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Identify the contextual research you have been required to carry out for the following projects?
This might include use of images, use of typography, use of sound, existing examples of media products
and roles within the industry itself.

Horror Film Poster (if you started the course in September)

The research I did for the horror poster was to decide on what horror film to do and once I have chosen
the horror film, I had to look up what the film was about and say what I liked about the poster, what I
don’t like about the poster and what I would change about the poster. The next research was to watch
the trailer for the film to get an idea of what the poster should look like. The next research was to look at
the rules of thirds on to how to layer the poster and where to put pictures and title. Then before starting
on the real poster, I had to draw sketches of the poster ideas I had both landscape and portrait. The last
research was to gather pictures and one of my own pictures for the landscape and portrait for the final
Lost Short Film
For this project, the only research we had to do was to gather in to small groups and get ideas from each
person on what story could we do based on the topic lost and once we know what story, we had to
create a storyboard of each scene and what shot types we would use.
Blair Witch Trailer Project
For this project, the research we did was watching a YouTube video on about foley as this was the main
objective to understand for filming so we can add our own sounds. The next research was to look at 3
different horror trailers and talk about what we like and don’t like about them visually and auditorily,
also to say what shot types we have seen in the trailers and then what elements I can use in my Blair
Witch trailer. The last research was the 6 worksheets was to identify the shot types, props, costumes,
locations, titles and sound effects and music that was in the trailer.


How did you use contextual knowledge in one of the following projects;
EG Colours, images and typography in the Horror Film Poster Project?
EG Sound, locations, shot types, props and editing techniques in the Lost Short Film Project?
EG Replicating (and updating) existing footage for the Blair Witch Trailer Project

Horror Film Poster –

For the images by going back and looking at the film I was doing and looking out for the key stuff in the
film that I can put on my poster. I knew what colours to choose because the film set in the ocean so I had
a green sky and lightening and made it gloomy.

Lost Short Film –

The sound for the lost film was watching my videos and trying to found the sound on freesounds and
trying to sync it. The locations we had chosen was mainly inside because the character enters this
building and keeps going in a cycle and had one outside clip when the character escapes. The shot types
we used were close up, establishing shot for the building and long shot.

Blair Witch Trailer Project –
For the Blair Witch after finishing the filming we had the official trailer on on edit and had to follow the
trailer by putting the clips in order and making sure the clips and in black and white and adding effects to
make it more efficient.


Identify examples within your own work of where your research and application of contextual
knowledge was successful?
For the Blair Witch and the lost films by finding sounds for the films was a success and also creating are
own writing scripts to be able to remember our lines.

What do you feel you have learned from this process that you could carry forward for future projects?

What I have learned from these projects was different shot types and how they express the audience, I
have also learned about foley and where to get my sounds from. From these projects, I have also
improved on using more tools and getting more familiar with Photoshop and Premiere Pro

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