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The Elemental Dimension of Magic


The Elemental Dimension of Magic Spells of Time

Every society has warriors. The warriors of the Jeshatan are their mages that specialize in the magic of time. This twelfth school outlines their most martial tradition, with spells that at the same time can be useful for anyone seeking a greater understanding of the mysteries of the cosmos. Spells of Time Time Scry Divination [Time] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 1 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Effect: Allows caster to see into the past. Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell allows the caster to see back into the past, up to one round per level of the caster. The abilities of the caster to see what occurred are exactly the same as the Scry spell, save that it is in the past and in the immediate location of the caster only. Synchronize. Enchantment [Imbuement] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 2 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Touch Effect: Allows target to have perfect timing. Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell provides a variable +2 Time Bonus to an attack roll, skill roll, saving throw or attribute check for one minute per level of the caster. The spell surrounds the target of the spell in a pale aura that helps them to have a perfect sense of time. The bonus can only apply to one specific type of roll at a time. Timeshards. Conjuration [Time] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 3 Components: V, S 2

Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 200 feet +20 feet/level of the caster Effect: Creates a cloud of time shards which do damage. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: Yes This spell creates a cloud of extremely sharp time shards which immediately do 2d6 damage to any target within the area of effect, ignoring all Damage Reduction of any kind. Furthermore, a caster can attempt to mentally direct the shards to concentrate on a single target instead of the area of effect, but must make a DC30 spellcraft check to do so. If they succeed, they do damage to a single target in the amount of 1d10+1 for every rank of spell craft that the caster possesses, also ignoring Damage reduction. If the caster fails the skill check, the spell does no damage whatsoever. Greater Time Scry Divination [Time] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 4 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Effect: Allows caster to see into the past or future. Duration: 20 Minutes Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell allows the caster to scry up to 20 minutes within a 24 hour period, in either the future or the past. The caster must choose a specific time for the casting of the spell. When gazing into the past, the caster will see what happened exactly as it occurred. There is no sound. When gazing into the future, it only shows the most probably future at the time the spell is cast. The GM should feel fre to allow the future to change, since the very act of observing the future will change it, as can any number of other different factors. Quantum Jackpot. Divination [Time] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self

Effect: Allows caster to see into variable futures. Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell allows the caster to ask one question per three levels of the caster (three at 9th, 4 at 12th etc). This spell functions in many ways similar to Time Scry, save that instead of the most probably future, it shows the most probable future given the question asked by the caster. The caster may use one word per level of spell craft they have to ask the question. The future shown is still the most probably, but is in now way guaranteed to happen. Time in a Bottle. Alteration [Time/Transmutation] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 6 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 400 ft plus 40 ft/level of caster Effect: Copies a moment of time in a bottle. Duration: Until Used/1 Round Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell preserves a moment of time within a 20x20 area inside a specially prepared container. Until opened, this moment remains preserved. When the bottle is opened, several effects occur. Any spell effects in the area are recast, to the extent that they existed in the spell (such as a small amount of the edge of a fireball). Any creatures that could fit in the space of the area originally captured are also recreated (thus a troll throwing a rock at the time of the spell would appear throwing the rock). Any environmental conditions captures are also recreated. No effect from the captured moment will take place outside of the area affected. The moment only copies, it does not erase. Thus, the troll used in the example above would be magically recreated, but not disappear when the spell is cast. Any solid objects in the spells area of effect (upon release) that existed before will simply be unaffected by the opened moment. Living or undead creatures will be fully affected by whatever occurs during the moment. This effect lasts for one round only.

Material Component: A bottle worth 1000 gp and imbued with 20 XP.

Whirlwind of Time Alteration [Time/Transmutation] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 7 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 400 ft plus 40 ft/level of caster Effect: Replaces a creature with a close equivalent from an Alternate Prime Material Plane. Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Reflex Spell Resistance: Yes A creature that fails its saving throw is instantly banished to a random alternate prime material plane, and replaced with the closest that plane has to offer. This spell does not work on outsiders. The replaced individual is identical to the old, save in a randomly different way. Roll 1d5 to determine how many changes there are. Roll 1d6 on the following table to see the results of each change.

1-2 Change in alignment. (On a 1d10 roll 1-2 shift toward Lawful. 3-4 Shift toward Chaotic. 5-6 Shift toward Neutral. 7-8 Shift toward Good. 9-10 Shift Toward Evil.) 3-4 Gain/Loose 1-3 on a Random Attribute. (Roll 1d6 1-3 Gain. 4-6 Lose.) (Roll 1d6 1 Strength, 2 Dexterity. 3 Constitution. 4 Wisdom. 5 Intelligence. 6 Charisma.) 5-6 If humanoid, their primary class or profession shifts to another. A monk becomes a paladin, or a wizard becomes a fighter. For a non humanoid, its feats are randomly rerolled, or else it does not change. If the DM does not want to randomly roll using a table from the appropriate book, they should simply choose a new one. The new creature will have a history and memories that both match and at the same time are radically different from the original. Worlds Beyond Number Alteration [Time/Transportation] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 8 3

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Hour Range: Self Effect: Transports Caster to an Alternate Prime Material Plane. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell transports one living target to an alternate prime material plane. If the name and location is known well, this is sufficient. If an object from a desired destination is present, that is also sufficient. If neither of these is available, the caster may make a one word directive statement per level they possess. This spell causes the caster to appear at a random location on the alternate prime as determined by the GM. Shadows of the Past Divination [Time/Transportation] Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 9 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Hour Range: Self Effect: Transports Backward in Time to view it in greater detail Duration: 1 Day/Hour Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A This spell sends the caster back into the past as a shadow that is invisible and undetectable by all but Greater Gods. The caster may move as if ethereal but does not even show up or interact with that plane. In this state, the caster is able to hear, see, smell and touch anything as if he were actually present. The caster may examine any period in the past up to 10 years per caster level. When the spell is cast, the caster immediately is transported back to the same location from which he cast the spell, but may subsequently move wherefrom. The caster may cast divination spells such as Detect Thoughts in such a state, though the target is entitled to a saving throw. If the subject makes their saving throw, they are not affected by the spell, and if still living at the time of the caster instantly become aware of the fact that this action was attempted. The caster does not need to eat or drink in this state. When the spell is over, the caster is instantly transported to the same moment in 4

which he cast the spell but at the location in which his shadow is presently located (thus, if he was at the location of a castle populated in the past, he returns to its the castle rather than wherever he cast the spell.) Epic Spells Preservation of Vitality (10th Circle) Alteration (Time) Spellcraft DC: 42 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Hour Range: 10 Miles per level of the caster Effect: Moves a large amount of territory into the future. Duration: 10 Years/Level Saving Throw: Will Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: Only the Jeshatan know their own rituals, which involve techniques and magics long lost to Mortals. A tome with the spells of the Jeshatan might contain the secrets of the ritual, but a mage would never easily be able to easily create them on their own. Even if they could create a spell that has a similar effect, it would use entirely different techniques. The Jeshatan would hunt down and kill anyone else who ever obtained this rite. This spell moves a circle of 1 mile in radius per level of the caster up to 10 years into the future per level of the caster. All creatures caught within the area affected are entitled to a saving throw to avoid being sent, however all non sentient creatures or organisms are moved without the ability to resist. While the ritual is going on, all creatures in the affected area instantly become aware of what is going on and the consequences if they are caught in the affected region. Those that fail their saving throw are moved forward in time up to the desired length chosen by the caster. The area left behind is barren, as if scooped up from the Earth itself. Any structures, plants, buildings etc that remain on the grounds of the area when the affected area returns must make a Fortitude Check of DC 20 or be destroyed. Transported creatures and buildings instantly appear entirely intact. Creatures in the area that is reappearing are simply moved harmlessly via magic towards the nearest area that would not be harmful to them. A

successful Epic Dispel in this area will bring the area out of its drift in time and return it to the world before the end of the spell. Otherwise, all creatures in the affected area effectively transport the distance through time instantaneously. Greater Time Stop (11th circle) Spellcraft DC: 79 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Hour Range: Personal Effect: Extended Timestop Duration: 1d4+1 Hours Saving Throw: Fortitude Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: Only the Jeshatan know their own rituals, which involve techniques and magics long lost to Mortals. A tome with the spells of the Jeshatan might contain the secrets of the ritual, but a mage would never easily be able to easily create them on their own. Even if they could create a spell that has a similar effect, it would use entirely different techniques. The Jeshatan would hunt down and kill anyone else who ever obtained this rite. This spell functions exactly the same as Time Stop save in two important ways. First, the duration of the spell is significantly increased. Second, the caster may actually move objects within the spell by grabbing hold of them. First, any creature that the caster attempts to affect are entitled to a Fortitude save. Those that succeed are instantly made immune from any further attempts to move them. Those that fail are held immobile but may be moved by the caster to any location the caster can reach within the duration of the spell. A creature thus moved has no equivalent weight and is entirely indestructible vs. the caster in this state. Thus, the caster may not cast damaging spells or inflict any direct bodily harm upon the creature whatsoever. The caster may, however, move the creature to a location that is extremely dangerous for it once the Greater Time Stop is ended (such as hundreds of feet into the air, over boiling lava, into daylight etc). Creatures that are larger than the caster receive a +10 bonus per size category difference to their save to resist the effects of the spell. Nonliving, non sentient objects may be moved by 5

the caster at will by the caster with no problems at all. However, anything so moved through time instantly takes 4 hit points damage regardless of Damage Resistance. Reweave the Skein (12th circle) Spellcraft DC: 545 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Hour Range: 10 Miles per level of the caster Effect: Allows a caster to go back and alter time. Duration: 1d10 Days Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: N/A To Develop: Only the Jeshatan know their own rituals, which involve techniques and magics long lost to Mortals. A tome with the spells of the Jeshatan might contain the secrets of the ritual, but a mage would never easily be able to easily create them on their own. Even if they could create a spell that has a similar effect, it would use entirely different techniques. The Jeshatan would hunt down and kill anyone else who ever obtained this rite. This spell alters the flows of time and fate itself, and allows the caster to go back into the past to actually alter it. First, it should be noted that all Deities on the plane are instantly aware of this transportation to the past and are able to directly intervene to stop it if they are able to grant spells to clerics on the plane. Furthermore, any changes made to the plane do not affect Deities or Outsiders in any way. Once the spell is cast, the caster may travel up to 20 years back into the past per caster level. If the caster changes the past in a way that causes his own existence to be questioned, then he instantly loses 5 levels and is transport immediately back to the present, in which all changes made by the spell are undone. This spell only allows the caster to exist in the past for 1d10 days, after which he is thrust back to the present. This spell costs 20,000 XP to cast.

Copyright 2006, Red Anvil Productions, Atlanta, GA Credits: Producer: T. Craig Drake Written by: Emmit Other Cover Art: Xiaochang Liu Interior Art: Xiaochang Liu


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