Hearts herself. I find the plot very original and full of well-developed characters.
The story was so exciting that I stayed up all night to finish it. I can lend the book to you if
you’re interested.
Nandini: Yes, please. I am eager to know more.
Diyana: All right, I will bring the book tomorrow then.

B. Using the questions below as a guide, discuss your favourite book with a friend. You may also refer
to the dialogue above. LS: 2.1.1

• What is the title?

• Who is the author?
• What kind of book is it?
• When did you read it?
• Why did you like it?

(Accept any suitable answer.)

31 LS 2.1.1 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Reading 1 Textbook Reference: p. 21

A. Read the text below.


Are you an avid reader? Do you love the smell of books and hearing the sound of words being strung
into a sentence like a melody? If your answer is yes to both questions, then you have already taken
your first step to becoming a writer.
First of all, you need to read as many literary genres as possible. Extensive reading will help
you develop and gain a wide vocabulary. Many famous writers today are aware of the importance of
vocabulary. So they read as much as possible to strengthen their grasp on vocabulary. If you follow in
their footsteps, you will have a wide vocabulary that will help you to express yourself easily.
As you read more books, you may notice that you have preference over particular genres. You may
Praktis Penjajaran

even be drawn to certain writers’ style of writing. Then as you write, you may find yourself imitating
their writing style. It is wrong to imitate another writer’s style of writing, but this is perfectly normal
when you are just starting to write. Many veteran writers began their career this way because it helped
them find their own voice in writing. As you imitate a writer’s style of writing, you will find yourself
tweaking the words and sentence structures to make them into your own style.
Most writers are naturally observant. Sitting at a corner of the park doing nothing but
people-watching may even become part of their daily job. Being observant means watching people,
situations or events, and then thinking critically about what you see. If you are observant enough, you
may come up with ideas to write more often. In fact, it will even expand the way you view the world.
Many people think writing is difficult, but you will never know if you have never tried it. So,
whenever you feel like sharing a story, just grab a pen and start writing.

B. Based on the article, write True or False. LS: 3.1.2

1 People who love to read are potential writers. True

2 We can broaden our vocabulary by reading widely. True

3 It is acceptable to keep copying another writer’s style of writing. False

4 Most writers go to the park to write. False

5 Almost everyone thinks writing is difficult. True

C. Refer to a dictionary to write out the meaning of each word.

1 avid – keen
2 imitate – to copy
3 preference – liking something more than anything else
4 veteran – a person who has a lot of experience
(Accept any suitable answer.)

32 LS 3.1.2 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Reading 2 Textbook Reference: p. 21

A. Read. Then, complete the table below. The answers should be no more than three words.
LS: 3.1.2

Let’s read about some interesting cultures from around the world.

The Huli people are one of the most famous tribes in Papua New Guinea. They are
brave warriors who are well-known for their headdresses. They paint their faces
and bodies with bright yellow and red clay to scare away their enemies.


Praktis Penjajaran
The Kazakhs is a tribe from Kazakhstan. One of their most famous traditions is
hunting with eagles. They ride their horses and hunt with eagles during the annual
Golden Eagle Festival.

The Rabari people have travelled around western India for almost a thousand
years. Their embroidery, brass jewellery and tattoos are famous. The Rabari
women have worn them for hundreds of years. On the other hand, the Rabari
men wear turbans and white clothes with jewellery.

Country Community/Tribe Fascinating Culture

• famous for their headdresses

faces and bodies
Papua New Guinea 1 Huli • paint their 2
with bright yellow and red clay

• hunt with eagles during the 4 Golden Eagle

3 Kazakhstan Kazakhs

• women wear embroidery, brass jewellery and

India 5 Rabari white clothes
• men wear turbans and 6
with jewellery

33 LS 3.1.2 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Grammar 1 Textbook Reference: p. 22

Ways to change verbs into the past simple form Example
Add –ed or –d want → wanted
Change verbs ending with –y to -ied cry → cried
If a verb ends with a vowel and a consonant, double the consonant and add -ed rub → rubbed
Some verbs have irregular forms sing → sang
Some verbs are spelt the same hit → hit

Affirmative Negative
The children waved at her two minutes ago. The children didn’t wave at her two minutes ago.
The frog hopped to the well. The frog didn’t hop to the well.

Question Short answer (Affirmative) Short answer (Negative)

Did you buy the book? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

A. Write the past simple form.

1 cut – cut 4 sell – sold

2 dye – dyed 5 drop – dropped

3 live – lived 6 buy – bought

B. Complete the text. Use the past simple form of the words in brackets.

I bought (buy) (1) The Maze Runner by James Dashner two months ago. I
didn’t have (not, have) (2) time to read it then because I was busy with preparations for my
mid-year exam. I finally read (read) (3) it last Saturday. I liked (like) (4)
it so much that I finished (finish) (5) reading the book in one night! I didn’t think
(not, think) (6) I would finish it that fast.
What I loved (love) (7) best about the book was the female character. The writer
made (make) (8) her tougher, stronger and smarter than most boys in the story. I
lent (lend) (9) the book to my friend but she didn’t like (not, like) (10) it.
I guess we don’t have a similar taste in books because I can’t wait to read the next book.

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Listening 1 Textbook Reference: p. 23

Read the descriptions. Listen and fill in the blanks. LS: 1.1.1

doctor painter comedian athlete
author entrepreneur politician scientist

1 Datuk Nicol Ann David is a retired athlete . She was Malaysia's first professional
female squash player.

2 Oscar-Claude Monet was a painter . He was the founder of French Impressionist

painting. The term ‘Impressionism’ is derived from the title of his painting, Impression, Sunrise.
3 Nelson Mandela was a politician . He served as President of South Africa from 1994 to

1999. His government focused on ending apartheid in his country.

4 Joanne Rowling, or better known as J.K. Rowling, is an author . She wrote the Harry
Potter series. The books have won multiple awards and sold more than 400 million copies.

5 Marie Curie was a scientist . Her achievements included the development of the theory
of radioactivity and the discovery of two elements, polonium and radium.

6 William Henry Gates III is an entrepreneur . He and his partner, Paul Allen, launched
Microsoft Corporation, which became the world’s largest personal computer software company.

7 Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah Mahmood is a doctor . Since January 2016, she has served as
Under Secretary General for Partnerships at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (IFRC).

8 Harith Iskandar is a comedian . He won the Funniest Person in the World award in 2016.
He is considered as the ‘Godfather of Stand-up Comedy’ by many people.

35 LS 1.1.1 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Reading 3 Textbook Reference: p. 24

Read the passage. Complete the table. LS: 3.1.2

The Gawai Dayak festival is celebrated annually on 1 June in Sarawak. ‘Gawai’ means ‘ritual’ or ‘festival’
and ‘Dayak’ is a collective name for the tribes of Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Murut and more.
The tribes prepare for the festival by brewing tuak (rice wine) and making traditional delicacies like penganan
which are cakes made from rice flour, sugar and coconut milk.
On the eve of Gawai, they roast glutinous rice in bamboo known as ngelulun pulut. Then, the celebration
starts with a ceremony called Muai Antu Rua. This ceremony is performed to cast away the spirit of greediness.
Then at around 6.00 p.m., the offering ceremony or miring will take place. The feast chief will thank the gods
for the good harvest, ask for guidance, blessings and long life as he sacrifices a cockerel. After that, dinner
will be served.
At the stroke of midnight, a gong will be sounded. The tuai rumah will then lead everyone in drinking the
Praktis Penjajaran

Ai Pengayu which is tuak for long life and they will wish each other ‘long life, health and prosperity’. This is
followed by a procession to welcome the spirits known as Ngalu Petara by walking up and down the entire
length of the longhouse. At this point, there will be dancing and traditional music being played. Pantun (poetry)
will also be recited. The activities for the next day may include cock-fighting, blowpipe demonstrations and
ngajat (dancing) competitions. On this day, the homes of the Dayaks will be open to visitors.

Name of the festival 1 Gawai Dayak Festival

Activities before the 2 brew tuak (rice wine)

festival • make traditional delicacies like penganan
Activities on the eve of • roast glutinous rice in bamboo known as ngelulun pulut
the festival Muai Antu Rua
3 ceremony
• miring ceremony
4 dinner

Activities at midnight • sound a gong

5 drink the Ai Pengayu
6 Ngalu Petara procession

7 dances
• traditional music
8 pantun (poetry) recitation

Activities for the day 9 cock-fighting

after the festival • blowpipe demonstrations
10 ngajat (dancing) competitions

36 LS 3.1.2 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Grammar 2 Textbook Reference: p. 25

Explanation Example
was is for singular subjects She was in Japan last month.
She wasn’t in Taiwan.
were is for plural subjects They were hungry.
They weren’t thirsty.
We use could to talk about ability and possibility in the past. I could read when I was five.
I couldn’t cook when I was nine.

Question Short answer (Affirmative) Short answer (Negative)

Was the shop open? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were the novels interesting? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
Could he recite the poem? Yes, he could. No, he couldn’t.

A. Underline the correct answers.
1 He wasn’t/weren’t in a hurry to go home.
2 My mother was/were really tired last night.
3 They wasn’t/weren’t afraid to go into the dark cave.
4 I was/were at my favourite author’s book-signing event yesterday.
5 J.K. Rowling was/were an English teacher before she became a famous author.
B. Fill in the blanks with could or couldn’t.
1 Could you understand what the man was saying?
2 Cole could swim like a fish a few years ago, but now he can’t.
3 They couldn’t find the cat because it was hiding under the white car.
4 I couldn’t
speak French when I was in school. Now I speak it like a native.
5 Last Monday, I was late to school because my father couldn’t find his car keys.
C. Write answers to the following sentences. The first one has been done for you.
1 Was the museum closed? (short answer – negative)
No, it wasn’t.

2 Were the movies exciting? (short answer – positive)

Yes, they were.

3 Could the girls write their essays? (short answer – positive)

Yes, they could.

4 Could he go to the library? (short answer – negative)

No, he couldn’t.

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Reading 4 Textbook Reference: pp. 26-27

Read the dialogue below and fill in the blanks correctly. LS: 3.1.2

Adam: Good morning. I’m planning to go to the National Science Centre from KL Sentral.
Which bus should I take?
Miss Nina: Good morning. You should take the Rapid KL bus number U83 from KL Sentral to go to the
National Science Centre.
Adam: What are the opening hours of the National Science Centre?
Miss Nina: The opening hours are from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. each day. However, we are closed on Fridays.
Adam: I see. What about the admission fees?
Miss Nina: The fees are RM6.00 for an adult and RM3.00 for a child.
Adam: Thank you for the information.
Miss Nina: You are welcome.
Praktis Penjajaran

The National Science Centre

How to get there:
Take the Rapid KL bus number U83 (1) from KL Sentral to go to the National
Science Centre.

Opening hours:
Open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (2)
each day
Closed on Fridays (3)

Admission fees:
Adult: RM6.00 (4)
Child: RM3.00 (5)

38 LS 3.1.2 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Listening 2 Textbook Reference: pp. 26-27

Read the dialogue. Listen to the audio carefully and fill in the blanks. LS: 1.1.1

Saras: How was your trip to Kuala Lumpur?
Peter: It was great.
Saras: Did you visit any interesting places?
Peter: Yes, I did. My family and I visited the National Science Centre (1) which is near
Kuala Lumpur. I really enjoyed myself.
Saras: What did you do there?
Peter: First of all, we watched the Space Science Show (2) and Sky Movie on the 20-metre
diameter dome screen. It was very exciting.
Saras: What else did you do?

Praktis Penjajaran
Peter: I visited the galleries. One of them was the Children’s Educational Centre. They made the learning
of the universe and the ocean interesting by having real-life simulation (3)
of the exhibits. Another gallery I visited was the Thinking Machines. It was all about
robots (4).
Saras: That does sound interesting.
Peter: If you ever have the chance, you should visit the place too.

39 LS 1.1.1 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Writing Textbook Reference: p. 28

Read the review about Kellie’s Castle. Then, write a three-paragraph review about an interesting place
that you have visited recently. You may use the given review as an example. LS: 4.1.1

Last Saturday, my family and I visited Kellie’s Castle in Ipoh, Perak. Although the castle was built a
long time ago, it still looks grand with its Moorish architecture.
The castle has a linen room, a prayer altar, a wine cellar and an elevator shaft. The rooftop opens
up to a tennis court and a courtyard which were meant to entertain guests. From the rooftop, you can
view the gardens and the Kinta River.
I enjoyed visiting Kellie’s Castle because the place brought me back to a time and place in the
past. The only problem with Kellie’s Castle is that you have to be very careful when you are going up
Praktis Penjajaran

as there are no handrails that you can hold onto for support.


Last Sunday, my family and I visited the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur. The museum has displays of
Malaysian civilisation. It is spread across four galleries in a chronological manner.
The prehistory gallery shows how the Malay Archipelago was formed and you can also see the
findings of many important prehistoric archaeological sites in Malaysia. In the Malay Kingdoms Gallery,
you can find out about the empire of Malacca which was a centre for the spice trade during the 15th century.
In 1511, the empire fell to the Portuguese and it was the start of 446 years of foreign rule by the Dutch,
British and Japanese. We can see this at the Colonial Era Gallery. In the last gallery, which is the Malaysia
Today Gallery, you can see the sights and hear the sounds in the documentary, Road Towards Independence.
I found my visit to the museum educational as I learned a lot about Malaysian history. I would not
mind going there again.

(Suggested answer)

40 LS 4.1.1 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................

UNIT 5 Fact or Fiction?

Literature in Action Non-textbook Based

Read the information about the characters in the short story Fair’s Fair. Then, complete the table
below. LS: 5.1.2

sympathetic resourceful honest He returns the purse to the lady.

He suggests doing some odd jobs to earn some money. He wants Lee to come along to the fair.

1 Characteristic
1 sympathetic

2 He wants Lee to come along to the fair.


2 Characteristic
3 honest

4 He returns the purse to the lady.


3 Characteristic
5 resourceful

6 He suggests doing some odd jobs to earn some money.


41 LS 5.1.2 PL 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Name: ........................................................................................... Class: ..................................... Date: ........................................


Read and complete the dialogue.

review pygmy astronaut explorer automation

science fiction novel autobiography inventor trekking paperback

Iwan and Wei Lan are at a book festival.

Iwan: There are so many famous people here. Who shall we go see first?
Wei Lan: I know the writer who wrote the bestselling autobiography (1) of Marco
Polo is here. Maybe we should go see him first.
Iwan: Good idea! I was impressed by the research he did on the explorer
(2). Marco Polo lived in the 13th century, so it must have been difficult to find records of him.
Wei Lan: Yes, I read a review (3) from a book critic. She praised the writer’s
thorough research and the way he captured the essence of living in that century.
Iwan: I agree with her. I brought my paperback (4) copy of the book. I hope
he will sign it.
Wei Lan: Let’s wait in line to meet him at the booth. Later, I think we should go see the writer who wrote
about her encounter with pygmy (5) elephants when she went jungle
(6). I thought her book was well-written too.
Iwan: Sure. But, I also want to meet the writer of the science fiction novel (7) I finished
Wei Lan: Which novel is this? Is it the one about the astronaut (8) lost in space?
Iwan: No, it is about the inventor (9) who developed
(10) in vehicles.
Wei Lan: I don’t think I’ve read that one. It sounds interesting though. I’m glad you followed me to this
festival. I enjoy your company.

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